Novel Unidirectional Hybrid Three-Phase Rectifier System Employing Boost Topology Ricardo Luiz Alves, Carlos Henrique Illa Font, IEEE Student Member and Ivo Barbi, IEEE Senior Member Power Electronics Institute – INEP Department of Electrical Engineering Federal University of Santa Catarina – UFSC P. O. Box 5119 – Fax +55-48-234-5422 88040-970 Florianópolis, SC – BRAZIL E-mail:,, The paper presents a brief overview of some high power rectifier topologies and the mathematical analysis, the control scheme and the simulation results of the proposed hybrid rectifier. Abstract — This paper presents a new hybrid rectifier composed by the parallel association of a single-switch threephase Boost rectifier with a PWM three-phase unidirectional rectifier. According to this proposal, each rectifier processes about a half of the output rated power. Thus, it allows to improve the robustness and to provide a high efficiency to the system. The hybrid rectifier is capable of providing output voltage regulation and power factor correction. An overview of some high power rectifier topologies and the mathematical analysis, the control scheme and the simulation results of the proposed hybrid rectifier are also presented in this paper. I. II. OVERVIEW OF SOME HIGH POWER RECTIFIER TOPOLOGIES Power converters systems have a high variety of topologies with different complexity. The line commutedrectifiers are very simple and robust due to be composed by non controlled and/or semi-controlled switches, as diodes and thyristors. However, these structures present the inherent characteristic of high harmonic distortion in input currents. In the other hand, the self-commuted rectifiers are composed by active switches (as power MOSFETs, IGBTs and GTOs) and are capable to produce reduced effects on the mains. However, the complexity and the cost are increased. A basic overview of some high power rectifiers are performed in the sequence. INTRODUCTION Before the semiconductor invention, the use of rectifiers in industrial applications was made with the electromechanical contact converters (an AC motor coupled with a DC generator) and with the mercury converters [1]. A new stage started to high power converters when, in 1960, the first diode rectifier above 100kA was placed to the market, and, ten years later, the first thyristor plant of this rating was operational. The capability of to dissipate the internal losses is the restriction factor of semiconductor element usage. This way, to medium and high power converters, forced-cooled heatsinks are frequently used. However, depending on the application area and the required operational behavior some switches can not be applied. The concerns regarding restrictions in the harmonic content generated by the power converters, above all the framing in the standards IEEE 519 and IEC 61000-3-4, has been objective of many recently studies. Nevertheless, to obtain low THD (Total Harmonic Distortion) in high power converters can be quite a complex task. Some technological limitations restrict the use of certain topologies in pre-established power levels. The latest advances in high-power semiconductor devices have introduced newer solutions for high power conversion systems, however, the degree of acceptance of each technology vary in according with various industries and applications. The aim of this paper is to propose a new hybrid rectifier topology capable of providing sinusoidal input currents and output voltage regulation. 0-7803-9033-4/05/$20.00 ©2005 IEEE. A. Diode Rectifiers Diode rectifiers are the simplest of all rectifier topologies. Robustness and low cost are main attractive characteristics that allow these structures to be applied in high power applications. However, due to not allow, by it self, to control the output voltage, these converters are rarely applied in industrial applications, only in the cases when the output voltage control is not required. Other important factor that reduce the acceptance of this converters is the high THD observed in input currents. To compensate the harmonic distortion generated by the standards diode rectifiers, passive linear filters or power factor correction structures can be employed. Multipulse techniques are frequently found in high power applications. In these cases, special winding connections are used in transformers and, for this reason, they become, as the linear filters, heavy and bulky, however are extremely robust. A significant reduction in the final weight and volume can be achieved replacing the transformers by autotransformers with differential connections. However, for the 12-pulse structure six secondary windings and four interphase reactors are required. For the 18-pulse structure, twelve secondary 487 correction structures are employed, but, the complexity and the cost obtained are significantly increased. The development of soft-switching strategies and the design of an optimal layout are the great challenges that must be overcome to introduce these topologies in high power applications. windings and six interphase reactors. The disadvantage is that the insulation will be lost, but, in the other hand, the power processed by the autotransformer is only 20% of the rated power [2, 3]. These techniques improve significantly the quality of input currents (for the 12-pulse rectifier, the total harmonic distortion is approximately 14%, while for the 18-pulse structure, the obtained THD is approximately 9% [1]) but they do not allow to obtain the output voltage control. Two techniques can be used to achieve the output voltage control and increase the acceptance of these structures in industrial applications. The first one consists in the use of OLCTs (on-load tap changers), typically installed on the primary side of the transformers (or autotransformers). The major inconvenience is the need of a regular and preventive maintenance of the contact systems due to depreciation of the mechanical parts. The second way to obtain a load voltage control is introducing a variable impedance into the circuit through a saturable core reactor. This control range is limited in 60-80 volts [1]. E. Hybrid Rectifiers Hybrid rectifier denotes the series and/or parallel connection of a line-commuted rectifier and a self-commuted converter (PWM rectifier) [4, 5]. Moreover, the passive rectifier operates with low frequency and it handles the higher output power rating. Therefore, the active rectifier is designed to operate with small power ratings and with high switching frequency. The great attractive characteristic of these structures is that they combine the robustness and the efficiency of the linecommuted rectifiers with the low harmonic current production of the self-commuted rectifiers. Notice that the hybrid rectifiers can not be classified as an active filter due to the fact that the self-commuted rectifier, in this case, processes active power while the active filters have the characteristic of process only reactive power. B. Thyristor Rectifiers The thyristor rectifiers present the same robustness of the diode rectifiers. The complexity and the costs are a little increased due to gate drive circuit. The harmonic distortion of input currents is worst if compared with diode rectifiers but the output voltage regulation is possible with this structures. Due to the simplicity, reliability and efficiency, the thyristor rectifier has been, until today, the most commonly used rectifier configuration for high power applications. F. Summary Traditionally, three-phase AC-to-DC conversions are performed by diode or phase-controlled rectifiers. These rectifiers draw non-sinusoidal currents or reactive power from the source, deteriorating the electrical power system quality. Multipulse rectifiers can be used to improve the power factor [1-4]. In these structures special winding connections are used in transformers and, for this reason, they become also heavy and bulky, however are extremely robust. Switching-mode rectifiers are capable of drawing perfect sinusoidal currents form the power distribution network. However, they usually have very complicated control and power stage circuitry, thus the cost and mainly the implementation complexity of the PWM rectifiers are proportional to the rated power. The number of related publications shows that the focus of researches of rectifiers is in the area of self-commuted and hybrid rectifiers. The great challenge is to obtain a rectifier capable to gather the robustness, lightness, simplicity and the low cost of the passive rectifiers with the efficient reduction of the harmonic content of input currents obtained with the PWM rectifiers. This becomes a quite interesting research field with great possibility of future applications. C. Diode Rectifiers Cascaded by DC-DC Converters Uncontrolled diode rectifiers cascaded by DC-DC converters regulators are frequently used to compose a twostage rectifier. They were spread and consolidated in lowpower DC traction applications. The recent advances in high power semiconductors technologies, particularly the IGBT (insulated gate bipolar transistor) and the IGCT (integrated gate commutated thyristor) semiconductor type, allowed extend the use of these two-stage rectifier topologies in industrial applications. This technique results in lower weight and volume of magnetic elements, due to their high frequency operation. However, this structure can not be pushed to high power levels because its input currents do not meet the IEEE 519 and IEC6100-3-4 standards. III. THE PROPOSED HYBRID RECTIFIER As previously mentioned, the term hybrid rectifier refers to the parallel or series connection of a line-commuted rectifier and a self-commuted rectifier. The diagram of the proposed hybrid rectifier is presented in Fig. 1. It is composed by the parallel association of a single-switch three-phase Boost rectifier with a PWM threephase unidirectional rectifier. Each rectifier is responsible to process about 50% of the output power. Thus, the robustness is improved and a high efficiency is achieved. D. PWM Rectifiers Active rectification techniques are the most promising rectifier technology from a power quality viewpoint. A unity power factor and a very low harmonic distortion can be achieved. These structures are standard in low and medium power equipments, however not yet available to high current applications just due to unavailable of suitable cost-effective power electronic devices. In applications where the weigh and volume are decisive factors, active power factor 488 Self-commuted Rectifier Boost Converter LB 2 DB1 D2a D1a D1b D2b D1c S1 D1d D3a D2c D3b D2e D3d D2f D1f D1 D3e Co L1 L2 IA2 D3 SB Ro D4 LB V1(t) i1(t) V2(t) i2(t) V3(t) i3(t) D C S D3f DB2 IA1 D2 L D3c S3 S2 D2d D1e Line-commuted Rectifier D5 R gate D6 2 L3 IA3 IP3 gate IP2 V1 ~ I1 V2 ~ I2 V3 ~ PWM Gv(s) Gi(s) IP1 I3 V ref Voltage and current in Phase 1 Fig. 1. Proposed hybrid rectifier. Harmonic Analysis 0.12 i1(t) 0.10 THD = 32% 0.08 A. Line-commuted Rectifier with DC-DC Stage The single-switch three-phase Boost rectifier, presented in Fig. 2, shows a relative high power factor and is characterized in general by a very high utilization of the power components [4]. However, this structure can not be pushed to high power levels because its input currents do not meet the IEEE 519 and IEC6100-3-4 standards. The singleswitch Boost rectifier imposes a rectangular shape to input currents waveforms. The current control loop can impose only the amplitude of these currents, maintaining the output voltage constant under load variations. To compose the hybrid rectifier a little modification should be made in the circuit presented in Fig. 2. The modification consists in to split the Boost diode and Boost inductor to ensure the appropriated operation of the hybrid rectifier. Power Factor = 0.953 0.06 0.04 0.02 V1 (t) 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011121314151617181920 2122232425 Order n Fig. 2. Single-switch three-phase Boost rectifier. D2a D1a D3a Kv D1b D2b D1c S1 gate 1 D1d D2c D3b D2e D3d D3c S3 S2 gate 2 D2d D1e gate 3 D2f D1f D3e L2 + L3 gate 3 Gi(s) - PWM ref2 + gate 2 Gi(s) - PWM ref1 V1 ~ I1 V2 ~ I2 V3 ~ + I3 Line currents Waveforms - gate 1 Gi(s) PWM Harmonic Analysis 1.6E-02 i2(t) i1(t) THD = 3.14% Power Factor = 0.999 1.2E-02 8.0E-03 4.0E-03 i3(t) 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Order n Fig. 3. Unidirectional PWM three-phase rectifier. Three-Phase Diode Bridge IV. MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS Boost Converter iop (t) iP2 (t) To perform the mathematical analysis to the input current viewpoint, the output voltage is considered constant. Thus, the simplified circuit presented in Fig. 4 is adopted. Input voltages and input currents are supposed perfectly sinusoidal and expressed by (1). and Gv(s) D3f iP1 (t) ⎧i1 ( t ) = Ip ⋅ sin ( ω⋅ t ) ⎪ ⎪ o ⎨i2 ( t ) = Ip ⋅ sin ( ω⋅ t −120 ) ⎪ o ⎩⎪i3 ( t ) = Ip ⋅ sin ( ω⋅ t +120 ) Ro ref3 L1 B. Self-commuted Rectifier Theoretically any PWM three-phase rectifier can compose the hybrid rectifier. To assist the unidirectional requirements, the rectifier presented in Fig. 3 is settled. This topology allows to obtain a unity power factor and presents as advantage the reduced number of active switches [4, 6]. The main objective to be reached with the proposed hybrid rectifier is to employ the structures presented in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 to obtain perfectly sinusoidal input currents and load sharing characteristic. ⎧v1 ( t ) = Vp ⋅ sin ( ω⋅ t ) ⎪ ⎪ o ⎨v2 ( t ) = Vp ⋅ sin ( ω⋅ t −120 ) ⎪ o ⎩⎪v3 ( t ) = Vp ⋅ sin ( ω⋅ t +120 ) Vref Co iP3 (t) V1 (t) i1(t) V2 (t) i2(t) V3 (t) (1) i3(t) io(t) (passive) + Vo iA1 (t) (ative) ioa (t) iA2 (t) iA3 (t) Three-Phase PWM Rectifier Fig. 4. Simplified hybrid rectifier block diagram. 489 - To simplify the analysis, the system is considered lossfree. This way, the input active power Pin can be expressed by (2). Pin =3⋅ Vp ⋅ Ip 2 = Po = Vo ⋅ Io i L(t) (2) i 1(t) Where: - Peak value of input voltage; Vp Ip - Peak value of input current; Po - Output power; Vo - DC output voltage; Io - DC output current. Therefore, substituting (2) in (1): ⎧ 2 Po ⎪i1 ( t ) = ⋅ ⋅ sin(ωt) 3 Vp ⎪ ⎪⎪ 2 Po o ⎨i 2 ( t ) = ⋅ ⋅ sin(ωt − 120 ) 3 V p ⎪ ⎪ 2 P ⎪i3 ( t ) = ⋅ o ⋅ sin(ωt + 120o ) 3 Vp ⎪⎩ 30° Pop ≤ (3) 330° 3 ⋅ Po ≈ 0.552 ⋅ Po π (8) (9) Where: Poa - Active power processed by the PWM rectifier. The expression (8) is very important to define the active power sharing between the two converters. If this relation is not satisfied, the input currents will be distorted as depicted in Fig. 6. The shaded areas denote the intervals were the relation is not satisfied. (4) V. CONTROL STRATEGY The control loop scheme is presented in Fig. 7. The currents on the mains must be sampled and compared with their respective sinusoidal references. These references signals should be synchronized with the mains voltages. A good practical way to obtain these signals is through synchronization transformers. The errors produced by the comparisons between the sampled signal and reference signal are applied in their respective compensators and the PWM modulators generate the gate signals to the active rectifier. The Boost inductor current is also sampled and compared with a constant reference to generate the gate signal of the Boost switch in a similar manner. To compensate load variations, a single voltage control loop can be used. As can be observed in Fig. 7, the output voltage is compared with a constant reference and the error signal is applied in the voltage compensator. The load sharing pre-established by (8) is guaranteed by the gains k1 e k2 that must be settled to satisfy the expression (10). (5) Where: - Boost inductor current; IL Pop - Active power processed by the passive rectifier. Substituting (6) in (5) and analyzing the waveform of Fig. 5: if 30 o ≤ ω t ≤ 150 o 270° Poa ≥ (1 − 0.552 ) ⋅ Po ≈ 0.448 ⋅ Po Vp 3 ⋅ 3 Pop ⎧ 2 Po π ⎪ 3 ⋅ V ⋅ sin( ω t) − V ⋅ ⋅ 3 3 p p ⎪ i A1 ( t ) = ⎨ ⎪ 2 ⋅ Po ⋅ sin( ω t) ⎪3 V p ⎩ 210° Therefore, the active power rectifier operation limit is: Analyzing the passive rectifier current on phase 1, witch is depicted in Fig. 5, the relation (6) can be written: P π (6) I = op ⋅ L 150° Due to unidirectional characteristic of PWM rectifier, the instantaneous input power should have only positive values. Analyzing (7), the solution that satisfies this condition is presented in (8): Where: iA1(t), iA2(t), iA3(t) - Active rectifier input currents; iP1(t), iP2(t), iP3(t) - Passive rectifier input currents. This way: ⎧ 2 Po ⋅ sin( ω t) − i P1 ( ω t ) ⎪ i A1 ( t ) = ⋅ 3 Vp ⎪ ⎪⎪ 2 Po ⋅ sin( ω t − 120 o ) − i P 2 ( ω t ) ⎨i A 2 ( t ) = ⋅ 3 Vp ⎪ ⎪ 2 P ⎪ i A 3 ( t ) = ⋅ o ⋅ sin( ω t + 120 o ) − i P 3 ( ω t ) 3 Vp ⎪⎩ 90° Fig. 5. The relevant currents waveforms of the six-pulse diode bridge rectifier cascaded by Boost converter. However, the mains currents are composed by two parts; the first one originated by the active rectifier and the other one by the passive structure. This statement leads to (4). ⎧i1 ( t ) = iA1 ( t ) + iP1 ( t ) = Ip ⋅ sin ( ω⋅ t ) ⎪ ⎪ o ⎨i2 ( t ) = iA2 ( t ) + iP2 ( t ) = Ip ⋅ sin ( ω⋅ t −120 ) ⎪ o ⎪⎩i3 ( t ) = iA3 ( t ) + iP3 ( t ) = Ip ⋅ sin ( ω⋅ t + 120 ) i P1(t) IL 0≤ k2 ≤ 0.50 k1 (10) It is extremely important that the gains ratio established by (10) has been adjusted quite close to 0.5, but never greater than this value. If the ratio is grater than 0.5, the imposed line currents will be distorted. Otherwise, if the ratio is close to 0, the active rectifier will assume the output rated power. (7) o o ⎪⎧ 0 ≤ ω t ≤ 30 or if ⎨ o o ⎪⎩150 ≤ ω t ≤ 180 490 IL TABLE I i P1(t) Variable (a) SIX-PULSE DIODE BRIDGE INPUT CURRENT Ip i A1(t) I p- I L (b) PWM IDEAL INPUT CURRENT Ip SPECIFICATIONS USED IN SIMULATION Description Value Vp Peak of line voltage 311V Vin RMS input voltage 220V Vo Output voltage 650V Po Output power 20kW Lp Passive rectifier filter inductor 1.5mH L1 , L2 , L3 Active rectifier input inductors 2.5mH Co Output capacitor 4500µF fs Switching frequency 10kHz In Fig. 9 the main current and the input currents on phase 1 of passive and active rectifiers are depicted. As expected, the main current presents a sinusoidal shape. It must be observed that the power processed by passive and active rectifiers (proportional to the amplitudes of the passive and the active input currents) is about 50% of the total output power. i A1(t) (c) PWM REAL INPUT CURRENT Ip i 1(t) 400V 0V (d) TOTAL INPUT CURRENT Fig. 6. Currents on phase 1. -400V Lp1 i2p (t) i3p (t) V1 (t) i1(t) V2 (t) i2(t) V3 (t) i3(t) LINE VOLTAGES 50A i1p (t) Lp2 Dp1 Mp Dp2 0A + (passive) Co Ro - i1a (t) L1 -50A (ative) 0s i2a (t) 5ms 10ms 15ms 20ms 25ms LINE CURRENTS M1 Fig. 8. Input voltages and input currents. L2 M2 i3a (t) sen(wt) Voltage control loop Ha1 (s) PWM Gate M1 k1 Hv(s) Gate M2 0A - Sum Ha2 (s) PWM + Vref + Mult Sum k2 Mult sen(wt-120°) - -40A Sum + sen(wt+120°) 40A M3 Sum + - L3 Ha3 (s) PWM Gate M3 Mult Iref Mult PWM Current Control Loop + Sum - Hp(s) PWM INPUT CURRENT OF THE PASSIVE RECTIFIER Gate Mp 40A Boost current control loop Fig. 7. Control loop. 0A VI. SIMULATION RESULTS -40A The specifications used in simulation are presented in Table I. The line voltages and the line currents are presented in Fig. 8. The power factor correction is achieved, due the sinusoidal line currents with low THD and the absence of displacement factor. INPUT CURRENT OF THE PWM RECTIFIER 50A 0A -50A 0s 5.0ms 10.0ms 15.0ms 20.0ms LINE CURRENT Fig. 9. Currents on phase 1. 491 25.0ms 30.0ms Harmonic Content 2.5 Some peaks can be observed in the line current presented in Fig. 9. Due the high transitions in the input currents of the passive rectifier, the current control loop of the active rectifier can not impose a current which will provide sinusoidal line current. If the line impedances were contemplated in simulation, the passive rectifier input currents would present slower transitions and, consequently, the peaks would be minimized. Considering 100µH of line inductances, the results are presented in Fig. 10. The total harmonic distortion observed in input currents is about 3.22%. In Fig. 11 the harmonic content of the input current and the limits imposed by the IEEE 61000-3-4 are depicted. To verify the dynamic response of the system, a load variation was performed and presented in Fig. 12. Between 0ms and 50ms the converter operates with the rated power. After this interval, the converter operates with a half of the rated power through 50ms. In 100ms the converter operates with full load again. The output voltage transient is observed in Fig. 13. As previously mentioned, values greater than 0.5 for the ratio established by k1 and k2 will result in input currents distorted. In Fig. 14 the distortion in the line current of phase 1 generated by a 0.68 k1 and k2 ratio can be observed. In the case presented in Fig. 14, the passive rectifier processes about 75% of the rated power while the active rectifier processes the remaining 25% of the output power. However, according to the Fig. 15, the line currents do not meet the harmonic content limit imposes by IEC 61000-3-4 standard. Thus, the relation between k1 and k2 must be set up to 0.5. THD = 3.22% 2.0 Hybrid Rectifier IEC 61000-3-4 1.5 1.0 0.5 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Order (n) Fig. 11. Harmonic content of input current. 40A 0A -40A INPUT CURRENT OF THE PWM RECTIFIER 40A 0A -40A INPUT CURRENT OF THE PASSIVE RECTIFIER 50A 0A -50A 10ms 20ms 40ms 60ms 80ms 100ms 120ms 140ms LINE CURRENTS Fig. 12. Load step response. 30A 700V 0A 650V -30A 600V INPUT CURRENT OF THE PWM RECTIFIER 10ms 20ms 30A 40ms 60ms 80ms 100ms 120ms 140ms Fig. 13. Output voltage transient response. 40A 0A -30A 0A INPUT CURRENT OF THE PASSIVE RECTIFIER 50A -40A 0A 50A INPUT CURRENTS OF THE PASSIVE RECTIFIER AND THE PWM RECTIFIER -50A 0s 5ms 10ms 15ms 20ms 25ms 0 LINE CURRENT Fig. 10. Currents on phase 1 considering 100µH of line inductances. -50A 25ms 30ms 35ms LINE CURRENT 40ms 45ms Fig. 14. Simulation results to k1 and k2 ratio equal to 0.68. 492 50ms Harmonic Content 5 ACKNOWLEDGMENT THD = 9.04% The authors would like to thank CNPq (National Council of Scientific and Technological Development) for their contribution to this work in the form of a grant provided to Carlos Henrique Illa Font and Ricardo Luiz Alves. Hybrid Retifier 4 IEC 61000-3-4 3 2 1 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 REFERENCES 25 Order (n) [1] Fig. 15. Harmonic content of input current for k1 and k2 ratio equal to 0.68. VII. CONCLUSION [2] A novel three-phase hybrid rectifier to high power applications was proposed in this paper. The structure is composed by the parallel association of a passive and an active rectifier. The fact that each rectifier is responsible to process about 50% of the output power allows improving the robustness and providing a high efficiency of the power converter. 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