IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPAT\I11ILITY VOL. EMC-9, [6] L. Linderer et al., "Mileasurements oln two Nb superconductive RF cavities," Phys. Letters, vol. 2, pp. 119-120, September 1962. [7] C. R. Haden, J. M. Victor, and W. H. Hartwig, "R. F. residual losses in superconductors," presented at 1966 Southwestern IEEE Conf., Dallas, Tex., April 20-22, 1966. [8] W. H. Hartwig and D. Grissom, "Dielectric dissipation measturements below 7.2°K," in Low Teooperature Physics. New York: Plenum Press, 1965. [9] R. J. Allen and N. S. Nahman, "Analysis and performanice of superconductive coaxial transmission lines," Proc. IEEE, vol. 52, pp. 1147-1154, October 1964. [10] T. A. Buchold, "About the nature of the surface losses in superconductors at low frequencies," Cryogenics, vol. 3, pp. 141-149, September 1963. NO. 3 DECEMBER [11] C. P. Bean, "M\Iagnetization of high field superconductors," Rev. Mod. Phys., vol. 36, pp. 31-39, January 1964. [12] C. P. Bean et al., "A research investigation on the factors that affect the superconducting properties of materials," General Electric Research Laboratory, Schenectady, N. Y., Tech Rept. AFAIL-TR65-431, March 1966. [13] S. Becker et al., "Interference analysis of new compon-ents anid circu'its," Airbourne Instruments Laboratory, Melville, N. Y., Tech. Rept. RADC-TDR-64-161, 1964; see also "A rule of thumb for prediction of third-order intermodulation," IEEE Spectru7n, vol. 1, p. 5, May 1964. [14] K. Siegel, R. Domehick, and F. Arams, "Superconducting High-Q radio-frequiency eircuit usin g niobium stannoide above 4.20K," Proc. IEEE, vol. 55, pp. 457-458, March 1967. Frequencies Spectrum Analysis The Significance of Negative ROBERT B. MAARCUS, Abstract-In EMC measurements spectra generated by pulsed signals are often measured. To calculate the spectra theoretically, Fourier methods are usually used. The Fourier transform yields a spectrum which contains positive and negative frequencies. The exponential form of the Fourier series also yields a spectrum which contains positive and negative frequencies. However, the trigonometric form of the Fourier series yields a spectrum containing only positive frequencies. Since there seems to be some doubt about the physical interpretation of negative frequencies, the relationship between the double sided spectrum of the exponential Fourier series and the single sided spectrum of the trigonometric Fourier series is shown. The reasoning is then extended to the Fourier transform to show the relationship between the double and single sided spectrum obtained by the Fourier transform. A method of obtaining spectral levels for positive frequencies only using the Fourier transform is shown. IN E1\JC WORK it is ofteu necessary to measure pulsed spectra. In theoretical studies associated with the measurements, Fourier analysis has been used for many years to predict the spectra theoretically. In Fourier analysis one canl use Fourier tranisfoims or Fourier series. The Fourier series gives a spectrum which cointaiins discrete spectrunm linies. It is usually cumbersome to perform mathematical operations OIl each spectrum line to determine the spectral characteristics of a pulsed signal or to determinie the output of circuits whose input consists of pulsed signals. It has been found much more convenient to use the spectrum of a single isolated pulse to w Mlanuscript received May 13, 1967; revised August 11, 1967. This ork was supported uinder Air Force Contract 19(628)-5049. The aujthor is with the IIT Research Institute, Anniiapolis, Md. 123" 1967 in SENIOR MEMBER, IEEE determine the output waveshape or other signal parameters of a circuit whose input is a pulsed signal. The Fourier transform gives the spectral level of a single isolated pulse. If the actual input to the circuit is a repetitively pulsed signal, the output signial due to a single pulse of the pulse train can be founid by the Fourier tranisform method provided that the circuit has no residual currenit or voltage from the previous pulse. If any standard textbook on Fourier trainsforms were investigated, it could be seeni that the spectra found by means of Fourier transforms conitain negative anid positive frequencies. The question arises, what are negative frequencies and what siginificanrce do they have in spectrum analysis? In RF measurements negative frequenicies cannot be defined. Are the negative frequenicies merely discarded and looked upon as mathematical curiosities? The negative frequeiicies cannot be discarded mathematically. The following expositioni will help shed some light on the significance and the definitionr of niegative frequencies in spectrum analysis. Let us first examine the Fourier selies in exponienitial form. It will be shown that the spectrum described by the Fourier series has negative frequeiicy componieiits in the same sense as the spectrum described by the Fourier transform. The relationship betweeni the niegative frequeincies in the two spectrums will be showni later. The Fourier series in exponential form is f c f = (t)n=-coaE ico n9t( Authorized licensed use limited to: ECOLE POLYTECHNIQUE DE MONTREAL. Downloaded on November 10, 2009 at 18:24 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 124 IEEE TRANSACTIONS where f(t) = WT = = E T DECEMBER 1967 If a time function f(t) is real, then f atn ON ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY any 27rfr frequency of periodic function E =- = = a°-n periodic function of time T/2 ,f(t) inw 'trdt = (3) an where (2) maximum amplitude of periodic function of time period of periodic function. a, O conjugate of an T/2 = TJf(t) e-inw rdt. If an were to be put in trigonometric form, we would obAn examination of (1) will show that a periodic function tain of time consists of an infinite sum of discrete spectral lines; E fT/2 the frequency of each line is nfT. Since n has all integer ff(t) (cos ncw,t - j sin ncw,t) dt. atn = T (4) JT/2 values from minus infinity to plus infinity, the spectrum mathematically exists in the negative frequency region as The real part of an will be called Rn and the imaginary well as the positive frequency region. However, when n of a,, will be called Xn; therefore part equals zero, the frequency is zero which indicates the spectrum has a dc component. Some of the spectral lines inieluding the dc component may have zero amplitude and Rn=T f(i't) cos nwo,t dt (5) ;T2 thus vanish. If the nature of each spectral line is examined it can be seen that each line is a time function whose E T/2 Xn = -sin dt amplitude is ao. The time varying part of the function (6) T-T12 f(t) rnw,t is En T. The time function is not a sinusoidal time function but it is a rotating vector whose amplitude is an and whose an - Rn + jXn (7) angular frequency is nw,. Equation (1) shows that n takes (8) on all integer values from minus infinity to plus infinity. In the negative region the angular frequency of the rotating vector is negative. The negative frequency can be interpreted as clockwise rotation of the vector X --X-n while positive frequency represents counter-clockwise When n equals zero a new quantity ao will be defined as rotation of the vector. There is no other significance to negative frequencies. It should be apparent now that the E JT/2 ao -o=f(t)dt. exponential form of the series yields spectral components (9) T JT/2 which are not sinusoids but rotating vectors of various Equation (9) defines the amplitude of the dc component amplitudes and frequencies. Since the amplitude of each vector is constant it is not possible to show any direct of the spectrum. The series can now be written as physical interpretation of the spectral lines. The doublesided spectrum containing negative frequencies is only a -1 mathematical and not a physical entity. E anEjnwrt + E an jncrt (10) f(t) == ao +n=-co n=1 Most of us are familiar with the Fourier series in trigoSubstituting (3) in (10) yields nometric form. The trigonometric form contains no negative frequencies. Further, the trigonometric form shows spectral lines to be of sinusoidal form. Sinusoids (11) f(t) = ao + E a*n 6 -n- rt + E an jnc rt n=1 n=1 have physical as well as mathematical meaning. Within Substituting (7) and (8) in (11) yields mathematical restrictions, which will be shown, the sinusoidal form of the series is exactly equivalent to the exponential form. The transition from the exponential f(t) = ao + E (RAn jX-n) e n=1 form to the trigonometric form will be shown shortly. To be perfectly general mathematically, a function of + E (Rn + jXn) Ejnlrwt time can be real or complex. While a complex function of n=1 time has no physical interpretation, it has important mathematical uses in Fourier analyses which will not be Putting the exponential in trigonometric form yields covered here. The foregoing statements on going from the double-sided spectrum to the single-sided spectrum ao + (Rn jXn) (cos nw,t j sin nw,t) apply only to real time functions. Therefore, the restriction f(t) n=1 on going to the one-sided or positive frequency only spectrum from the two-sided spectrum is that the time + n=1 (Rn + jXn)(cos nfwTt + j sin nfwrt) function has to be real for the transition to be valid. * -n °n= iX7, = at- co 00 00 00 = - Authorized licensed use limited to: ECOLE POLYTECHNIQUE DE MONTREAL. Downloaded on November 10, 2009 at 18:24 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. - MARLCUS: NEGXITIVE FREQUENCIES IN SPIECTP'lUM A.N ALYSIS 125 where coo f(t) = ao + Z ii= 1 [Rn - j(RI, Sill ncOt + cOs Xn -n Sill lCOrt co f(t) - ao + E n 1 [2R,, nw,rt COS Xnsi5 - nw,)rt nflrt)] + E n + j(RI cos nWrt - = 1 Sill ncort + E [R, X,Z 2Xn Sill nflrt]. COS COS J(t) e- T 1T/2 nllOrt nwcrt) T12 an = - c.idt. (16) If f(t) is not periodic but a single isolated pulse, the I time function f(t) can be written as (12) f(t) = F(27f) e i2wrftd (e17) (t)ej2ft. (18) 0 Equation (12) is the familiar trigonometric form of the Fourier series. It is exactly equivalent to the exponenitial form providing the time function is real. Equationi (12) containis no negative frequencies. What has happened to the uegative frequencies? The negative frequency came about by considering the time varying trigoniometric fuuctioins to be made up of two vectors rotating in opposite directions. There is no physical meaniing to the negative frequencies. The Fourier transform will lnow be conisidered. If onie has a single isolated pulse, the spectrum resulting therefrom can be described by means of the Fourier transform. The spectrum has uo discrete lines but is coiltilluous. The Fourier transforms describe a spectral level in volts per Hertz at every frequency. The direct Fourier transform is F(w) f(t) -wdt. = (13) Equation (13) gives the speetral level of the spectrum at any angular frequenicy co. If the spectrum is knowni the time funietion canl be founid from the iniverse tranisform which is where F(2wrf) f = f-l OD Equations (17) and (18) are analogous to (15) and (16). It is easier to visualize the functioni of time in (17) as being the integral of a continuous spectrum whose amplitudes are described by (18) and whose frequency cornponents are described by the exponential part of (17). The variable in (17) and (18) can be changed from f to o, thus 27r J co= (19) (20) dw = 2wr df. Multiplying and dividing (17) by 27r yields f(t) =22 7r F(27rf) E2' 7f2wdj. _co (21) Substituting (19) and (20) in (21) yields wtdw. (14) MNIathematicians coinsider (13) aild (14) as a tranisformii F(co) = f(t) -ij-tdt pair; (13) gives an amplitude spectrum from a time fuinctioni anid (14) gives a time functioni from ain amplitude It cail IlOW be said that spectrum. However, an amplitude spectrum has ino physical I f(t) 2r _ coF(w)Uw't dco meaning to the enigineer. Furthermore, it seems very strange that one can obtaini a time fuiletioin by iintegratinig an amplitude funetion. In (14) the amplitude function wheire F(w) is multiplied by a time funietioni EjXt; therefore, the illtegral yields a time funietioni. The poillt is that the F(co) f(t) -i@tdt mathematicians have separated the amplitudes of the spectral componients from the time funetioni and have and pgotteii a transform pair. Enginieers would like to coinsider F(co) = R(w) + jX(w) spectral compoinents as time funictionis with associated amplitudes and not just as disassociated amplitudes. R (c) = f(t) cos wt dt Let us reconsider the expoinential series (13) (t) JI F(w)ejictdw. 7= 22l r -0 (14) f(t) = 2r f _co F()We Substituting (19) in (18) yields _C = F E = (14) (13) _co f(t) (23) 00 = n E a1nE (1) = -co If 27rf, is substituted for Cor, then co f(t) (22) = n =-o a,, e j27rfrt (15) X(co) - f f(t) sin cot dl. (24) _co The spectral components are F(CO) E i'. These componeints are not discrete lines but are continuous. The spectral components are time functions and mathemati- Authorized licensed use limited to: ECOLE POLYTECHNIQUE DE MONTREAL. Downloaded on November 10, 2009 at 18:24 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 126 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY cally exist at negative as well as positive frequencies. However, just as in the exponential series, the time functions are rotating vectors which do not change amplitude with time. Again if only real time functions are considered, then F(co) = F(-c,,) R(w) =R(-) X(W) = -X(-Cw). Substituting (22) in (14) yields 1I co - f(t) = f(t) = I- 2 7r _co I 2 oo r [R(w) + j'X(G)](cos wt {R(w)cos wt (25) + j sin wt)dw -X(w) sin cut + j[LXo) wt + R(w) sin wt]}dw cos since X(W) = w) anid (-cw) R(w) it follows that [X(w) cos cot + R(w) sin wt]dw O. = = I [2R(w) cos wt - 2X(o) sin tl]dc. (27) Equation (27) is the Fourier transform for the singlesided spectrum. It contains no negative frequencies. It can be seen that the amplitudes of the spectral components of the one-sided spectrum are exactly double those of the two-sided spectrum. It must still be remembered that the foregoing applies only to real time functions. Negative frequencies are associated with time functions representing clockwise rotating vectors and positive frequencies are associated with time functions representing counter-clockwise rotating vectors. These are mathematical representations of the frequency components of the spectrum and do not have direct physical interpretation. The mathematical combination of the two oppositely rotating vectors produces sinewaves. The sinewave components of the spectrum have physical meaning and it is these sinewaves that constitute the actual physical spectrum. It has been shown how to combine the rotating vectors mathematically to produce a spectrum of sinewaves which contain no negative frequencies. Therefore negative frequencies are mathematical tools which have no direct physical interpretation. REFERENCES Therefore f(t) 1967 Equation (26) is the Fourier transform for the spectrum in trigonometric form. The frequency limits of the spectrum range from minus infinity to plus infinity and therefore the spectrum is double-sided. But since R(w) = R(-w) and X(co) = -X(-w), then f(t) [R (X) + jX (w)]Ie Jtdw. f(t) =2r co Putting f-Xt in trigonometric form yields DECEMBER = 2 2 J r co0 [R(w) cos wt - X(w) sinl wt]dw. (26) [1] A. Papoulis, The Fourier Integral and Its Applications. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1962. [2] M. Javid and E. Brenner, Analysis, Transmission, and Filtering of Sign,als. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1963. Authorized licensed use limited to: ECOLE POLYTECHNIQUE DE MONTREAL. Downloaded on November 10, 2009 at 18:24 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.