Examensarbete LITH-ITN-ED-EX--03/017--SE Implementing a receiver in a fast data transfer system A feasibility study Filip Hall Pär Håkansson 2003-10-17 Department of Science and Technology Linköpings Universitet SE-601 74 Norrköping, Sweden Institutionen för teknik och naturvetenskap Linköpings Universitet 601 74 Norrköping LITH-ITN-ED-EX--03/017--SE Implementing a receiver in a fast data transfer system A feasibility study Examensarbete utfört i Elektronikdesign vid Linköpings Tekniska Högskola, Campus Norrköping Filip Hall Pär Håkansson Handledare: Adriana Serban Examinator: Shaofang Gong Norrköping 2003-10-17 Datum Date Avdelning, Institution Division, Department 2003-10-17 Institutionen för teknik och naturvetenskap Department of Science and Technology Språk Language x Svenska/Swedish Engelska/English Rapporttyp Report category x Examensarbete B-uppsats C-uppsats x D-uppsats _ ________________ _ ________________ ISBN ____________________________________________ _________ ISRN LITH-ITN-ED-EX--03/017--SE _________________________________________________________________ Serietitel och serienummer Title of series, numbering ISSN ___________________________________ URL för elektronisk version http://www.ep.liu.se/exjobb/itn/2003/ed/017 Titel Title Implementing a receiver in a fast data transfer system -A feasibility study Författare Author Filip Hall Pär Håkansson Sammanfattning Abstract This report is an outcome of a master degree project at Linköpings University in co-operation with Micronic Laser Systems AB. The purpose with this master degree project was to investigate how to implement a receiver in a data transfer system. The system consists of several data channels, where every channel consists of three parts: driver, transmission lines and receiver. The driver send low amplitude differential signals via the transmission lines to the receiver that amplifies and converts it to a single-ended signal. The receiver has to be fast and be able to feed an output signal with high voltage swing. It is also needed for the receivers to have low power consumption since they are close to the load, which is sensitive to heat. Different amplifier architectures were investigated to find a suitable circuit for the given prerequisites. In this report the advantages and disadvantages of voltage and current feedback are discussed. The conclusions of this work are that in a system with an amplifier as a receiver with differential transmission lines, a single operational amplifier cannot be used. An input stage is needed to isolate the feedback net from the inputs of the operational amplifier. When fast rise time and large output swing are wanted the best amplifier architecture is current feedback amplifiers. A current feedback amplifier in CMOS with the required high voltages and slew rate is hard to realize without very high power consumption. Nyckelord Keyword Current feedback operational amplifier, voltage feedback operational amplifier, instrumentation amplifier, receiver, transmission line, differential to single converter ABSTRACT Abstract This report is an outcome of a master degree project at Linköpings University in cooperation with Micronic Laser Systems AB. The purpose with this master degree project was to investigate how to implement a receiver in a data transfer system. The system consists of several data channels, where every channel consists of three parts: driver, transmission lines and receiver. The driver send low amplitude differential signals via the transmission lines to the receiver that amplifies and converts it to a single-ended signal. The receiver has to be fast and be able to feed an output signal with high voltage swing. It is also needed for the receivers to have low power consumption since they are close to the load, which is sensitive to heat. Different amplifier architectures were investigated to find a suitable circuit for the given prerequisites. In this report the advantages and disadvantages of voltage and current feedback are discussed. The conclusions of this work are that in a system with an amplifier as a receiver with differential transmission lines, a single operational amplifier cannot be used. An input stage is needed to isolate the feedback net from the inputs of the operational amplifier. When fast rise time and large output swing are wanted the best amplifier architecture is current feedback amplifiers. A current feedback amplifier in CMOS with the required high voltages and slew rate is hard to realize without very high power consumption. PREFACE Preface This is a report of a Master degree project within the program Electronic Design. The task of the Master degree project was given by Micronic Laser Systems AB and performed at ITN, campus Norrköping, Linköpings Universitet. The work was financially supported by Micronic Laser Systems AB Micronic Laser Systems is a world-leading manufacturer of high-end laser pattern generators for production of photomasks. Since semiconductor devices become more complex, high data rates are needed in future laser pattern generators. In this report a model for very high-speed data transmission is investigated. We would like to thank our supervisor Adriana Serban at ITN for support and assistance. We are also grateful to our examiner Shaofang Gong at the University of Linköping, Campus Norrköping for support and technical ideas. We would also like to thank Leif Odselius at Micronic Laser Systems AB. TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of contents 1 INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................11 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 2 BACKGROUND .................................................................................................11 TASK ...............................................................................................................12 PURPOSE ..........................................................................................................12 METHOD ..........................................................................................................12 REPORT OUTLINE .............................................................................................13 SYSTEM OVERVIEW AND PROBLEM DESCRIPTION ...........................15 2.1 SYSTEM OVERVIEW..........................................................................................15 2.1.1 Input and Output Signals..............................................................................16 2.2 AMPLIFIER REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................18 2.2.1 Bandwidth.....................................................................................................18 2.2.2 Slew Rate ......................................................................................................18 2.2.3 Common Mode Rejection .............................................................................19 2.2.4 Power Consumption .....................................................................................20 2.2.5 Amplifier Specifications ...............................................................................20 3 AMPLIFIER ARCHITECTURES ....................................................................21 3.1 OPERATIONAL TRANSCONDUCTANCE AMPLIFIER ............................................21 3.2 VOLTAGE-FEEDBACK AND CURRENT-FEEDBACK OP-AMP ..............................25 3.2.1 Voltage-Feedback Vs Current-Feedback Op-amps .....................................25 3.2.2 The Current Feedback Op-amp....................................................................27 3.2.3 A CMOS Current Feedback Amplifier .........................................................29 3.3 DIFFERENTIAL AMPLIFIERS .............................................................................33 3.3.1 Op-amp in a Difference Amplifier Configuration ........................................33 3.3.2 Instrumentation Amplifiers...........................................................................34 3.3.3 Op-amp with Differential to Single Input Stage...........................................37 3.4 CHARGE TRANSFER AMPLIFIER .......................................................................40 3.4.1 NMOS CTA...................................................................................................40 3.4.2 Other CTA Architectures..............................................................................42 4 SIMULATIONS ..................................................................................................45 4.1 TRANSMISSION LINES ......................................................................................45 4.2 A BIPOLAR CURRENT FEEDBACK AMPLIFIER: THS3001.................................48 4.2.1 Difference Amplifier using THS3001 ...........................................................48 4.2.2 Difference Amplifier using THS3001 with Transmission Lines ...................52 4.2.3 Triple-Op-amp Instrumentation Amplifier ...................................................54 4.2.4 Dual-Op-amp Instrumentation Amplifier.....................................................56 4.3 AMPLIFIERS IN CMOS.....................................................................................59 4.3.1 Current Feedback Amplifier.........................................................................59 4.3.2 Differential to Single Converter...................................................................62 4.3.3 Differential Amplifier in CMOS ...................................................................63 5 DISCUSSIONS ....................................................................................................65 6 CONCLUSIONS..................................................................................................67 TABLE OF CONTENTS 7 REFERENCES ....................................................................................................69 APPENDIX A ............................................................................................................72 APPENDIX B ............................................................................................................73 APPENDIX C ............................................................................................................75 APPENDIX D ............................................................................................................77 APPENDIX E ............................................................................................................81 APPENDIX F.............................................................................................................85 LIST OF FIGURES List of Figures Fig. 2.1 A data transmission channel with transmission line and receiver ..................15 Fig. 2.2 The differential input signals to the receiver ..................................................16 Fig. 2.3 The output signal of the receiver ....................................................................17 Fig. 3.1 Schematic of a folded-cascode OTA ..............................................................22 Fig. 3.2 CFA in a non-inverting feedback configuration.............................................26 Fig. 3.3 VFA in a non-inverting feedback configuration.............................................26 Fig. 3.4 Simplified schematic of a CFA ......................................................................27 Fig. 3.5 Input stage to a VFA.......................................................................................28 Fig. 3.6 Compound transistor in CMOS ......................................................................29 Fig. 3.7 Source follower with increased transconductance..........................................30 Fig. 3.8 Voltage follower with compound transistors..................................................31 Fig. 3.9 CFA in CMOS ................................................................................................32 Fig. 3.10 Op-amp in a difference amplifier configuration...........................................33 Fig. 3.11 Triple-OP IA configuration ..........................................................................34 Fig. 3.12 Dual-OP IA configuration [6].......................................................................35 Fig. 3.13 Block schematic of a CCII............................................................................37 Fig. 3.14 Differential to single converter based on CCII.............................................37 Fig. 3.15 Differential amplifier using CCII and Op-amp ............................................38 Fig. 3.16 CCII in CMOS..............................................................................................39 Fig. 3.17 NMOS CTA and its three timing phases ......................................................40 Fig. 3.18 Simplified schematic of CMOS CTA...........................................................42 Fig. 4.1 Transmission line with terminations...............................................................45 Fig. 4.2 Signals at near- and far-end of the transmission, (Γ=0) .................................46 Fig. 4.3 Signals at near- and far-end of the transmission, (Γ=-0.2) .............................46 Fig. 4.4 Signals at near- and far-end of the transmission line with different lengths ..47 Fig. 4.5 THS3001 in a difference amplifier configuration without transmission lines48 Fig. 4.6 Output and positive input signals of the difference amplifier with different feedback resistors ..................................................................................................49 Fig. 4.7 Zoomed version of Fig. 4.6 ............................................................................49 Fig. 4.8 Full swing power consumption of the difference amplifier ...........................50 Fig. 4.9 Steady state power consumption of the difference amplifier .........................50 LIST OF FIGURES Fig. 4.10 Output signal of the difference amplifier with different load resistances ....51 Fig. 4.11 Output signal of the difference amplifier with different capacitive loads ....51 Fig. 4.12 Difference amplifier in the data transmission channel .................................52 Fig. 4.13 The full swing output signal of the difference amplifier in the data transmission channel .............................................................................................52 Fig. 4.14 The current flowing trough Rg1 (dashed line) and Rg2 in the difference amplifier in the data transmission channel............................................................53 Fig. 4.15 The input voltages to the difference amplifier in the data transmission channel ..................................................................................................................53 Fig. 4.16 Triple-Op-amp IA using THS3001...............................................................54 Fig. 4.17 Full swing output voltage of the triple-Op-amp IA ......................................54 Fig. 4.18 The power consumption the triple-Op-amp at full swing.............................55 Fig. 4.19 The steady state power consumption of the triple-Op-amp IA ....................55 Fig. 4.20 Dual-Op-amp IA using THS3001.................................................................56 Fig. 4.21 Input and output signals of the dual-Op-amp IA..........................................56 Fig. 4.22 The input delay between the inputs of Op2 in the dual-Op-amp IA .............57 Fig. 4.23 The CMRR versus the frequency of the dual-Op-amp IA............................57 Fig. 4.24 The dynamic power consumption of the dual-Op-amp IA...........................58 Fig. 4.25 The steady state power consumption of the dual-Op-amp IA ......................58 Fig. 4.26 The CMOS CFA in a non-inverting configuration.......................................59 Fig. 4.27 The input and output voltage of the CMOS CFA.........................................60 Fig. 4.28 The steady state power consumption of the CMOS CFA ............................60 Fig. 4.29 The dynamic power consumption of the CMOS CFA at full swing ............61 Fig. 4.30 A differential to single converter based on CCII..........................................62 Fig. 4.31 The differential input and the single-ended output signals of the differential to single converter .................................................................................................62 Fig. 4.32 Differential amplifier with CCII and CFA ...................................................63 Fig. 4.33 The output signal and the differential input signals of the differential amplifier ................................................................................................................63 ABBREVIATION Abbreviation ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuits BJT Bipolar Junction Transistor BiCMOS Bipolar CMOS CCII Second generation Current Conveyor CFA Current Feedback Amplifier CM Common Mode CMOS Complementary MOS CMRR Common Mode Rejection Ratio CTA Charge Transfer Amplifier DAC Digital to Analog Converter FC-OTA Folded Cascode Operational Transconductance Amplifier IA Instrumentation Amplifier IC Integrated Circuit KVL Kirschoff´s Voltage Law KCL Kirschoff´s Current Law MCM Multi Chip Module MOS Metal-oxide Semiconductor NMOS N-channel MOS Op-amp Operational Amplifier OTA Operational Transconductance Amplifier PMOS P-channel MOS RF Radio Frequency SOC System On Chip SR Slew Rate VFA Voltage Feedback Amplifier INTRODUCTION 1 Introduction 1.1 Background In data transmission systems where large amounts of data are transmitted at high rate, fast and accurate electronic systems are needed. High rate of data flow raises demands not only on electrical circuits but also on the transmission systems. To overcome limitations of electrical circuits new components are used with, e.g., high-speed, high accuracy and low power consumption. State-of-the-art circuits can be realized by using new IC technologies as well as new circuit techniques. Mainstream IC technologies continue to be CMOS and BiCMOS because of their low cost and high level of integration and low power dissipation. Another advantage is the possibility for digital and analog circuits to coexist on the same chip, i.e., mixed signal design. These advantages motivate the extensive work on developing highspeed CMOS designs and new circuit techniques, despite many difficulties and limitations designers are confronted with. To push the frequency towards RF-limits implies another set of problems, i.e., how to model and simulate the system or circuit interconnects using the transmission line concept and how to simulate the system including the packaging model. Micronic Laser Systems is a world-leading manufacturer of high-end laser pattern generators for production of photomasks. Since semiconductor devices become more complex, high data rates are needed in future laser pattern generators. In this report a model for very high speed data transmission is investigated. The task of the work was given by Micronic Laser Systems AB and performed at ITN, campus Norrköping, Linköpings Universitet. This work is financially supported by Micronic Laser Systems AB. 11 INTRODUCTION 1.2 Task The task of this master degree project is to make a study of how to design and use an amplifier as a receiver in a data transfer system. The high speed data transmission system investigated is proposed by Micronics Laser Systems AB. The transmission system consists of several channels, where every channel can be divided into three parts: driver, transmission lines and receiver. The driver sends a signal via the transmission lines to the receiver that feeds the load with an amplified signal. The receiver has to be fast and be able to feed the load with a high voltage swing. It is also required to use a receiver with low power consumption. 1.3 Purpose The purpose of this work is to present the possibilities and limitations of using amplifiers in a very high speed transmission system. The main purpose is not to achieve a final solution of the receiver problem but to point out different methods to solve it. The master degree project shall also present details to consider when investigating solutions for similar problems. 1.4 Method The task is to present a study containing solutions both with commercial amplifiers and designs in CMOS. Despite the main task to design an amplifier with the required driving capabilities it should also be compatible with the transmission system. Thus, other design problems must also be dealt with. Parts of this project have been contributed to study available amplifier architectures. Different architectures have been evaluated to find an amplifier to meet our requirements. The amplifiers simulated can be divided into two groups, designs in CMOS and analyzes of commercial amplifiers. The CMOS schematics were designed and simulated in a 0.6µm process, XC06 from XFAB Semiconductor Foundries AG. Medium-voltage transistors from the XC06 process were used in the simulations. In terms of commercial amplifiers THS3001 from Texas Instrument Inc. was found to be the fastest operational amplifier on the market, so THS3001 was used in this project. Our simulations were done in Hspice and the results viewed in Mentor Graphics Awaves. The schematics were done in Mentor Graphics’ Led. 12 INTRODUCTION 1.5 Report outline This chapter consists of a background to the work. The task, purpose and method are also presented here. Chapter 2 contains a detailed presentation of the task and its difficulties. First, one data channel is introduced to give a general picture of the task, and second the requirements of the receiver are presented. In Chapter 3 theory of the amplifier architectures investigated is introduced. This chapter also contains descriptions of the feasibility of using various amplifiers in the data transmission channel. In chapter 4 simulations of different amplifier circuits from chapter 3 are presented. Simulations on both amplifiers alone and amplifiers as receivers in the data channel are shown. The results from chapter 3 and 4 are discussed in chapter 5. Chapter 6 contains the conclusions of the discussion in chapter 5. The best solution found and a suggestion for further work is presented here. Appendixes are implemented at the end of the report to enhance understanding of the technical parts. 13 14 SYSTEM OVERVIEW AND PROBLEM DESCRIPTION 2 System Overview and Problem Description In a high speed data transmission system, cross talk, signal skew and switching noise may cause problems to signal integrity. To overcome these problems it is known that differential data transmission provides less cross talk, less signal skew and less switching noise than single-ended data transmission techniques [1]. As a starting point for our study, a low-swing, differential analog data transmission technique with an amplifier array close to the load has been proposed [1]. The data transmission technique has high demands on the amplifier array in terms of speed and power consumption. 2.1 System overview The block schematic of one data transmission channel with the differential driver, near-end terminations, transmission lines, far-end terminations and an amplifier is shown in Fig. 2.1, where Vdiff is the differential input signal, Vcm is the common mode signal, Rterm are the terminating resistors and Vb is the termination voltage. Because of demands on signal rise time, bandwidth and cable length, it has been concluded that transmission lines with controlled impedance must be used in the system [1]. Hence, the impedance of the cable, connector and line driver must also be matched. The lowswing differential data transmission also requires an amplifier close to the load to amplify and convert the differential signal to a single-ended signal. Vb RTerm Line driver Transmission Line Amplifier Vout Vdiff Vcm Cload RTerm Vb Fig. 2.1 A data transmission channel with transmission line and receiver 15 SYSTEM OVERVIEW AND PROBLEM DESCRIPTION 2.1.1 Input and Output Signals The differential analog input signal of the amplifier is shown in Fig. 2.2. The voltage at the center of differential signals is called the common-mode (CM) level. Vin+ and Vin- have a voltage swing of 0.5V and the differential signal at the input is equal to Vindif=Vin+-Vin-. The differential input signal ranges from –0.5 to 0.5V and thus the peak-to-peak swing of the input voltage is 1V. The CM voltage at the input is 0.25V. Vin+,Vin(V) 0.5 Vin+ CM level of the input signal Vin-t Fig. 2.2 The differential input signals to the receiver For this study it is supposed that the input signal is comes from a 10-bit digital-toanalog converter (DAC) with a sampling frequency of 40MHz. Since the input signal consists of 10 bits there are 210 =1024 discrete values for the amplifier to distinguish. The voltage magnitude of one step at the input is Vin , step = Vinpp 2 10 = 1 ≈ 1mV 1024 (eq. 2.1) where Vin,step is the smallest step of the input voltage. Since the sampling frequency of the DAC is 40MHz the value of input signal is the same for 1/40MHz = 25ns. 16 SYSTEM OVERVIEW AND PROBLEM DESCRIPTION The maximum magnitude of the output signal is 12V. Since the input peak-to-peak voltage is 1.0V the amplifier needs a gain of 12. The common mode of the output signal is 6V; Fig. 2.3 shows the output voltage. The smallest output voltage amplitude step at the amplifier is Vout , step = Voutpp 2 10 = 12 ≈ 12mV 1024 (eq. 2.2) where Vout,pp is the output peak-to-peak voltage swing. Vout (V) 12 Vo CM level of the output signal 6 t Fig. 2.3 The output signal of the receiver Since the sampling period is 25ns the rise and fall time must be less than 5ns [1]. The rise/fall time of a signal is usually defined as the time taken to go from 10% to 90% of the final value. The slew rate (SR) needed for a 5ns rise time and a 12V output swing is given by SR = dV 9.6 = = 1.9 kV µs dt 5 ⋅ 10 −9 17 (eq.2.3) SYSTEM OVERVIEW AND PROBLEM DESCRIPTION 2.2 Amplifier Requirements As previously stated the main objective of this work is to study the amplifier used as a receiver in the system. The most critical requirements of the amplifier are the broad bandwidth, high slew rate and low power consumption. 2.2.1 Bandwidth The pulse rise time for a circuit with single-pole transfer function is related to the bandwidth according to tR = 0.35 f −3dB (eq. 2.4) where tR is the rise time and f-3dB is the frequency where the system gain has decreased with 3 dB (Appendix A). For circuits with multiple-pole transfer functions the rise time can often be estimated with eq. 2.4 because the dominant pole normally determines the -3dB frequency. The information given by the rise time might not be sufficient because problems may arise after the signal reached its peak. Circuits with a transfer function containing complex poles can generate a high frequency peak in the frequency response that makes the pulse response to exhibit overshoots and damped sinusoidal oscillation. Thus, it is important to not only look at the rise time but also the settling time to get the information of the maximum speed of a circuit. In eq. 2.4 it is assumed that the signals are small so that the amplifier acts in the linear area. If the input pulse is large enough to cause nonlinear operation the pulse response may get a different appearance than predicted by a small signal analysis. The amplifier needed in the data channel has a rise time of 5ns, which gives a minimum -3dB frequency of 70 MHz when using eq. 2.4. 2.2.2 Slew Rate Since the rise time in eq. 2.4 is only applicable for small signals other methods are used to determine the large signal bandwidth. For large output signals, the amplitudes can be close to the power supply, the operation speed is limited by the ability of the amplifier to provide sufficient current to charge the capacitive load. The rate of voltage change when the load is charged at its maximum rate is called the slew rate and is given by SR = I dV = out dt C load where Iout is the output current and Cload is the capacitive load. 18 (eq. 2.5) SYSTEM OVERVIEW AND PROBLEM DESCRIPTION The rise time for an amplifier at a slew rate limited operation is given by tR = 0.8H SR (eq. 2.6) where H is the height of a voltage step and 0.8 originates from the definition of the rise time (10 to 90%). From eq. 2.3 the slew rate of the amplifier must be 1.9kV/µs and the load is modeled as a capacitor of 10pF. Putting these values into eq. 2.5 I out = SR ⋅ C load = 1.9 ⋅ 10 9 ⋅ 10 ⋅ 10 −12 = 19 ⋅ 10 −3 = 19mA (eq. 2.7) Thus, we need an output current equal to 19mA during 5ns to have the desired slew rate. 2.2.3 Common Mode Rejection The common mode voltage is defined as the average input voltage, i.e., (vin++vin-)/2. Since the input signals are differential the common mode voltage is always supposed to be the same. Variation in the common mode voltage can arise due to noise and it is thus important for the amplifier to suppress any such variation since it should not affect the output signal. The common mode rejection ratio (CMRR) is given by ⎛A CMRR = 20 log⎜⎜ DM ⎝ ACM ⎞ ⎟⎟ ⎠ (eq. 2.8) where ADM is the differential mode gain and ACM is the common mode gain. Assume a common mode rejection of 60dB, ADM 12 = 1000 ⇒ ACM = = 12 ⋅ 10 −3 ACM 1000 (eq. 2.9) If we want a common mode noise to be less than 10% of the smallest signal (1.2mV) at the output the maximum common mode signal at the input is Vin ,CM max = Vout ,max ACM 1.2 ⋅ 10 −3 = = 0.1V 12 ⋅ 10 −3 (eq. 2.10) With a CMRR of 60dB we can allow a common mode noise of 0.1V without getting a distortion larger than 10% of the minimum output signal. 19 SYSTEM OVERVIEW AND PROBLEM DESCRIPTION 2.2.4 Power Consumption The current in an amplifier flows mainly through the output and supply pins. The power dissipated in the amplifier can be divided into two parts, internal and external power dissipations. The internal power consumption arises from transistor biasing. The external power consumption is made up of the current flowing out from the circuit, i.e., the output current. It was mentioned earlier that a great number of amplifiers will be used in the entire system on a finite area. Many amplifiers active on a small area lead to a high heat radiation. In this project the area around the amplifiers is sensitive to heat and it is thus important that the amplifiers have as low power consumption as possible. In fact, low power consumption is one of the key characteristics of the amplifiers 2.2.5 Amplifier Specifications A short summery of the amplifier specification is listed below. • • • • • • • • • • Differential input, Vin,diff =0-1V, Vin,cm=0.25V Single-ended output, Vout=0-12V Gain(closed loop) 12 times Voltage resolution 12mV at the output 40 Msamples/s Rise time <5ns Bandwidth 70MHz Worst case slew rate 1.9 kV/µs Cload=10pF Low power consumption 20 AMPLIFIER ARCHITECTURES 3 Amplifier Architectures In this chapter theory of the investigated amplifier architectures is presented. Also presented are the advantages and disadvantages of the different architectures and the feasibly to use them in the transmission system. Architectures investigated in this work are current feedback, voltage feedback and charge transfer amplifiers. Theory about differential amplifiers is also presented. 3.1 Operational Transconductance Amplifier Today a lot of high-speed Op-amps realized in CMOS are designed to drive purely capacitive loads. Since the system described in chapter 2 has a purely capacitive load it is possible to design faster amplifiers with higher output swing than those designed for driving resistive loads. The high speed is obtained by only having one highimpedance node, i.e., the output node, and all internal nodes have low-impedance. Examples of the amplifiers using these features are the folded-cascode amplifier and the current mirror amplifier [2]. These amplifiers are often referred to as Operational Transconductance Amplifiers (OTAs). The OTA is basically a conventional Op-amp without an output buffer. An op-amp designed to drive capacitive loads does not need a buffer to obtain low output impedance and hence can the OTA be useful. 21 AMPLIFIER ARCHITECTURES The circuit in Fig. 3.1 is referred to as a Folded-Cascode OTA (FC-OTA) [2]. It is called folded-cascode since the differential input pair (appendix E) is folded down from the active load (Mp0-Mp3). The basic idea with folded-cascode is to use transistors of opposite type in the active load and in the differential input pair. The opposite transistor type arrangement makes it possible for the output to be taken at the same bias-voltage levels as the input signals [2]. The only high impedance node in Fig. 3.1 is the output node. The open loop gain of the amplifier is determined by the product of the input transconductance and the output impedance. Since the output impedance is high due to the cascode technique a high gain is obtained. The differential to single conversion in the circuit is realized with a wide swing current mirror (Mn4-Mn7). VDD Vbias1 Mp3 Vbias2 Vinp Mp2 Mp0 Mp1 Vout Mn1 Mn0 Vinn Vbias3 Vbias4 Mn2 Mn6 Mn4 Mn3 Mn7 Mn5 VSS Fig. 3.1 Schematic of a folded-cascode OTA 22 AMPLIFIER ARCHITECTURES SMALL SIGNAL ANALYSIS If the high-frequency poles and zeros are ignored the small signal transfer function of the FC-OTA is given by Av = Vout ( s) = g m ,in Z L ( s ) Vin ( s) (eq. 3.1) where gm,in is the transconductance of each transistor in the differential input pair and ZL(s) is the impedance at the output node [2]. ZL(s) consists of the output load capacitance, the impedance of the stabilizing network and the output impedance of the FC-OTA. When the amplifier is stabilized by the output capacitance, the small signal transfer function is Av = g m,in rout 1 + srout C L (eq. 3.2) where rout is the output impedance. When operated at high frequencies the load capacitance dominates and the transfer function is thus Av = g m,in sC L (eq. 3.3) and the unity-gain frequency is then ωt = g m ,in CL (eq. 3.4) To maximize the unity-gain frequency, the transconductance of the input transistors must be maximized. The transconductance of a transistor is raised by increasing its width or drain-source current or both. Eq. 3.4 shows the relationship between the unity gain frequency and the capacitive load. 23 AMPLIFIER ARCHITECTURES SLEW RATE The slew rate available in a FC-OTA is derived from internal currents of the amplifier. When a large input signal is applied to the input Mn1 is turned on hard and Mn0 is turned off. This means that all the biasing current in the transistor Mp1 is flowing through Mp3. Since Mn0 is turned off all the current from the current source (Mn2 and Mn3) is flowing through Mn1. The current flowing in the current source must be larger than IDp0. Therefore, the current available for charging CL is IDp2, which is half of the total biasing current. A similar reasoning is valid for discharging the load. Hence, the maximum available slew rate in the FC-OTA in Fig. 3.1 is given by SR = I Mp 2 CL = I tot 2 ⋅ CL (eq. 3.5) If we were supposed to design a FC-OTA for the slew rate of 1.9kV/µs, the current flowing in MTp2 and MTp4 has to be I Mp 0 = I Mp 2 = SR ⋅ C L = 1.9 ⋅ 10 9 ⋅ 10 −11 = 19mA If the supply voltage is assumed to be 14V and the power dissipated in the biasing network is ignored, the power dissipated is P diss = (Vdd − Vss ) ⋅ ( I Tp 2 + I Tp 4 ) = 14 * 0.038 = 538mW The slew rate of a current mirror amplifier can be larger than a FC-OTA for a given biasing current. However, it is still the biasing current that charges/discharges the load. To increase the driving capabilities of the OTA an output buffer can be added. An OTA with output buffer is a conventional voltage feedback Op-amp [3]. 24 AMPLIFIER ARCHITECTURES 3.2 Voltage-Feedback and Current-Feedback Op-amp In the previous chapter it was shown that the slew rate of an OTA is derived from the internal currents (i.e., biasing currents) and the load capacitance. The large slew rate and capacitive load given in chapter 2 (i.e., 1.9kV/µs and 10pF) leads to high power consumption of the OTA. Therefore, conventional Op-amps are investigated in the following chapter. When high slew-rate, large-signal and wide bandwidth is of interest, as in our project, the current-feedback operational amplifier (CFA) is the first choice to analyze. CFAs have gained popularity during the last years since modern process technologies make it possible to make use of the advantages of the CFA. Large signal CFAs are usually designed in bipolar technologies due to the availability of high-speed complementary bipolar transistors. Slew rates of CFAs can normally reach 500V/µs to 2500V/µs compared to maximum slew rates of about 100V/µs for voltage feedback operational amplifier (VFA) with comparable quiescent currents [offset]. 3.2.1 Voltage-Feedback Vs Current-Feedback Op-amps Main differences between CFAs and VFAs as well as a presentation of a classical CFA architecture and its basic function are presented below. The slew rate of VFAs is inherent limited by the fixed tail current in the input stage and the compensation capacitance. The large slew rate of CFAs is obtained as a result of using current as a feedback error signal. In other words, the input stage current is not fixed. In closed-loop configuration the gain-bandwidth product of VFA is constant, this means that the closed-loop gain is dependent on the bandwidth. In CFA the product of bandwidth and gain is not constant. A VFA has high impedance at both the non-inverting and inverting inputs. CFA inputs are asymmetrical, the non-inverting input has high impedance but the inverting input has low impedance. 25 AMPLIFIER ARCHITECTURES V in Ierr A= Vo z t I err Rf Vout = 1+ Vin Rg eq .(3.6) 1 2πR f C c eq.(3.7) BW = Rg Rf Fig. 3.2 CFA in a non-inverting feedback configuration V in V err aV err Vo A= Vout R =1+ 2 Vin R1 GBP = A ⋅ BW = f t R2 eq .(3.8) eq. (3.9) R1 Fig. 3.3 VFA in a non-inverting feedback configuration The closed loop gain of the CFA in Fig. 3.2 is given in eq. 3.6 and is very similar to the closed loop gain of the VFA in Fig. 3.3 (eq.3.8). However, eq. 3.7 has some interesting features compared to the voltage feedback gain bandwidth product (eq. 3.9). The VFA closed loop bandwidth decreases with increased loop gain. In contrast, the closed loop bandwidth of the CFA is independent of the closed loop gain. Moreover, eq. 3.7 implies that the CFA requires specific values of Rf and Cc (compensating capacitor) to be properly compensated. To increase the stability of the amplifier the value of the Rf or Cc can be increased. A derivation of the closed loop gain and bandwidth is given in appendix B. 26 AMPLIFIER ARCHITECTURES 3.2.2 The Current Feedback Op-amp The CFA usually consists of an input stage, current mirrors, a high impedance node and an output buffer. Fig. 3.4 shows a simplified schematic of a CFA in a noninverting feedback configuration [2]. The input stage (Q1-4) forces the inverting and non-inverting inputs to have the same potential. If there is a difference in potential between the inverting and non-inverting input a current start flowing out from or into the inverting input to counteract the voltage difference. This current (If) is the difference between the collector currents of Q2 and Q4 in Fig. 3.4. These collector currents are mirrored, using current mirrors (CM1 and CM2), to the high impedance node denoted as Cc and Ro in Fig. 3.4. This results in a high voltage swing at the high impedance node. Hence, the actual amplification is done at this node. The last stage is a unity gain buffer that buffers the voltage at the high impedance node to the output. Ir CM1 Q1 Q2 Buffer Vin- Vin+ Cc Q3 Q4 Ro x1 If CM2 IR Fig. 3.4 Simplified schematic of a CFA 27 Rf Rg AMPLIFIER ARCHITECTURES In Fig. 3.4 a class-AB input stage is used to force the inverting input to follow the non-inverting input. In contrast, Fig. 3.5 shows an input stage that is typical for a conventional VFA. This type of configuration is called a differential pair. The differential pair is in many ways different from the input stage in a CFA. Both of the inputs in a VFA (differential pair) have high impedance, resulting in essentially no current flowing into the nodes. Q1 Q2 Vin+ Vbias Vin- Q3 Fig. 3.5 Input stage to a VFA The slew rate at the high impedance node in the VFA is usually limited by the current flowing in the biasing transistor (Q3 in Fig. 3.5). However, the slew rate of the CFA is not limited by the biasing current since the current flowing into or out from the inverting input also affects the slew rate. The current flowing through the inverting input helps charging/discharging the high impedance node. This gives the CFA a much higher slew rate compared to the VFA with the same quiescent currents and bandwidth. In applications the CFA can be configured similar to the VFA but with one exception, a capacitance can never be connected between the output and the input of the amplifier. The open loop inverting input with low impedance causes much concern among designers and is often viewed as making a CFA unsuitable as a difference amplifier. However, a CFA can be used as a difference amplifier with the same configuration as the VFA [4]. The VFA has better DC-performance characteristics than the CFA. The VFA also has better CMRR. Even though a VFA has better DC-characteristics, a CFA is needed in this project due to the need of wide bandwidth, high slew rate and low power consumption. 28 AMPLIFIER ARCHITECTURES 3.2.3 A CMOS Current Feedback Amplifier A disadvantage when using CMOS transistors in analog amplifiers is their relative low transconductance (gm) compared to bipolar transistors. The gm of a MOS transistor in the saturated region is proportional to √ID, eq. 3.10, whereas it is proportional to IC for a BJT. Increasing ID to get higher gm also increases the power dissipation. To double gm of a MOS transistor the drain current has be increased four times. Another way to get higher gm is to increase the width of the transistor, but large transistors generates more parasitic capacitance and the frequency response gets reduced (appendix C). g m = 2 µ n C ox W ID L (eq 3.10) A method used to generate higher gm, without increasing the current or dimensions, is to combine two or more transistors. A circuit designed for this purpose is referred to as a compound transistor. COMPOUND TRANSISTOR A compound circuit with increased transconductance is shown in Fig. 3.6 [5]. The circuit consists of two source followers and one current mirror. One of the source followers is made with an NMOS-transistor and the other with a PMOS-transistor. The current mirror feeds Mn1 with a bias current. The bias current is fed back with a ratio of α to 1. The circuit is equivalent to a PMOS transistor where the compound gate is the gate of Mn1 and the source of Mp1 is the compound source. The compound drain terminal can be achieved by duplicating the drain current in Mp1 using an extra output from the current mirror. The compound transistor transconductance is calculated through a small signal analysis. The small signal analysis gives a Gm of (gmn1gmp1)/(gmn1- αgmp1) from the gate of Mn1 to the source of Mp1. The current mirror transfer ratio should be set to α=gmn1/gmp1 for a maximized transconductance. Ibias gate source Mn1 Mp1 α:1 Fig. 3.6 Compound transistor in CMOS 29 AMPLIFIER ARCHITECTURES SOURCE FOLLOWER WITH INCREASED TRANSCONDUCTANCE There are two drawbacks with the simple source follower when it is used as an output buffer. The first is that there is a DC level shift between the input and output voltage, Vout=Vin-Vgs. The second is that it has high output impedance. The output impedance of a source follower is inversely proportional to the transconductance, eq. 3.11. A method to achieve lower output impedance is thus to increase the transistor transconductance which can be realized by using compound transistors. 1 gm Z out = (eq. 3.11) A source follower implemented with an n- and p-type current mirror is shown in Fig. 3.7 [5]. The source follower is a realization of the p-compound device in Fig. 3.6. Since the compound circuit is a source follower it is meant to have equal output and input voltage. To achieve a linear transfer function the gate-source voltage of transistor Mn1 and Mp1 must be the same. The n- and p-type current mirror made by Mn2 and Mp2 acts as a gate-source voltage matching circuit for Mn1 and Mp1. Assuming that Mp1 and Mp2 have the same size and equal drain current the gate source voltage has to be identical. The same reasoning is valid for Mn1 and Mn2. Since Mn2 and Mp2 have the same gate source voltages, Mn1 and Mp1 have to have identical gate source voltages. The matching circuit removes the gate-source voltage differences between Mn1 and Mp1, thus the output-offset voltage problem removed and the output voltage follows the input voltage. Even though it is supposed to be matched, inputoutput matching problems can arise due to body effects in the transistors. Using a twin-well process can reduce the body effect and generate better DC-accuracy. Ibias gate source Mn1 Mp1 Mn2 Mp2 Fig. 3.7 Source follower with increased transconductance 30 AMPLIFIER ARCHITECTURES BUFFER WITH COMPOUND TRANSISTORS An output voltage buffer is often used in Op-amp to isolate the load from the high impedance node. In high-speed amplifiers it is important to have a fast voltage buffer that can feed large output currents. A voltage follower used in high-speed Op-amps should have high input impedance, very low input capacitance, very low output impedance, gain near unity, high linearity, wide frequency response and the ability to drive large capacitive loads without oscillation. The voltage follower in Fig. 3.8 is designed to meet these requirements better than the conventional voltage follower [5]. vdd1 Mn4 Mp4 Mn3 Mp3 vdd2 Vin+ Vout vss2 Mn1 Mp1 Mn2 Mp2 vss1 Fig. 3.8 Voltage follower with compound transistors The voltage follower in Fig. 3.8 is implemented with two compound transistors, one p-type and one n-type. The p-type is realized with Mn1, Mp1 and a current mirror implement by Mn2 and Mp2. The n-type is realized with Mn3, Mp3 and a current mirror implement by Mn4 and Mp4. The compound transistors are connected in a push-pull configuration. Since the compound transistors have high gm the output impedance is low. 31 AMPLIFIER ARCHITECTURES CURRENT FEEDBACK OP-AMP IMPLEMENTATION A CFA designed for high frequency is shown in Fig. 3.9 [5]. The CFA consists of two voltage followers of the technique presented above. The voltage followers are used as input and output buffers. The circuit in Fig. 3.9 has the typical current feedback features, a high impedance non-inverting input, a low impedance inverting input, a high impedance gain node and a unity voltage gain output buffer. The input stage (Mn1-Mn4 and Mp1-Mp4) forces the inverting and non-inverting inputs to have the same potential. When the amplifier is in a non-inverting feedback configuration (Fig. 3.2) and there is a difference in potential between the inverting and non-inverting input a current start flowing out from or into the inverting input to counteract the voltage difference. This current is the difference between the source currents of Mn5 and Mp3. These source currents are mirrored, using Mn5 and Mp5, to the high impedance node (H). The last stage is a unity gain buffer that buffers the voltage at the high impedance node to the output. Vdd1 Mn4 Mn10 Mp5 Mp4 Mp10 Mn3 Mn9 Mp6 Mp3 Vin+ Vss2 Vdd2 Vin- Vbias1 Mp9 Vss3 (H) Vdd3 CC Mn1 Mn7 Mn6 Vbias2 Mp1 Mn2 Vout Mn5 Mp7 Mn8 Mp2 Mp8 Vss1 Fig. 3.9 CFA in CMOS 32 AMPLIFIER ARCHITECTURES 3.3 Differential Amplifiers Differential amplifiers can be realized using one or more Op-amps in different configurations. A differential-to-single input stage together with an Op-amp can also be used as a differential amplifier. 3.3.1 Op-amp in a Difference Amplifier Configuration An Op-amp in a difference amplifier configuration is shown in Fig. 3.10. To have true differential amplification, eq. 3.12 must be satisfied. Rf1 R g1 = Rf 2 (eq. 3.12) Rg 2 When eq. 3.12 is true, the amplified voltage is given by Vamp= Rf1 R g1 (eq. 3.13) (Vdiff ) The output voltage is given by Vo=Vamp+Vref Rf1 Rg1 _ Vo RL Vdiff + Vcm CL Rg2 Rf2 Vref Fig. 3.10 Op-amp in a difference amplifier configuration. 33 AMPLIFIER ARCHITECTURES 3.3.2 Instrumentation Amplifiers The classic difference amplifier configuration can be unsuitable in some applications. A configuration involving more than one Op-amp can be used to achieve a better differential amplifier and is referred to as an instrumentation amplifier (IA). An IA should meet following specifications: very high common-mode and differential-mode input impedance, low output impedance, accurate and stable gain, and extremely high CMRR [6]. IAs are often used in test and measurement instruments and hence their name. TRIPLE-OP-AMP IA The IA in Fig. 3.11 consists of two stages, the input or first and the output or second stage [6]. The first stage consists of two Op-amps, Op1 and Op2. The second stage consists of Op3 in a difference amplifier configuration. Ri Vin1 Rf Op1 R3 Rg Vout Op3 R3 Vin2 Op2 Ri Rf Vref Fig. 3.11 Triple-OP IA configuration The voltage across Rg is given by the difference of the input voltages, vin1-vin2, since the inverting and the non-inverting input of an Op-amp have the same voltage. The same current flows through R3 and Rg since no current flows through the inputs of Op-amps. The output voltage of the first stage is given by ⎛ 2R ⎞ vout1 − vout 2 = ⎜1 + 3 ⎟(vin1 − vin 2 ) ⎜ R g ⎟⎠ ⎝ (eq. 3.14) The second stage is a Op-amp in a difference amplifier configuration, and thus vout = Rf Ri (vout 2 − vout1 ) 34 (eq. 3.15) AMPLIFIER ARCHITECTURES Combining eq. 3.14 and eq. 3.15 gives vout = A(vin 2 − vin1 ) (eq. 3.16) where A is the total gain. The total gain is given by ⎛ 2R ⎞ ⎛ R f A = AΙ × AΙΙ = ⎜1 + 3 ⎟ × ⎜⎜ ⎜ R g ⎟⎠ ⎝ Ri ⎝ ⎞ ⎟⎟ ⎠ (eq. 3.17) where the total gain A is the product of the first- and second-stage gains AI and AII. Since the input Op-amps are connected in a non-inverting configuration their input impedance becomes extremely high. Likewise the output impedance of Op3 is low. Hence the circuit in Fig. 3.11 meets all the requisites for an IA given above. DUAL-OP-AMP IA It can be advantageous to use as few Op-amps as possible in an IA. An IA with two Op-amps is shown in Fig. 3.12 [6]. The configuration in Fig. 3.12 is referred to as a Dual-OP IA. R4 R3 R1 R2 Vref Vout Op1 Op2 Vin1 Vin2 Fig. 3.12 Dual-OP IA configuration [6] Since Op1 is a non-inverting amplifier its output voltage is ⎛ R ⎞ vout1 = ⎜⎜1 + 3 ⎟⎟vin1 R4 ⎠ ⎝ (eq. 3.18) The output voltage of the circuit, vout, is given by ⎛R ⎞ ⎛ R ⎞ v out = −⎜⎜ 2 vout1 + ⎜⎜1 + 2 vin 2 R1 ⎠ ⎝ R1 ⎠ ⎝ 35 (eq. 3.19) AMPLIFIER ARCHITECTURES Combining eq. 3.18 and eq. 3.19 gives following expression of Vout ⎛ ⎞ 1 + R3 / R4 R ⎞⎛ vout = ⎜⎜1 + 2 ⎜⎜ vin 2 − vin1 1 + R1 / R2 ⎝ R1 ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ (eq. 3.20) For true differential operation the resistances must have the relationship of R3 R1 = R4 R2 (eq. 3.21) When eq. 3.21 is true the output voltage is given by ⎛ R ⎞ v out = ⎜⎜1 + 2 (vin 2 − vin1 ) ⎝ R1 ⎠ (eq. 3.22) The circuit in Fig. 3.12 has high input impedance and low output impedance. The obvious advantages with a dual-op-IA compared to the more common used triple-opIA is the fewer Op-amps and resistors that makes the circuit cheaper, smaller and more power effective. A drawback of the circuit is that the input signals are treated asymmetrically because vin1 first has to propagate through Op1 before it catches up with vin2. The delay in Op1 makes a deterioration of the common-mode component cancellation in the two input signals when the frequency arises. Thus a degradation of the CMRR with respect to the frequency is the trade off for using fewer Op-amps. In the equations of both the triple-Op and dual-Op IA the reference voltage is assumed to be at ground potential. The reference voltage determines the CM-level of the output voltage, which in this case is 0V. 36 AMPLIFIER ARCHITECTURES 3.3.3 Op-amp with Differential to Single Input Stage Instead of using multiple Op-amps in an IA, a differential amplifier can be realized using a differential to single converter and one Op-amp. DIFFERENTIAL TO SINGLE CONVERTER To handle a differential input and convert it to a single-ended signal a differential-tosingle converter has to be designed. One idea is to use two second generation current conveyors (CCII) to design a differential-to-single converter. A CCII is a three port device that operates as a voltage follower between port X and Y, and a current follower between port X and Z [7]. The definition of a CCII is shown in eq. 3.23 – eq. 3.25. Key features of CCII are low gain error, low DC error, high linearity and a wide bandwidth. Iy Vy Vx Ix Y Z X Iz Vz Iy = 0 (eq. 3.23) Vx = V y (eq. 3.24) Iz = Ix (eq. 3.25) Fig. 3.13 Block schematic of a CCII A differential-to-single converter using two CCII is shown in Fig. 3.14. Eq. 3.23 implies that no current is flowing into or out from the Y port of the differential to single converter. Vin+ Ie Y CCII Z Ie X R1 Vout R2 X CCII Vin- Y Vref Fig. 3.14 Differential to single converter based on CCII It is concluded from eq. 3.24 that the voltage across R1 is equal to Vin+-Vin-. The voltage across R1 produces a current equal to Ie = Vin + − Vin − R1 37 (eq. 3.26) AMPLIFIER ARCHITECTURES The current (Ie) is flowing out from one of the CCII and into the other CCII. From eq 3.25 we know that Ix = Iz. Hence, the same current is flowing in both R1 and R2. The voltage across R2 has to be equal to Vout − Vref = I e ⋅ R2 (eq. 3.27) Combing eq. 3.26 and eq. 3.27 gives Vout = R2 (⋅ Vin+ − Vin − ) + Vref R1 (eq. 3.28) Hence, the differential signal is converted to a single-ended signal. A DIFFERENTIAL TO SINGLE AMPLIFIER The circuit in Fig. 3.15 consists of two stages. The first stage is the differential-tosingle converter presented above and the second stage is Op-amp in a non-inverting configuration. The gain of the amplifier is given by G= R2 R1 ⎛ R3 ⎞ ⎜1 + ⎜ R4 ⎝ ⎠ (eq. 3.29) Ie Vin+ CCII Ie + R1 Op-amp Vout - CCII VinR2 R4 R3 Vref Fig. 3.15 Differential amplifier using CCII and Op-amp 38 AMPLIFIER ARCHITECTURES A SECOND GENERATION CURRENT CONVEYOR IN CMOS Fig. 3.16 shows an implementation of a current conveyor in CMOS [7]. With properly matched transistors Mn5 and Mp5 have the same gate- source voltage and same drain current (Ibias). Since, Mn5 and Mp5 have the same drain current Iy is ideally equal to 0A. The translinear cell, Mn5, Mn6 and Mp5, Mp6, is designed to have equal gate-source voltages. A KVL (Kirschoffs voltage law) in the translinear cell gives the relationship Vx = Vy. The drain current of Mn6 and Mp6 are equal at the quiescent point. A current flowing out from or into node X is mirrored to node Z (Ix = Iz). This implies that all the conditions of a CCII are satisfied. Mp2 Mp1 Mp3 Mn5 Ibias Mn6 Y X Mp5 Mn1 Mp4 Z Mp6 Mn2 Mn3 Mn4 Fig. 3.16 CCII in CMOS In this application simple current mirrors are used. To further improve the CCII+ performance other current mirror topologies can be used. Since, we have “signal head room” we can use a Wilson current mirror or Cascode Current mirror (see appendix E) to enhance the performance of the CCII. 39 AMPLIFIER ARCHITECTURES 3.4 Charge Transfer Amplifier The last architecture investigated in this work is the charge transfer amplifier (CTA), which is very different from the OTA and Op-amp. The advantage with CTA is mainly their potentially low power consumption. The CTA consumes little or no power during static operation. The charge transfer amplifier (CTA) operates by transferring a charge to or from the capacitor CT to the load capacitor. The quantity of charge transferred to or from the load capacitor is proportional to the input voltage (transconveyance). 3.4.1 NMOS CTA A simplified schematic of the NMOS CTA amplifier core is shown in Fig. 3.17 [8]. The NMOS CTA requires three different timing phases, shown in Fig. 3.17. The phases are called Reset-, Precharge- and Amplify-phase. The dynamic behavior of a CTA is difficult to characterize, a complete description of the dynamic behavior is carried out in [8]. In the following relationships all second order effect are ignored. Vss Vin VpreC Res S1 S2 S1 Cload Amp Res S1 VB CT Pre S2 Vo Time Fig. 3.17 NMOS CTA and its three timing phases Reset phase In the reset phase, CT is connected to Vss and discharged. The output node is connected to the precharge voltage VPreC and Cload is charged. Thus, the voltages at the end of the reset phase are V B = VSS (eq. 3.30) VO = VPr eC (eq. 3.31) 40 AMPLIFIER ARCHITECTURES Precharge phase CT is connected to the source of the NMOS transistor during the precharge phase. At beginning of this phase VB = Vss and Vo = VPreC. Current flows from output node to CT until the transistor reaches the cutoff region. At the end of the precharge phase we have V B = V IN − VTN (eq. 3.32) VO = VPr eC (eq. 3.33) Amplification phase A change in VIN (∆VIN) will result in the same change at the source of the NMOS transistor (node B). V B = VIN + ∆V IN − VTN (eq. 3.34) The change in Vin produces a current flowing from the output node to the node B (From Cload to CT). The change in charge at the CT is equal to ∆Q = ∆VIN ⋅ CT (eq. 3.35) Since the current is conveyed from Cload through the NMOS transistor to CT the following relationship is valid at the output ∆Q = ∆V ⋅ C load o (eq. 3.36) Combining eq. 3.35 and 3.36 gives ∆VO = CT ∆VIN C load (eq. 3.37) To conclude, at the and of the amplification phase V B = VIN + ∆V IN − VTN (eq. 3.38) CT ∆V IN C load (eq. 3.39) VO = VPr eC − The idea with a charge transfer amplifier is that when the device reaches cutoff region no current should flow from the drain to the source. However, the subthreshold current is too large to ignore and causes a relatively large voltage drop, especially when the voltage between the source and drain is large. Moreover, the NMOS CTA 41 AMPLIFIER ARCHITECTURES can only amplify positive input signals. This makes the NMOS CTA not feasible to our application. 3.4.2 Other CTA Architectures A solution to the problem incorporated with the NMOS CTA is to add a PMOS CTA in parallel with NMOS counterpart (Fig. 3.18) [9]. The main idea of the CMOS CTA is that the non-idealities such as subthreshold current should cancel each other out. Vdd CT S1 VpreC VA Vdd S1 S2 Vout Vin=Vpre+∆Vin Vss Cload S1 VB CT S1 Vss Fig. 3.18 Simplified schematic of CMOS CTA The CMOS CTA is reset in a similar way as the NMOS CTA, the capacitors are discharged. At the end of the precharge phase the output has the potential of VOut = VPr eC (eq. 3.40) and the sources of the transistors (gate precharged to VPreC) V A, B = VPr eC ± VTN (eq. 3.41) The drain-source voltage is equal to |VTN|, an increase in Vin (positive or negative) leads to a charge transfer trough the transistor with the corresponding voltage drop. However, the maximum output voltage possible before both of the devices reaches the cutoff region (VDS=0) is VO = VPr eC ± VTH (eq. 3.42) Another CTA topology is the differential CMOS CTA, which further reduces the offset voltages [8]. The main idea is to use two CMOS CTAs in parallel to get a fully differential amplifier. AMIS has proposed an improved differential CTA, which does not require a precharge voltage and input capacitance [10]. AMIS claims that they have overcome some of the problems with the differential CTA. However, to the authors’ knowledge the limited output voltage range still remains. 42 AMPLIFIER ARCHITECTURES An application of the CTA is to use it as a preamplifier followed by a track and latch stage in A/D converters [9]. The gain in the CTA is normally 4 to 10 times and the output voltage of the preamplifier is normally in the order of a few tens of mV. 43 44 SIMULATIONS 4 Simulations In this chapter simulations are presented. The simulations in this report are delimited to transmission lines, current feedback operational amplifiers and instrumentation amplifiers. The simulations were done in Hspice and the results viewed in Mentor Graphics Awaves. The schematics were done in Mentor Graphics’ Led. 4.1 Transmission Lines Signals in the data channel are transmitted in transmission lines. A schematic of differential transmission lines with termination resistors is shown in Fig. 4.1. Driver Line Zs=50 Ω ZT1=50 Ω Z0=50 Ω l=0.5 m VT1 Vdiff VT2 Vcm Zs=50 Ω ZT2=50 Ω Fig. 4.1 Transmission line with terminations Hspice allows the user to create cable models based upon measured data. Using data from [1] a model for a 50Ω cable was created. The parameters of the transmission lines used in our simulations are vrel=0.67 Attenuation –2dB at 250 MHz Z0=50Ω where vrel is the speed of the signal relative to the speed of light (3·108 m/s) and Z0 is the characteristic impedance of the transmission line. 45 SIMULATIONS Fig. 4.2 shows the positive signal at near-end (solid line) and far-end (dashed line) with perfect match (Γ=0) (appendix F). The wire model used in this simulation is lossless and has the length of 0.5m. The total delay time for the pulse from the source to the output of the transmission lines is given by t= l Tline 0.5 = = 2.5ns v cable 2.0 ⋅ 10 8 (eq. 4.1) where LTline is the length and vcable is the speed of the transmission lines. Fig. 4.2 Signals at near- and far-end of the transmission, (Γ=0) To illustrate the consequence of termination mismatch at the near- and far-end a simulation with ZT = 75Ω was performed. The simulation with transmission lines without attenuation is shown in Fig. 4.3. The simulation shows a reflection of 20% of the incident wave, which was expected (Γ=-0.2). Fig. 4.3 Signals at near- and far-end of the transmission, (Γ=-0.2) 46 SIMULATIONS The delay and attenuation of the signal changes with wire length. Fig. 4.4 shows the signals with wire lengths of 0.5m, 1m and 1.5m, respectively. The delay is consequently 2.5ns, 5ns and 7.5ns. Compared to Fig. 4.2, the signal degradation owing to cable loss is apparent. Fig. 4.4 Signals at near- and far-end of the transmission line with different lengths 47 SIMULATIONS 4.2 A Bipolar Current Feedback Amplifier: THS3001 There are many general purpose amplifiers available on the market. In a research, the most suitable amplifier was the current feedback amplifier Op-amp THS3001 from Texas Instrument Inc. As the majority of the available CFAs it is designed in a bipolar technology. The THS3001 is manufactured in a complementary, high speed and high voltage bipolar process. According to the specification of THS3001, it has a unity gain frequency of 420MHz and a maximum slew rate of 6500 V/µs (25% to 75% of the output voltage at 30V power supply) [11]. When driving a capacitive load larger than 10pF a series resistor of at least 20Ω must be used to ensure stabile operation [12]. 4.2.1 Difference Amplifier using THS3001 To determine if THS3001 could handle the requirement given, it was simulated in a difference amplifier configuration, Fig. 4.5. Since there is a relationship between the feedback resistor and the bandwidth of a CFA, the configuration in Fig. 4.5 was simulated with feedback resistors (RF) of 900, 1000, 1200, 1500 and 1700Ω. The gain of the amplifier had a constant value of 12. Rf1 Rg1 RL=20 Ω - Vdiff Vo + Vcm CL=10 pF Rg2 Rf2 Vref=6 V Fig. 4.5 THS3001 in a difference amplifier configuration without transmission lines 48 SIMULATIONS Fig. 4.6 shows the full swing input and output signals of the setup in Fig. 4.5 with different values of the feedback resistor, 0.9-1.7kΩ. The rise times and overshoots differ with different feedback resistors. The highest slew rate, but also the largest overshoot (6%), is achieved with the smallest feedback resistor (0.9kΩ). The rise time with a 0.9kΩ resistor is 1.6ns and with a 1.7kΩ resistor the rise time has increased to 4.7ns. Fig. 4.6 Output and positive input signals of the difference amplifier with different feedback resistors Fig. 4.7 zooms in the output signal in Fig. 4.6 to estimate the settling time (note the first overshot in Fig. 4.6 is excluded in Fig. 4.7). The output signal, when RF=1.2kΩ, settles within 0.1% of the output swing at 62ns. Since the signal start rising at 50ns the settling times becomes 12ns. The settling time is 10 and 18ns for values of RF of 0.9 and 1.7k, respectively. Fig. 4.7 Zoomed version of Fig. 4.6 49 SIMULATIONS POWER CONSUMPTION The power consumption, when the output swings between 0 and 12V every 25ns, is shown in Fig. 4.8. The average power consumption at full output swing is given in Table 4.1. Table 4.1 Average power consumption of Fig 4.8 (CL=10pF, RL=20Ω) Rf Power 240mW 0.9kΩ 225mW 1.0kΩ 210mW 1.2kΩ 190mW 1.5kΩ 180mW 1.7kΩ Fig. 4.8 Full swing power consumption of the difference amplifier Fig. 4.9 shows the steady state power consumption. The input voltage is ramping from 0 to 1V during 200ns. The average steady state power consumption is given in Table 4.2. Table 4.2 Average power consumption of Fig 4.9 (CL=10pF, RL=20Ω) Rf Power 170mW 0.9kΩ 160mW 1.0kΩ 145mW 1.2kΩ 135mW 1.5kΩ 128mW 1.7kΩ Fig. 4.9 Steady state power consumption of the difference amplifier 50 SIMULATIONS RISE AND FALL TIME WITH DIFFERENT LOADING To investigate how different load resistances affect the rise time of the amplifier, simulations with different load resistors were done. The different load resistors (RL) used in the simulation was 0Ω, 20Ω, 50Ω, 100Ω and 500Ω. The power consumption is independent of the load resistance. RF used in the simulation is 1.5kΩ. Fig. 4.10 Output signal of the difference amplifier with different load resistances If the load resistance becomes too large the amplifier cannot meet the speed requirement. The crucial load resistance is between 50 and 100Ω. It is also interesting to be aware of the influence of the capacitive load. Simulation with different load capacitances is shown in Fig. 4.11. The rise time becomes faster when CL decreases but with the payoff of large overshoots. The power consumption becomes higher due to larger CL, Table 4.2. Table 4.2 Average power consumption with different load capacitance (CL=10pF, RL=20Ω, Rf=1.5kΩ) CL Power 5pF 180mW 10pF 190mW 20pF 235mW 50pF 535mW Fig. 4.11 Output signal of the difference amplifier with different capacitive loads 51 SIMULATIONS 4.2.2 Difference Amplifier using THS3001 with Transmission Lines Fig. 4.12 shows THS3001 in a difference amplifier configuration connected to transmission lines. The transmission lines used are presented in chapter 4.1. Driver Line RT1=50 Ω Rs=50 Ω Z0=50 Ω l=0.5 m Vb=0 V THS3001 Rf1=1.5 kΩ Rg1=125Ω _ RL=20 Ω Vout Vdiff + Rg2=125Ω Rs=50 Ω Vcm CL=10 pF Rf2=1.5kΩ RT2=50Ω Vb=0 V Vb=0 V Vref=6V Fig. 4.12 Difference amplifier in the data transmission channel Even though the ratio of the feedback resistors (Rf/Rg) is 12 (i.e., the gain) and the differential input toggles between 0 and 1V the output voltage of the amplifier does not have a swing of 0-12V, Fig. 4.13. The gain of the system is reduced due to currents flowing in the feedback resistors. Fig. 4.13 The full swing output signal of the difference amplifier in the data transmission channel 52 SIMULATIONS The currents flowing through RF1 and RF2 is illustrated in Fig 4.14, where the current fed back from the output is the solid line and the current from the reference voltage is the dashed line. The currents are not symmetrical since different voltages are across the feedback resistors. The voltage across RF1 is determined by Vout-Vin and the voltage across RF2 is equal to Vref-Vin, where Vin is the input voltage at the noninverting port of the Op-amp. Fig. 4.14 The current flowing trough Rg1 (dashed line) and Rg2 in the difference amplifier in the data transmission channel A current fed back may not be crucial to the application, but the non-symmetry will causes problems for the differential input signal. Fig. 4.15 shows the differential input signals to the amplifier and it can be seen they are not each other’s inverse. The nonsymmetry of the input voltage is due to the non-symmetry in the currents flowing in the terminating resistors (RT). Fig. 4.15 The input voltages to the difference amplifier in the data transmission channel 53 SIMULATIONS 4.2.3 Triple-Op-amp Instrumentation Amplifier It was shown in the previous chapter that a single Op-amp in a difference amplifier configuration cannot be used in the data transmission system. The input signals get corrupted due to currents flowing through the feedback resistors. Hence, an input stage is needed to isolate the feedback net from the transmission lines. In an IA the inputs are isolated from the feedback net. The triple-Op-amp IA in Fig. 4.16 consists of three THS3001 Op-amps. The IA has a total gain of 12. The gain is divided into the first and second stage where the first stage has a gain of 3 and the second of 4. The amplifier was simulated with the inputs connected to the transmission line presented in chapter 4.1. Ri=0.3kΩ Vin+ Rf Op1 R3 Rg Rload Cload R3 Vin- Op2 Ri Vout Op3 Rf Vref Fig. 4.16 Triple-Op-amp IA using THS3001 The rise time of the triple-Op-amp IA configuration in Fig 4.17 is 3.8ns and the fall time is 4.2ns and is shown in Fig 4.17. Changing the size of the feedback resistors alter the slew rate. The IA has a –3dB frequency of 83MHz. Fig. 4.17 Full swing output voltage of the triple-Op-amp IA 54 SIMULATIONS The power consumption at full swing is shown in Fig. 4.18 and the average consumption is 300mW. Fig. 4.18 The power consumption the triple-Op-amp at full swing The steady state power consumption of the triple-Op-amp IA varies between 230 and 260mW and is shown in Fig. 4.19. Fig. 4.19 The steady state power consumption of the triple-Op-amp IA 55 SIMULATIONS 4.2.4 Dual-Op-amp Instrumentation Amplifier A dual-Op-amp IA is shown in Fig. 4.20. The setup was simulated using two THS3001 Op-amps and its inputs connected to the transmission line in chapter 4.1. R4=11kΩ R3=1kΩ R1=136Ω R2=1.5kΩ Vref=6V RLoad=20Ω Op1 Op2 Vout Cload=10pF Vin+ Vin- Fig. 4.20 Dual-Op-amp IA using THS3001 With the setup in Fig 4.20 the rise and fall time are both 4.3ns. The –3dB frequency of the configuration is 90MHz. The input and output signals of the dual-Op-amp IA are shown in Fig. 4.21. Fig. 4.21 Input and output signals of the dual-Op-amp IA 56 SIMULATIONS The non-inverting (dashed) and inverting (solid) input voltages of Op2 in Fig. 4.20 are shown in Fig. 4.22. The inverting input is delayed 2.5ns due to the propagation delay in Op1. Fig. 4.22 The input delay between the inputs of Op2 in the dual-Op-amp IA The CMRR versus the frequency is shown in Fig. 4.23. The CMRR is poor for high frequencies due to the delay in Fig. 4.22 Fig. 4.23 The CMRR versus the frequency of the dual-Op-amp IA. 57 SIMULATIONS The power consumption of the dual-Op-amp when the output swings between 0 and 12V is shown in Fig. 4.24. The average power consumption is 250mW. Fig. 4.24 The dynamic power consumption of the dual-Op-amp IA. The power consumption as a function of the input signal is shown in Fig. 4.25. The steady state power consumption has a minimum value of 170mW and a maximum of 215mW. Fig. 4.25 The steady state power consumption of the dual-Op-amp IA 58 SIMULATIONS 4.3 Amplifiers in CMOS 4.3.1 Current Feedback Amplifier To evaluate the performance of the CMOS CFA presented in chapter 3.2.3, it was simulated in HSPICE with medium voltage transistors from the process XC06 from X-Fab. The CFA was simulated in a non-inverting configuration, Fig 4.26. The amplifier can be designed in different ways depending on its wanted performance. In the simulations presented, the amplifier is designed for maximum speed. Vdd1 Mn4 Mn10 Mp4 Mp5 Mn3 Mp3 Vin+ Vss2 Vdd2 Vin- Mn1 Mp10 Vbias1 Mp6 Mn9 Mp9 (H) CC Vout CL Mn7 Mn6 Vbias2 Mp1 Mn2 RL Vss3 Vdd3 Mn5 Mp7 Mn8 Mp2 Mp8 Vss1 RF RG Vref Fig. 4.26 The CMOS CFA in a non-inverting configuration All transistors in the circuit in Fig 4.26 have their bulk terminals connected to their source terminals even though that is not feasible in the process used. The need to have no bulk-source voltage is caused by the high output voltage swing. The high output voltage swing forces the source terminal of Mn7, Mn9 and Mn10 (the NMOS transistors close to the positive supply voltage) to have potential close to the positive supply voltage. If the bulk terminal was connected to the negative supply potential, which is done in a single-well process, a very high threshold voltage would be generated due to the body effect. 59 SIMULATIONS The rise and fall time of the CFA are both 10 ns for a 10V step when the amplifier is designed for maximum speed. It is important to investigate how the signal appears when it reached its peak, especially when operating with large voltages. The settling time (0.1%) of the output voltage is 50ns. Fig. 4.27 The input and output voltage of the CMOS CFA The steady state power consumption of the CFA is shown in Fig. 4.28. The power consumption is considerably higher for a steady state input voltage of 0.5V than for the positive and negative maximums. The high power consumption is due to the configuration of the amplifier output stage. Fig. 4.28 The steady state power consumption of the CMOS CFA 60 SIMULATIONS The power consumption when the output toggles between 0 and 10V is shown in Fig. 4.29. The average power consumption is 275mW, which is lower than the power consumption at a steady state output of 6V. Hence, the worst-case power consumption is not shown in Fig. 4.29. Fig. 4.29 The dynamic power consumption of the CMOS CFA at full swing The circuit in Fig. 4.26 can be designed in different ways depending on its wanted performance. Larger transistors generate smaller overshoots but decrease the rise time and increase the power consumption. By using higher supply voltage a faster rise time is obtained but with a trade-off of higher power consumption and possibilities of transistor breakdown. The rise time of the amplifier can also be decreased by using smaller feedback resistors or compensation capacitance or both, but with increased overshoots. 61 SIMULATIONS 4.3.2 Differential to Single Converter A single Op-amp cannot be used as a receiver in the data channel because the input signals gets affected by the current flowing in the feedback resistors. A differential to single converter can be used to isolate the feedback net from the transmission lines. A differential to single converter using CCII is shown in Fig. 4.30. The CCII used were presented in chapter 3.3.3. Vin+ Ie Y CCII Z X R1 Ie Vout R2 X CCII Vin- Y Vref Fig. 4.30 A differential to single converter based on CCII The input and output signals of the differential to single converter are shown in Fig. 4.31. In theory the gain of the differential to single converter is R1/R2, but due to nonidealities of the transistors the gain is smaller than expected. The decreased gain can be compensated by changing the ratio of the resistors. To lift the input signal CMlevel of 0.25V to the wanted output level of 5V, the reference voltage is used. In theory, a Vref potential of 5V gives a CM-level of 5V at the output, but due to nonidealities of the transistors an unwanted offset occurs. However, the offset can be compensated by changing Vref. Fig. 4.31 The differential input and the single-ended output signals of the differential to single converter 62 SIMULATIONS 4.3.3 Differential Amplifier in CMOS A differential amplifier in CMOS was introduced in chapter 3.3.3 and shown in Fig. 4.32. The amplifier was simulated with its inputs connected to the transmission line in chapter 4.1. The CMOS CFA simulated in chapter 4.3.1 was used as the Op-amp in this configuration. Ie Vin+ CCII Ie + R1 CFA - CCII VinR2 R3 R3 Vbias Fig. 4.32 Differential amplifier with CCII and CFA The speed of the circuit is limited by the CFA since the differential to single input stage is very fast. The rise time of the CFA is 10ns and the same rise time is achieved of the differential to single amplifier. The input and output signals are shown in Fig. 4.33. Fig. 4.33 The output signal and the differential input signals of the differential amplifier 63 SIMULATIONS The biasing current of the differential to single converter (Ibias in Fig. 3.16) is set to 0.5mA. The power consumption of the differential to single converter with Ibias equal to 0.5mA is 60mW. The power consumption of the differential amplifier is given by adding the power consumption of the two stages. Since the average power consumption of the CMOS CFA is 275mW, the average power consumption at full swing is 335mW. In an ideal differential amplifier no current flows from the input nodes. However, in the differential amplifier in Fig 4.34 small currents flows from the input nodes. These currents are symmetrical and do not affect the performance of the amplifier. However, currents like these might cause problems when non-ideal drivers are used. 64 DISCUSSIONS 5 Discussions An important part of our study was to analyze, compare and understand bipolar and CMOS implementations of high performance amplifiers. CMOS technology is always very desirable in terms of high integration and low cost but there exists limitations when high-performance analog designs are the target. Not only the well-known problem of low transconductance (gm) but also other secondary effects like bodyeffect and short-channel-effect can limit the feasibility of high performance amplifier designs. State-of-the-art IC technologies using smaller dimensions can be used to design fast amplifiers with a low output voltage swing. However, the high output voltage swing excludes the possibility to use advanced CMOS technology such as a 0.18µm CMOS process. CFA As shown in chapter 3, CFA is more suitable than VFA when designing high slew rate and wide bandwidth operational amplifiers. CFAs are usually designed in bipolar technologies and their slew rates are normally between 500 and 2500V/µs compared to a maximum slew rate of about 100V/µs from a VFA with comparable quiescent current. However, there are many difficulties in designing CFAs. The main problem is the limited availability of very similar complementary transistors, i.e., NPN and PNP for bipolar transistors, and NMOS and PMOS for MOS transistors. In fact, one cannot have full control on matching of the complementary transistors. As a consequence, CFAs have poorer DC-performance and common-mode rejection characteristics than VFAs. DC errors of CFAs are due to different biasing voltage (Vbe) for NPN and PNP transistors, or as in a CMOS case, different threshold voltages (Vth) for NMOS and PMOS transistors. As an example the Vbe can range from a few to 40mV, while the difference between the Vth can be more than 100mV[13]. There is not much literature about CMOS CFAs. An explanation for this situation is that without modern twin-tube technologies it is very difficult to have good designs for such amplifier architectures. The circuit used in this study was designed using a classical CMOS technology including its component library with medium voltage PMOS and NMOS transistors. 65 DISCUSSIONS Our main problem was caused by the necessity of high output voltage swing (12V). The high output voltage swing combined with the specific intern circuitry for our CFA, and the limited drain-source breakdown voltage (15V), results in difficulties to keep the transistors in the active region. The simulation results show non-linear behavior of the gain, and limitations of the output swing (10V). A problem we have ignored in the simulations is the body-effect, which will degrade the amplifier performance even more. In fact, it is very hard to design a CFA having such a high performance characteristic (12V output swing and 1.9kV/µs slew rate) in a single-well CMOS process. The power consumption in our CMOS CFA design is higher than a comparable bipolar CFA. The main power consumption comes from the output buffer. The configuration of the output buffer and the high output voltage swing results in a high static current consumption and thus high power dissipation. THS3001 It is not feasible to use a single general-purpose Op-amp such as THS3001 from Texas Instrument as a difference amplifier together with transmission lines. Using a single Op-amp causes problems with the differential input signal, it is affected by the current fed back from the output. A solution to this problem is to isolate the feedback net from the inputs, which can be achieved by using an instrumentation amplifier configuration. Two different instrumentation amplifier configurations, triple-Op-amp and dual-Opamp, were tested using THS3001. Both configurations can handle the required speed. The triple-Op-amp IA uses more components and has higher power consumption than the dual-Op-amp. The average full swing power consumption is 300mW and 250mW, respectively. The main advantage with the triple-Op-amp is that it has higher CMRR than the dual-Op-amp at high frequencies. An alternative solution that might be more power effective is to use an extra component to transform a differential signal to single-ended signal before the input of THS3001. CTA Today CTA is used in comparator designs and in low power applications where small gains and small output voltages are desirable. Furthermore, the speed together with the high voltage swing needed in our system is hard to achieve using a CTA. 66 CONCLUSIONS 6 Conclusions • Current feedback amplifiers are the best operational amplifier architecture to handle the wanted slew rate. • In a system with an amplifier as a receiver with differential transmission lines, a single operational amplifier cannot be used. An input stage is needed to isolate the feedback net from the inputs of the amplifier. • A current feedback amplifier in CMOS with the required high output voltages and slew rate is hard to realize without very high power consumption. • THS3001, from Texas Instrument Inc., in an instrumentation amplifier configuration is feasible in terms of slew rate requirements, but with high power consumption. The power consumption is 250mW for a dual-Op-amp and 300mW for a triple-Op-amp. • To reduce the power consumption, a bipolar ASIC designed to combine a current feedback OP with a high impedance input stage is recommended. 67 68 REFERENCES 7 References [1] Shaufang Gong, Internal-document, Micronic, “Choice of packaging and signal transmission techniques for the SLM3 data link interface” 2002-05-21 [2] David A. Johns and Ken Martin, Analog Integrated Circuit Design, (1997), John Wiley & Sons, USA ISBN 0-471-14448-7 [3] Jacob R. Baker and Harry W. 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Li and Boyce, David E, CMOS Circuit Design, Layout and Simulation, (1998), Wiley-IEEE Press, USA ISBN 0-7803-3416-7 [18] Alan Hastings, The Art of Analog Layout (2001), Patience Hall, Inc USA ISBN 0-13-087061-7 [19] William J. Dally and John W. Poulton, Digital System Engineering, (1998), Cambridge University Press, United Kingdom ISBN 0-521-59292-5 70 71 APPENDIX A Appendix A The Rise Time A derivation of the relationship of the rise time and -3dB frequency is given in this appendix. The frequency response of a one-pole amplifier in a closed loop configuration can be written A(s ) = 1+ ADC s (eq. A.1) ϖ −3dB where ADC is the gain of the amplifier and ω-3dB where the amplifer gain has decreased with 3 dB [6]. If Vin is a step function with magnitude Vin in the time domain, then the Laplace function is V Vin (s ) = in (eq. A.2) s The gain of an amplifier is given by V (s ) (eq. A.3) A(s ) = out Vin (s ) Combining eq. A.1 and A.2 gives an expression of the output voltage of Vout (s ) = Vin ADC ⋅ s 1+ s = ϖ −3dB Vin ADC ⎛ s ⎞ ⎟⎟ s⎜⎜1 + ⎝ ϖ −3dB ⎠ (eq. A.4) The output voltage transformed to the time domain is ( vout (t ) = ADCVin 1 − e − t / τ ) (eq. A.5) where τ= 1 ϖ −3dB = 1 2πf −3dB (eq. A.6) The rise time from 10% to 90% of Vout is t R = τ (ln 0.9 − ln 0.1) (eq. A.7) or tR = ln 9 0.35 = 2πf −3dB f −3dB 72 (eq. A.8) APPENDIX B Appendix B The Differential Pair The most important analog building block is the differential transistor pair. It is used as an input stage of a voltage feedback Op-amp and most integrated filters. The transistors in a differential pair are usually matched, i.e., they have equal electrical characteristics. A differential pair with matched MOS transistors and a bias current source is shown in Fig. B.1. The current source has a total value of IB and bias both M1 and M2 with a current of IB /2. ID2 ID1 id1= is1 V+ vM1 id2= is2 v+ M2 vrs1 is1 is2 rs2 IB Fig. B.1 The differential pair Since gm1= gm2 the small signal current trough M1 can be expressed as is1 = id 1 = vin vin g = = m1 vin 1 1 rs1 + rs 2 2 + g m1 g m 2 (eq. B.1) where vin=v+-v-. The differential output current is defined as iout=- id1- id2. Because the DC current source does not take any AC current, the same small-signal current flows in M1 and M2 but with opposite direction, id1=-id2. Since id1=-id2, the output current of the circuit is iout = g m1 ⋅ vin (eq. B.2) It is important that a change in the common mode voltage in a differential amplifier do not affect the output voltage. The measure of differential amplification with respect to common-mode amplification is referred as the Common Mode Rejection Ratio (CMRR) and defined as Adiff (eq. B.3) CMRR = Acom 73 APPENDIX B Differential Amplifier Stage A differential-input, single-ended-output circuit with active load is shown in Fig. B.2. This circuit is often used as a first gain stage of a classical two-stage integrated Opamp. The input differential pair is n-channel transistors and the active load is realized with a p-channel current mirror. The small-signal currents relation is given by id 4 = id 3 = −id 1 (eq. B.4) assumed that the output impedance of the transistors are neglected. By combining eq. B.1. and the fact that id2=-id1,the output voltage is vout = (− id 2 − id 4 )rout = 2is1rout = g m1rout vin If the load is both resistive and capacitive, the gain is given by Av = g m1 z out M3 M4 vout Is1 v+ v M1 M2 Ibias Fig B.2 A differential amplifier stage with an active load 74 (eq. B.5) APPENDIX C Appendix C Derivation of closed loop bandwidth and gain of a CFA The CFA consists of two buffers and a high impedance node. To derive the bandwidth and the closed loop gain of the current feedback amplifier, the analytical model in Fig. C.1 can be used [14]. Ro is the transimpedance, Cc is the compensation capacitor and Rinv is the output impedance of the input buffer. (2) Cc If Vin x1 Ro Vout (1) x1 If Rf Rinv Rg Fig C.1 An analytical model of a CFA Using KCL at node (1) gives the following relationship Rg Vin + Vout Rinv V1 Vout − V1 Vin − V1 = + ⇒ V1 = Rf Rf Rg Rf Rinv 1+ + R g Rinv (eq. C.1) Using ohm’s law at node (2) results in (assuming infinite input impedance of the output buffer) I f Ro (eq. C.2) V2 = 1 + sR0 C c If the output buffer has the gain equal to 1, the output voltage is Vout = V2 = I f Ro 1 + sR0 C c (eq. C.3) The relationship for If can be written as If = ⎛ 1 Vin − V1 1 ⎞⎟ Vout − = V1 ⎜ + ⎟ R ⎜R Rinv R g f f ⎠ ⎝ 75 (eq. C.4) APPENDIX C Combining eq. C.1, C.2, C.3 and C.4 gives an expression of the output voltage of ⎛⎛ R f ⎜⎜ V + Vout ⎜ ⎜ Rinv in = ⎜⎜ ⎜⎜ 1+ R f + R f ⎜⎜ R g Rinv ⎝⎝ ⎞ ⎟ ⎟⎛⎜ 1 1 ⎞ Vout ⎟⎜ R + R ⎟⎟ − R f ⎠ f ⎟⎝ g ⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎟ ⎟⎛ R g Abuf ⎟⎜⎜ ⎟⎝ 1 + sRo C c ⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎟⎟ ⎠ (eq. C.5) Rearranging eq. C.5 to express the gain of the amplifier gives Rf 1+ Rg V A = out = Vin ⎛ Rf ⎞ ⎟ Rinv R f + ⎜1 + ⎟ ⎜ ⎛ ⎞ R ⎛ Rf ⎞ g ⎠ ⎝ ⎟ Rinv ⎟C c + s ⎜ R 2 + ⎜1 + 1+ ⎜ ⎜ ⎟ R g ⎟⎠ Ro ⎝ ⎝ ⎠ (eq. C.6) Vout The DC-term in the denominator of eq. C.6 approaches zero since Ro is very large, in the MΩ range, and Rinv is small. The gain is now 1+ A= Vout = Vin Rf Rg ⎞ ⎛ ⎛ Rf ⎞ ⎟ Rinv ⎟C c 1 + s ⎜ R 2 + ⎜1 + ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ R g ⎟⎠ ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ (eq. C.7) The DC-gain from eq. C.7 is ADC = Rf Vout = 1+ Vin Rg (eq. C.8) and the pole is located f pole = Abuf ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ Rf ⎞ ⎟ Rinv ⎟C c 2π ⎜ R f + ⎜1 + ⎜ ⎜ ⎟ R g ⎟⎠ ⎝ ⎝ ⎠ (eq. C.9) Since ⎛ Rf ⎞ ⎟ Rinv R f >> ⎜1 + ⎜ ⎟ R g ⎠ ⎝ (eq. C.10) the following relationship is valid f pole = Abuf 2πR f C c 76 (eq. C.11) APPENDIX D Appendix D Integrated–Circuit Devices and Modeling MOS is an acronym for metal-oxide-semiconductor. MOS circuits normally use two types of transistors, n-channel and p-channel. N-channel transistors conduct current with a positive gate voltage and p-channel with a negative gate voltage. Microcircuits containing both n- and p-channel transistors are called CMOS circuits, for complementary MOS. There are several different symbols for CMOS transistors and the ones used in this text are shown in Fig D.1. The source and the drain terminals in a MOS transistor are interchangeable. The voltage magnitude at the terminals determines which one is the source. The source voltage from an n-channel transistor is always lower than the drain voltage. The source terminal in a p-channel device is determined by which terminal has the higher voltage. The MOS transistor is a four-terminal device where the substrate is the fourth terminal. The substrate is referred as the bulk terminal. The bulk terminal on an nchannel device is almost always connected to the most negative potential in the circuit i.e., the negative power supply. Normally the p-channel device bulk is connected to the positive power supply. However, for CMOS technologies at least one of the transistor types will be formed in a well substrate and do therefore not need to be connected to one of the power supply nodes. The bulk in a well is often connected to the source to reduce the body effect. Drain Source Vgs Id Gate Gate Bulk + + Bulk Id Vgs Drain Source p-channel MOSFET n-channel MOSFET Fig. D.1 The symbol of a PMOS and NMOS 77 APPENDIX D The threshold voltage The gate-source voltage that makes the attracted electron concentration in the substrate close to gate equal to the hole concentration in the substrate far from gate, is called transistor threshold voltage and denoted VTHN. The threshold voltage is defined as VTHN = VTHN 0 + γ ( 2φ F + VSB − 2φ F (eq. D.1) where γ is the body effect coefficient and φF is the electrostatic potential of the substrate. VTHN0 is threshold voltage when the source is shorted to the substrate, a socalled zero-bias threshold voltage. Large-Signal Modeling The relationship between the drain current and the drain-source voltage in a MOS transistor differs depending which region it operates in. There are two different useful regions, triode and active. In the triode region (also referred as linear) the drain source voltage relates to the drain current as I D = µ 0 C ox W L 2 ⎡ (⎢ Vgs − VTHN )VDS − VDS ⎤⎥ 2 ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ (eq. D.2) where µn is the mobility of electrons and Cox the gate capacitance. The drain current increases with the drain-source voltage until the drain end of the transistor becomes pinched off. This pinched off occurs for V DS = VGS − Vtn = Veff (eq. D.3) When the transistor is pinched off the current no longer depends on Vds but only Vgs, the transistor is in the active region. The relationship Id and Vgs is given by substituting eq. D.3 into eq. D.2, resulting in ID = µ 0 C ox W 2 L (V − VTHN ) 2 gs (eq. D.4) The drain current in eq. D4 is independent from the drain-source voltage, an approximation that does not concern the channel-length modulation. The channellength modulation is the effect that occurs when the channel length becomes shorter due to higher VDS. A decrease in the channel length increases the drain current and VDS do thereby affect ID. A more accurate expression of the drain current is given by ID = µ n C ox W 2 ⋅ L (V [ − VTHN ) 1 + λc (VDS − Veff ) 2 gs 78 ] (eq. D.5) APPENDIX D Small-Signal Modeling A small signal model of a NMOS transistor in the active region is shown in Fig. C.2. The small-signal model shown is only valid for DC or low frequency voltage. When operating a MOSFET at high frequencies the impact of parasitic capacitance becomes large and the model of fig C.2 is no longer valid (a high frequency model is not presented in this text). id D G vgs S gmvgs gmbvbs rds S vsb B Fig C.2 The small signal model of an NMOS transistor The forward transconductance or gm is given by the slope of ids versus vgs. The transconductance for a MOSFET gives the ratio between the output current and the input voltage, i.e., the signal transfer. The transconductance is given by gm = ∂I D ∂VGS (eq. D.6) and can be expressed with voltages by inserting the derivative of eq. D.4 g m = µ 0 C ox W (Vgs − VTHN ) L (eq. D.7) If the bulk is connected to the source no bulk transconductance occurs and the bulk current is ignored. When the transistor has a bulk-source voltage a current is generated due to the body effect. The bulk transconductance for a MOSFET is given by g mb = ∂I D γ = ⋅ gm ∂VSB 2 VSB + 2φ F (eq. D.8) where γ and ΦF are values given by the transistor manufacturer. The last parameter added to get a useful model is the output resistance ro or output conductance gds=go=1/ro. The output resistance is given by ro = 1 λI DSat 79 (eq. D.9) APPENDIX D Second Order Model Effects The MOS transistor model presented above is simplified and neglects a number of important effects. Some of the missing effects in the basic model are the second order effects. The basic model is commonly used, even though it is simplified, because it is easy to use and it generates a basic design that is later optimized by simulations. The second order effects are mostly used in just simulation programs which give them tools to achieve a more realistic transistor model. These effects are only briefly presented here, for more details [15, 16, 17]. Most second order effects are due to narrow or short channel dimensions and hence called short channel effects. These effects include mobility degrading, reduced output impedance and hot carrier effects (such as oxide trapping and substrate currents). Differences in the temperature also cause changes in a MOS transistor behavior. The threshold voltage and the transconductance parameter change with temperature. The effects due to temperature differences can be derived to the changes in the mobility of electrons caused by altering temperature. An interesting feature of CMOS is the possibilities to predict the speed of the circuits with a new process. With only the knowledge of the dimensions of the new process the speed can be predicted. This is known as the scaling laws [18]. The scaling laws were developed for digital CMOS and can not be applied to analog circuits in CMOS. Analog circuits require capacitances, resistances etc. to ensure the correct function. Therefore, analog circuits cannot be scaled without re-evaluating the circuit to ensure its performance and functionality [18]. 80 APPENDIX E Appendix E The Current Mirror Current mirror building blocks are used both as current sources and active loads to amplifier stages. An important property of the current mirror is its high output resistance. VCC IIN IOUT IN OUT Current mirror VIN VOUT COMMON Fig E.1 A block model of a current mirror Simple Current Mirror A basic NMOS current mirror is shown in Fig. D.2. What makes a current mirror useable is that its two transistors, if they are identical, have the same drain current. ID2 is the circuit’s output or mirrored current and is often used as a current source. To understand how a current mirror works, study Fig D.2, where the current ID1 through M1 is corresponding to VGS1. Assuming the transistors are in saturation the same current or a multiple to ID1 is flowing through M2 because they have identical gate source voltage. The current ID1 is given by I D1 = β1 2 (VGS1 − VTNH )2 (eq. E.1) and the mirrored current ID2 flowing in M2 is I D2 = I 0 = β2 2 81 (VGS 2 − VTNH )2 (eq. E.2) APPENDIX E It can be desirable to determine ID2 with consideration to ID1. If VDS1= VDS2 the ratio between the output and reference current is given by I D2 I D1 W2 L W L β = 2 = 2 1 = 2 W1 W1 L2 β 1 L1 (eq. E.3) The reference drain current ID1 is calculated by using I D1 = VDD − VGS − VSS KP ⋅ W1 2 = ⋅ (VGS 1 − VTNH ) R 2 L1 (eq. E.4) The output impedance of the mirror equals to the drain source impedance of M2 . 1 (eq. E.5) rout = rds 2 = gm2 It is a criterion that M2 is saturated to make the current mirror work. To ensure that M2 is saturated the minimum voltage across M2 has to be VDS 2,min = VGS − VTHN ID1 ID2 M2 M1 Fig E.2 Schematic of a basic current mirror 82 (eq. E.6) APPENDIX E High Output Impedance Current Mirrors It is desirable to have current mirrors with high output-impedance. High outputimpedance generates a better linearity and accuracy to the mirror. Two commonly used current mirrors with improved output impedance are the cascode and the Wilson mirror. THE CASCODE CURRENT MIRROR To get higher output impedance, cascode-connected transistors can be used. Through a small signal analyses the output impedance is calculated to rout = rds 4 (1 + g m 4 rds 2 ) + rds 2 (eq. E.7) which can be simplified to rout ≅ rds 4 ( g m 4 rds 2 ) (eq. E.8) Hence, the output impedance has been increased by a factor gm4rds2 compared to a basic current mirror. The minimum output voltage needed to keep the transistors in the active region is Vout > VDS 2 + Veff = 2Veff 1 + VTHN (eq. E.9) This means that the cascode mirrors output swing is lower than the basic current mirrors. VDD Iin Iout M3 M4 Vout M1 M2 VSS Fig. E.3 Schematic of a cascode current mirror 83 APPENDIX E WILSON CURRENT MIRROR The Wilson current mirror is shown in Fig D.4. By using negative feedback Wilson current mirrors can have a high output swing and remain its stability and high output impedance. The feedback in the mirror works as follows. Iin is a stable reference current that does not get affected of the rest of the circuit. If Vout increases Id3 also increases. The current through M2 is mirrored to M1, which means Id1 equals Id3. Because Iin does not change and I1 is higher than Iin a voltage drop occurs at node A. The voltage drop decreases Vgs3 and the current though M3 is stabilized. The output impedance is given by ⎛g r ⎞ rout = rds 3 ⎜ m1 ds1 ⎟ ⎝ 2 ⎠ (eq. E.10) which is roughly half the impedance of the cascode current mirror. The minimum output voltage to keep both M3 and M4 in saturation is Vout = VGS 2 + VGS 3 − VTHN (eq. E.11) VDD Iin Id3 A M3 Vout M1 M2 VSS Fig E.4 Schematic of a Wilson current mirror 84 APPENDIX F Appendix F Transmission Line Theory The ideal wire has no resistance, no capacitance and no inductance, such a wire is not physically realizable. Fig F.1 shows how an infinitesimal segment of a wire can be modeled. R, L, G and C are given in terms of ohms/meter, henrys/meter, siemens/meter and farads/meter. Rdx Ldx Cdx Gdx Fig F.1 A model of an infinitesimal segment of a wire The differential equation of the current and voltage in the infinitesimal segment of the transmission line in Fig. F.1 are ∂V ∂I = − RI − L ∂t ∂x (eq. F.1) ∂I ∂V = −GV − C ∂t ∂x (eq. F.2) Differentiating eq. F.2 and substitute it into eq. F.1 gives ∂ 2V ∂V ∂ 2V ( ) = − + + + RGV RC LG LC ∂t ∂x 2 ∂t 2 85 (eq. F.3) APPENDIX F Lossless The conductance of a transmission line is usually very small (G=0). A simplification of eq. F.3 with (G=0) results in ∂ 2V ∂V ∂ 2V = RC + LC 2 ∂t ∂x 2 ∂t (eq. F.4) For wires with large resistive loads such as on-chip wires, the inductance is usually negligible. If the second term in eq. F.4 is ignored, the equation becomes similar to the diffusion equation. However, most off-chip wires can be modeled as a lossless wire. Assuming R=G=0 in eq. F.4 results in ∂ 2V ∂ 2V = LC 2 ∂x 2 ∂t (eq. F.5) Eq. F.5 is very similar to the wave equation. A solution to eq F.5 for a wire of length d, has the following solutions A forward traveling wave with the equation: x⎞ ⎛ V f ( x, t ) = V ⎜ 0, t − ⎟ v⎠ ⎝ (eq. F.6) A reverse traveling wave with the equation: d − x⎞ ⎛ V r ( x, t ) = V ⎜ d , t − ⎟ v ⎠ ⎝ (eq. F.7) Where v is the speed of the wave. v = L ⋅C (eq. F.8) However, real off-chip wires always have some losses and the signal behavior is most accurately described by a combination of the diffusion and the wave equations. 86 APPENDIX F Impedance of a Line An expression for the input impedance of the transmission line in Fig. F.2 is Z 0 = Rdx + Ldx + 1 (eq. F.9) 1 Cdx + Gdx + Z0 where Z0 is the total input impedance. Rdx Ldx Cdx Z0 Gdx Z0 Fig F.2 An infinite wire with the total impedance of Z0 [19] Rearranging eq. F.9 gives Z 0 (Cs + G ) − Z 0 (R + Ls )(Cs + G )dx − (R + Ls ) = 0 2 (eq. F.10) Since dx is infinitesimal the term in the middle approaches zero and can be excluded. Rearranging and excluding the middle term of eq. F.10 results in ⎛ R + Ls ⎞ Z0 = ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ G + Cs ⎠ 0.5 (eq. F.11) Thus, the wire impedance is independent of the length of the transmission line. If the line is approximated with a lossless (LC) line, the impedance of the transmission line is Z0 = 87 L C (eq. F.12) APPENDIX F The impedance in a lossless wire is independent of frequency and the length of the transmission line. From the perspective of the drivers, it is like driving a purely resistive load. We can now derive the current traveling wave equations from equation F.6, F.7 and F.12 If = V f ( x, t ) Ir = − (eq. F.13) Z0 V r ( x, t ) Z0 (eq. F.14) The negative sign because the current is by definition traveling in the positive xdirection. Reflections When a transmission line is of finite length, a consideration of what happens when a traveling wave reaches the end of a transmission line must be taken. The transmission line is always terminated in some way, ZT corresponds to the impedance associated with the impedance of the termination. If 2Vi(d,t) Ir Z0 + - ZT IT Fig F.3 A model of a transmission line of finite length Vi is the incident wave, Z0 the characteristic impedance of the transmission line, and ZT the impedance of the termination. IT in Fig. F.3 is given by IT = 2Vi Z 0 + ZT (eq. F.15) where Vi is the first incident wave. From Fig F.3 we can also see that I r = I f − IT = 88 2Vi Vi − Z 0 Z 0 + ZT (eq. F.16) APPENDIX F Rearranging eq. F.16 gives Ir = Vi Z0 ⎛ ZT − Z 0 ⎞ ⎟⎟ ⎜⎜ ⎝ Z 0 + ZT ⎠ (eq. F.17) If we rewrite this expression we have the Telegrapher’s equation. Where Γ is called the reflection coefficient Γ= I r Vr Z 0 − Z T = = I i Vi Z 0 + Z T (eq. F.18) The Telegrapher’s equation tells us that when ZT= Z0 (perfect match) the refection coefficient is equal to zero. Thus, there is no reflected wave. Moreover, if ZT=∞ (open circuit termination) then Γ=1 which implies that the reflected wave is equal to the incident wave. Similarly, when Γ=-1 (ZT=0) (short circuit termination) the reflected wave is equal to the incident but with opposite sign. Thus, they cancel each other out. Multiple reflections Fig F.4 Multiple reflections caused by termination mismatches If the transmission line is not terminated properly in neither the far- nor the near-end, multiple reflections occurs. Fig. F.4 illustrates this phenomenon, when both far- and near-end is terminated to 500Ω. The delay in the wire is 2.5ns. In theory it is enough with terminating one end of the transmission line. This has a positive impact on the abortions of spurious reverse traveling waves at the source. These reverse traveling waves can be the result of cross talk [19]. 89