や※蕪(諭︰鴇誓墓重言 皇 室 霊 室 書 誌 鶉 鶉 箪 書 籍 Orca Report _ Killer Whale Report RESIDENTIAL RENTAL APPLICATION Address of Rental Property: Unit # Rent Amount Date ofBirth: Applicant’s Complete Name: SSN# DL# / State Issued: Email Address: J co血P看e(e Every Item On Application. Inco皿PIete andfor Inaccurate Informatton May R。S山t in P.。。。SS D。l。y 。. D。ni。l 。fT。mn。y. CURRENTADDRESS/ReauiredEntrvl PRIORADDRESS/ReauiredEntrvl S億eet S億eet City State-○○一一一一〇〇LZip_ City State一一_○○_JZip NaneofApts Apt#_ HowLong(Mo/Da/Yr)From To Apt#_ NameofApts HowLong(Mo/Da/Yr)From To Pymts/RentPdTo Amt Pymts/RentPdTo Amt Landlord/MgmtCo. Landlord伽gmt.Co Address Address Tel# RenVOwn/Lease Tel# Rent/Own/Lease V currentE叩 Dept / Attached to O ccupation Hire Date Mon血Iy Salary ly priorEmp!o Dept / Attached to Full H止e Date Time Part Time Iγ { Additional Income (hterest,Child Support,Etc) lV.工V-﹂lV B ank Acct# Pets? Yes _ No_ Ifyes, number, Size, and type(S) Disabillty StatuS and require special accommodations? HAVE YOU OR ANY OTHER HOUSEHOLD M[EMBER: Ever been evicted or refused to pay rent? Yes No Ever been Charged or Convicted ofa Crime? Yes No Ifyes to any ofthe above, give details: What is the nature ofthe oifense? What County(ies) and State(S)? Ever used any other name(S)? Yes _No _ Ifyes, list name(S) Are you or any othpr househoId member a Registered or Unregistered Sex Offender? Yes No Auto/Year/Make几ic#: 1.) 田圃闇 .白き等百台H塞き Are you or any other household member current賞y usihg any illegal drugs? Yes No In compliance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act, State and Federal laws, this is to infom you that an investigation invoIving the statements made on this application for tenancy is being initiated by ORCA Infomation. IAVe certify that to the best of my/our knowledge all Statements are “true & complete”. owe further authorize Orca Infomation, Inc. to obtain CREDIT REPORTS, EMPLOYMENT REFERENCES, COURT, CRIMINAL & JUVENILE RECORDS, ARREST DETENTION INFORMATION and CHRACTER REFERENCES, GENERAL REPUTATION, MODE OF LIVENG, and RENTAL REFERENCES as needed to verify all infomation Put forth on血is application. SCREENENG FEE IS NON-REFUNDABLE. THE DECiSION TO L臥S駅ENT REMAINS WITH THE PROPERTY MANAGER Addendum (A) to Application for Tenancy LETTER OF AUTHORIZATION To Whom It May Concem: In compliance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act, State and Federa=aws, this is to infom you and your household members that an investigation invoIving the statements made on t血s application for tenancy are being initiated by ORCA Infomation. I/We certify that to the best of my/our knowledge all statements are “true and complete". I/We further authorize ORCA Infomation & Communications, LLC to obtain CREDIT REPORTS? EMPLOYMENT REFERENCES? COURT’CRIMINAL & JUVENILE RECORDS, ARREST DETENTION INFOREATION and CHARACTER REFERENCES’ GENERAL REPUTATION, MODE OF LIViNG, and RENTAL REFERENCES as needed to verify a11 infomatjon put forth on this application. SCREENING FEE IS NON-REFUNDABLE. Applicant’s Name (please print) Spouse’s Name (Please print) Applicant’s Signature Spouse’s Signature Date of Authorization Date of Authorization Property Manager’s Signature CRIME FREE/DRUG FREE RENTAL/乱EASE ADDENDUM III COnSideration of the execution or renewal of a lease agreement of the dwe=ing unit/premises identified in the lease agreement, Owner/Landlord or Management Agent, aCting on behalfof Owner/Land10rd, and Resident汀enant agree as follows: Neither the Resident/Tenant, nOr any member of ResidentITenant’§ household, nOr a gue§t nOr any Other person under ResidentITenant’s controI shal! engage in criminal activity, including drug-related criminal activity, On Or near the leased Premises. Neither the ResidentITenant, nOr any member of Re§identITenant’§ household, nOr a gue§t nOl. any Other pel'SOn under ResidentITenant’s controI shall pemit the dwelling unit/premises to be u§ed for crimina! activity, including d川greIated crimina看activity, regardless of whether the individual engaged in such activity is a member of the household, Or a guest・ Drug寸eiated criminal activity is strictly prohibited. Criminal activity is also prohibited. These activities are prohibited within the dwe冊g unit, nea=he dwe=ing unit, Or uPOn the property controIled by the Management Agent, Which includes the parking area、 旧greSS and egress areas, and a= other common areas' Drug寸elated criminal activity or criminal activity is a materiai breach of‘ the )・eIltaI agreement and is CAUSE FOR TERMINATION OF THE TENANCY. Drug-「elated c「iminai activity includes, but is no川mited to, any behavior which violates the Uniform Contro11ed Substance Act o白he Revised Code of Washington (RCW 69.41, 69.51, 69.51A, 69.52) or the Federal Contro=ed Substance Act (2] USC Section 802) Because Marijllana is presently recognized as a controIIed §ub§tanCe under federa=aw, its personal u§e, Whether for medica=y-「elated purpose§ Or nOt, manufacture (growth), distribution, §ale, POSSeSSion, StOrage, Or handling is PROHIBITED within the dwe岨g unit・ near the dwelling unit (Or any aCCe§§Ory buildings・ §uCh as the garage)・ and alI other common areas.. 上D「ug-related criminal activity includes’but is not limited to: the manufacturing, dis証bution, Sale, POSSeSSion, StOrage, POSSeSS10n With intent to manufacture, Or dispensing ofa contro=ed substance or a counterfeit substance, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO MARIJUANA. Drug-reIated criminal activity may also include /he c沼emp=o mamfacture, dis証bute, Or POSSeSS a COntrO陸d Substance or counterfeit substance・ INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO MARIJUANA・ Drug-related criminal activity may a-so 正oIude the possession or storage of materials known asいprecursors,,, tha白s, materials used to manufactul.e Or uSed in the attemp=o 用anufacture con甘olled substances. 2. Cl●iminal activity includes, but is not limited to, the following behavior: PrOStitution (RCW 9A.88); Criminal street gang act両y (RCW 9A.84); threatening or intimidating others (RCW 9A.46); asSault (RCW 9A.36 and 9A.44); the unlawful use of a鉦eaml Or Other weapon (RCW 9.41); damage to property (RCW 9A.48); theft ofproperty (RCW 9A.56); burglary or car prowIs (RCW 9A.40); 0一● any Other nuisance-tyPe aCtivities. 3. 1t sha11 also be a material breach ofthe lease agreement ifthere is behavior that otherwise violates the lease agreement or ifthere is behavio=hat jeopardizes the health, Safety and welfare of the Owner/Landlord, his Management Agent and/or empioyees, Or Ot「1erS 廿ving oI● visiting 〔he property. 41 Resident什enant agrees tha〔 the Resident什enant is responsible for his or her own behavior’the behavior ofany member of the Resident汀enant’s household・ Or gueSt Or any Other person the Resident汀enant has controI over, Or Should reasonably have contro) 5. It shall be a material violation ofthe rental agreement ifany ofthese described persons commit a crime, attemPt tO COmmit a crime O「 help othe「s commit a crime e皿er within the residence or llPOn the property contro=ed by Management, Or ifthe dwe冊g unit is し一Sed by anyone to engage in any prohibited behavior. 6. A single violation ofany provisions ofthis addendum sha= be deemed a serious and material violation ofthe lease agreement and Shall cause the immediate temination of the lease' There is no白good cause,, requirement in Washington for lease terminations, A C一・imi-1ai conviction is not required as proof of violation. Pr。Of of violation by a preponderance of the evidence is required. The PrOCeSS for temination and or eviction sha= be contro11ed by the Municipal Code言fany, aPPlicable to the dwelling unit/premises a11(l the Revised Code ofWashington. 7」n case ofconflict between the provisions ofthis addendum and the lease’the provisions ofthe addendum sha= govern. The ADDENDUM is incorporated into the lease upon execution by the ResidentITenant and Management Agent upon証tia=easi)1g Of‘the dwe用ng unit or upon renewal ofthe lease, F‘AILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE TERMS OF YOUR LEASE, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THIS ADDENDUM, WILL RESULT IN THE IMMEDIATE ISSUANCE OF A3 DAY OR 10 DAY NOTICE TO QUITNACATE THE PREMISES CONSIST嶋NT WITH APPL】CABLE LAW. 「、ena11t Dated: TowIISeIld Bay Property Management, Inc. As MaIlagement Agent _ Agent: