THE CANADIAN MINERALOGIST Journal of the MineralogicalAssociation of Canada Volume 23 Part.4 NOVEMBER 1985 Canadian Mineralogist Vol. 23, pp. 517-534(1985) A RE-EXAMINATIONOF THE ARSENOPVRITEGEOTHERMOMETER: PRESSURECONSIDERATIONSAND APPLICATIONSTO NATURAL ASSEMBLAGES* ZACHARY D. SHARP, ERIC J. ESSENE ANDWILLIAM C. KELLY Deportmentof GeologicalSciences,The Universityof Michigon,Ann Arbor, Michigan48109,U.S.A. Sotvtuetnr ABsrRAcr Experiments on the stability of arsenopyrite in the system Fe-As-S haveled to the useof arsenopyritecompositions as a geothermometer(Clark 1960a,b,Kretschmar& fton 1976),but the effect of pressurehas not beenrcolved. Volume calculationsshow that pressurewill shift sulfidation buffer-curvesin the systemFe-As-S to higher sulfur fugacity/(S). Increasingpressurewill decreasethe arsenic content of arsenopyritecoexistingwith loellingite, and will increasethe upper stability of arsenopyritecoexisting with pyrite by approximately t4"C/kbar. Partial molar volumes for arsenopyritesolid-solutionsindicatethat pressurehas a negligibleeffect on the compositionof arsenopyritecoexisting with pyrite, but sulfidation buffer-curves will be shifted to higher /(S) by up to one log unit. If arsenopyriteFeAsl -, 51*, Iies on the FeS2-FeAs2 binary join, its composition should be fixed when buffered by either pyrite or loellingite alone at fixed P and T. Experimentson the ternary systemFe-As-S havebeeninterpreted to show that two phasesare required to fix the composi tion of arsenopyrite at any P and T (Kretschmar & Scott 1976), suggestingmajor deviations from ideality for arsenopyriteor possibleerrors in the experimentaldata. Application of the arsenopyrite geothermometerappears valid for depositsmetamorphosedto greenschistand lower amphibolite facies(Oriental, Homestake: - 5@'C infened and calculated), but yields low temperatures for deposits metamorphosedto upper amphibolite and granulite facies (Batmat, Geco: -650oC inferred, 5@oC calculated),and inconsistent temperaturesfor low-temperature hydrothermal deposits(Panasqueira:-300'C inferred, 500'C calculated). Keywords: arsenopyrite,geothermometry, geobarometry, sulfide stability, sulfur fugacity, sulfide thermodynamics. Les donn6esdisponiblessur la stabilii6de I'arsenopyrite dans le systbrneFe-As-S ont permis l'utilisation des compositions de ce mindral comme g6othermomdtre (Clark 1960a,b, Kretschmar& Scott 1976),mais I'influence de la pressionrestaitmeconnue.Le calcul desvolumesmontre qu'une augmentation de la pression ddplace les courbes des assemblages-tampondans les rfuctions de sulfidation du syst0meFe-As-S vers les fugacit€s plus 6lev6esdu soufre. Aussi, cetteaugmentationdiminue la proportion de I'arsenic dans I'arsenopyrite qui coexiste avec loellingite, et augmentele champs de stabilite de I'arsenopyrite qui coexisteavecla pyrite d'environ |4oClkbar. Lesvolumesmolaires partiels pour les solutions sotdes d'arsenopyrite indiquent que la pression exerceun effet ndeligeable sur la composition de cette phase en coexistenceavec la pyrite, mais la courbe de la r6action-tampon est ddplac€e n/(S) plus €lev€epar un ordre de grandeur. Si I'arsenopyrite FeAsl-rS1*, fait partie du systeme binaire FeS2-FeAs2,sa composition serait fix6e par la seulepr6sencede pyrite ou loellingite d P et T fixes. On d€duit, d partir des r€sultats d'expdriencesdans le systBmeternaire Fe-As-S, que deux phasessont ndcessairespour fixer la composition de I'arsenopyriteen termesde P et T (Kretschinar & Scott 1976), ce qui laisse prdvoir des d6viations importantesde l'iddalitd de l'arsenopyriteet deserreurspossibles dans les donn6esexp€rimentales.L'application du g6othermombtreparalt valide pour lesgitesmin6raux m6tamorphisdsaux faciesschistesverts et amphibolite inf6rieur (Oriental, Homestake:5@oC, temp€ratured6duiteet calcul6e). Le gdothermombtre donne des temperatures trop bassespour les gftesm6tamorphis€sdansles faciesamphibolite supdrieur et granulite @almat, Geco: temp6rature ddduite 650"C, calcul6e500oC) et des r€sultats erratiques pour les gisementshydrothermaux de bassetemperature (Panasqueira:temp€ratured6duite300oC,calcul€e5@'C). (Traduit par la Redaction) *Contribution No..403 from the Mineralogical Laboratory, Depafrmentof GeologicalSciences,University of Michigan, Mots-cl*s: arsenopyrite,g6othermomdtrie,gdobarom€trie, 517 518 THE CANADIAN MINERALOGIST stabilitedessulfures,fugacitddu soufre,analysethermodynamiquedessulfures. temperature when equilibrated with either pyrite or loellingite. Experimentson the binary join were carried out by Clark (19@a,b),who found that buffered INTRODUCTIoN arsenopyriteis enrichedin arsenicwith increasing Many metamdrphosedore-depositshave signifi- temperature and enriched in sulfur with increasing cant economicimportance(e.g., Broken Hill, New pressure(Frg. 1). He concludedthat the maximum South Wales; Homestake,South Dakota; Balmat, stability of coexistingarsenopyriteand pyrite is apNew York), and an understandingof their meta- proximately 490oC at I bar, but is extendedto 520oC morphic history is warranted. Efforts to find sulfides at 2 kbar. Kretschmar& Scott (1970 concludedthat suitablefor geothermometryand geobarometryhave two Fe-As-S phases are needed to buffer arbeen limited by the generally nonrefractory nature senopyritecomposition at a given pressureand temof this group of minerals.Arsenopyriteis one of the perature, and inferred that slight deviationsfrom the few sulfides, besidessphalerite, that is relatively ideal cation,/anionratio causearsenopyriteto plot refractory and exhibits appreciablesolid-solution off the simple FeS2-FeAs2.binaryjoin. Their exsensitiveto pressureor temperature(Clark 1960a,b, perimentally determined eraph of temperature yerBarton 1970,Scott 1974,1976).Experimentson the sus at.tlo As in arsenopyriteis shown in Figure 2. stability of arsenopyrite in the system Fe-As-S Kretschmar& Scott (1976)wereunableto duplicate (Clark 1960a,b,Barton 1969,Kretschmar& Scott the pressuredependence observedby Clark and pro1976)were limited by extremelyslow rates of reac- posed that the pressureeffect on compositionis less tion, preciselybecauseof the refractory nature of than Clark had reported. They suggestedthat the arsenopyrite.We have evaluatedthe arsenopyrite gold in the capsulesthat Clark had usedfor his exgeothermometerby analyzingnatural assemblages perimentsmay have diffused into the arsenopyrite whoseP-T historieshavepreviouslybeenindepencharge,and circumventedthe problem by usingglassdently established.Theseinclude fluid-inclusion fillwalled capsules(seeKretschmar 1973for details). ing temperaturescorrectedfor pressure,isotopefractionation and silicate phase-equilibria. Pnocnpunr Ideal arsenopyrite(FeAsr_1S1ay, rs 10.13l)Iies Arsenopyrite-bearingsamplesfrom localities with on the binary join pyrite (FeS, - loellingite (FeAsr, estfunates were rmaalthough minor deviationsfrom the stoichiometric accuratepressure-temperature ratio Fe,/(As+ S) = y have beenreported (Klemm lyzed quantitatively for Fe, As, S, Ni, Bi, Sb and 1965,Kretschmar& Scott 1976).The composition Co usingan ARL-EMX electronmiiroprobe at the of ideal arsenopyriteis fixed at a givenpressureand University of Michigan. Operatingconditionswere as follows; acceleratingvoltagel5 kY; beamcurrent 150 pA; samplecurrent on arsenopyrite0.015 pA. A grain ofanalyzed arsenopyrite(asp200)from Dr. S.D. Scott was used as a standard for.Fe, As and S. SyntheticNiS, CorSo,Sb2S,and Bi metal were usedas standardsfor the other elements.Each analT (oc) ysisconsistedof a minimum of ten point-countsper grain at 20 secondsper point. Up to ten grainswere analyzedwithin a singlesample.Samplesreanalyzed 600 using arsenicmetal and pyrite as standardsfo1 Fe, As and S gavecomparableresults.Volatilization and migration of elementswereevaluatedby successive measurementsat a single point. 50 Unit-cell refinements of several samples of arsenopyritewereobtainedto confirm the volumecompositiondata of Morimoto & Clark (1961).Xray measurementswere madewith a powder diffractometer using CuKa radiation, a graphite 34 monochrometer and reagent-grade CaF, checked 36 38 against quartz as an internal standard. A least, Mole7" As program after Burnham (l 96l) squares-refinement Flc. l. Stability of arsenopyriteat I bar (open circles) and wasusedto calculatecell parametersof arsenopyrite, at 5 kbar (solid circles).Limbs of the stability field are assuminga monoclinic cell. for compositions stable with end-members pyrite (As-poor limb) and loellingite (As-rich limb). Compositions were determinedfrom the d131data of Clark (1960b) by using the composition equation from Kretschmar& Scott (1976). RESULTS For eachlocality, pressure-temperatureestimates, buffering assemblages,and microprobe data are A RE.EXAMINATION OF THE ARSENOPYRITE GEOTHERMOMETER +u T)2 700 519 osp+lii+L Thir rfudy: O O o l p + g o + L , o r p + 9 y + A sb c l o r 56O'C ond 32 ot.% A! + orp+lit+L orp+L * -Q- osp+ 15+9o tr^I orp+py+L 0 o r g+ 1 6 + A r OO orp+py+p A Y Clsrh (1960o)r orp+lii+Ar o t p + p o + L 1o t p + p y + L bolor 491'C (J c osp+ po+ L o 5 Io, soo CI E !, l- o s p+ p y + L "I lf / // oo6 /l 'iifd {, I I rsr.r / osp+lti+po e't t ./ / "/ / ^l FeAs1.sS9.9 FcAss.15S9.65 3233i343536 Alomic % Arsenicin Arsenopyrite Ftc.2. T-X diagram with arsenopyrite-bufferedcurves(reprinted from Kretschmar& Scott 1976). listed in Table l. Microprobe data are reported to in this study is given in the section Analysis of two significant figuresto avoid rounding errors. A Natural Assemblages.Compositionsof arsenopyrite more completedescriptionof eachlocality analyzed all lie closeto the line representingthe stoichiometric THE CANADIAN MINERALOGIST 520 IIALE l. Saopl€ Or FORl.lATIoll ARSEIIOPIRITE CO!.IPOSITIOil, CoD(ISlItlC MIIIEBALSIr| THE Fe-As-S SYSTEU,AllD P-T CONDITIONS LosaLtiy onp. (at.t) S As Fe conp. (ri.i) feSAs Hoeestake, SD t6 a n7 OrlentaL Ulns, CA 9-13-252 9-'tr-1't2 35.18 20.63 45.t12 1 0 1 . 2 3 3 { . 1 1 1 9 . 7 3 t 1 6 . 6 0 l00.lllr Ceco, oniarlo Balnat, l{Y Araca, Boll,v1a. ARA-7!' 35.49 2l.116 44.85 1 0 r . 8 0 33.52 2't.'10 \5.58 100.20 ARA-Io?2 ARA-58 Kalahuyo, Eollvla cHA-23 n Llaltagua, Bollvlar Sayaquira, BoLlYla sAr-la sAY-27 Tasm, BollYla rsN-36 35.30 22.21 35.76 22.20 3!.?9 \1.65 \2.91 99.r6 100.87 20.lr5 116.16 1 0 l . r l o 31.80 t8.l? 17.1 33.q 48.56 r00.93 r{8.5 99.0 33.90 r9.76 34.11 20.2 rt6.72 100.38 46.6 10,t.2 gg.g2 PCL-24rr T (o c) (1) (r) 2-3 50q50 3 3 . 6 t 3 6 . 8 3 29,56 3 3 . 6 0 3 6 . 3 4 30.06 30.9 3 3 . 3 9 3 5 . 1 6 3r.45 32.',t5 35.26 32.59 El,t tsl Xn Eil ril po-py py ' (1 ) (I ) ( 1) (1) (1) 0.2-1 ll90!rl0 33.19 33.98 32.83 32.2 32.8 3 1 . 3 1 3 1 . 2 0 35.63 33.6 33.0 36. 1r 35.8 Ell Xn xR EM B4 xn po i 32.87 33.37 33.76 33.0 33.7 33.3 33.5 32.9 32.62 33.82 3 3 . 5 6 Eu E!4 xn xn fc po-py(?) ' n i (1) (7) (1) (6) (10) 33.3 33.3 33.1 Eu xn EM po " po-py (7) (6) (?) 33.5 33.8 El.'l xR po i (7) (6) &,l Erl EH xR Er.r XR trt po-py(?) ' ' <1.0 "i ' . (l) (l) (1 ) (1 ) (l) (1) (l) t!:5 20.0 100.9 33.2 33.5 3\.2 19.7 \6.7 10 0 . 6 33.1 33.2 34.0 19.5 \5.9 99.q 33.3 33.2 17.58 49.rr3 r00.72 P ( kbar ) po-py(?) po ,t6.,r 33.71 ref. EU Er.r 'r5.56 Panasqueira, PortuSal PcL-5 34.26 18.q! t18.99 101.69 pcl_40 33.59 17.95 r18.91 100.45 pcL-2't? 3q.0! 18.r0 rr8.95 101.09 otneral. ss@b. 3 3 . 5 r 3 4 . 2 3 32.25 33.30 33.65 33.30 19.65 33.01 analyt. Eothod 33.29 31,22 35.q9 33.16 30.86 35.98 3 3 . 3 6 3 0 . 8 9 35.75 35.1 33.32 30.26 36.42 36.q 33.56 3r. o? 35.37 pcL-303 3 r r . 16 1 0 .r 6 oni. P-23 35.02 22.7\ Clevel.andMlne, Tas@nla Moreton'aHrbr, NfId. 3rt.1 19.9 {e.:o \1.75 99.51 115.3 99.3 33.3 33.8 B r o k e nH 1 1 1 , t { S I ' r?.r 31.8 Madelelne Mlne, Caspe, P.Q. 17.6 Conteoyto L, il.!1.T."" 3 3 . 3 '. 1 9.0 33.9 5O.O 98.9 32.2 30.1 t19.5 100.t1 33.0 47.2 100.1 py " Lo-po po . Tlmtns, 33.1! 33.2 (1) (1) (6) (1 ) (7 ) (6) 6.010.1 650130 6.5!0.5 625!25 0.19-1.0 q9eq0 280!50 ref. Q,16) (2,16) (3) (rr) (5) (6) (e) El. py (1) 1.0-1.5 320130 (15) 3 3 . 6 1 1 . 0X B po (9) 1.510.5 rl9011o (9) B4 32.9 32.5!2.5 *'i El,t 37.7 po-lo i po-1o (?) (12) (7'' 1.210.3 350150 (12) 5.5F0.5 75@50 (11) 30.11 36.6 Er4 po-py (7) 1.210.3 350150 (13) 32.4 El.'t po-1o (7) 37.rt6 2 9 , \ 3 3rl.1t 57tt25 (ltl) CooposltlonE fron pubLtahed d... values uere obtalned uslng the equtlon of KretschEar & Scoft (1976). (B'l-eleciron dlcroprob€, XR-X-ray, ltc-wet 6ieotcal, ?-posslble equlllbrlun phase). References for TabLe lr (1) Present study; (2) chtnn ( 1 9 6 9 ) a n d p r e s e n ! s l u d y ; ( 3 ) C o v e n e y( 1 9 7 2 , l 9 8 l ) t ( 1 t ) P e t e r e e n ( t 9 8 3 ) ; ( 5 ) B r o w ne l a l . ( 1 9 7 8 ) r ( 6 ) ( e L l y & T u r n e a u r e ( 1 9 7 0 ) ; ( 7 ) K r e t a c h r a r( t 9 7 3 ) ; ( 8 ) K e l l y i R y € ( 1 9 7 9 ) ; ( 9 ) c o u t n e ( 1 9 8 3 ) t ( 1 0 ) M o r t r c t o & c l a r k ( 1 9 6 1 ) r ( 1 t ) P h l l L l p s & xall (1981): (12) l(ay & Strons (1983); (13) shelton (1983); (14) Bostock (1968); (15) lralsh et, al. (1985); (16) Petersen, perg. com. !' l' 2' 5' o.1t co. o.3 rt.t co. z.o, co, 0.3! Ni, o.rt sb. 3' 0.61 co, o.gtr Et, 0.2, Nl. c o n t a l n ec o , t l l , s b composition FeAsl_rS1a' except for one s€rmple wherethe apparentcation-deficiencyis satisfiedby cobalt (Fig. 3). No other sample analyzedin this study has appreciableconcentrationsof elements other than Fe, As or S. Most arsenopyrilegrains showsmall, apparentlyrandom, microscopicvariations in composition. This same feature has been observed.byother investigators(Berglund& Ekstrdm 1980,Lowell & Gasparrinil982,Kay & Strong 1983, J.K. Bohlke,pers.comm. 1984).No obviouscorelo-rim variations were observedin any grains. In addition, no migration or volatilization of elements was detectedduring microprobe analysis. Unit-cell data are listed in Table2 and plotted as composition yersasvolume (Fig. 4) along with the data of Morimoto & Clark (1961). Our S-rich arsenob,'ritedata correspondfairly well with those of Morimoto & Clark. For more As-rich compositions, our data indicatea sigaificantly smallervolume (- l9o) than the datum of Morimoto & Clark for a syntheticarsenopyriteal 0.5@ X(FeAs) on the FeS2-FeAs2binary join. They noted significant differencesin the powder patternsbetweenthe synthetic and natural samplesand suggestedthat the synthetic material could probably be indexedusing a pseudo-orthorhombic cell (Morimoto & Clark 1961). This higher symmetry is probably due to enhanced disorder and twinning associatedwih rapid synthesis and may affect both unit-cell dimensionsand d,r, values. Ignoring this datum, two best-fit curves , A RE-EXAMINATION 521 OF THE ARSENOPYRITE CEOTHERMOMETER (po) Poriugot " PANASQUEIRA, OBOLIVIAho) tl (po,lo) o HOMESTAKE, SD(py,po) V oORIENTAL,Co(py,po) v BALMAT,NY(py) o aGECO, Ont ^TIMMINS, ont (py) I FeAsS & V vv V Fe v As 35)30 Fe/(As+$=Y'1/ Ftc. 3. Arsenopyritecompositionsin at.t7oin the ternary systemFe-As-S. Coexistingphasesshown in parentheses. have been drawn through the remaining data, the appearsto be a valid compositional indicator for first (solid) basedonly on our new values,and the natural samples. second(dashed)including the data of Morimoto & Clark (1961)for natural samples. Comparisonsof arsenopyritecompositions deterEXPERIMENTAL AND mined by electron microprobe and those determined TurnvooyNaurc CoNsnnnerroNs using the d13, equation of Kretschmar & Scott (1976) are in excellent agreement(Table 2). For The stability field of arsenopyriteas a function of arsenopyritecompositions without appreciablesub- /(SJ and temperature (Frg. 5) (Barton 1969) is stitution by other elements, the value of d 6, bounded by the sulfidation reactions TIALE 2. CELL PAR.AMERS,ffOLM VOLI'I{ESAM CALCULATMd131 YALUESFORARSMOPIRITE S@ple l8a11ty at.t !s tn 6p (Proh) (x?aY) (AnA-74) bllvla Boltvra (CM-23) orl6ntaL (9-15-112) (PCL-?I7) Pesquelra Pan6quelra (P&-244) 32.5(3) 33.6(tl) 29.9(3) 36,0(5) 36.5(4) Coll In odges and al-valu€s 32.2 33.5 30.9 35,7 36.4 Angstro@t '298 5.748(4) 5.752(3) 5.?1r9(3) 5.761(3' 5.773(\) g 1n degoest 5.6't5(2) 5.683(l) 5.666(l) 5.699(1) 5.702(1) V in on3/mle. 5.?64(3) 5.779(3) 5,717(3) 5.78Ot2' 5.783(3) 112,04(5) 112.20(3) 11r.87(3) 112.46(3) 112,48(4) 26.2\(3' 26,34(2, 26.20(3' 26.4312) 26.rr8(4) ot3t 1.6308 1.6323 1,6293 1 .63118 1,6356 522 THE CANADIAN MINERALOGIST llll I I molor volume (cm3) 26.4 a t) ;j/ ar'? 'l 26.O r .50 46 l .g tt"o? Frc. 4. Volume - compositionplot for arsenopyrite.Trianglesare from Morimoto & Clark (1961);circleswith error bars are from'this study. Errors in the data of Morimoto & Clark are not shown. Solid best-fit line is for our data exclusively; dashed line includes data of Morimoto & Clark. The datum for synthetic arsenopyriteat X FeAs2= 0.56 (square)is ignored for the fitting of the line. /zS2+ FeAs2+ FeS: 2FeAsS S, + loellingite + pyrrhotite = arsenopyrite (l) '/zS2+ FeAsS: FeSz+ As(liq) 52 +.arsenopyrite- pyrite + arsenicliquid (2) (3) 1/zS,+ FeAsS: FeS+ (As,SXliq) 52+ arsenopyrits: pyrrhotite * arsenic-sulfur liquid %s, + FeAsS: FeSz+ As(s) 52 + arsenopyrilg= pyrite + arsenicmetal (4) Within the stability field of arsenopyrite,two additional sulfidation reactions t/zS2+FeS:FeSz (5) Sr + pyrrhotits : p,"rite and (6) 7uS2+FeAs2= FeAsS+ As(s) 52+ loellingite = arsenopyrite+ arsenicmetal serveto buffer /(S) at a given temperature,uniquely defining the composition of a given arsenopyrite in equilibrium with the buffering phases. Whereas other reactions involving Asr, H2S, etc,, might also be considered,in no way do they invalidatethesereactions.We have continued to consider reactions with S, following Barton (1969,ln0i and Kretschmar& Scott(1976)for direct comparison with their figures. The shift in these curveswith pressurecan be estimatedusingexisiing thermodynamic data. For the sulfidation curves,the expression AGPr-AGor: J,"o- AV.dP + RTtn ff-, * (7) can be simplified to J,tr- av.dP = RTlnB!t- (8) since at equilibrium AGPr: 0 and /(S)1 6- is chosenso that AGor - 0, and the activities of the solid phasesare independentof pressure.Unit-cell data for solid solutionsof arsenopyrite@g. 4) and pyrrhotite (Toulmin & Barton 1964)show a nearly linear dependenceof their partial molar volumeswith composition, consistentwith the assumptionof constant activity at all pressures. The AVs for each reaction was calculatedat P and T using the computer program EQUILI. Thermodynamicdata for all calculationsard given in Table 3. The pressureeffect on the melting curvesin Figure 5 could not be calculatedthermodynamicallybecause of inadequate volume and entropy data for sulfide liquids. A plot of experimentallydeterminedsulfidemelting curves @ig. 6) shows that the solidus is extendedto higher temperaturesat higher pressures by an averageof + l4'C,/kbar. This shift is in excellent agreementwith the experimentally determined value of Clark (1960b), but later questionedby Kretschmar& Scott (1976).We have acceptedthe l4"C/kbar shift in arsenopyrite-pyritemelting curves as a preliminary estimatefor the purposesof this A RE-EXAMINATION OF THE ARSENOPYRITE GEOTHERMOMETER 523 tosl(sz) -8 -t2 400 T("C) 500 600 700 Ftc. 5. Sulfidation curvesin the systemFe-As-s in the stability range of arsenopyrite (shaded).After Barron (1969). paper. Using the calculated5 kbar invariant point for reactions(l) and (6) as a starting point, the stability field of arsenopyritehas been constructedat elevatedpressure(Frg. 7). All invariant points are shifted to higher /(SJ and temperature,although the amount of the shift varies for each reaction. Arsenopyrite may coexistwith pyrite up to 550oC at 5 kbar (Fig. 7), significantlyhigherthan the commonly acceptedupper limit of 490.C for the stability of arsenopyrite + pyrite at all pressures. Kretschmar& Scott superimposedtheir experimentally determinedcompositional data for arsenopyrite onto Barton's /(S)-T diagram, connectingequal compositionsbetweenbuffering curveswith straightline isopleths (Fig. 8). A fixed composition of arsenopyritein the pyrrhotite field (not buffered by either pyrite or loellingite) definesa univariant curve in/(St-T spaceat constant pressure.Arsenopyrite buffered only by pynhotite may lie anpvhere along the isopleth for that specific composition. Arsenopyrite isoplethswere extendedby Kretschmar & Scott (1976)with a shallow slopeinto the pyrite and loellingite fields. Thesefields representassemblages that include the equilibrium pairs arsenopyrite-pyrite and arsenopyrite-loellingite, respectively. If arsenopyrite lies on the true FeSr-FeAsr binary join, its composition will be fixed when buffered by either pyrite or loellingite at constanttemperatureand pressure.The arsenopyrite compositionalisoplethswould then haveto be vertical in/(Sr-T spacein thesefields, permitting variations in sulfur fugacity, but not temperature,for a constant composition (Fie. 9). The reaction FeS, + t/zAst: FeAsS+ %S, (9) PYrite+ Asr: alt.nopYrite + S, illustratesthat log/(Sj will vary inverselywith log 524 THE CANADIAN MINERALOGIST IIBLE €ru bs€n1o be enopy!'1te Lo6UiaSllE Pyfl t€ Pyfrhottto 3. THEMOD$IAI.IIC DATA UAED FOR CALCULATIONS sou@ 12.963 26.r13 26.61 23.943 18.20 (1) (2', (3) (rr) ( rl) r.zoxroll 1.0EX10_; 1 . 1 0 X 1 0: tI.9fi10_; -2.5\X10-; 8.rl2xl0-ir -1.lC!9-; 9 . r 1 X r ^0 4.33X1 o-; -r.3rxro-l 4.',12]It0: 2,62X10 : q.58X10 1 .8911o-< a.szxroli ;:;,,il;: 2.86XlO-: - 2 . 3 1 X lo a -i:ili;-? l.39X1o-o E Soaco 3.16 0.99 0.82 0.69 0.12 ( 5 , 6) l7,6') (8,9) (tl ) (q) * wzrootl a 81 + cT2 { DT3)li codpfosolblltty ra or3zor.. For oxpandtvtiy, v!-tw -', faotor E-1,000(vo-v).P-'.v P tn kb. so8oosr (1) nobio et al. (19?8)r (2) ror!@to & Clak (1961); (3) Redohr (1969)t ({) &oti (1973)i (5) Krlsh!6 et a1. (1979) (6) Blrch (1966)i (?) Data for coasr. KJskshw & n*ko (19?7), (Iaostruotwal rlth f€Ass)r (8) r,Jeksh@ & Rakke (1977) (9) Data for E3 6slte. Blroh (1966), (IsoslruolFal etgh FeAar). v!, /(As) in equilibrium with arsenopyrite and pyrite. For a given a(FeAsS)in arsenopyrite, the relationship betweensulfur fugacity and arsenic fugacity at constanttemperatrueand pressureis fixed within the stability field of binary arsenopyrite and pyrite. A similar €ugumentappliesto binary arsenopyrite and loellingite. The isoplethsin the pyrite and loellingite fields in Figure 8 were constructed to fit the experimentalresults of Kretschmar& Scott (1976) (Fig. 2). The isoplethsin the pyrite and loellingite fields would only be vertical ifreactions (2), (4) and (5) coincide, and reactions(l) and (6) coincide in Figure 2. If arsenopyritelies on the pyrite-loellingite binary join, the location of thesereactionsmust coincide. Kretschmar& Scott (1976)attributed the sloping isoplethsin the pyrite and loellingite fields to small deviationsfrom the ideal binary join. Slight deviations from the stoichiometric ratio Fel(As + S): y2 would place arsenopyriteoff the binary join and in the three-phasefield Fe-As-S (Fig. l0). Two additional phaseswould then be required to buffer arsenopyrite,allowing the isoplethsin the pyrite and loellingite fields to shift from a vertical slope. However, the very shallowly sloping isopleths in the pyrite- and loellingite-bearing fields (Fig. 8) suggestan evengreater dependenceon temperature than in the pyrrhotite field. The minor nonstoichiometry observed in arsenopyrite with respect to Fel(As + S) requireseither highly nonideal behavior in arsenopyriteto accountfor the shallowlysloping isoplethsin the pyrite and loellingitefields, or some other explanation. In any case, the assemblage arsenopyrite+ pyrrhotite is stableon both sidesof reaction (6) in Figure 8. In the absenceof loellingite, arsenopyriteisoplethsshould not changetheir slope acrossthis boundary. Natural arsenopyritemay provide tests loellingite - pyrrhotite assemblages of the alternative topologies for arsenopyrite isoplethsin the loellingite field, becausedifferent temperaturesare predicted for this assemblagefrom each model. Kretschmar& Scott (1976)determinedthe location of reaction (6) from their two unreversed experimentaldata-points at 480oand 550'C (Fig. 2). However, Clark's (1960a)five unreversedarsenopyrite-loellingite-arsenic experimentscoincide with 6 I , I -.'f 'f oo p y / tl P (kbor) pv po i I tl c y= d g * l 2 200 600 T ("C) tooo Ftc.6. P-T plot ofsulfide melting curves.Data from Clark (1960b),Clark (1966), Kullerud (1964),Ryzhenko& Kennedy(1973).Symbols:cv covellite,dg digenite. A RE-EXAMINATION 525 OF THE ARSENOPYRITE GEOTHERMOMETER lbori 400 T("C) 500 5 i 600 700 Flc. 7. Stability field of arsenopyriteat I bar and at 5 kbar. Also shown is the maximum thermal stability of coexistingpyrite and arsenopyriteat I bar and at 5 kbar. reaction (l) in Figure 2, suggestingthat the two curves(l) and (6) may actually coincide.The separation of the two loellingite-bearing curves and the three pyrite-bearing curves (Fig. 2) by Kretschmar & Scott may not be valid, and isopleths may actually be vertical in the pyrite- and loellingite-bearing fields @ig. 9). Tight compositional reversals are neededto test whetherreactions(t) and (6) and reactions (2), (4) and (5) coincide, or whether arsenopyrite showssignificant ternary solid-solution, permitting deviation of (l) from (O and (2) from (4) from (5). If the isopleths in the pyrite and loellingite fields arevertical @ig. 9), then their positions will be determined by the intersection of the isoplethsin the pyrrhotite field with the curvesdefining the limits of the loellingite and pyrite fields. The shift in the arsenopyrite isopleths in the pyrrhotite field with pressurewas calculatedfrom the shift in the reaction FeS+ %S2= FeSz(asP) Po + Sz: FeSz(asP). (10) The partial molar volume of FeS2in arsenopyrite was determined by extending the unit-cell data in Figure 4 back to end-member FeS, (Fig. ll). Whereas the partial molar volume of FeS2(asp)is still imprecisely known, the available data yield a higher partial molar volume than the molar volume of pyrite. Using 24.85 cm3,/molefor the partial molar volume of FeS2in arsenopyrite,the shift of in reaction (10) at 5 kbar and constanttemper"f(Sr) ature was then salculated (Frg. l2). The difference between the/(St shift in reaction (5) and reaction (10) is very small (Fig. 12). The cornposition of arsenopyrite coexisting with pyrrhotite and pyrite is practically unaffected by pressure,but is shifted by approximately I log unit/(S) at 5 kbar (Fig. l2). The compositionof arsenopyritecoexistingwith loel- 526 THE CANANIAN MINERALOGIST loq J(S2) €orfc) 5oo 600 700 Ftc. 8. Isoplethsof arsenopyritecompositionsuperimposed on Barton's (1969)/(StT plot (Fig. 5). After Kretschmar& Scott (1976). lingite is shifted to lessAs-rich compositionsat higher pressuresas a result of reaction (O beingshifled more than reaction (5) with increasingpressure(Fig. 12). The shift in the isopleths in Figure 12 is constructed assumingthat they retain the sameslope at all pressures,but the isoplethscould changetheir slopeso as to exactly offset the shift in the arsenopyritearsenic-loellingitecurve (reagtion6) for all pressures. This cannot be calculated,but there is no reasonto expect that the two shifts should exactly coincide. If the changein the slopeof the isoplethsis minimal, arsenopyrite equilibrated with loellingite at a high pressurewill record a low temperaturewhen plotted on the I bar isopletl graph of Kretschmar& Scott (Fig. 8). The pressureshift we predict is not very large for any buffered assemblageand should only be consideredfor high-pressureassemblages. For the assemblage arsenic + arsenopyrite + loellingite equilibrated at 5 kilobars, the temperature error associatedwith usingthe I bar calibration of Kretschmar & Scott(1970 will be on the order of 20oC.This small shift is probably lessthan the precision of the arsenopyrite geothermometer and can be ignored. The shift in sulfur fugacity is not trivial, however, and we suggest that buffered assemblages equilibrated at high pressrueshave a higher sulfur fugacity (-0.1 loe /(S)/kbar, cf. Fie 12) than predictedby Figure 8. OsssnvarIoNs ON NATURALASSEMBLAGES Arsenopyrite was analyzed from sevenlocalities characterizedby varying physicochemicalconditions of formation (Table 1). Each locality is describedin greater detail below. A RE.EXAMINATION OF THE ARSENOPYRITE GEOTHERMOMETER 527 (K) rooo/T {. loq j(S2) 400 T/on\ 500 600 7.'/-l' Ftc. 9. Isoplethsin Figure 8 redrawn vertically in the pyrite and loellingite fields. Panasqueira, Portugal mation. Filling temperaturesat this stagerangefrom 230"to 360oC,withaclusterof dataat280'C. This The tin-tungsten deposits at Panasqueira are correspondsto a pressureof lessthan I kbar (Kelly hostedby a sequenceof tightly folded pelitic schists & Rye 1979).Boiling ceasedafter the early oxide (Kelly & Rye 1979).The mineralizationoccurredin stage.Filling temperaturesdo not decrease,however, four distinct stages.Arsenopyrite deposition was and Kelly & Rye attributed the lack of boiling in these associatedonly with the first two stages.In the later inclusionsto a reduction of dissolvedCO, iu earliest oxide-silicatestageof mineralization, two the fluids rather than to an increasein hydrostitic eventsof arsenopyritedepositionare recognized.The pressure.Depositional temperaturesand pressures main sulfide stageproduced arsenopyriteintergrown are taken as 280 + 50"C and I kbar for the with pynhotite. The third stage of mineralization Panasqueiraarsenopyrite. involved hypogenealteration ofpyrrhotite to pyrite and marcasite. The closing stage of mineralization Homestake mine, South Dokota accounts for only very small amounts of sulfide precipitation. The Homestakedepositin the Black Hills, South Fluid inclusions from the oxide-silicate stage Dakota, consistsof intenselydeformed Precambrian formed during boiling conditionsand needno pres- garnet-biotite schistsand retrograde chlorite schists sure correction to reconstructtemperaturesof for- (Slaughter1968).Compositionsof coexistinggarnet 528 THE CANADIAN MINERALOGIST Frc. l0a. Phaserelationsin the systemFe-As-S between363 and 491'C (after Kretschmar& Scott 1976).The stability field of arsenopfrite (shaded)is exaggeratedto show the effect of slight deviations from the FeS2-FeAs2binary join. b. Explodedview of lOa in the region of arsenopyrite.The compositionof arsenopyritein equilibrium with pyrite at a constantpressureand temperaturecan be anywherealong the bold line betweenA and B, dependingon/(S). The composition of arsenopyritein equilibrium with pyrite and pyrrhotite must A. c,d, Phaserelations in the systemFe-As-S for arsenopyritelying on the binary join FeS2-FeAsr.In this case,arsenopyritecoexistingwith pyrite must lie at point C, and biotite (Chinn 1969) yield temperatures of 500t 50oC using the calibration of Ferry & Spear (1978).Temperaturesbasedon coexistingCO2-and HrO-rich fluid inclusionsin quartz are 415 I l5oc, and correspondingpressuresare 2.5 t 0.5 kbar @. Petersen, pers. comm. 1984). Deposition of arsenopyrite and pyrite occurred at the end of the final eventoffolding (Noble 1950,Slaughter1968). Chinn's (1969) textural evidencefor equilibrium betweengarnet, quaftz, biotite, cummingtonite and arsenopyrite sugge$ts that temperatures of arsenopyrite formation are close to metamorphic temperatures.Textural evidencesuggeststhe simultaneous crystallization of arsenopyrite, pyrite and pyrrhotite in some samples. Oriental mine, California The host rock of the Oriental mine, California,, metasediments consistsof upper-greenschist-facies with a few small adjacentgranitic intrusive bodies (Coveney1972, l98l), Arsenopyritewas deposited contemporaneouslywith pyrite; temperaturesof fluid-inclusion homogenizationrangefrom 200" to 280'C. Pressureestimatesof 0.7 to 2.5 kbar suggest temperaturesof formation in excessof 340o, and possiblyashigh as5@oC(Coveney1972,l98l). The magnitude of the oxygen-isotope fractionation betweenmica and quartz is consistent with temperatures of 340! 40"C (J.K. Bohlke, pers. comm. r985). Bolivia Mineralization in the tin-tungsten depositsin the Cordillera Real, Bolivia, is associatedwith a group of small granitic stocks (Kelly & Turneaure 1970). Arsenopyrite formed in the early stagesof minerali- A RE.EXAMINATION OF THE ARSENOPYRITE GEOTHERMOMETER 529 V'(RAs2) molor volume (cnF) lo ?6 Vt s.) 24 pv .2 .4 .6 .8 to FeAs, Ftc. 1l, Extension of unit-cell data on arsenopyrite@ig, 4) back to end-memberFeSr lld FeAs2;dashedand solid lines havethe sameslopeas in Figure 4. The pointi labeledpy and lo representthe molar volumesof pyrite and loellingite, respectively. Partial molar volume of Fes2(asp)usedin ialculations is thJ averageof the intersectionsof the dashedand the solid line with the FeS, axis. zation, and is associatedwith pyrrhotite in all samples and loellingite in sample ARA-107. Fluidinclusion filling temperaturescorrectedfor pressures of 1.0 kbar correspondto 450-530"C for the early vein-stageeventof mineralization (Kelly & Turneaure 1970). Geco, Ontario auriferouSpyrite disseminatedin quartz-carbonate veins, with quartz-pyrite-arsenopyritedeposition occurring in the early stagesof vein mineralization (Smith et al. 1984),The arsenopyrite-pyritesample is from the Pamour mine in the easternpart of the Timmins gold region. Temperatureand pressureestimates for this deposit are bracketed by the homogenization temperature of the two-phase (CO2-CHr-H2O fluid inclusionsand by the intersecrion of rhe (co2-cHo) and (co2-cHr-H2o fluid-inclusion isochores(Walsh 1985).Theseesti matesare 320t 30"C and l-1.5 kilobars,broadly consistent with oxygen-isotopetemperatures of 400 J 80'C for the region (Kerrich& Hodder 1982). The arsenopyritehas no detectableminor elemenrs and a low As/(As * S) value, as expected for arsenopyriteequilibrated at a low temperAture. The Geco massive-sulfidedeposit, part of the Manitouwadgemining district, northern Ontario, is located in the westernAbitibi-Wawa belt and has beenstudiedby Pelersen(1983).Petersen'sestimates of peak metaurorphicconditions are 650 t 30"C and 6 + I kbar using well-calibratedmetamorphicreactions and other geothermometersand geobarometers.Thesetemperaturesare slightly higherthan the less preciseestimatesby Jameset al. (1978). The Manitouwadge massive-sulfide deposits were Balmot, New York emplacedprior to metamorphism(Friesenet ol. 1982, Petersen1983).The single sampleof arsenopyrite Metamorphic temperaturesand pressuresin the analyzedconsistsof four small grains enclosedin an Balmat-Edwardsmining district, New York, were unidentified silver-antimony sulfide. determinedby Brown et al, (1978) using calcitedolomite thermometry(Goldsmith& Newton 1969) Timmins, Ontario and sphaleritebarometry(Scott& Barnes1971,Scott 1973),and by Bohlen et al, (1985) using garnetThe gold deposits near Timmins, Ontario, are rutile-ilrtrenite-sillimanite-quartz barometry. Their hosted in metavolcanic rocks and metagreywackes estimatesshow that the district reached peak temin the southwesternpart of the Abitibi greenstone peraturesand pressuresof.625x.25"C arrd6.5 t 0.5 bett (Smith et al, 1984).Mineralization consistsof kbar. 530 THE CANADIAN MINERALOGIST 400 T EC) soo % 5kbor l bor FeS2(osp) -6 tos J(sr) 5 kbor I bor -8 -to 5 kbor l bor t.5 t.4 1.3 tooo/T(K) t.? Frc. 12. Illustration of the shift in arsenopyriteisoplethsat pressure.For simplicity, only the py-po, FeSz(asp)-po and lo-asp-As curvesare shown(seeFig. 2). The 33%oisoplethsis shifted to higher/(S) when buffered bY PY-Fo, and shiftedto lower at.goAsin aspwhen buffered by As and lo, Reactions(5) and (10)are shiftedby slightly different amounts at 5 kbar, sincethe partial molar volume of FeS2in arsenopyriteis slightly larger than the molar volume of pyrite. Application of the arsenopyritegeothermometerto them is invalid as an indicator of peak metamorphic temperatures.Ore depositsmetamorphosedto conArsenopyrite compositionsfrom this study and ditions of the greenschistand lower amphibolite others (Morimoto & Clark 1961,Kretschmar1973, faciesplot within the proper compositionalfields, Collins 1983) are plotted on the composition- but severalsamplesof low-temperaturehydrothertemperaturediagram of Kretschmar& Scott (1976) mal arsenopyriteare unusuallyAs-rich. In particular, arsenopyritefrom Panasqueiralies well outside using temperatureestimatesfrom Table I (Fig. l3). Uncertainty in the temperature of formation and the stability field of arsenopyritefor the temperacompositionalrangeof eacharsenopyritesampleis ture of its formation. Applytng the phasediagram illustrated by the size of ,the sample boxes. of Kretschmar& Scott @g. 2) to thesecompositions yields higher temperaturesthan actual temperatures Arsenopyrite from all high-gradedepositsplots outsidethe stability field of arsenoplrite. The temper- of formation. Kretschmar (1973) reported that arsenopyritecoexistingwith pyrite and pyrrhotite aturespredicted by the arsenopyritecompositionsin thesesamplesare severalhundred degreeslower tharr from the Madeleinemine contains 36.6 at.9o As, actualtemperaturesof formation. Thesearsenopyrite contrary to the claim by Kretschmar& Scott (1976) sampleshave either resetor are retrogradephases. that in all arsenopyrite-pyritepairs, arsenopyrite APPLICATION OF THE ARSENOPYRITE GSOTHTRMOIVIETER TO NATURAL ASSEMBLACES A RE.EXAMINATION OF THE ARSENOPYRITE GEOTHERMOMETER 531 800 T ("C) 400 PI, PO 30 34 3B oL70 As in osp Ftc. 13.Assemblage,temperatureof formation, and buffering assemblage for var! ous natural samplesof arsenopyritesuperimposedon Figure 2. l) Broken Hill, New SouthWales,2) Geco,Ontario, 3) Balmat, New york,4) Contwoyto Lake, Northwest Territories, 5) Bolivia, 6) Homestake, South Dakota, ?) Oriental, California, 8) Moretons Harbour, Newfoundland,9) Panasqueira,Portugal, lOj Madeleine,Gasp6,euebec, ll) Clevelandmine, Tasmania, 12)Timmins, Ontario. The apparently anomalous arsenopyritecompositionsfrom Panasqueiraand Madeleinemay possiblybe explainedby changein arsenopyriteisoplethsbelow the hexagonal-monoclinictransition in pynhotite (seetext). contains less than 33.3 at.rlo As. Criteria for equilibriuminhydrothermaldeposits aredifficultto assess' and apparent equilibrium mineralassemblages precipitated have metastaPlyactually blyunderwidelyfluctuatingconditionsofsupersaturation. Drscussro^r can be ignored for low-presspre hydrothermal deposits. Fressur" will affict the composition of arsenopyrite in metamorphosed deposits, and should not be ignored. The most dramaiic effect of pressure is to extend the stability field of coexiiting arsenopyrite and pyrite to higher temperatures by illi:iifri':?.'r1""?|:nrffi;'"THgJ,ffi bly incorrect for regional metamorphic assemblages ' . Tqe effect of pressureon arsenopyritecomposi- of moderateto high gxade. tion buffered by two other phasesis not large and Arsenopyritegeothermometryhas beenusedfor 532 THE CANADIAN MINERALOGIST temperatureestimationwithout additional data from other conventionalgeothermometers(e.g., Berglund & Ekstrdm 1980,Lowell & Gasparrini 1982,Kay & Strong 1983,Sundbladet al. 1984,Kalogeropoulos 1984). Berglund & Ekstrom (1980) reported on arsenopyritewith X(A0 ranging from 3l to 33 mole 9o coexisting with sphalerite, pyrite and pyrrhotite at five sulfide ore deposits in northern Sweden. Sphaleritebarometry (Scott 1983)yields anomalously high pressures(6-8 kbar), and arsenopyrite thsrmometry give anomalously low temperatures (360-480'C) for rocks associatedwith middleamphibolite-faciesschists. Lowell & Gasparrini (1982)applied arsenopyrite geothermometryto samples in equilibrium with pyrite from granite-hosted sulfide veins in southeasternMissouri. The arsenopyritecompositions X(As) clusterat 31.U329 and32.5-32.9at.Vo for two separateveins, correspondingto temperatures of 430 t 60o and 470 !20oC, respectively. These estimates are reasonable but have not been checked against other geothermometers. The compositionsof arsenopyritein hydrothermal veinsin the Moretons Harbour Area, Newfoundland (Kay & Strong 1983),are widely scattered[X(As) = 29-37 at.6/ol. Temperature estimates from fluidinclusion data are 350t 50'C. The broad rangeof arsenopyritecompositionsis inconsistentwith the geothermometer of Kretschmar & Ssott since arsenopyrite with X(As) > 34 at,alois not stable at 350"C. Sundblad et al. (1984) applied arsenopyrite thermometry to several ore deposits in the Swedish Caledonidesfor samplesbuffered by pyrite and pyrrhotite. After excluding arsenopyrite with greater than 0.2 wt.Vo Co, Ni or Sb, they obtained somewhat scatteredtemperaturesof 370a 80oC [X(As) 29.5-33.3 at.9ol for chlorile-zone deposits and 430 t 50'C [X(As) 30.8-33.0] for biotite-zone deposits.Whereasthesetemperaturesare in good agreement with thermometer$ applied to other chlorite- and biotite-zonerocks (e.9., Essene1982)' other well-calibrated thermometers (e.g., calcitedolomite) should also be applied to these Swedish deposits. Kalogeropoulos(1984)extrapolatedthe arsenopyrite field to 250oCfor application of arsenopyrite thermometry to a Pb-Zn massive-sulfide deposit. However, a straight-line extrapolation of the reactions involving arsenopyrite and pyrite in Figure 2 is not valid (Kretschmar& Scott 1976).Arsenopyrite compositionaldata suggestinglow temperaturesof formation are inconclusivewitlout independelrtthermometric evidence.Sphaleriteisoplethschangeradically below the hexagonal-monoclinic transition in pyrrhotite (Scott & Kissin 1973).The pynhotite transition may cause the arsenopyrite reaction-curves (Fig. 2) to shift to more As-rich compositions at low temperatures, thereby fitting the arsenopyrite data from the anomaloushydrothermal deposits@ig. 13). Arsenopyrite geothermometryappearsto be valid for ore deposilsmetamorphosedat low or intermediate grades,but the accuracyis lessthan desirable. The range of compositions analyzedwithin a single samplemay be too broad to reasonablyconstrain temperatures of formation. The compositions reported by Kay & Strong (1983)for arsenopyrite from Moretons Harbour, Newfoundland rangefrom 29 to 36 at.9o As, spanningthe entire known compositional rangeof arsenopyrite.Arsenopyriteapparently buffered by pyrite and pyrrhotite at the Homestakemine rangesfrom 32.5 to 34.0 atVoAs, equivalentto a temperaturerangeof 465oto 535oC. The composition of arsenopyritecoexisting wilh pyrite and pyrrhotite from the Oriental mine, California, only limits temperaturesto less than 400'C. The arsenopyrite+ pyrrhotite + loellingite assemblagefrom Bolivia limits temperaturesto between490' and 610oC. Coexistingarsenopyrite and pyrrhotite restrict temperatureto a lesserdegree. The composition of arsenopyrite from Bolivia buffered by pyrrhotite constrainstemperaturesto less than 525oC.The coexistenceof arsenopyritefrom Panasqueirawith pyrrhotite indicatestemperatures between410' and 635oC,whereasactual temperaby fluid-inclusion data tures of formation as assessed are less than 350oC. The arsenopyrite + pyrite assemblagefrom Timmins limits temperatureto less than 330oC. Application of the arsenopyrite geothermometer to samples formed under conditions other than greenschistand amphibolite facies is not recommended.Arsenopyrite from high-grademetamorphic rocks appearsto havereset,and arsenopyritefrom hydrothermal deposits may not have attained equilibrium. Wide compositional ranges of arsenopyritehave beeninterpreted as effects of temperature variation or fluctuation in sulfur fugacity within the hydrothermalsystem(Lowell & Gasparrini 1982, Kalogeropoulos 1984). Berglund & Ekstrdm (1980)proposedthat local/(SJ variations exist in medium-grademetamorphic rocks, basedon varying compositionsof arsenopyriteon a fine scale. We suggestthat the arsenopyritegeothermometerbe usedwith discretion, preferably in conjunction with other, better-calibratedthermometers(e.g., Essene 1982)Tightly reversedexperimentsare sti[ needed before the arsenopyrite geothermometer can be regardedas fully quantified. Unfortunately, there are few calibrated geothermometers other than the arsenopyritegeothermometerthat can be applied to massive-sulfidedeposits.An understandingof the low-temperature behavior of arsenopyrite and the effect'of minor-elementsubstitutionwould be valu' able. Thesetopics, combinedwith new high-pressure experiments involving compositional reversals, A RE.EXAMINATION OF THE ARSENOPYRITE GEOTHERMOMETER should be the focus of further investigationsin the systemFe-As-S. tionsandapplications. Econ.Geol,55,1345-1381, t63r-1652. (1960b):The Fe-As-S system.Variationsof arsenopyritecompositionsas a function of T and P. CornegieInst, LTash.YeqrBook 59,127-130. AcKNowLEDcEMENTs The authorsare grateful to Dr. StephenD. Scott, of the University of Toronto, for his helpful commentsand for providing an arsenopyritemicroprobe standard.Mr. John K. Bohlke went beyondthe call of duty with his adviceand information. Dr. Erich U. Petersen'sfluid-inclusion data for samplesfrom Homestakeweregreatly appreciated.Dr. Donald R. Peacor'sinterest and adviceon mineralogicalconsiderations were beneficial. We also thank Mr. LawrenceM. Anovitz and Dr. Wilbur C. Bigelow for their help with the electronmicroprobe.Thanks are also due to Mr. JonathanA. Gorman, Mr. James F. Walsh and Dr. PeteJ. Dunn for arsenopyritesarnples from various localities. Finally, we acknowledge the helpful and informative reviewsof Dr. Ulrich Kretschmar, Dr. Robert Martin, and an anonymous referee. Funding from WCK's NSF grant no. EAR-80-26263 helped in the compilation of this project. RSFERENCES Banrolq,P.B., Jn.(1969):Thermochemical studyof the systemFe-As-5. 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