Environmental Management System (EMS) Manual Template Introduction and Instructions for using the Manual This is a sample EMS Manual that any business can use to construct a first draft of EMS. It is modeled after the ISO 14001:2004 standard. Use this manual and the sample environmental elements described in this manual, to complete your first draft. Simply cut and paste from this document and rewrite using your company name and delete any information that does not apply while adding information that does. The additional EMS element templates needed to go with this manual are available from Jack Annis at jannis@uwsp.edu or by calling 715-346-2793. SHWEC provides the EMS materials as well as no cost on-site technical assistance visits as part of the recycling and pollution prevention assistance program funded by the state. The following is an EMS Manual for a fictitious company located in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. -------------------------------------Begin Draft Manual----------------------------------------Environmental Management System Description of Our Company The ABC Company is a privately owned manufacturer of high quality products, employing 50 highly dedicated employees in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The management and employees of ABC Company are dedicated to the production of the highest quality products for our customers while protecting the environment that we live in now and for future generations. Our Company has built and maintained our reputation of being a high quality manufacturer, a good employer, and a good community member since our establishment in 1986. Our company has been a continuous member of the Wisconsin Manufacturers Association and the Small Business Association of America since 1986. We are Quality System registered to ISO 9000. We continue our efforts to become a leading Wisconsin company through the establishment of this Environmental Management System for (ISO 14001 registration or participation in Wisconsin Green Tier). We believe that participation in these programs will further demonstrate our leadership, concern for the environment and recognition as a business leader in our community. The ABC Company Environmental Management System Structure and Guidance 1. The Owner or President is responsible for all actions and certifications associated with the company Environmental Management System (EMS). If any part of the responsibility for the EMS is delegated or assigned to any employee, it will be documented in element 4.4.1 in the EMS documentation. 2. This manual defines the Company EMS and provides a description of the elements, checklists and resources used by the company. 4.1 EMS General Requirements and Scope 4.2 Environmental Policy 4.3 Planning 4.3.1 Environmental Aspects 4.3.2 Legal and other Requirements 4.3.3 Objectives, Targets and Environmental Programs 4.4 Implementation and Operation 4.4.1 Resources, Roles, Responsibility and Authority 4.4.2 Competence, Training and Awareness 4.4.3 Communication 4.4.4 Environmental Management System Documentation 4.4.5 Document Control 4.4.6 Operational Control 4.4.7 Emergency Preparedness and Response 4.5 Checking and Corrective Action 4.5.1 Monitoring and Measurement 4.5.2 Evaluation of Legal Compliance 4.5.3 Nonconformance, Corrective and Preventative Actions 4.5.4 Records 4.5.5 Environmental Management System Audit Audit Checklist Hazardous Waste Management Inspection Checklist Universal Waste Management Checklist Annual Storm Water Inspection Checklist Quarterly Storm Water Inspection Checklist 4.6 Management Review 3. This manual and the elements of the EMS used by Company will be maintained in an electronic document format to the extent possible. 4. Revisions to the EMS are recorded using the following “Record of Revisions” on the bottom of each element in the EMS. Record of Revisions Revision Date Description Sections Affected 5. The ABC Company will conduct one internal audit of the EMS each year using element 4.5.5 and additional checklists. Third Party audits will be conducted as specified in external agreements or as required by ISO 14001. 6. The ABC Company manual and procedures will have a full management review at least once each year with the review documented in element 4.6. The management review will be briefed to all employees. Description of the Environmental Elements used for this EMS The EMS Manual is made up of this document. (The elements of the EMS are separate documents available by emailing jannis@uwsp.edu or calling 715-3462793.) 4.1 EMS General Requirements and Scope Our business must establish, document, implement, and continually improve our environmental management system and show how we meet all the requirements of our EMS. The business itself defines the scope of the EMS specifically as it applies to the company facilities, processes, products and activities. 4.2 Environmental Policy Is our stated commitment is to accomplish a minimum of three goals with this EMS which are; 1. Ensure compliance with all laws and regulations 2. Strive to reduce environmental impacts through pollution prevention 3. Use the EMS to achieve continuous improvement in all activities 4.3 Planning Planning actions are an integral part of the “plan-do-check “cycle of continuous improvement at ABC Company. EMS planning involves the use of all elements of the EMS and specifically those requirements in elements 4.3.1, 4.3.2 and 4.3.3. 4.3.1 Environmental Aspects Aspects and impacts will be developed considering all of the processes, materials, wastes, energy uses and other factors at our company. Aspects will be developed based upon our own knowledge of our company, by using diagnostic tools such as process mapping, gap analysis, auditing or other means. Aspects deemed to be significant will be used to establish objectives and targets. 4.3.2 Legal and other Requirements This element serves as the single point for resources that are used to assure compliance with regulations and laws at this company. These are maintained electronically through the internet links provided in the element. This provides instant access to all regulations and the ability to review them at least annually for revisions. Click on this link: EMS Development Task 1-Regulatory Requirements for an EMS or request the publication from SHWEC to develop legal requirements for EMS. 4.3.3 Objectives, Targets and Environmental Programs Using the significant aspects from element 4.3.1, the company sets annual measurable objectives and targets for the reduction of significant aspects. It also identifies the specific environmental programs the company uses to reach those objectives and targets. (For example; reducing natural resource consumption, reducing hazardous waste, reducing air emissions reductions, waste water or storm water) Click on this link: EMS Development Task 2: Determining Aspects, Impacts, Objectives, Targets or request this publication form SHWEC. 4.4 Implementation and Operation This element defines how the company implements and operates under the conditions of the EMS. For example it may contain various operating procedures which relate to the functions processes and activities at our company. 4.4.1 Resources, Roles, Responsibility and Authority This element defines the specific roles and responsibilities of the EMS Team Members and the resources provided by the company for EMS implementation. 4.4.2 Competence, Training and Awareness This element describes the training requirements of the employees as it relates to the EMS and based upon the wastes, emissions, discharges and other activities which take place in the company facility. (Training might include waste water treatment plant operator training, HAZCOM, Safety, Fire Protection, HAZWOPER or any other training that is needed) 4.4.3 Communication This element describes the methods used by the company for both internal and external communication of the Company policy and EMS to employees and community. 4.4.4 Environmental Management System Documentation This element ensures that the organization has documented the system in either electronic or paper form such that it addresses the elements of the standard, describes how the organization conforms to each element, and provides direction to related documentation. 4.4.5 Document Control This element defines how the company controls all information related to the EMS system. For example what documents from the EMS can be released to the public, regulatory agencies or maintained as controlled documentation within the company 4.4.6 Operational Control This element defines the specific operational procedures that are used to insure that the company is operating within the EMS and how they are kept current. This might be operating procedures for waste water treatment, maintenance of paint spraying booths, procedures describing how hazardous waste is managed from point of generation to storage or any other operational procedure that needs to be clearly defined in writing. 4.4.7 Emergency Preparedness and Response This element describes how the company will comply with spill reporting, cleanup and training requirements as well as emergency planning such as contingency plans or Spill Control Countermeasures plans. The Wisconsin Emergency Management (WEM) and Local Emergency Planning Commissions (LEPC) may require Tier 2 or EPCRA reporting based upon the use of extremely hazardous substances (EHS) materials. 4.5.1 Monitoring and Measurement This element defines the system performance measurements which must be taken to provide data for action. For example describing how the company will monitor and measure key parameters of operations which have significant impacts, to monitor performance towards the objectives and targets, and to monitor conformance to the legal and other requirements and other EMS requirements. Equipment related to environmental measurements, such as temperature and pH meters and pressure gauges, must be calibrated according to procedures, and records maintained. 4.5.3 Nonconformance, Corrective and Preventative Actions This element describes how the Company identifies, investigates, corrects and prevents any nonconformance actions that arise from daily operations under the EMS, during auditing, inspections or other discovery methods. 4.5.4 Records This element describes all of the documentation which must be kept by the Company to demonstrate compliance with the EMS structure itself. This procedure provides a single location to keep and protect all documentation in conformance with both EMS and regulatory requirements. 4.5.5 Environmental Management System Audit This element describes the auditing procedures at the Company as it relates to EMS and how the audits are tracked. This element includes the main audit checklist and any additional checklists which are used, for example; Audit Checklist Hazardous Waste Management Inspection Checklist Universal Waste Management Inspection Checklist Annual Storm Water Inspection Checklist Quarterly Storm Water Inspection Checklist The audit checklist can also be used as a basic “gap analysis” tool to help identify aspects and impacts as well as establishing the objectives and targets. (Once the audit checklists are used from this example it should be modified and revised to fit the specific company using this EMS template.) External auditors may also use the company checklist or additional checklists for completion of external audits to assure compliance with the EMS. 4.6 Management Reviews and Certifications The Company Owner or President or the designated person, certifies the adequacy and completeness of activity related to the EMS at each annual management review. This authority and responsibility, if designated to an EMS Team member, should be in writing in element 4.4.1. Record of Revisions for this EMS Manual Revision Date Description Sections Affected ---------------------------------End of Draft Manual-----------------------------------------------Additional State Resources Available to Help The UW-Extension-Solid and Hazardous Waste Education Center (SHWEC) provides environmental information and assistance that can help you reduce or eliminate wastes, waste water and air emissions. SHWEC can also provide guidance on EMS development and compliance assistance. Visit www.shwec.uwm.edu to learn more about SHWEC or to contact a specialist. Contact Jack Annis at 715-346-2793 or email jannis@uwsp.edu concerning this document and for the additional EMS Elements, Auditing Checklists and other EMS materials or to discuss a free non-regulatory assessment of your environmental programs. The Department of Commerce, Small Business Clean Air Assistance Program provides assistance with air emission requirements and has an extensive electronic file of easy to understand publications relating to all aspects of air compliance issues such as permits and MACT rules. http://www.commerce.state.wi.us/MT/MT-CA-sbcaap.html The Department of Natural Resources provides assistance through Business Sector Specialists and other non-enforcement staff from the Bureau of Cooperative Environmental Assistance. CEA is the bureau that has primary responsibility for the “Green Tier” program. Contact them and read more about what they do at this web page at http://www.dnr.state.wi.us/org/caer/cea/