SLUS564C − JULY 2003 − REVISED OCTOBER 2008 FEATURES D Wide Input Voltage Range: 4.5-V to 28-V D Selectable Dual and DDR Modes D Selectable Fixed Frequency Voltage Mode D Advanced Power Good Logic Monitors both D D D D D D D D D Channels Selectable Autoskip Mode Integrated Boot Strap Diodes 180° Phase Shift Between Channels Integrated 5-V, 60-mA Regulator Input Feedforward Control 1% Internal 0.85-V Reference RDS(on) Overcurrent Detection (4200 ppm/°C) Integrated OVP, UVP and Power Good Timers 30-pin TSSOP Package DESCRIPTION The TPS51020 is a multi-function dualsynchronous step-down controller for notebook system power. The part is specifically designed for high performance, high efficiency applications where the loss associated with a current sense resistor is unacceptable. The TPS51020 utilizes feed forward voltage mode control to attain high efficiency without sacrificing line response. Efficiency at light load conditions can be maintained high as well by incorporating autoskip operation. A selectable, Suspend to RAM (STR) supported, DDR option provides a one chip solution for all switching applications from 5-V/3.3-V supply to a complete DDR termination solution. ORDERING INFORMATION TA APPLICATIONS D Notebook Computers System Bus and I/O D DDR I or DDR II Termination PLASTIC TSSOP (DBT) −40°C to 85°C TPS51020DBT TPS51020DBTR (T&R) VIN SIMPLIFIED APPLICATION DIAGRAM VO1 1 INV1 2 COMP1 TPS51020 3 SSTRT1 4 SKIP VIN VO1 5 VO1_VDDQ 6 DDR 7 GND 8 REF_X 9 ENBL1 10 ENBL2 VO2 VREG5 VO2 11 VO2 VBST1 30 29 LL1 OUT1_D OUTGND1 28 27 26 TRIP1 25 VIN 24 TRIP2 VREG5 REG5_IN OUTGND2 12 PGOOD OUT2_D 13 SSTRT2 LL2 14 COMP2 OUT2_U 15 INV2 VO1 OUT1_U VBST2 VIN 23 22 21 VREG5 EXT_5V 20 19 18 17 VO2 16 UDG−03144 VIN Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, and use in critical applications of Texas Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet. !"#$%&" ' ()##*& %' "! +),-(%&" .%&*/ #".)(&' ("!"#$ &" '+*(!(%&"' +*# &0* &*#$' "! *1%' '&#)$*&' '&%.%#. 2%##%&3/ #".)(&" +#"(*''4 ."*' "& *(*''%#-3 (-).* &*'&4 "! %-- +%#%$*&*#'/ Copyright 2003, Texas Instruments Incorporated 1 SLUS564C − JULY 2003 − REVISED OCTOBER 2008 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Over operating free-air temperature range unless otherwise noted. All voltage values are with respect to the network ground terminal unless otherwise noted. (1) TPS51020 Input voltage range Ouput voltage range VBST1, VBST2 −0.3 to 35 VBST1, VBST2 (with respect to LL ) −0.3 to 7 VIN, TRIP1, TRIP2, ENBL1, ENBL2, DDR −0.3 to 30 SKIP, INV1, INV2 −0.3 to 7 OUT1_U, OUT2_U −1 to 35 OUT1_U, OUT2_U (with respect to LL ) −0.3 to 7 LL1, LL2 −1 to 30 REF_X −0.3 to 15 PGOOD, VO1_VDDQ, VO2, OUT1_D, OUT2_D, COMP1, COMP2, VREG5, SSTRT1, SSTRT2 −0.3 to 7 OUTGND1, OUTGND2 Output current range UNIT V −0.3 to 0.3 VREG5 70 REF_X 7 Operating free-air temperature range, TA −40 to 85 Storage temperature range, Tstg −55 to 150 Junction temperature range, TJ −40 to 125 Lead temperature 1,6 mm (1/16 inch) from case for 10 seconds mA °C 300 RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX Supply voltage, VIN 4.5 28 Supply voltage, VBST1, VBST2 4.5 33 ENBL1, ENBL2, DDR, TRIP1, TRIP2 −0.1 28 OUT1_U, OUT2_U −0.8 33 OUT1_U, OUT2_U (with respect to LL ) −0.1 5.5 LL1, LL2 −0.8 28 REF_X −0.1 12 SSTRT1, SSTRT2, COMP1, COMP2 −0.1 5.5 SKIP, INV1, INV2 −0.1 5.5 PGOOD VO1_VDDQ, VO2 −0.1 5.5 OUT1_D, OUT2_D, VREG5 −0.1 5.5 I/O Voltage Source current VREG5 60 REF_X 5 UNIT V mA Operating free-air temperature, TA −40 85 °C (1) Stresses beyond those listed under absolute maximum ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under ”recommended operating conditions” is not implied. Exposure to Absolute Maximum Rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability DISSIPATION RATING TABLE 2 PACKAGE TA < 25°C POWER RATING DERATING FACTOR ABOVE TA = 25°C TA = 85°C POWER RATING 30-pin DBT 874 mW 7.0 mW/°C 454 mW SLUS564C − JULY 2003 − REVISED OCTOBER 2008 TSSOP (0.5 mm) DBT PACKAGE (TOP VIEW) INV1 COMP1 SSTRT1 SKIP VO1_VDDQ DDR GND REF_X ENBL1 ENBL2 VO2 PGOOD SSTRT2 COMP2 INV2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 VBST1 OUT1_U LL1 OUT1_D OUTGND1 TRIP1 VIN TRIP2 VREG5 REG5_IN OUTGND2 OUT2_D LL2 OUT2_U VBST2 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS TA = −40°C to 85°C, 4.5 V < VIN < 20 V, CVIN = 0.1 µF, CVREG5 = 2.2 µF, CREF_X = 0.01 µF, PGOOD = 0.2 V, ENBLx = DDR = VIN, INVx = COMPx, RSSTRTx = OPEN, TRIP1 = TRIP2 = VIN, LLx = GND, VBSTx = LLx+5, C(OUTx_U, OUTx_D)=1 nF, REG5_IN = 0V, GND = OUTGNDx = 0 V, VO1_VDDQ = VO2 = 0 V (unless otherwise stated) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX 1.4 2.2 350 550 0.05 1.00 UNIT INPUT CURRENTS IVIN VIN supply current REG5V_IN = OPEN, OSC = OFF TRIPx = VIN, IVIN(STBY) VIN standby current ENBLx = 0 V, REG5V_IN = OPEN, DDR = VIN, OSC = OFF IVIN(SHDN) VIN shutdown current ENBLx = DDR = 0 V, REG5V_IN = OPEN IVIN(REG5) VIN supply current, REG5_IN as 5-V input current REG5V_IN = 5 V, OSC = OFF 200 500 REG5_IN input supply current REG5V_IN = 5 V, OSC = OFF 1.0 1.7 VBST supply current IREG5 IVBSTx ENBLx = DDR = VIN 0.05 1.00 IVBSTx VBST shutdown current VREG5 INTERNAL REGULATOR ENBLx = DDR = 0 V 0.05 1.00 VVREG5 VLD5 VREG5 voltage IOUT = 0 A 0 mA ≤ IOUT ≤ 50 mA, 5.0 5.2 VLN5 VTHL Line regulation VHYS(UV) VTH(SW) UVLO hysteresis VHYS(SW) Switchover hysteresis Load regulation UVLO threshold voltage Switchover voltage IOUT = 20 mA, High to low REG_IN voltage 4.8 VIN = 12 V 7 V≤VIN ≤ 28 V µA mA µA A V 0.6% 2.5% 0.4% 2.0% 3.45 3.65 3.85 V 100 200 300 mV 4.2 4.5 50 mA 4.8 V 250 mV 3 SLUS564C − JULY 2003 − REVISED OCTOBER 2008 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) TA = −40°C to 85°C, 4.5 V < VIN < 20 V, CVIN = 0.1 µF, CVREG5 = 2.2 µF, CREF_X = 0.01 µF, PGOOD = 0.2 V, ENBLx = DDR = VIN, INVx = COMPx, RSSTRTx = OPEN, TRIP1 = TRIP2 = VIN, LLx = GND, VBSTx = LLx+5, C(OUTx_U, OUTx_D)=1 nF, REG5_IN = 0V, GND = OUTGNDx = 0 V, VO1_VDDQ = VO2 = 0 V (unless otherwise stated) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT REF_X REFERENCE VOLTAGE VREF10 VLD10 10-V reference voltage VLN10 Line regulation VREFVTT VTT reference voltage Load regulation VREFVTT VTT reference load regulation POWERGOOD COMPARATORS VTHDUAL(PG) PGOOD threshold (dual mode) VTHDDR(PG) PGOOD threshold (DDR) TPG(del) PGOOD delay time VIN = 14 V, 0 mA ≤ IOUT ≤ 2 mA, IOUT = 0 A VIN = 18 V 8.5 10.0 11.0 -12% -20% IOUT = 100 µA, 14 V≤VIN ≤28 V DDR = 0 V wrt VO1_VDDQ input divided by 2 VVO1 = 2.5 V V 5% 1.5% 0 mA ≤ IO ≤ 3 mA 0.75% Undervoltage PGOOD 765 786 808 Overvoltage PGOOD 892 920 945 Undervoltage PGOOD, VO1_VDDQ = 2.5 V 1.12 1.14 1.16 Overvoltage PGOOD, VO1_VDDQ = 2.5 V 1.28 1.31 1.33 mV V INVx > undervoltage PGOOD, Delay time from SSTRTx > 1.5 V to PGOOD going high 2048 clks DIGITAL CONTROL INPUTS VIH VIL High-level input voltage, logic DDR, ENBL1, ENBL2, SKIP Low-level input voltage, logic DDR, ENBL1, ENBL2, SKIP 2.2 0.3 IINLEAK Logic input leakage current VO1_VDDQ and VO2 DDR, ENBL1, ENBL2, SKIP= 5 V RVOUT VVOUTOK VOx sink impedance VOx low restart voltage VVOUTx = 0.5 V, fault engaged Fault condition removed, restart VVO2LEAK RVOUT VOx input leakage current DDR= VIN, VO1_VDDQ input impedance DDR= 0 0.25 V |1.0| µA 6 10 Ω 0.32 0.40 V |1.0| µA VOx = 5 V 1.5 MΩ UNDERVOLTAGE AND OVERVOLTAGE PROTECTION VOVPDUAL VOVPDDR TOVP(del) VUVPDUAL VUVPDDR TUVP(del) OVP trip output threshold (dual) Sensed at INVx 945 970 1010 OVP trip output threshold (DDR) OVP propagation delay time(1) VO1_VDDQ = 2.5 V 1.31 1.36 1.41 UVP trip output threshold (dual) Sensed at INVx 510 553 595 UVP trip output threshold (DDR) VO1_VDDQ = 2.5 V 750 813 875 V µs 20 UVP propagation delay time mV 4096 mV clks OVERCURRENT and INPUT VOLTAGE UVLO PROTECTION ITRIPSNK ITRIPSRC TRIPx sink current TRIPx source current VTRIPx = VIN − 100 mV, VTRIPx = 100 mV, TCITRIP TRIP current temperature coeficient(1) TA = 25°C VOCPHI VOCPLO High-level OCP comparator offset voltage(1) Low-level OCP comparator offset voltage(1) VVINUVLO VVINHYS VIN UVLO trip threshold 4 REF5V_IN = 4.8 V VIN UVLO trip hysteresis TA = 25°C TA = 25°C 11 13 15 10 13 16 µA A ppm/ °C 4200 0 |3.0| 0 |5.0| mV 3.7 3.9 4.1 V 100 200 300 mV SLUS564C − JULY 2003 − REVISED OCTOBER 2008 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) TA = −40°C to 85°C, 4.5 V < VIN < 20 V, CVIN = 0.1 µF, CVREG5 = 2.2 µF, CREF_X = 0.01 µF, PGOOD = 0.2 V, ENBLx = DDR = VIN, INVx = COMPx, RSSTRTx = OPEN, TRIP1 = TRIP2 = VIN, LLx = GND, VBSTx = LLx+5, C(OUTx_U, OUTx_D)=1 nF, REG5_IN = 0V, GND = OUTGNDx = 0 V, VO1_VDDQ = VO2 = 0 V (unless otherwise stated) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT 0.84 0.85 0.86 V 0 |5.0| mV 2 3 0.85-V REFERENCE CONTROL LOOP VREFCH1 Error amplifier reference, channel 1 initial accuracy Measure COMP1, TA = 25°C COMP1= INV1, VREFTC1 Error amplifier reference, channel 1 change with accuracy 0.5% VREFLN1 Error amplifier reference, channel 1 change with line 0.1% VCHMM Channel 2 to channel 1 voltage mismatch CONTROL LOOP: SKIP HYSTERSTIC COMPARATOR AND ZERO CURRENT COMPARATOR VLLHYS Skip hysteresis comparator hysteresis(1) 1 VLLOFF VZOFF Lload hysteresis comparator offset(1) Zero current comparator offset(1) THLTOLL THLTOHL PWM skip delay time 8 Skip to PWM delay time 1 0 1 10 18 mV clks CONTROL LOOP ERROR AMPLIFIER IEASRC IEASNK COMPx source current 0.2 0.9 COMPx sink current 0.2 0.7 FUGB AOL Unity gain bandwidth(1) Open loop gain(1) CMRCOMP IINVLEAK COMPx voltage range(1)(6) 0.4 PHCH MHz 80 dB VREG5−3 |0.5| Maximum duty cycle Channel to channel phase difference(5) OUTX_U minimum pulse width(1) fOSC = 360 kHz fOSC = 450 kHz(2) PWM phase reversal only 86% 88% 84% 85% 80% 82% TMIN TIMERS: INTERNAL OSCILLATOR(4) fOSC(hi) fOSC(lo) 2.5 INVx input current CONTROL LOOP: DUTY CYCLE, VOLTAGE RAMP, CHANNEL PHASE AND PWM DELAY PATH fOSC = 270 kHz(3) DCMAX mA Fast oscillator frequency initial accuracy(2) RSSTRTx = OPEN Slow oscillator frequency initial accuracy RSSTRTx = 1MΩ or VSSTRT = 3 V fOSC(tc) Oscillator frequency over line and temperature Trimmed for 360 kHz (1) Ensured by design. Not production tested. (2) Maximum 450-kHz frequency can be achieved when both channels are enabled. (3) 270 kHz is the default frequency during start-up for both channels. (4) See Table 1. (5) See PWM detailed description V µA 180 ° 100 ns 450 270 306 360 kHz 414 5 SLUS564C − JULY 2003 − REVISED OCTOBER 2008 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) TA = −40°C to 85°C, 4.5 V < VIN < 20 V, CVIN = 0.1 µF, CVREG5 = 2.2 µF, CREF_X = 0.01 µF, PGOOD = 0.2 V, ENBLx = DDR = VIN, INVx = COMPx, RSSTRTx = OPEN, TRIP1 = TRIP2 = VIN, LLx = GND, VBSTx = LLX+5, C(OUTx_U, OUTx_D)=1 nF, REG5_IN = 0V, GND = OUTGNDx = 0 V, VO1_VDDQ = VO2 = 0 V (unless otherwise stated) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX 1.8 2.3 2.9 UNIT TIMERS: SOFT-START RAMP GENERATOR SSTRTx charge current VREFTRK VSSOK SSTRTx at SMPS regulation point voltage(7) 1.00 1.22 1.45 SSTRTx OK to restart voltage SSTRTx finished voltage(8) 0.23 0.29 0.35 1.4 1.5 1.6 SSTRTx frequency select voltage(9) 3.35 3.60 3.80 0.80 0.85 V 0.1 0.5 µA 3 10 VSSFIN VSSCLP VSSTRTx = 1 V VSSTRTx = 0.5 V µA ISSQ ISSDQ SSTRTx discharge current 0.1 mA V OUTPUTS: INTERNAL BST DIODE VFBST (VVREF5− VVBSTx),VVREF5 = 5 V, IF = 10 mA TA = 25°C Forward voltage IRBST Reverse current OUTPUTS: N-CHANNEL MOSFET GATE DRIVERS VRBST= 30 V RUSRC OUTx_U source impedance RDSRC OUTx_D source impedance 3 10 RUSNK OUTx_U sink impedance 2.5 5.0 RDSNK OUTx_D sink impedance 2.5 5.0 TDEAD Gate non-overlap dead time (1) Ensured by design. Not production tested. (2) Maximum 450-kHz frequency can be achieved only when both channels are enabled. (3) 270 kHz is the default frequency during start-up for both channels. (4) See Table 1. (5) See PWM detailed description (6) Feedforward Gain can be approximated as follows: VRAMP= K1×VIN+B1, VOFFSET=K2×VIN×+B2 where K1=0.017, K2=0.01, B1=0.35 V, B2=0.4 V. At the running duty cycle, the VCOMP should be approximately: V COMP + V OUT B1 Ǔ ) (K2 ǒK1 ) VIN 100 VIN ) B2) (7) See waveform point A in Figure 1 (8) See waveform point B in Figure 1 (9) See waveform point C in Figure 1 Table 1. Frequency Selection SSTRT1 SSTRT2 CSSTRT only CSSTRT only 1 MΩ || CSSTRT to GND CSSTRT only 1 MΩ || CSSTRT to GND CSSTRT only FREQUENCY (kHz) 450(10) 360 360 1 MΩ || CSSTRT to GND 1 MΩ || CSSTRT to GND 270 (10)Although selection is made by placing a 1M resistor in parallel with the SSTRTx timing capacitor, the softstart time to 0.85V is altered by about only 20%. 6 Ω ns SLUS564C − JULY 2003 − REVISED OCTOBER 2008 ENBL1 ENBL1 ENBL2 ENBL2 fSW − Switching Frequency − kHz 470 fSW − Switching Frequency − kHz 470 360 270 360 270 5.0 3.6 C 1.5 1.2 A B 0 SSTRT2 5.0 3.6 C 1.5 1.2 0 A B t0 t1 t2 t3 360 270 270 5.0 SSTRT1 t4 VSSTRT − Soft-Start Voltage − V VSSTRT − Soft-Start Voltage − V 270 360 t5 SSTRT1 3.6 1.5 1.2 0 SSTRT2 5.0 3.6 1.5 1.2 0 t0 t1 t − Time RSSTRT1 = RSSTRT2 = OPEN = 450 kHz t2 t3 t4 t5 t − Time RSSTRT1 = 1 MΩ, RSSTRT2 = OPEN = 360 kHz Figure 1 Figure 2 TERMINAL FUNCTIONS TERMINAL NAME NO. I/O COMP1 2 O COMP2 14 O DESCRIPTION Error amplifier output. Connect feedback network to this pin and INVx for compensation of control loop. DDR selection pin. If this pin is grounded, the device runs in DDR Mode. The error amplifier reference for VO2 is (VO1_VDDQ)/2, the REF_X output voltage becomes (VO1_VDDQ)/2 and skip mode is disabled for VO2, Also, VREG5 is turned off when both ENBLx are at low in this mode. If this pin is at 2.2-V or higher, the device runs in ordinary dual SMPS mode (dual mode), then the error amplifier reference for VO2 is connected to internal 0.85-V reference, the REF_X output voltage becomes 10 V, VREG5 is kept on regardless of ENBLx status. CAUTION: Do not toggle DDR while ENBL1 or ENBL2 are high. (See Table 2) DDR 6 I ENBL1 9 I ENBL2 10 I TTL Enable Input. If ENBLx is greater than 2.2 V, then the VREG5 is enabled (DDR mode) and the SMPS of that channel attempts to turn on. If both ENBL1 and ENBL2 are low then the 10-V (or (VO1_VDDQ)/2 output) voltage as well as the oscillator are turned off. (See Table 2) GND 7 O Signal ground pin. INV1 1 I INV2 15 I LL1 28 I/O LL2 18 I/O OUT1_D 27 O OUT2_D 19 O OUT1_U 29 O OUT2_U 17 O OUTGND1 26 O OUTGND2 20 O Error amplifier inverting input. Also input for skip comparator, and OVP/UVP comparators. Switch-node connection for high-side driver and overcurrent protection circuitry. Synchronous N-channel MOSFET driver output. High-side N-channel MOSFET driver output. Ground return for OUTx_D. 7 SLUS564C − JULY 2003 − REVISED OCTOBER 2008 TERMINAL FUNCTIONS (continued) TERMINAL NAME PGOOD NO. 12 I/O DESCRIPTION O Power good output. This is an open drain pull-down pin for power good. It remains low during soft-start until both outputs become within ±7.5%. If INV1 or INV2 is out of regulation, or VREG5V goes under UVLO then this pin goes low. The internal delay timer counts 2048 clks at low to high (by design, no delay for high to low). If ENBLx is low, and the power good output is high, then the power good signal for that channel is ignored. REF_X 8 O 10-V N-channel MOSFET bias or (VO1_VDDQ)/2 reference output. If dual mode is selected (DDR > 2.2 V) then this pin provides a low 10-V current (< 2 mA) bias, dropped down from VIN, for the SO – S5 switched N-channel MOSFETs. If DDR mode is selected (DDR = GND) then this pin becomes (VO1_VDDQ)/2 capable of 3 mA source current. This bias/reference is shut off when ENBL1 and ENBL2 are both low. (See Table 2) REG5_IN 21 I External 5V regulator Input. If this pin is above 4.7 V, then the 5 V circuit bias switches from the VREF5 to the supply presented to REG5_IN. SSTRT1 3 I SSTRT2 13 I SKIP 4 I Skip mode selection pin. Ground for automatic control between PWM mode in heavy load and hysteretic operation in light load. Tie high for PWM only operation for the entire load condition. If DDR is grounded, then skip mode is disabled for Channel 2. TRIP1 25 I Channel 1 overcurrent trip point voltage input. Connect a resistor between TRIP1 and the high-side N-channel MOSFET input conversion voltage for high-side N-channel MOSFET UVP current limit shut down. Connect resistor between TRIP1 and GND for low-side N-channel MOSFET overcurrent latch shutdown. Channel 2 overcurrent trip point voltage input. Connect a resistor between TRIP2 and the high-side N-channel MOSFET input conversion voltage for high-side N-channel MOSFET UVP current limit shut down with a 180° channel phase shift. Connect resistor between TRIP2 and GND for low-side N-channel MOSFET over current latch shut-down. The oscillator voltage ramp adjustment (the feed-forward feature) for channel 2 is disabled when this pin is tied to ground via a resistor. Soft-start/frequency select input. Connect a capacitor between SSTRTx and ground for adjusting the softstart time. A constant current fed to this capacitor ramps the reference during startup. Frequency selection is described in Table 1. The soft-start capacitor is discharged upon UVLO/OVP/UVP, or when ENBLx is asserted low. TRIP2 23 I VBST1 30 I VBST2 16 I VO1_VDDQ 5 I 11 I VREG5 22 O Internal, 60-mA, 5-V regulator output. DDR, ENBL1 or ENBL2 high ( > 2.2V) turns on the 5 V regulator. VIN 24 I High-voltage input. Typically the battery voltage. This pin serves as inputs for the VREF5 regulator, the REF_X regulator and positive input for overcurrent comparators. Precaution should be taken for tracing between this pin and the high-side N-channel MOSFET drain where positive node of TRIPx resistors are located. VO2 Supply Input for high-side N-channel FET driver. Typically connected via charge pump from LLx. Output discharge pin. Connect this pin to the SMPS output. The output is discharged to at least 0.3 V before the channel can start-up again. If DDR is low, then the VO1_VDDQ pin must be connected to the VDDQ output since this pin works as the VDDQ feedback to generate the VTT reference voltage and VO2 should be connected to GND since VTT must remain in a high-impedance state during S3 mode. Table 2. Reference Regulator Control 8 MODE DDR ENBL1 ENBL2 VREF5 REF_X OSC DDR LOW LOW LOW OFF OFF OFF DDR LOW LOW HIGH ON OFF ON DDR LOW HIGH LOW ON VO1_DDR 2 ON DDR LOW HIGH HIGH ON ON DUAL HIGH LOW LOW ON VO1_DDR 2 OFF OFF DUAL HIGH LOW HIGH ON 10 V ON DUAL HIGH HIGH LOW ON 10 V ON DUAL HIGH HIGH HIGH ON 10 V ON SLUS564C − JULY 2003 − REVISED OCTOBER 2008 FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM Shows Channel 1 (VO1_VDDQ) and the supporting circuitry. 9 SLUS564C − JULY 2003 − REVISED OCTOBER 2008 APPLICATION INFORMATION PWM OPERATION The PWM control block utilizes a fixed-frequency, feed-forward, voltage-mode control scheme with a wide-bandwidth, low-impedance output error amplifier as the voltage servo control block. This scheme allows the highest efficiency down conversion while maintaining excellent line regulation and fast transient response. Loop compensation is programmed by connecting a filter network between the COMPx pin and the INVx pin. The wide bandwidth error amplifier handles conventional Type II compensation or Type III compensation when using ceramic capacitors for the converter output. For channel one, the reference signal for the control loop is always a precision 0.85-V internal reference, while the channel two loop reference is either the 0.85-V reference or, in the case of DDR mode, one half the VO1_VDDQ voltage, (VO1_VDDQ)/2. The output signal of the error amplifier appears at the COMPx pin and is compared to a buffered version of the 0.6-V oscillator ramp. When TRIP2 pin is tied to VIN through a resistor, the voltage ramp is further modulated by the input voltage, VIN, to maintain a constant modulator gain. If the TRIP2 pin is connected to ground through a resistor, then the voltage ramp remains fixed regardless of VIN value. The oscillator frequency is internally fixed and can be selected at 270 kHz, 360 kHz or 470 kHz by insertion of a clamping resistor on the SSTRTx pin per Table 1. For example, 470 kHz can be attained when both SSTRTx voltages exceed 3.5 V, as described in WAVEFORM1. The controller begins with 270 kHz in the first stage of the softstart, and then increases to 470 kHz at the steady state. When 270 kHz is selected, both of SSTRTx voltages are kept below 3.5 V so that the frequency is the same 270 kHz for the entire operation. Two channels are operated in 180 degrees out-of-phase interleave switching mode. This interleaving helps reduce the input current ripple requirement for the input capacitor. However, because the PWM loop determines both the turn-off AND turn-on of the high-side MOSFET, this 180 degree operation may not be apparent by looking at the LLx nodes only. Rather, the turn-off cycle of one channel always corresponds to the turn-on cycle of the other channel and vise-versa. As a result, input ripple is reduced and dynamic response is improved over a broad input voltage range. MAXIMUM DUTY CYCLE Because most notebook applications typically run from three to four cell Li−Ion or run from a 20-V adapter, 100% duty cycle operation is not required. Rather, the TPS51020 is optimized for low duty ratio step-down conversion. As a result of limiting the duty cycle, the flying BST capacitor is refreshed reliably and the low-side over current detection circuitry is capable of detecting an overcurrent condition even if the output is stuck between the regulation point and UVP. The maximum duty cycle for each operating frequency is 88% for 270 kHz, 85% for 360 kHz and 82% for 470 kHz. It should be noted that if the system is operating close to maximum (or minimum) duty cycle, it may be difficult for the converter to respond quickly during line/load transients or state changes (such as frequency switching during soft start or PWM to SKIP mode transitions). This slow response is due to the dynamic range of the COMP pin and is usually not a result of poor phase compensation. In the case of minimum duty cycle operation, the slow response is due to the minimum pulse width of the converter (100 ns TYP). In this case (counter intuitively), it may be advisable to slow down the switching frequency of the converter in order to improve response time. 10 SLUS564C − JULY 2003 − REVISED OCTOBER 2008 APPLICATION INFORMATION SKIP MODE OPERATION If the SKIP pin is set HIGH, the SMPS operates in the fixed PWM mode. While a LOW signal is applied, the controller operates in autoskip mode. In the autoskip mode, the operation changes from constant frequency PWM mode to an energy-saving skip mode automatically by detecting the edge of discontinuous current mode. During the skip mode, the hysteretic comparator monitors output voltage to trigger high side on at the next coming oscillator pulse after the lower level is detected. Several sequential pulses may be seen, especially in the intermediate load level, before output capacitor is charged up to the higher level and waits for next cycle. In the skip mode, frequency varies with load current and input voltage. Skip mode for SMPS_2 is disabled regardless of the SKIP pin status if DDR mode is selected (see Dual Mode and DDR Mode section). This is because current sink capability is required for VTT, so that rectifying MOSFET needs to be kept on when the inductor current flows inversely. SMPS_1 is still capable of skip mode operation while DDR Mode. CASCADE CONFIGURATION If the TRIP2 pin is tied through a resistor to the input voltage, the TPS51020 assumes that the conversion voltage for channel two is the VIN voltage, usually VBATT. Conversely, if TRIP2 is tied through a resistor to ground, the controller assumes that the conversion voltage for channel two is the output voltage of channel one or some other stable bus voltage. DUAL MODE AND DDR MODE TPS51020 provides one-chip solution for system power supply, such as for 5 V, 3.3 V or 1.8 V, and a dual switcher DDR power supply. By simply selecting DDR signal and some external configuration change following the instructions below, TPS51020 gives a complete function set required for the DDR termination supply such as VDDQ/2 tracking VTT source/sink capability and VTT reference output. If DDR is set high ( > 2.2 V), the TPS51020 runs in dual mode, that is, each converter produces an independent output voltage with respect to the internal 0.85-V reference. Bypass REF_X to ground by 0.01-µF. The VO1_VDDQ or VO2 terminal should be connected to their corresponding switcher output. The 10-V reference output can be used as FET switch biasing for power control during sleep states (see Figure 5). During this dual mode, selection of autoskip mode or PWM mode made by SKIP applies to both SMPS_1 and SMPS_2. If DDR is set low ( < 0.3V), the TPS51020 operates as a dual switcher DDR supply; VDDQ from SMPS_1 and VTT from SMPS_2 (DDR Mode). In this mode, the reference voltage for SMPS_2 is switched to (VO1_VDDQ)/2 to track exactly half the voltage of SMPS_1, divided by internal resistors. VO1_VDDQ should be connected to SMPS_1 output terminal to accomplish this. REF_X outputs the (VO1_VDDQ)/2 voltage after a buffer (5-mA max). SKIP controls only SMPS_1 and SMPS_2 is forced to operate in PWM mode so that current can be sink from the output. Power source of SMPS_2 can either be the battery voltage (independent configuration), or the VDDQ (cascade configuration) by user’s preference. When using the independent configuration, TRIP2 needs to be connected to the VIN node via trip resistor. In case of cascade configuration, tie TRIP2 to GND via trip resistor (see Figure 7). CAUTION:Do NOT toggle DDR HIGH while ENBL1 or ENBL2 is high (see Table 2). REF_X output switches to high voltage (10 V) and be applied to VTTREF directly 11 SLUS564C − JULY 2003 − REVISED OCTOBER 2008 APPLICATION INFORMATION 5-V LINEAR REGULATOR (VREG5) The VREG5 voltage is the bias for all the low voltage circuitry in the TPS51020 as well as the DC boost voltage for the MOSFET gate drivers. Total available current is 60 mA. Bypass this pin to GND by 4.7-µF. The under voltage lockout (UVLO) circuit monitors the output of this regulator to protect internal circuitry from low input voltages. If 5 V is applied to REG5_IN from either the SMPS output or an alternate 5 V, then the linear regulator is turned off and the VREG5 pin is switched over to REG_IN. This operation enhances the efficiency of the overall power supply system because the bulk of the quiescent current now runs from the 5-V output instead of VIN (VBAT). In this configuration, ensure that VREG5_IN is less than or equal to VVIN. EXTERNAL 5V INPUT (REG5_IN) When a 5-V bus is available, VIN does not need to be connected to the battery. In this configuration, VIN should be connected to REG5_IN. LOW-SIDE N-CHANNEL FET DRIVER The low-side driver is designed to drive high current low RDS(on) N-channel MOSFET(s). The maximum drive voltage is 5.5 V. The drive capability is represented by its internal resistance, which are 3 Ω for VREG5 to OUTx_D and 2.5 Ω for OUTx_D to OUTGNDx. A dead time is internally generated between top MOSFET off to bottom MOSFET on, and bottom MOSFET off to top MOSFET on, in order to prevent shoot through. The low-side driver is typically turned off during all fault modes except for OVP. When an OVP condition exists, the low-side driver of the offending channel turns on and attempts to blow the protection fuse of the input supply. HIGH-SIDE N-CHANNEL FET DRIVER The high-side driver is designed to drive high current, low RDS(on) N-channel MOSFET(s). When configured as a floating driver, a 5-V bias voltage is delivered from VREG5 supply. The instantaneous drive current is supplied by the flying capacitor between VBSTx and LLx pins, 0.1-µF ceramic for typical applications. The boost diodes are integrated and are sufficient for enhancing the high-side MOSFET. However, external boost diodes can also be added from VREG5 to each VBSTx in case higher gate-to-source votlage is required. The drive capability is represented by its internal resistance, which are as follows: 3 Ω for VBST to OUTx_U and 2.5 Ω for OUTx_U to LLx. The maximum voltage that can be applied between OUTx_U pin and OUTGNDx pin is 35 V. 12 SLUS564C − JULY 2003 − REVISED OCTOBER 2008 APPLICATION INFORMATION ENABLE AND SOFT-START Each SMPS is switched into standby mode separately by grounding the corresponding ENBLx pin. The 5-V supply is enabled if either the DDR, ENBL1 or ENBL2 pin(s) goes high ( >2.2 V). Softstart of each SMPS is achieved by slowly ramping the error amplifier reference voltage by following a buffered version of the SSTRTx pin voltage. Designers can achieve their own start-up sequencing by simply provide external timing signals since the startup times do not depend on the load current. The softstart time is programmable by external capacitor connected from SSTRTx pin to the ground. Each SSTRTx pin sources constant current, typically 2.3 µA. The output voltage of the SMPS ramps up from 0 V to its target regulation voltage as the SSTRTx pin voltage increases from 0 V to 1.2 V. This gives the softstart time formula to be, C SSTRT (Farads) + T SSTRT (sec) 2.3 1.2 10 *6 The soft-start capacitor is discharged upon UVLO, OVP or UVP is detected as well as ENBLx is set low. OUTPUT DISCHARGE (SOFT-STOP) When an SMPS is turned off by ENBLx asserted low or the part enters a fault mode, both top and bottom drivers are turned off. This may leave the output in a high impedance state that allows the voltage to persist for some time. Output voltage should be discharged prior to the next power up. To achieve this, connect the output to the VO1_VDDQ or VO2 pins. These pins turn on a 6-Ω resistor to ground during an off or fault condition. Both the VO1_VDDQ and VO2 pin must be discharged to 0.3 V before the TPS51020 restarts. The TPS51020 has the flexibility of adding a resistor in series with the VOx pin and the output voltage in order to reduce the discharge current and reduce the total power dissipation within the device. It should be noted that when this resistor is added the discharged voltage threshold changes according to the following equation: V DISCHARGE + ǒREXTERNAL ) RDS(on)Ǔ R DS(on) 0.3 where D REXTERNAL is the series resistor between VOx and the output D RDS(on) = 6 Ω 13 SLUS564C − JULY 2003 − REVISED OCTOBER 2008 APPLICATION INFORMATION 10-V N-CHANNEL FET BIAS or (VOUT1)/2 VTT VOLTAGE REFERENCE (REF_X) TPS51020’s REF_X provides two functions depending on the operational mode. One is a linear regulator that supply 10-V for FET switch biasing in the dual mode, the other is VTT reference voltage in the DDR mode. If DDR is high ( > 2.2 V) then the REF_X output is a convenient 10-V, 2-mA (maximum) output, useful for biasing N-channel FET switches typically used to manage S0, S3 and S5 sleep states where the main supply is switched to many outputs. When VIN is < 12 V, REF_X approximately tracks VIN−2 V. If DDR is low, then the REF_X output becomes the VDDQ/2 (VO1_VDDQ/2) reference. This output is capable of 5-mA source current and is left on even if channel two (VTT switcher) is turned off. REF_X is turned off if ENBL1 and ENBL2 are both low (see Table 2). POWERGOOD The TPS51020 has advanced powergood logic that allows single powergood circuit to monitor both SMPS output voltages (see Figure 3 ). VOUT1 VOUT2 2048 c PGOOD Delay Counter 2048 c PGOOD ENBL1 Resets Delay Counter ENBL2 t0 t1 t2 Figure 3. PowerGood Timing Diagram The PGOOD terminal is an open drain output. The PGOOD pin remains low until both power supplies have started and have been in regulation ( ±7.5%) for 2048 clock pulses. 14 SLUS564C − JULY 2003 − REVISED OCTOBER 2008 APPLICATION INFORMATION If one channel is enabled in the period between T0 and T1, (the other channel’s ramp time plus delay time,) the PGOOD delay counter restarts counting softstart finish after the last channel has finished softstart. Enabling after T1 is ignored by PGOOD until the channel finishes its softstart. If either of the SMPS output goes out by ± 7.5% or UVLO is detected while ENBLx is high, PGOOD pulls low. If a channel is disabled while the other is still active PGOOD maintains it’s logic state and only monitor the active channel. PROTECTION FUNCTIONS The TPS51020 is equipped with input undervoltage lock out (UVLO), output undervoltage protection (UVP) and overvoltage (OVP) protection. Overcurrent is detected using RDS(on) of the external power MOSFETs and protected by triggering UVP, or latch off in some cases. The states of output drive signal depends on which protection was involved. Please refer to each protection description below for the detail. When the input voltage UVLO is tripped, the TPS51020 resets and waits for the voltage to rise up over the threshold voltage and restart the device. Alternatively, if output UVP or OVP is triggered, the device latches off after a delay time defined by the internal fault counter counting the PWM oscillator pulses. The VREF5 and REF_X is kept on in this latch off condition. The fault latch can be reset by toggling both of ENBLx pins in DDR mode. The fault latch can be reset by either toggling VIN or bringing DDR, ENBL1 and ENBL2 all low. Be sure to bring DDR high prior to ENBLx when TPS51020 is being used in dual mode. If a false trip of the UVLO appears due to input voltage sag during turn-on of the high-side MOSFET such as a large load transient, first consider adding several micro-farads of input capacitance close to the MOSFET’s drain. Also consider adding a small VIN filter, ex. a 2.2-Ω resistor and a 2.2-µF, for decoupling. The trip resistors should be connected to the same node as VIN pin of the device when this filter is applied. The filter resistor should be as small as possible since a voltage drop across this resistor biases the OCP trip point. UNDERVOLTAGE LOCKOUT PROTECTION There are two undervoltage lock out protections (UVLO) in TPS51020. One is for VIN, which has a typical trip threshold voltage 3.9 V and trip hysteresis 200 mV. The other is for VREF5, which has a typical trip threshold voltage 3.65 V and trip hysteresis 300 mV. If either is triggered, the device resets and waits for the voltage to rise up over the threshold voltage and restart the part. Please note this protection function DOES NOT trigger the fault counter to latch off the part. OVERVOLTAGE PROTECTION For overvoltage protection (OVP), the TPS51020 monitors INVx voltage. When the INVx voltage is higher than 0.95V (+12%), the OVP comparator output goes high (after a 20-µs delay) and the circuit latches the top MOSFET driver OFF, and bottom driver ON for the SMPS detected overvoltage. In addition, the output discharge (softstop) function is enabled to discharge the output capacitor. The fault latch can be reset by either toggling VIN or bringing DDR, ENBL1 and ENBL2 all low. Be sure to bring DDR high prior to ENBLx when TPS51020 is being used in dual mode. UNDERVOLTAGE PROTECTION For undervoltage protection (UVP), the TPS51020 monitors INVx voltage. When the INVx voltage is lower than 0.55 V (−35 %), the UVP comparator output goes high, and the internal FLT timer starts to count PWM oscillator pulses. After 4096 clock pulses, the part latches off. Both top and bottom drivers are turned off at this condition. Output discharge (soft-stop) function is enabled to discharge the output capacitor. The fault latch can be reset by either toggling VIN or bringing DDR, ENBL1 and ENBL2 all low. Be sure to bring DDR high prior to ENBLx when TPS51020 is being used in dual mode. 15 SLUS564C − JULY 2003 − REVISED OCTOBER 2008 APPLICATION INFORMATION OVERCURRENT PROTECTION Overcurrent protection (OCP) is achieved by comparing the drain to source voltage of the high-side and low-side MOSFET to a set point voltage. This voltage appears at the TRIPx pin and is defined by the conversion voltage, typically VIN, minus the I × R drop of the ITRIP current flowing through the external resistor connected to the conversion voltage. The offset of the internal comparators also plays a role in determining the overall accuracy and set point of the OCP limit. When the drain-to-source voltage of the synchronous MOSFET exceeds the set point voltage created by the I × R drop (usually 20 mV to around 150 mV), the synchronous MOSFET on-time is extended into the next pulse and the high-side MOSFET OCP comparator is enabled. If during the subsequent high-side on-time the drain-to-source voltage of the high-side MOSFET exceeds the set point voltage, then the high-side on-time pulse is terminated. This low-side extension/high-side termination action has the effect of decreasing the output voltage until the UVP circuit is activated to turn off both the high-side and low-side drivers. The TPS51020 ITRIP current has a temperature coefficient of 4200 PPM/°C. The threshold voltage for the OCP comparator is set by I × R drop across the trip resistor. The ITRIP current is 12.5-µA (typ) at R.T. so that the OCP point is given by following formula, R DS(on) R TRIP + ǒ I OCP ) 12.5 Ǔ I RIPPLE 2 10 *6 Precaution should be taken with board layout in order to design OCP point as desired. The conversion voltage point must avoid high current path. Any voltage difference between the conversion point and VIN input for the TPS51020 is included in the threshold voltage. VIN plane layout should consider the other channels high-current path as well. A brief discussion is required for TRIP2 function. When TRIP2 is connected, via a resistor to GND, only low-side OCP is used. This is the case for cascade configuration been selected. In this mode, UVP does not play a roll in the shut off action and there is only a short delay between the over current trigger level been hit and the power MOSFETs turn off. However, as with UVP, the SSTRTx pins are discharged and both SMPS goes though a restart. LAYOUT CONSIDERATIONS Below are some points to consider before the layout of the TPS51020 design begins. D Signal GND and power GND should be isolated as much as possible, with a single point connection between them. D All sensitive analog components such as INV, SSTRT, SKIP, DDR, GND, REF_X, ENBL and PGOOD should be reference to signal GND and be as short as possible. D The source of low-side MOSFET, the Schottky diode anode, the output capacitor and OUTGND should be referenced to power GND and be as short and wide as possible, otherwise signal GND is subject to the noise of the outputs. D PCB trace defined as the node of LL should be as short and wide as possible. D Connections from the drivers to the gate of the power MOSFET should be as short and wide as possible to reduce stray inductance and the noise at the LL node. D The drain of high-side MOSFET, the input capacitor and the trip resistor should be as short and wide as possible. For noise reduction, a 22-pF capacitor CTRIP can be placed in parallel with the trip resistor. 16 SLUS564C − JULY 2003 − REVISED OCTOBER 2008 APPLICATION INFORMATION D The output voltage sensing trace and the feedback components should be as short as possible and be isolated from the power components and traces. D The low pass filter for VIN should be placed close to the TPS51020 and be referenced to signal GND. D The bootstrap capacitor CBST (connected from VBST to LL) should be placed close to the TPS51020. D VREG5 requires at least 4.7-µF bypass capacitor which should be placed close to the TPS51020 and be referenced to signal GND. D The discharge (VO1_VDDQ, VO2) should better have a dedicated trace to the output capacitor. In case of limiting the discharge current, series resistors should be added. D Ideally, all of the area directly under the TPS51020 chip should also be signal GND. TPS51020 1 INV1 2 COMP1 VBST1 30 OUT1_U 29 Cin1 H_FET1 L01 CBST1 Rtrip1 Ctrip1 CH1 Output Voltage (+) + 3 SSTRT1 LL1 28 L_FET1 4 SKIP OUT1_D 27 Co1 CH1 Output Voltage (GND) 5 VO1_VDDQ OUTGND1 26 6 DDR TRIP1 25 7 GND VIN 24 − Input Voltage (+) Rvin Signal GND + Cin 8 REF_X TRIP2 23 9 ENBL1 VREG5 22 10 ENBL2 REG5_IN 21 Input Voltage (GND) Cvinbp − Power GND Cvreg5 CH2 Output Voltage (GND) 11 VO2 OUTGND2 20 12 PGOOD OUT2_D 19 13 SSTRT2 LL2 18 14 COMP2 OUT2_U 17 − L_FET2 Co2 CH2 Output Voltage (+) + 15 INV2 VBST2 16 L02 CBST2 Cin2 H_FET2 Rtrips Ctrip2 Figure 4. PCB Trace Guideline 17 SLUS564C − JULY 2003 − REVISED OCTOBER 2008 APPLICATION INFORMATION VBAT 8 V to 20 V C01a 22u GND C12 R101 R12 R01 100k R101 C14 R04 49.7k 3900p 1.8k R02 330 100k R102 Q01 C02 6800p 2.2ux2 15 L01 C08 Q02 1 INV1 2 COMP1 3 SSTRT1 4 SKIP 5 VO1_VDDQ 10k C15 100k 0.01u 6 DDR 7 GND 8 REF_X (10V_REF ) TPS51020 C04a R09 VBST1 30 OUT1_U 29 LL1 28 C20 5V_X Q11 R200 GND R13 51k R201 R16 18k R14 C27 0 0 18k 51k C01c Q12 2.2u C13 REG5_IN 21 OUTGND2 20 OUT2_D 19 4.7u GND GND LL2 18 OUT2_U 17 GND Q04 VBST2 16 3.3V_OUT C05c C05a R08 C03 R10 0.1u 0.01u 150u L02 C11 2.7k 3300p R11 330 0.01u 150u OUTGND1 26 TRIP1 25 15 INV2 10k GND Q10 VIN 24 TRIP2 23 VREG5 22 12 PGOOD 13 SSTRT2 14 COMP2 0.01u C04c OUT1_D 27 9 ENBL1 10 ENBL2 11 VO2 C19 5V_OUT 4u 0.1u R03 Q13 2.2ux2 3.3V_X 4u R15 28.8k Q14 C22 15 R07 2200p R202 Q03 100k R203 51k 51k Q15 C01a : Sanyo 35SVPD22M C01c, C02, C03, C27 : Taiyo Yuden GMK325BJ225MH−B C04a, C05a : Panasonic EEFUE0J151R Q01, Q03 : Fairchild FDS6612A Q02, Q04 : Fairchild FDS6690S L01, L02 : Sumida CEP125−4R0MC−H GND Figure 5. Typical Application Circuit: Dual (5V/6A + 3.3V/6A) from VBAT VBAT 8 V to 20 V C01a GND C12 R12 R01 C14 R02 R101 Q01 C02 4700p 1.2k 100k 7.62k 4700p 2.2ux2 15 R04 L01 4.7k C08 Q02 2.5V_OUT 5.6u C04b 0.1u R102 R03 3.9k C15 100k 0.01u (VO1_VDDQ/2_REF ) 1 INV1 2 COMP1 3 SSTRT1 4 SKIP 5 VO1_VDDQ 6 DDR 7 GND 8 REF_X 9 ENBL1 10 ENBL2 11 VO2 12 PGOOD 13 SSTRT2 C19 0.01u GND C20 TPS51020 GND R13 R16 18k VIN 24 TRIP2 23 R14 0 18k VREG5 22 REG5_IN 21 C27 (EXT_5V) 4.7u Q04 16 C05a C05b R08 0.1u GND C05c 150u L02 C11 3.9k 150u 0.01u 2.2ux2 1.25V_OUT 5.6u R15 19.7k C22 15 2200p 2.2u GND LL2 18 OUT2_U 17 C03 6800p C13 C01c 0 OUTGND2 20 OUT2_D 19 VBST2 0.01u 150u 150u OUT1_D 27 OUTGND1 26 TRIP1 25 14 COMP2 15 INV2 C04c C04a VBST1 30 OUT1_U 29 LL1 28 R10 R11 1.2k R07 Q03 100k C01a : Sanyo 35SVPD22M C01c, C02, C03, C27 : Taiyo Yuden GMK325BJ225 C04a, C05a, C04b, C05b : Panasonic EEFUE0J151R Q01, Q03 : Fairchild FDS6612A Q02, Q04 : Fairchild FDS6690S L01, L02 : Sumida CEP125−5R6MC−H Figure 6. Typical Application Circuit: DDR(2.5V/6A + 1.25V/6A) from VBAT 18 22u SLUS564C − JULY 2003 − REVISED OCTOBER 2008 APPLICATION INFORMATION VBAT 8 V to 20 V C01a GND C12 R12 R01 C14 R02 R101 Q01 C02 4700p 1.2k 100k 7.62k 4700p 2.2ux2 15 R04 L01 4.7k C08 Q02 2.5V_OUT 5.6u C04b 0.1u R102 R03 3.9k C15 100k 0.01u (VO1_VDDQ/2_REF ) 1 INV1 2 COMP1 3 SSTRT1 4 SKIP 5 VO1_VDDQ 6 DDR 7 GND 8 REF_X TPS51020 9 ENBL1 10 ENBL2 11 VO2 12 PGOOD 13 SSTRT2 C19 0.01u GND C20 150u GND R13 R16 18k VIN 24 TRIP2 23 C27 VREG5 22 REG5_IN 21 OUTGND2 20 OUT2_D 19 C01c 2.2u C13 R14 (EXT_5V) 18k 4.7u GND GND LL2 18 OUT2_U 17 16 VBST2 Q04 C05a C05b R08 L02 C11 3.9k 0.1u GND C05c 150u 150u 0.01u 150u 1.25V_OUT 5.6u 1.2k R15 19.7k C22 15 R07 2200p Q03 100k C01a : Sanyo 35SVPD22M C01c, C02, C27 : Taiyo Yuden GMK325BJ225MH−B C04a, C05a, C04b, C05b,C04d : Panasonic EEFUE0J151R Q01, Q03 0 0 C04d 6800p 0.01u 150u OUT1_D 27 OUTGND1 26 TRIP1 25 14 COMP2 15 INV2 C04c C04a VBST1 30 OUT1_U 29 LL1 28 R10 R11 22u 2.5V_OUT : Fairchild FDS6612A Q02, Q04 : Fairchild FDS6690S L01, L02 : Sumida CEP125−5R6MC−H Figure 7. Typical Application Circuit: DDR (2.5V/6A + 1.25V/3A) Cascade 19 SLUS564C − JULY 2003 − REVISED OCTOBER 2008 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS SHUTDOWN CURRENT vs JUNCTION TEMPERATURE SUPPLY CURRENT vs JUNCTION TEMPERATURE 140 2.5 VENBLx − VDDR = 0 V REG5V_IN = Open IVIN(SHTDWN) − Shutdown Current − nA IVIN − Input Supply Current − mA VVIN = 12 V 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 −50 0 50 100 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 −50 150 0 TJ − Junction Temperature − °C −2.50 25 −2.45 ISSQ − SSRTx Charge Current − µA ITRIPSINK − TRIP1 Sink Current − µA VTRIP − VVIN = 0.1 V 20 15 10 5 0 50 100 150 VVIN = 12 V VSSTRTx = 1 V −2.40 −2.35 −2.30 −2.25 −2.20 −2.15 −2.10 −50 TJ − Junction Temperature − °C 0 50 100 TJ − Junction Temperature − °C Figure 11 Figure 10 20 150 SOFTSTART CURRENT vs JUNCTION TEMPERATURE TRIP CURRENT vs JUNCTION TEMPERATURE 0 100 Figure 9 Figure 8 −50 50 TJ − Junction Temperature − °C 150 SLUS564C − JULY 2003 − REVISED OCTOBER 2008 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS OSCILLATOR FREQUENCY vs JUNCTION TEMPERATURE SOFTSTART TIME vs SOFTSTART CAPACITANCE 500 100 k VVIN = 12 V fOSC − Oscillator Frequency − kHz VVIN = 12 V TA = 25°C tSS − Softstart Time − µs 10 k 1k 100 10 100 10 1k 10 k fOSC(HI) 400 fOSC(TYP) 350 300 fOSC(LO) 250 200 −50 1 1 450 100 k 0 CSSTRT − Softstart Capacitance − pF Figure 12 150 OVERVOLTAGE PROTECTION THRESHOLD vs JUNCTION TEMPERATURE 900 1400 VVIN = 12 V VOVP − Overvoltage Protection Trip Voltage − mV VUVP − Undervoltage Protection Trip Voltage − mV 100 Figure 13 UNDERVOLTAGE PROTECTION THRESHOLD vs JUNCTION TEMPERATURE 850 800 DDR = LO VVO1_VDDQ = 2.5 V 750 700 650 600 550 DDR = HI 500 −50 50 TJ − Junction Temperature − °C 0 50 100 150 TJ − Junction Temperature − °C VVIN = 12 V DDR = LO VVO1_VDDQ = 2.5 V 1300 1200 1100 1000 DDR = HI 900 800 −50 0 50 100 TJ − Junction Temperature − °C 150 Figure 15 Figure 14 21 SLUS564C − JULY 2003 − REVISED OCTOBER 2008 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS VREG5 OUTPUT VOLTAGE vs VREG5 OUTPUT CURRENT 5.2 VVIN = 12 V TA = 25°C VVREG5 − VREG5 Output Voltage − V 5.1 VOUT1 50 mV/div 5.0 4.9 4.8 4.7 4.6 IOUT1 2 A/div 4.5 fOSC= 290 kHz VIN = 20 V, VOUT1 = 2.5 V 1 A ≤ IOUT1 ≤ 6 A, 1A/ms 4.4 4.3 0 −20 −40 −60 −80 −100 t − Time − 100 ms / div IVREG − VREG5 Output Current − mA Figure 16 VOUT1 1 V/div Figure 17. Load Transient Response VOUT1 1 V/div VOUT2 500 mV/div VOUT2 500 mV/div PGOOD 2 V/ div PGOOD 2 V/ div t − Time − 5 ms / div t − Time − 5 ms / div Figure 18. Simultaneous Startup 22 Figure 19. Offset Startup SLUS564C − JULY 2003 − REVISED OCTOBER 2008 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS VVIN = 8 V VDDQ (1 V/div) ENBL1 5 V/div Efficiency − % ENBL2 5 V/div VDDQ Disabled S5 VVIN = 20 V VTT Disabled S3 VOUT2 2 V/div VOUT1 2 V/div VTT (1 V/div) fOSC = 290 kHz VVO1 = 5 V t − Time − 5 ms / div t − Time − 5 ms / div Figure 20. Soft-Stop Figure 21. Cascade Configuration DDR Mode Shudown PWM MODE EFFICIENCY vs OUTPUT CURRENT 100 100 AUTOSKIP MODE EFFICIENCY vs OUTPUT CURRENT VVIN = 8 V 80 80 VVIN = 12 V 60 Efficiency − % Efficiency − % VVIN = 20 V VVIN = 20 V 40 60 VVIN = 8 V 40 VVIN = 12 V 20 20 fOSC = 290 kHz VVO1 = 5 V fOSC = 290 kHz VVO1 = 5 V 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 IOUT − Output Current − A Figure 22 0 0.01 0.1 1 IOUT − Output Current − A 10 Figure 23 23 SLUS564C − JULY 2003 − REVISED OCTOBER 2008 PWM MODE EFFICIENCY vs OUTPUT CURRENT AUTOSKIP MODE EFFICIENCY vs OUTPUT CURRENT 100 100 VVIN = 8 V VVIN = 8 V 80 80 Efficiency − % Efficiency − % VVIN = 12 V 60 40 VVIN = 20 V VVIN = 20 V 40 0.1 fOSC = 290 kHz VVO1 = 2.5 V fOSC = 290 kHz VVO1 = 2.5 V 1 10 IOUT − Output Current − A Figure 24 24 VVIN = 12 V 20 20 0 0.01 60 0 0.01 0.1 1 IOUT − Output Current − A Figure 25 10 PACKAGE OPTION ADDENDUM 24-Jan-2013 PACKAGING INFORMATION Orderable Device Status (1) Package Type Package Pins Package Qty Drawing Eco Plan Lead/Ball Finish (2) MSL Peak Temp Op Temp (°C) Top-Side Markings (3) (4) TPS51020DBT ACTIVE TSSOP DBT 30 60 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1 YEAR -40 to 85 PS51020 TPS51020DBTG4 ACTIVE TSSOP DBT 30 60 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1 YEAR -40 to 85 PS51020 TPS51020DBTR ACTIVE TSSOP DBT 30 2000 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1 YEAR -40 to 85 PS51020 TPS51020DBTRG4 ACTIVE TSSOP DBT 30 2000 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1 YEAR -40 to 85 PS51020 (1) The marketing status values are defined as follows: ACTIVE: Product device recommended for new designs. LIFEBUY: TI has announced that the device will be discontinued, and a lifetime-buy period is in effect. NRND: Not recommended for new designs. Device is in production to support existing customers, but TI does not recommend using this part in a new design. PREVIEW: Device has been announced but is not in production. Samples may or may not be available. OBSOLETE: TI has discontinued the production of the device. (2) Eco Plan - The planned eco-friendly classification: Pb-Free (RoHS), Pb-Free (RoHS Exempt), or Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) - please check for the latest availability information and additional product content details. TBD: The Pb-Free/Green conversion plan has not been defined. Pb-Free (RoHS): TI's terms "Lead-Free" or "Pb-Free" mean semiconductor products that are compatible with the current RoHS requirements for all 6 substances, including the requirement that lead not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous materials. Where designed to be soldered at high temperatures, TI Pb-Free products are suitable for use in specified lead-free processes. Pb-Free (RoHS Exempt): This component has a RoHS exemption for either 1) lead-based flip-chip solder bumps used between the die and package, or 2) lead-based die adhesive used between the die and leadframe. The component is otherwise considered Pb-Free (RoHS compatible) as defined above. Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br): TI defines "Green" to mean Pb-Free (RoHS compatible), and free of Bromine (Br) and Antimony (Sb) based flame retardants (Br or Sb do not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous material) (3) MSL, Peak Temp. -- The Moisture Sensitivity Level rating according to the JEDEC industry standard classifications, and peak solder temperature. (4) Only one of markings shown within the brackets will appear on the physical device. Important Information and Disclaimer:The information provided on this page represents TI's knowledge and belief as of the date that it is provided. TI bases its knowledge and belief on information provided by third parties, and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of such information. Efforts are underway to better integrate information from third parties. TI has taken and continues to take reasonable steps to provide representative and accurate information but may not have conducted destructive testing or chemical analysis on incoming materials and chemicals. TI and TI suppliers consider certain information to be proprietary, and thus CAS numbers and other limited information may not be available for release. In no event shall TI's liability arising out of such information exceed the total purchase price of the TI part(s) at issue in this document sold by TI to Customer on an annual basis. Addendum-Page 1 Samples PACKAGE OPTION ADDENDUM 24-Jan-2013 Addendum-Page 2 IMPORTANT NOTICE Texas Instruments Incorporated and its subsidiaries (TI) reserve the right to make corrections, enhancements, improvements and other changes to its semiconductor products and services per JESD46, latest issue, and to discontinue any product or service per JESD48, latest issue. Buyers should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete. All semiconductor products (also referred to herein as “components”) are sold subject to TI’s terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgment. TI warrants performance of its components to the specifications applicable at the time of sale, in accordance with the warranty in TI’s terms and conditions of sale of semiconductor products. Testing and other quality control techniques are used to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty. Except where mandated by applicable law, testing of all parameters of each component is not necessarily performed. TI assumes no liability for applications assistance or the design of Buyers’ products. Buyers are responsible for their products and applications using TI components. To minimize the risks associated with Buyers’ products and applications, Buyers should provide adequate design and operating safeguards. TI does not warrant or represent that any license, either express or implied, is granted under any patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other intellectual property right relating to any combination, machine, or process in which TI components or services are used. Information published by TI regarding third-party products or services does not constitute a license to use such products or services or a warranty or endorsement thereof. Use of such information may require a license from a third party under the patents or other intellectual property of the third party, or a license from TI under the patents or other intellectual property of TI. Reproduction of significant portions of TI information in TI data books or data sheets is permissible only if reproduction is without alteration and is accompanied by all associated warranties, conditions, limitations, and notices. TI is not responsible or liable for such altered documentation. Information of third parties may be subject to additional restrictions. Resale of TI components or services with statements different from or beyond the parameters stated by TI for that component or service voids all express and any implied warranties for the associated TI component or service and is an unfair and deceptive business practice. TI is not responsible or liable for any such statements. Buyer acknowledges and agrees that it is solely responsible for compliance with all legal, regulatory and safety-related requirements concerning its products, and any use of TI components in its applications, notwithstanding any applications-related information or support that may be provided by TI. Buyer represents and agrees that it has all the necessary expertise to create and implement safeguards which anticipate dangerous consequences of failures, monitor failures and their consequences, lessen the likelihood of failures that might cause harm and take appropriate remedial actions. Buyer will fully indemnify TI and its representatives against any damages arising out of the use of any TI components in safety-critical applications. In some cases, TI components may be promoted specifically to facilitate safety-related applications. With such components, TI’s goal is to help enable customers to design and create their own end-product solutions that meet applicable functional safety standards and requirements. Nonetheless, such components are subject to these terms. No TI components are authorized for use in FDA Class III (or similar life-critical medical equipment) unless authorized officers of the parties have executed a special agreement specifically governing such use. Only those TI components which TI has specifically designated as military grade or “enhanced plastic” are designed and intended for use in military/aerospace applications or environments. Buyer acknowledges and agrees that any military or aerospace use of TI components which have not been so designated is solely at the Buyer's risk, and that Buyer is solely responsible for compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements in connection with such use. TI has specifically designated certain components as meeting ISO/TS16949 requirements, mainly for automotive use. In any case of use of non-designated products, TI will not be responsible for any failure to meet ISO/TS16949. Products Applications Audio Automotive and Transportation Amplifiers Communications and Telecom Data Converters Computers and Peripherals DLP® Products Consumer Electronics DSP Energy and Lighting Clocks and Timers Industrial Interface Medical Logic Security Power Mgmt Space, Avionics and Defense Microcontrollers Video and Imaging RFID OMAP Applications Processors TI E2E Community Wireless Connectivity Mailing Address: Texas Instruments, Post Office Box 655303, Dallas, Texas 75265 Copyright © 2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated