HP-MPI v2.2.5.1 for Linux HP MLIB v9.6.1 for Itanium Linux DVD Insert Edition 6 Manufacturing Part Number: T1921-90006 E0807 U.S.A. © Copyright 1979-2007 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 1 Legal Notices The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Hewlett-Packard makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this manual, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. HewlettPackard shall not be held liable for errors contained herein or direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material. Warranty. A copy of the specific warranty terms applicable to your Hewlett- Packard product and replacement parts can be obtained from your local Sales and Service Office. Restricted Rights Legend. Use, duplication or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 for DOD agencies, and subparagraphs (c) (1) and (c) (2) of the Commercial Computer Software Restricted Rights clause at FAR 52.227-19 for other agencies. 2 HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY 3000 Hanover Street Palo Alto, California 94304 U.S.A. Use of this manual and flexible disk(s), tape cartridge(s), CD(s), or DVD(s) supplied for this pack is restricted to this product only. Additional copies of the programs may be made for security and back-up purposes only. Resale of the programs in their present form or with alterations, is expressly prohibited. Copyright Notices. ©copyright 1979-2007 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation of this document without prior written permission is prohibited, except as allowed under the copyright laws. ©copyright 2007 Regents of the University of California This software is based in part on the Fourth Berkeley Software Distribution under license from the Regents of the University of California. 3 ©copyright 1980, 1984, 1986 Novell, Inc. ©copyright 1986-1992 Sun Microsystems, Inc. ©copyright 1985-86, 1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. ©copyright 1989-93 The Open Software Foundation, Inc. ©copyright 1986 Digital Equipment Corporation. ©copyright 1990 Motorola, Inc. ©copyright 1990, 1991, 1992 Cornell University ©copyright 1989-1991 The University of Maryland ©copyright 1988 Carnegie Mellon University Trademark Notices. UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries, licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Limited. X Window System is a trademark of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. MS-DOS and Microsoft are U.S. registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. OSF/Motif is a trademark of the Open Software Foundation, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. Intel® and Itanium® are trademarks or registered trademarks of the Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. 4 Java is a US trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. Linux is a registered trademark of Globetrotter Software and Macrovision Corporation. AMD Opteron and combinations thereof are trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. FLEXlm® is a registered trademark of Globetrotter Software and Macrovision Corporation. SilverStorm is a trademark of SilverStorm Technologies, Inc. Mellanox® is a registered trademark of Myricom, Inc. All other trademarks and copyrights referred to are the property of their respective owners. 5 HP-MPI v2.2.5.1 for Linux HP MLIB v9.6.1 for Itanium Linux DVD Insert Announcement The following information is for the sixth release of the HP-MPI for Linux & HP MLIB for Itanium Linux DVD. This DVD includes: • HP-MPI for Linux Version • HP MLIB for Itanium Linux Version 9.6.1 6 General Information BA561AA HP-MPI v2.2.5.1 for Linux & HP MLIB v9.6.1 for Itanium Linux DVD Media Kit. BA562BA HP MLIB for Itanium Linux license. BA653AA HP-MPI for Linux license for 4 cores. BA654AA HP-MPI for Linux license for 8 cores. BA655AA HP-MPI for Linux license for 16 cores. BA656AA HP-MPI for Linux license for 32 cores. BA657AA HP-MPI for Linux license for 64cores. BA658AA HP-MPI for Linux license for 128 cores. BA659AA HP-MPI for Linux license for 256 cores. BA660AA HP-MPI for Linux license for 512 cores. BA661AA HP-MPI for Linux license for 1024 cores. BA662AA HP-MPI for Linux license for 2048 cores. BA663AA HP-MPI for Linux license for 4096 cores. 7 Getting Help Support for HP-MPI and HP MLIB for Linux may be ordered for HP systems. Customers must have a valid license and support contract to get support. Service will be provided by the HP Response Center. 8 Requirements for HP-MPI v2.2.5.1 for Linux & HP MLIB v9.6.1 for Itanium Linux The basic requirements for installing the HP-MPI v2.2.5.1 & HP MLIB v9.6.1 DVD on Linux systems are as follows: HP-MPI for Linux Version HP-MPI for Linux Version is supported on HP ProLiant and HP Integrity servers running Red Hat Linux Enterprise AS 3, 4 and 5, or SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 and 10 operating systems; as well as HP XC3000, HP XC4000, and HP XC6000 clusters. HP-MPI for Linux Version was tested with the Intel, Portland, Pathscale, glibc, and GNU compilers, but is not compiler dependent. 9 HP MLIB for Itanium Linux Version 9.6.1 HP MLIB for Itanium Linux Version 9.6.1 is supported on Red Hat Linux Enterprise 3 and 4 operating systems on Itanium processors. 10 Licensing Policy Licenses can be purchased from HP’s software depot at http://www.hp.com/go/softwaredepot, or contact your HP representative. HP-MPI for Linux Licensing Policy HP-MPI for Linux uses FLEXlm licensing technology. A license is required to use HP-MPI for Linux. Licenses can be purchased from HP’s software depot at http://www.hp.com/go/softwaredepot, or contact your HP representative. Demo licenses for HP-MPI are also available from HP’s software depot. IMPORTANT No HP-MPI license is required at runtime on an HP XC system. A license file can be named either as license.dat or any file name with an extension of .lic. The license file must be placed 11 in the installation directory (default /opt/hpmpi/licenses) on all the runtime systems, and on the license server. You will need to provide the hostname and hostid number of the system where the FLEXlm daemon for HP-MPI for Linux will run. The hostid, which is the MAC address of eth0, can be obtained either by typing the following command if HP-MPI is already installed on the system: % /opt/hpmpi/bin/licensing/<arch>/lmutil lmhostid Or: % /sbin/ifconfig | egrep "^eth0" | awk '{print $5}' | sed s/://g The hostname can be obtained by entering the command hostname. The default search path used to find an MPI license file is: % $MPI_ROOT/licenses:/opt/hpmpi/licenses:. For example, if MPI_ROOT is set to /home/hpmpi, license files will be searched in the following order: /home/hpmpi/licenses/license.dat /home/hpmpi/licenses/*.lic 12 /opt/hpmpi/licenses/license.dat /opt/hpmpi/licenses/*.lic ./license.dat ./*.lic If the license needs to be placed in another location which would not be found by the above search, the user may set the environment variable LM_LICENSE_FILE to explicitly specify the location of the license file. For more information, see http://licensing.hp.com. Installing License Files A valid license file contains the system hostid and the associated license key. License files can be named either as license.dat or any name with extension of *.lic (like mpi.lic, for example). The license file must be copied to the installation directory (default /opt/hpmpi/licenses) on all runtime systems, and to the license server. The command to run the license server is: % $MPI_ROOT/bin/licensing/<arch>/lmgrd -c mpi.lic 13 License Testing Build and run the hello_world program in $MPI_ROOT/help/hello_world.c to check for a license. If your system is not properly licensed, you will receive an error message. Merging HP-MPI Licenses Newer HP-MPI licenses use the INCREMENT feature which allows separate HP-MPI licenses to be used in combination by concatenating files. For example: License 1: SERVER myserver 0014c2c1f34a DAEMON HPQ INCREMENT HP-MPI HPQ 1.0 permanent 8 9A40ECDE2A38 \ NOTICE="License Number = AAAABBBB1111" SIGN=E5CEDE3E5626 License 2: SERVER myserver 0014c2c1f34a DAEMON HPQ INCREMENT HP-MPI HPQ 1.0 permanent 16 BE468B74B592 \ 14 NOTICE="License Number = AAAABBBB2222" SIGN=9AB4034C6CB2 Here, License 1 is for 8 ranks, and License 2 is for 16 ranks. The two licenses can be combined into a single file: SERVER myserver 0014c2c1f34a DAEMON HPQ INCREMENT HP-MPI HPQ 1.0 permanent 8 9A40ECDE2A38 \ NOTICE="License Number = AAAABBBB1111" SIGN=E5CEDE3E5626 SERVER myserver 0014c2c1f34a DAEMON HPQ INCREMENT HP-MPI HPQ 1.0 permanent 16 BE468B74B592 \ NOTICE="License Number = AAAABBBB2222" SIGN=9AB4034C6CB2 The result is a valid license for 24 ranks. HP MLIB for Itanium Linux Licensing Policy HP MLIB V9.4 and earlier versions for Linux were available in demo mode and required a license key for full performance. This version does not require a license key for full performance, and the demo mode is no longer available. HP MLIB for Itanium 15 Linux Version 9.6.1 can be installed and used without any license key. However, as in the past, users are still required to purchase a license certificate in order to have the right to use the HP MLIB product. 16 Installation Instructions HP-MPI for Linux Version 1. Become root by running the su command and entering the superuser password. 2. Place the downloaded file into the /tmp directory (or another suitable directory). 3. Run the rpm command to install the package. % rpm -ivh /tmp/hpmpi- \ [i386|ia64|x86_64].rpm Or use the following command to overwrite a previous version: % rpm -Uvh /tmp/hpmpi- \ [i386|ia64|x86_64].rpm HP-MPI must be installed on all machines in the same directory or be accessible via a shared file system. 17 HP MLIB for Itanium Linux Version 9.6.1 1. Become root by running the su command and entering the superuser password. 2. Place the downloaded file into the /tmp directory (or another suitable directory). For example: % mv MLIB-LINUX-9.6.1-1.ia64.rpm \ /tmp/MLIB-LINUX-9.6.1-1.ia64.rpm 3. Run the rpm command to install the packages. a. To install HP MLIB V9.6.1 over an existing MLIB installation you must use the --replacefiles flag: % rpm -Uv --replacefiles \ /tmp/MLIB-LINUX-9.6.1-1.ia64.rpm b. To install HP MLIB V9.6.1 for the first time: % rpm -iv /tmp/MLIB-LINUX-9.6.1-1.ia64.rpm 18 Associated Documentation HP-MPI for Linux v2.2.5.1 The following documents provide additional HP-MPI for Linux product information: The HP-MPI Documentation Kit is an optional product (product number B6281AA) consisting of the following hardcopy books: • MPI: The Complete Reference (2 volume set) Product number B6011-96012 • HP-MPI User’s Guide (Eleventh Edition) Product number B6060-96024 The HP-MPI User’s Guide and HP-MPI Release Notices are available online • In /opt/hpmpi/doc after you install the product • At http://docs.hp.com • At http://www.hp.com/go/mpi 19 Refer to http://www.hp.com/go/mpi for information about the HPMPI product. Additional product documentation: • mpi(3) man pages installed in /opt/hpmpi/man • Documentation for XC systems is available online at http:docs.hp.com. HP MLIB for Itanium Linux v9.6.1 The following documents provide additional HP MLIB for Itanium Linux product information: • mlib(3m) man pages—installed in the directory /opt/mlib/[intel_[8.1|9.0]/hpmpi_2.2/man. Set this path in your MANPATH environment variable to access man pages for VECLIB, LAPACK, ScaLAPACK, and SuperLU. Set the MANPAGER environment variable to /usr/bin/less -isr in order to view the man pages. • HP MLIB User’s Guide—describes the MLIB software library and shows how to use it for HP-UX and the concepts are applicable to Linux. For more information on HP MLIB documentation, refer to 20 http://www.hp.com/go/mlib • LAPACK Users’ Guide—This Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) publication provides an introduction to the design of LAPACK as well as complete specifications for all the driver and computational routines. (ISBN 0-89871-447-8) The latest edition of this document is available online at http://www.netlib.org/lapack/lug • ScaLAPACK User’s Guide—This Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) publication provides an informal introduction to the design of the package, a detailed description of its contents, and a reference manual. (ISBN 089871-397-8) The latest edition of this document is available online at http://www.netlib.org/scalapack/slug • SuperLU User’s Guide—This publication provides an introduction to the design of SuperLU as well as complete specifications for the driver and computational routines. The latest edition of this document is available online at: 21 http://www.nersc.gov/~xiaoye/SuperLU • METIS documentation is available online at http://wwwusers.cs.umn.edu/~karypis/metis/metis/index.html • GNU project documentation is available online at http://www.fsf.org • Intel compiler documentation is installed by default with the compiler at /opt/intel*/. 22 Copyright 2007, Hewlett-Packard Company E0807 Printed in U.S.A. Manufacturing number T1921-90006 *T1921-90006*