1 Accuracy of RSS-based Centroid Localization Algorithms in Indoor Environment Paolo Pivato, Graduate Student Member, IEEE, Luigi Palopoli, Member, IEEE, and Dario Petri, Fellow, IEEE Abstract—In this paper we analyse the accuracy of Global Positioning System (GPS) solves many localiza- indoor localization measurement based on a Wireless Sen- tion problems outdoor, where the devices can receive sor Network (WSN). The position estimation procedure is the signals coming from the satellites, but the system based on the Received Signal Strength (RSS) measurements collected in a real indoor environment. Two different is hardly usable indoor. Moreover, the wireless nodes classes of low computational effort algorithms based on present some advantages in terms of system miniatur- the centroid concept are considered, namely the Weighted ization, scalability, quick and easy network development, Centroid Localization (WCL) method and the Relative cost and reduced energy consumption. Span Exponential Weighted Localization (REWL) method. Most of the proposed localization solutions rely on the In particular, different sources of measurement uncertainty are analysed by means of theoretical simulations and experimental results. Index Terms—Wireless Sensor Networks, localization, centroid algorithm, propagation model. Received Signal Strength (RSS) measurements. In fact, the RSS can be used to estimate the distance between the unknown node (called target node) and a number of reference nodes with known coordinates (called anchors or beacons). The location of the target node is then I. I NTRODUCTION determined by multilateration [5]. In the last few years the use of Wireless Sensor Unfortunately, some studies showed the large vari- Networks (WSNs) has become commonplace in different ability of the RSS, due to the degrading effects of fields, ranging from environmental monitoring in harsh reflections, shadowing and fading of the radio waves [6], and hostile areas to precision agriculture, from security [7], [8], [9]. As a result, localization methods using the and surveillance to medicine and industry and – more RSS are affected by large errors and lack of accuracy. recently – home automation and assisted living [1], [2], However, RSS-based techniques remain an appealing [3], [4]. approach [10]. This is mainly due to the fact that RSS A recent indoor application for Wireless Sensor Net- measurements can be obtained with minimal effort and works is the localization of moving targets. This ap- do not require extra circuitry, with remarkable savings plication is motivated primarily by the low cost of in cost and energy consumption of the sensor node. In this solution and the lack of effective positioning and fact, most of the WSN transceiver chips have a built-in tracking systems working inside buildings. Indeed, the Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI), that provides June 15, 2011 DRAFT 2 RSS measurement without any extra cost. In the literature there exist many works about RSSbased outdoor localization, most of which analyse the allows us to provide an insightful interpretation of the limitations of the approach, which can be useful for future developments. problem through simulations and experimental data [11], The remainder of this paper, which extends what [12]. Conversely, to the best of our knowledge, less at- has been presented in [15], is organized as follows. tention has been given to RSS-based indoor localization. Section II contains the related work. Section III describes The available results are obtained mainly by means of the experimental framework, detailing the measurement simulations. The models adopted in these simulations scenario. The characterization of the indoor propagation use either the same or different path-loss exponents for channel is presented in Section IV, dealing with the the each link but they usually do not account for the adopted channel model and the related channel param- different non-idealities of radio transmissions in indoor eters estimation. In Section V, after a brief overview environments [13]. In fact, there is a lack of experimental on the centroid localization approach, we analyse the data, which are necessary to adequately validate the algorithms used in our experiments mainly on the base proposed solutions [14]. of both meaningful simulation and experimental results. The aim of our work is to investigate the accuracy In Section VI we conclude the paper. of RSS-based indoor localization. Thus, we propose a deep analysis of the impact on the measurement accuracy II. R ELATED W ORK of different disturbing phenomena such as reflections, As stated above, the vast majority of studies on RSS- diffraction and scattering, and the influence of the error based localization has been performed in outdoor envi- introduced by low computational complexity localization ronment. Conversely, the effects of spurious disturbances algorithms recently proposed in the literature. Although on the accuracy of RSS-based indoor localization have the study is carried out for particular classes of algo- received little attention in the literature. Moreover, a rithms, we believe the proposed methodology is by a small number of published papers is based on experi- large extent generalizable. mental results obtained from real indoor test beds. At first, we consider the log-distance path loss model, There exist several algorithms that can be used to widely used for the analysis of indoor wireless channels, determine the position of a target through RSS mea- and characterize it with respect to a specific measure- surements – some of them are geometric methods, like ment context. In this case our goal is the identification Lateration or Min-Max, whereas some others are based of the channel parameters by applying linear regression on statistical approaches, like Maximum Likelihood. to a significant set of measurements. RADAR [14] provided one of the first experimental Besides the characterization of the adopted channel works on indoor localization using IEEE 802.11 radios propagation model, we carry on analysing the accuracy for wireless LAN. It was based on a RSS mapping tech- of the so called Weighted Centroid Localization (WCL) nique, in which a set of RSS measurements with known and Relative Span Exponential Weighted Localization coordinates was collected a priori in the observation (REWL) algorithms. The proposed metrological charac- area. Then the location of a target node was computed terization of the RSS-based indoor localization system on-line by searching for the RSS values nearest to the June 15, 2011 DRAFT 3 0 current measurement in terms of some defined metrics. Test points Anchors 50 100 The average location error reported by RADAR was 150 The authors of [16] tested a RSS-based outdoor lo- Distance [cm] 200 approximately 3 m. 1 4 7 10 2 5 8 11 3 6 9 12 250 300 350 400 calization methodology exploiting the Minimum Least 450 500 Squares algorithm, after modelling the propagation chan- 550 600 nel. The deployment of anchors had density of one node 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Distance [cm] 450 500 550 600 650 700 over 25 m2 on an area of 500 m2 . The average distance Fig. 1. Location test points within the room. error obtained was about 3 m. In [17] an extensive indoor RSS measurement campaign was carried out in order to tune the parameters equipped with the IEEE 802.15.4 compliant Chipcon of the assumed channel model. Then, the collected RSS CC2420 radio module. The antenna is a 2.4 GHz planar data have been used off-line as inputs for two localization inverted-F (PIFA) printed on the dielectric substrate of methods, that is the Min-Max and the Bayesian filtering the circuit board, feed by a coplanar waveguide (CPW). algorithms. A distance error of the order of 5 m and of It is located on the border of one of the short sides of 2 m was achieved for the two algorithms respectively. the node. We used this type of platform because of its In order to avoid the creation of RSS maps, complicate probability models or high computational effort remarkable popularity in the academic community and the wealth of software available. algorithms, the authors of [18] proposed an approxi- The experimental test-bed was a rectangular room of mated indoor localization based on a weighted centroid size 5.8 m × 4 m, furnished with a couch, a bookcase put approach [19] combined with RSS measurements in on the wall, a table and a settle. Therefore the considered an IEEE 802.15.4 sensor network . The weights were environment well emulated a real ambient living room. defined as inversely proportional to the RSS values The system infrastructure was composed of 1 mobile measured between the target and each anchor node. The node (the target), 1 base station node (the sink) and 12 solution was tested in a square room with side length fixed nodes (the anchors). The mobile node was set on of 3 m, using 4 anchor nodes displaced at the corners a dielectric support 50 cm high and stood upright. The and 1 target node located in 13 different positions. The linoleum floor was divided into 68 test point located on obtained relative localization error varied between 7.8% a grid with a resolution of 50 cm. They are represented and 26%. The weighted centroid approach is one of the with circles in Fig. 1. The 12 fixed nodes were hanged localization algorithm examined in the next sections. on the ceiling, 260 cm high. They are represented with squares in Fig. 1 and are labelled with a number. The III. T HE MEASUREMENT CONTEXT displacement of the fixed nodes formed a rectangular The sensing platform used in our experimental set- grid covering all the monitored environment. In the up was a TelosB wireless sensor node produced by test bed deployment phase we experimented different Crossbow Inc. It is an open-source wireless node, placements of the nodes on the roof and on the ceiling, based on Texas Instruments MSP430 microprocessor and in order to verify the existence of an optimal cover- June 15, 2011 DRAFT 4 age pattern assuring the communications among all the ± 1 dBm. nodes. As a matter of fact, we verified that the radio link was good in any configurations. We tested also several relative antenna orientation between target and anchor IV. C HANNEL CHARACTERIZATION A. Indoor radio channel propagation model pairs, without noticing remarkable differences in the RSS values measured. Then we arranged the mobile node and the fixed nodes so as their antennas were mutually oriented one towards the others. The system performs the RSS measurements from the messages exchanged between the mobile node and each anchor node. The low level communications between the nodes are carried out by the services provided by TinyOS. The mobile node sends a ping to the 12 anchor nodes requesting a response. Then each anchor node replies in turn with a message containing the node ID and the transmitted power level. When the mobile node receives a reply message, it measures the signal strength through the built-in Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) and reads the other information contained in the message. The process is repeated several times. All the measured RSS data are sent to the base station, which is connected to a laptop personal computer. Finally the collected RSS values are processed and analyzed to extract statistical information and to evaluate the result of the localization algorithms described in Sec. V. In order to minimise the exchange of messages and the energy consumption, data collection and processing should be performed on the sensor node. We made a different choice because using a personal computer allows for an exhaustive statistical analysis, which is the main purpose of this paper, and an easier implementation of different localization algorithms. In order to characterize the indoor propagation channel we assume that the signal strength follows the logdistance shadowing path loss model proposed by Rappaport [20] . This propagation model is widely used in indoor wireless link budget and is given by: d RSS(d) = RSS(d0 ) − 10η log +w d0 (1) where d is the transmitter-receiver distance, d0 is a reference distance, η is the path loss exponent – the rate at which the signal decays – and w is a space-stationary zero-mean Gaussian random variable with variance σw 2 . RSS(d) is the received signal strength and RSS(d0 ) is the signal received at the reference distance (both in dBm). An alternative formulation for equation (1) is: d +w (2) RSS(d) = Ptx + K − 10η log d0 where Ptx is the transmitted power (in dBm) and K is the attenuation factor at the reference distance d0 . Let d denote the true distance between mobile and anchor node, and dˆ denote the distance estimated by inverting (2) and using the measured value for the RSS(d). Under the assumptions made in (1), applying the law of uncertainty propagation [21] to (2), we obtain that the distance estimator is biased and its relative bias is given by: b[ dˆ] σ2 ' 0.03 w2 d η (3) while the relative standard deviation results: each of the 68 test point locations, resulting in a total σ[ dˆ] σw ' 0.23 d η amount of 24480 RSS values collected. The achieved Both these formulas have been validated by simulations measurement repeatability was quite high, always within not reported here for the sake of conciseness. The measuring process was repeated 30 times for June 15, 2011 (4) DRAFT 5 −60 In particular, from (3) and (4) we have: −63 (a) −66 (5) Considering η ranging between 1 and 4, as commonly occurs in practice, expression (5) returns values in −69 −72 −75 RSS [dBm] b[ dˆ] σw ' 0.11 ˆ η σ[ d ] (0.03 σw , 0.11 σw ). Thus the distance estimator bias −78 −81 −84 −87 −90 could be significant. For instance, for η = 2.3 and −93 −96 σw = 6.1 dB, as occurs in our experimental results, we −99 have b[ dˆ]/σ[ dˆ] ' 30%. −102 200 300 400 Log−distance [cm] 500 600 700 −60 Moreover, according to (4), the relative standard de- −63 (b) −66 viation of the estimated distance increases of about 5% −69 to 20% for each dBm of RSS standard uncertainty. Thus −72 the model (1) is very sensitive to RSS uncertainty. To RSS [dBm] −75 we can conclude that any distance estimator based on −78 −81 −84 the best of our knowledge this interesting result has not −87 been reported in the literature before. −93 −90 −96 −99 B. Channel parameters estimation −102 200 300 400 Log−distance [cm] 500 600 700 The data set of RSS measurements, collected as described in Sec. III, was used to estimate the channel parameters K and η. The transmission power Ptx was set Fig. 2. RSS measurements and related channel models considering (a) the 4 anchors in the corners of the room, and (b) all the 12 anchors reported in Fig. 1. to −25 dBm in all nodes. This value was chosen because it was the minimum available power level ensuring a complete coverage of the room, thus allowing a good to 0.42. Moreover, the standard deviation of the RSS balance between coverage and energy consumption. The measurements was σw = 6.1 dB, leading to a relative reference distance d0 , which is related to the antenna far bias on the estimated distance of 17%, and a relative field region, was set equal to 10 cm. standard deviation of 60%, as provided by (3) and (4) The channel parameters were firstly estimated by ap- respectively. plying the linear Least Squares Method (LSM) to all the As a second step, we analyzed the path loss model 24480 RSS values collected, obtaining K = −17.2 dB considering each anchor node individually, while the and η = 2.3. The achieved result is shown in Fig. 2(b), mobile node is still moved in each of the 68 test points. where the dots represent RSS measurements and the The channel parameters K and η were still estimated by solid line refers to the theoretical path loss model de- using the LSM for each data set of 2040 collected RSS rived by the linear regression. In order to determine if values. the data well fit the derived parameters we computed Then we considered the 4 anchors (# 1, 3, 10, 12) also the regression coefficient ρ, which resulted equal located in the corners of the room and the 6 anchors June 15, 2011 DRAFT 6 TABLE I configuration given by the 4 anchors in the corners and L OG N ORMAL C HANNEL PARAMETERS the 2 anchors (# 5, 8) in the middle of the room. We collected 8160 and 12240 RSS values respectively and, Anchors # as described before, we used these values to estimate the η K [dB] σw [dB] ρ 1 − 12 2.3 −17.2 6.1 0.42 1 3.1 −6.8 5.1 0.58 2 2.2 −19.0 4.4 0.48 3 3.3 −0.4 6.4 0.53 4 0.5 −46.2 5.9 0.15 channel parameters η and K through the LSM. Table I lists the log-distance channel parameters estimated in each case, together with the error standard deviation and the related regression coefficient. As we 5 3.6 0.2 6.1 0.44 can see, the channel model error standard deviation is 6 2.4 −17 6.8 0.35 nearly constant for all the considered sets of anchors, 7 1.1 −36.7 5.7 0.17 while the resulting path loss exponents is quite changing. 8 1.9 −25.1 7.5 0.24 In particular, considering the channels related to each 9 2.9 −8.4 7.5 0.42 10 2.8 −9.3 5.9 0.50 11 2.0 −22.7 5.3 0.45 single anchor, it ranges from a minimum of 0.5 for the anchor #4 to a maximum of 4.1 for the anchor #12. The 12 4.1 11.7 6.1 0.63 1, 3, 10, 12 3.4 0 6.0 0.56 1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 12 2.7 −11.3 6.4 0.48 corresponding regression coefficients behave in a similar way, ranging from 0.15 to 0.63 respectively. From a distance estimation point of view, these anchors represent the worst and the best case respectively. Indeed a higher value of the regression coefficient means that the data received by the related anchor carry more information in Fig. 3 for the case of 4 and 12 anchors respectively. about the unknown distance. It is worth noticing that the Both distributions show a behaviour far from Gaussian, 4 anchors located in the corners of the room provided conversely to the assumption commonly made in the the highest value of the regression coefficient, thus they literature [20]. can be considered as the more informative ones. To the Moreover, we considered the RSS error histograms best of our knowledge, no previous work has reported obtained for different distance intervals of equal ampli- remarkable differences of the channel parameters when tude (i.e. 50 cm and 100 cm). The obtained histograms considering each anchor node singularly. However, given noticeably differ each other, suggesting a non-stationary the different locations of the anchors, the received signal behaviour of the RSS error with respect to the distance, is expected to be not affected by the same reflections, unlike we would expect from the model suggested fading and multi-path interference, thus leading to a in [20]. significant difference in the channel models. It is worth noticing that similar observations on the irregularity V. L OCALIZATION ALGORITHMS of the wireless communication channel were presented The localization problem can shortly be for- in [22], in which an extension to the isotropic radio malised as follows. Consider a set of nodes N = model for outdoor environment was proposed. {A1 , A2 , . . . , An }, each one with a fixed and known The histograms hw of the RSS error w are depicted June 15, 2011 position (hence the name anchors). In this paper we are DRAFT 7 30 anchor distance estimations obtained through the RSS measurements, and range-free, which determine the po- (a) 25 sition of the target node without performing distance 20 estimation [5], [23]. hw 15 In the following subsections we analyse two different methods, respectively the Weighted Centroid Localiza- 10 tion (WCL) algorithm and the Relative Span Exponential 5 Weighted Localization (REWL) algorithm. The former 0 −20 −15 −10 −5 0 5 10 15 belongs to the class of range-based solutions, while the w latter is a range-free approach. Both algorithms are char- 120 100 acterized by a low computational effort. This, combined (b) with low transmission power, allows to significantly limit 80 hw the node energy consumption. 60 A. Weighted Centroid Localization 40 The WCL algorithm is based on the so called Cen20 troid Localization (CL) proposed in [24]. This solution 0 −30 −25 −20 −15 −10 −5 0 5 10 15 w approximates the location p of the target node by calculating the centroid of the coordinates ai = (xi , yi ) of RSS error histograms obtained considering (a) the 4 anchors the so called visible anchor nodes, that is the nodes for in the corners of the room, and (b) all the 12 anchors reported in Fig. 1. which a communication has been established during the Fig. 3. measurement. More specifically, the estimated position of the target node is given by: tion, since the third dimension usually is not of primary m 1 X · ai p̂ = m i=1 interest in indoor environment. Thus the position of an where m is the cardinality of the subset N of visible anchor is a 2-tuple ai = (xi , yi ), where xi and yi are anchors. It is worth noticing that when the target node evaluated with respect to an origin O. Let p denote the communicates with all the anchors, that is all anchors position of a target moving node of unknown coordinates are visible, the centroid results the centre of the anchors (x, y), and RSSi denote the measured intensity of the coordinates. working with the common assumption of 2-D localiza- (6) signal strength from anchor ai experienced by the target. Notice that the CL approach assumes all the visible The goal of a RSS-based localization algorithm is to anchors equally near the target node. Since this as- provide an estimate p̂ = (x̂, ŷ) of the position p given sumption is most likely not satisfied in practice, in [19] the vector [RSS1 , RSS2 , . . . , RSSn ]. the introduction of a function which assigns a greater We can recognize two class of RSS-based localization weight to the anchors closest to the target was proposed. algorithms: range-based, which use several target-to- The result is the WCL algorithm, which estimates the June 15, 2011 DRAFT 8 position of the target node as: (a) n X (dˆi−g · ai ) i=1 n X (7) (dˆi−g ) 140 80 120 70 100 60 ealg [cm] p̂ = 90 i=1 80 60 50 40 40 20 30 where dˆi is the distance between the target and the 0 536 490 20 445 anchor ai , estimated through the RSSi of the visible 399 353 307 262 anchors. The exponent g > 0 determines the weight 216 [cm] 170 217 264 311 358 405 451 498 545 592 639 10 [cm] of the contribution of each anchor. If g = 0 then p̂ is (b) 120 simply the sample mean of the ai and the WCL reduces 140 100 120 to the CL approach. Increasing the value of g causes the ealg [cm] anchors to reduce the range of their “attraction field” 100 80 80 60 60 40 with respect to the mobile node, thus increasing the 20 40 0 536 490 relative weight of the nearest anchors. 445 399 The plots in Fig. 4 show the results of simulations 353 307 262 running the WCL algorithm with 4, 6, and 12 anchors 216 [cm] 170 217 264 311 358 405 451 498 545 592 20 [cm] (c) positioned as described in Section III and IV and choos- 70 ing g = 1.8. Each surface represents the algorithm error 140 ealg in terms of the distance between the true position 100 60 120 ealg [cm] and the position estimated using the WCL algorithm with 639 50 80 40 60 40 a grid resolution of 5 cm. The algorithm inputs were the true distances between the target and the anchors, 30 20 0 536 490 20 445 399 calculated from their known coordinates. As we can see, 353 307 262 [cm] passing from 4 to 12 anchors the error globally decreases 216 170 217 264 311 358 405 451 498 545 592 639 10 [cm] while it is drastically reduced in the proximity of anchor Fig. 4. WCL distance error for g = 1.8 considering (a) the 4 anchors locations. Furthermore, we can observe that using 6 anchors the error tends to increase with respect to the 4 in the corners of the room, (b) 6 anchors, and (c) all the 12 anchors reported in Fig.1. anchors configuration. This is likely due to the presence of the 2 additional anchors placed in the centre of the room, which increases the centre clustering behaviour Otherwise, the noise affects significantly areas with small featured by algorithms based on the CL approach. error values, usually located near the centre of the room, Similar error surfaces were obtained assuming that an Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) with different so increasing the centre clustering behaviour of the algorithm. values of standard deviation affects the RSS measure- Table II and III respectively show the mean and the ments. We noticed that, on average, the maximum values root mean square (RMS) values of the total distance of the algorithm error are little sensitive to the noise. error in the estimated position etot , achieved by running June 15, 2011 DRAFT 9 the WCL algorithm on the experimental data, with 4, TABLE II WCL A LGORITHM M EAN D ISTANCE E RROR 6 and 12 anchors, and considering different values of the exponent g within the range (1.0, 1.8). In particular, the algorithm inputs were the distances between the target and each anchor, estimated by inverting (2) and 4 anchors using the RSS values measured in each of the 68 test points, as described in Section III and IV. The same 6 anchors Tables also summarize the mean and the RMS of the algorithm distance error ealg and the experimental noise distance error ew determined for the same sets of anchors and values of the exponent g. The experimental noise 12 anchors g 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 µtot [cm] 113 113 116 120 124 µalg [cm] 67 52 42 38 40 µw [cm] 78 89 99 107 114 µtot [cm] 116 112 110 109 110 µalg [cm] 94 83 75 69 64 µw [cm] 55 63 71 78 84 µtot [cm] 123 117 114 111 109 µalg [cm] 87 73 60 50 41 µw [cm] 50 59 68 76 83 distance error was obtained as the difference between the position estimates determined by running the WCL algorithm using both the true and the estimated distances. Notice that this latter error is due to the noise component w in (2). In particular, Table II and III show that, on first approximation, the mean µalg and the RM Salg of the algorithm error depend little on the anchor number and decrease with a raising exponent g. This behaviour is partially compensated by the noise error, whose mean µw and RM Sw values increase with an increasing value of g and decrease with a raising number of anchors. As a result, the effect of the algorithm error on the total error in negligible for the 4 anchors, while it counts for 6 and decreasing of the regression coefficient, using more anchors reduces the effect of noise by a factor which is smaller than the square root of the number of anchors. In any case, expression (8) can provide some useful hints on the expected effect of noise in different system configurations with changing number of anchors. Fig. 5 depicts the cumulative histograms H of the WCL estimation errors considering the 4 anchors in the corners of the room and all the 12 anchors. As expected the median total estimation error is about 1 m using both 4 or 12 anchors. Indeed the 4 anchors in the 12 anchors. Considering any two different anchor configurations (e.g. 4 and 12 anchors) it is interesting to note that the ratio of the correspondent mean µw and root mean square RSSw values of the noise error reported in Table II and III tend to be inversely proportional to the square corners carry most of the information about the unknown distance, as shown in Section IV. Notice also that the use of 12 anchors, although does not produce a significant reduction of the average estimation error, has a beneficial effect on the maximum error. root of the product between the number of anchors n and the regression coefficient ρ given in Table I. That B. Relative Span Exponential Weighted Localization The REWL is a RSS-based range-free localization is: r µw ∝ 1 n·ρ r RM Sw ∝ 1 n·ρ (8) Since a growing number of anchors results in a June 15, 2011 algorithm recently proposed in the literature [25]. This algorithm is inspired by the the WCL method. The weights are obtained by the relative placement of the DRAFT 10 TABLE III 1 WCL A LGORITHM RMS D ISTANCE E RROR 0.9 g 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 RM Stot [cm] 129 130 134 139 144 0.8 0.7 4 anchors 6 anchors 12 anchors Halg Htot Hnoise 0.6 RM Salg [cm] 73 60 51 47 46 RM Sw [cm] 92 105 117 128 137 RM Stot [cm] 129 126 125 125 126 0.3 RM Salg [cm] 101 90 82 75 71 0.2 RM Sw [cm] 64 74 83 90 97 0.1 RM Stot [cm] 134 130 126 124 122 RM Salg [cm] 95 80 67 55 46 RM Sw [cm] 57 67 77 85 92 H 0.5 0.4 (a) 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Error [cm] 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 Halg Hnoise Htot 0.6 anchor RSS value within the span of all the RSS values H 0.5 measured by the target node. In the estimation of the 0.4 target position, the REWL algorithm favours the anchors 0.3 which exhibits higher RSS values and therefore are likely 0.2 (b) 0.1 to be closer to the target node. This is obtained using a 0 0 weighting factor λ according the exponentially moving 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Error [cm] average concept [25]. The estimated target node position Fig. 5. is given by [25]: n X p̂ = Cumulative histograms for the WCL localization algorithm errors considering (a) the 4 anchors in the corners of the room, and (b) all the 12 anchors reported in Fig. 1. [(1 − λ)RSSmax −RSSi × ai ] i=1 n X (9) RSSmax −RSSi (1 − λ) i=1 the REWL algorithm for λ = 0.15, with 4, 6, and 12 where RSSmax is the maximum value in the span of anchors, with a grid resolution of 5 cm. The inputs of the RSS values measured by the target node. Suggested the algorithm were the theoretical RSS values that might values for λ, experimentally determined, range from 0.10 be measured by the target in each point of the grid to 0.20 [25]. in the absence of noise. These values were evaluated In fact, assuming the path loss model (1), it can be using the path loss model (2), considering for each set of shown that in case of no noise the REWL algorithm anchors the related channel parameters η and K reported reduces to expression (7), where g ranges between 0.5 in Table I, and the true distances d between the target and and 3.9 when η and λ assume values in (1, 4) and the anchors, calculated from their known coordinates. (0.1, 0.2) intervals respectively (see Appendix). The transmission power was assumed to be Ptx = Fig. 6 shows the surfaces representing the algorithm −25 dB and the reference distance was d0 = 10 cm. distance error ealg , obtained by running simulations of Clearly, the error tends to decrease with the increasing June 15, 2011 DRAFT 11 (a) 90 As previously highlighted for the WCL, the 6 anchors 80 configuration exhibits higher algorithm error values with ealg [cm] 140 120 70 100 60 Moreover, we analysed also the error surfaces obtained 80 50 60 40 20 0 536 490 445 399 353 307 262 216 [cm] 170 217 264 311 358 405 451 498 545 592 40 by assuming the RSS values affected by AWGN. Assess- 30 ment on these are similar to the ones drawn for the WCL 20 algorithm. 639 10 120 estimated position etot , achieved by running the REWL algorithm with 4, 6, and 12 anchors, and considering 140 100 120 λ = 0.10, λ = 0.15, and λ = 0.20. The algorithm inputs 100 ealg [cm] Tables IV and V list the mean and the root mean square (RMS) values of the total distance error in the [cm] (b) 80 80 were the RSS values measured by the target in each of 60 40 60 the 68 test point, as described in Section III and IV. The 40 same Tables report also the mean and the RMS values 20 of the algorithm distance error ealg and the experimental 20 0 536 490 445 399 353 307 262 216 [cm] 170 217 264 311 358 405 451 498 545 592 639 noise distance error ew . This latter error is determined [cm] as the difference between the position estimates achieved (c) 140 80 by running the REWL algorithm on both the theoretical 70 and the measured RSS values. As we can see, the mean 60 µalg and RM Salg of the algorithm error depend on the 120 100 ealg [cm] respect to the 4 anchors configuration. 80 50 60 number of anchors but they feature a different behaviour 40 40 as the weighting factor λ changes. In fact, with 4 anchors 20 30 they increase passing from λ = 0.10 to λ = 0.20, 0 536 490 20 445 399 353 307 262 [cm] 216 170 217 264 311 358 405 451 498 545 592 639 10 whereas with 6 and 12 anchors they decrease significantly when λ increases. The mean µw and RM Sw of [cm] the noise error decrease with an increasing number of REWL distance error for λ = 0.15 considering (a) the 4 anchors, while they decrease with a raising value of λ. anchors in the corners of the room, (b) 6 anchors, and (c) all the 12 As regard the mean µtot and RM Stot of the total error, Fig. 6. anchors reported in Fig.1 they depend little on both the anchors number and the weighting factor λ. Fig. 7 shows the cumulative histograms of the local- number of anchors. The shape of the error surfaces is ization errors resulting when running the REWL algo- substantially similar to the one of the WCL algorithm, rithm with λ = 0.15 and for the 4 anchors on the corners with the exception of the 4 anchors configuration which of the room and for all 12 anchor nodes respectively. features an higher error around the centre of the grid. Considerations similar to those expressed for the WCL June 15, 2011 DRAFT 12 TABLE IV 1 REWL A LGORITHM M EAN D ISTANCE E RROR 0.9 λ 0.10 0.15 0.20 µtot [cm] 111 114 125 0.8 0.7 4 anchors 6 anchors 12 anchors Halg Hnoise Htot 0.6 µalg [cm] 38 58 77 µw [cm] 95 117 130 µtot [cm] 116 106 105 µalg [cm] 82 62 59 0.2 µw [cm] 56 76 91 0.1 µtot [cm] 127 113 105 µalg [cm] 83 49 30 µw [cm] 51 75 92 H 0.5 0.4 0.3 (a) 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Error [cm] 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 Halg TABLE V Hnoise Htot 0.6 REWL A LGORITHM RMS D ISTANCE E RROR H 0.5 0.4 λ 0.10 0.15 0.20 RM Stot [cm] 127 131 144 RM Salg [cm] 47 59 82 RM Sw [cm] 111 138 157 RM Stot [cm] 130 121 120 RM Salg [cm] 89 69 65 RM Sw [cm] 69 91 107 RM Stot [cm] 139 126 120 RM Salg [cm] 91 54 33 RM Sw [cm] 61 87 104 0.3 4 anchors 6 anchors 12 anchors 0.2 (b) 0.1 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Error [cm] Fig. 7. Cumulative histograms for the REWL localization algorithm errors for λ = 0.15 considering (a) the 4 anchors in the corners of the room, and (b) all the 12 anchors reported in Fig. 1. effort algorithms based on the centroid concept, called WCL and REWL, was analysed. The measurement system was deployed in a real indoor environment and, by algorithm can be done. In particular, for the 12 anchors on-line running of the adopted algorithms, it provided configuration the maximum total distance error etot is the estimated position of a target node in different test limited, while the algorithm distance error ealg is not points inside the observation field. negligible. At first we characterized the wireless propagation channel using a model largely adopted in the literature. VI. C ONCLUSION We showed that this model is affected by a quite high In this paper we analysed the accuracy of indoor relative bias and standard uncertainty. Thus, we might localization based on RSS measurements collected by a expect that the error increases as the distance from the WSN. The accuracy of two classes of low computational anchors increases. This is most likely due to the severe June 15, 2011 DRAFT 13 propagation conditions of the indoor radio channel, that A PPENDIX is affected by reflections of the signals against the walls, E QUIVALENCE BETWEEN REWL AND WCL the floor and the ceiling. Moreover, we noticed that the information carried by each anchor strongly depends on the anchor position. Thus, for all the considered localization algorithms, a growth of the anchors number does not necessarily improve the measurement accuracy, conversely to what we would expect. Even tough the error introduced by the analysed algorithms is not negligible, the measurement uncertainty is mainly due to the noise associated to the wireless propagation channel model. In any case, the ALGORITHMS Considering the path loss model given by (1), and assuming the noise component w negligible, the received signal strength experienced by the target at a distance di from the anchor ai can be expressed as di RSSi = RSS0 − 10η log d0 (A.1) According to (A.1), the maximum RSSmax of the received signal strength corresponds to the minimum distance dmin between the target and the anchor node, that is measurement uncertainty is as high as few tens of percent RSSmax = RSS0 − 10η log of the size of the observed indoor environment. dmin d0 (A.2) Subtracting (A.1) from (A.2) and replacing in (1) we Although we cannot claim that this work provides the obtain ultimate answer to all the questions related to the RSS- n 10η log X (1 − λ) based localization in indoor environment, in our opinion p̂ = it offers some interesting insights on the topic. To the (1 − λ) as a relative distance uncertainty. Also, starting from the experimental data, we suggest that the noise component of the error is inversely proportional to the square root of the product of the anchors number and the regression coefficient of the channel propagation model. × ai 10η log di (A.3) dmin i=1 relationship between absolute and relative distance error, highlighting how the RSS uncertainty tends to propagate dmin i=1 n X best of our knowledge, our study first points out the di from which, using the properties of logarithms, we have 10η log(1−λ) n X di × ai dmin p̂ = i=1 n (A.4) 10η log(1−λ) X di dmin i=1 Expression (A.4) reduces to (7) defining g = 10η log(1− λ). We also analysed the uncertainty introduced by the use of approximated localization algorithms, such as WCL and REWL. 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Estrin, “GPS-less Low-Cost Chair of the IEEE Italy Section, which gather almost 5000 researchers Outdoor Localization for Very Small Devices,” Personal Com- from Italian Universities and Companies in the area of Electrical and munications, IEEE, vol. 7, no. 5, pp. 28–34, Oct 2000. Information Engineering. Also, he has been a Co-founder and General [25] C. Laurendeau and M. Barbeau, “Relative Span Weighted Local- Chair of the Ph.D Schol International Measurement University (IMU) ization of Uncooperative Nodes in Wireless Networks,” in Pro- of the IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Society and General ceedings of the International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Chair of various international Conferences and Workshops. He has Systems and Applications. WASA 2009, Aug. 2009. chaired the Italian research line on Measurement for the Information Society of the Italian Society of Electrical and Electronic Measurement (GMEE), from 2002 to 2008 and the Italian Ph.D. School on Measurement and Information Society of the same Society from 2002 to 2005. He is currently the Vice-chair of the GMEE, which gather researchers from Universities, Metrological Institutes and Companies Paolo Pivato received the M.Sc. degree in the field of measurement and instrumentation. Dario Petri is an in Telecommunication Engineering from the Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and University of Trento, Italy, where he is cur- Measurement, a member of the AdCom of the IEEE Instrumentation rently working toward the Ph.D. degree in and Measurement Society and a Fellow member of the IEEE. Dr. Petri Embedded Electronics and Computing Sys- has authored or co-authored over two hundred papers published in tems at the Department of Information Engi- international journals or in proceedings of peer reviewed international neering and Computer Science. His principal conferences. Research activities of Dario Petri are in the area of research interests focus on localization in Wireless Sensor Networks measurement science and technology, and they are focused on data and embedded systems design and development. acquisition systems design and testing, embedded systems design and characterization, fundamentals of measurement theory, uncertainty evaluation methods, statistical inference methods, application of digital signal processing to measurement problems, measurement for quality management systems. Luigi Palopoli graduated with a degree in computer engineering from the University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy, in 1992, and received the Ph.D. degree in computer engineering from Scuola Superiore SantAnna, Pisa, in 2002. He is an Assistant Professor of Computer Engineering at the University of Trento. His main research activities are in embedded system design with a particular focus on resource-aware control design and adaptive mechanisms for QoS manage- ment. He has served in the program committee of different conferences in the area of real-time and control systems. June 15, 2011 DRAFT