G L O B A L FIRE OPERATIONS COURSE RI SK A DV I SOR S PROJECT BACKGROUND The Fire Operations Course (FOC) is a unique Yet due to the scarcity of live-burn facilities this type training program that introduces the fundamentals of training has not been made widely available to the of fire rescue into combat operations. Operating in personnel who routinely encounter such scenarios. deadly environments that involve fire and fire-related hazards is a reality that military and law enforcement personnel often face. Fire is an effective, inexpensive, and universally available weapon increasingly used by terrorists. Inadvertent vehicle and structural fires started by civilians or friendly forces are also common occurrences both on and off the battlefield. The FOC is taught by America’s foremost experts on fire rescue and overseen by former US Army Special Operations team members. Our goal is to provide military and law enforcement with realistic and challenging training in order to prepare them to face deadly fire-related environments in buildings and vehicles, and survive. TRAINING APPROACH Through challenging and realistic exercises that safely incorporate fire and smoke, the FOC gives each student extensive hands-on experience inside live burning structures. Students and teams are afforded opportunities to establish tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) specific to their operational specialties. All learning materials and training equipment will be provided by GRA, however students are also encouraged to bring their own issued equipment to incorporate into training. FOC instructors are experts in complex terrain and technical rescue operations, including: »» Casualty removal »» Downed firefighter rescue Upon successful completion, graduates will receive a certification in accordance with National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) publications NFPA 1670: Technical Search and Rescue Incidents as well as NFPA 1430: Live Fire Training. »» High-angle ropes and lead climbing »» Elevator infiltration and operation »» Heavy equipment rigging »» Confined space and trench collapse operations »» Advanced swift water rescue and scuba operations »» Advanced automotive extrication Above: FOC student uses a thermal imaging camera to locate downed personnel in smoke filled, no-visibility conditions. »» HazMat II qualified G LOBAL R I SK ADVI SORS FIRE RELATED TERRORIST ATTACKS February 2008 December 1995 erbian attackers set a S fire in the lobby of the US Embassy in Belgrade. gunman entered a department store in New York A City armed with a handgun and a can of accelerant. He barricaded himself and his hostages in a back room and set fire to the building around him. Police and firefighters worked together to fight back the blaze while simultaneously attempting to eliminate the threat. November 2008 September 2012 March 2014 US ambassador died of smoke inhalation during a A terrorist attack on the US Consulate in Benghazi. During a subsequent attack on the US Embassy in Tunisia, a militant mob lit a fire on the building’s first floor. hree American hostages barricaded T themselves in the basement of the Uzbek Embassy guesthouse in Kabul due to secondary fires from a suicide bombing. embers of the terrorist M organization Lashkar-eTaiba deliberately started fires to impede the progress of response teams during a series of twelve coordinated shooting and bombing attacks across Mumbai. CORE LEARNING OBJECTIVES History of Security Operations in Burning Structures »» Lessons learned from case studies in which fire was a primary threat factor in military and law enforcement operations Familiarization with Structural Fires »» Fundamentals of fire behavior such as fire development, spread, and factors that influence fire movement throughout a structure Equipment Familiarization »» Rescue-specific equipment used by elite U.S. firefighters for ingress, egress, and operations within burning structures »» Students who bring their own issued equipment will be able to test its survivability Exterior & Interior Structural Assessment »» Progressive exercises provide an understanding of building construction and its influence on fire spread and intensity Ingress & Egress Techniques »» For accessing and escaping burning structures during rescue scenarios »» Ability to identify and confine fires within structures Interior Operations in Burning Structures »» Students gain confidence moving and operating inside live-burn buildings while making well-informed decisions to bypass, contain, or extinguish fire conditions Flashover Training »» Live flashover simulator G LOBAL R I SK ADVI SORS Left: FOC students exit flashover simulator. demonstrates the violence and intensity of rapid fire development during this deadly phenomenon Rapid Bailout & Unconventional Bailout Procedures »» Scenarios include emergency self-, casualty-, and team-evacuation from the upper floors of buildings Burning and Smoke-Filled Linear Targets »» Students will train on assaulting and conducting rescue operations in compromised vehicles such as buses, trains, and aircraft CQB in Burning Structures »» Tactical CQB integration to live burn scenarios Comprehensive Practical Exercises and Culmination Exercise »» Students will work as a team to complete realistic training scenarios across multiple buildings with role players in live fire and smoke environments Above: FOC student prepares to conduct a hasty bailout. Right: FOC students conduct a hasty bailout. COURSE SCHEDULE Monday »» History of Security Operations in Burning Structures »» Fire Safety Principles »» Basic Fire Dynamics »» Introduction to Fire Scenarios Tuesday »» Exterior Structural Assessment »» Familiarization Inside a Burning Structure Friday Wednesday »» Advanced Fire Dynamics »» Fire Dynamics in Buses, Trains, »» Flashover Training Simulator »» Procedures in Burning Structures II Thursday »» Urban Climbing and Rope Safety »» Rapid Bailout From Burning Structures and Aircraft »» Bus, Train, and Aircraft Live-burn Scenarios Saturday »» CQB Scenarios in Burning Structures »» Culmination Exercise »» Linear Target Familiarization »» Procedures in Burning Structures I “This training should be mandatory for all operators. I’ve encountered a few building fires during combat missions and would have certainly made better decisions had I attended the FOC beforehand.” Daniel, U.S. Army Special Operations The FOC is designed to be flexible, adaptive, and cater to our students’ quick learning curve. GRA welcomes the opportunity to incorporate any of our students’ topics of interest of training objectives into the curriculum. The FOC can be tailored to a specific mission profile or altered to meet time constraints or additional requirements. GRA looks forward to supporting our clients’ mission in every way possible. Contact GRA and schedule your training today! Pricing and availability on request G LOBAL R I SK ADVI SORS GLOB A L RI S K A DV I S ORS G LOBAL R I SK ADVI SORS www.globalriskadvisors.com/training // training@globalriskadvisors.com