SchoolDude VOI ENERGY MANAGEMENT Value of Investment Value of SchoolDude’s Energy Management Solutions SchoolDude’s energy management solutions simplify energy tracking and energy conservation programs. They allow schools to establish benchmarks for energy consumption and costs, develop plans to reduce energy use, track conservation program success, and receive recognitions for their successes. Value of Investment • • • Youcanmanageyourutilitydatainthemost cost effective way, establish energy use benchcosteffectiveway,establishenergyusebenchmarks, compare consumption over time and marks, buildings, compare consumption over time and across and identify billing errors or acrossmistakes buildings, and identifywith billing errors or other - all possible UtilityEssenother mistakesthat - allmonitor possibletheir withutility UtilityDirect. tials. Schools bills save Schools that actively manage energy save at at least $25 per student. least $25 per student. Reduce Energy Costs Reduce Energy Costs Energy management solutions reduce energy Energymanagementsolutionsreduceenergy consumption and costs by providing the data consumption and costs by providing data necessary to make actionable energythe conservanecessary make actionable energy conservation plans to that address behavioral changes and tion plans that address behavioral changes and building improvements. UtilityEssentials identibuilding improvements. Share these results to fies buildings with opportunities for improveincrease awareness and recognition. Energy ment such as equipment replacement. Share conservation programs reduce energy costs these results to increasecan awareness and recogniby 10%. tion. Energy conservation programs can reduce energy costs by 10%. • Track and monitor all utility bills • Compare consumption Compareconsumption and energy spend • Reduce cost of utilities in Reducecostofutilitiesin facilities • monitoringENERGYSTAR Eliminate duplicate data ratings entry in Portfolio Manager • Improve Eliminateduplicatedata communication entryinPortfolioManager and earn recognition Utility Tracking Annual Savings Utility Tracking Annual Savings Per Student & Energy Conservation PerStudent & Energy Conservation Average utility costs* $250 Averageutilitycosts* $250 Savings on energy bills (10%) $25 Savingsonenergybills(10%) $25 Sample savings:** $125,000 Sample savings:** $125,000 * Based on AS&U’s 38th Annual Maintenance & Cost Study for Schools * Operations Based on AS&U’s 38th Annual Maintenance & Operations Cost Study for Schools ** Example for a 5,000-student organization. To calculate your school’s annualorganization. energy savings, take your ** Example for a potential 5,000-student To calculate number of students andannual multiply that by $25. take your your school’s potential energy savings, number of students and multiply that by $25. • Improvecommunication and earn recognition 10% SAVE energy savings annually on average Average Annual AverageAnnual Financial Savings $25 Automate ENERGY STAR ratings Automate ENERGY STAR ratings ByintegratingENERGYSTARwithenergymanagementsoftware,youcanautomatetheprocessof By integrating ENERGY STAR with energy management software, you can automate the process of monitoringENERGYSTARratings.ConserveDirectsavesstafftimebyeliminatingduplicatedata monitoring ENERGY STAR ratings. ConserveDirect saves staff time by eliminating duplicate data entryintoPortfolioManager.TopperformingENERGYSTARschoolscost$.50persquarefootlessto entry into Portfolio performing ENERGY STAR schools cost $.50 per square foot less to operate and save upManager. to 35% onTop energy and greenhouse gas emissions. operate and save up to 35% on energy and greenhouse gas emissions. SchoolDude’s energy solutions simplify the process to develop a successful energy program. SchoolDude’s energy solutions simplify the process to develop a successful energy program. UtilityDirectandConserveDirectautomateutilitytracking,thefirststeptoasuccessfulenergy UtilityEssentials automates utility tracking, the first step to a successful energy program, and program,andautomatetheuseofENERGYSTARtoreceivehighratings,recognitionandawards. automate the use of ENERGY STAR to receive high ratings, recognition and awards. ® UtilityEssentials UtilityDirect • Reduce energy costs by ConserveDirect monitoring ENERGY STAR • ratings Reduceenergycostsby Tracks utility bills for increased visibility into energy spend Tracksutilitybillsforincreasedvisibilityintoenergyspend Reduces energy costs with a conservation program Reducesenergycostswithaconservationprogram Automates use of ENERGY STAR for EPA recognition AutomatesuseofENERGYSTARforEPArecognition Track Utility Bills Track You canUtility manage Bills your utility data in the most SchoolDude Solutions /STUDENT TOP PERFORMING TOPPERFORMING ENERGY STAR SCHOOLS ENERGYSTARSCHOOLS save: cost: .50₵ & 35% less per sq. ft. lesspersq.ft. 1.877.868.3833 | | on energy