The Economics Problem Summer Project


The Economics Problem

Summer Project

Hope you are having a nice summer. As part of our induction process it is important for us at the Lowestoft Sixth Form College highlight the level of effort and academic rigour A Levels expect of the student.

As part of this and in preparation for studying Economics in September I have set out a research project for you to complete over summer.

Due date is the first lesson of Economics in September.

I will be grading on:

Independent research skills

 Level of content in respect to the question

 Knowledge, analysis and evaluation

Structure, spelling and punctuation

Effort and self-motivation.

Task: produce a (min) 500 word report on

“What is the economic problem, how does it affect economic systems/ society and how can we best achieve an effective allocation of resources for society?

I suggest you use the internet as there are many sources. At the end of the report state all your sources. This is a free activity for you to express your independent skills and develop a report that tries to answer all 3 points of the question above.

The economic problem is the basics of economics and the subject would not exist without it. Since the earliest time human kind have always face this problem and it has shaped our structure of society and the economic systems that we have used to answer this question. We use a system today called a market economy with a democratic political system.

This report shows how economics is a multi-disciplinary subject and will allow you to get a flavour of the type of issues we face in society that economists try to overcome.
