Life-safety equipment and location inspections

Life-safety equipment
and location inspections
Ensuring that life- BY PAUL AMENDOLA
sa fet y equipment
and locations are reg u larly
i ns p e c te d c a n he lp re duc e r isk s
associated with disasters, and in fact
is the responsibility of the building owner and/
or property manager. It is critical that staff conducting
inspections know all the equipment locations and proper
inspection procedures. A slip-up from gross negligence
can not only be costly, but also has the potential
to damage a building owner’s and/or management
company’s reputation and leave them defending their
actions to governing bodies.
The law
Provincial legislation and particular insurance policies dictate the frequency of
life-safety equipment and location inspections. The Ontario Fire Code (
mandates that equipment such as fire extinguishers must be inspected every
30 days (monthly). Ontario’s Occupational Health and Safety Act states that
inspections of electrical rooms, first aid kits, eye wash stations and so forth
must be conducted at intervals that will prevent the development of unsafe
working conditions.
Legislation also identifies the types of deficiencies and conditions to look
for during these inspections. If a deficiency is found during an inspection, it’s
important to quickly resolve it. For example, for fire equipment, the National
Fire Protection Association’s (NFPA) 10 7.2.3 states that when an inspection
of any extinguisher reveals a deficiency, immediate corrective action shall
be taken. ( The consequences of not
taking immediate action and an
accident occurring is a fine not more
than $ 5 0,0 0 0 or imprisonment for a
term of not more than one year, or
b oth, p er O nt ar io’s Fire P rote c tio n
an d P reve nti o n A c t .) N ot c he c k in g
or knowing that a particular piece of
equipment or location requires attention
will not absolve the responsible party of
The tools
The use of a pen and paper to record
inspections is still common. Staff
members or third-party contractors are
assigned particular locations to inspect
along with a corresponding checklist of
items. As equipment and/or locations
are inspec ted , any deficiencies are
re c o rd e d in a n ote s e c t i o n . T h e s e
inspection sheets are then submitted to
management for review. Management
verifies the sheet and contacts the
appropriate personnel regarding any
S of t ware so lutions are now also
available to facilitate inspections. Staff
members or third - p ar t y c ontrac tors
a re simil a r l y a s si g ne d l o c ati o ns to
inspect. The individual then goes to
each location, which will have already
been logged into the software database
with its specifications (i.e. the size of
a fire ex tinguisher). T he equipment
or location has an existing Near Field
Communication (NFC) tag af fixed to
it, and staf f members use scanners
to complete their inspections. Upon
scanning an NFC tag, the staff member
is prompted to select from options that
indicate whether the equipment is in
order, missing or requires service. The
software includes help and instructions
on w h at to lo ok for to guid e st af f
conducting inspections.
T he inspection results are logged
into a database. If any deficiencies are
identified, they are automatically sent
to pre - programmed personnel, such
as proper t y management or relevant
c ontrac tors. T he sof t ware provides
users with an overview of the building
that indicates which equipment and
l o c a t i o n s h ave a n d h ave n ot b e e n
inspected, and which are deficient.
Disasters happen, but being prepared
can help reduce safety risks and protect
a building owner and/or management
company from both brand damage and
legal liability. Being duly diligent and
ensuring everything is in order before
disasters strike requires proper and regular
inspections of life - safet y equipment
and locations. Managing this process to
keep up-to-date on inspections and to
immediately resolve deficiencies is critical
to the overall success of preventing
unwanted events. 1
Paul Amendola is the chief executive
o f fi c e r o f R a p i d Ev a c E m e rg e n c y
C o m m u n i c a t i o n s I n c ., a To ro n t o based firm that specializes in software
solutions for safety insp ections,
occupant accountability during
evacuations and mass notifications.
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