Integrated Management for Sustainable Use of Tsunami-affected Land in Indonesia1 Achmad Rachman, Wahyunto, and Fahmuddin Agus2 Introduction Agriculture plays an important and strategic role in the performance of Indonesian national economy. Agriculture sector contributes about 17.3% to the National GDP of Indonesia, the second largest after the industrial sectors. Agricultural sector also absorbs about 44.3% out of 90.8 million of labor (BPS, 2004). Agricultural development has drawn a significant attention from the government of Indonesia in order to provide sufficient food for all Indonesian. All possible resources are mobilized to increase the production of rice, corn, soybean, and other grain crops beyond the population growth rate of 1.6% per year. The results are not always satisfying. Although, rice production has increased from 29.4 million ton in 1990 to 32.8 million ton in 2003, however, at the same time population has also increased from 179 million in 1990 to 217 million in 2003. During that period, the average growth rate of rice production was only 0.83% per year with some years (1991, 1993, 1994, 1997, and 1998) having a negative growth due to El Nino phenomena. Meanwhile, the population increased steadily around 1.6% per year. Consequently, Indonesian rice import has been increasing with time between 1 to 3 million tons annually (Table 1). 1 2 Paper presented at the Mid-term Workshop on Sustainable Use of Problem Soils in Rainfed Agriculture, Khon Khaen, Thailand, 14-18 April 2005. Researcher at the Indonesian Soil Research Institute, Jl. Ir. H. Juanda 98 Bogor 16123, Indonesia. Java and Bali islands are the main rice producer among the 8 major islands in the country. In 2000, Java and Bali contributed about 54.2% to the total rice production harvested from rice field, although these islands comprise only about 7% of the total land area of Indonesia. But the soils and water from rainfall and irrigation on these islands are suitable for stable and sustainable food crop production. The other major islands areas of Sumatra, Kalimantan, Irian Jaya, Sulawesi, Maluku and Nusa Tenggara are much less densely populated. Except for Nusa Tenggara (east and west) the climatic condition are suitable for year around crop production provided more drought tolerant crops are grown during the drier times of the year. In general, however, the inherent soil fertility is less than for Java and Bali. Table 2 shows soil distribution in Indonesia (Subagjo, 2000). The predominant soils of Indonesia are Inceptisols (37.5%), Ultisols (24%), Entisols (9.6%), Oxisols (7.5%), and Histisols (7%). Together, those soils occupy around 85.6% of the country’s land surface. Mulyani et al (2003) estimated that about 62% of Indonesian soils are considered low fertility soils. The low fertility soils are found mainly in the outer island of Java, while the more fertile soils such as Alfisols, Andisols, and some Vertisols are found mainly in Java where various infrastructure development have taken place intensively. Therefore, current agricultural expansion would likely to meet those three soils (Ultisols, Oxisols, and Histosols). The fertility of Ultisols and Oxisols are low as indicated by low cation exchange capacity (CEC), low base saturation, and low pH (<5), and high aluminum content. However, they generally are very deep and well drained. The other threat for maintaining rice production is land conversion from paddy field to non agricultural uses. During the period of 1992 – 2002, the rate of land conversion from paddy field to non agricultural uses was 64,000 ha/year or 0.77% per year. The paddy field were 2 converted mainly to non paddy field (41.1%), housing complex (28.9%), industrial complex (4.9%), offices (8.3%), and others (16.8%; Irawan et al. (2001). It is estimated that the potential lost of rice production due to land conversion is 231,000-270,000 ton rice per year. Without a strong policy to control the paddy field conversion and a significant improvement of rice production in the outer islands of Java, the country’s dependence on rice import would likely to further increase. Land degradation: National-scale outlook Land degradation has been a serious problem for many years in Indonesia. It is estimated that about 20% of 191 million ha of land surface of Indonesia has been degraded with various degrees of degradation. There are several types of land degradation found in Indonesia. Among them are accelerated soil erosion by water, soil nutrient depletion, salinization and alkalination. Accelerated soil erosion is trigged by socioeconomic pressure and ecological factors. The important socioeconomic factors affecting human activities leading to soil erosion are population pressure, poverty, and ignorance. Population and economic pressure have driven many farmers to cultivate steep land to grow annual crops such as rice, cassava, maize, and vegetable without practicing proper soil conservation techniques. This has been happening for years and has been a major factor causing land degradation to critical levels of 22 watersheds of Indonesia’s 39. Soil nutrient depletion is a natural process under high leaching condition. However, it will be accelerated when improper management of plant residue and fertilizers are practiced. Much of the agricultural land used for food crops is double cropped or even triple crops each year. Rice is planted at the beginning of the rainy season and then followed by palawija crops. 3 The common practice for preparing the land for the next crop is burning the plant residues or removing them from the plot for other purposes. The practice can be found easily in both lowland and upland areas. In the lowland areas where irrigated or partially irrigated paddy field are common, farmer used to apply sufficient fertilizers to compensate the removed nutrients. However, with the current price of agricultural inputs but less improvement in the crop productivity, farmer tends to apply fertilizer less than recommended. Consequently, nutrient depletion would become a serious problem for the Indonesian food security in the next few years. It is estimated that about 42 million ha of Indonesia land are potentially suffering from nutrient depletion. Another cause of soil degradation is waste disposal from textile industries to water bodies. The disposal may contains high concentration (210-680 ppm) of heavy metals such as Cu, Zn, Pb, Co, Ni, Cr, as well as Na. A proper watse treatment process reduces the heavy metal concentration to as low as <0.04 ppm, although Na concentration remains high (3.42 – 10.77 cmol(+)/kg). When the polluted water is used to irrigate paddy field, it potentially increases the salinity of paddy field and reduce rice production 1 – 1.5 ton/ha/season (Sutono et al., 2001; Suganda et al., 2003). The Effects of Tsunami on the livelihood of Aceh, Indonesia Aceh is a province of Indonesia located at the western portion of Sumatra. The province has about 5,5 million ha land area with a population of about 4.3 million (data before the Tsunami). The predominant soil found in the province is Inceptisols (66.2%) followed by Ultisols (11.7%), and Entisols (8.3%). Entisols formed from marine sediments were found mainly on the coastal line both on the west and east coasts of Aceh. The Ultisols were found 4 mainly in the mountain and plateau areas. The Inceptisols lied mostly in areas between Entisols and Ultisols. A massive earthquake on December, 26th 2004 followed by Tsunami has devastated the coastal regions of Aceh province and Nias, a small island in North Sumatra province, Indonesia. The west coast of Aceh experienced more devastation than the east coast. The Tsunami reached as far as 7 km inland in the west coast and up to 4 km in the east coast. The Government of Indonesia (GOI) through the Minister of State for National Development Planning announced on January 19, 2005 that the disaster caused more than 100,000 people deaths, more than 132,000 missed, and more than 340,000 are becoming refugees. The infrastructure damages include 1.3 million homes and buildings, 8 ports, 85% of the water and 92% of the sanitation systems, 120 km of roads, and 18 bridges. The estimated total damages and losses is US$ 4.5 billion (Bappenas, 2005). The recovery processes would be significantly complex and costly. Building bridges, roads, or temporary housing for the refuges could be done in a few months with the joint efforts of national and international communities. However, the socio economic issues such as land ownership, relocation of household, child development concern, credit availability for farmers, and rehabilitation of soil condition may take long and complex development processes. The GOI has set up three phases of recovery. The 3 phases include emergency phase, rehabilitation phase, and reconstruction phase. The emergency phase (6 month) focused on saving the survivors as soon as possible and provide them with the minimal need for living. The rehabilitation phase would take 6 – 18 months with the focus on rebuilding local governments, reconstructing buildings and offices, making the community ready to move to the 5 Comment: Gunakan data terakhir, cek din Yahoo atau komas website reconstruction process, and rehabilitating agricultural land. The reconstruction phase would take years to be completed. The Effects of Tsunami on Farmland in Aceh, Indonesia The Indonesian Soil Research Institute is conducting remote sensing data analyses to study the extent and intensity of damages on agricultural land due to Tsunami. The analyses was conducted by comparing data generated from satellite images (Landsat TM-5 and Landsat 7), before and after the Tsunami. Those data were then cross checked with tabular data obtained from the Ministry of Agriculture for the Aceh province. Figures 1 and 2 show satellite images used for the analyses. The results indicated that around 8.6% out of 336,000 ha of agricultural land were damaged by Tsunami. The damaged paddy fields were found mainly in Aceh Barat (6107 ha), Aceh Barat Daya (4520 ha), Aceh Jaya (4159 ha), and Aceh Pidie (4023 ha; Table 3), the first three districts are located in the west coast of Aceh. Prior to Tsunami, the province was expected to produce 1.5 million ton of rice from 380 thousands ha of paddy field, 190 thousands ha of them were irrigated. Paddy field were found mainly in the east coast, while in the west cost estate crops such as oil palm were found to dominate the agricultural activities. Since larger area of paddy field were found mainly in the east coast as compared to the west coast (Figure 3), the total paddy fields damaged by the Tsunami is approximated less than 10% of the total paddy field area in the province before the Tsunami. However, the lost of rice production could be significant. If the provincial average of soil productivity for rice is 4.2 ton/ha, then the potential lost of rice production from Aceh is at least 120,000 ton rice per planting season. Rehabilitating the Tsunami affected agriculture lands, 6 both the paddy field and other crops land, would restore not only the food security of rural areas but also the livelihood of local farmers. At least four major forms of damage, some areas sustaining a combination of more than one forms, to farmlands have been identified: 1) changes in landscape, 2) deposition of mud transported from the sea and coastline, 3) infiltration of sea water into the soil profile, and 4) deposition of debris on soil surface. The waves stripped out the land surface along the coastline to, at some areas in the west cost, at least 1000 m inland leaving some of the formerly agricultural land areas to permanently inundated with sea water. The areas are no longer suitable for agricultural activities, however, it can be used as a waves protection area by planting with mangroves. The Tsunami sent not only sea water but also mud from the sea and coastline to as far as 3-5 km inland in the east coast and 5-7 km in the west coast. As the water receded, the materials sunk and capped the soil surface with mud and debris. Field observation indicated that the finer materials deposited farther inland to the extent of the water’s path. The depth of the deposited materials varied from 1 cm at the area closer to the coast line to >20 cm at the area closer to the end of water’s path. These materials have gray to light green color and it is very hard when dry indicating a high clay and some cementing agent contents. The clay content of deposited mud varied from 7.8% to 42.8% depended on the source of materials (Table 4). Figures 4 and 5 show paddy field covered with mud to as high as 40 cm and dry land covered with 20 cm mud, respectively. The electrical conductivity of the deposited materials was 19.8 – 84.2 dS/m (Table 4), a level far exceeding most crop tolerable level of 2-3 dS/m. Dried mud on the soil surface forms a 7 hard pan or crust that restrict infiltration of rainfall causing a significant amount of runoff but less fresh water infiltrated into the soil to leach out the toxic materials. Salinity of Soils The seawater composed of salt, mainly in the form of NaCl. Other forms include a combination of basic cations (K, Ca, Mg) and sulfate, bicarbonate, and chlorine anions. The seawater that flooded the agriculture land, in some areas lasted for several days, had a chance to infiltrate into the soil profile and increased the salinity of soil or deteriorated soil structure due to high sodium content. A preliminary study has been conducted to evaluate the effects of Tsunami on soil salinity. Two transects were chosen, called Darussalam and Lhok Nga transects. On each transect five points of observation were selected based on the level damages as indicated on the satellite images. Figures 6 and 7 show the soil EC (Electrical Conductivity) and ESP (Exchangeable Sodium Percentage, the percentage of sodium relative to the sum of potassium, calcium, magnesium, aluminum and hydrogen on the exchange site) of top soil (0 – 10 cm) and sub soil (10 – 20 cm) of original soil 30 days after the Tsunami. The EC for soil removed from Lhok Nga transect were much higher than the soil from Darussalam transect. Soil samples collected from Lhok Nga transect were from paddy field and dry land from Darussalam transect. The paddy field tended to hold deposited mud inside the bunds, therefore, increased the chance to elevate soil salinity, while in the dry land the mud has been washed away by the rain. There is a tendency that the EC for the top soils has been elevated from <1 dS/m for not affected soils to as high as 40.97 dS/m and to a lesser degree of increase for the subsoil. According to the information given by the local farmers, there has been 3 times of rainfall since 8 the tsunami. The rainfall may have enhanced the infiltration of salt materials into deeper soil to increase the salinity for both the top and subsoil. Soil salinity is an important growth-limiting factor for most non-halophytic plants. Salts inhibit plant growth by osmotic stress, nutritional imbalance, and specific ion toxicity (Cornillon and Palloix, 1997; Gunes et al., 1996). High levels of sodium on the exchange complex as indicated by the ESP value greater than 15 may deteriorate soil structure which in turn reduce plant growth (Ben-Hur et al., 1998). Another problem facing the recovery process of agriculture is the widespread of debris on the farmland. The debris consisted of concrete cement, wrecked cars, and many other materials that need efforts to clean out from the farmland. A preliminary recommendation has been released to the Ministry of AgricultureIndonesia by the Indonesian Soil Research Institute-Bogor on dealing with the elevated soil salinity on dry land and wet land rice. The recommendation is based on the thickness of mud deposited on the field. Table 5 indicates the management recommendation that can be applied to the field before planting seeds. The recommendation is subject to modification after more data is collected. Thematic Research Needs The above discussion emphasizes the vital importance of understanding and mapping the intensity and extent of damages caused by Tsunami on agricultural lands and how it affect the socio-economic conditions (tenure system, labor availability, and gender issues of local farmers). The information will be useful in guiding the rehabilitation processes, mobilizing aids, and locating agriculture related investments. 9 Also of prime importance is development of best bet menu of farming systems, because farmers will start their cultivation in areas with less severe damages. Validation and refinement of the best bet menu should follow, and these will be very important because of the wide range of the nature of damages, while we lack experience to reclaim such damages. Finally, dissemination, especially in the forms of farmers’ practical guidelines, such as in leaflet and booklet formats, will be necessary in disseminating the research and literature study results. The proposed research activities include: 1. Inventory of the damage of agricultural land 2. Action research to test and refine technologies of soil rehabilitation 3. Evaluation of the dynamics of soil properties post Tsunami 4. Dissemination of findings in the forms of seminars/workshops/meetings, proceedings, scientific papers, practical booklets, and leaflets. The goals are: a. Analyze the distribution of affected agricultural land using the remote sensing and GIS technologies. b. Classify the levels of soil damage and reassess crop suitability spatially c. Appraise socio-economic (especially tenure system, land/man ratio, and household structure) d. Develop ‘best-bet technologies’ for soil rehabilitation. e. Refine the best-bet technologies through concurrent farmer-led action research at representative sites. 10 f. Evaluate the dynamics of soil physical and chemical properties under the natural and treated (rehabilitated) conditions. g. Disseminate research results to various users including farmers, government/policy makers, academicians and the public that are interested in the research results. The outputs will be: Output 1 An interactive GIS-based map presenting the level of damage, consisted of several layers of thematic maps including land use before and after Tsunami, classification of land damages and land suitability post-Tsunami. These layers of maps will be complemented with narrative and tabular description of soil and local socio- economic conditions. Attempts will be made to also include selected social conditions in the map. Output 2 Best bet technology menu for rehabilitating Tsunami-affected agricultural land. Output 3 Refined technology menu for rehabilitating Tsunami-affected agricultural land. Output 4 Policy recommendation for providing/distributing supplies and technical assistance to enable the community to implement agricultural recovery. Output 5 Scientific documentation and analysis of the dynamics of soil properties and water salinity. Output 6 Various practical guidelines, maps, policy papers, as well as scientific papers Brief Discussion on Each Activity Activity 1. The objective of this activity is to analyze and classify the distribution of affected agricultural land using the remote sensing and GIS technologies and ground checks, as well as 11 (re)evaluation of land suitability for selected agricultural commodities and development of bestbet technologies for soil rehabilitation. The outputs are a package of interactive GIS-based map and a series of hard-copy maps at 1:100.000-scale showing the spatial classification of damages, land/man ratio, and crop suitability. The zoning activities will consist of 3 steps: 1. Development of base field maps. The base field maps will be developed in Bogor before the initiation of the ground survey. Rough delineation of affected areas will be the main output at this step, which will be corrected through the ground truth at the second step. The base maps will be developed based on the following spatial data: a. Satellite images will include, but not limited to, Landsat TM-5 and Landsat-7 taken in 2002, 2003, 2004 (before the Tsunami) and Landsat TM-5 and Landsat-7 taken on 2930 December 2004 and January 2005 (after the Tsunami). The satellite images will be sorted to obtain the best images with <5% cloud interference. b. Topographic maps at scale 1:50.000 (Bakosurtanal, 1975-1995) c. Land use maps at scale 1:1.000.000 (BPN, 2003) d. Paddy field maps at scale 1:1.000.000 (CSARD, 2004) e. Land Unit maps at scale 1:250.000 (LREP, 1990) 2. Ground truth The ground survey will be carried out to appraise the level of damages. Classification of the level of damages will be based on the FAO guidelines “Guidelines for Soil Reclamation and Resumption of Cultivation” (FAO, 2005). Adaptation to the guidelines will be made as necessary based on field and laboratory findings. 12 3. Develop maps and best bet menu technologies. At this stage, a computer based map, printed maps, written report, and recommendation for rehabilitating the Tsunami affected agricultural lands will be formulated. Thematic maps that would be produced include mud thickness, electrical conductivity, salinity, ESP (exchangeable sodium percentage), CEC (cation exchange capacity), available P, aggregate stability, and land suitability. Suitability of the areas for major crops will be (re)assessed using crop suitability guideline (Balittanah, 2003). The ‘best bet menu’ for soil rehabilitation will be developed based on expert judgment and literature studies. Activity 2 On-farm farmer-led action research approach will be employed during the research activities to test selected technology menu that are most relevant to the problems of farmers’ in each representative sites. The approach combines both technology from the research institution (supply driven innovation) and technology from farmer (indigenous knowledge/practices). The on-farm research approach aims not only to develop technologies for research purposes, but more importantly, to refine and deliver the technologies directly to the farmers through direct involvement of farmer in the research processes and dissemination packages (Activity 4). Various aspects such as soil and water managements, and crop management will be looked into exhaustively. Number of treatment to be compared will not exceed three, including the control untreated plot. Farmers’ selection will include, as wide portion as possible, of the ostensibly recoverable transect. Treatments to be implemented will be focused on neutralizing the salinity through surface drainage to wash out salts, deep tillage to enhance percolation, organic matter 13 applications to improve water retention capacity and soil aggregation, fertilization, and planting of tolerant crops. Detailed treatments will be defined after the conduct of inventory and best menu development activity (Activity 1) and after interaction with farmers. Soil property changes and crop yield will be monitored. At the site of each farmer’s cooperator, a hardwood peg will be installed as a reference point for soil and crop sampling. Composite samples (1 kg each) and undisturbed samples using ring sample (7.5 x 5 cm) from each farm at 0-20 cm and 20 – 40 cm depths will be taken every 3 months. The Samples will be analyzed for EC, salinity, pH, ESP, exchangeable bases (Ca, Mg, K), ECEC, available P, and bulk density, aggregate stability, and porosity. Activity 3 Analysis of the the changes of soil chemical and physical properties of affected areas is important as a basis to develop further land management strategy and to contribute to the literature on salt affected soil properties. The monitoring activity will be conducted once a month on selected transects near each of the four Action Research sites. This activity will be conducted in line with crop adaptability activity. Matrix of correlation, and stepwise regression analysis will be used to explain the relationship between crop growth and key soil properties. Researcher from the Soil Research Institute will provide equipments and train local staffs (BPTP and/or Dinas Pertanian Aceh) and students to conduct the monitoring. We expect to train 4 local staffs, and 4 students for this purpose. Close supervision will be provided by Soil Research Institute Samples will be analyzed at Soil Research Institute’s Laboratory and research findings will be written in co-authorship manner with BPTP, students and the students’ 14 supervisors. In general, Activity 3 will be aimed at providing scientific explanation of the soil processes. Activity 4 Dissemination of findings and recommended technologies to farmers, decision makers, extension workers, and scientists will be carried out in various ways including workshop, seminar, poster presentation, scientific paper, practical booklet, and leaflets. Four seminars will be convened by Soil Research Institute and the research team will be sponsored to attend related workshops and seminars convened by other institutions at international, national, provincial, and district levels during the course of thee year research. The first seminar will be conducted in June 2005 at BPTP Aceh after the completion of Activity “1” (Inventory of the damage of agricultural land). Besides presentation of the results of Activity we will invite the papers from related research institutions to exchange the results and increase coordination between institutions. Leaflets describing the best bet step by steps procedure for rehabilitating saline soils will also be distributed during the seminar. The second seminar will be conducted in December 2005 to present the research progress either in Jakarta or Banda Aceh. The third seminar will be conducted at the end of year 2 (2006) and the fourth seminar will be at the end of the project (December 2007). Representation of participants from international, national, provincial, and district levels will be maintained as much as possible. 15 Expected Impacts Restoration of the productive capacity of soils to provide food and income to farmers in areas affected by Tsunami. Beneficiaries: The information and technology will benefit farmers in restarting their farm management and the local and national governments in facilitating the local farmers and allotment of supplies necessary for soil restoration. The research result is expected to also contribute to the scientific literature for handling and anticipation of similar damages not only for Indonesian problem, but also for the international community. This will maximize benefits from the research for Aceh as well as other affected areas in Asia and elsewhere. 16 References Agus, F., dan E. Husen. 2005. Tinjaun umum multifungsi pertanian (Multifunctionality of Agriculture. p. 1-16 dalam Husen, E., A. Rachman, Irawan, dan F. Agus (eds). Prosiding Seminar Nasional Multifungsi Pertanian dan Ketahanan Pangan, Bogor 12 Oktober dan 24 Desember 2004. Annonymous. 2004. A Framework for Reclamation Action Plan for Affected Soils (draft). FAO, Rome. Badan Pusat Statistik. 2004. Statistik Indonesia. Bappenas. 2005. Ben-Hur, M., M. Agassi, R. Keren, and J. Zhang. 1998. Compaction, aging and raindrop impact effect on hydraulic properties of saline and sodic Vertisols. Soil Scie. Soc. Am. J. 62:13771383. Cornillin, P., and A. Palloix. 1997. Influence of sodium chloride on the growth and mineral nutrition of pepper cultivars. J. Plant Nutr. 20:1085-1094. Djaenudin, D., Marwan H., Subagjo H., dan A. Hidayat. 2003. Petunjuk Teknis Evaluasi Lahan Untuk Komoditas Pertanian. Balai Penelitian Tanah, Bogor. FAO. 2005. A Framework for Reclamation Action Plan for Affected Soils”. FAO, Rome. Gunes, A., A. Inal, and M. Alpaslan. 1996. Effect of salinity on stomatal resistance, proline, and mineral composition of pepper. J. Plant Nutr. 19:389-396. Irawan, B., S. Friyatno, A. Supriyatna, I.S. Ahugrah, N.A. Kirom, B. Rachman, dan B. Wiryono. 2001. Perumusan Model Kelembagaan Konservasi Lahan Pertanian. Pusat Penelitian Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian, Bogor. Mulyani, A., F. Agus, and Wahyunto. 2003. Land suitability and land use changes in Indonesia. Paper presented at the 2nd AMAF + 3 Sysmposium on Research and Development of Sustainable Agriculture. Phnom Penh 25 - 26 February 2003. Subagjo, H., N. Suharta, dan A. B. Siswanto. 2000. Lahan Pertanian Indonesia (Agricultural Lands of Indonesia). p. 21 – 66 dalam Sumberdaya Lahan Indonesia dan Pengelolaannya. Center for Soil and Agroclimate Research and Develoment, Bogor. Suganda, H., Diah Setyorini, H. Kusnadi, I. Saripin, dan U. Kurnia. 2003. Evaluasi pencemaran limbah industri tekstil untuk kelestarian lahan sawah. p. 203-221 dalam Undang Kurnia, F. Agus, D. Setyorini, dan A. Setiyanto (eds). Prosiding Seminar Nasional Multifungsi dan Konversi Lahan Pertanian, Bogor 2 Oktober dan Jakarta 25 Oktober 2002. Puslitbangtanak, Deptan. Sutono, S., Y. Hadian, H. Kusnadi, dan A. Abdurachman. 2001. Perubahan sifat kimia tanah sawah dan kualitas hasil tanaman akibat limbah industri tekstil. p. 163-188 dalam Djaenuddin et al. (eds). Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Lahan dan Pupuk, Bogor 30-31 Oktober 2001. Puslitbangtanak, Deptan. 17 List of Tables Table 1. Rice harvested area, rice production, and imported rice of Indonesia, 1990-2003. Table 2. Soil distribution in Indonesia (x 1,000 ha) Table 3. Satellite images analyses on damaged paddy field due to Tsunami in Aceh. Table 4. Characteristics of deposited mud measured on 26-29 Januari 2005 in Aceh Besar. Table 5. Preliminary recommendation for rehabilitating the soil from salinity problems based on land use and mud thickness. List of Figures Figure 1. Ikonos satelite images of Lho Nga Aceh Besar before and 3 days after the Tsunami. Figure 2. Landsat TM 7 of north Meulaboh, Aceh Barat before and after the Tsunami. Figure 3. Wet land rice distribution in Aceh and North Sumatra. Figure 4. Paddy field under mud cover in Lho Nga 30 days after the Tsunami. Figure 5. Dry land covered with 20 cm mud in Banda Aceh 30 days after the Tsunami. Figure 6. The Electrical conductivity (EC) and exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) of soil collected from the Darussalam transect. Figure 7. The Electrical conductivity (EC) and exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) of soil collected from the Lhok Nga transect. 18 Table 1. Rice harvested area, rice production, and imported rice of Indonesia, 1990-2003. Year Harvested Area x 1,000 ha 1990 10.5 1991 10.28 1992 11.10 1993 11.01 1994 10.73 1995 11.44 1996 11.57 1997 11.14 1998 11.61 1999 11.96 2000 11.79 2001 11.42 2002 11.52 2003 11.49 Source: Agus and Husen (2005 Rice Imported Production Rice --------------x 1,000 t ------------29,366 29,048 31,356 31,318 30,317 32,334 33,215 32,095 30,537 31,118 32,345 31,283 32,369 32,846 29 178 634 0 876 3,014 1,090 406 5,765 4,183 1,513 1,400 3,100 2,400 19 Table 2. Soil distribution in Indonesia (x 1,000 ha) Soils Sumat Java Kaliman Sulawe Bali&Nusa Maluku Total ra tan si Tenggara & Papua 14,494 3,327 128 4,448 6,591 Histosols 5,395 321 381 164 237 1,698 2,594 Andisols 18,006 6,452 1,210 857 3,698 1,614 4,175 Entisols 70,520 20,393 3,276 9,186 14,903 5,201 Inceptisols 17,561 45,794 8,859 53 4,303 21,938 1,172 9,469 Ultisols 14,111 2,657 0 751 4,531 272 5,900 Oxisols 5,152 1,236 767 2,003 0 1,093 53 Alfisols 9,913 6,277 1,116 702 685 682 451 Mollisols 2,155 0 0 60 2,079 0 16 Spodosols 2,118 2 364 307 0 1,445 0 Vertisols 1,845 688 40 282 372 33 430 Complex 47,240 13,210 52,891 18,743 7,208 50,212 189,503 Source: Subagjo et al. (2000) 20 Table 3. Satellite images analyses on damaged paddy field due to Tsunami in Aceh. No. District/City Paddy Field Ha 1 Aceh Singkil 4971 2 Aceh Selatan 17916 3 Aceh Barat Daya 18249 4 Nagan Raya 23668 5 Aceh Barat 41538 6 Aceh Jaya 15529 7 Aceh Besar 30915 8 Kota Bd.Aceh 476 9 Aceh Pidie 38302 10 Bireun 20507 11 Kota L.Seumawe 4155 12 Aceh Utara 39337 13 Aceh Timur 53571 14 Aceh Tamiang 21682 15 Kota Langsa 2005 16 Simelue 3186 17 Kota Sabang 10 Total 336017 Source: Wahyunto et al. (2005, unpublished) Paddy Field Damaged Ha NA 3627 4520 NA 6107 4159 3574 213 4023 1666 392 650 NA NA NA NA NA 28931 Percent Damaged % NA 20,2 24,7 NA 14,7 26,7 11,2 44,7 10,5 8,1 9,4 1,6 NA NA NA NA NA NA = Analysis is progressing. 21 Table 4. Characteristics of deposited mud measured on 26-29 Januari 2005 in Aceh Besar. Lamcot, Aceh Besar Sand Content (%) 52.8 Clay Content (%) 7.8 Mud Thickness (cm) 10 - 20 Kenene, Aceh Besar 26.2 42.8 Lampineung, Aceh 12.3 Village Soil EC Salt Content (dS/m) 60.86 (ppm) 31,280 15 - 25 84.19 46,268 42.3 15 - 25 80.11 44,116 47.2 24.8 2-5 38.95 20,140 6.2 41.9 2-5 19.8 9,804 Besar Tanjung, Aceh Besar Mire, Aceh Besar 22 Table 5. Preliminary recommendation for rehabilitating the soil from salinity problems based on land use and mud thickness. Land Use Dry Land Paddy Field Mud Thickness (cm) <5 Alternative Technology 5 – 15 1. Establish a simple/ditch irrigation to wash out the salts from the field. 2. Deep tillage (20-40 cm) to enhance percolation. 3. Apply more organic fertilizer to enrich soil organic matter > 15 1. Restore/improve irrigation canals to wash out salts from the field. 2. Deep tillage (20-40 cm) to enhance percolation 3. Introduce salt tolerance crops. 4. Apply more organic fertilizer to enrich soil organic matter. Tillage to incorporate mud with the soil, then planted with rice after cleaning up the debris. <5 Deep tillage to incorporate the mud with soil. 5 - 15 1. Restore irrigation canals to wash out salts from the field. 2. Remove debris from the field. 3. Apply deep tillage (20-30 cm) to incorporate mud with the soil. 4. Apply more organic fertilizer to enrich soil organic matter. > 15 1. Establish/restore irrigation canals to wash out salts from the field 2. Remove debris from the field 3. Apply deep tillage to incorporate mud with the soil 4. Introduce salt tolerance crops. 5. Apply more organic fertilizer. 23 Before Tsunami 3 days After Tsunami Figure 1. Ikonos satelite images of Lho Nga Aceh Besar before and 3 days after the Tsunami. Before After Figure 2. Landsat TM 7 of north Meulaboh, Aceh Barat before and after the Tsunami. 24 Figure 3. Wet land rice distribution in Aceh and North Sumatra. 25 Figure 4. Paddy field under mud cover in Lho Nga 30 days after the Tsunami. 26 Figure 5. Dry land covered with 20 cm mud in Banda Aceh 30 days after the Tsunami. 27 a) Soil EC, dS/m 16 14 0 - 10 cm 12 10 - 20 cm 10 8 6 4 2 0 1.00 2.50 3.50 4.00 4.50 Distance from shore, km b) ESP, % 80 70 0 - 10 cm 60 10 - 20 cm 50 40 30 20 10 0 1.00 2.50 3.50 4.00 4.50 Distance from shore, km Figure 6. The Electrical conductivity (EC) and exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) of soil collected from the Darussalam transect. 28 a) 45 40 0 - 10 cm Soil EC, dS/m 35 10 - 20 cm 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1.00 2.00 3.50 4.00 5.00 Distance from shore , km b) 120 100 0 - 10 cm 10 - 20 cm ESP, % 80 60 40 20 0 1.00 2.00 3.50 4.00 5.00 Distance from shore, km Figure 7. The Electrical conductivity (EC) and exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) of soil collected from the Lhok Nga transect. 29