
MATH 304 Linear Algebra, Section 4
Instructor: Dr. Joseph Brennan
Classroom: FA 209
Time: M W F 3 : 30 − 5 : 00 pm
Office: LN 2235
Office Hours: M W F 2 : 15 − 3 : 15 pm
Math 304 by M. Brin and G. Marchesi, 13th edition, 2013.
Course Objectives:
We will cover the first six chapters of the textbook. We aim to have a solid and sound understanding of
real vector spaces. We will study basic properties of such vector spaces, linear maps between them and
operators, eigenvalues and eigenspaces of operators, and inner-products on vector spaces.
Calculus I (Math 221 or equivalent).
MATH 304 is a loosely coordinated course where all sections take common exams. There will be three
common mid-term exams of 60 minutes and a common final exam of 120 minutes. The three mid-term
exams are scheduled for
– Monday, September 30, 7:30 p.m.
– Wednesday, October 30, 7:30 p.m.
– Wednesday, December 4, 7:30 p.m.
The common final exam is scheduled for Thursday, December 19 at 7 p.m. in LH 001. Each mid-term
exam will be worth 60 points and the final exam will be worth 120 points. Thus the three exams together
will be worth 300 points.
There will be 6 quizzes, each worth 5 points. Thus all the quizzes together will be worth 30 points.
Quiz 1: Wednesday, September 11.
Quiz 2: Monday, September 23.
Quiz 3: Monday, October 14.
Quiz 4: Friday, October 25.
Quiz 5: Wednesday, November 13.
Quiz 6: Friday, November 22.
Homework will be regularly assigned but not graded.
Grading Policy:
The total number of points available on exams, homework, and quizzes is 330. Tentative Grading Scale:
– 88% for A.
– 75% for B.
– 62% for C.
– 50% for D.
Success in MATH 304 depends largely on your attitude and effort. Attendance and participation in class
is critical. It is not effective to sit and copy notes without following the thought processes involved in the
lecture. For example, you should try to answer the questions posed by your lecturer. Students who do not
actively participate have much more difficulty.
However, be aware that much of the learning of mathematics at the university takes place outside of the
classroom. You need to spend time reviewing the concepts of each lecture before you attempt homework
problems. It is also important to look over the textbook sections to be covered in the next lecture to
become familiar with the vocabulary and main ideas before class. That way you will better be able to
grasp the material presented by your lecturer.
As with most college courses, you should expect to spend a minimum of 2 hours working on your own for
every hour of classroom instruction (at least 6 hours per week). It can also be very helpful to study with a
group. This type of cooperative learning is encouraged, but be sure it leads to a better conceptual understanding. You must be able to work through the problems on your own. Even if you work together, each
student must turn in his or her own work, not a copied solution, on any collected individual assignments.
Attendance Policy & Make-up Policy:
Registration in this course obligates the student to be regular and punctual in class attendance. Make-up
exams and quizzes will only be given in response to an excused absence. Excused absences include illness,
religious holiday, death in the family, or participation in official BU athletic events. To be excused, absences
should be properly documented, for example with a doctor’s note or an obituary. Bring documentation
to your lecturer. The document should be issued for the day of the excused absence. For example, if you
missed a test on Friday, you should provide me a Fridays doctors note. The makeup will be scheduled
within 1 week from the missed exam.
Students will NOT be given the opportunity to complete old assignments at the end of the semester to
improve their grades. When you receive a grade, whether on Blackboard or in class, you will have 1 week
to discuss that grade with me or your teaching assistant before it becomes FINAL.
Honor Code:
On all work submitted for credit by students, the following pledge is implied:
On my honor, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid in doing this assignment.
No form of cheating will be tolerated. I would like to be particularly explicit about the issue of copying,
either from books or from your peers. You are expected to obey the Academic Honesty Code.