ENROLLMENT APPLICATION 2015-2016 VPK ENROLLMENT REGISTRATION INFORMATION 2015-2016 Enrollment Checklist Please review the entire student enrollment packet, family policy and enrollment agreements. Be sure that all forms are filled out completely and are legible with appropriate signatures. Included in Packet: o o o o o o o o o o o o o Standard Enrollment Packet Items to bring on first day/ VPK supply list Tuition fee schedule Uniform Requirement Enrollment/Payment agreement Know your Childcare Facility Brochure Influenza Virus Brochure Enrollment Application Emergency Contact Insurance Information Model Release Growing Days Preschool Policies Form Parent & School Copies Child Care Food Program Application ENROLLMENT APPLICATION 2015-2016 Items to bring on the First Day of School VPK Change of clothes (with underwear & socks) Crib sized Blanket Crib sized fitted sheet Small (travel size) pillow Blue immunization records Yellow Health Record Family Photo NO PILLOW PETS PLEASE VPK SUPPLIES LIST 4 “PRIMARY ”COMPOSITION NOTE BOOKS 2 inch BINDER WITH CLEAR FRONT POCKET (WHITE) 1 BOX FAT PENCILS 1 BOX 24 COUNT CRAYOLA CRAYONS 1 BOX CRAYOLA WASHABLE MARKERS 6 JUMBO GLUE STICKS 1 BOX EXPO DRY ERASE MARKERS (4PACK) ONE PLASTIC PENCIL BOX 1 BOX 200 SHEET PROTECTORS 3 NEW WHITE T-SHIRTS 1 BAG OF BABY WIPES 2 REAMS OF WHITE PAPER 1 KINDERMAT FOR NAP TIME Please label all appropriate items with BLACK permanent marker. ENROLLMENT APPLICATION 2015-2016 Growing Days Childcare and Learning Center Tuition and Fee Schedule 2015-2016 Tuition Rates apply from 7:00 AM to 6:30 PM **Tuition is based on a WEEKLY rate** School tuition is based on WEEKLY payments, payable on the MONDAY of each week. There is no reduction in tuition due to absences. Growing Days does not offer FREE or VACATION weeks. Infants (3 months to 1 year of age by September 1st) Ones (1 year of age by September 1st) Twos (2 years of age by September 1st) Threes (3 years of age by September 1st) Pre-K4 (4 years of age AFTER September 1st) VPK (VPK Hours 9:00 AM- 12:00 AM) Afterschool Before School Regular Tuition $165.00 $160.00 $155.00 $145.00 $145.00 $80.00 $45.00 $15.00 10% Sibling Discount $148.50 $144.00 $139.50 $130.50 $130.50 (Weekly; after VPK hours) Fees are NON-REFUNDABLE One Time Registration Fee (excludes VPK) Yearly Material Fee (Due Every August) Late Payment Late Pick-Up After 6:30 PM $100.00 $150.00 $25.00 $1.00 PER MINUTE Hours of Operation Monday - Friday 7:00 AM - 6:30 PM o Tuition is due MONDAY of every week. If not paid by Tuesday, a $25.00 late fee will be assessed and a $5.00 daily fee thereafter until tuition is paid. o We offer a 10% Discount on tuition for Siblings. o Prices are subject to change o THERE IS NO REDUCTION IN TUITION DUE TO ABSENCES OR HOLIDAYS. GROWING DAYS DOES NOT OFFER FREE OR VACATION WEEKS. We reserve the right to make any necessary changes at any time. ENROLLMENT APPLICATION 2015-2016 GROWING DAYS SCHOOL UNIFORM REQUIREMENT o All children attending Growing Days Preschool are required to wear Growing Days Uniform T-Shirts everyday (excluding infants). Uniforms are sold in the school lobby. o We also request a COMPLETE extra set of clothing, labeled with your child's name, in a Ziploc bag. Extra set will be kept in child's cubby for emergencies. o Children are required to wear CLOSED toe shoes, preferably sneakers, at all times. For the safety of your children sandals and ENROLLMENT APPLICATION 2015-2016 Growing Days Enrollment and Payment Agreement 2015-2016 School Year All parents at Growing Days preschool must sign an Enrollment/Payment Agreement to ensure all policies are understood. Please read carefully and sign. This letter is to inform and remind all parents of payment and Enrollment policies, due dates, discounts, and acceptable means of payment. Please initial each section below. _____ REGISTRATION FEE: I understand that a onetime, non-refundable registration fee of $100.00 shall be paid in advance to enroll my child. I understand that this fee guarantees my child’s enrollment. (excludes VPK students) MATERIALS FEE: I understand that and annual, non-refundable, Material Fee of $150.00 shall be paid in advance to enroll my child. I understand that I/my child’s enrollment is guaranteed for fall by paying this fee no later than August 1st of each year. (excludes VPK students 3 hrs) PAYMENT OF TUITION: I understand that tuition is due and payable, on Monday of each attendance week and no later than Tuesday of the same week. If your child does not attend school during the week, full tuition is due; tuition is based on a weekly fee. Weeks containing holidays still require the full tuition; there will be no reduction in tuition for those days. Payments can be made in form of check, credit card and or cash. If paying by check, please write your child’s name in the memo section. Automatic scheduled credit card charges can be authorized by you by completing an authorization form available at the office. IMMUNIZATION/HEALTH RECORDS: I understand that the laws and regulations of the State of Florida require all students to have on file before attending the first day of class, specific records (health, immunization and physical) and required enrollment forms. LATE OR UNPAID TUITION: I understand if payment is not received when due between (Monday or Tuesday), I agree to pay a late payment of $25.00 on Wednesday and $5.00 for each additional day if tuition remains unpaid. All late fees are subject to change with reasonable notice. I understand that if my account is delinquent for more than one week, I may be asked to withdraw my child until my account is made current. The school cannot guarantee a child’s spot will be held when a child is withdrawn due to nonpayment of tuition. LATE PICK-UPS: The preschool is open from 7:00am to 6:30 pm, Monday thru Friday all year, except for holidays. I understand that if I fail to pick up my child by the scheduled closing time, I will be charged a late fee of $1.00 per minute after 6:30pm until the child is picked up. DISCOUNTS: I understand that is my child attends full time, a ten percent (10%) discount is offered to me for each additional child enrolled full time. The discount is applied to the lowest tuition rate. RETURNED CHECKS: I understand that a $25.00 return check fee will be charged in addition to my regular tuition if a check is returned for non-sufficient funds. I understand that I will be required to pay be an alternate form of payment (i.e. cash, money order or credit card). ENROLLMENT APPLICATION 2015-2016 DAILY SIGN IN/OUT: I agree to sign my child in and out everyday using the schools attendance procedure. I understand that I am required to enter the school to drop off and pick up my child and that I must escort my child to and from the designated classroom and staff member each day. _______ ILLNESS: I understand that I will be notified should my child become ill during the day, and that I will pick up my child promptly, or make arrangements for an authorized emergency contact person to pick up my child on such notification. If the school staff deems it necessary, they are limited to being authorized to seek and obtain medical attention, treatment and service for my/our child through emergency medical services (911).If my child is exposed to or contracts a contagious disease, I agree to notify the school and I understand that my child will be re-admitted once I receive a notice from my child’s pediatrician indicating my child is not longer contagious. I understand that there are no nurses or medical professionals, nor are there other emergency medical services available at the school. Only CPR and basic first aid are available until 911 arrive. Growing Days has no capability for professional medical methods or procedures, nor does the school have defibrillators or other medical equipment. I will notify the school in writing in detail of any medical condition or history of a medical condition that my/our child has. I understand that Growing Days has the right to deny admission, or discontinue attendance to my/our child based on this disclosure. WITHDRAWL FROM SCHOOL: I understand that I must provide a two (2) week written notice of withdrawal from the program. I understand that when my child is withdrawn, s/he will only be eligible for readmission based upon space availability and all other enrollment criteria. If my child is re-enrolled, I will be required to complete an entire new Enrollment Agreement at the current rate and pay a new nonrefundable registration fee and materials fee. If there was an outstanding balance when my child was withdrawn, I will be required to bring my account current prior to completing a re-enrollment application. I understand all fees are non-refundable. HOLIDAYS: I understand that the school is closed on the following holidays listed in my family handbook. I agree that I will not receive a refund, credit or any other allowance for holidays. If a holiday falls on a weekend, it will be observed on either the preceding Friday or the following Monday. ABSENCES: I agree to inform the school immediately if my child will be absent on any day. I understand that no allowances, credits, refunds, or make up days shall be made for occasional absences (i.e. sickness). There are no vacations days or weeks off. I agree to pay my weekly tuition for an entire school week (Monday –Friday). My regular contracted tuition is due for all weeks when my child attends any part of that week. There is no credit given for single days. INCLEMENT WEATHER OR OTHER DISASTERS: I understand that it is the company’s intention to be open and provide child care service every weekday of the year, excluding holidays, but that inclement weather, natural/national disaster or major building issue may disrupt service from time to time. I will contact the school to ensure that it is open during inclement weather/natural disaster. I agree that in the event that the school is closed for an extended period of time, I will continue to be responsible for my tuition payments up to three business days. Growing Days will be open on County School Emergency Days. It is my/our responsibility to contact the school to verify whether Growing Days will be open. Tuition refunds will not be given for days in which school is closed. ALL POLICIES AND REGULATIONS: I understand that the above policies are not an all- inclusive list of policies, and that my child, my family members, authorized agents and I are bound by state and child care regulations, the Family Handbook, and all other company policies, which may be modified at any time, ENROLLMENT APPLICATION 2015-2016 without notice. I understand that my continuous enrollment constitutes my acknowledgement of, and agreement to abide by, all policies and regulations. FAMILY HANDBOOK: I have read and understand its contents and policies and agree to be bound by same. MERGER AND AMENDMENT: This agreement embodies the entire representation, warranties, agreements and condition in relation to the subject matter hereof, and no representation, warranties, understandings or agreements, oral or otherwise, in relation thereto, exist between the parties except as herein expressly set forth. This agreement may not be amended or terminated orally, but only as expressly provided herein or by instrument in writing, duly executed by the parties hereto Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the office. Growing Days does not discriminate based on disability in the admission/enrollment or access to our program or services. Information concerning the provisions of the American Disabilities Act (ADA), including the rights provided hereunder is available from the Director. The policies have been reviewed with me by school management. I understand and will comply with the policies included in the enrollment agreement and the family handbook. The policies in this contract will supersede all other previous documents. I/We understand the Enrollment and Payment Policies of Growing Days Preschool as described above and agree to abide by this agreement. Date: ___________________________ Child's Name: _____________________________________ Legal Guardian: ___________________________________________________________________ (signature) Florida Department of Children and Families required the following: ENROLLMENT APPLICATION 2015-2016 ENROLLMENT APPLICATION 2015-2016 ENROLLMENT APPLICATION 2015-2016 ENROLLMENT APPLICATION Date of Enrollment: ___________________________ Referred by: ____________________________________________ Child's Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Nickname: _________________________________________ Birth Date: _______________________________________ Current Age: _________________________ Sex: Male ______ Female ______ Address: ____________________________________________ City: ___________________________ Zip:___________ Enrolling for: Infants ______ Ones ______ Twos ______ Three's ______ Four's ______ VPK ______ Before School ______ After School _______ Name of Elementary School: __________________________________________________________________________ Family Information Child lives with :Mother ________ Father ______ Both ______ Guardian ________ Mothers Name: _____________________________ Fathers Name: _____________________________________ Address: __________________________________ Address: __________________________________________ Home: ____________________________________ Home: ____________________________________________ Cell: ______________________________________ Cell: ______________________________________________ Employer: _________________________________ Employer: __________________________________________ Employer Address: ___________________________ Employer Address: ___________________________________ Work #: ____________________________________ Work #:_____________________________________________ Email: ______________________________________ Email: _____________________________________________ Medical Information I do hereby grant permission to the staff at Growing Days Childcare and Learning Center to contact the following Medical personnel to obtain any Emergency care if warranted and I will be financially responsible for any Medical attention needed during the care of my child or any injury received at Growing Days Childcare and Learning Center. Medical care if warranted: Child's Physician _____________________________________________ Phone: ________________________________ Hospital Preference : ________________________________________________________________________________ Does your child have any allergies: Yes ______ No ______ List Allergies (if any): _______________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Does your child take any medication: Yes ______ No ______ List Medications (if any): ____________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please list special medical concerns, dietary needs or other areas of concern: (i.e. speech, hearing, etc.) ______________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ POTTY TRAINING ENROLLMENT APPLICATION 2015-2016 Can your child be relied upon to indicate his/her bathroom wishes? Yes ______ No______ Is your child potty trained? Yes ______ No ______ What words does your child use? _______________________________________________________________________ Do you have any concerns about your child's toileting? ______________________________________________________ SLEEPING HABITS Do you have any specific ways of helping your child go to sleep? ______________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ What is your child's current sleeping schedule? ____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ SOCIAL EXPERIENCES If there are other children living in the household, please complete the following: Name______________________________ Age ____________ Gender _____________ Relationship ________________ Name______________________________ Age ____________ Gender _____________ Relationship ________________ Name______________________________ Age ____________ Gender _____________ Relationship ________________ Name______________________________ Age ____________ Gender _____________ Relationship ________________ Please list the names of all adults living in your household Name _____________________________________________ Relationship ____________________________________ Name _____________________________________________ Relationship ____________________________________ Name _____________________________________________ Relationship ____________________________________ Name _____________________________________________ Relationship ____________________________________ Name _____________________________________________ Relationship ____________________________________ _______ I do not need to meet with an Administrator to further discuss my child's health. _______ I do need to meet with an Administrator to further discuss my child's health. Please list any other information about your child, medical or social, that you need our staff to be aware of: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHILD'S PERSONAL HISTORY Is the child Right or Left handed? ______ Right Handed ______ Left Handed Has the child had any previous group or preschool experience? ______Yes ______No If Yes, Where, when and how long? __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Are there any sleeping or napping instructions? ____________________________________________________________ GENERAL RELEASE OF LIABILITY I do hereby waive, release and discharge Growing Days Childcare and Learning Center and its officers and employees from any and all responsibilities of liabilities for injuries or damages resulting from my child's participation in any activities in the above mentioned facility. SIGNATURE:____________________________________________________ ENROLLMENT APPLICATION ______________________________________________ Parent/Legal Guardian Signature 2015-2016 ______________________________________________ Print Name Date EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION My child may be released ONLY to the custodial parents or legal guardian and the persons listed below. The following people will also be contacted and are authorized to remove the child from the facility in case of illness, accident, emergency or if for some reason the custodial parent or guardian cannot be reached. Please notify the school if any emergency release person will pick-up your child on any given day. For the safety of your child, we will request all authorized release persons to provide Government-issued photo identification at the time of pick-up. All persons below must be 18 or older, unless he/she is parents of the child. Name: ______________________________________________ Relationship: ___________________________________ Home #: __________________________ Cell #:___________________________ Work #: _________________________ Name: ______________________________________________ Relationship: ___________________________________ Home #: __________________________ Cell #:___________________________ Work #: _________________________ Name: ______________________________________________ Relationship: ___________________________________ Home #: __________________________ Cell #:___________________________ Work #: _________________________ Name: ______________________________________________ Relationship: ___________________________________ Home #: __________________________ Cell #:___________________________ Work #: _________________________ Name: ______________________________________________ Relationship: ___________________________________ Home #: __________________________ Cell #:___________________________ Work #: _________________________ Name: ______________________________________________ Relationship: ___________________________________ Home #: __________________________ Cell #:___________________________ Work #: _________________________ o For all children's safety, it is critical to use your secured access to enter the building and sign in your child in and out according to state child care licensing regulations. To ensure the safety of our school's staff and children, please DO NOT share your secure access with anyone else. o Please notify emergency contacts that they must bring government-issued identification when they pick up your child. ENROLLMENT APPLICATION 2015-2016 Insurance Information 2015-2016 Parent Statement of Understanding Child's Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth: _________________________________________________________________________ I/We, the undersigned have registered my/our child ___________________________________________ to attend Growing Days Childcare and Learning Center. _____My/Our child will be covered by 24 hour accident insurance with: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Insurance Company Name and Phone Number Policy Number: _____________________________________________________ I/We have attached a photocopy of my family insurance identification card. This Policy will cover my/our child in the event of expense being incurred while participating in any activities and I/We will pay for any and all medical bills NOT covered by this insurance for emergency and medical care of my/our child. ______ I/We do not have insurance; however, I/We will pay any and all medical bills for emergency and medical care of my/our child. I/We have read, understand and have signed the Parent Statement of Understanding. ___________________________________ _______________________________ _______________ Mother's Signature Print Name Date ___________________________________ _______________________________ _______________ Father's Signature Print Name Date ENROLLMENT APPLICATION 2015-2016 Student and Parent Discipline Agreement Dear Parents, We are required by the Department of Children and Families to provide parents with a written discipline policy. Please read thoroughly, sign and date, and return this form to the office. Thank you. Disciplinary Practices Discipline At Growing Days, we follow a child-oriented approach to discipline. This includes techniques such as gentle reminders, redirection and reinforcing the positive with praise and love. Food and fun are NEVER withheld from children. Corporal punishment is NEVER used at our school. The children are not being subjected to discipline which is severe, humiliating, frightening or associated with food, rest or toileting. Spanking or any other form of physical punishment is prohibited by all child care personnel. Spanking or any type of physical or verbal punishment on school grounds by parents or guardian will not be tolerated. 1. Staff will facilitate the development of self-esteem by expressing respect for, acceptance of and comfort the children, regardless of behavior. 2. Staff will facilitate the child's development of self-control. 3. Reflection time (time to think, time to cool down or relax) will only apply when repeated inappropriate behavior takes place and it will be handled by a nurturing teacher to guide the child to a positive behavior and explain why. 4. Use of food as reward or punishment is prohibited, including coercion such as "if you want dessert, you have to eat all of your food." 5. The focus of guidance should be on behavior, not on the child. Behaviors are "bad" or "good", not children. 6. Parents will be contacted is behavior is not corrected. 7. Physical/Corporal punishment will NEVER be permitted under any circumstanced by staff or parents. Discipline is part of the educational process; it is not a separate entity. You do not control a child but rather you are a part of the process used to help a child learn how to control himself. If your goal for discipline is to help the child to develop internal control and a sense of social values, discipline should be seen an ongoing, yearlong project that never ends. Discipline is a vital part of the process of growing up. Discipline is not controlling a child but teaching the child to control himself/herself. I, ______________________________________________ have received in writing the disciplinary practices used by this child care facility. ENROLLMENT APPLICATION _______________________________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian 2015-2016 ENROLLMENT APPLICATION 2015-2016 GROWING DAYS PRESCHOOL POLICIES - PARENT COPY _____ REGISTRATION FEE: I understand that a onetime, non-refundable registration fee of $100.00 shall be paid in advance to enroll my child. I understand that this fee guarantees my child’s enrollment. (excludes VPK students) MATERIALS FEE: I understand that and annual, non-refundable, Material Fee of $150.00 shall be paid in advance to enroll my child. I understand that I/my child’s enrollment is guaranteed for fall by paying this fee no later than August 1st of each year. (excludes VPK students 3 hrs) PAYMENT OF TUITION: I understand that tuition is due and payable, on Monday of each attendance week and no later than Tuesday of the same week. If your child does not attend school during the week, full tuition is due. Tuition is based on a weekly fee. Weeks containing holidays still require the full tuition; there will be no reduction in tuition for those days. Payments can be made in form of check, credit card and or cash. If paying by check, please write your child’s name in the memo section. Automatic scheduled credit card charges can be authorized by you by completing an authorization form available at the office. _ _ _ _ HOLIDAYS: I understand that the school is closed on the following holidays listed in my family handbook. I agree that I will not receive a refund, credit or any other allowance for holidays. If a holiday falls on a weekend, it will be observed on either the preceding Friday or the following Monday. ABSENCES: I agree to inform the school immediately if my child will be absent on any day. I understand that no allowances, credits, refunds, or make up days shall be made for occasional absences (i.e. sickness). There are no vacations days or weeks off. I agree to pay my weekly tuition for an entire school week (Monday –Friday). My regular contracted tuition is due for all weeks when my child attends any part of that week. There is no credit given for single days. ______ FAMILY HANDBOOK can be found on our website www.Growingdayspreschool.com using code #5969 to access _______ DROP OFF- In order for my child's classroom environment to remain conducive to learning, I understand that my child must be dropped off no later than 10:00 AM (9:00 AM for VPK Students.) If I am to drop off my child after 10:00 AM, a Dr.'s note must be presented. NO CHILD MAY BE DROPPED OFF BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 12:30 - 2:30 PM AS IT IS DISRUPTIVE TO THE NAPPING ENVIRONMENT. I understand that my child must be dropped off at his/her classroom door daily. No child should be dropped off at the front door at any time. I/We understand the Policies of Growing Days Preschool as described above and agree to abide by these policies. __________________________________________ Parent Signature ______________________________ Date ENROLLMENT APPLICATION 2015-2016 GROWING DAYS PRESCHOOL POLICIES - SCHOOL COPY _____ REGISTRATION FEE: I understand that a onetime, non-refundable registration fee of $100.00 shall be paid in advance to enroll my child. I understand that this fee guarantees my child’s enrollment. (excludes VPK students) MATERIALS FEE: I understand that and annual, non-refundable, Material Fee of $150.00 shall be paid in advance to enroll my child. I understand that I/my child’s enrollment is guaranteed for fall by paying this fee no later than August 1st of each year. (excludes VPK students 3 hrs) PAYMENT OF TUITION: I understand that tuition is due and payable, on Monday of each attendance week and no later than Tuesday of the same week. If your child does not attend school during the week, full tuition is due. Tuition is based on a weekly fee. Weeks containing holidays still require the full tuition; there will be no reduction in tuition for those days. Payments can be made in form of check, credit card and or cash. If paying by check, please write your child’s name in the memo section. Automatic scheduled credit card charges can be authorized by you by completing an authorization form available at the office. _ _ _ _ HOLIDAYS: I understand that the school is closed on the following holidays listed in my family handbook. I agree that I will not receive a refund, credit or any other allowance for holidays. If a holiday falls on a weekend, it will be observed on either the preceding Friday or the following Monday. ABSENCES: I agree to inform the school immediately if my child will be absent on any day. I understand that no allowances, credits, refunds, or make up days shall be made for occasional absences (i.e. sickness). There are no vacations days or weeks off. I agree to pay my weekly tuition for an entire school week (Monday –Friday). My regular contracted tuition is due for all weeks when my child attends any part of that week. There is no credit given for single days. ______ FAMILY HANDBOOK can be found on our website www.Growingdayspreschool.com using code #5969 to access _______ DROP OFF- In order for my child's classroom environment to remain conducive to learning, I understand that my child must be dropped off no later than 10:00 AM (9:00 AM for VPK Students.) If I am to drop off my child after 10:00 AM, a Dr.'s note must be presented. NO CHILD MAY BE DROPPED OFF BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 12:30 - 2:30 PM AS IT IS DISRUPTIVE TO THE NAPPING ENVIRONMENT. I understand that my child must be dropped off at his/her classroom door daily. No child should be dropped off at the front door at any time. I/We understand the Policies of Growing Days Preschool as described above and agree to abide by these policies. __________________________________________ Parent Signature ______________________________ Date ENROLLMENT APPLICATION 2015-2016 MODEL RELEASE Dear Parents, We are continuously presenting past and present experiences that take place at school as part of our documentation process. In these presentations and documentation panels, there will be times when we use photographs and/or video of the children and/or parents of Growing Days. Please fill out the form below giving Growing Days Preschool permission to use the photographs and videos taken during your child’s life at school where he/she, you or your family may appear. If you have a concern about you or your child appearing in our presentations (Social Media, Website, Professional Development Conferences, etc) or documentation panels, please state it clearly. Student Name: ________________________________________________ _____ _________Yes, I authorize Growing Days Preschool to use Photographs & videos of my child and/or our family in their presentations and documentations. _________No, I do not authorize Growing Days Preschool to use Photographs & videos of my child and/or our family in their presentations and documentations. Thank you for choosing Where are job, is their future..............