APUSH Syllabus

APUSH 1 Syllabus Miss Hudacko Room 110 Course Goal: Advanced Placement United States History is a challenging course that is meant to be the equivalent of a freshman college course and can earn students college credit. It is a survey of American history from the migration of Native Americans across the Beringia to the Progressive Era. Solid reading and writing skills, along with a willingness to devote considerable time to homework and study, are necessary to succeed. Emphasis is placed on critical and analytical thinking skills, essay writing, and on interpretation of primary and secondary sources. Student will ● Master a broad body of historical knowledge ● Demonstrate an understanding of historical chronology ● Use historical data to support an argument or position ● Interpret and apply data from original documents Reading Diligent and focused completion of all reading assignments, as and when assigned, is the foundation for understanding and success in every Social Studies course. Students are responsible for all information in reading assignments and should be aware that not all information in the reading is covered during class time. Valuable class time is used to expand upon and deepen student understanding beyond the simple foundation provided for in the reading assignments. Perusal of online digital or another student’s notes is not a substitute. Reading Checks – students should be aware that all reading assignments are eligible for reading checks. Reading checks require students to demonstrate mastery of the reading assignment by demonstrating higher order thinking skills and the ability to make connections between the reading and broader topics and themes Textbook and Resources: 1. American History Connecting with the Past by Alan Brinkley 2. Lined paper 4. Teacher provided primary and secondary source readings (electronic and hard copy) Course Outline: Ch.1­ The Collision of Cultures (summer) Ch.2­ Transplantations and Borderlands Ch.3­ Society and Culture in Provincial America Ch.4­ The Empire in Transition Ch.5­ The American Revolution Ch.6­ The Constitution and the New Republic Ch.7­ The Jeffersonian Era Ch.8­ Varieties of American Nationalism Ch.9­ Jacksonian America Ch.10­ America’s Economic Revolution Ch.11­ Cotton, Slavery and the Old South Ch.12­ Antebellum Culture and Reform Ch.13­The Impending Crisis Ch.14­ Reconstruction and the New South Ch.16­ The Conquest of the Far West Ch.17­ Industrial Supremacy Ch.18­ The Age of the City Ch. 19­ From Crisis to Empire (first half) Google Apps: It is expected that students check their email on a daily bases for information on class activities, homework, and other assignments. Google Drive will be used to post all class resources, assignment sheets, and other helpful links on MLA format, primary sources and DBQ writing. Students will also be required to create a Google Drive folder to share with the teacher. Some assignments will be tuned in using this shared folder. Google Calendar will be used to keep students informed on upcoming deadlines and assignment dates. If emailing Miss Hudacko with a question or concern always allow for a 24 hour response time. With an immediate concern or question it is best to seek help before class, after class or during lunch (Only days 2 and 3 for help during lunch). Power School: All grades will be posted to Power School a week after the assignment was collected. Allow more grading time for tests, writing assignments, and Analytical Papers. A "M" in the gradebook means that the assignment is missing and it is the student's responsibility to met with the teacher during lunch to complete the assignment in a timely fashion. (See Absence section) Grade system is based on points: Tests/Projects/papers: 80­100pts Quizzes: 50pts Homework: 25pts Class Activities: 25pts Expectations: 1. Polite: Be respectful of your classmates, teacher and classroom; Discussion is an important part of the history classroom. All opinions will be presented respectfully and will be respected by the class. Opposing opinions will also be presented respectfully. Teasing, bullying, and talking back will not be tolerated. 2. Prompt: On time and in your seat working on the do now ​
the bell rings 3. Prepared: It is expected that you read the assigned pages for each class; Come to class with your iPad charged,lined paper, textbook, pens and pencils; Eat before coming to class not in class. 4.Productive: Maximize learning time by staying on task, and by following directions their first time they are given. Playing games on the iPads or distractions from other electronic devices will not be tolerated. 5. Patient: Wait respectfully for your turn. Listen and track the speaker when someone is talking Consequences: 1: Warning 2: Lunch detention and parent contact 3: Discipline Referral and parent contact *Students who severely disrupt learning in the classroom or make any other student feel unsafe will be immediately removed from the room. Absence: In the case of an excused absence: ● Students are responsible for making up missed work ● Students are expected to make up missed work including tests and quizzes on the day they return to school ● In the event of field trips students must make arrangements with the teacher regarding tests and quizzes before the event ● Students that are late to school or class will not be provided with extra time for work and students that are late to school and miss class should be prepared to make up work that same day ● Exceptions will be made for extended illness or other extenuating circumstances that arise In the case of an unexcused absence (cutting class): ● Students who cut class receive no credit for the day and receive a zero on missed work, including tests and quizzes Late Assignments: In general, assignments, projects, and papers will drop one full letter grade (10 pts) for every late day Turnitin.com: All formal DBQ, Analytical and Research Papers must be submitted to turnitin.com in addition to a hard copy turned in in class Act with Academic Integrity: Cheating, copying, plagiarism, falsifying data, and other unauthorized use of materials is dishonest and will not be tolerated. Most universities will expel a student who is caught cheating. In this class we will use an honor code similar to that found at many universities. Any major assignments (not submitted through Turnitin.com) quizzes, or tests you turn in must contain the following statement written and signed by you at the top of the first page before it will be accepted or graded. “On my honor I certify that this assignment is my own work and that I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this assignment.” Cheating or plagiarism will result in a zero for the assignment. Instances of plagiarism will be reported to the Assistant Principal. iPads: Students will be expected to bring their iPads to class, charged, on a daily basis. Not having your iPad is to be unprepared for the day. Student use of the iPads in the classroom is restricted to topics and materials which, per the instructor, further the implementation of the day’s lesson . Students who are off topic with their iPads risk negatively impacting their grade for the assignment and potentially face disciplinary consequences. 