DECISION PAPER PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS TO THE TRANSMISSION CODE 12 AUG 2015 ENERGY MARKET AUTHORITY 991G Alexandra Road #01-29 Singapore 119975 Please direct any enquiries by e-mail to: Disclaimer: The information in this Consultation Paper is not to be treated by any person as any kind of advice. The Energy Market Authority shall not be liable for any damage or loss suffered as a result of the use of or reliance on the information given in this Consultation Paper. 1 Introduction 1.1. The Transmission Code sets out the rights and obligations of the Transmission Licensee, together with the rights and obligations of users of the Transmission System. The Transmission Code also sets out the technical requirements to be met by those who seek to connect and operate installations on the Transmission System. 2 Proposed modifications to the Transmission Code 2.1. Pursuant to Section 1.6 of the Transmission Code, EMA had sought feedback on the proposed modifications to the Transmission Code to provide clarity and updates to the technical requirements of the Transmission Code. These include requirements relating to generating units, solar photovoltaic installations, data and voice communications, and cable damage preventive measures. 2.2. Feedback was received from 12 parties when the consultation closed on 30 September 2014. EMA has carefully considered the feedback and our responses are at Appendix 2. 3 EMA’s Decision 3.1. Taking into account the feedback received, EMA has decided to modify the Transmission Code as set out in Appendix 1. The proposed modifications will come into effect on 1st September 2015. Appendix 1 Proposed Modifications to the Transmission Code Modification Ref. No. Clause Original Text Modified Text Reasons TC/2014/1 6.11.1 The generating unit’s step-up transformers and generating unit’s switchboard (or switchgear) for connecting the high voltage side of the generating unit’s step-up transformers and the associated switching and protection/control equipment shall be designed such that no single failure/outage shall cause simultaneous outage of two or more generating units connected to the switchboard. All switchboards shall be designed with oneand-half breakers configuration, unless the Generation Licensees submit with justifications the use of a different switchboard configuration for the Power System Operator’s consideration. The generating unit’s step-up transformers and generating unit’s switchboard (or switchgear) for connecting the high voltage side of the generating unit’s step-up transformers and the associated switching and protection/control equipment shall be designed such that no single failure/outage shall cause simultaneous outage of two or more generating units connected to the switchboard. All switchboards shall be designed in accordance with Appendix I1.4 with one-and-half breakers configuration, unless the Generation Licensees submit with justifications the use of a different switchboard configuration for the Power System Operator’s consideration. To align with the current Code requirements as set forth in Appendix I1.4. TC/2014/2 6.11.2(b) All generating units shall be designed such that: All generating units shall be designed such that: To exempt generating stations with generating unit(s) of rated capacity below 100MW from the requirement to have Black Start Capability as such generating stations have limited capability to energize the network during a black start condition. the generating station has Black Start Capability unless exempted by Power System Operator; each generating station with any generating unit(s) of rated capacity 100MW and above is required to have Black Start Capability the generating station has Black Start Capability unless exempted by Power System Operator; Modification Ref. No. Clause Original Text Modified Text Reasons TC/2014/3 6.12.3 The Transmission Licensee and Generation Licensee shall provide all the equipment at their respective site, including the communication equipment. The Transmission Licensee shall provide data communication lines from the control centers of the Power System Operator to the transmission substation and power station switchhouses as specified by the Power System Operator for the purposes of real-time power system monitoring and control. All the equipment at the site shall be equipped with battery backup of at least 4-hour operation time. In addition, the AC power shall also be backed up by the standby generator at the site, if the site is equipped with such a facility. The Transmission Licensee and Generation Licensee shall provide all the equipment at their respective site, including the communication equipment. The Transmission Licensee shall provide data communication lines from the computer room in the control centers of the Power System Operator to the transmission substation and power station generating station switchhouses as specified by the Power System Operator for the purposes of real-time power system monitoring and control. The Generation Licensee shall be responsible for the data communication lines from the Generation Licensee’s equipment to the Transmission Licensee's termination box located in the generating station’s switchhouse. The termination box, which shall be provided by the Transmission Licensee, shall also be used for termination of the Transmission Licensee’s data communication lines. In the event of relocation of the termination box or diversion of the data communications lines, the Licensee that initiates the relocation or diversion shall bear all the costs necessary for the relocation or diversion including the costs incurred by any other affected Licensee to divert the data communication lines at the affected Licensee’s end caused by the relocation or diversion. All the equipment at the site shall be equipped with battery backup of at least 4hour operation time. In addition, the AC power shall also be backed up by the standby generator at the site, if the site is equipped with such a facility. To provide clarity on the division of responsibility between the Transmission Licensee and the Generation Licensee for the communication lines. Modification Ref. No. Clause TC/2014/4 6.12.7 (new) Original Text New Clause Modified Text Reasons Owners of solar photovoltaic installations with an installed capacity of 100 kWac or above at each site/facility which is connected to the grid, shall provide the Power System Operator with the following signals which are sampled and transmitted at 1 minute intervals. Detailed requirement shall be provided by the Power System Operator upon request. To facilitate the monitoring of power output from solar photovoltaic installations with an installed capacity of 100kWac or above, and ensure that there is sufficient reserve capacity available in the system to respond to sudden fluctuations in solar PV output so as to maintain power system security and reliability. • Active Power (gross) at the AC-side of the solar photovoltaic installation. TC/2014/5 8.4.2 New Clause. 8.4.2 The Generation Licensee shall ensure that its generation facilities and generating station premises have adequate protection and preventive measures against lightning strike and fire, and comply with the requirements of IEC, BS, SS, or other equivalent international standards. To ensure that generation facilities and generating station premises are protected against fire and lightning strikes which affect the operation of generating units. This is to ensure the reliability and availability of generating units so as to maintain power system security and reliability. TC/2014/6 9.4 New Section 9.4 Cable Damage Preventive Measures To ensure that Transmission Licensee’s electricity cables in generating station premises are protected from damage by earthworks so as to ensure power system security and reliability. 9.4.1 The Generation Licensee shall implement measures to ensure that electricity cables belonging to the Transmission Licensee, which are laid in the generating station premises, are protected from damage by any earthworks carried out in the premises, including but not limited to the following: Modification Ref. No. Clause Original Text Modified Text Reasons (a) providing clear markings of 400kV, 230kV and 66kV cables routes within the generating station premises; (b) establishing a standard operating procedure (“SOP”) for earthworks carried out within generating station premises in compliance with the cable damage prevention provisions in the Electricity Act; and (c) implementing, as part of the SOP, a Permitto-Work (“PTW”) system to ensure that contractors seek the Generation Licensee’s approval before they commence earthworks. 9.4.2 The Transmission Licensee shall keep up-to-date digital mapping or records of their high voltage cables installed in and under public places, in such form as is accessible by other utilities service providers or such other persons who require such information for locating the high voltage cables prior to commencement of earthworks. TC/2014/7 C1.3 (d) C1.3 Generating unit performance parameters C1.3 Generating unit performance parameters (d) Generating unit step-up transformer (d) Generating unit step-up transformer • Rated MVA Capacity ______ MVA • Rated MVA Capacity ______ MVA • Rated voltage • Rated voltage − Primary ______ kV The requested information is required for a connection applicant to demonstrate to the Transmission Licensee and the Power System Operator that the applicant’s proposed installation meets the Transmission Code requirements. Modification Ref. No. Clause Original Text − Primary ______ kV − Secondary ______ kV • Nominal voltage ratio, primary/secondary ______ • Positive sequence impedance at − Maximum tap ______ % − Minimum tap ______ % − Nominal tap ______ % • Zero phase sequence impedance ______ % • Tap changer range + ______ % - ______ % • Tap changer step size ______ % • Tap changer type on load / off load • Winding connection and Vector Group ______ • Magnetising curve • Earthing resistor of transformer (if any) − At Primary side ______ − At Secondary side ______ Modified Text − Secondary ______ kV • Nominal voltage ratio, primary/secondary ______ • Positive sequence impedance at − Maximum tap ______ % − Minimum tap ______ % − Nominal tap ______ % • Zero phase sequence impedance ______ % • Tap changer range + ______ % - ______ % • Tap changer step size ______ % • Tap changer type on load / off load • Winding connection and Vector Group ______ • Magnetising curve • Earthing resistor of transformer (if any) • − At Primary side ______ − At Secondary side ______ Report on predicted transformer energisation performance including electromagnetic transient studies unless otherwise agreed with the PSO. Reasons Modification Ref. No. Clause Original Text TC/2014/8 C1.3 (h) Generating unit performance parameters Generating unit performance parameters (h) Gas Turbine Units (Open Cycle and Closed Cycle) (h) Gas Turbine Units (Open Cycle and Closed Cycle) • Rated MW Capacity • Rated MW Capacity • Performance data and curves: • Performance data and curves: − Power vs. Fuel Consumption − Power vs. Fuel Consumption − Exhaust Temperature vs. Fuel Consumption − Exhaust Temperature vs. Fuel Consumption − Power vs. Ambient Temperature − Power vs. Ambient Temperature − Power vs. Speed − Power vs. Speed − Inlet Guide Vane effects − Inlet Guide Vane effects • • Functional description and block diagram showing transfer function of individual element of gas turbines units (including effect of Ambient Temperature) in PSSE format Test data/report: − Load rejection tests − Frequency response tests Control design − Control design − • Modified Text • Functional description and block diagram showing transfer function of individual element of gas turbines units (including effect of Ambient Temperature). The model is to be submitted in both PSSE source code (i.e. flecs code) format and MATLAB Simulink format. Test data/report: − Load rejection tests − Frequency response tests Reasons To provide clarity on the format of the information to be provided, which shall apply to all new or repowered generating units. Modification Ref. No. Clause TC/2014/9 C4.1 (j) Original Text Modified Text (j) Power System Stabilizer (PSS) (j) Power System Stabilizer (PSS) For each generating unit with Rated MW Capacity at or above 60MW, a PSS shall be incorporated to provide additional damping of power oscillations. Proper operation of the PSS shall be confirmed by test. The preferred input signal for the PSS is accelerating power which can be synthesized from measured electrical power and speed. PSS transducers (i.e. for measuring input signals) shall be linear over their operational range and its time constant shall not exceed 100 milliseconds. Power System Operator shall make available the system characteristic to Generation Licensees for tuning of PSS. Generation Licensees shall submit a report incorporating the methodology in deriving the setting of the PSS parameters, as well as the tuning techniques, to PSO for review before implementation on site. For each generating unit with Rated MW Capacity at or above 60MW, a PSS shall be incorporated to provide additional damping of power oscillations. Proper operation of the PSS shall be confirmed by test. The preferred input signal for the PSS shall have dual inputs, namely is accelerating power which can be synthesized from measured electrical power and speed. PSS transducers (i.e. for measuring input signals) shall be linear over their operational range and its time constant shall not exceed 100 milliseconds. Power System Operator shall make available the system characteristic to Generation Licensees for tuning of PSS. Generation Licensees shall submit a report incorporating the methodology in deriving the setting of the PSS parameters, as well as the tuning techniques, to PSO for review before implementation on site. Reasons To align with the current practice of using dual-input PSS which offers better transient performance than single-input PSS. Modification Ref. No. Clause TC/2014/10 F2.1 Original Text Modified Text F2.1 Voltage Fluctuation F2.1 Voltage Fluctuation (a) Connected person shall ensure that the operation of their installations shall not cause voltage fluctuation at a point of common coupling to exceed 3% of the nominal voltage for step changes. (a) Connected person shall ensure that the operation of their installations shall not cause voltage fluctuation at a point of common coupling to exceed 3% of the nominal voltage for step changes. (b) The planning limits for voltage fluctuation caused by connected person, e.g. owner of an arc furnace, shall be in accordance with the requirements set out in Engineering Recommendation P28 of UK. (a) Connected person shall ensure that the operation of their installations shall not cause voltage fluctuation at a point of common coupling to exceed 3% of the nominal voltage for step changes, with the exception of the energisation of transformers and series reactors connected to the transmission network, which shall not cause voltage fluctuation at a point of common coupling to exceed 5% of the nominal voltage. (b) The Transmission Licensee shall ensure that the energisation of transformers and series reactors connected to the transmission network shall not cause voltage fluctuation at a point of common coupling to exceed 5% of the nominal voltage. Unless otherwise agreed with the PSO, the Transmission Licensee shall provide a report on predicted equipment energisation performance whenever a new type of power equipment is introduced or there are changes in the specifications of existing type of power equipment. This report shall include electromagnetic transient studies. (c) The planning limits for voltage fluctuation caused by connected person, e.g. owner of an arc furnace, shall be in accordance with the requirements set out in Engineering Recommendation P28 of UK. Reasons To incorporate the limit for voltage fluctuations due to energisation of cables, transformers and shunt/series reactors. The limit is set with reference to IEC/TR 610003-7:2008. Modification Ref. No. Clause TC/2014/11 F4.3 TC/2014/12 H2.1(b) Original Text Modified Text Reasons New The Generation Licensee, with Generation Registered Facility at point of connection of 66kV voltage and above, shall provide compatible voice communication equipment located in the Generation Licensee's generation facility control room which shall be connected to the Transmission Licensee's voice communication system. The Generation Licensee shall be responsible for the communication lines from the Generation Licensee's generation facility control room to the Transmission Licensee's termination box that connects to the Transmission Licensee's voice communication system. The termination box shall be provided by the Transmission Licensee and shall be located in the generating station switchhouse. In the event of relocation of the termination box or diversion of the communications lines, the Licensee that initiates the relocation or diversion shall bear all the costs necessary for the relocation or diversion including the costs incurred by any other affected Licensee to divert the communication lines at the affected Licensee’s end caused by the relocation or diversion. To enhance the resilience of the voice communication system in the power sector. An AGC station shall have a dedicated RTU with the condition that the RTU shall not be controlling more than 4 generating units or a total of more than 1000MW. Should the number of generating units or total generating capacity exceed this, then a second RTU shall be provided. An AGC station A generating station shall have a dedicated RTU with the condition that the RTU shall not be controlling more than 4 generating units or a total of more than 1000MW. Should the number of generating units or total generating capacity exceed this, then a second RTU shall be provided. To align with the definition of “generating station” in the Transmission Code. Modification Ref. No. Clause Original Text Modified Text Reasons TC/2014/13 H3.1 Communications between the remote terminal equipment and the EMS shall be through 2-wire telephone line or pilot wire. The equipment shall communicate using V.34 analog lease-line modems or X.27 optical modems. The modems at the EMS will operate as originator while the remote terminal equipment modems will operate as answerer. Communications between the remote terminal equipment located at the Transmission Licensee’s substation and/or the connected person’s intake substation/switchhouse and the EMS shall be through 2-wire telephone line or pilot wire or optical fibre data communication lines provided by the Transmission Licensee and at least one of which shall be a pilot wire communication line. The equipment shall communicate using V.34 analog lease-line modems or X.27 optical modems. The modems at the EMS will operate as originator while the remote terminal equipment modems will operate as answerer. To enhance the security and reliability of the communication system in the electricity network by using independent data communication lines (which are to be provided by the Transmission Licensee) instead of the public communication network. TC/2014/14 H3.3 It is the responsibility of the Transmission Licensee and Generation Licensee to provide all the equipment at the remote site including the communication equipment and the communication line up to the surge arrestor located at the PSO control centres. It is the responsibility of the Transmission Licensee and Generation Licensee to provide all the equipment at the remote site including the communication equipment and the communication line up to the surge arrestor located at the PSO control centres. The communication equipment shall include encryption devices to ensure secure communication on the communication lines. These encryption devices shall be of the same make and model as the devices installed at the PSO control centres. To align with the current practice of deploying encryption devices in communication lines so as to protect against cyber-security and ensure power system security. Modification Ref. No. Clause TC/2014/15 H4.1 Original Text Substation and Switchhouse Modified Text Reasons The following measurements shall be provided: (f) Transformer taps (with the exception of 66/22 kV transformers); and (g) Solar global irradiance (applicable only to Transmission Licensee) that comply with the following minimum specifications. Transmission Licensee shall seek advice from the Power System Operator on the location of the transmission substation(s) for installation of Solar global irradiance measurement. To facilitate the collation and monitoring of solar photovoltaic weather data for the planning and enhancement (if required) of the electricity network to ensure the grid readiness to support greater deployment of solar photovoltaic systems. -2 • Irradiance range: 0 – 2000Wm or better • Accuracy of direct output: >90% for clear sky • Directional response (for beam irradiance): +/20Wm2 • Response time to reach 95% response: < 30 seconds; and (h) Other quantities, as required. TC/2014/16 H4.2 AGC Station AGC Station Generating station Consequential change to align with the proposed change in Appendix H2.1 (b) above. Modification Ref. No. Clause Original Text Modified Text Reasons TC/2014/17 H4.2 (d) The status of the following equipment shall be provided: The status of the following equipment shall be provided: New (d) Status of frequency response switch To align with the current practice of monitoring the status of frequency response switch. TC/2014/18 H4.2 (e) Renumber from existing H4.2 (d) TC/2014/19 H4.2 (f) Renumber from existing H4.2 (e) TC/2014/20 H4.2 (g) H4.2 (d) H4.2 (d) (e) Emergency Shutdown Valve (ESDV) and the status of all valves on the Onshore Receiving Facility (ORF) and natural gas transmission pipeline supplying natural gas to the generation facility. Emergency Shutdown Valve (ESDV) and the status of all valves on the Onshore Receiving Facility (ORF) and natural gas transmission pipeline supplying natural gas to the generation facility. H4.2 (e) H4.2 (e) (f) Pressure and gas flow at ORF and natural gas transmission pipeline supplying natural gas to the generation facility. Pressure and gas flow at ORF and natural gas transmission pipeline supplying natural gas to the generation facility. New H4.2 (g) For a combined-cycle plant or gas turbine, the ambient temperature and the hot switch activation signal when fuel changeover is initiated, manually or automatically, from natural gas to its alternate fuel and the fuel type used. Consequential change due to the proposed change to Appendix H4.2 (d) above. Consequential change due to the proposed change to Appendix H4.2 (d) above. To align with the current practice of monitoring the ambient temperature and hotswitch activation signal for all combinedcycle plants and gas turbines. Modification Ref. No. TC/2014/21 Clause H4.2 (h) Renumber from existing H4.2 (f) Original Text Modified Text H4.2 (f) H4.2(f) (h) Other quantities, as required. Other quantities, as required Reasons Consequential change due to the proposed change to Appendix H4.2 (d) above. TC/2014/22 H6 (i) New Status and measurements sent to the EMS shall be flagged as “not topical” by the RTU whenever there is a failure in the instrument or system providing the status or measurements to the RTU. To align with the current practice of flagging status and measurements as “not topical” when there is a failure in the instrument or system providing the status or measurements to the RTU. TC/2014/23 H8 (d) Compliance table with the IEC 870-5-101 Interoperability List (Appendix H10) Compliance table with the IEC 870-5-101 Interoperability List (Appendix H10) as stated in the System Operation Manual. Detailed information on interoperability is described in the System Operation Manual. TC/2014/24 H8 (e) IEC 870-5-101 Protocol Information Object Address Assignments (Appendix H11) IEC 870-5-101 Protocol Information Object Address Assignments (Appendix H11) as stated in the System Operation Manual. Detailed information on protocol information object address assignments is described in the System Operation Manual. Modification Ref. No. Clause TC/2014/25 H10 IEC 870-5-101 Interoperability List IEC 870-5-101 Interoperability List Appendix H10 is no longer needed as detailed information on interoperability is described in the System Operation Manual. TC/2014/26 H11 IEC 870-5-101 Protocol Information Object Address Assignments IEC 870-5-101 Protocol Information Object Address Assignments Appendix H11 is no longer needed as information on protocol information object address assignments is described in the System Operation Manual. TC/2014/27 Appendix I2 See details in Table below See details in Table below To update switchgears, cables. Original Text Modified Text Reasons the standards for transformers and Updates to Switchgear, Transformers and Cable Standards Clause Items Original Standard Switchgear IEC 60298 IEC 60694 Circuit Breakers IEC 62271-100 BS 5311 Updated Standard IEC 60298 IEC 62271-200 IEC 60694 IEC 62271-1 IEC 62271-100 BS 5311 BS EN 62271-100 IEC 62271-102 BS 5253 IEC 62271-102 BS 5253 BS EN 62271-102 Current Transformers IEC 60044 BS 7626 BS 3938 SS318 IEC 60044 IEC 61869 BS 7626 BS EN 61869 BS 3938 SS318 Voltage Transformers IEC 60186 IEC 60044 BS 7625 BS 3941 IEC 60186 IEC 61869 IEC 60044 BS 7625 BS EN 61869 BS 3941 IEC 60044-6 IEC 60044-6 IEC 61869-1 IEC 61869-2 IEC 60137 BS 223 IEC 60137 BS 223 BS EN 60137 AC Disconnectors (Isolators) Appendix I2.1: Switchgear Instrument Transformers Bushings Relays IEC 60255 BS 5992 IEC 60255 BS 5992 BS EN 61810-1 BS EN 61810-2 Clause Items Original Standard Updated Standard Instruments BS 89 BS 89 BS EN 60051-1 Earthing IEC 62271-102 CP 1013 SS CP 16 IEC 62271-102 CP 1013 BS 7430 SS CP 16 SS 551 Motors BS 2613 BS 5000 Part II BS 3979 BS 2613 BS 5000 Part II BS EN 60034 BS 3979 BS 60079-1 Control Gear IEC 60694 IEC 60298 BS 5424 Part I IEC 60694 IEC 62271-1 IEC 60298 IEC 62271-200 BS 5424 Part I BS EN 60947-4-1 IEC 60332 Part I BS 6231 IEC 60332 Part 1 IEC 60332-1-1 IEC 60332-1-2 BS 6231 Inductive Load Switching IEC 61233 IEC 61233 IEC 62271-110 Sulphur Hexafluoride (SF6) IEC 60376 BS 5207 BS 5209 IEC 60376 BS 5207 BS EN 60376 BS 5209 BS EN 60480 High Voltage Test Techniques IEC 60517 BS 923 IEC 60517 IEC 62271-203 BS 923 BS EN 60060-1 Cable Connections IEC 60859 IEC 60859 IEC 62271-209 Wires and Wiring Clause Appendix I2.2: Transformers Items Original Standard Updated Standard Enclosures IEC 60517 IEC 60529 CENELEC EN50 052 CENELEC EN50 064 CENELEC EN50 068 CENELEC EN50 069 IEC 60517 IEC 62271-203 IEC 60529 CENELEC EN50 052 CENELEC EN50 064 CENELEC EN50 068 CENELEC EN50 069 Sound Level Meter IEC 60651 IEC 60651 IEC 61672 Transformers IEC 60076 IEC 60722 IEC 60354 SS 404 IEC 60076 IEC 60722 IEC 60354 SS 404 Power Transformers IEC 60076 BS 171 IEC 60076 BS 171 Transformer Oil BS 148 BS 5730 BS 148 BS EN 60296 BS 5730 BS EN 60422 Tap Changers BS 4571 BS 4571 BS EN 60214-1 High Voltage Test Technique Precision Sound Level Meters IEC 60060 BS 923 IEC 60060 BS 923 BS EN 60060-1 IEC 60651 IEC 60651 IEC 61672 Earthing SS CP16 SS CP16 SS 551 Motor BS 2613 BS 2613 BS EN 60034 High Voltage Bushings BS 223 BS 223 BS EN 60137 Clause Appendix I2.3: Cables Items Original Standard Updated Standard Current Transformers BS 7626 BS 3938 SS 318 BS 7626 BS 3938 BS EN 61869 SS 318 IEC 61869 XLPE insulation power cables for rated voltages of up to 600/1000V SS 324 SS 324 SS 443 IEC 60502-1 Tests for power cables with extruded insulation IEC 60840 IEC 60502 IEC 60840 IEC 60502 IEC 62067 Cable Connections IEC 60859 IEC 60859 IEC 62271-209 Appendix 2 EMA’s Response to Public/Industry Feedback EMA’s Response to Public/Industry Feedback Modification Ref. No. Clause Public/Industry Comments EMA’s Response TC/2014/3 6.12.3 MSD International GmbH (Singapore Branch) 30s real time reporting to PSO, Tuas Power to confirm? There is no requirement for 30 sec real-time reporting to the Power System Operator’s (PSO) Energy Management System (EMS) under clause 6.12.3 of the Transmission Code. Clause 6.12.3 is only applicable to Generation Licensees and the Transmission Licensee. Real-Time monitoring requirements for Intermittent Generation Sources are specified in System Operation Manual. An extract of the requirements is appended below:- Real-Time Monitoring System Overview The Market Participants shall make provision to provide to PSO the following signals with a sampling rate of 1 minute: i) For each Intermittent Generation Facility, Active power ;and Other measurements or status as required by PSO. The above information shall be submitted to the PSO in realtime every 1 minute. The information shall be organised in an ASCII Monitoring Data File (MDF) and submitted over the Internet using the secured FTP protocol. Modification Ref. No. Clause Public/Industry Singapore Power Limited Comments EMA’s Response We propose that the clause be amended as shown below (in red) to provide clarity on the Transmission Licensee responsibility: EMA disagrees with SPPG's proposed changes to clause 6.12.3. The Transmission Licensee and Generation Licensee shall provide all the equipment at their respective site, including the communication equipment. The Transmission Licensee shall provide data communication lines from the communication room of Transmission Licensee the computer room in / near the control centers of the Power System Operator to the transmission substation and power station generating station switchhouses as specified by the Power System Operator for the purposes of real-time power system monitoring and control. We propose that the clause be amended as shown below (in red) to ensure that parties only pay for the costs for the portion that they are responsible for: The Generation Licensee shall be responsible for the data communication lines from the Generation Licensee’s equipment to a termination box located in the generating station’s switchhouse. The termination box, which shall be provided by the Transmission Licensee, shall also be used for termination of the Transmission Licensee’s data communication The Transmission Licensee shall provide data communication lines from the PSO’s computer room to the transmission substations and generating station switchhouses, and this includes the portion from the PSO’s computer room and the Transmission Licensee’s communication room. This is aligned with the current arrangement. An example is the data communication lines at Labrador Backup Control Centre (BCC) which is owned by the Transmission Licensee. It is inequitable for a party to bear the relocation or diversion costs, even for the portion that he is responsible for, if the relocation of the termination box or diversion of the data communication lines is not initiated by him. The party that initiates the relocation or diversion shall instead bear all the necessary costs. This is based on a causer-pay principle. Modification Ref. No. Clause Public/Industry Comments EMA’s Response lines. In the event of relocation of the termination box or diversion of the data communications lines, the Licensee that initiates the relocation or diversion shall bear its own all the costs necessary for the relocation or diversion while including the costs incurred by any other affected Licensee shall bear its own costs to divert the data communication lines at the affected Licensee’s end caused by the relocation or diversion. All the equipment at the site shall be equipped with battery backup of at least 4-hour operation time. In addition, the AC power shall also be backed up by the standby generator at the site, if the site is equipped with such a facility. TC/2014/4 6.12.7 (new) SolarGy Pte Ltd Please see attached typical schematic at an elect distribution network for a building with 22kV intake. For clarity, please confirm where should be the solar power meters. Is it at (A) and (C) or (A) and (D)? Based on the schematic submitted, (A) shall be the monitoring point. However, as the setup for each installation varies, a solar PV connection applicant can submit its proposal to the PSO for discussion prior to implementation. Modification Ref. No. Clause Public/Industry Comments EMA’s Response Tuas Power Generation Pte Ltd The provision of the required signals at 1 minute interval to the Power System Operator should not apply to owners (e.g. Generation Licensee) who install the solar photovoltaic for its own internal use and it is not connected to the grid for export. The requirement shall apply to solar PVs that are connected to the grid regardless whether the electricity generated from the solar PVs is for internal consumption or export to the grid. This is to facilitate the monitoring of power output from solar photovoltaic installations with an installed capacity of 100kWac or above, and ensure that there is sufficient reserve capacity available in the system to respond to sudden fluctuations in solar PV output, so as to maintain power system security and reliability. For clarity, EMA has revised the clause as follows: “Owners of solar photovoltaic installations with an installed capacity of 100 kWac or above at each site/facility which is connected to the grid, shall provide the Power System Operator with the following signals which is sampled and transmitted at 1 minute intervals. Detailed requirement shall be provided by the Power System Operator upon request.” Modification Ref. No. Clause Public/Industry Phoenix Solar Pte Ltd Comments EMA’s Response With reference to TC/2014/4, proposed new clause 6.12.7 on PSO metering for PV systems with capacities of 100kWac or above, please see our attached feedback. With the increasing connection of solar PV systems to the electricity grid in Singapore, the PSO will need to manage the intermittent nature of such sources to ensure that the security and reliability of the power system is not compromised. The monitoring of the power output from solar PV systems is necessary to ensure that there is sufficient reserve capacity in the grid to respond to sudden fluctuations in solar PV output. The feedback covers not only PSO metering but also revenue metering requirements for PV systems with wholesale generation licences and smaller systems belonging to contestable consumers who wish to sell excess PV production. The two metering topics are closely related and share the problem of disproportionate cost. I am attaching our feedback both as pdf for record keeping and as word document to simplify copying text into other documents. Singapore Power Limited For completeness, EMA may wish to include the provision of communication media for transmitting the metering data to the Power System Operator under the scope of the owner. Nevertheless, EMA has reviewed the industry feedback, and reduced the monitoring requirement to only the active power (gross) at the AC-side of the solar photovoltaic installation. Additionally, the monitoring timeframe shall be shortened to 6am to 8pm daily. On the metering requirements, EMA is reviewing it separately as part of a wider review on the new pricing mechanism for intermittent generation sources. Solar PV owner can transmit the metering data via secure ftp internet. The details are specified in the System Operation Manual. Modification Ref. No. Clause Public/Industry Senoko Energy Comments EMA’s Response We would like to clarify whether the signals to PSO are required for Solar installations that offset internal consumption from a load facility (i.e., the Solar installations are not connected to the grid). The requirement shall apply to solar PVs that are connected to the grid regardless whether the electricity generated from the solar PVs is for internal consumption or for export to the grid. For clarity, EMA has revised the clause as follows: “Owners of solar photovoltaic installations with an installed capacity of 100 kWac or above at each site/facility which is connected to the grid, shall provide the Power System Operator with the following signals which are sampled and transmitted at 1 minute intervals. Detailed requirement shall be provided by the Power System Operator upon request.” Modification Ref. No. Clause TC/2014/6 9.4 Public/Industry Tuas Power Generation Pte Ltd Comments EMA’s Response Transmission Licensee shall be responsible to implement 9.4.1 (a) for cables belonging to Transmission Licensee laid in the Generation Licensee premises. Earthworks carried out in the generating station premises are under the control of the Generation Licensees. As such, it is the responsibility of the Generation Licensees to implement measures including establishing a standard operating procedure and Permit-to-Work system to ensure that the Transmission Licensees’ cables in the Generation Licensee’s premises are protected from damage by any earthworks carried out in the premises. This is to ensure power system security and reliability. The Transmission Licensee shall follow the ‘SOP’ for earthwork and the ‘PTW’ system implemented in the Generation Licensee premises. The Transmission Licensees shall also keep up-todate digital mapping or records of their high voltage cables installed in the Generation Licensee premises. YTL PowerSeraya Pte. Limited Section 9.4.1(c) should not be applicable to Transmission Licensee's contractors working inside the Generation Licensee's premises as the PTW for the work should be issued by the Transmission Licensee after consent is given by the Generation Licensee. Earthworks carried out in the generating station premises are under the control of the Generation Licensees. As such, it is the responsibility of the Generation Licensees to implement measures including establishing a standard operating procedure and Permit-to-Work system to ensure that the Transmission Licensees’ cables in the Generation Licensee’s premises are protected from damage by any earthworks carried out in the premises. This is to ensure power system security and reliability. Modification Ref. No. TC/2014/7 Clause C1.3 (d) Public/Industry Comments EMA’s Response Senoko Energy We propose that it should be the TL’s responsibility to protect its own asset. From the design stage when TL intends to lay its electricity cables in the generating station premises, TL must in consultation with GL provide clear markings and adequate protection of 400kV, 230kV and 66kV cables routes within the generating station premises at their own cost. Earthworks carried out in the generating station premises are under the control of the Generation Licensees. As such, it is the responsibility of the Generation Licensees to implement measures including establishing a standard operating procedure and Permit-to-Work system to ensure that the Transmission Licensees’ cables in the Generation Licensee’s premises are protected from damage by any earthworks carried out in the premises. This is to ensure power system security and reliability. YTL PowerSeraya Pte. Limited “Report on predicted transformer energisation performance including electromagnetic transient studies and detailed model in PSCAD" should be applicable to new planting only The requirement is applicable to new generating unit step-up transformers as well as modification to existing generating unit step-up transformers. Modification Ref. No. Clause Public/Industry Comments EMA’s Response Keppel Infrastructure Holdings Pte Ltd What is PSCAD? PSCAD is an engineering simulation software tool for performing and analysing switching transient studies. ExxonMobil Asia Pacific Pte Ltd We would like to seek clarification on the following : (a) PSCAD is an engineering simulation software tool for performing and analysing switching transient studies and it is also widely used in the industry. However, we noted the comments and have amended the Code accordingly as follows: (a) Whether there are any other software that can be used besides PSCAD (c) Whether this is applied to all step up transformer regardless of size “Report on predicted transformer energisation performance including electromagnetic transient studies unless otherwise agreed with the PSO.” (c) The step-up transformer data listed in Section C1.3 (d) is required for all generating units. TC/2014/8 C1.3 (h) ExxonMobil Asia Pacific Pte Ltd ExxonMobil would like to understand the reasons for the said reporting to be provided in both formats. If there are no limitations to providing the information in the PSSE format, we recommend that the MATLAB Simulink format be as an alternative option, rather than an additional requirement. I.e., the amended text would read “……The model is to be submitted in either both PSSE source code (i.e. flecs code) format or and MATLAB Simulink format.” The PSSE model is for integrated power system studies while the MATLAB Simulink model serves the purpose of assessing individual generating unit performance. Modification Ref. No. Clause TC/2014/9 C4.1 (j) TC/2014/10 F2.1 Public/Industry Comments EMA’s Response Pte. This clause should not be applicable to existing generating units. The requirement is applicable to new power system stabilizers and modification to existing power system stabilizers. Quality Power Management Pte Ltd For clarity and completeness of the Code, the limits should be specified clearly, and not be referenced to another standard like the U.K ER P28. Furthermore the ER P28 is undergoing review at the moment, so limits stated in the existing (1989) version could very well be changed after review, causing further confusion, as to what the limits should be. Since a modification of this statement is due, it will be good to make this clear; with limits specified. EMA’s proposed amendment is for clause F2.1 (a) and not F2.1 (b). Nevertheless, we note your comments to clause F2.1 (b). EMA has assessed that it would be prudent to make reference to Engineering Recommendation P28 of UK as opposed to specifying the limits in clause F2.1 (b), so as to cover any changes and updates to the Engineering Recommendation P28 of UK. YTL PowerSeraya Limited Modification Ref. No. Clause Public/Industry Singapore Power Limited Comments Clause F2.1 states the voltage fluctuation requirement during daily operation. We are of the view that less frequent events i.e. the energisation of cables, transformers and shunt/series reactors connected to the transmission network under IEC/TR 61000- 37:2008 need not be included. EMA’s Response Clause F2.1 is not restricted to daily switching operations. The energisation of cables, transformers and shunt/series reactors do affect Singapore transmission system. The upper limit of the 3-5% requirement in IEC/TR 61000-3-7:2008, i.e. 5%, is adopted for such non-frequent switching events. To amend the following for alignment with requirements to : “(b) The Transmission Licensee shall ensure that the energisation of transformers and series reactors connected to the transmission network shall not cause voltage fluctuation at a point of common coupling to exceed 5% of the nominal voltage. Unless otherwise agreed with the PSO, the Transmission Licensee shall provide a report on predicted equipment energisation performance whenever a new type of power equipment is introduced or there are changes in the specifications of existing type of power equipment. This report shall include electromagnetic transient studies.” Modification Ref. No. Clause Public/Industry Comments EMA’s Response ExxonMobil Asia Pacific Pte Ltd We would like to seek clarification on the following : The voltage fluctuation shall not exceed 5% of the nominal voltage at the point of common coupling, as specified in the proposed modification to Section F2.1 (a) (TC/2014/10). (b) The allowable transient voltage drop (%) at PCC. TC/2014/11 F4.3 Tuas Power Generation Pte Ltd At present, there are five (5) communication means between PSO control centres and Generation Licensees to ensure effective communication. 1. Grid –Com Radio Set 2. Hot line to Power System Control Centre of EMA The Transmission Licensee's VoIP is a separate communication infrastructure, owned and operated by the Transmission Licensee within the power sector. A single point of failure could occur if the power sector relies solely on public telco’s communication infrastructure. As such, extending the existing VoIP to the Generation Licensees will enhance the resiliency of the communication infrastructure in the power sector. 3. Hot line to Backup Control Centre of EMA 4. Normal telephone line For clarity, EMA has revised the clause as follows: 5. Fax machine through Singtel line Our view is that the above five communication means are adequate and have worked well over the past years, and the new communication requirement is unnecessary. The new requirement would entail additional costs for the Generation Licensee. In addition, we are of the view that the Generation Licensee’s voice communication equipment connected to the Transmission Licensee’s voice communication system termination box could also be located in the “The Generation Licensee, with Generation Registered Facility at point of connection of 66kV voltage and above, shall provide compatible voice communication equipment located in the Generation Licensee's generation facility control room which shall be connected to the Transmission Licensee's voice communication system. The Generation Licensee shall be responsible for the communication lines from the Generation Licensee's generation facility control room to the Transmission Licensee’s termination box that connects to the Transmission Licensee's voice communication system. The termination box shall be provided by the Transmission Licensee and shall be located in the generating station switchhouse. In the event of Modification Ref. No. Clause Public/Industry Comments EMA’s Response Generation Licensee’s room in the switchhouse where equipment control facility is provided. relocation of the termination box or diversion of the communications lines, the Licensee that initiates the relocation or diversion shall bear all the costs necessary for the relocation or diversion including the costs incurred by any other affected Licensee to divert the communication lines at the affected Licensee’s end caused by the relocation or diversion.” Singapore Power Limited To enhance the resilience of the voice communication system in the power sector, the Generation Licensee should be linked directly to the Power System Operator and not via the Transmission Licensee's voice communication system. The Transmission Licensee's VoIP is a separate communication infrastructure, owned and operated by the Transmission Licensee within the power sector. A single point of failure could occur if the power sector relies solely on public telco’s communication infrastructure. As such, extending the existing VoIP to the Generation Licensees will enhance the resiliency of the communication infrastructure in the power sector. Keppel Infrastructure Holdings Pte Ltd Please provide more details on “compatible voice communication equipment”. “Compatible voice communication equipment” means any voice communication equipment that is compatible to work with SPPG’s VoIP system. ExxonMobil Asia Pacific Pte Ltd ExxonMobil would like to understand the reasons for 2 separate lines of voice communication with PSO and Transmission Licensee. We would like to seek clarification on the following : a) This is to enhance the resilience for voice communication especially during power system emergency. One line of voice communication is via hotline using public telco lines while the other uses VOIP via private communication system provided by Modification Ref. No. Clause Public/Industry Comments (a) Difference in the nature and content of communication coming through the 2 separate lines from PSO and Transmission Licensee EMA’s Response Transmission Licensee. These lines are to link between Generation Licensees and PSO, not with the Transmission Licensee. (b) Whether all the Generation Licensees or only Generation Licensees on specific distribution networks (66kV vs 22kV...) will be affected by this proposed requirement b) This requirement shall apply to Generation Licensees’ with Generation Registered Facility at point of connection of 66kV voltage and above. (c) Whether the proposed requirement will create a potential for conflicting instruction or information to come through the 2 separate lines that will impact the timeliness of response from the Generation Licensees in an emergency situation. For clarity, EMA has revised the clause as follows: “The Generation Licensee, with Generation Registered Facility at point of connection of 66kV voltage and above, shall provide compatible voice communication equipment located in the Generation Licensee's generation facility control room which shall be connected to the Transmission Licensee's voice communication system. The Generation Licensee shall be responsible for the communication lines from the Generation Licensee's generation facility control room to the Transmission Licensee's termination box that connects to the Transmission Licensee's voice communication system. The termination box shall be provided by the Transmission Licensee and shall be located in the generating station switchhouse. In the event of relocation of the termination box or diversion of the communications lines, the Licensee that initiates the relocation or diversion shall bear all the costs necessary for the relocation or diversion including the costs incurred by any other affected Licensee to divert the communication lines at the affected Licensee’s end caused by the relocation or diversion.” Modification Ref. No. TC/2014/13 Clause H3.1 Public/Industry Singapore Power Limited Comments We propose that the clause be amended (in red): Communications between the remote terminal equipment located at the Transmission Licensee’s substation and/or the termination box of connected person’s intake substation / switchhouse and the EMS shall be through 2-wire telephone line or pilot wire or optical fibre data communication lines provided by the Transmission Licensee. The equipment shall communicate using V.34 analog lease-line modems or X.27 optical modems. The modems at the EMS will operate as originator while the remote terminal equipment modems will operate as answerer. EMA’s Response (c) The communication is between the Generation Licensees and PSO and not the Transmission Licensee. As such, there will not be conflicting instruction. EMA agrees that the communication should be through pilot wire or optical fibre data communication lines. However, one of them should at least be a pilot wire communication line. This is to ensure high availability of communication at all times, given that pilot wires do not rely on public telcos’ communication infrastructures unlike optical fibre data communication lines. For clarity, EMA is amending the clause as follows: “Communications between the remote terminal equipment located at the Transmission Licensee’s substation and/or the connected person’s intake substation/switchhouse and the EMS shall be through 2-wire telephone line or pilot wire or optical fibre communication lines provided by the Transmission Licensee and at least one of which shall be a pilot wire communication line. The equipment shall communicate using V.34 analog lease-line modems or X.27 optical modems. The modems at the EMS will operate as originator while the remote terminal equipment modems will operate as answerer. Modification Ref. No. Clause TC/2014/15 H4.1 Public/Industry SolarGy Pte Ltd Comments Is there any specification governing the accuracy of the irradiation meter to be provided? 2nd class, 1st class or secondary standard to ISO 9060:1990? EMA’s Response The irradiation meter specifications are as follows. • Irradiance range: 0 – 2000Wm-2 or better • Accuracy of direct output: >90% for clear sky 2 • Directional response (for beam irradiance): +/- 20Wm • Response time to reach 95% response: < 30 seconds Tuas Power Generation Pte Ltd Clause H4.1(h) shall be deleted as it is not clear on what other quantities refer to. Any amendment shall be through consultation paper for proposed modification. Clause H4.1(h) is an existing clause that covers any other peculiar measurements which are not encompassed in the above listed bullets, yet essential to be monitored for the reliability and security of the power system as it evolves. Singapore Power Limited We noted that the EMA has proposed that Transmission Licensee shall provide solar global irradiance measurement at all transmission substation. As part of SPPG’s long term network planning process to include solar PV projections so as to ensure that the grid is ready to support greater deployment of solar PV systems, SPPG should monitor solar irradiance to project the potential solar PV that are located in regions island wide. We are of the opinion that it seems inappropriate for the Transmission Licensee to provide the weather data for the following reasons :1. Provision of weather data is beyond the scope of transmission services ; NEA solar irradiation data only covers 5 sites in Singapore. Given the widespread locations of Transmission Licensee’s transmission substations, obtaining weather data from these substations would ensure sufficient coverage of irradiation geographically. 2. There is no correlation in the deployments of transmission substations and solar photovoltaic Solar global irradiance measurements need not be provided for Modification Ref. No. Clause Public/Industry Comments EMA’s Response systems i.e. information collated might not be very useful; all the transmission substations. PSO will discuss with SPPG to identify the substations where irradiation meters should be installed to ensure sufficient coverage of irradiation data geographically. 3. NEA (the Government agency responsible for providing weather information services) is monitoring the solar radiation data at various locations. To avoid duplicate of data, we believe it would be more cost effective and efficient for NEA to share the information with EMA instead of EMA trying to gather the data through its Licensee. We would be happy to discuss with EMA further to understand the rationale for this new requirement imposed on a Transmission Licensee. For clarity, as well as, to include the specifications of the irradiation meter, EMA has revised the clause as follows: "(g) Solar global irradiance (applicable only to Transmission Licensee’s substations); and that comply with the following minimum specifications. Transmission Licensee shall seek advice from the Power System Operator on the location of the transmission substation(s) for installation of solar global irradiance measurement. • Irradiance range: 0 – 2000Wm-2 or better • Accuracy of direct output: >90% for clear sky 2 • Directional response (for beam irradiance): +/- 20Wm • Response time to reach 95% response: < 30 seconds; and" TC/2014/17 H4.2 (d) YTL PowerSeraya Limited Pte. This clause should not be applicable to existing steam generating units. The requirement is applicable to new steam generating units as well as modification to existing steam generating units. Modification Ref. No. Clause TC/2014/20 H4.2 (g) TC/2014/22 H6 (i) TC/2014/27 Appendix I2 Public/Industry Senoko Energy YTL PowerSeraya Limited WorleyParsons Pte Ltd Pte. Comments EMA’s Response The provision of an ambient temperature signal for the CCP to PSCC is likely to will involve costs. Singapore is a small country and ambient temperatures generally do not have a large deviation between PSCC and generating stations. It may be more economical for PSCC to take reading of ambient temperature as it is there. Ambient temperature varies especially in coastal areas where power stations are usually located. It is therefore not accurate to take the ambient temperature measurement at PSCC. Moreover, ambient temperature is one of the parameters used in CCP’s controller and is therefore readily available for sharing with PSO. It should apply only to RTU of the new plant. The requirement is applicable to new RTU as well as modification to existing RTU. I2.1:Switchgear (Motors) I2.1:Switchgear (Motors) BS 3979 was superseded by BS 4999 and BS 5000 in 1981. BS EN 60034 is the BS adoption of IEC 60034, and they are identical in content. Why specify BS EN 60034 for motors when the internationally accepted code is IEC? BS 3979:1966 standard was superseded by BS EN 600791:2014. I2.2:Transformers (Transformer Oil) I2.2:Transformers (Transformer Oil) The updated BS 148:2009 (R2004) is dedicated to reclaimed mineral insulating oil only and does not cover unused oil. The specification for unused mineral insulating oil is now covered in BS EN 60296, which is identical to IEC 60296:2012. BS 148:1998 covered the specification for unused and reclaimed mineral insulating oil for transformers and switchgear. The specification for unused mineral insulating oil is now covered in BS EN 60296. BS 148 is now dedicated to reclaimed mineral insulating oil only. Modification Ref. No. Clause Public/Industry YTL PowerSeraya Limited Comments Pte. It should not be applicable to switchgears, transformers and cables EMA’s Response existing The requirement is applicable to new switchgear, transformers and cables as well as modification to existing switchgear, transformers and cables.