F-1/J-1 STUDENT Reduced Course Load (RCL) Form

Reduced Course Load (RCL) Form
Submit To:
For OIP DSO’s use only:
 Permission Granted
Office of International Programs
The University of Akron
 Permission Denied
Polsky Building, Room 483
DSO’s Name: ____________________________
Akron, OH 44325-3101
DSO’s Title:
Signature: __________________________
_______________________________________ Date: _____________________
Section 1. General Information:
As an F-1/J-1 student, you must enroll full-time each semester until ALL program requirements are completed. If you intend to have a
reduced course load (RCL), you must obtain permission from the Office of International Programs (OIP) prior to enrolling below full time
in order to maintain valid F-1/J-1 status. You need to complete this form and submit it to the OIP. Please be reminded that your RCL
enrollment will be reported to the Immigration Service through the SEVIS System.
Reduced Course Load (RCL) means:
Less than 12 credit hours per semester for undergraduate students;
Less than 9 credit hours per semester for graduate and professional students.
There is no requirement to register during Summer vacation period unless you must be enrolled to keep your on-campus
employment or graduate assistantship. Summer vacation means the period between your working Spring and Fall semesters.
You must register for Summer semester if it is your first or final semester.
Student who are engaged in full time Curricular Practical Training and Academic Training are not required to register full time
and do not need to complete this form.
Students on post-completion OPT with the program end date within the final semester need to register for this semester and
submit this form.
If a student needs only one course to finish his or her program of study, it cannot be taken through online/distance education.
Section 2 (should be completed by the student):
Your Name (Last, First): ____________________________________________________ UA ID#: _____________________________
Your E-mail : ______________________________________ Major/Degree _______________________________________________
Semester for which you request permission for RCL:
Fall _____ Spring _____ Summer _____ Year _______
Reason for RCL (Please mark the appropriate box) :
□ Academic difficulties. One semester only. You must maintain a minimum of 6 credits if undergraduate, and 5 credits if
graduate. Please indicate the kind of difficulty:
◊ Initial (during the first semester) difficulty with the English language and reading requirements
◊ Initial unfamiliarity with American teaching methods.
◊ Improper course level placement.
□ Medical. Please attach a letter from a Medical Doctor recommending reduced course load or leave of absence.
□ Last semester of a student’s academic program (final program requirements).
□ Coursework is completed, final semesters for completing Master’s Thesis (1 semester), or Doctoral Dissertation (2 semesters).
□ Concurrent enrollment at another school (Must submit completed transient student form and proof of enrollment )
□ Distance Education Course (Only 3 credit hours of online courses may be counted toward full time enrollment. If this is your final
semester, see Item 6 above).
Section 3 (should be completed by the Academic Adviser):
 I confirm the reason above and recommend RCL
I don’t recommend RCL.
Adviser’s Name: ____________________________________ Title: ________________________________________________
Department: _____________________________ E-mail: ________________________________________________________
Signature: ________________________________________ Date: ________________ Dept’s ZIP Code (4-digit number): _+_______
OIP retains original. Copies to:  Student  Department  Graduate School  Academic Adviser
Updated 02/15/2011