HEALTH & SAFETY POLICY FOR CHARFORD FIRST SCHOOL INTRODUCTION Current legislation requires that the Governors of Charford First School produce a written statement outlining their general policy with respect to the health and safety at work of the employees of the school. THE STATEMENT The governors of Charford First School recognise their responsibility under the Health and Safety at Work Act (1974) so far as is reasonably practicable, to: § provide safe systems of work, plant and equipment; § provide for the safe use, handling, storage and transport of articles and substances; § provide such information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary for staff and pupils to undertake their work safely; § provide a safe and healthy working environment with adequate welfare arrangements; § provide for the health and safety of persons not employed by the school, but who may be affected by its activities; § encourage all staff to take reasonable care for their own health and safety and to co-operate with the Governors and managers of the school in carrying out their statutory duty; § require all staff to report through the appropriate channels, any problem, defect or hazard likely to lead to a lack of safe or healthy conditions for themselves or others. CONSULTATION The Governors of Charford First School recognise the need to consult staff on matters of health and safety and will recognise the right of staff to appoint Safety Representatives, through their recognised trade unions or professional associations. The Governors will accommodate the establishment of a School Safety Committee on which the staff Safety Representatives, amongst others, may serve, should it be requested by staff or their representatives. No individual member of staff shall be required to undertake specific responsibility for any health and safety function (e.g. School Safety Officer) without having first been consulted. THE ROLE OF THE LOCAL AUTHORITY The Governors recognise the Statement of General Policy of Worcester County Council Education Department, together with its organisation and arrangements and undertake 1 to comply with its requirements and procedures in respect of maintaining safe and healthy places of work for the staff and pupils of the school, as laid down in the Department's Handbook of Safety Information. The Governors recognise that it may on occasions be necessary to seek advice on specialist matters pertaining to health and safety and will consult the Health and Safety Co-ordinator of Worcester County Council or such other persons as may be necessary. LOCAL MANAGEMENT OF SCHOOLS The Governors recognise the need to ensure that sufficient funds are reserved for the maintenance of those items of premises and equipment where financial responsibility has been delegated to them under the L.A.'s "Scheme for the Local Management of Schools". RISK ASSESSMENT The Governors recognise their responsibilities so far as is reasonably practicable to ensure that any significant risks arising from work activities are assessed (as required under the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1992, the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations 1988, the Manual Handling Regulations 1992 and the Display Screen Equipment Regulations 1992). ORGANISATION & PERSONNEL THE LOCAL AUTHORITY § has overall responsibility as employer for all aspects of health and safety of employees, pupils and other persons at this school (under sections 2 and 3 of the Health and Safety at Work etc. 1974), § has responsibility for appointing competent principal contractors where building or plant maintenance work is done, which is the financial responsibility of the Local Authority, § (or the school if it initiates building work) has responsibility for appointing a competent person as Planning Supervisor in those works which fall within the scope of the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 1994. THE GOVERNORS Through the head teacher, are responsible as far as is reasonably practicable for... § ensuring that the school's safety policy is implemented, monitored and regularly reviewed and revised as necessary; § ensuring that sufficient funds are reserved for meeting their responsibilities for Health and Safety, in particular for the maintenance of those items of premises and equipment for which they have financial responsibility under the arrangements for the Local Management of Schools; § monitoring the (health and safety) need for non structural maintenance in the school and informing the Assistant Director of Technical Services (Building User Services) (through the schools allocated Building Surveyor) as necessary; § notifying the Assistant Director of Technical Services (Building User Services) of any visually obvious defects that could adversely affect the health and safety of staff, pupils and other persons; § the safe condition, storage and maintenance of equipment, ensuring that such equipment can be used safely in the normal running of the school; § ensuring that the premises, the means of access and exit, are safe and without risks to health; 2 § ensuring that safety rules concerning the use of premises and equipment are displayed at appropriate locations in the school and are enforced; § the adoption of safe working practices by staff and pupils, and by contractors when on site; § liaising with the appropriate representatives of the County Council and contracting organisations, for dealing with potential hazards to health and safety. THE HEADTEACHER is responsible as far as is reasonably practicable for...... § the implementation of the school safety policy; § advising the Governing Body of the need to review the school safety policy; § the day to day responsibility for health and safety in the school; § ensuring any risk assessments are carried out in accordance with the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1992, in all areas of significant risk; § ensuring that members of staff receive appropriate health and safety training; § carrying out the six-monthly safety audit required by the L.A.; § ensuring that all problems or defects affecting the health and safety of staff, pupils or other persons in the school are dealt with; § emergency procedures, including evacuation in case of fire or bomb threats; § ensuring that adequate provision is made for the administration of First Aid; § notifying the L.A. Health and Safety Co-ordinator of any serious accidents to pupils or any accidents to staff or other persons and any "near miss" (dangerous occurrence) situations, in accordance with the procedures laid down; § notifying the LA Health and Safety Co-ordinator of any hazards or problems affecting the health, safety or welfare of staff, pupils or others that cannot be resolved by appropriate local action; (NB. Any property problems should be notified to the school's allocated Building Surveyor in the first instance) § ensuring that all new material on health and safety matters, supplied by the LA or the Health and Safety Executive, is brought to the attention of any relevant persons promptly; § facilitating the meeting of a School Safety Committee, if it is requested by approved trade union safety representatives and for attending such meetings; § consultation with approved trade union safety representatives on any matter affecting the health, safety or welfare of any members of staff. SUBJECT, YEAR GROUP AND KEY-STAGE CO-ORDINATORS Are responsible as far as is reasonably practicable... § for all matters of health and safety in their area; § for bringing to the notice of the Head teacher (or the School Safety Officer) any problems or defects affecting the health, safety or welfare of staff, pupils or other persons in their area. MEMBERS OF STAFF are responsible as far as is reasonably practicable for... § ensuring that they are familiar with and comply with the school safety policy; § reporting any defects or problems affecting the health and safety of themselves, their pupils, other staff or any other person to the Head teacher (or School Safety Officer); 3 § co-operating with their employer (L.A. or Governing Body) to enable them to comply with the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974. THE CARETAKER Is responsible as far as is reasonably practicable for... § ensuring that he is familiar with and complies with the school safety policy. He should also be familiar with the L.A.'s Group Safety Policy "Safety of Buildings" (published in the L.A.'s "Handbook of Safety Information); § bringing to the attention of the Head teacher (or School Safety Officer) any problems or defects affecting the health and safety of any person on the school premises; § bringing the school safety policy and risk assessments to the attention of any cleaning or other staff working under his direction, in so far as it affects the work of those persons (e.g. in use and storage of equipment and materials); § ensuring that any staff under his direct control receive adequate training and instruction in the use of any equipment or materials that they are expected to use; § ensuring that all equipment and materials received have adequate health and safety information (e.g. manufacturer's data sheets for COSHH assessments to be carried out); § ensuring that safe procedures are followed when work of a potentially hazardous nature is undertaken by themselves, or others working under his direction; § ensuring that due warning is given of any caretaking / cleaning operations that could constitute a hazard to other users of the premises (e.g. signs to warn of slippery floors, ice or snow etc.); § ensuring that all contractors in school sign the visitors’ book and wear an appropriate badge (n.b. office staff will do this when the caretaker is not on duty i.e. the majority of the school day.) § informing contractors of any hazards that could affect their health and safety while working in the school, § testing water quality across the school and keeping appropriate levels. FIRST AIDERS / APPOINTED PERSONS are responsible as far as is reasonably possible for... § maintaining the First Aid boxes in line with the guidance given in the L.A.'s Handbook of Safety Information and controlling and maintaining any other First Aid supplies as may be kept separately. (See Handbook of Safety Information, p34). SAFETY REPRESENTATIVES (Appointed by Trade Unions / Professional Association). “The Health and Safety at Work Act” 1974 provides for the appointment of safety representatives by recognised trade unions. Such representatives will be elected by the union membership among the school's staff and the L.A. should be informed of their appointment by the appropriate union, not the school. CATERING/KITCHEN MANAGER Is responsible as far as is reasonably possible for... 4 § ensuring that she is familiar with the school safety policy. THE ARRANGEMENTS ACCESS & EGRESS The Caretaker will ensure that all entrances and exits (especially fire exits) are kept free of snow, leaves or any other obstructions. ACCIDENT REPORTING All persons except pupils § All injuries should be reported to Mrs.Brotheridge or Mrs. Hart. § Accidents must be recorded in Accident Book B1510. § Mrs. Brotheridge or Mrs. Hart must complete form Riddor 3. § Serious injuries must be reported to the County Safety Co-ordinator immediately and the Chair of Governors. Pupils § Accidents to pupils must be recorded in the Accident Books, which are kept in the medical room, the Nursery and in Lower School. § For serious accidents including: a.fracture or suspected fracture treatment c.head injuries Mrs. Brotheridge or Mrs. Hart will complete a pupil accident form and forward to the County Safety Co-ordinator. § For accidents involving death, the County Safety Co-ordinator and the Chair of Governors must be involved immediately. BLOOD BORNE DISEASES Staff should follow the guidelines as laid down in the handbook on blood borne viruses entitled "Control of Infection in the Workplace" (kept in the medical room.) BUILDING REPAIRS AND CONTRACTORS It is important that pupils and workmen are segregated as far as possible during the school day and that communication between school and contractors is adequate and regular to ensure that the work in progress does not interfere with the normal school work or endanger pupils on the premises. Handbook of Safety Information p.19-20. CLEANING Most cleaning of floors resulting in wet and slippery surfaces will be done at the end of the school day. Warning signs should be displayed if cleaning is necessary when anyone is in the building. COMMUNICATIONS 5 Any problems or defects, which could cause possible injury, must be reported to the Head, Deputy Head or School Safety Officer immediately and always followed up with written details entered into the “Logbook of Health and Safety Concerns” which is kept on the notice board in the kitchen. The caretaker checks this each evening. The Safety Committee will meet at least twice a year as part of the safety audit process. Health & Safety will regularly be put on the agenda of staff meetings. DISPLAY SCREEN EQUIPMENT (VDU’s) No child or adult should use the VDU constantly for more than 20 minutes before taking a break. Refer to page 2.23 in the Handbook of Safety Information. FIRE ALARMS The caretaker tests the fire alarm system on the first school day of each month. A record of tests is kept in a book in the school office. FIRE APPLIANCES All extinguishers are checked by visual inspection on the first school day of each month by the caretaker. An annual inspection by Chubb Fire Ltd is carried out and a record of this inspection is noted on each extinguisher. Staff should be aware that red extinguishers should not be used on electrical equipment - refer to the Handbook of Information page 2.39. Emergency lighting is tested once a month. Records of fire extinguishers and emergency lights testing are kept in the office. FIRE & EMERGENCY PROCEDURES Fire and emergency procedures are carried out at least once per term. Emergency lighting is tested once a month. Records of testing are kept with records of extinguishers monthly visual inspection. ACTION ON HEARING FIRE ALARM BELL 1. Staff will supervise the children leaving the building by the appropriate exit closing the door when the last person is out. 2. Everyone should walk calmly and quickly but not run. 3. No-one should stop or return for any belongings. 4. Registers will be taken by the teacher and a roll call taken when the children have lined up at the agreed assembly points. The office signing in and out book should be taken out by the secretary and staff should be informed. 5. The head teacher should be informed if anyone is missing. 6. Small fires may be dealt with using an extinguisher. 7. If necessary the fire brigade will be called. 8. Access should be kept clear for the fire brigade and all gates unlocked. IF YOU DISCOVER A FIRE:• • • • ENSURE THE SAFETY OF THE CHILDREN FIRST, OPERATE NEAREST FIRE ALARM, GO TO NEAREST LINE UP POINT, OFFICE STAFF, DIAL 999. 6 FIRE EXITS All escape routes should be clearly marked and kept clear of any obstructions. FIRE NOTICES In each room there is a blue notice indicating exit routes and assembly point(s). FIRST AID There are three First Aid cabinets: a) in the medical room b) in L.S. Ladies toilet area c) in Nursery The appointed First Aiders are Mrs.Mansell, Mrs Allerton, Mrs Hopkinson and Mrs Grimshaw. Anyone receiving minor First Aid will be given appropriate treatment. Staff will wear protective gloves before any First Aid, involving blood or other body fluids, is given. All treatment to children will be entered in the accident book Parents will be informed of any head bumps and minor injuries. FLAMMABLE SUBSTANCES Most aerosols are locked in the cleaners’cupboards (by room 5, room 8 and Nursery). Some paints and spirit type fluids are kept in a locker in the caretaker’s cupboard. An oxygen bottle used by a child in one of the classes is kept in the Blue Room and in the storage room off Lower School Hall. HAZARDOUS CHEMICALS (COSSH) A hazardous substance is defined as one which is harmful, corrosive, toxic or an irritant. Refer to Worcestershire Handbook of Safety Information page 2.17. INFORMATION PUBLICATIONS The Handbook of Safety Information and other safety publications are kept in the medical room. JOURNEYS AND VISITS Please refer to the school’s policy on “Educational Visits” and the WCC “Offsite visits, Field Studies and Outdoor Education Guidelines” – kept in the head teacher’s office. Risk assessments are prepared before every school trip. A copy of all Educational Visits information plus generic risk assessments are on Central Resources under Educational Visits Guidelines. LETTINGS Please refer to WCC booklet on “Local Management of Schools - Health & Safety a Guide for Governors”. MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT (e.g. Cleaners’ machines) All breakdowns of machines should be immediately reported to Mr. Scott and labelled by the person who identified the breakdown. 7 MEDICINES The issue of medicines or tablets will only be undertaken when parents fill in the appropriate form kept in the secretary’s office. • Only medicine prescribed by the doctor will be given. • All medicine is securely stored in the secretary’s office or if needing to be refrigerated is kept in the fridge located in the staff’s kitchen. • A record is kept when the medicine is given. • An asthma register is kept in the secretary’s office for year N to year 4 children and an entry made when a child has their inhaler. Inhalers are easily accessible either in the classroom or medical room. • An asthma register is kept in the Reception classes and entries made when a child has their inhaler. Inhalers are easily accessible in the classrooms. PLAYGROUND SAFETY & SUPERVISION Each playground is used at playtimes. The children are supervised at all times by either a member of the teaching staff, teaching assistants or lunchtime supervisors. The playground surfaces and equipment are regularly checked visually and any defects are reported in the Log Book of Concerns. RECORD-KEEPING Records are kept of:a. accidents in the Accident Book in the Medical Room, b. inhalers use in the Asthma Register in the Medical Room, c. inhalers use in the Asthma Register in the Reception classes, d. boiler inspections/repairs in a Property folder in the school office, e. fire alarm tests in a Property folder in the school office, f. fire drills (to be updated by Mel Henderson, records are kept in the school office), g. fire appliances checks in a Property folder in the school office, h. portable electrical appliance tests (the contractors log books are kept in the Medical Room), i. Asbestos is present in the building. A register is made available to all contractors working on site. They are requested to read it and sign it on each visit. REPORTING A report on Health and Safety is included on the agenda of every termly full governors’ meeting and each property panel meeting. RISK ASSESSMENT The Health and Safety Officer in consultation with staff and governors (Risk Assessment Panel) carries out a risk assessment review annually. SAFETY INSPECTION The Health and Safety Officer leads the L.A.’s six monthly “Safety Audit”, aided by staff and governors. SCHOOLS SAFETY COMMITTEE The Health and Safety Officer meets regularly with the Health and Safety 8 representative from the Governing Body and the Head teacher to review Health and Safety issues. SECURITY All visitors to school must report initially to the school office. This is manned by the secretary and other members of staff. Visitors then sign the visitors’ book and are issued with a badge to wear while they are in school. All pedestrian gates are locked during school hours. All children coming in late or leaving early must be signed in or out in the book in the school office. All staff leaving the premises within the school day should also sign the book. STAGE LIGHTING Mr Scott is in charge of the stage lighting equipment. The equipment is kept in a secure store in Room 7. If any member of staff wishes to use the lighting equipment they must give reasonable notice to Mr Scott. No lighting equipment or wiring should be modified or altered in any way except with the agreement of Mr Scott. The equipment is tested annually as part of the portable electrical appliance testing. Any lighting set up should be inspected by Mr Scott before being connected to the mains and should be dismantled, inspected and packed away for storage by the afore-mentioned. TRAINING The L.A. provides training in “Chemical and Manual Handling” for caretakers. The caretaker trains the cleaning staff. Other members of staff are made aware of the Health and Safety policy and its requirements when they start employment at the school. Some lunchtime supervisors have received manual training in order to operate the children’s dining tables. VEHICLE ACCESS - CAR PARKING The car park is clearly segregated from the play areas and should only be used by staff and visitors. Parents should not use the staff car park to drop off or pick up children. Parents and children are regularly requested not to walk through the car park but to keep to the pedestrian pathways around school. WORK EXPERIENCE Students on work experience are subject to the same Health and Safety rules as all members of staff. They should be made aware of potential hazards and be mindful of the needs for all safety precautions to be followed. 9 Date agreed by staff: Date agreed by Governing Body: Policy to be reviewed: 10