Pure Storage and VMware Integration

Pure Storage and VMware
Stefano Pirovano
System Engineer
© 2013 Pure Storage, Inc. | 1
Pure Storage is Flash for the
Consistent performance
100% MLC Flash
Less cost than disk
Inline deduplication & compression
Mission-critical reliability
99.999%, non-disruptive operations
Scalable & compatible
10 à 100s of TBs, Purity software
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DB, VSI, VDI: Where Flash & Dedup’ are disruptive
All-Flash Array
Gartner Magic Quadrant:
Solid State Arrays, August 2014
#1 All-Flash Array for
Databases, VSI, VDI
Gartner Critical
Capabilities: Solid State
Arrays, August 2014
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The Disruption of Simplicity: 5 Differentiators
All-Inclusive Software
Industry’s Broadest
End-to-End Guarantee
No Required Training or
Professional Services
Global Analysis
/ Analytics!
Fanatically Proactive
A Better Approach to Storage
Acquisition & Lifecycles
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•  VMware
•  Pure
•  Site
Storage vSphere Web Client Plugin
Recovery Manager
•  vVol
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vStorage API for Array Integration (VAAI)
•  SCSI-based
offloading of common operations to storage
Cloning of VMs, zeroing of disk space, metadata locking
•  Four
supported primitives:
Block Zero (WRITE SAME)
Hardware-assisted Locking (ATS)
Full Copy (XCOPY)
Dead Space Reclamation (UNMAP)
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Hardware-Accelerated Zero
•  Without API
–  SCSI Write - Many identical small blocks of
zeroes moved from host to array for MANY
VMware IO operations
–  Pure automatically ignore zeros and never write
them to the drives, so no “zero reclaim” penalty
–  New Guest IO to VMDK is “pre-zeroed”
•  With API
–  SCSI Write Same - One giant block of zeroes
moved from host to array and repeatedly written
–  Thin provisioned array skips zero completely (pre
“zero reclaim”)
SCSI WRITE (0000…..)
SCSI WRITE SAME (0 * times)
SCSI WRITE (0000….)
Repeat MANY times…
•  Use Cases
–  Reduced IO when writing to new blocks in the
VMDK for any VM
–  Time to create VMs (particularly FT-enabled
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Hardware-Accelerated Locking
Without API
Reserves the complete LUN so that it could
obtain a lock
Required several SCSI commands
LUN level locks affect adjacent hosts
With API
Locks occur at a block level
One efficient SCSI command - SCSI Compare
and Swap (CAS)
Block level locks have no effect on adjacent
Use Cases
Bigger clusters with more VMs
View, Lab Manager, VMware vCD
More & Faster VM Snapshotting
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Hardware-Accelerated Copy
•  Without API
SCSI Read (Data moved from array to host)
SCSI Write (Data moved from host to array)
Huge periods of large VMFS level IO, done via
millions of small block operations
“let’s Storage
..MANY times…
•  With API
SCSI Extended Copy (Data moved within array)
Order of magnitude reduction in IO operations
Order of magnitude reduction in array IOps
..MANY times…
•  Use Cases
–  Storage vMotion
–  VM Creation from Template
“Give me a VM
from template”
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FlashRecover Accelerated VM Cloning
Hardware-Driven VM Cloning via XCOPY
Legacy Disk Array
(no XCOPY)
Legacy Disk Array
(with XCOPY)
Pure Storage
Accelerated VM Cloning
Stored Twice
Stored Twice
Stored Once
112 Seconds
22 Seconds
10 seconds
Example: Comparing Pure Storage vs. xxxxxx cloning 1,000 40GB VMs*
* http://virtualgeek.typepad.com/virtual_geek/2012/12/vmax-and-vsphere-vaai-xcopy-update.html
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Hardware-Accelerated Copy
100 GB Zeroedthick Virtual Disk (50 GB of data)
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Hardware-Accelerated Copy
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Hardware-Accelerated BlockDelete
Without API
Changes to vmdk is not propagated to backend LUN (how would I know!)
If data is constantly rewritten, LUN would grow till it fills up
With API
Deleting blocks gets translated to block deletes on LUN
Better LUN space management
Use Cases
Great for us as we can mark the deleted blocks and delete immediately – Less
confused VI admin
No backend LUN bloat
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Flash Makes Virtual Administration Faster
3 min
15 min
10 sec
<1 min
Provision 50GB VM
From Template
Boot 100 VDI desktops
(ATS benefits)
4 min
45 min
4 min
SvMotion 50GB VM
10 sec
Recompose 100 VMs
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Complete Management within vSphere
vCenter Web Client Plugin
Complete management of FlashArray from
within vCenter.
Automated Datastore Creation
Just specify size and done. No LUNs, no
RAID, no WWNs, no rescanning.
Complete Capacity Visibility
See through deduplication, compression, and
thin provisioning to understand real capacity.
Complete Performance Visibility
Correlate IOPS, latency, and bandwidth on a
per-datastore basis.
VMware Ready and VAAI Certified
Highest performance possible, jointly
supported by Pure Storage and VMware.
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Pure Storage vSphere Web Client Plugin
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Datastore à Array Visibility
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Automated Datastore Creation
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Automated Datastore Resizing
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VMware Site Recovery Manager
•  Disaster
Recovery automation product for VMware
•  Leverages
array-based replication to migrate or recovery
virtual machines from one datacenter to another
•  Interacts
with vendor-supplied Storage Replication
Adapters (SRAs) to migrate storage
•  No
licensing costs for Pure Storage replication or SRA use
© 2013 Pure Storage, Inc. | 20
FlashRecover Replication
The Benefits of Asynchronous + Snapshot Replication Combined
Flexible replication with low RPO
•  Differentials-based, bi-directional
•  Replicates every minute (configurable)
•  Retains library of PIT remote snaps for recovery
Simple setup in minutes
•  Automation with Protection Policies
(consistency groups and variable retention)
•  No pre-planning or professional services!
Data reduction-optimized
•  Always thin, deduped, compressed
•  Delta changes only after baseline
•  Data reduction accelerated Clone replicas
Instant recovery for Zero RTO
•  Instantly export any PIT replica
•  Instantly roll backward or forward
Advanced Multi-Site Replication
•  1:Many, Many:1 or Many:Many
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FlashRecover Protection Policies
Policy-based Automation of Local and Remote Retention Schedules
Day 1
Day 0
Host Group(s)
Protection Groups
• Delivers data protection
consistency across multiple
volumes or multiple hosts
• Group multiple objects within
a Protection Group
• Objects can belong to
multiple Protection Groups
Retain all
Day 1
Day 0
Day 2…
Retain all
Variable Retention Automation
• Configurable frequency
schedule and retention
period for local snapshots
and replication
• Policy automatically
creates and expires
snapshots and remote
© 2013 Pure Storage, Inc. | 22
Recovery with FlashArray
Protected Environment
Recovery Environment
Snapshot A1
Snapshot A1
Snapshot A2
Snapshot A2
Volume A
Snapshot A3
Volume B
Snapshot A3
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vVols and VASA
•  What
are vVols and VASA?
•  What
problems are they solving?
•  What
opportunities do they create for Pure?
•  What
risks do they present?
•  What
are we planning to deliver?
© 2013 Pure Storage, Inc. | 24
Old world
•  Create
a volume
•  Export
to a bunch of ESXi hosts
•  Create
a VMFS filesystem and attach it to vCenter as a
•  Create
VMs or migrate them onto the datastore
© 2013 Pure Storage, Inc. | 25
is slower than raw device
•  Duplication
of functionality – both storage array and ESXi
implement thin provisioning, fast cloning, and snapshots
Storage array does it on a volume level
ESXi does it on a virtual disk level
Storage array functions apply to all VMs in the LUN – often want to target a
single VM
•  Have
a big pool of storage that you want to share among
many ESXi servers
Have to carve it up into multiple LUNs because of clustering limits in VMFS
Get the division wrong, it can be hard to fix
Can’t shrink a VMFS volume
Expanding may fail under load
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Solution - vVols
•  Give
each virtual disk of a VM its own volume
E.g. 2000 VMs with 2 virtual disks each = 4000 volumes
•  Expose
a standard API (through VASA) for
Create/resize/delete a volume
Snapshot volume
Clone volume
List volumes
Connect/disconnect volume to host
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Important details
•  What
about small config files (e.g. .vmx)?
They live in a per-VM config volume (2-8GB)
Happens to be formatted VMFS
•  Each
snapshot or clone of a vvol is a separate vvol
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Old vs. new world
VMFS volume
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vVols - Problems solved
•  Snapshot/clone
of virtual disk ó snapshot/clone of
•  No
VMFS translation overhead for a VM’s virtual disks
•  No
shared VMFS metadata that needs co-ordinated
updates == fewer clustering limits
•  No
VMFS filesystem size to limit the size of the VMs
(double-edged sword)
•  Fewer
XCOPYs / UNMAPs – instead we see snapshot/
delete volume
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vVols - opportunities
•  Per
virtual-disk or VM services
Space and perf reporting
Replication / data protection / tiering
•  Simpler
user experience
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Storage containers
•  Motivation
Many storage arrays have different pools (RAID-6 pool vs RAID-10
Want to target vvol creation to the right pool
•  Solution
Each pool can expose a storage container to VMware
Storage containers are mapped to datastores
When creating/cloning a virtual disk, admin can choose a target
ESXi targets the create/clone operation to corresponding storage
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Storage containers & Pure
•  We’ve
got one pool so we only need to expose one
storage container
•  But:
Could allow users via our GUI to create additional storage containers
for organization (finance vs. engineering)
When replication vvols from a remote array, might want to put them in
a separate storage container for easy clean-up in case replication
arrangement ends
Might need a storage container per vCenter - unclear whether 2
vCenters can safely share a storage container
Might be useful when we have quotas
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About those new APIs
•  Create/resize/snapshot,
•  Didn’t
extend SCSI or NFS to add these features
•  Added
the APIs to VMware APIs for Storage Awareness
is accessed over HTTPS/TCP/IP/Ethernet through
the management port
•  If
management port is down, you can’t create or start
Today, if IP is down, a FibreChannel array will still happily serve data.
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VASA – grab bag of features
vVol APIs
Describe the storage array to vCenter
How many controllers? How many ports on each controller? What logical units are
exposed? What is the service level of logical unit (e.g. gold, bronze)? Supported
Like an SNMP or CIM object model
Tell VMware about what storage pools are backing the LUNs it sees
Don’t automatically do storage vmotion across these two LUNs because they are in the
same pool
Policy APIs
Alert / event API for raising alerts/events with vSphere
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VMware administrator is creating a VM – which datastore should he use?
Today: sends e-mail to storage admin – what are the SLAs associated with the various
How does VMware administrator find out if the SLA isn’t being met/has changed?
Solution – VASA policies
Schema – vendor can programmatically describe the knobs supported (e.g there’s a
replication Interval knob and it’s a time duration)
Profile on vVol – requested knob settings (e.g. this vVol needs a replication Interval of 5
Profile on storage container – knobs supported by storage container (replication Interval
5 min to many minutes)
Compliance – vCenter periodically queries the storage and asks whether it has been
able to satisfy the policies
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Policies – new world
•  Admin
creates virtual disk
Specifies the policy they want to apply
VMware shows compatible datastores
Admin chooses one
Admin can get alert if datastore is unable to meet policy
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