Lecture 6 Railguns and Maxwell´s equations Inductors and Energy in AC circuits Experimentalphysik II in Englischer Sprache 24-6-11 1 Contents • 6.1 Electromagnetic Induction – Faraday´s law of induction – Lenz’s law – Motional EMF and railguns d B dt • 6.2 The need for “displacement current” – Maxwell´s equations – Integral and differential form • 6.3 Inductance – – – – – Mutual Inductance Self inductance and inductors (L) Energy stored in magnetic fields The R-L circuit The L-C(-R) oscillator 2 6.1 Electromagnetic Induction • Faraday’s law (1830’s) – The induced emf in a closed loop equals the negative of the time rate of change of magnetic flux through the loop M. Faraday (1791-1867) d B dt J. Henry (1797-1878) Faraday and Henry noticed that time varying magnetic fields result in the generation of an induced current Arising from an induced EMF () Due to an induced electric field E 3 To think about these effects consider the experimental arrangement shown on the left consisting of a flexible current loop in a constant magnetic field caused by an electromagnet… What happens when I=0, i.e. B=0 in vicinity of coil ? If B=0 then there is never any induced current. What happens when we turn on the electromagnet ? t=t0 As we turn on the magnet, B increases slowly to a steady value. As B varies then a current is induced in the coil but that current slowly dies away as dB/dt0 B(t) I(t) time What happens when we “squeeze” the coil such and decrease it´s cross sectional area ? B=const I=0 time 4 To think about these effects consider the experimental arrangement shown on the left consisting of a flexible current loop in a constant magnetic field caused by an electromagnet… What happens when I=0, i.e. B=0 in vicinity of coil ? If B=0 then there is never any induced current. What happens when we turn on the electromagnet ? t=t0 As we turn on the magnet, B increases slowly to a steady value. As B varies then a current is induced in the coil but that current slowly dies away as dB/dt0 B(t) I(t) time B=const I=0 time What about if we rotate the coil around it´s axis ? DIRECTION ? 5 6.1.2 Lenz’s Law An induced current has a direction such that the magnetic field due to it opposes the change in the magnetic flux that induced the current in the first place... Heinrich Lenz 1804-1865 WHY ? 6 6.1.3 Rules for using Faraday´s law To solve problems involving Faradays law you need to do the following: 1. SET UP PROBLEM – First identify why the flux threading a loop is changing (orientation, B(t), conductor moving etc…) Remember: it is not the flux itself (B) but dB /dt that is important! – Choose a direction of the area vector (A or dA) with a direction perpendicular to the plane and identify which direction you will call positive 2. – Calculate the magnetic flux using B B.d A BdA cos – Calculate the induced EMF using d B dt EXECUTE SOLUTION – If the resistance of the circuit is know calculate the current I using Ohms law 3. CHECK SOLUTION – Make sure that the results have the proper units and double check that you have properly implemented the sign rules for the magnetic flux and EMF EXAMPLE : We are going to use Faradays law to calculate the EMF induced in a metal loop that is being heated in a time varying magnetic field… The radius of the wire increases with time with a constant velocity v The magnetic flux density is uniform and increases with time according to B(t)=B0(1+kt) x x x x x x x x x x x x x x r=vt x x x x x B .d A v B .d t MOTIONAL EMF 8 Reminder : Motional EMF, conservation of energy and the Rail Gun • If we have B constant in time then we have just seen that v B .d , this is known as the motional EMF • Since F q v B we have that q F .d , i.e. the motional EMF just represents the work that can be done on a charge by the mechanical motion… • This brings up a rather interesting (and dangerous) example – the “rail gun” WARNING - ANY OF YOU TRYING THIS AT HOME DO SO AT YOUR OWN RISK !!! A U-shaped fixed wire, bridged by a moving conductor will give rise to an EMF that produces a current in the loop From Faraday´s law it is easy to show that vBL The kinetic energy is “converted” to an EMF that can drive a current around the circuit . Of course, one can also drive a current around the circuit using a battery …… this will cause the bar to “move” 9 This is the principle of a rail gun – a device for converting EM energy to KE Device consists of two long parallel conductors in which a current flows in opposite directions µ0 I B 2r Circuit is completed by a conducting “projectile” See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Railgun Lorentz force acts on the conductor in the sense shown on the figure This Lorentz force causes the projectile to accelerate rapidly dv F iLB m dt Does it accelerate for ever ? No, the expanding conducting loop area causes a large –dB/dt that generates a back EMF back that opposes the source of I The projectile would reach terminal velocity when |back|~|source|, but in reality Ohmic voltage drops in the wires caused by the huge currents limit the maximum muzzle velocities attainable F µ0i1i2 The maximum current (Forces) limited by the forces between the rails L 2d 10 • • A few frightening RailGUN facts and figures – Hold world record for fastest object accelerated of a significant mass – Firing of a 1 g pellet at 16 km/s by Sandia National Research Laboratories in New Mexico – Maxwell Laboratories' 32 Megajoule gun fires a 1.6 kg projectile at 3.3 km/s (9 MJ of kinetic energy!) Applications – Defence (obvious one for US government!) – Research by NASA for hypervelocity impact simulations which will allow shields to be developed which will protect orbiting aircraft from high velocity debris surrounding the earth. – NASA is also studying the possibility of a launcher which would deliver payloads into orbit at a fraction of the cost of a rocket launch. – Nuclear fusion: studies of the possibility to use Rail guns in Fusion fuel pellet injectors for experimental nuclear fusion reactors www.powerlabs.org/railgun.htm 11 6.1.4 Induced electric fields • When a conductor moves in a magnetic field, we can understand the induced EMF on the basis of the magnetic forces on the conductor • However, an EMF is also induced when there is a changing flux through a stationary conductor that is not in a magnetic field as shown on the figure below… B µ0 NI B BA µ0 NIA d B dI µ0 NA dt dt induced EMF in the loop due to time varying current in solenoid If the total resistance of the loop is R, then the induced current in the loop (I’) is I´=/R What drives the charges around the loop in this situation ? Cannot be magnetic since: (a) conductor is not moving in a magnetic field and (b) the conductor isn´t even in a magnetic field! We are forced to conclude that it must be an induced electric field in the conductor caused by the changing magnetic flux threading the ring… 12 • This is a little problematic ! – We are used to thinking about electric fields as being caused by electric charges (Gauss´s law) – Now we are saying that a changing magnetic field somehow acts as a “source” of electric field • Furthermore, it’s a weird kind of electric field – When a charge q goes around the loop, the work done on it by the induced E-field must be W=q. – This means that the electric field in the loop is no longer conservative, because the line integral around the closed path is not zero, it is equal to the emf E.d 0 E.d d B E.d dt STATIONARY INTEGRATION PATH This form of Faraday´s law is true when the path integrated around is stationary This type of electric field here is known as a nonelectrostatic field For the loop E.d 2rE d B dt E 1 d B 2r dt nonelectrostatic field in a circular loop 13 2) A time varying magnetic field induces an electric field in a stationary conductor and induces an EMF d B dt d B E.d dt This changing magnetic field produces a type of electric field that we cannot produce with any static distribution of charges nonelectrostatic field It is non-conservative and, thus, we cannot define a potential for this type of electric field other than this, this “new” E-field is exactly the same as any other “regular” E-field These nonelectrostatic fields have many applications MAGNETIC STORAGE MEDIA HYBRID DRIVE CARS Http://computer.howstuffworks.com/hard-disk.htm www.toyota.com/vehicles/future/hybridx.html 6.2 The electric displacement current - D • • We have seen that a time varying magnetic field gives rise to an induced electric field… It turns out that a varying electric field gives rise to an induced magnetic field… J.C. Maxwell made this link in 1864 and revealed the beautiful symmetry of electromagnetism to the world ! It must be incomplete !! To see what leap of imagination Maxwell made to link time varying electric fields and magnetic fields, let´s return to Ampere´s law as discussed last time… B.d µ i 0 encl Consider the process of charging the capacitor shown in the figure ic = conduction current, to distinguish it from the new type of current we are about to encounter the displacement current id Apply Ampere´s law to the circular path shown on the figure B.d µ i 0 c Real current flows Inconsistent ? B.d 0 No current (only E field ?) 15 Maxwell to the rescue ! Although there is no conduction current in the region between the parallel plates of the capacitor there is a time dependent electric field as the capacitor charges up…. As the capacitor charges the electric field E and the electric flux e varies as a function versus time. We can investigate their rates of change in terms of the charge (q) and current (dq/dt) on the plates of the capacitor q Cv at any instant in time q Cv A d .Ed Now or C 0 r A d q AE e v E d and At any instant in time, the charge on the capacitor plates = epsilon x electric flux between the plates dq d e dt dt The current flowing onto the plates equals the conduction current in the wire on the left ic Since the current must be conserved in a loop of a circuit, this conduction current must flow into the field between the plates… d e id dt We are saying that the changing flux through the curved surface is “somehow” equivalent to the current DISPLACEMENT CURRENT 16 B.d µ i 0 c id The introduction of the concept of the displacement current (id) leads to a generalized version of Ampere´s law that removes our apparent paradox … The displacement current density (jd) then follows: jd id dE DISPLACEMENT CURRENT A dt DENSITY OK, so the concept of displacement current removes our apparent paradox with Ampere´s law (Right now you are probably thinking this is “pulled this out of thin air” ! ) Q) Is this a real current, can you measure it ?? (or just cheating ?? ) A) It is real and you can measure its effects e.g. if the displacement current flowing into the capacitor field is real then it should produce a B-field (from Ampere´s law) dE Current enclosed by i jd iarear jD .r 2 r 2 D 2 dt this circle, radius r R B.d µ i 0 c id r B µ0id 2 2R r2 2rB µ0iD 2 R This is exactly what is measured, iD is a very useful concept that repairs all the equations of electromagnetism What about if r>R ? 17 6.2.2 Maxwell´s equations in integral form In non-electric / magnetic materials The following equations are always true !!! E.d A Q 0 B.d A 0 Gauss´s law for E-fields Gauss´s law for B-fields E.d B t e B.d µ0 ic 0 t Faraday´s law Ampere´s law We are now at a very important stage in our studies of electromagnetism, we can summarise everything we have learnt in four beautifully symmetric equations 18 There is a remarkable symmetry about Maxwell´s equations E.d A 0 If there are no free charges, e.g. in a vacuum B.d A 0 1d B . d B.d c0 2 0 dt E.d A With the definitions of electric / magnetic flux d E.d dt B.d A These equations can be stated in another (differential) form using the divergence and Stokes´theorem of vector calculus A.d S .A.dV S Divergence theorem V Stokes´theorem A.d A.d r d 19 6.2.3 Maxwell´s equations in differential form r .E 0 Gauss´s law for E-fields B E t .B 0 Gauss´s law for B-fields B µ0 J µ0 0 Faraday´s law E t Ampere´s law See handout on web for how to convert between integral and differential forms 20 Let’s take a 10 minute break! 6.3.1 Mutual Inductance • If you take a piece of copper wire and wrap it into a coil, put this into a circuit, does it behave any differently to a straight wire ? – • It does whenever the current is changing in time since inductive effects produce an EMF in the coil from Faraday´s law In L5 we looked at the magnetic force between two wires carrying a steady (DC) current… – When the currents are varying in time then another “inductive interaction” is also present… F II µ0 L 2r To see this, consider a pair of coils close to each other as depicted below: i1-time dependent current in coil 1 B2 is proportional to i1 N 2 B 2 M 21i1 M21 is the mutual inductance of the 2 coils when i1 changes, B2 also changes and results in an induced EMF (2) in coil 2 The varying current in coil 1 induces an EMF in coil 2 di1 dt 2 M 21 M d B2 dt 2 N2 In a similar way, if the current in coil 2 (i2) changes with time N2 d B 2 di M 21 1 dt dt di 1 M 12 2 dt N 2 B 2 N1 B1 Mutual Inductance Unit = 1 Wb /A= 1Vs / A = 1 HENRY i1 i2 EXAMPLE : A Tesla coil consists of two concentric coils, the inner one with many (N1) turns per unit length and the outer one with fewer (N2) turns per length surrounds it at it center. Find an expression for the mutual inductance M SOLUTION: We need to use M N 2 B 2 N1 B1 to determine M i1 i2 We need to know either (a) the flux B2 through each turn of the outer coil due to the current i1 in the inner solenoid or (b) the flux B1 through each turn of the solenoid due to the current in the outer coil i1 The inner solenoid carrying a current i1 produces a magnetic field B1 along its axis B1 µ0 n1i1 The magnetic flux through the cross section equals B1A, this must also be the flux threading the outer coil The mutual inductance is then given by M N 2 B 2 B 2 AB1 µ0 N1i1 µ0 N1i1 A µ0 N1 N 2 A , proportional to N1N2 Suppose =0.5m, A=10cm2, N1=1000 and N2 =10 turns 4 10 M 7 Wb / A.m 100010 1103 m 2 25µH 0.5m 23 6.3.2 Self-Inductance and inductors • mutual inductance = interaction of two independent circuits • An important related effect occurs even when we consider only a single isolated circuit. i changes B (and B) changes a self induced EMF is generated From Lenz´s law, this EMF tries to oppose the change of current N B Self-inductance or inductance of the circuit Unit = HENRY = 1Wb / A i d B di di Self-induced N L L If i now changes B changes dt dt dt EMF L Inductors are one of the three essential elements in simple electronic circuits (resistor, capacitor and inductor), their circuit symbol is a kind of spiral and they are used to inhibit current fluctuations in unstable circuits… How do they behave in circuits ? • To see how inductors behave in a circuit we are going to develop a Kirchhoff's loop rule that also applies to an inductor in a circuit… – Reminder : The Kirchhoff loop rule states that as we go around a conducting loop, measuring potential differences across successive circuit elements, the algebraic sum around any closed loop must be zero since the electric field is produced by charges (Ec) and must, therefore, be conservative. – If an inductor is in the circuit the situation changes since the magnetically induced electric field (En) in the coils of an inductor is not conservative as we saw earlier in the lecture. If the coils of the inductor have negligible resistance then a vanishingly small field is required to make the charges move through the coils L di E n .d dt Integrating clockwise around loop |E|n is non-zero only within the inductor L En Ec 0 En , Ec 0 b E n .d L a b Since E n E c 0 inside the inductor, we can rewrite this E c .d L a This integral is just the potential difference Vab between point a and b in the circuit di Vab Va Vb L dt Even though the action of an inductor involves the non-conservative (non-electrostatic) force there still exists a potential difference between the terminals! 25 di dt di dt 6.3.3 Energy stored in an inductor • A capacitor stores energy in the E-field … What about an inductor ? – We can calculate the energy required to change the current in an inductor from zero to i by noting that, as the current increases from zero, it causes an EMF between the terminals and a corresponding potential difference Vab between the terminals of the source (point-a at a higher potential than point-b) Power dissipated P Vabi Li di dt Energy transferred to the inductor dU in a short time dt is then dU Pdt dU Pdt Li di dt dt 1 U Li 2 2 ENERGY STORED in an INDUCTOR Increasing the current from 0i Unlike a resistor – this energy is not dissipated in the environment to generate heat, rather it is stored in the magnetic field. When the current decreases this energy is released again… What happens when you pull the plug on a large inductor supporting a current ? 26 • One can develop general relations to describe the energy stored in a magnetic field similar to those developed for electric fields µ0 NiA 2r N B µ0 N 2 A Self-inductance L i 2r Flux density inside the coil B BA 1 2 µ0i 2 N 2 A Energy stored is U Li 2 4r Volume inside the coil V 2rA } U 1 i2 N 2 u µ0 V 2 2r 2 Ni We can express this in terms of the magnetic field B µ0 , so 2r 1 2 ENERGY u B DENSITY in 2µ0 B-field Compare with the energy density stored in an electric field (L4) ENERGY 1 2 u 0 E DENSITY in 2 E-field 27 How inductors behave in circuits R-L circuits and L-C, L-R-C oscillators 28 6.3.4 Inductors in circuits • One thing is already clear; when one has an inductor in a circuit it is difficult to have rapid changes of current (due to self induced EMF) Vab L We can use this equation, together with Kirchhoff's loop rules to analyse circuits containing inductors • Example: The R-L circuit Suppose both switches are initially open and we then close switch S1 at time t=0 Current cannot change instantaneously from 0 Imax since dI/dt Instead the current and voltages across the elements will increase slowly with time At any instant in time vab iR and vbc L di dt Apply Kirchhoff's loop rule, starting at the negative terminal and moving around the loop counter-clockwise iR L di 0 dt Note : at t=0, i=0 so the initial dI/dt is As t , di/dt=0 so 0 iR L di iR iR dt L L L di dt t 0 L iR 29 di dt di To obtain the explicit time dependence notice that: i R R dt L i R Rt ln L R t 1 di R dt 0 i L 0 R i it R 1 exp t R L The current flowing in the circuit initially increases rapidly and then approaches the value /R asymptotically The quantity t=L/R is a measure of how quickly the current reaches the steady state value, it is known as the time constant of the circuit Discharging an L-R circuit Now suppose that S1 has been closed for a while. If we reset out stopwatch to redefine the initial time, we close the switch S2 at time t=0 Kirchhoff's loop rule again but omitting the EMF of the battery yields di iR dt L R it I 0 exp t L 30 EXAMPLE: Inductors can “save” your devices EXAMPLE : We have a sensitive electronic device with a resistance of R=175W and want to connect it to a source via a switch. The device is designed to operate with a steady current of 36mA, but to avoid damage to the device, the current can rise to no more than 4.9mA in the first 58µs after S1 is closed. To protect our device we want to connect it in series with an inductor (a) What EMF should the source have, (b) What Inductance is required and (c) What is the time constant Sensitive device 6.3.5 The L-C series circuit • The combination of a capacitor and inductor in series is rather more exciting in it´s electrical response – it is capable of functioning as an oscillator The energy transfers from the electric field of the capacitor to the magnetic field of the inductor • We can analyse this behaviour using Kirchhoff's loop rule on the circuit Clockwise from lower right around di q L 0 dt C d 2q 1 q 0 2 dt LC di d 2 q 2 dt dt dq i dt d 2x k x 0 dt 2 m Exactly the same equation of motion as for a Simple Harmonic Oscillator Inductance analogous To mass 1/C analogous To spring constant q – analogous to displacement x LC -circuit i(t) 1 LC qt A´cost time it dqt A´sint dt SHO k m xt A cost vt dxt A cost dt 33 EXAMPLE: Building an oscillator A 300V dc supply is used to charge a 25µF capacitor. After it is fully charged, it is disconnected from the power supply and connected across a 10mH inductor. Neglecting the resistance in the circuit find: (a) The frequency and period of oscillation in the circuit (b) The capacitor charge and circuit current 1.2ms after the inductor and capacitor are connected t=0 6.3.6 Damping – the L-R-C series circuit • In the last discussion of an L-C circuit, we assumed that the circuit had zero resistance This is clearly an idealisation - in reality we have to consider a series L-R-C circuit It turns out that the resistance acts to “damp” the oscillation in the L-C circuit it introduces as “frictional term” into the equation of motion that dissipates energy as heat To see this consider the circuit shown left and apply the Kirchoff´s loop rule (a d) dq i dt 2 di d q dt dt 2 iR L di q 0 dt C d 2 q R dq 1 q 0 2 dt L dt LC “velocity” dependent term= damping” The form of the solutions of this “equation of motion” depend on the relative size of R and L/C 35 In the “under-damped” case Have the form (R2<4L/C) 2 d q R dq 1 the solutions of q 0 2 dt L dt LC R 1 R2 qt Q exp t cos 2 t 2 L LC 4 L 1 R dqt R2 1 R2 R2 R 1 Q exp t cos 2 t 2 sin 2 t LC 4 L LC 4 L dt 2L LC 4 L 2 L oscillation “resonant” frequency changes Current ´ 1 R2 LC 4 L2 time Amplitude decays with a time constant t 2L R We´ll look at the practical relevance of the L-R-C circuit next time when we drive it using an AC voltage – FORCED “ELECTRICAL” OSCILLATIONS 36