summer food service program (sfsp) module 2015

Summer Desk Number
(213) 241-2981
The Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) is authorized by the United States Department
of Agriculture to provide meals to children at schools with a high incidence (50% or higher) of
students eligible for free or reduced price meals during the school year.
The program will be operated by the Food Services Division in association with Beyond the
Bell. SFSP provides reimbursements for meals served to children from the ages of 1 to 18,
or any age if disabled and enrolled in a school program.
Meals will be prepared and served by Food Services Division employees. The number of
meals will be determined by the Food Service Manager based on enrollment, prior
participation, and information received from Beyond the Bell (BTB) and/or the on-site
recreation supervisor or school administrator. Designated summer food services personnel
will be assigned to order, prepare, serve and/or deliver meals at designated sites.
All SFSP summer sites will serve meals prepared at school cafeterias, the Newman Nutrition
Center will be closed over the summer. EZ Steps and Orders for the first two weeks of
summer will be completed within CMS before the last day of school. Current on-site
managers must follow the CMS ordering calendar in order to ensure that orders are placed.
AFSS should review orders before the summer programs begin.
All sites must closely monitor counts and be prepared to add meals during service if needed
by using the shelf stable meal option. Be sure record these meals on the production record.
• Administer SFSP in accordance with regulations (7 Code of Federal Regulations, part
• Attend SFSP training and train food services staff and/or BTB site staff if applicable.
• Set up file for SFSP 2015 (keep all records for 3 years plus the current year).
• Oversee and monitor preparation and service of meals.
• Ensure compliance of all aspects of SFSP at the school site.
• Submit claims on time and ensure civil rights compliance.
• SFSP Service Agreement- Signed by the SFSP Sponsors and Staff
• SFSP Training Roster- Signed by the SFSP Sponsors and Staff
• SFSP Training Certificate- Signed by the AFSS and FS Manager and Staff, posted at
the site
Daily Meal Count Form- completed daily by the FS Manager or designee
SFSP Daily Meal Transport Record - completed daily by the FS Manager or designee
for meals that are transferred between sites
Cost Transfer - completed daily by the FS Manager or designee for meals that are
transferred between sites
Production Records – Parent Sites
Adult a la Carte Sales & Inventory form – if applicable for adult sales.
1. Program name: FS Manager or designee must fill in the program name/ Recreation
and Park center
2. Date: FS Manager or designee must fill in the date of meal service
3. Preparation School Site Name: FS Manager or designee must fill in the name of the
prep school site
4. LOC Code: FS Manager or designee must fill in the Prep site location code
5. Column 1 will be filled out by FS Manager or designee with menu items listed
6. Column 2 will be filled out by FS Manager or designee with the portion sizes
7. Column 3 will be filled out by FS Manager or designee with the amount of meals
8. Column 4 will be filled out by Food Services Driver at the receiving site at the time of
drop off
9. Column 5 will be filled out by the Food Services Driver with amount delivered to
10. Signatures: will be signed by FS Manager or designee and Recreation and Parks Site
11. FS Manager will verify information and sign in the designated area
This form must be completed by the FS Manager or designee
1. Heading and Section1
2. Section 2 (First meals served to children)- Cross off numbers as each child receives a
reimbursable meal
3. Section 3 (Second meals served to children)- Cross off numbers as each child
receives a reimbursable second meal
4. Section 4 (Meals served to program adults)- No meals are served to adults, enter a
5. Section 5 (Meals served to non-program adults)- No meals served to adults, enter a
6. Section 6 (Total meals served)- Add sections 2 thru 5, entering the total meals served
7. Section 7 (Total damaged/ incomplete or other no-reimbursable meals)- Enter the
amount of meals
8. Section 8 (Total leftover meals)- Enter the amount of meals
9. Section 9 (Total of items) - Add sections 6 thru 8, entering the total. Total in section 9
should match the total in section 1
10. Cross of the number of additional children requesting a meal after all available meals
were served
11. Signature- FS Manager or designee will verify information, sign and date the form
1. Parent site will order food and supplies.
2. Receiving site will complete milk order.
3. Parent site will create production records for their site only.
a. Record the number of meals prepared and delivered each day to each
RAP/SFSP program in the comments section of the Product Record.
b. Fill out the production record with production and serving information for your
site only.
4. Deliver the meals and record the transfer in CMS using the SFSP Daily Meal
Transport Record and a CMS Cost Transfer.
5. Receiving site will not have a production record, but must complete the SFSP Daily
Meal Transport Record and Daily Meal Count Form.
6. Both Parent and Receiving sites must keep a copy of the SFSP Daily Meal Transport
Record and Cost Transfer on hand for their records. Both sites must enter the Cost
Transfer in CMS and complete Daily Entry of meal counts.
Requirements for Daily Entry: Enter numbers into CMS Daily Entry at the end of each meal
service using the information from the;
• Daily Meal Count Form
• Summer SFSP Daily Meal Record
• Cost Transfer Form
The LAUSD staff, State of California, Public Health Department and others may conduct site
visits during the program period. Any such visits MUST be reported to your Area Food
Services Supervisor (AFSS) by email. AFSS will report the visit to the summer desk on the
day of the review. All forms left by any reviewer must be given to your AFSS. Any corrective
action required by the reviewer must be discussed with your AFSS. Appropriate corrective
action must be taken immediately, and documentation given to the AFSS.
AFSS will conduct a Pre-operational Visit, First Week Visit and Site Review for each SFSP
Check with your AFSS for your school’s meal service schedule. All variations from your
assigned meal service schedule must be approved by the CDE before it is in effect.
SFSP is Offer vs. Serve.
Menu Item
Calzone, Salad, Milk
Calzone, Vegetable, Fruit, Milk
Minimum number of menu items
that must be offered
Minimum number of menu items
that must be taken
Food Components
1. Bread, 1 ounce
2. Cheese, 2 ounces
3. Vegetables topping, ¼ C
4. Vegetable, ½ C
5. Milk
1. Bread, 1 ounce
2. Cheese, 2 ounces
3. Vegetables, ½ C
4. Fruit ¼ C
5. Milk
OVS Option
Child cannot refuse the calzone
unless the sponsor adds another
side dish of fruit or vegetable
Child may refuse calzone because
the child’s plate has 3 components,
which are vegetable, fruit and milk
Each site is assigned a CAP. The CAP is based on the average daily participation and is the
maximum number of meals a site may order and claim. If the CAP is too low, the Summer
Desk (213-241-2981) must be contacted immediately to get approval from the State of
California for an increase. The increase is effective only after approval from the State of
California is received.
Each child is entitled to one meal only. Children may leave with only one non-perishable fruit,
vegetable, or grain item. The traveling apple policy only applies to breakfast, lunch and
supper, not snack. Children may not leave with main entrée or milk. If there are meals
remaining after all children in attendance have been served, reimbursable meals may be
made available and served as seconds. All seconds must be recorded on the production
All undistributed meals must be counted, recorded, and destroyed by Food Services
personnel in accordance with regulations issued by the United States Department of
Banners or other signs must be posted to advertise the program. These advertisements
must be placed in areas visible to the community to encourage their participation.
• Banners must be posted and visible during meal service
• SFSP meal service schedule
• SFSP training certificate
• Justice for All Poster
1. Keep food at the appropriate temperatures:
Hot food at 135°F or above; Cold food at 41°F or below.
2. Place appropriate dial type thermometers in all equipment (refrigerators and
freezers). Use probe thermometers to check internal temperatures of food items
and record on Food Temperature Log. Make sure with all delivered food a
thermometer is included.
3. HACCP logs must be filled out daily. Food Temperature Log, Thermometer
Calibration Log, Equipment Temperature Log.
4. Personal Hygiene requirements are the same as the regular school year.
a. Bathe daily
b. Wash hands regularly
c. Keep fingernails short and clean (no polish),
d. No false nails
e. Wear disposable plastic gloves to prepare and serve food. Change as often as
f. Wear hair restraint
g. Wear clean and proper clothing
h. No jewelry
5. Equipment maintenance – clean and sanitize all equipment as needed throughout
the day and at the end of the day.
6. No food or drinks are to be consumed in the food preparation area.
7. Sweep twice daily, once at the beginning and again at the end of the work shift.
8. Keep air curtains on or doors closed.
9. Place “Trouble Calls” for any evidence of pests.
Adult sales are not encouraged, however, if it is requested, the lunch price is $5.00 (sales tax
included) Adult sales are to be input into CMS. Use the Adult a la Carte Sales and Inventory
Sheet and enter in Daily Entry.
Beyond The Bell employees and/or the school site will provide meal supervision for children
at pre-determined sites. If the site does not have Beyond The Bell staff the school site must
provide supervision aides to assist the Food Services Manager during meal service.
Field trip lunches will be provided only for approved field trips. Food Services Managers must
notify Lisa Hess (213) 241-2981 with orders for field trip meals at least three (3) working days
prior to the scheduled trip. Field trip lunches will not be authorized for any non-LAUSD
sponsored groups.
AND JUSTICE FOR ALL posters must be provided with the field trip meals and it must be
posted at the field trip site while meals are being served.
“Offsite/Saturday Menu Production Record” forms must be completed through column 4 and
sent with the meals. The Youth Services Staff must complete columns 5 to 9. Youth
Services staff must sign and return completed form with any leftovers to the cafeteria.
The summer food services staff will order the food supplies (milk, juice, frozen juice products,
etc.) through the CMS Back of House. Summer orders must be completed three days out as
explained above.
Program Dates
• 6/9/14- 8/9/14
• Staff your sites to support RAP program until 8/9/14
• FSD Will provide a monthly menu to RAP one week prior to the end of the month
Preparation and packaging of meals
• Meals will be packed in BIC insulated bags
• Keep hot items separate from cold items
• Condiments will be packed with each individual meal
• Sporkette packet will be packed with each individual meal
• Only 1% milk will be provided
Delivery of Meals
• Drivers will deliver meals according to the delivery schedule and within the delivery
time window.
• Drivers will complete the SFSP Daily Meal Transport Record form
• Drivers will take and record food temperatures
• Hot food must be at or above 140F.
• Cold food must be at or below 41F.
Field Trips
• RAP must provide Field Trip requests to FSD 2 days in advance
• Field Trip lunches will be delivered to the RAP site the day prior to the planned field
Meal Orders
• RAP must provide expected meal counts 4 hours before lunch service, each day.
• Lisa Hess will post the daily meal counts for each RAP site on the FSD website underSummer 2014 Resources
Enough condiments and trays should be ordered for the entire summer program from the
foods warehouse prior to the end of the regular school year.
The summer food services staff must print AND sign their name on all vendor invoices. One
copy of each invoice must be submitted with the weekly paperwork to Food Services Division.
The Food Services Division administers all summer feeding programs on school sites. No
other private or public agency may sell or distribute free meals in competition with the
summer feeding program. Playground Supervisors and Summer Site Supervisors should
immediately report the presence of any outside food service operators attempting to enter the
campus or playground to the AFSS or Food Services Division at 213 241-3388.
All stock transfers must be completed within CMS by both the sending and receiving sites.
Summer site supervisors will maintain time reporting records of Food Service employees at
the serving site on the “Payroll Time Record” form (FSB form #P-38.57 6/83). Employees will
be responsible for signing in and out on the time sheet at the beginning and the end of their
shifts. This is a legal document and must be completed accurately. An employee may be
released after 2 absences. Discuss repeated illness with your AFSS. “Certification/Request
Of Absence For Illness, Family Illness, New Child” Or “Certification And/Or Request Of
Absence For Non-Illness” are required in order for payment of non regular time. The required
forms must be attached to the Payroll Time Records and signed by your AFSS. Submit
Payroll Time Records weekly.
The site name and site location code must be identified on the Payroll Time Record.
Employee names, employee number and summer class code must be complete and correct.
Payroll problems and delays result when there is a failure to comply exactly with time
reporting instructions.
Mileage reimbursement claims must accompany payroll records at the end of the summer
program, or at the end of an assignment, which ever comes first. Be sure your employee
number is at the top of each mileage form. The AFSS must sign the mileage claim.
All current banking procedures must be followed. Managers will make weekly deposits using
the current onsite deposit slips.
All locations that operate in the summer must complete the monthly inventory within CMS.
Inventory must be taken at all sites on the last working day of June and at the close of the
summer program.
In accordance with Federal Law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is
prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or
To file a complaint of discrimination, write the USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room
326-W, Whitten Building, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or
call (202) 720-5964 (voice and TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
On a daily basis, ensure that the “Justice for All” sign is clearly visible in the meal service
area. Post new signs as needed. Additional 11” x 17” signs are available from your AFSS.
If a child has a severe allergy and/or disability that result in special dietary needs, a special
diet will be served to the child when appropriate paperwork is completed. The following steps
should be followed when a special diet is requested:
• The Food Services Manager provides the Parent/Guardian with the Medical Statement
To Request Special Meals Form (copy available on the web)
• The Parent returns the completed form to the Food Services Manager.
• The Food Services Manager keeps a copy of the completed form and forwards a copy
to the Nutrition Specialist. The Nutrition Specialist reviews the form and provides a
special diet menu and/or guidelines for the cafeteria to follow.
• The completed Medical Statement To Request Special Meals Form, special diet menu
and/or guidelines completed by the Nutrition Specialist must be maintained and be
available for review at the school cafeteria.
SFSP Checklist 2015
The SFSP Checklist must be completed on July 24, 2015 or the last day of service.
1. Completed all required paperwork in duplicate.
_____ a. Payroll Time Record
_____ b. Mileage Report
_____ c. Stock Transfer receipts from CMS
2. _____Submitted originals of forms above plus copies of vendor invoices and State and
Health Department Reviews (If applicable) to AFSS for delivery to the Central
3. Filed the following folder at the beginning of the program.
_____ a. Payroll Time Records (copies)
_____ b. Site Reviews/ Monitoring (copies)
_____ c. Stock Transfer reports from CMS (copy)
_____ d. Mileage Report (copy)
_____ e. Vendor Invoices (milk, juice, frozen juice bars, etc.)
_____ f. Summer SFSP Daily Meal Transport Record
_____ g. Production Worksheets
_____ h. Off-site count form, Field trips.
_____ i. Daily Meal count Form
4. _____Labeled keys and returned them to AFSS
5. Verified that:
_____ All reach-in and inside walk-in refrigeration and freezer units are clean and left
connected to the electrical power source. All are unlocked if they are empty. They
are locked if they contain food.
_____ Outside walk-in units are left connected to the electrical power source; operating
and the doors locked.
I have returned the SFSP banner to the AFSS for future use.
7. _____I have sent this completed page with all required end of the summer session
paperwork to the AFSS.
Name of School
Name of Area Supervisor
I certify the above duties have been completed.
Summer Food Service Site Supervisor
Return this completed page with the required records to your AFSS on the last day
of your program.
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