FORM NBTE 1 PA NATIONAL BOARD FOR TECHNICAL EDUCATION KADUNA pllf CM p d o r T For Self Questionnaire Study The Accreditation of Diploma Programmes Offered In Polytechnics And Similar Secondary Technical Institutions Post completed By Name of Institution Programme for which Submitting questionnaire questionnaire is being submitted CONFIDENTIALITY OF INFORMATION related to it is solely forthe confidential and shall not be disclosed Technical Education and its authorised agents use of the National Board for uses for summary data or such other the institution concerned except without written authorisation of The information not supplied in this questionnaire or by other identffiable to a specffic institution Date Questionnaire is Submitted 21 means NATIONAL BOARD FOR TECHNICAL EDUCATION NOTES FOR INSTITUTIONS COMPLETING 1 A P STUDY QUESTIONNAIRES FORM NBTE SELF The questionnaire consists of two sections A and B Section A is to be completed in respect of the of the programme for which accreditation is whole institution Section B is to be completed in respect National Diploma the National Diploma ND and Higher required For the purpose of accreditation distinct and programmes field are taken as separate programmes in the same specialised HND Attach to the completed questionnaire the curriculum and a syllabus the following of the programme for which accreditation is required of the programme time of classes offered in the first and second year schedule current table and subjects taught instructors number off periods This should include the names of lecturers b final ND HND examinations for the past two years past question papers of the from the programme to be accredited should attach past Institutions that have not graduated students the first year final examinations in lieu of paragraph 2 c above papers of c question and six 6 No copies of each item 6 No completed questionnaires should be forwarded to be to accredited each programme respect of Six in The Executive Secretary Programmes Division National Board Plot for Technical Education B Bida Road 2239 6 M P ttaduna t f 1 r r 22 listed in paragraph 2 above FORM NBTE 1A PA NATIONAL BOARD FOR TECHNICAL EDUCATION SECTION A PRELIMINARY INFORMATION ON THE INSTITUTION Y c 1A PA FORM NBTE SECTION A PRELIMINARY THE INSTITUTION THE INSTITUTION AND 1 0 INFORMATION ON CHIEF EXECUTIVE Name and Address of the Institution Telephone 0 2 0 3 Date Established of the institution Name and address off the Proprietor Telephone No Office Home 0 4 State Law Edict in cases to a Federal Law Decree or Has institution been established pursuant the photocopy of the relevant law Local Government If so attach of institution owned by State or of attach the photocopy of the letter In the case of private technical institution of the Edict Decree the establishrnent Federal Ministry of Education authorising approval from the NBTE institution 0 5 If answer to 4 is No Telephone No explain steps which are being Office Home Date of First Appoiniment 24 taken by the proprietor to meet the requirement ORGANIZATION ADMINISTRATION AND CONTROL OF INSTITUTION Ownership 0 8 and Control Describe below the ownership and system ofcontrol of the institution The description should also include the membership academic board if any 25 and role of the board governing council and and Administration are administratively Describe below the major components of the institution how the components to be accredited use relation to programme attach the current organisation structure in linked graphical illustration and additional sheets if necessary Organization 0 9 i 26 Governining 0 10 Council performance of the Governing Council and management development of the institution Appraise the 27 in the past two years in relationship to the Y Academic Board 0 11 Appraise the performance academic of the Academlc BoaiaFin work of the institution r 28 the two pasi years in relation to the f Y 0 12 Philosophy and Objectives of the Institution t how these Briefly state the philosophy and objeciivBS pftMQ institution and 29 are being met The Environment 0 13 Describe the site and its effect on the various facets of thg s institution life especially to a Its size b the c its access and traffic d provision e its maintenance and general sanitation f its safety g layout and appearance for future expansion and development the institution s master plan attach a copy 30 and the campus development with reference 0 14 Utility Services Appraise the state of utility services Are municipal utlliry services gas Is the s institution power If so how much does this cost Is water campus own supply to the national available and regular grid electricciry annually is the generator switched supply provided by on water and power supply hooked Does the institution generate its And for how long available the municipal on daily sboreholes Water Board institution or through water Tankers If water and power municipal supplies are provided by the institution sources 31 what is being done to obtain supplies from PHYSICAL FACILITIES Only physical facilities that are common to the whole institution are covered under this heading Physical facilities in the department where the programme to be accredited is offered are dealt with in paragraph 47 The Central 0 15 73 Library a Name of highest officer b Designation c Salary Grade charge of the in main library Level m2 0 16 Usable floor 0 17 Student 0 18 Sitting capaciryreaders 0 19 Library opening 0 20 area in population served and closing hours Lending Policy 1 21 For academic staff 2 21 For students List all books 1 journals and related facilities for General reading 2 General education 3 ND Programmes Pre 4 Each of the Programmes to be accredited 32 Professional Services offered 0 21 Describe briefly maximum use able to use by the Library the services offered by the library including of the library the deliberate efforts made to by both staff and students Also services rendered library effectively and to enable them obtain materials from environment and within Nigeria 33 ensure to new students to be other libraries in the 8 to 7 6 3 2 220 1 Cost years Indicate below Aids and of the be Aids Table two Bo ks Staf Bo ks progam e Miscelanou VAiusdalo Profesinal Periodcals sal ries iT31Qocatnl Others Details P e r i o d c a l s Miscelanou AViusdalo Profesinal dmiraetecritllys Expenditur Journals libray Journals acredit E x p e n d i t u r services Expenditur related to I 4 t of Tota 5 budgetary alownces aloctins the l F P A Expenditur Actua of Provisn Finacl Total Acquired Units I p number Budgetary Provisn Finac l Total Provisn Finacl Tota of 19 Alocatin pbeoridkcsal Expenditur and other libra y on materils Libray and Servics the actual Teaching 0 23 Accommodation See Section 8 y Staff and Student 0 24 Housing State institution s policy on residential accommodation for a Teaching b Students and Administrative Staff 35 0 25 Supply information as a Teaching indicated in the fable below and Administrative Stafff Table 2 No of Staff of No Living Campus On b No Living Rent Campus Off Subsidy Paid Departmment Whose programme is to be Accredted Living On Campus Monthl y Rent Payable by Staff Students Boarding No of Student in No Living Campus On No Living Departmment programme is to be Accredted Living Campus Off Campus On 36 Fee Whose pay able b y a student per session Facilities for 0 26 Sports and Recreation List on off campus facilities for sports and recreation available for regular use by students and staff Health Facilities 0 27 Describe the health care delivery system maintained of both staff and students 37 by the institution or other facilities for the benefit STAFFING 0 28 promotion retention spolicyonstaffrecruitment Brieflydescribetheinstitution and welfare Also discuss the main highlights of the institution s staff dismissal termination conditions attach a copy of the current written conditions of service if any Have the conditions of service assisted the institution in recruiting and training the calibre of teaching and administrative staff 38 working Staff Development Policy and Programme 0 29 and updating Describe any scheme of staff development undertaken by the institution for upgrading and if this privilege is extended academic and other staff in the specialised fields they are teaching to accredited the be programme to all including the department offering departments programme and the number of teaching and within the last three years and the type of support staff that have benefitted from the programme graduate courses courses graduate and post g conference seminar short programme e Indicate budgetary allocation for staff development 39 STUDENT ADMISSION AND GRADUATION POLICY Admission Retention and jt Policy Graduatic 0 State the institution 30 s policy on admissions entry requirements to the programmes including those for pre NDprogramme and other factois which influence the se ectlon ofstudents Also state if there is any policy on advanced placement of students For example exemption from certain courses already completed in another institution or programme 40 Expulsion Withdrawals spolicy on probation Institution Probation 0 State 31 handbook issued to performance placed students on on probation Attach if any a withdrawals and expulsion of students academic withdrawn for poor this subject Are students expelled for at least one semester 41 Grading System and Requirements for Graduation in Each Programme of students and the requirements for graduation 0 Describe the grading system used in the evaluation 32 Are there similar to the grading system issued by the NBTE Also explain in a diploma programme how repeat references in final examinations are decided 42 Existing Programmes 0 33 a List all programmes run by the institution prior to this application Table 3 Level of programmes Whether Full time whether national Name of programme diploma Duration in years certificate or service courses in 43 time part or for the year preceding the Enrolment and Graduation Statistics b one in which the visitation is taking place Table 4 Enrolment Academic Programme Mode of Year Title Attendance ND HND Graduation ND Remarks Pass HND ND PT FT Business For example 79 1978 Administration and 60 Ff Management 44 35 80 HND Registry 0 Describe the main functions of the 35 registry ifs organizational structure and the functions of each section unit Is the registry adequately staffed If not what effort is Explain being to made to the provisions made perform improve its functions the staffing situation by the Registry for ensuring proper administration of students academic records Does the institution issue to each student and his sponsor the course transcript And is this done at the end of each semester or session or at the end of the programme only Appraise the effectiveness of the registry in terms off its functions in the effective institution 45 management of the Bursary its 0 State the main functions of the bursary 36 section unit Explain Has the organizational structure and the functions of each departments of the institution the relationship of the bursary to the other divisions Bursary requisite accounting staff to effectively man it being made to improve the staffing situation If not what efforts are What efforts have been made by the Bursary to generate Sa r ky i 46 revenue for the institution 370 Table 5 Sup ly Name the of informat SColcuiebty in the table below Membrship Students Eligblity Club Objectivs of ClubSociery Main CAMPUS Societ s SOCIAL and Sporting Actives LIFE 213 Student Unionism 0 38 Describe the students union activities under the following a Objectives b activities Responsibilities c Reputation d Relationship with the authorities of the institution 48 headings Student Guidance and Counselling 39 Has the institution a student counsellor 0 have on the student choices of career and their State what influence the services of the counsellor general welbeing 49 1B PA FORM NBTE NATIONAL BOARD FOR TECHNICAL EDUCATION SECTION B THE PROGRAMME TO BE ACCREDITED SECTION B PROGRAMME TO BE ACCREDITED 0 40 Title of programme to be accredited TYPE OF ACCREDITATION REQUIRED see pare 4 of accreditation standard 0 41 Indicate below the type of accreditation required Please check 0 42 1 41 Initial Accreditation 2 41 accreditation Re one Has any NBTE accreditation team visited your institution to determine if the programme be accredited for the award of the ND HND Please check one Yes 0 43 If answer to item 42 is Yes please attach to the can completed questionnaire No a photocopy of the main decision and recommendations of the Board 0 44 Name of Department Section iwherethe programme to be accredited is offered 0 45 Date Established 0 46 Name and Qualfication sof Head of Department 4 w 0 47 Name and from qualification of Head of Section offering s paragraph 53 above 52 the programme to be accredited if different Section History of the Department a brief history of the developmment below 0 Write 48 of the department section 53 Unit Department Administration in General Use additional sheets if necessary 0 Describe how the department 49 section is administered Use separate sheets The highlight 1 49 description should the following Personnel Administration a Organization structure Use chart if necessary oved in the decision b How staff are inv making process and in genenral administration c Policy and practice on staff development if different from paragraph 31 d Staff promotion if different from paragraph 29 2 49 sWelfare Student a Handling of academic grievances b Student academic advising 3 49 Examination a Setting conduct evaluation schemes moderation schemes Internal and external for diploma examinations and the issuance of results 4 49 Academic Atmosphere a Any policy adopted and practised by the department and maintenance of academmic atmosphere b How maintenance of teaching facilities classrooms etc is done 5 49 corp and Discipline de Espirit a How discipline and espirit core are maintained de 54 in pursuit of academic excellence workshops laboratories studios Programme Curriculum 0 50 Attach to this and queslonnaire programme and a list syllabus the complete and of titles of diploma current curriculum and course content for the projects carried i National Diploma ii Higher National Diploma in the past two years 55 out by the students for Summary of Teaching Staff Disposition for 0 51 Complete the sto Programme be Accredited the table below Table 7 Staff Designation Category Polytechnics Equivalents in Other post secondary No on Salary No of Grade Resignation Dismissal in the preceding two Level Payroll Reasons for Resignation years Dismissal institution Chief Lecturer Principal Lecturer Senior Lecturer Lecturer t Lecturer II Chief Instructor Principal i Instructor Senior Instructor Technical Instructor Others Use additional sheet if necessary 56 or and 1 Mr A Example Date 1 of John 1975 Gl 15 Birth Lectur T F The Engier Struc es Engierng Theory John Mechanil Publicatons A of etc Chief Yaba 1972 Snr UNILAG Work d19a7te5 Lecture COT Lecture 1971 75 72 gPradouste A N S E 1974 first Chief MSc Mech BSc 1972 Engr 1962 NEPA Engier lEngr of of Seniorty Staf publicatons asocitn profesinal mebrship specialton and of and date 5 post organisto held and Sup ly Take the hours of Proces 2 Workshp ND Scien Eng 2 Eng ND dates obtained Qualifctons Work Post Technolgy Mech Taught 1 6 in wlaobrkshtpy aditonal Personal Use of as l the All of T F Full Time SCuobersct Data practials shets Par s Staf with 222 lecture 225 Teaching hour headings course T P ND informat table exprince teaching Qualifcton the Note the T F and 8 4 grade 3 Table 2 D e s i g n a t o apointme of 4 in level sal ry Rank date 2 1962 Pupil 71 Order Name 420 Part Time below acredit on given of the standr Progam e to be Other 0 43 teaching staff below in respect oflaboratory workshop staff available for the various laboratories and workshops used for teaching teaching the programme Complete the table Table 9 Qualifications Name and designation Rank Dates Obtained Date of Birth Date of First Membership of Professional Appointment Association and Work Experience Position Held and dates 58 Laboratory Workshop Deployed 440 of Names Use sbirth eniorty staf aditonal and of of in dates order she ts if Table 10 Sup ly the informat in the Sal ry Date Grade and Apointme of first level dates Qobtained ualifctons and necsary table below DResaigntko Adminstrave Wher tProgame Neachoing to be Acredit is Posit n work Post Held Ofer d Staf SDispotn TAFING in the SDepacrtmion Stan 0 45 Appraisal Appraise the entire academic staff of the in number mix a Adequacy State average student qualifications and to staff ratio b Effectiveness c Professional achievements as department instructors lecturers 60 in terms of experience 9 Others Specify 8 acomdtin 7 Of ice Libra y 6 Studios 5 4 Workshp Laborties 3 Hall EAsxeambly 2 460 1 E x a m p l e Lecture Lecture Table 11 Theatr Ro ms Lecture Complet Facilty Type A of the table Ro m 12 Availbe B shown No below of etc 50 in C m2 at a 24 D time acomde srotudmi Average each No of ro m can use d 4 12 E F departmns Facilty Aditonal area w ith o th e r students No of ro ms jointly OFERING FACILTES ASPROGAME VILBE TO TO BE THE ACREDIT DEPARTMN Laboratories Indicate Ifthe laboratories belong 0 List the various laboratories available for teaching the programme 47 In each laboratory using to the department or are shared with other departments Listthe equipment unit and adequate the table in Appendix 1 Does each laboratory have a chalkboard a demonstration furniture and seats for all students during lectures and enough laboratory equipment and laboratory instruments to support laboratory practical sessions 62 Workshops 0 48 workshops available for the programme indicating shared with other departments List all Complete the table in chalkboard and furniture items to machines to support all students they are specific to the department or respect of each workshop Does each workshop have a seat each student during lectures and adequate tools hand and i in Appendix if during practical 63 work Studios 0 49 the programme Indicate if they are specific for the department List all studios available for teaching 1 in respect of each studio Does each studio or shared with other departments Complete appendix to seat all students during lectures have a wall to wall chalkboard and adequate furniture 64 Office Accommodation for Staff 0 50 of accommoda the office accommodation available for academic staff stating the size Do the head of room share each tion list all furniture items in each office and how many lecturers offices Are the have individual Lecturer and above rank of Senior department and lecturers of the NBTE as required by available offices well Comment on equipped 65 Facilities Appraisal important physical deficiencies if any and explain measures being taken to make good the Appraise the existing facilities in terms ofqualityandadequacyforcurrentandprojected enrolment period 51 Discuss 0 deficiencies 66 Others rSpfeyc 520 Tuiton details aplicabe Fe s S P e l m a s i n r C o n f e r c wher Total Fe s give Voluntary Consultacy Alocatin Isnsituo Public Sup ort 12 Sources Complet of Budgetary the funds table t A Amount 9t Academi 9 Year in t Al Amount 9 t in O1thers 10 Util ty Specify Services Total 9 Vehicle Maintec 8 6 7 Consumable TSruapinlegs Maintec Furnit e 5 4 3 2 Table 9 Academi Year below for the SDepacrtmion SDepacrtmion in which 1 F i n a c e s Laborty Salries EClasrom quipment pmen Materils Devlopmnt Category progam e Recurnt Pacredit rovisn Of ice Studio Libray the Staf Staf Cost E qu i to be t Provis n and is Year ofer d for the Aproiatn 3 c Others specify equipment Machines laborties Hand and investm to ls etc and other 530 1 2 b a swoturkdhip clasrtohmeAaeturs Table 13 being Csought omplet Expansio the to Cost Physical table Category Faciltes below for the thre years Provis n Year precding the one in Expenditur 19 which the vistaon is Provis n Year being made in 19 respect of Capital Funds Provis n and Aproiatn Investment and Liabilities the 0 State below the current investment and liabilities of 54 section department Financial 0 55 Appraisal Appraise adequacy the For recurrent of the operating funds for the expenditure also indicate the per 69 section department capita expenditure per annum Standards of 0 56 Briefly at Diploma Examinations to the diploma award are set and maintained describe how standards of examinations leading the following information to the completed question level by the department Attach appropriate naire a Rules and regulations for diploma examinations and awards b Final year examination question papers moderators reports examiners c external in basic and professional core courses and the visit preceding for the two years in the programme to essays undertaken by students enrolled visit is to be held in which the be accredited for the two years preceding the one A list of projects thesis long 70 0 57 Appraise the standard and quality swork at their level of of examination and student training based on a adequate coverage of the syllabus content for each course b standard of tests and examination for each course c quality of students answers to the various d quality of practical work and diploma projects e students readiness for the level of manpower they questions are being trained for and the external moderation scheme Indicate what action has been taken on the deficiencies highlighted by the external examiners for the examination taken within the two years preceding the visit 71 580 No Table 14 Gradution gradute Complet Year of any the student table Names of the below reports 20 of Diplomates SIWES for 20 i diplomates of the students progam e in Progame i for the Employers Rating of to be D i p l o m a t e s p r o g a m e Name a c r e d i t Diplomates beInsitinuogn should each Employers Progame of of for be of atend by or Higher the to two be sumaried years below Acredit 0 59 FOR AGRICULTURAL PROGRAMMES Crop farms 1 59 Complete the table below in r ardensoetc11 farms orchards plantations g available 73 foa the programmeal crop 0 60 Appraise the success or failure of the crop farms Jn the two plant vis the output a ngseasons vis ofeach farm and the revenue generated 74 Llvastock Farms 0 61 commercial the table below in respect ofall experimental and the available for livestock farms programme Complete Type of Farms Example Poultry livestock Estimated Yearly Output 000 15 Layers Total No of Size For 3 Units Pullets Brooders 75 000 1 3 0 00 000 9 0 62 Appraise the the success revenue or failure of the livestock farm generated in the last two years 76 so far vis vis the output of each a farm and 0 63 Other Field Facilities field facilities crop process crop storage respect of the following station pest control equip ing green house warehouses survey equipment meteorological fertilizer store arboratum sites shed landscape ment irrigation equipment farm machinery barn milking parlour ab feedmills silage hay pit timber grave yeard nursery tools hatchery net loft cold fish processing facilities batoir meat shop spray race farm office fish ponds Complete room the table below in fishing vessels Indicate NA not applicable Description of where necessary Capacity Size Type Facility For Example Crop Storage Rhumbus 77 1 tonne Remarks Earthen 0 64 Listall the equipment contained in each of the facilities Ilsted in 6 5above 4 78 0 65 Other Teaching Facilities Complete the Audio Visual Capacity Size Type Description For Example Studio following facilities for agricultural navigation facilities museum armory table below in respect of the training audio visual drawing room tannery herbarium Viewing Room Display Room 10 x 14 m2 10 x 12 m2 8 x Dark Room 8 m2 10 x 10 Store 79 m2 Remarks 0 66 5 above List all the equipment contained in each of the facilities in 6 Facility Equipment Quantity Instrument For Example Audio Visual ectors Pro 4 Cameras 8 80 Remarks G COURSES S 11 Page 4 standard Paragraph 0 67 GENERAL STUDIES 1 67 S Courses Administration of the G ND PROGRAMMES FOR HND b S department School in the institution Is there a G S courses administered If not how are the G c If yes when d Draw an organogram e Attach a brief history of the a was it see Accreditation estalished of how the department or department 81 school is administered J 0 68 Curriculum Content for General Studies A Attach 8 1 the current curriculumm content for the HND programmes in the institution 2 time table showing where the courses general are studies courses taught to the various taught in the ND and groups the adequacy ofthe content with those of the NBTE minimum national curriculum and course specifications for the programme to be accredited Are all the compulsory Appraise courses taught r 82 0 69 Resources for General Studies Courses a Are adequate number of classroommsllecture theatre available for programme b c teaching the lecture theatres properly furnished lighted ventilated and clean classrooms desk to each student during class lecture Are they adequate to guarantee a seat and writing If yes are the periods 83 i 0 70 Teaching the General Studies Courses Describe the mode of teaching the various 84 courses and how the students are assessed 0 71 S Courses Teaching Staff for G Attach the summary of the curriculum a vitae for teaching and support staN for the G S Courses b Are the staff adequate using the teaching load and SSR 85 on paragraph 3 on page 7 11 0 72 Books Non items Book books ournals periodicals the list of textbooks reference in the library S course available G item suitable forthe book and non of the stock of the various teaching the adequacy and appropriateness a Attach to this b Appraise questionnaire materials available to the programme r I e 86 APPENDIX 1 0 73 Principal Tools Machines Instruments and Equipment Available Complete the table below in respect of he above Use separate sheets with the for the workshops laboratories and studio List of Name of headings same Studio Laboratory Workshop Quantity Stock it Item No Description of Items Useable items Only Remarks e i t i k w r Y Y I 1 i 1 h l a 1 lQ w f r i i a y i f 1 l I W a y F r I x T y Sr t y 4 4 Y rl Y4 l rid Pr 9 11 P t Y f G n X f n h y4r K 4 F Y N 4 f Y 3 5 i 4 o t Y 1 y r fn 7 h 7 4 P W 2 L wt rJX 4 ti Y y y n i k rty 1 a Total cost of usable items available at the time of completing questionnaire 87 t I r S Y a r9 d W J x4 1 x y N 1 YJ a i y yw t r y t I 6 54 1 h Fy N L f 3 N y r A l YI 88