Electronics and Circuits is a subject in the Engineering Degree course for students who major in Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering or
Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering.
This subject focuses on developing a set of field-of-practice skills and knowledge:
• It develops an applied base for your field-of-practice knowledge.
• It develops competence in the use of laboratory equipment through laboratory work and problem-based learning.
• It lets you apply core skills and knowledge to a field-of-practice.
Electronics and Circuits is a subject in the first year of the course – it helps to develop your academic and information literacy skills, and starts to build the academic foundations of professional engineering. It also helps you to acquire mastery of laboratory equipment required for the academic and workplace experiences.
You will be expected to start taking on more responsibility for your own learning. While self-managed learning offers you choices about how and when you study, we also understand that you will learn best if there are convenient opportunities for you to interact with fellow students and course staff.
Therefore, the subject provides a balance between the convenience of independent learning and the stimulation of academic life. We hope you enjoy the content, learning experiences and assessment tasks that make up this subject as well as the benefits of managing your own learning.
Dr Peter McLean is a Senior Lecturer at UTS in the School of Electrical,
Mechanical and Mechatronic Systems within the Faculty of Engineering and
Information Technology. Subjects taught include Electronics and Circuits,
Circuit Analysis, Introductory Digital Systems, Signals and Systems, Data
Acquisition and Distribution, Digital Electronics, Analog Electronics, Signal
Processing, Power Circuit Theory, Embedded Software and Fundamentals of
Electrical Engineering. He has undertaken numerous research projects in collaboration with industry that normally involve the development of embedded systems hardware and software. These include microcontrollerbased power system protection devices, DSP-based power-line carrier systems and a broadband Internet distribution system for the home.
Electronics and Circuits Autumn 2013 2013-04-10 i
This subject is a Stage 2 field-of-practice subject which is a fundamental component of the Electrical, Mechanical and Mechanical and Mechatronic
Majors within various Bachelor of Engineering Degrees.
It is assumed that you have already been introduced to and attained competence in basic electrical concepts, simple DC and AC circuit analysis, passive elements, and the use of basic laboratory equipment. In this subject you will gain experience in the analysis of electronic circuits, operational amplifiers and electronics applications. It will be seen that engineering requires judgement, approximation and experience – and draws on many fields of mathematics and science.
The subject lays the foundation for many areas of further interest to the engineer – circuit analysis, electronics, and applications of electronics.
"The artist is nothing without the gift, but the gift is nothing without work. "
- Emile Zola
The main objective of this subject is to familiarise students with common electronic devices and their applications. By the end of this subject, students should have acquired reasonable proficiency in the analysis of basic electronic circuits and be able to build and test circuits in the laboratory. Particular emphasis will be placed on the practical, hands-on aspects of electronics and to provide a solid foundation of working knowledge for all of the basic operational amplifier circuits. Laboratory work will be a significant proportion of in-class delivery so as to make students proficient in circuit construction, testing, troubleshooting and give them a sound knowledge of the use of test instruments.
Another objective is to show that practical electronic applications are relevant to other engineering and technical disciplines and may often be placed within a wider social and commercial context.
The subject will prepare you for more advanced topics on electronics and circuits which you may encounter in professional practice and in further subjects.
Electronics and Circuits Autumn 2013 2013-04-10
The content covered is divided into sections, each of which addresses a fundamental area of electronics and circuits. The intention is that, as you work your way through the subject, your learning will be cumulative. That is, the content you cover in one section should directly help you to understand the topics that follow. A weekly learning schedule, based on a recommended study sequence of the sections, is given in the Study Guide. For each of the sections, a separate list of topics and suggested reading is also provided in the Study
Prerequisite knowledge
You are expected to have successfully completed Introduction to Electrical
Engineering and Mathematical Modelling 1, or their equivalent.
The following information takes precedence over the default policies outlined in section 3.3.1 of the Faculty’s Student Guide.
The subject uses UTSOnline which contains the subject documentation and links to important learning aids. The URL is:
You should regularly visit and explore the web site to keep informed of any important announcements such as timetable or assessment changes.
You should attend all the lectures. They normally occur twice a week with a one hour duration. During the lectures you will have the opportunity to meet with fellow students and with your subject coordinator who will answer questions and highlight selected topics.
The laboratories are structured sessions that allow you to put into practice the knowledge delivered in lectures, using specialised equipment.
"In theory, there is
Twenty-four hour access to the computing laboratories will be given to no difference students during the semester. If you are unsure of your PIN and access between theory and practice. But, in arrangements, visit: practice, there is."
- Jan L.A. van de
Electronics and Circuits Autumn 2013 2013-04-10
"Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted." - Albert
Einstein (1879-
Assessment for this subject is criterion-referenced. This means that your performance is measured against a set of criteria, not against the performance of other students.
The assessment criteria for this subject
In assessing your performance we will be looking for evidence that:
You are able to apply basic circuit laws such as Kirchhoff’s laws and
Thévenin’s Theorem to a variety of linear circuits, including those with controlled sources.
You have understood the concepts used in analysing and designing electric circuits including DC circuits, AC circuits, and the concept of time-domain transients and frequency-domain frequency response.
You have been exposed to the concept of nonlinearity, especially as it applies to the diode’s characteristic and its behaviour in circuits.
You are able to analyse and design circuits using operational amplifiers, and understand the concept of negative and positive feedback.
You have experienced different methods of generating and measuring electrical signals and are able to operate laboratory equipment in an independent and proficient manner.
Assessment tasks
The assessment tasks and their weighting are given in the Subject Outline.
Please note that Rule 3.9 of the University describes the circumstances under which the University may retain a copy of your work. You should ensure that you are familiar with this rule by visiting the following web site:
In this subject, your work may be retained for purposes of assessment, disciplinary procedures, quality and accreditation processes and related activities.
Assessment dates
All assessment dates are shown in the Study Guide.
Electronics and Circuits Autumn 2013 2013-04-10
Assessment policy and procedures
You are required to read and become familiar with the UTS Procedures for the
Assessment of Coursework Subjects, and in particular Section 5.2 – which deals with completing assessment tasks and plagiarism. You may visit the following web site for the current version of the manual:
Section 5 also outlines procedures for obtaining special learning and assessment arrangements, such as extended time in tests and examinations.
Normally you apply for these arrangements through the Academic Liaison
Officer. A list of current Academic Liaison Officers is on the web at:
Only non-programmable calculators are allowed for the final exam.
In the past, a number of students have used their smart phone calculator apps in the tutorials. Although it is not a problem in the tutorials, please remember that you are allowed to use ONLY non-programmable calculators during the
Mid-Semester Test and the Final Exam. It is therefore advisable to use the same type of non-programmable calculator in the tutorials.
If you do not own a non-programmable calculator, you can arrange a loan of one by contacting the UTS Union.
Ensure that you are enrolled in the subject before the end of Week 2:
Please remember
Check the subject web site regularly each week to make sure you don’t miss any important announcements about assessment items.
Submit all assessment items on the date due as extensions are very difficult to arrange.
Keep a copy of all assessment items that you submit.
If you are repeating the subject, there are no exemptions from assessment tasks completed in previous semesters.
Electronics and Circuits Autumn 2013 2013-04-10 v
There are three components to completing your study of Electronics and
Circuits. They are:
reading the lecture notes and attempting the WebTutor exercises
reading the textbook and attempting the set exercises
undertaking laboratories and completing the assessment items
"Whether you think that you can, or that you can't, you are usually right."
- Henry Ford
To guide you through these tasks there is a Timetable.
The Timetable will help you manage your learning in Electronics and Circuits.
It does so through the following design features:
It is organised in logical, linked and digestible steps, so that where your learning is headed remains clear. Each session of the Timetable refers to:
A lecture in the Lecture Notes. Each lecture may have associated exercises and quizzes that should be attempted in that session.
Textbook sections that are required reading and textbook problems that should be attempted in that session.
Assessment tasks that should be started, or are due.
The Timetable asks you, therefore, to be an active learner; not a passive reader. You should keep in mind that to achieve the necessary competence to pass this subject it is not sufficient to just read the pages of the lecture notes and readings a few weeks before assessment tasks are due. Apart from understanding the concepts given in the lecture notes, you also need to practice solving problems, undertake laboratories and allow yourself sufficient time to reflect on what you have learnt.
You can see what the learning tasks will be for each session of the
Timetable before you begin. This enables you to mentally prepare for the learning tasks while you work through the session topic. In this way your learning stays focused on the main areas of the session; you don’t lose your way in the details.
Electronics and Circuits Autumn 2013 2013-04-10
The lecture notes should be read before each session so that lectures can concentrate on particular topics of interest rather than trying to cover all the material.
Structure of the Lecture Notes
The Lecture Notes are an on-going development through a process of continual feedback from students attempting to learn the topics as well as a continual updating of the content as technology changes. Difficult or hard-to-grasp topics are expanded; or are presented in a different manner to the readings; or Margin notes help highlight the real-world application of the topic. Prerequisite material is often you navigate the material recapped. The focus of the Lecture Notes is towards the practical application of theory, so those topics that are important to this goal are treated fairly thoroughly. The Lecture Notes are therefore a complement to the readings, as well as a summary of the important topics.
WebTutor is a learning tool that is accessible to UTS students on the Web at the URL:
WebTutor presents you with exercises based on the lecture topics – they are similar to the end-of-chapter problems in the textbook. The exercises are unique, as they are randomly generated by WebTutor each time an exercise is viewed. This means it is extremely unlikely that you will see exactly the same exercise twice.
You can try your solution to an exercise as many times as you wish. For each attempt your answer will be marked by the software and you will see your grade and the exact answer. However, those trial answers and grades will not be recorded for assessment purposes.
Once you are confident that you know how to solve the type of exercises you are currently practising, you can choose to be examined . You will be presented with a new (but similar) exercise. This time your answer and score (as well as the exercise parameters) will be recorded for assessment purposes. Each exercise can be examined only once.
In order to help students focus on a particular topic, pace their learning and provide timely feedback on their efforts, each exercise has a deadline . Your submissions will only be accepted ON or BEFORE the deadline ! (For instance, if the deadline is listed as 2013-03-03, you will be able to submit your solution at any time up until 23:59:59 on that date).
Electronics and Circuits Autumn 2013 2013-04-10
Online help is available for most exercises from within WebTutor. In addition to the solutions provided on a CD accompanying the textbook, numerical solutions to most textbook problems and worked solutions to some are available on UTSOnline. If you require more help, tutor(s) will be available for consultations in the LDC1.
You should not limit your learning to solving the WebTutor problems. Your textbooks have excellent sets of end-of-chapter exercises and you are strongly encouraged to attempt as many of them as possible. As a minimum, you should work on exercises that are recommended in the Timetable.
Textbooks are where you find the detail of the topics covered in this subject.
Prescribed textbook
The prescribed textbooks for this subject are:
Hayt, W.H., Kemmerly, J.E. and Durbin, S.M., Engineering Circuit
Analysis , 8th Ed. McGraw, 2012. ISBN 978-0-07-352957-8
Hambley, A.R., Electrical Engineering: Principles and Applications , 5th
Ed, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2008. ISBN 978-0-13-215516-8
Reference textbooks
There are many textbooks on circuit analysis and electronics. Find one that suits your learning style and covers the topics of the subject in adequate depth.
There will be no catch-up lab sessions. Laboratory experiments should be conducted in groups of two students. Each lab group is to purchase one UTS breadboard kit ED1086 , at a cost of $79.95
, from:
127 York Street 2000 (opposite QVB)
Ph: 02 9267 1614
Trading Hours
Mon - Fri: 8:30 - 6:00
A practical exam will be given at the end of each laboratory session.
The Lab Notes will be distributed to students by Week 2 of the semester. They will also be available in PDF format on the subject web site from Week 1.
Electronics and Circuits Autumn 2013 2013-04-10
The Learning and Design Centre 1 (LDC1) in room CB01.25.15 contains special laboratory equipment associated with this subject for out-of-hours learning and laboratory catch-up sessions. You can use LDC1 to conduct the laboratories, either before or after their scheduled time, to assist with your learning.
The Laboratories are published in documents separate to the Lecture Notes. It is up to you to submit each assessment item on time. The due dates for assessment items are given in the Timetable.
Please remember that if you are repeating this subject, there are no exemptions from assessment tasks completed in previous semesters.
Using a fellow student as a learning partner has been found repeatedly to be an important learning support. The idea is that you contact a fellow student, by phone or whatever means is most convenient, to discuss your interpretation of a learning task, to check if your approaches are the same and to generally clear up any confusions which may have arisen. It has been found that well over half of the concerns students experience about their learning are to do with simply checking that they are 'on the right track' and can be solved using this method.
If, however, the concern or uncertainty remains, it is then recommended that you contact your subject coordinator.
Your time
Organising your time is a major challenge in learning. Leaving recommended readings and assessment items to the last minute is a common problem. To assist you with this challenge you may find it useful to plan your study time before you start work on this subject. First decide on the best place and time each week to study without distractions and then make sure to adhere to your own plan.
It is estimated that over a period of 14 semester weeks you should set aside a total of approximately 8 hours of study time each week. It is recommended that you break up those hours into at least two study sessions each on a different day of the week. This is a rough guide only, as people learn at different rates and from different levels of experience.
Your assessment item due dates are prescribed directly on the Timetable and are highlighted.
Electronics and Circuits Autumn 2013 2013-04-10 ix
25 Feb
28 Feb
L1A: Basic Laws and Op-Amp Amplifiers
Current. Voltage. Circuit elements and types of circuits. Independent sources. The resistor and
Ohm’s Law. Practical resistors. Kirchhoff’s
Current Law (KCL). Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law
(KVL). Combining resistors. Combining independent sources. The voltage divider rule.
The current divider rule. Dependent sources.
Power. Amplifiers. The operational amplifier.
Negative feedback. The noninverting amplifier. The inverting amplifier.
L1B: Nodal and Mesh Analysis
Nodal analysis. Mesh analysis.
Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 14
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 6
Ch. 2
Ch. 4
P1.9, P1.20, P1.29,
P1.36, P1.46, P1.60
P2.8, P2.19, P2.34,
P2.35, P2.38, P2.43,
P14.10, P14.17,
P14.21, P14.24,
P14.27, P14.32
2.19, 2.26, 2.36, 2.47
3.2, 3.8, 3.23, 3.40,
3.46, 3.57
6.1, 6.6, 6.12, 6.14,
P2.48, P2.57, P2.66,
4.13, 4.16, 4.22, 4.25,
4.34, 4.38, 4.44, 4.50,
1 2 3 4 5 6
… … … … … …
… … … … … …
Electronics and Circuits Autumn 2013 2013-04-10
1 2 3 4 5 6
T T T L1 L1 L1
4 Mar
L2A: Circuit Analysis Techniques
Linearity and superposition. Source transformations. Thévenin and Norton equivalent circuits. Maximum power transfer.
7 Mar
11 Mar
14 Mar
L2B: Linear Op-Amp Applications
Summing amplifier. Difference amplifier.
Miller integrator. Differentiator. Negative impedance converter. Voltage-to-current converter. Noninverting integrator.
L3A: Reactive Components
Capacitance; series/parallel connection.
Physical characteristics of capacitors; parasitic effects. Inductance; series/parallel connection.
Physical characteristics of inductors; parasitic effects. Duality.
L3B: Diodes and Basic Diode Circuits
Ideal diode. Diode models. Rectifier circuits.
Limiting and clamping circuits. LEDs. Zener voltage regulators.
Ch. 2
Ch. 5
Ch. 14
P2.80, P2.81, P2.91,
P2.94, P2.95
5.4, 5.11, 5.18, 5.21,
5.28, 5.40, 5.41, 5.45
P14.37, P14.42,
P14.70, P14.74,
Ch. 3
Ch. 7
§1-4, 6
Ch. 10
P3.13, P3.22, P3.31,
P3.32, P3.43, P3.57
7.5, 7.11, 7.17, 7.25,
7.29, 7.35, 7.37, 7.36,
7.49, 7.50, 7.64
P10.14, P10.16,
P10.26, P10.36,
P10.37, P10.54,
L1 L1 L1 T T T
T T T L2 L2 L2
L2 L2 L2 T T T
Electronics and Circuits Autumn 2013 2013-04-10
3 4 5 1 2 6
T T T L3 L3 L3
18 Mar
21 Mar
25 Mar
28 Mar
L4A: Source-free RC and RL Circuits
Differential operators. Properties of differential operators. The characteristic equation. The simple RC circuit. Properties of the exponential response. Single time constant RC circuits. The simple RL circuit.
Single time constant RL circuits.
L4B: Nonlinear Op-Amp Applications
Super diode. Precision full-wave rectifier.
Logarithmic amplifier. Op-amp comparators.
L5A: First-Order Step Response
The unit-step forcing function. The driven
RC circuit. Forced and natural response. Step response of RC circuits. Analysis procedure for single time constant RC circuits. Step response of RL circuits. Analysis procedure for single time constant RL circuits.
L5B: Op-Amp Imperfections
DC imperfections (offset voltage, bias and offset currents). Finite open-loop gain. Finite bandwidth. Output voltage saturation. Output current limits. Slew rate. Full-power BW.
Ch. 8
Ch. 8
Ch. 14
8.7, 8.10, 8.11, 8.17,
8.22, 8.38, 8.40
8.46, 8.48, 8.52, 8.54,
8.58, 8.62
P14.52, P14.59,
L3 L3 L3 T T T
T T T L4 L4 L4
L4 L4 L4 T T T
Electronics and Circuits Autumn 2013 2013-04-10
1 Apr
4 Apr
8 Apr
11 Apr
Public Holiday
L6A: The Phasor Concept
Sinusoidal signals. Sinusoidal steady-state response. Complex forcing function. Phasors.
Phasor relationships for R , L and C .
Impedance. Admittance.
L7A: The Sinusoidal Steady-State Response
Analysis using phasors. Nodal analysis. Mesh analysis. Superposition. Source transformations. Thévenin’s theorem.
Norton’s theorem. Phasor diagrams. Power in the sinusoidal steady-state.
L7B: Amplifier Models
Circuit models for amplifiers. Cascaded amplifiers. Efficiency. I/O impedances. Ideal amplifiers. Frequency response. Linear distortion. Nonlinear distortion.
Ch. 10
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
10.2, 10.4, 10.10,
10.15, 10.18, 10.24,
10.26, 10.34, 10.40,
10.47, 10.60, 10.61,
10.70, 10.71, 10.74
P11.9, P11.16,
P11.40, P11.62
1 2
L5 L5 L5 T T T
Electronics and Circuits Autumn 2013 2013-04-10
15 Apr
18 Apr
22 Apr
25 Apr
29 Apr
2 May
Tutorial Week
Tutorial Week
Mid-semester test .
Lectures 1A-5A inclusive.
Vice-Chancellor’s Week
Vice-Chancellor’s Week
L8A: Frequency Response
Fourier analysis, filters and transfer functions. Decibels. Cascading two-ports.
Logarithmic frequency scales. Bode plots.
First-order lowpass filters. First-order highpass filters.
L8B: First-Order Op-Amp Filters
Bilinear frequency response. First-order lowpass filters. First-order highpass filters.
Ch. 6
P6.8, P6.25, P6.40,
P6.46, P6.59, P6.69,
L6 L6 L6 T T T
Electronics and Circuits Autumn 2013 2013-04-10
1 2 3 4 5 6
T T T L7 L7 L7
6 May
9 May
13 May
16 May
L9A: Second-Order Step Response
Solution of the homogeneous linear differential equation. Source-free parallel
RLC circuit. Overdamped parallel RLC circuit. Critical damping. Underdamped parallel RLC circuit. Source-free series RLC circuit. Complete response of the RLC circuit.
L9B: Waveform Generation
Open-loop comparator. Comparator with hysteresis. Astable multivibrator. Waveform generator.
L10A: Second-order Frequency Response
Resonance. Parallel resonance. Quality factor. Second-order circuit relations.
Bandwidth. Series resonance. Other resonant forms. The second-order lowpass frequency response. The second-order highpass frequency response. Standard forms of second-order frequency responses.
L10B: Second-Order Op-Amp Filters
Filter design parameters. The lowpass biquad circuit. The universal biquad circuit.
Approximating the ideal lowpass filter. The
Butterworth lowpass filter.
Ch. 9
Ch. 6
Ch. 16
9.4, 9.6, 9.17, 9.20,
9.23, 9.28, 9.32, 9.36,
9.46, 9.49, 9.50, 9.56
P6.72, P6.75, P6.79
16.2, 16.5, 16.11,
16.15, 16.18, 16.23
L7 L7 L7 T T T
T T T L8 L8 L8
L8 L8 L8 T T T
Electronics and Circuits Autumn 2013 2013-04-10
1 2 3 4 5 6
T T T L9 L9 L9
20 May
23 May
27 May
30 May
L11A: Complex Frequency
Complex frequency. Damped sinusoidal forcing function. Generalized impedance and admittance. Frequency response as a function of
. Frequency response as a function of
. The complex-frequency plane.
Visualization of the frequency response from a pole-zero plot.
L11B: Specialty Amplifiers
Differential and common-mode signals.
Difference amplifiers. Instrumentation amplifiers. Programmable gain amplifiers.
Isolation amplifiers.
12A: Transfer Functions
Transfer functions. Forced response.
Frequency response. Natural response.
Complete response.
12B: Sensor Signal Conditioning
Bridge circuits. Strain, force, pressure and flow measurements. High impedance sensors.
Temperature sensors.
Ch. 14
Ch. 15
Ch. 15
§1-4, 8
Ch. 9
14.4, 14.6, 14.10,
14.14, 14.20
15.51, 15.53, 15.55
15.7, 15.8, 15.13,
15.14, 15.31, 15.36,
L9 L9 L9 T T T
T T T L10 L10
L10 L10 L10 T T T
Electronics and Circuits Autumn 2013 2013-04-10
3 Jun
6 Jun
13A: System Modelling
Differential equations of physical systems.
Linear approximations of physical systems.
The transfer function. Block diagrams.
13B: Revision
Review of subject. Final exam preview.
1 2
3 4 5 6
… … … … … …
Electronics and Circuits Autumn 2013 2013-04-10
Key: T – tutorial
L1 – Lab Equipment
L2 – Noninverting and Inverting Amplifiers
L3 – Comparator, Integrator, Differentiator
L4 – Summing Amplifier, Precision FWR
L5 – Op-Amp Limitations
L6 – First-Order RC Circuits
L7 – First-Order RL Circuits
L8 – Waveform Generation
L9 – RLC Circuits
L10 – The Universal Filter
Electronics and Circuits Autumn 2013 2013-04-10