Prof. Dr. Andrea Büchler, University of Zurich Introduction to Islamic and Middle Eastern Law FS 2016: Syllabus and Lecture Schedule I. General Information a) Core Reading (for a general introduction to Islamic and Middle Eastern Law): COULSON NOEL J., A History of Islamic Law, Edinburgh 1964 BLACK ANN/ESMAEILI HOSSEIN/HOSEN NADIRSYAH, Modern Perspectives on Islamic Law, Cheltenham 2013 MALLAT CHIBLI, Introduction to Islamic Law, Oxford 2009 HEFNER ROBERT W., Shari’a Politics: Islamic law and society in the modern world, Bloomington 2011 NASIR JAMAL J., The Islamic law of personal status, Leiden 2009 PETERS RUDOLPH, Crime and Punishment in Islamic Law, Cambridge 2007 ROHE MATHIAS, Islamic law in past and present, Leiden 2015 VIKØR KNUT S., Between God and the sultan: A History of Islamic Law, London 2005 The lecture "Introduction to Islamic and Middle Eastern Law" gives an overview of classical Islamic law and its current development and application in Middle Eastern countries. The first part of the course covers the history and sources of Islamic law. The second part of the course focuses on the personal status law including marriage, divorce, children, and inheritance. Furthermore, criminal law is taken into account. In the third part of the course ee will analyse modern hermeneutical approaches to the religious sources and Muslim voices in the human rights debate, and engage with the perspectives of Islamic law. In the fourth part, the legal systems of three different nation states will be presented by three guest lecturers. And in the fifth and final part, the course will address legal issues arising in the context of migration from Islamic countries: questions of international private law, of arbitration in family law matters, and the claim for legal and normative pluralism. There will be texts provided for each lecture, which students should read for additional information (“Lecture Reading Material”) 1 Prof. Dr. Andrea Büchler, University of Zurich II. Student seminars: In part, this course is run in seminar format. This means that lectures are normally divided into two parts (see lecture schedule for exceptions): For the first forty-five minutes, Prof. Büchler will read on the subjects as listed below. For the second part of the individual lectures, students are required to prepare in advance by reading a number of texts as listed in the section “Student Seminar Reading”. According to a pre-fixed schedule, every student will have a text assigned to them. In addition to reading the text, he or she must make a short in-class presentation of their text, prepare questions by engaging critically with the information provided in the reading, and initiate and lead the discussion in class. Class preparedness and participation in discussions will count 50% towards final grades. In addition, at the end of the semester, there will be a written exam based on the reading material listed below (section “Lecture Reading Material”). a) General Information This means that it is vital and imperative that students read carefully all the text made available on the Chair’s website (“Lehrveranstaltungen” “Introduction to Islamic and Middle Eastern Law” “Student Seminar Reading”). According to a ready-made schedule, each student will be assigned a particular text. Besides studying the text, the student will be required to make a short in-class presentation of their text by identifying the key points of their reading by engaging critically with the information provided in the reading, and initiate and lead a short discussion in class. Grades will be based on a combination of class participation (including attendance and participation), preparation and presentation of pre-assigned texts (quality of presentation and thoughtfulness of analysis) as well as participation in class discussions. In addition, a final written exam will be held at the end of the semester. b) Guidelines for the in –class presentation Students must: 2 Prof. Dr. Andrea Büchler, University of Zurich - Give a short and concise synopsis related to the individual reading by identifying the key points of the text and Identify two to three questions / points of perspectives / opinions that are a productive starting point for the discussion (approx. 5 Minutes), and Moderate the ensuing discussion (approx. 10 Minutes) 3 Prof. Dr. Andrea Büchler, University of Zurich III. Lecture Schedule Date & time Lecturer Topics Content Lecture Reading Material 22 February 2016 Prof. Dr. Andrea Büchler Historical Overview and Sources of Islamic Law 1 Introduction ESPOSITO JOHN L., Islam. The Straight Path, 3rd ed., New York/Oxford 1998, 1-67 and 88-93 Mon 10:1512:00 Historical and political context incl. key doctrinal differences between Sunnism and Shi’ism Main messages of Islam Sources of Islamic law: Qur’an, Sunna, ‘ijma, qiyas Materials / Student Seminar Reading Slides Islamic and Middle Eastern Law – An Introduction (Online Resource) Laws and More (Online Resource) COULSON NOEL J., A History of Islamic Law, Edinburgh 1964, 9-102 AL-FADLĪ ´ABD AL-HĀDĪ, Introduction to Hadīth. Including Dirāyat al-Hadīth by Al-Thānī alShahīd, London 2002, 19-23 An-Nawawī’s Forty Hadith. An Anthology of the Sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, Translated by Ibrahim Ezzeddin/JohnsonDavies Denys, Cambridge 1997, 2661 4 No student seminar Prof. Dr. Andrea Büchler, University of Zurich 29 February 2016 Mon 10:15-12:00 Andrea Büchler Historical Overview and Sources of Islamic Law 2 The early development of Islamic law; Formation of madhabs, usul al-fiqh The closed door of ijtihad, taqlid Historical Overview 16th21th Century KAMALI MOHAMMAD HASHIM, Methodological Issues in Islamic Jurisprudence, 11 Arab Law Quarterly (1996), 3-33 HALLAQ WAEL B., Modernizing the law in the age of nation-states in Hallaq Wael B., Shari’a. Theory, Practice, Transformation, Cambridge 2009, 443-499 ARABI OUSSAMA, The Place of Islamic Law in the Modern World and the Reconstruction of Shari´a, in: HOYLE MARK S. (ed.), Studies in Modern Islamic Law and Jurisprudence, Arab and Islamic Law Series 21, The Hague/London/New York 2001, 189-211 ABU-ODEH LAMA, Modernizing Muslim Family Law: The Case of Egypt, 37 Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law (2004), 10431146 (read 1043-1112) 5 Student seminar: 1. MIR-HOSSEINI ZIBA, How the Door if Ijtihad was opened and closed: A Comparative Analysis of Recent Family Law Reforms in Iran and Morocco, Washington and Lee Law Review Vol. 64 (2007), 14991511 2. SIJPESTEIJN PETRA, Historical Diversity in the Islamic World in Otto Jan Michiel/Mason Hannah, Delicate Debates on Islam, Leiden 2011, 53-61 AND OTTO JAN MICHIEL, Sharia and Law in a Bird’s-Eye View: Reform, Moderation and Ambiguity, loc. cit., 73-77 3. ISMAIL SALWA, Islamism, ReIslamization and the Fashioning of Muslim Selves: Refiguring the Public Sphere, Muslim World Journal of Human Rights, Vol. 4 (2007), 1-21 Prof. Dr. Andrea Büchler, University of Zurich 7 March 2016 Mon 10:15-12:00 Andrea Büchler Personal Status Law 1 Introduction and Marriage PEARL DAVID/MENSKI WERNER, Muslim Family Law, 3rd ed., London 1998, 139-149, 176-185, 237-247 NASIR JAMAL J.A., Marriage, in The Islamic Law of Personal Status, 3rd ed., Leiden/Boston 2009, 44-82 ZULFICAR MONA, The Islamic Marriage Contract in Egypt, in: QURAISHI ASIFA/VOGEL FRANK E. (eds.), The Islamic Marriage Contract. Case Studies in Islamic Family Law, Cambridge, Massachusetts 2008, 231-274 Student seminar: 1. SONNEVELD NADIA, Rethinking the Difference between Formal and Informal Marriages in Egypt in Voorhoeve Maaike (ed.), Family Law in Islam, New York 2012, 77107. 2. LEEMAN ALEX B., Interfaith Marriage in Islam: An Examination of the Legal Theory Behind the Traditional and Reformist Positions in Saeed Abdullah, Islam and Human Rights Vol. II, Cheltenham/Northampton 212, 129-157 3. QURAISHI-LANDES ASIFA, A Meditation on Mahr, Modernity, and Muslim Marriage Contract Law in Failinger Marie A./Schiltz Elizabeth R./Stabile Susan J., Law, Feminism and Religion,Farnham/Burlington 2013, 173-195 6 Prof. Dr. Andrea Büchler, University of Zurich 14 March 2016 Mon 10:1512:00 Andrea Büchler Personal Status Law 2 Divorce PEARL DAVID/MENSKI WERNER, Muslim Family Law, 3rd ed., London 1998, 279-291. NASIR JAMAL J.A., Dissolution of Marriage/Iddat in The Islamic Law of Personal Status, 3rd ed., Leiden/Boston 2009, 106-144 MIR-HOSSEINI ZIBA, The Politics of Divorce Laws in Iran: Ideology vs Practice in Mehdi Rubya/Menski Werner/Nielsen Jørgen (eds.), Interpreting Divorce Laws in Islam, Copenhagen 2012, 65-83 Student seminar: 1. REHMAN JAVAID, The Sharia, Islamic Family Law and International Human Rights Law: Examining the Theory and Practice of Polygamy and Talaq, International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family 21, (2007), 108–127 2. AL-SHARMANI MULKI, Egyptian Khul’: Legal Reform, Courtroom Practices, and Realitits of Women in Mehdi Rubya/Menski Werner/Nielsen Jørgen (eds.), Interpreting Divorce Laws in Islam, Copenhagen 2012, 85-104 3. NEWCOMB RACHEL, Justice for Everyone? Implementation of Morocco’s 2004 Mudawana Reforms in Mehdi Rubya/Menski Werner/Nielsen Jørgen (eds.), Interpreting Divorce Laws in Islam, Copenhagen 2012, 105-127 7 Prof. Dr. Andrea Büchler, University of Zurich 21 March 2016 Mon 10:1512:00 Andrea Büchler Personal Status Law 3 Children and Inheritance PEARL DAVID/MENSKI WERNER, Muslim Family Law, 3rd ed., London 1998, 399-401, 408-412, 425-426, 430. KHAN HAMID, The Islamic Law of Inheritance, Oxford 2007, pp. 2535, 37-56, 67-116. Student seminar: 1. ASSIM ASSIM USANG M./SLOTHNIELSEN JULIA, Islamic kafalah as an alternative care option for children deprived of a family environment, African Human Rights Law Journal Vol. 14 (2014), 322-345 2. ISHAQUE SHABNAM/KHAN MUHAMMAD MUSTAFA, The Best Interests of the Child: A Prevailing Consideration within Islamic Principles and a Governing Principle in Child Custody Cases in Pakistan, Int J Law Policy Family Vol. 29 (2015), 78-96. 3. YASSARI NADJMA, Intestate Succession in Islamic Countries in Reid Kenneth/De Waal Marius/Zimmermann Reinhard, Comparative Succession Law, Volume II, Intestate Succession, Oxford 2015, 421-440 8 Prof. Dr. Andrea Büchler, University of Zurich 4 April 2016 Mon 10:1512:00 Andrea Büchler Criminal Law Islamic Criminal Law in the Middle East PETERS RUDOLPH, Crime and Punishment in Islamic Law, Cambridge 2007, 6-68 BASSIOUNI M. CHERIF, Crimes and the Criminal Process, 12 Arab Law Quarterly (1997), 269-286 MIR HOSSEINI ZIBA, Criminalising Sexuality: Zina Laws as Violence Against Women in Muslim Contexts, SUR International Journal on Human Rights, Vol. 8 (2011), No. 15, 7-35 Student seminar: 1. SIDAHMED ABDEL SALAM, Problems in Contemporary Applications of Islamic Criminal Sanctions: The Penalty for Adultery in Relation to Women, British Journal of Middle East Studies Vol. 28 (2001), 187-204 2. SAEED ABDULLAH, The Need to Rethink Apostasy Laws in Saeed Abdullah/Saeed Hassan, Freedom of Religion, Apostasy and Islam, Burlington 2004, 167-173 3. TELLENBACH SILVIA, Fair Trial Guarantees in Criminal Proceedings Under Islamic, Afghan Constitutional and International Law, ZaöRV Vol. 64 (2004), 929-941 9 Prof. Dr. Andrea Büchler, University of Zurich 11 April 2016 Mon 10:1512:00 Andrea Büchler Perspectives: Contemporary Approaches and Discourses 1 Movements Contemporary Muslim Intellectuals Amina Wadoud Nasr Abu Zayd Abdullahi An’Naim Abdullah Saeed TAJI-FAROUKI SUHA, Introduction, in: TAJI-FAROUKI SUHA (ed.), Modern Muslim Intellectuals and the Qur’an, London 2004 (2006), 128. KURZMAN CHARLES, Liberal Islam and Its Islamic Context, in: KURZMAN CHARLES (ed.), Liberal Islam. A Sourcebook, New York/Oxford 1998, 3-26. ARABI OUSSAMA, Muhammad Abduh and the Modern Demands on Islamic Law, in: HOYLE MARK S. (ed.), Studies in Modern Islamic Law and Jurisprudence, Arab and Islamic Law Series 21, The Hague/London/New York 2001, 1938. NAJJAR FAUZI M., Islamic Fundamentalism and the Intellectuals: The Case of Nasr Hāmid Abū Zayd, 27 British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies (2000), 177-200 10 Student seminar: 1. ABU LUGHOD LEILA, Dialects of Women’s Empowerment. The International Circuitry of the Arab Human Development Report 2005, International Journal of Middle East Studies Vol. 41 (2009), 83-103 2. AN’NAIM ABDULLAHI, Shari’a in the Secular State. A Paradox of Separation and Conflation in Bearman Peri/Heinrichs Wolfhart/Weiss Bernard G., The Law Applied. Contextualizing the Islamic Shari’a, London/New York 2008, 321-341 3. ESPOSITO JOHN L., Rethinking Islam and Secularism, The Association of Religious Data Archive Guiding Paper Series 2010, 1-26 Prof. Dr. Andrea Büchler, University of Zurich 18 April 2016 Mon 10:1512:00 Andrea Büchler Perspectives: Contemporary Approaches and Discourses 2 Fazlur Rahman Literature: see Perspectives: Contemporary Approaches and Discourses 1 Abdolkarim Soroush Leila Ahmed Khaled Abou El Fadl Student seminar: 1. MIR-HOSSEINI ZIBA, Justice, Equality and Muslim Family Laws: New Ideas, New Prospects in MirHosseini Ziba/Vogt Kari/Larsen Lena/Moe Christian, Gender and Equality in Muslim Family Law, New York 2013, 7-34 (discussing AlTahir al-Haddad and Fazlur Rahman) 2. ABOU EL FADL KHALED, Violence, personal commitment and democracy in Griffith-Jones Robin (ed.), Islam and English Law, Cambridge 2013, 256-271 3. HAMIDADDIN ABDULLAH, Harmonious Being: A Space for an Alternative Way of Exploring Religion in Kersten Carool/Olsson Susanne, Alternative Islamic Discourses and Religious Authority, Farnham/Burlington 2013, 119136. 11 Prof. Dr. Andrea Büchler, University of Zurich 25 April 2016 Mon 10:1512:00 Nadia Sonneveld Laws of the Muslim World 1 Shari'a in Revolution? Reform of Shari'a-Based Family Law in Egypt and Morocco Will be announced by lecturer 12 No student seminar Prof. Dr. Andrea Büchler, University of Zurich 2 May 2016 Mohammad Tavana Mon 10:1512:00 9 May 2016 Mon 10:1512:00 Eveline Schneider Kayasseh Laws of the Muslim World 2 Laws of the Muslim World 3 Iran Iranian political and judicial system Iranian constitutional, family and criminal law Movie: Divorce Iranian Style Saudi Arabia Movie: Divorce Shari’a Style (BBC) ZUBAIDA SAMI, Law and Power in the Islamic World, London/New York 2003, 182-219 (The Politics of the Shari’a in Iran) No student seminar ESMAEILI HOSSEIN, On a Slow Boat Towards the Rule of Law: The Nature of Law in the Saudi Arabian Legal System, Arizona Journal of International and Comparative Law Vol. 26 (2009), 1-47 No Student seminar 13 Prof. Dr. Andrea Büchler, University of Zurich 23 May 2016 Mon 10:1512:00 Andrea Büchler Islamic Law in Europe 1 Introduction European discourse International Private Law Legal pluralism BÜCHLER ANDREA, Islamic Law in Europe? Legal Pluralism and its Limits in European Family Laws, Farnham/Burlington 2011, 5-26 BÜCHLER ANDREA/LATIF AMIRA, Judicial Encounters with Islamic and Middle Eastern Family Law in Switzerland from a private international law perspective – marriage and divorce in Giunchi Elisa, Muslim Family Law in Western Courts, Abingdon/New York 2014, 55-86 SHAH PRAKASH, Distorting Minority Laws? Religious Diversity and European Legal Systems in Shah Prakash et al., Family, Religion and Law, Cultural Encounters in Europe, Farnham 2014, 1-27 14 Student Seminar: 1. BÜCHLER ANDREA, Islamic family law in Europe? From dichotomies to discourse – or: beyond cultural and religious identity in family law, International Journal of Law in Context Vol. 8 (Special issue 02/2012), 196-210 2. CHRISTOFFERSEN LISBETH, Is Shari’a Law, Religion, or a combination? European Legal Discourses on Shari’a in Nielsen Jørgen S./Christoffersen Lisbeth (ed.), Shari’a as Discourse. Legal Traditions and the Encounter with Europe Farnham 2010, 57-77 3. SHACHAR AYELET, State, Religion, and the Family: The New Dilemmas of Multicultural Accommodation in Ahdar Rex/Aroney Nicholas (ed.), Shari’a in the West, Oxford/New York 2010, 115-133 Prof. Dr. Andrea Büchler, University of Zurich 30 May 2016 Andrea Büchler Islamic Law in Europe 2 Literature: see Islamic Law in Europe 1 Mon 10:1512:00 Student Seminar: 1. ALLIEVI STEFANO, Conflicts, Cultures, and Religions: Islam in Europe as a Sign and Symbol of Change in European Societies in Nökel Sigrid/Tezcan Levent, Islam and the New Europe, Yearbook of the Sociology of Islam 6, Bielefeld 2005, 18-44 2. DOUGLAS GILLIAN et al., Religious Divorce in England and Wales: Religious Tribunals in Action in Shah Prakash/Foblets MarieClaire/Rohe Mathias, Family, Religion and Law. Cultural Encounters in Europe, Farnham/Burlington 2014, 195-208 3. GAUDREAULT-DESBIENS JEANFRANÇOIS, Religious Courts, Personal Federalism, and Legal Transplants in Ahdar Rex/Aroney Nicholas, Shari’a in the West, Oxford/New York 2010, 159-180 4. SHAH PRAKASH, Between God and the Sultana? Legal pluralism in the British Muslim diaspora in Nielsen Jørgen S./Christoffersen Lisbet (eds.), Shari’a as Discourse. Legal Traditions and the Encounter 15 Prof. Dr. Andrea Büchler, University of Zurich with Europe, Farnham 2010, 117139 5. MENSKI WERNER,PluralityConscious Rebalancing of Family Law Regulation in Europe in Shah Prakash/Foblets Marie-Claire/Rohe Mathias, Family, Religion and Law. Cultural Encounters in Europe, Farnham/Burlington 2014, 29-49 6. SARDAR ALI SHAHEEN, From Muslim migrants to Muslim Citizens in Griffith-Jones Robin (ed.), Islam and English Law, Cambridge 2013, 157-175 16