The New-Zealander. ADF MONTHLY STEAMER BETWEEN SYDNEY AND AUCKLAND. FOR X Auckland Steam NaviTHE gation Company’s new and ship £alfS 6 What u-ould a property so situated in Auckland JVill not Onehunya in a few not be worth ? years be as far advanced as A uckland now is The above were two questions which suggested MELBOURNE DIRECT. r|A [Voi. 10. AUCKLAND, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28, 18'54 | No. 891. J ? e BAR QU E INV/NC IliL E i| , s jDFA &ales bp auction. Auction. IALE OF STOCK IN TRADE, FURNITURE, ETC. REAL ESTATE themselves to the agent, on surveying the underCaptain Brier, having now com- mentioned properties; it seems his duty to the quick dispatch. have powerful Screw Steam menced loading, will public to whom they are offered, no less than to their tons of freight. owner, to suggest them lor consideration. WILLIAM benny, Robert Has room for about fifty (30)apply to Horse-power, Passage, and 200 For or Freight 600 Tons, HANSARD has been favoured with PROPERTY, as ad Henderson and Maceaulane. Mailler, Commander, being under ConJ. NEWMAN will Sell by Auction the above VALUABLE the instructions of Mr. S. Furley, to Auckland, October 10, 1834. October, on the tract to the Provincial Government to carry Ibe 51st venised in ihc local papers, on TUESDAY NEXT, offer for Sale the Mails, is appointed to sail as under. o’clock. at Shortland-slreel, Premises, twelve in IN ONE LOT, OR IN LOTS TO SUIT PURCHASERS, FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER. FROM AUCKLAND. excellent properties in the undermentioned THE On or about the ord of October, A 1 brig ONEHUNGA. tt 3rd November. ETC. STOCK-IN-TRADE OF GROCERIES, KATE KEARNEY 3rd December. 1. Lot 10, of Section 21, situated in following day, EDNES* on the I). Co., Master. WESTON Houston, THOS. Auction, by tons, be Sold 1-47 Will by Princes—street, occupying the whole frontFROM SYDNEY, G. Duke, at eleven o’clock. age to that street, opposite the Market Place, HAY, Ist November, On or about the 13th of October. Queen-street. contents la. Ir. 8p. f having thereon a most a. 15th November. substantially-built Brick and Scoria House, ti u u tt December. with good shop front, and a scoria Bakehouse, “NORMAN MORRISON.” And will continue to sail monthly between with large oven, and every appliance for the >'-'*/woir’ivri7n c il,ie npe the above Ports, of which due notice will be Bakery business complete; and a weatheres boarded House adjacent. Stable, Store, &c.,&c. given from lime to time. of 2, Lots 5 and 7> {Section 21, adjoin the PASSAGE MONEY: ot mo Dins oi laumg inclosed in a most substantial wall above in ißeir terms goods Chief Saloon, including bedding &c., 451. laid down in grass. A quarry of Slone in Second cabin, 81. one corner, ample for a large house. Terms of Freight and every other infor3. Paitof Lot 9, same Section, adjoin both mation on application to the Agent at Sydney, PS Y.” the above. Has a large frontage to Prin ces“G 1 with a fourstreet, next the Brick House and in Auckland to the Undersigned. By order of the Board of Directors, by ibis vessel are roomed house a Store and Loft; blacksmith s Thomas Macky, requested to pass iheir entries Forge. OF THE LATE Secretary. and lake delivery of 4. I.ot. 9, of Section 9, Corner of Queen BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES OF THE ESTATE immediately, ||L||| ltl the HUGHES, of Church Street, opposite ESQ. Auckland, October 4, 4 85A. bills Stbfet and WELLESLEY lading. terms of their goods in Church. The land (one acre) is laid out in W. S. Guahame, SYDNEY. TO STEAM Agent. Garden and Orchard with great taste, and is j. NEWMAN lias been instructed by the Trustees o( the late Wellesley three lavishly stocked with every descriptian of 1854. 271h Hughes October, to Sell bv Auction, on the Premises in Shortland-street, within steam new and powerful will fruit trees and shrubs, in lull growth and which steamer, Sydney, from Denny,” the William the arrival of days alter ship “WM. DENNY,” LOCAL STEAM NAVIGA- bearing. A Cottage thereon. be nolilied or by placard AUCKLAND sale will of about the 2olh October—(the precise day 600 tons, Robert Mailler, 5. Lots 14 and 15 of Section 17, having be* TION COMPANY local papers) notice the in double frontage, oppos te to the Parade Commander, will sail for the above port All the REAL ESTATE comprised in the following lots: positively on Wednesday, November 4 st, at Directors request that those persons ground, and to a street running therefrom to three o’clock. who have taken shares will as early as the dry dock. LOT 1. LOT 10. 6. Lot 23. with a large frontage to QueenFor freight or passage, apply to pay their deposits of \L per share possible removed from Thomas Mackv, three in Shorlland-streel Properly street and allotments that All only 5 acres, 5 roods, and 9 perches of rich and the first call of If IDs., being half the of that street with the dock known as Mr. Hughes’s GROCERY STORE, Meadow LAND, being Lot 22, situated in the Secretary. amount of their Shares, and give their the junction reserve. Lower the with the GOOD-WILL of ihe Business. Suburbs of Auckland, at Pukekawa, adjoinQueen-street. Office, Wharf, promissory notes, at 4 months, for to was Bounded on the North by Shortland-slreet ing land belonging to W. S. Grahame, measures have it are The has since taking day long passed as they balance, FOR SYDNEY. on the East by Allotment No. 8, Esq., and the Lord Bishop of New Zealand, feet, value of 52 possible, to call attention to the necessary a boat running before Christmas if however, feet, 140 on the South by the second lot in bounded on the North by a road, 295 links; properties in Onehunga; it is not, 200 Shares unallotted. 50 feel, and on the West by on the East, bv Lot 25, ISOG links; on HTHE Fast-sailing Brig therefore be here this catalogue may at tin* Union known (and call payable generally Deposit and ALGERINE 1 leading to Chancery- the South, by a road, 295 links; and on the Melbourne Thompson's Lane, from Secthat a steamer mentioned) Dank of Australia or to W. C. Daldy, Johm Lillewall, Commander, feet. street, to and 140 directly continually same. trade West by Lot 21, 1511 links. for the intended give receipts who will will leave for the above port retary, with this colony by the Manukau at OoeThe BUILDING (erected on a substantial In offering the above PBOPEBTIES, the By order of the Directors, THIS DAY, Saturday. hunga, is now on the tapis at the former scoria foundation) comprises a large SHOP, Auctioneer feels, relieved from giving the For Freight or Passage apply to covering the entire frontage, a Back Parlour elaborate description usually required to place. A. W. HANSARD, John Woodhocse. time, will, Breakfast-room, with three Bed-rooms point out the advantages connected with the Hansard at convenient any and Mr. on the Queen-street, Ocf. 28, 4854. purchase; in this instance they are so clear LAND, ESTATE, HOUSE, AND GENERAL accompany intending purchasers to view these on the first floor; a Drawing-roomand two that every citizen can at once appreciate feet 12 by floor, feel, 20 properties. second AGENT, AND AUCTIONEER. Princes-street, Oct. 27, 1854. FOR SYDNEY. Side Booms. them. PUIXCES-STUEET, The Outbuildings in the yard comprise Lot I is universally admitted to be one of of 139 FARM, List of Woodvarying every Improved Carriage-house, Little FINE CONTINUALLY Hay-loft, brig “MOA,” 257 tons Stables, the very best business sites in iheCily ofAuckacres of very superior land, within a house, and a Store extending the entire land. Theeslablishmenl is the oldest and has Town, Country, and of description Bowden, James register, Properly for Sale or Lease. very short distance of Auckland, well length of the building, dry and floored continued to be the most lucrative GROCERY Commander, will sail for the Suburban for advance wooded and watered, with House and other- throughout. ready Several Sums of Money BUSINESS in the Province. The successful above port THIS DAY, the 28lh inst. for a already settler, on wise LOT 2 security. sufficient purchaser, with proper care, can scarcely be on board Passengers arc requested to Adjoins Lot 1 of this Catalogue, being fail to realize a fortune. There is no empty SALE. FOR This Day. noon by immediately in the rear of the Ironl premises, boast in these assertions. They are affirmed ONE OF THE FINEST FARMS IN THE A. W. Hansard, For freight or passage apply to SALE. COLONY FOR has 30 feel frontage to Thompson’s and believed by every one. and W. S. Grauame. Princes-street. Oct 27, 1834. Lane, leading from Shortland-slreet to Lots 2, 5, and 4 are offered separately to Auckland, 28lh October, 485-L a Building thereon, meet the circumstances of a larger circle of with MR. HANSARD Chancery-street, TO CAPITALISTS AND SETTLERS. 50 feet bv 20 feel, used as a Store. buyers, each being complete in itself; but FOR SYDNEY, FROM MANUKAU. Has been favoured with ilie instructions of LOT’ 5 to a person of sufficient capital they would George sell Estates New Zealand. in by private One of the finest Guahame, Esq., to rp II E A. I Clipper Brig, s Lane of 50 be most advantageously connected with the a to frontage Thompson Has Jl contract KESTREL rear of the front front premises. SPLENDID FARM, of three hundred 11/fR. HANSARD has been favoured with feel, also situated in the 200 tons, G. Wallace, commanfrom Lot 2 by separated i.TJL and McDonnell, premises, only Capt. instructions of Lots 5 and 0 are situated in the centre of iiic and fifty acres, in the well-known and der, wilt sail as above with im50 feet. of onr rapidity advancing City, as may be of about immediate purchaser an intervening space sell an (should district of to Mangarei; having R.N., much admired mediate despatch There are three COTTAGES upon this Lot, seen from the Lily Plan. offer) a considerable frontage to the Manukau For passage only Splendid Estate with two Booms each. In no part of Auckland arc improvements That to of and advillage Mangarei, close the Applv to LOT 4 made more rapidly than in the neigh& Burtt. being Station of Ihumatau. Bain joining the Mision UPON THE lIOKIANGA RIVER, at the corner of Chancery-street bourhood of Lot 7; and in no part could situated Is of the land this disin line qualities The MOTUKAIUKI. 11 lb October, 185 i. and Thompson’s Lane, and adjoining Lot 5. a purchaser find a more eligible site for a trict are too well known to require observan been lime any who have few, There are i This Lot has a frontage of 50 feet to Chan- Family Residence than Lots 8 and 9. They tion. The establishment of themselves in FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER. to whom ibis properly is not cery-slccei, and 40 feel to T hompson’s Lane. are belli fenced in, commanding a fine view Zealand, New immediate localities Greenby Major the actually or by representation; no The Buildings are, a COTTAGE, with two of the Harbour and its entrance, the City ■new schooner wood. Major Nixon, Messrs. Vercoc, Shep- known, description, therefore, which Mr. Hansard Booms on the ground floor, and one large and Suburbs, the Wesleyan College and its and Westncy, ISLE,” Gibson, others,—all EMERALD herd, be so likely to load them lo Boom above; also, a Carl-sited, and Store- extensive pleasure grounds,—all combining being well adapted for the Coastknown as amongst thebest practical farmers can pen would to this Sale, as their room below. attention mtm immediate to make it a site for a healthy and happy ing Trade, and will carry a large cargo, and in the Colony, speaks to this more fully than conviction of their own interests will unLOT 5 home. Being situated on the leading road feet ought else could do. being of a light draught of water, of links to Victoria- to the country, it cannot fail to become the doubtedly do. He therefore confines himof 50 frontage Has a be to show the will ophappy be a favourable Harsard Mr. when loaded, it would self to this short summary. street, and 50 links to a Government Lane, most fashionable drive from the City. portunity for the bar harbours on the East properly to any intending purchaser. There is a frontage of about a mile to this with a depth of 145 links, being subdivision In speaking of the Estate as a whole to 1831. Oct. Princes-sireet, 27, to Coast. Apply which a vessel of any ! of Town Lot 11, Section 10. in River, splendid those who knew the late proprietor, nothing John Porter, si/e can lie opposite to the properly. LO T 0, said, and to those who were not need be Queen-street, RESIDENCE AT DELIGHTFUL COTTAGE of the land is 2500 acres, a frontage of 55 privileged with his acquaintance, it may quantity 5, The Lot and has Adjoining or to Mn. P. John Oakes, ONEHUNGA. various portions of which have, at a former links to Victoria-street, with 55 links to the safely be added, that the different Lois have West Queen-street. lime, been cleared. same Government Lane, and the same depth been selected by one whose judgment on MR. HANSARD The land is all ol the finest description, as Lot 5. such mailers was rarely known to err. They Has been favoured with the instructions of a great proportion being available agriculLOT 7. LABOUR. may safely be said to form some of the best the proprietor, to sell by private con- tural land. Corner Allotment at the junction at Wake- sites in the metropolis of New Zealand, and tract Timber of all descriptions, especially that lield-slreet, Symond’s-strect, and Edwards’- circumstances may not soon arise to throw /CAPTAIN H. CAIN, BRIG fpHAT Commodious and Convenient COT- most suitable for sliip-buildiug purposes, slreet,—shown on the City Plan as Lot 84, such property into the market aga in. OCEAN, \J X FACE RESIDENCE most pleasantly abounds. to with a Street frontage of 50 feel. lo the coast proceeding The whole will be Sold without Reserve. —now of the land, to the beach of Onehunga, natural features situated close LOT 8. many The direct this to load for Melbourne, returning now in the occupation of Henry Smithies, (such as its intersection by large creeks in All that Allotment of Land being Lot Ha, port, is prepared through his Agents lo at once be seen can- Section 50, having a frontage to Symond’swill it Terms For Lots I, 2, 5, and 4, oneEsq. several parts,) depersons with enter into arrangements Auckland an hour’s ride of an but in quiet purchase money can remain on advertisement, roods nineteen third of the explained Within not be three streel, containing sirous of obtaining Mechanics, Servants, and —commanding an extensive and beautiful be learnt on application. at 10 per cent., and one-half of Mortgage mav <■. perches. Labourers. of the pretty township of OneN.B.—This land is some of that which LOT 9. the purchase money on Ihe remaining Lots. All necessary information may be obtain- prospectand of the banks of the Manukaii, pick of the when the whole 71, was chosen Allotment Lot Plans and particulars may be seen on aphunga, adjoining being The by or personally ed by early application more suitable spots for a present Su- Colony was at the option of the chooser. Section 50, containing 2 roods, with a fron- plication to the Auctioneer, and at the ofliee few' letter to burban residence could be found ; whilst Early application is necessary. of Tnos. Russell, Esq., Solicitor. tage to Symond’s street. Combes & Daldy, its adjacency to desiring imparl 3,4834. Pnnccs-slrccl, to a Oct. parly Lower Queen-street. to the future commercial part of Onchunga (being close to the Custom House reserve) SMALL FARM, about seven miles from IN THE ESTATE OF THE U PE MR. WELLESLEY HUGHES. Auckland, approached by land or water, its extensive frontages, the main of which TO BE LET ON LEASE. is to one of the principal streets of comnmnilion between the two harbours; indeed, mm A FARM of sixty acres of excellent Land holding much the same position in Onesituated on the Wahu, with a large from the Trustees in the above Estate, to sell by Auction, on H. 11. WILLIS & Co.'s hunga as the Auckland Custom House oc- frontage to the River. The whole fenced in, Have received instructionsthe sale of landed property advertised by Mr. Newman, following the day LINE OF PACKETS cupies inatShorlland-streel, —its future value and part in cultivation. A Dwelling House STOCK IN TRADE of GROCERIES, etc., comprising the Whole of the once apparent. BETWEEN will he and other necessary requirements for im- rphe The house contains six rooms, the princi- mediate occupation, to be let on lease. 'lhe X hu gest and most varied assortment of first class goods ever offered in this market, the LONDON AND NEW ZEALAND. in original packages lately imowner and present occupier, Mr. R. Skeen, stock being valued at 5000L, 15,001. worth of which is rPHE following first-class Ships are in- pal of which are large and well finished. colonies. Stable, from and the neighbouring England The out-houses are two-stalled deceased changes desirous of immediate bv the making ported 4. tended to be continued as Regular being and Retail Grocery Wholesale extensive Ac. for on an carrying There is every requisite (lighonse, Fowlhouse, in his plans, will authorise peculiarly Traders: slocked Lawn, Ac,, Garden, The well within a business. offering terms with a tenant Tons. liberal with vegetables and shrubs. 800 lew days. Cashmere G. Pearson, A fair rental will be secured to the pur600 For particulars apply to Monarch, F. Dud; chaser for a period if desired. James Scott, J. Putt, 600 A. W. Hansard, The condition liberal; and an immediate Estate Agent, Simlah James Turnbull 750 Princes-slrcet. sale ax peeled. Maori C. G. Pctherbridge, 900 Princcs-slivet, Oct. 37, 1854. October Clh, 1834. 900 Joseph Fletcher J. Foster, Cresstvell, W. C. Barnett, 700 delightful residence for sale. of Electro NOTICE. 1000 Josephine Willis, AS just received a choice lot of superior PLATED WARE, consisting and sauce candlesticks, and Cinder, chamber, piano T. soup stands, 700 of Houses cruet table Stately Slaughter gives plated Inspector npHE with and desert boon favoured and tea table desert, spoons, HANSARD lias R. J- notice (hat all persons slaughtering cattle ladles, electro plated and nickel silver, table, The Undersigned, Ag< mis for the above instructions to sell by private contract, in the district that he has removed from New- forks. Also—Brass table candlesticks. Japanned chamber do., ivory, table, and desert splendid Line of Vessels, are authorised lo I a mil y market to Parnell, &c., cautions all persons knives, metal coffee biggins and tea pots, tin, and copper kettles on stands, copper arrange with settlers here who may be on very easy terms, a commodious about a slaughtering lor sale, and that if they do not saucepans, American churn, tin, iron, and lire proof chests, wood bowl castors, table situated desirous of bringing their friends in Great Residence most delightfully pudding pans, shapes and walk of Frinccs-slreet quarler-of-an-hour’s give Notice as required by law, he will take castors, hammers, egg, whisks, gravy and gruel strainers, Britain out to this colony, and are prepared &c., &c. f'AWS. Bay. dishes, cans, or Commercial the of the hot water and SORBY’S in recovery penalty jugs for proceedings to at once either pay the passage money to on liana. Also,*—A large well assorted and cheap stock of Drapery all cases. Full particulars on application. them, or lo give satisfactory security for its TERMS-CASH. Smale, David G. A. W. Uaksakd, payment on arrival of the vessel. Inspector of Slaughter Houses. Estate Agent. Further particulars on application lo the evening. Honrs of business, seven in the morning, till 6 o clock in Parnell, 27th Oct., IBsd v Campbell Prinecs-strcel, Sib September 18.VI Brown OF THE LATE WELLESLEY HUGHES. MR. “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ THE MR. CONNELL AND HIDINGS iVill Soil by Auction, on Wednesday next, Ist of November, at the house of Mr. TreKeigutley s) gilgl's, (next door to Mr. in Queen-street QUANTITY OF DRAPERY and other — AShawls, GOODS, consisting muslins of— mantles, De laines, dresses Straw bonnets silk bonnets Artificial flowers, gloves , \> « “ “ Cloth “ SALE OF ; ; LANDED PROPERTY Extensive And Good-will CONSIGNEES o GROCERY RUSINESS. ; Cooking utensils, etc., ; Mu. THE “ THE etc., etc. CONNELL AND RIDINGS Will Sell by Auction, at their Mart, Queenstreet, THIS DAY, at iI o’clock, upright piano forte A case of cutlery A case of packing hammers A case of American hatchets 50 Tins black vaarnis, 28 lbs. each Spades, pistols, percussion caps Weighing machine, with weights An 10 Hogsheads stout 3 Hogsheads brandy 3 Ditto vinegar A large American tire-proof safe (W H* dor’s patent) Watches ] I I neckties Loo table, sofa, chairs Telescope table, 12 feel long A mahogany easy chair, covered with leather, and stuffed A very superior musical box, playing eight admired airs A handsome mantle-piece clock A cedar chest of drawers A large toilet glass, with marble slab Bedstead, wash stand “ , trowsers, , A A The Bleached rugs Blankets 14 Barrels stove dried salt -i cases ground coffee, in lib packages 2 ditto Barletia meal 15 boxes congou lea Bloaters in tins, salt codfish i cask hams Mustard, patent chocolate etc., " , A etc., etc. IMPORTANT SALE OF LAND. CONNELL AND RIDINGS Have received instructions to sell by Auction, at their Mart, Queen-street, THIS BAY, 28ih October, at one o’clock, r | WENTY ALLOTMENTS, containing A from one to two acres each, being a portion of that valuable and beautifully situated properly known as 14 Claxabov,” lately the residence of lames O’Neill, Esq., and iiow used as the Roman Catholic College. 1 Terms.—One fourth to be paid and deposited at the sale. The remainder within three months, or the deposit to be forfeited. i t ; CONE’S CREEK. CONNELL AND RIDINGS Will sell bv Auction, at their Marl, Queen- street, THIS DAY, 28th October, at one o’clock, if not previously sold, ALLOTMENT about two miles from town, containing 13 acres of excellent Land, with an extensive and available frontage to Coxe's Creek. AN THOS. WESTON AND CO. DWELLING HOUSE FOR SALE. CONNELL AND RIDINGS Will sell by auction, at their Marl, Queenslrect, THIS DAY, 28th hast., at 1 o’clock, i COMFORTABLE DWELLING ROUSE in Albert-street, opposite the New Independent Chapel; together with the land on which it stands, having a frontage of 58 feel 9 inches by a deplh of 105 feet. There is, a Government lane at the back of ihe AlluimaiU leading into Dm ham-slrcet. A Wei! wilha most abundant supply of water in the holiest weather. And a large Stable, about -40 feet long. , OUEEN STREET STORE. .... , . , , . . R. B. .... .... , SB ALDERS ALLOTMENT -- IN THE AUCKLAND. OF TIIOS, WESTON CO. sell by Auction, at their Stores. ShorlWill land-street, on Monday, the 30lli Oct., at one o'clock, ALLOTMENT in the town of Auckland, being allotment CO, section s(>, having a frontage of 30 links to Edwardstreet, by a deplh of 2<'7 links. & AN ’ TOWN