Ontario Smart Grid Forum Ontario Smart Grid Forum/Corporate Partners Committee – Special Joint meeting Notes of Meeting Date: Time: Location: Monday, October 26, 2015 09:00 to 3:00 IESO offices, 120 Adelaide Street West, Toronto, 16th floor boardroom Forum members attending: Bruce Campbell Corporate Partners Committee members attending: Forum Chair Ron Dizy Keith Major David Collie Raymond Tracey Bentall Kennedy Electrical Safety Authority Essex Power Paul Brown Hydro One (for Mike Penstone) IESO London Hydro MaRS Discovery District Ontario Ministry of Energy Union Gas (for David Simpson) University of Waterloo Julia McNally William Milroy Jonathan Dogterom Ken Nakahara Bryan Goulden Jatin Nathwani CPC Chair Working Group members attending: Joseph Zerdin Raed Abdullah Edward Arlitt David Barrett Neetika Sathe Hydro One Hydro Ottawa (phone) IESO IESO PowerStream (phone) See Appendix ‘A’ for a cumulative list of open Forum action Items. {09:20 – call to order} Agenda Item # 1: Previous SGF Minutes 1 DRAFT Minutes of the September 29th meeting of the Smart Grid Forum: The draft minutes of the September 29th, 2015 meeting were tabled with a comment deadline of Monday, November 2nd. No amendments were tabled at today’s meeting. 1 MINUTES POLICY: Since February 28th 2013, the Forum adopted a new policy for reviewing and approving meeting minutes, whereby any draft minutes will be published after the stipulated comment deadline if no material comments are received. It will no longer be necessary to bring unchanged minutes back to the next meeting to reconfirm as “final.” 1 Ontario Smart Grid Forum Agenda Item # 2: SGF External Contact Log {see also: i. External Contacts Log, Issue 0.7 and, ii. SGF meeting support presentation} No amendments were tabled at today’s meeting. However, during the discussion it was suggested that the Forum should reach out to the Energy Council of Canada (a member of the World Energy Council) and arrange for a future Forum guest speaker. ACTION ITEM: David McFadden, Bruce Campbell and Jatin Nathwani to coordinate an invitation to the Energy Council of Canada to extend an invitation to speak at the Forum and possible further dialogue. Agenda Item # 3: Recommendation Tracking Log {see also: i. Recommendation Tracking Log, Issue 11.9 ii. Support presentation for today’s meeting} Edward Arlitt (Working Group Chair) summarized recent updates to the Forum’s Recommendation Tracking Log, Issue 11.9. Today’s report included a summary of the Forum’s previous recommendations that dealt with specific ‘barriers’ to smart grid development – an area of renewed interest for the Forum (see also, minutes of September 29th Forum/CPC meeting). During the discussion, several members commented on recommendation N7 (aggregators) and the comparative approaches of different markets. One member commented that this is emerging as a significant issue. Agenda Item # 4: 2016 meeting schedule {see also: support presentation for today’s meeting} Members deliberated on a proposal that the Forum should meet on a quarterly basis in 2016. OUTCOME: Forum members agreed to the quarterly meeting concept and member will be polled for potential meeting dates prior to the November 30th meeting for final confirmation as per usual practice. During the discussion of the 2016 schedule, there was an extensive discussion regarding the Forum’s ongoing focus. A member initiated the discussion that the Forum could evolve to become a place where various individual smart grid-related efforts could be brought together for synthesis and discussion from a high-level policy standpoint. Examples cited included, the Ontario Energy Board’s previous efforts via the Smart Grid Advisory Committee (SGAC) and the IESO’s Stakeholder Advisory Committee (SAC). Several members expressed their interest in what the OEB’s intentions were in regards to the work developed by the SGAC. During the ensuing discussion various members made suggestions regarding topics of interest for the Forum’s future work. Some of the suggestions raised were as follows: The Forum should develop a vision of what the industry’s structure might look like in a decade. Another member suggested that this would bring the Forum closer to its original intent and purpose. It was further suggested that the OEB’s input would be critical in that regard. The Forum should be a consolidator of emerging trends for use by policymakers. 2 Ontario Smart Grid Forum Various suggestions for guest speakers were mentioned, including Paul Murphy, the Energy Minister, the Chair of the OEB, and someone from the New York State Public Service Commission. Agenda Item # 5 Presentation – Jatin Nathwani, on two topics: 1. Appelrath, Hans-Jürgen / Kagermann, Henning / Mayer, Christoph (Ed.): Future Energy Grid. Migration to the Internet of Energy. acatech STUDY, Munich 2012; and, 2. Affordable Energy for Humanity (‘AE4H’) project {See also, presentation, “Affordable Energy For Humanity} Prof. Jatin Nathwani (Forum member) provided a presentation spanning some of his work during his recent sabbatical to Germany and the United Kingdom over the past year. Jatin’s presentation covered a wide range of topics related to the Affordable Energy for Humanity (‘AE4H’) project including access to electricity and its role in human development issues around the world. During the presentation, numerous examples were provided where technology plays a crucial role in this throughout the developing world (see presentation for further details). During the second portion of his presentation, Jatin focused on developments in Germany in the context of the Acatech study (a link to which was also distributed with the Forum materials). This portion of the presentation was in the context of Germany’s extensive component of non-hydro renewables in their supply mix, concerns over energy prices and transmission bottlenecks in certain areas of the system. Comments from Forum members: A member commented that the World Bank still seems to focus on massive power projects and not as much on the kind of distributed technologies featured in Jatin’s presentation. Another member mentioned that nanogrid are beginning to reach a critical mass in the developing world, and this could drive the technology further. Agenda Item # 6 –SGF/CPC joint discussion: {see also: i. meeting support presentation} As the CPC had not met during the past month, this item was deferred to a future meeting. Agenda Item # 7: U.S. Legislative update {see also: i. meeting support presentation} Edward Arlitt provided an overview presentation to U.S. House of Representatives Bill H.R. 8: “North American Energy Security and Infrastructure Act of 2015” (see presentation for details). If passed, the bill would potentially add specific product labelling requirements for devices that purport to be “smart grid ready.” During the ensuing discussion Forum members raised several issues as follows: 3 Ontario Smart Grid Forum This could encourage more consumer empowerment. A member wondered if this measure would spur utilities to develop more capabilities to exploit the capabilities of “smart grid ready” devices. Appliances have huge potential for load management. There was an extensive discussion between various Forum members on proposition that utilities should not involve themselves in commercial discussions regarding behind-the-meter devices. The value of the market is to harness the capabilities of devices that are being purchased – not dictate which ones should be pushed onto consumers. On this point, there was a discussion regarding the ultimate value of these developments to the consumer. It would be very helpful to have the results of a consumer survey on the value of smart appliances and controllable devices. We need a clearer delineation of the consumer realm vs. that of the utility company. There was then an extensive discussion regarding the role of the regulated utility in this space relative to that of an unregulated affiliate. Some members questioned the need for current separation of these business segments, while others argued that this is still necessary in order to protect the consumer. Agenda Item # 7: Literature Review: {see also, “Literature Review” slide deck for today’s meeting} Edward Arlitt delivered today’s literature review, covering two recent reports as follows: 1. Navigant report recommendations: Navigant Consulting, Ontario Smart Grid Assessment and Roadmap, January, 2015 2. Transactive Energy Pilot project report: Pacific Northwest Smart Grid Demonstration Project, “Technology Performance Report Highlights”, June, 2015 Navigant report: This portion of the presentation specifically focused on the recommendations of the Navigant Consulting report, Ontario Smart Grid Assessment and Roadmap, January, 2015, and compared these recommendations to previous public recommendations made by the Forum (see also, Literature Review presentation for today’s meeting). During this portion of the discussion, various members made the following comments: Lack of interoperability is becoming a major issue that is being examined by CEATI A member suggested that the federal government has also commented on the lack of R&D involvement of Canada’s utility sector at large. On this point another member suggested that LDCs should take the lead on this. A member expressed his opinion that the notion of the value of “reliability” is a contentious part of the Navigant report, and that not all customers value it the same way. 4 Ontario Smart Grid Forum Agenda Item # 8: Upcoming smart grid events {See also, support presentation for today’s meeting.} No further events were listed during this portion of the meeting. Agenda Item # 9: Informal roundtable discussion. {1:45 – Adjournment.} Next Smart Grid Forum Meeting: Monday, November 30, 2015, IESO Offices 5 Ontario Smart Grid Forum APPENDIX ‘A’ S.G.F. OPEN Action Items as of October 26, 2015 See also: Smart Grid Forum Recommendation Tracking Log Action Item Date Assigned David McFadden, Bruce Campbell and Jatin Nathwani to coordinate an invitation to the Energy Council of Canada to extend an invitation to speak at the Forum and possible further dialogue. All Forum and CPC members are encouraged to leverage the current Forum report and promote further discussion of innovation-related issues. Where applicable, Forum members shall identify an individual that may be contacted in regards to the relationship that their organization holds with an external smart grid organization listed in the External Contacts Log. Forum members shall bring forth their suggestions for an appropriate regulatory filing advocating for an innovative project that could be supported by the Forum as a whole. Bruce Campbell and IESO staff shall examine the possibility of adding a debate on the future of innovation in the distribution sector to the agenda of the 2015 IESO Stakeholder Summit, consisting of a panel of speakers representing a wide spectrum of viewpoints. Forum members are to relate their anecdotal examples (supported by readily-available or documented evidence) of the uses of smart grid technologies during the December, 2013 ice storm to Edward Arlitt for compilation, and for potential future use by the Forum. Corporate Partners Committee will further investigate the “diffused benefits” problem in the context of both energy storage and DSM activities. Forum members specifically identified in the CPC energy storage sub-group recommendations are asked to designate a contact point at each organization to carry forward these discussions, give due consideration to the recommendations and update the Forum on progress in their respective organizations at a future meeting. Assigned To Target Completion Status Oct. 26, 2015 Campbell McFadden Nathwani Q1, 2016 UNDERWAY Sept. 29, 2015 Forum and CPC Q1, 2016 UNDERWAY Dec. 10, 2014 Forum Q1, 2015 UNDERWAY Dec. 10, 2014 Forum Open UNDERWAY Sept. 29, 2014 IESO Q1, 2015 UNDERWAY Feb. 19, 2014 Forum Apr. 29, 2014 OPEN Progress report provided on Feb 28, 2013 OPEN Nov. 1, 2012 CPC Q2, 2013 Sept. 12, 2012 Forum Dec. 3 , 2012 th rd OPEN CLOSED Action Items: As of October 12 , 2010 closed action items are no longer listed in the minutes as per the agreement th reached at the September 7 , 2010 Forum meeting. The removal of an open action item from the above list constitutes the completion of that item. 6