Ventilation Fan Simple Payback Calculator

Ventilation Fan Simple Payback Calculator
Fill in fan and operating information to compare two fans and determine the annual cost
savings of purchasing a more efficient fan.
Standard Efficiency Fan (make & model)
Energy Efficient Fan (make & model)
Fan CFM* ___________ ÷
Fan CFM* ___________ ÷
Fan CFM/W* ___________ =
Fan CFM/W* ___________ =
Fan W ___________ ÷
Fan W ___________ ÷
1000 W/kW =
1000 W/kW =
Fan kW ___________ x
Fan kW ___________ x
Operating Hrs/Day ___________ x
Operating Hrs/Day ___________ x
Operating Days/Yr ___________ =
Operating Days/Yr ___________ =
kWh/Yr ___________ x
kWh/Yr ___________ x
Avg. $/kWh ___________ =
(Use $0.15 if unknown)
Avg. $/kWh ___________ =
(Use $0.15 if unknown)
Est. Operating $/Yr ___________ (a)
Est. Operating $/Yr ___________ (b)
Fan Costs
EE Fan Cost $___________ -
EE Fan Extra Cost $ ____________ ÷
Std. Eff. Fan Cost $__________ =
Op. Savings $/Yr _____________ =
(a –b)
Payback Percentage ___________ x 12 =
EE Fan Extra Cost $ __________ (c)
Months to Payback _____________
*This information can be found on the manufacturers’ fan specification sheets.
CFM = airflow in cubic feet of air per minute
CFM/W = cubic feet of air per Watt
kW = kilowatt (1,000 Watts)
EE = energy efficient
Std. Eff. = standard efficiency
Est. = estimated
Op. = operating
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