~ DIGITAL TRANSLATORS FOR GPS TSPI APPLICATIONS Alison Brown and Mark Sturza NAVSYSCorporation 18725MonumentHill Road Monument,CO 80132 BIOGRAPHY The Alison K.BrownPresident isthe of Navy presently Trident NAVSYS Corporation. II assessment. systems, estimation and control theory systems engineering and analysis. Her expertise includes GPS systems design. simulation, integration and test, GPS receiver design, strapdown and UCLA, an and MS University, from Kalman MIT filter and a BA design. in She engineering has a from PhD of GPS experience, previously with Litton Systems. Magnavox Advanced Systems and Products, and Teledyne Systems. His expertise includes all aspects of navigation system development. test MSEE from and application. USC, He and an MBA holds a from as the with aGP r Trident The from Caltech, Pepperdine. {C4} and missiles to be tracked are equipped in Figure1. The TPS. aided by a GPS ReferenceReceiver,then the real-time missile TSPI data. The flight-hardware package developed for the Trident II (D5) program is approximately 180 cubic inches in size and consists Cambridge England. integration, both from A.Sturzais a consultantto NAVSYS.Hehasover15years Mark In translator which rebroadcasts the GPS signals at S-band to a ground basedTranslatorProcessingSystem(TPS),as illustrated computes algorithms GPS for rangesafetyandmissileaccuracy She has over 12 years experiencein satelliteand inertialnavigation system uses programs {D5} an He has authored 18 GPS technical papers and has 5 GP$ patents. GPStranslator which mixes.the L1 (1575.42 (1381.05MHz) GPSsignalsto $-band. Both the L1 and 13 GPS signals are provided to allow dual-frequencycorrection of the ionosphericgroup delay. The GPS RAJPOhas also developed a GPS Translator T$PI System to provide accurate and cost­ effectivetracking of various types of high dynamic expendable vehiclessuch as missilesand reentry vehicleInterceptors, The of a MHz) RAJPO 40 Abstract CurrentlyanalogTranslatordesignsare used to instrument missiletests in applications such as the Trident and ERIStest programs.TheTranslatorinstalledon-boardthe missileconverts the received L-band GPS signals to S-band and rebroadcasts them to a ground-basedTranslator Processing System (TPS) wherethe locationof the vehicleIs determined. The advantage of this approach over using the GPS Range Pod Subsystemis that the size, weight and cost of the flight hardware Is substantially reduced. Also, by employing special purpose trackingloops in the TPS,the GPSsignalsmay be trackedunder very high dynamicsup to 50 g accelerationsand 60 g/sec jerk. In addition,the custom signal processing in the TPS allowsthe translatorsignalsto be acquiredvery rapidly,within a few seconds. Ballistic cu.in., Missile weighs Translator 5 Ibs (BMT) and Type requires 56 W A of is and L3 packaged In power. NAVSYShavedevelopeda smallerBMTTranslatordesignunder contractto the WesternSpaceand MissileCenter(WSMC).This Is3Dcu.in.,weighsonly3 Ibsandrequires only28W Translator of power. The BMT limit Translator the signal S.band signal spectrum Is bandwidth. only Illustrated In the C / A Figure code 2. GPS To signals are translated and broadcast to the TPS. The design allows multiple translators to operate on different frequencies all sharing the 2200-2290MHz S-band tele'!'etry frequencyallocation. the current RAJPO Translator a 1.5 dB penalty is paid an "ideal" design due to band limiting and power limiting. The With over digital Translator received the operates L-band GPS samples on by signals an sampling and S-band and thermal quantizing noise telemetry and link. A the modulating pilot carrier includedto aid in acquisitionand tracking ofthe telemetry is signal. The RAJPO8MTTranslatoris packagedIn 40 cu. in. and weighs 5 Ibs. It is possible with existing technology to develop a significantly smaller instrumentation package using a digital Translatordesign. As shown in the paper, the digital approach The Implementation loss of a digital Translator compared to an "ideal"design is a function of the sampling rate and the number of quantization levels. The paper includes a trade-off analysis of permits loss. some as significant improvements applications the and potential for also signal provides encryption in tracking additional performance capabilities for secure for digitalTranslatorcan be manufacturedusing currenttechnology that can be packagedin a 5 cu. in. chip set volume. The paper includes an overview of the design of such a device and a discussion of the applications where the reduced size and superior performance over the analog design would be of benefit. INTRODUCTION 1.1 CURRENTANALOGTRANSLATORDESIGNS Existing GPS Translator tracking systems have been developed by the U.S.Navy and by the trl-serviceRangeApplicationsJoint Program Office (RAJPO). Both translator systems are telemetry link bandwidth versus the implementation By minimizing the Translator Implementation loss, it is to Improve the tracking performance of the ground- data. A based 1. required possible such programs. the designed to providereal-timeTime SpacePositionInformation(TSPI)data for flighttest and tracking applications. 1.2 TPS, improving in turn the accuracy of the GPS TSPI DIGITAL GPS TRANSLATORS Thesizeandweight of the GPSTranslatorcanbe furtherreduced by developinga state-of-the-artdigital design. DigitalTranslators take advantageof the recent developmentsin digital microwave radios. A top-levelblock diagramfor a DigitalTranslatoris shown In Figure3. As in a conventionalanalogTranslatorthe L-band GPSsignalfirst passesthrough a L-bandpreamplifier.Thesignal is then filtered to select either the P-code or the CIA-code bandwidth. The filtered L-band signal Is next sampled and quantizedby an AID converter. The AID converter sampling clock is selectedto satisfy the Nyquist criteria (4 MSPSfor the CIA-code). The AID outputs carrier. Apilot carrier are (PC) is used then added to modulate an to the S-Band modulated signal. The combined signal is the DigitalTranslatoroutput. 361 ~ The digitalTranslator architectureeliminatesthe need for an IF frequency and significantly reduces the filtering requirements, The result is significant savings in size, weight, and power dissipation. 2. L-band spectrum. The NAVSYS design allowsthe PC to be placedat 1.92 MHzbelow the center frequency, as specified for the BMT, or at other frequencyoffsets if preferred. power of the translated translator DIGITALTRANSLATORDESIGN TRADES 2.2 2.1 PERFORMANCE DESIGN Conventionalanalogtranslatorsbandlimitthe L-bandinputsignal The variables that must be considered in the design of a digital translator are bandwidth, input frequency, and output spectrum. The nominal bandwidth required to accommodate the main lobe of the code spectra is 2 MHz for the CIA-code and 20 MHz and process P-code. The bandwidth) advantages as bandwidth) are of compared to output a CIA-code a bandwidth translator P-code and (20 operating MHz A the 20 MHz range. main 3 times the for However, limiting amplifiers. the of the the code spectra P-code) band (2 results limiting the In noise a MHz for 0.92 dB results in a the CIA-code, correlation 0.51 loss. dB reduction in C/A- rangeof a p.code operating lobe MHz post code Translator has through for (2 translator spectrum translatoroutput signalis processed. Bandlimitingthe GPSsignal to the the bandlimlted Bothof theseoperationsresultin SNRdegradationwhen correlation noise. degradation. translator (the output power density is 10 dB higher). The advantagesof the P-codetranslatorare improvedaccuracy,anti­ spoofing,and better jammingtolerance. It should be noted that the wider 20 MHz bandwidthdoes not preclude use of the C/Acode. Thus a P-code translator can operate with a CIA-code receiver. Thus The GPS signal the net effect SNR in is the band a 0.41 limited dB SNR spectrum Is very small, so the limiting amplifier results in an additional 1.06 dB SNR degradation. degradation Thus Is 1.47 the total analog translator SNR dB. Digitaltranslatorsbandlimitthe l-band inputsignal,sampleit, and then quantizethe samples. Bandlimitingthe GPS signal to the main lobe of the code spectra and samplingat the Nyquistrate resultsin an SNRdegradationof 0.44 dB. Singlebit quantization results in an additional 1.96 dB of loss. Thus the total digital translatorSNRdegradation is 2.4 dB. Theinputfrequencycanbe eitherthe L1 channel(1575.42 or the L2 channel(1227.6MHz). Both the CIA and p.code MHz) spectrum are availablein the L1 channel while the L2 channel only providesthe p.code spectrum. Thus the L2 frequencyonly makes sense for a P-code translator. Use of a dual L1/L2 translator or individual L1 and L2 translators would allow for The analog translator is seen to have a 0.93 dB performance edge. The significanceof this edge dependson the application. Inthe majorityof casesth~ size,weight, power,andcost benefits ionospheric compensation resulting in Improved TSPI accuracy. of the digitaltranslatoroutweighthe performancepenalty. A The digitaltranslatorapproachprovidesa varietyof output comparison spectrum options. In the digital translator the input spectrum is band limited, sampled and quantized. The resulting digital bit stream could be used to phase, frequency, amplitude. or pulse modulate an S-band carrier to form the output signal. Phase modulation is preferable in that it results in a constant envelope 3. keying BPSK (OPSK) spectrum. of (ATPS) which can be used to track the digital Translator signals analog BMT Translator spectum Illustrated in Figure 2. The ATPS has been developed by NAVSYS to provide a low cost, portable alternative to the current RAJPO TPS. This has been acheived by Ouadraphase shift a custom developing preamplifier /downconverter PSK modulationformats is that special translator receiversare required. In addition to the translated L1 or L2 input. spectrum, the translator output must also contain a pilot carrier (PC) signal. The PC is used by the translator receiverto removethe signal dynamic effects of the S-band link. The BMT Type A spec requiresthat the PC output power be 10 dB lessthan the output Table 1. TranslatorComparison TYPE WEIGHT SIZE POWER SNR DEGRADATION 1.47 40 BMT NAVSVS Analog NAVSVSDigital CU 30 5 IN. CU 5CU 4 IN. IN. <1 module which interfacesto a conventionalGPS navigationset. This approach substantiallyreducesthe developmentandproductioncost ofthe ATPS by taking advantage of advances in current receiver technology. and otherM-ary OPSK DIGITALTRANSLATOR PROCESSINGSYSTEM is illustratedin FIgure4. The spectrum of the digital Translator appears on a spectrum analyzer to be identical to that of the requiresonly 1/2 of the output bandwidthof the The disadvantage in Table 1. A block diagramof the AdvancedTranslatorProcessingSystem signalthat can be passedthrough a Class C poweramplifierwith littledegradation.Thereare a varietyof phasemodulationformats that can be utilized. Binary phase shift keying (BPSK)is the simplestto implement,requiresthe same output bandwidthas an analogTranslator.and resultsin an output spectrumcompatible with analog translator, and results in an output spectrum compatible with analog translator receivers. is shown LBS dB 56W 1.47 28W LBS LB 362 8W 2.4 dB dB A rack mounted configuration of the current ATPS architecture is illustrated in Figure 5. A single rack can host up to 15 Vehicle Tracking Systems (VTS) and a Reference Receiver. Each VTS is controlled through a PC interface which also provides a data logging capability. One PC can operate up to four VTS In the design. By comparison, the current RAJPO TPS requires two racks of equipment to track a single Translator. The ATPS design has resulted in reduction of size, weight and power by a factor of 25 over the current RAJPO TPS equipment. The SDI BrilliantPebble concept requires miniaturizedtracking 4. miniaturized Translators would substantially simplify the traffic control problem. devices such as the DigitalTranslatorto provideguidanceand mid-coursecorrection. Other SDI experimentscould also take advantageof this technology as sizeand weight are criticalin any space-basedsystem due to the launch costs. current APPLICATIONS DigitalTranslatorshavea wide range of militaryand commercial applications. The following -military projects will require miniaturizedtracking systems. The small size (5 cu.ln.) and weight( <11b.) of the DigitalTranslatordescribedin this paper, will make It idealfor these applications. The DigitalTranslatorset is sufficientlyrobust (gun-rugged)for integrationintoartilleryprojectilessuch as registrationrounds. In this application,the GPS Translator can be used to track the trajectoryof the round and compute the ballistictrajectoryof the projectile,as Illustratedin Figure6. The small size of the unit,alsomakesit idealfor Integration into radiosondes.ThesuperiorprecisionavailablewithGPSallowsfor highly accurate wind speed determination. More accurate windfindingsystemswould be of particularbenefitIn supporting space and missilelaunchfacilities. Applicationsexist for a lightweight, Inexpensivedevicesuch as the DigitalTranslatorin tracking spacecraftsuch 8S SDItargets, tracking satellites or other free-flying platforms. The Space StationIs requiredto monitor hundreds of free-flyingplatforms, vehiclesand personnelin its vicinity. Equipping all of these with Commercial applications for miniaturizedTranslatorsalso exist. Emergency services and vehicle fleet operators are becoming aware of the of vehicle tracking systems. A miniaturized Translator is a candidate for locating emergency vehicles, trucks, vans, stolen cars and even personnel. due to its small size and benefit weight. In quantity production, the Translatorcould be a highly cost effectivealternativefor these applications. REFERENCES "Designof a MiniaturizedGPSTime-Space-PositionInformation SystemFor Tracking Applications".NAVSYS-Q189-107. January 1989 in GPSTranslatorTechnology",J.B. McConnell,RH. Greenberg, R.B. Pickett, PoCoWiJdhagen,AK. Brown. ION "Advances Satellite Division Conference Proceedings, September 1989 "GPS Predetection Data Recording and Post-Test System", NAVSYS 0989-114, September 1989 Processing 363 ,'.;;"i'i;';; ;/}/Y\'; ;,y:(.\f(,\"');:i'»;):/',, ):;;(,',o\?;/,;~,.,,;:/(;r m//.u:,~/:Y~"?/;:?;;;/~:i';'j) ~:':,:~.(r/)',; i';o;:.;;.:'~'U:/((~:;/;;~{5;y,\\"<::;;\i 'i.{?;':~~?t<:;\>~~/:i/ ((.".;V~. /,i'( U)} (/c':i <! 364 ~ 365