MAXIMIZING AUTOMATIC REVERSE POWER OPERATIONS WITH LTC TRANSFORMERS & REGULATORS E. Tom Jauch, Beckwith Electric Company, Inc. Advanced LTC (Load Tap Changer) transformer and regulator controls automatically detect a power flow reversal and allow several options of operation when power reversal is detected. However, damaging system conditions can occur if there is an error in detecting proper regulation direction or in the control action selected for the condition. These conditions occur when the control action 1) blocks operation at a time tapchange action is required, 2) results in running the tap position to tap position limits, 3) requires actions from other system components of which they are not capable or 4) causes “hunting” of tap position. This paper discusses six system operating conditions including radial feeds, distributed generation (DG), radial feed/DG combination, transmission tie-transformers, networks, and distribution substation paralleled transformers. Included also in the discussion are the desired control direction detection methods, source-side voltage determination methods, selectable operational control features and the consequences of improper operational choices for each. Further, this paper discusses applications which could benefit from additional methods of determining proper regulation direction. Although other variations may exist, the selectable control operation choices discussed for reverse power are: • Ignore: The control will take the same action as in the forward direction, because it does not use the power direction in the control decisions. This is the same as a control which does not have the power direction knowledge. • Block: The control will cease all operation as a controller as long as the power is in the reverse direction and stays in the present tap position. Data recording and all nonregulating features continue as normal. Essentially, the control is in block auto condition. • Regulate in Reverse: The control will use the source-side voltage (load-side in reverse operation), use the reverse direction settings allowed and operate the taps correctly to control the source-side (now load-side) voltage. It will begin this regulation with no time delay for the initial operations. (“Regulate in Reverse” is only applicable for single phase regulator applications.) • Run to Neutral: The “run to neutral” operation is included as an alternate operation option for use when different system conditions, which are not locally distinguishable, could cause reverse power flow. System Operating Conditions Causing Reverse Power Flow Radial Feed (Figure 1) The typical reverse direction regulator application is the alternate feed circuit shown in this diagram. The “Load Break Switch” (LBS) is normally open and the power direction is left to right in both regulators shown. ( ) in Figure 1. If maintenance or emergency work is required on or near Station A, 52-A could be opened and the LBS closed. The power flow reverses in Reg A which, in this application, is a positive indication of the circuit conditions. Figure 1 Figure 1 Radial Feed System Example The most desirable operation of the regulator affected is to automatically regulate the circuit in the opposite direction, which is usually the source side. The control further needs to recognize when the maintenance work is complete and the system is restored to the original configuration so that the regulator can automatically return to normal operation. No personnel visit would be required to the regulator site before or after the switching is completed. For proper operation, as described above, the control must be able to reliably determine 1) the direction of the power flow with no effects of power factor, 2) the tap position for impedance and voltage calculations and 3) the magnitude of the “source” side voltage for regulation. 1) Typically, the quantity detected for directional comparison is the power flow. One method used includes a “hysteresis effect” so that one power level point does not define the direction, which could cause instability and confusion. This “hysteresis effect” is established by requiring a power current level of 2% or 4 ma in the direction of power flow change. When the power flow returns to normal, it again requires 2% or 4 ma of power flow in the normally forward direction. The decision points for the power direction decision are then 4% or 8 ma apart. The installation of a line regulator near the LBS could result in an extremely low power flow in one direction when the LBS is open. To accommodate this application, a bias is used to move the appropriate decision power current level to 0ma rather than 2% or 4 ma. This reduces the “hysteresis effect” and the decision points for the power direction decision are then 2% or 4 ma apart. 2) The tap position information can be directly indicated to the control with external equipment, such as a Selsyn position indicator, or by using a “keep track” logic to monitor and compute the present tap position. A reliable “keep track” logic must be capable of operating on both new and older regulators of different manufacturers and those with somewhat “sloppy” counter contact mechanisms. One “keep track” method of tap position knowledge is incorporated into controls for single phase regulators with a range of +/- 16 taps with a central neutral position. For complete reliability, the motor power source for manual, automatic and external (SCADA) initiated tap changes must be the same as the motor power input to the control and with operational counter and neutral position contacts. This method allows the user to define the counter contacts as open-close-open or openclose/close-open as used by different manufacturers. In cases of less secure contact operation, a counter time window can be designated to assure single counts for single tap operations. The internal algorithms of this “keep track” method maintain a uninterrupted knowledge of the present tap position. 3) The “source side” voltage can be monitored by an additional potential transformer or regulator winding tap indicating the voltage to be regulated. It can also be calculated from the normal regulated voltage input and the tap position (ratio) information and regulator impedances. The control also uses the information on Type A or B regulators and typical regulator impedances in the determination of source voltages. The choice of this selected operational option is generally named “Reverse Regulation.” Note: In this application, if the regulation direction is chosen incorrectly, the regulator will be run to its tap limits in its effort to regulate the true source voltage. This can, of course, result in damagingly high or low distribution system and customer voltages. Distributed Generation (DG) (Figure 2) An example of an application of DG on a distribution system is shown in Figure 2. As the distribution loads reduce at night and the DG keeps generating, the power flow on a feeder regulator can reduce and ultimately reverse at the regulator location. DG Figure 2 Distributed Generation System Example Let’s begin with an analysis of the capabilities of the equipment on the circuit. If the regulator does not regulate the voltage towards the DG installation, how could the DG regulate the voltage? It must “push” VArs (leading) into the system reactance to achieve a voltage increase or “pull” VArs (lagging) through the system impedance to lower the voltage. Because of the relatively high distribution system X/R ratios, the effectiveness of VArs is 3 to 5 times higher than for Watts for regulating voltage. Therefore, the only way for the DG to raise or lower the voltage is to generate and transmit large amounts of VArs. Usually three items prohibit this action: 1) the inability of the DG to generate those amounts of VArs, 2) the contractual obligations enforced by many utilities that the DG only effect KWs on the system and 3) the heavy financial burden of using DG to regulate distribution voltages. The most desirable operation of the regulator, in this application, is to ignore the power reversal and continue to regulate the voltage from the stronger utility system. The decision of how to regulate the voltage may rely on the relative “driving point impedance” (DPI) to the individual sources. When one direction has a substantially lower DPI, as in this example, it should be the direction regulating the voltage. This application illustrates the fact that measurement of power flow only may not be a good indication of which generation is most capable of regulating voltages. In intertie or DG applications, the most capable of regulating the voltage is the source with the lowest driving point impedance (highest fault duty or capability to ship VArs.) Another example of this phenomena is the application of transmission tie transformers with comparable low impedances from both sides. The changing of taps does more to adjust system VAr flow than to adjust system voltages. This will be discussed in more detail later. The choice of this selected operational option is generally named “Ignore.” Note: In this application, if the regulation direction is chosen incorrectly, the regulator will be run to its tap limits in its effort to regulated the true source side voltage. This can of course, result in damagingly high or low distribution system and customer voltages. It is also possible for chosen “direction” to be unstable due to load variation near the point of zero regulator power current. Radial Feed & DG Combination The combination of the two previous applications creates this third category. On a distribution system which is shown in Figure 1 with the addition of a DG anywhere beyond the regulator, the problem of operational selection becomes more difficult. The problem stems from the fact that the system condition causing the reverse power is indeterminable at the regulator site. Therefore, if it is set for “Reverse Regulation” for the radial situation and the DG is the actual condition, the regulation direction is chosen incorrectly. If, on the other hand, it is set for ignore for the DG case and it is in a radial feed condition, the regulation direction is chosen incorrectly. A choice of “Block” for reverse power operation would result in the regulator locking onto its present position. Not only would no regulation be effective for the downline load, but it also may be blocked in a position causing extreme load-side voltages. Since neither of those operations is acceptable, an additional choice is offered. The choice of this selected operational option is generally named “Run to Neutral.” The taps are dispatched to neutral and the control remains blocked from operation until the power direction reverses again. The control MUST have tap position knowledge to perform this action. There are no system conditions where this is the “ultimate” setting; however, when contradictory conditions may exist, it is a compromise setting without extreme consequences. Transmission-Tie Transformer Applications (Figure 3) On an electric power network, there are numerous connections (transformers) between different levels of transmission and sub-transmission voltages. These connections may be electrically near each other or far apart. The effect of tap changes on those tie transformers can be quite varied, depending on the amount of active generation or loading on one side versus the other. These effects also are a function of the driving point impedances (DPI) directionally from each side relative to the transformer impedances themselves. Figure 3 Transmission-Tie Transformer Example Figure 3 is an extremely simplified diagram for a transmission-tie transformer application. It ignores the many lines from each bus to multiple other busses, the numerous power sources and generators present on the system and switching stations located on the both voltage systems as well as other parallel paths for power flow. By its simplicity, it highlights the complexities of the overall power system and the many factors needed to be included in analysis including the “automatic” changes that occur during operation. The analysis of a few system conditions with LTC transformer tap operations will be informative. Definitions: DPI(1) is the driving point impedance at the transformer bus T1 towards Station A. DPI(2) is the driving point impedance at the transformer bus T2 towards Station B. X is the transformer impedance on the same base. Taps are 1% voltage change each. Designated regulated voltage is VT2. – Designated source voltage is VT1. Initial condition: LTC neutral tap position– Voltages are each 100% - 0 VAr flow (100% PF) Case 1: DPI(1) = DPI(2) = 2%; X =10% Action: LTC changes 1 tap (1%) to raise VT2 Effects: ∆I(VArs) = V/Z = 1%/(2%+10%+2%) = 1/14 = 0.0714 PU amps VT2 = 100% + (0.071 X 2%) = 100.143 VT1 = 100% - (0.071 X 2%) = 99.857 Turns ratio change = 1%; Voltage drop in X = 0.0714 X 10% = 0.714% Result: The 1% turns ratio change (tapchange) raised the VT2 by only 0.143 %. A “side effect” lowered VT1 by 0.143%. The internal transformer voltage drop negated 71.4% of the turns ratio change. The tapchange was more effective for VAr control than voltage control. Case 2: DPI(1) = 2%; DPI(2) = infinite (no generation) X =10% Action: LTC changes 1 tap (1%) to raise VT2 Effects: ∆I(VArs) = V/Z = 1%/(2%+10%+infinite) = 0.0 PU amps VT2 = 100% + 1% = 101% VT1 = 100% - (0 X 2%) = 100% VAr flow does not change except for possible load increase Result: The 1% turns ratio change (tapchange) raised the VT2 by 1%. Case 3: DPI(1) = infinite (no generation); DPI(2) = 2%; X =10% Action: LTC changes 1 tap (1%) to raise VT2 Effects: ∆I(VArs) = V/Z = 1%/(infinite+10%+2%) = 0.0 PU amps VT2 = 100% + (0 X 2%) = 100.00 VT1 = 100% - 1% = 99.0% Result: The 1% turns ratio change (tapchange) had no effect on VT2 (the only source). A “side effect” lowered VT1 by 1%. A voltage control to regulate VT2 would continuously repeat the attempt. The analysis of these extreme cases—any of which could automatically occur in varying degrees due to system switching—introduces the possibility that the direction of power flow may not be an appropriate condition to determine voltage regulation direction in all applications. In some cases, it may be more conclusive to compare the voltage changes on both sides of the regulating devices in response to a tapchange. In other cases, the magnitude of the VAr flow change may be more significant. Network Applications (Figure 4) Network applications imply different sources—either multiple paths from a single source or interconnected distribution from separate sources. 52A LA1 52A LA1 52A LA1 52A LA1 52A LA1 Figure 4 Network Example With the use of regulators in a network situation, extreme care must be taken to assure enough impedance is between the “paralleled” regulators to limit the off-tap circulating current that can be established. These currents can destroy the regulators. Usually regulators are not initially used in this manner but when distribution automation (DA) methods are employed, possible resultant systems may create similar conditions. LTC transformers used in this manner can also be considered “in parallel.” Because of the relatively high impedances of transformers, they are not subject to damaging circulating currents as are regulators. Some in-field tests are being planned to assist in determining the criteria for the need for paralleling equipment in these applications. The proper operation in this application may be a combination of paralleling methods and reverse power operation settings. The need for paralleling logic in an LTC control scheme depends on the impedance between the units. When paralleling logic is used, care must be taken so that sensitivities to off-tap positions are not too high and cause hunting of the taps. If reverse power logic is used on these transformers, the usual setting is to block rather than to ignore, regulate in reverse or run-to-neutral since these are usually unexpected occurrences. Distribution Substation Paralleled Transformers (Figure 5) For reliability considerations, many utilities are paralleling transformers to a distribution bus that are fed from different lines. That application creates the need for some special analysis. Although advanced paralleling techniques are required, beyond the normal circulating current methods, they will not be addressed in this paper. Line or system A Line or system B Figure 5 Distribution Substation Paralleled Transformer Example Notice the similarity of this application to the system or intertie application of Figure 3. Instead of one tie transformer, two back-to-back transformers are acting similarly. Even if the two systems or lines are the same system voltage, which they usually are, the effects of tap changes will be similar to those of Figure 3 conditions. If the magnitude of the two voltages are different, a circulating VAr current is established because most of the impedance of the combined systems and transformers is reactive. It is quite possible, depending on that magnitude difference, to have one transformer with leading power factor and the other with lagging power factor. Proper paralleling equipment can prevent this unbalanced loading condition. On the other hand, if the magnitudes are equal but the voltage angles are different, a KW circulating current is established and the power could actually reverse in one transformer. Comparing the cases illustrated for Figure 3, we see that automatic equipment operations could cause the same problems. These include removing the source from one side or the other or substantially changing the DPIs of either system. To understand the potential operations and problems of this application and the reverse power or other settings required for controls, knowledge of both the system operation and the control functions is required. Conclusion This paper has illustrated some applications of advanced LTC transformer and regulator controls that have the capability of a selected response to changes in power flow direction. This has included the consequences of an error in detecting proper regulation direction correctly or in the control action selected for the condition. It is apparent that when system configurations can change, causing a reversal in the desired voltage control direction, care must be taken to investigate the effects of any preset strategy of operation. Suggestions have been made, that for some applications, criteria other than power flow may be better suited for the decision of voltage control direction. It is imperative that if system conditions can occur which change the voltage control direction, that they be recognized and included in the overall operating strategy. Discussions include the fact that the final result of a tapchange for voltage control is a function of the driving point impedances of the systems connected. At times, the effect on system VAr flows may be much greater than on voltage levels. In some applications, unintended voltage reductions may be experienced as a result of a tapchange in another location on the system. It is possible that operations at one point on the system may negate operations at another location. This could result in “hunting” for an appropriate solution to interconnected problems. Although it is beyond the scope of this paper to discuss, there is a method of combining paralleling algorithms and voltage controlling algorithms to create a VAr-biased voltage operation beneficial for some intertie or generator bus transformer applications.