88 CHAPTER 5 THREE-PHASE POWER FLOW ANALYSIS IN SEQUENCE COMPONENT FRAME 5.1 INTRODUCTION Power flow is an important tool in power system studies. Usually, a power system is assumed to be balanced and the power flow analysis is carried out for the single-phase system. In single-phase power flow analysis, the power flow problem is solved for any one of the three-phases by assuming that all the three-phase voltages are equal in magnitude and displaced by 120 degrees. For an ‘n’ bus system, the single-phase power flow analysis solves a set of 2n power equations. Practical power system networks are highly unbalanced and it is required to obtain load flow solution for such unbalanced networks. The unbalancing in power system is unavoidable due to the un-transposed transmission lines and imbalance in loading. Hence, a power flow analysis dealing with three-phase configuration of power systems is necessary for proper planning and stability studies. In three-phase power flow problems, unknown three-phase voltage magnitudes and angles of each bus have to be solved for the given values of three-phase active and reactive power injections or certain specification of voltages. Therefore, as in the single-phase case, a solution to a set of non linear equations is needed. 89 Three-phase power flow problem is either formulated in phase frame or sequence component frame. A variety of three-phase power-flow algorithms in phase frame (Birt et al 1976, Wasley and Shlash 1974 and Chen et al 1990) and in sequence component frame (Lo and Chang 1993) have been studied for solving unbalanced power systems. Jose Mauro Marinho and Glauco Nery Taranto (2008) solved the three-phase power flow problem using single-phase and three-phase models. The advantage of the application of sequence components is that the size of the problem is effectively reduced in comparison to the phase component approach (Akher et al 2005). In all these works, the load flow problem is solved using the Newton Raphson method. The fast decoupled method has also been used to solve the same (Arrillaga and Harker 1978). There are two main disadvantages in the existing threephase power flow approaches. Firstly, it might be computationally unacceptable to solve a set of 6n, or two sets of 3n, non linear simultaneous equations for three-phase power flows in relatively large systems. Secondly, since the solution is obtained by taking the inverse of Jacobian matrix, the conventional methods fail to solve the load flow problem in some cases. This chapter presents the solution algorithm for the three-phase load flow problem in symmetrical component frame using EAs. A sequence coupled transformer model and a sequence line model are used. The objective function is formulated using the sequence models of three-phase power system and is solved using the EAs. The proposed methods eliminate the formation of Jacobian matrix and its inversion and thus reduce the complexity of the problem. 90 5.2 THREE-PHASE POWER FLOW PROBLEM The symmetrical component transformation is a general mathematical technique developed by Fortescue. According to this technique, any set of three-phase voltages or currents can be transformed into three symmetrical systems of three vectors each. Three-phase currents and voltages are related by [Iabc ] [Y abc ][V abc ] [Iabc ] [Ia [Y abc ] Ib Ic ]T and Y aa Y ab Y ac Y ba Y ca Y bb Y cb Y bc Y cc [V abc ] [V a Vb V c ]T The phase component (indicated by the superscripts abc) is transformed into sequence component (indicated by the superscripts 012 for the zero, positive and negative sequences respectively) as follows [V 012 ] T 1[V abc ] [I012 ] T 1[Iabc ] [I012 ] T 1[Y abc ]T[V 012 ] where T is the symmetrical component transformation matrix and is given by 1 T 1 1 1 a2 a 1 a2 a where a 1 120 0 91 In case of balanced power networks, voltages, currents and admittances in all three-phases are equal, that is, Va = Vb = Vc and Ia = Ib = Ic; Yaa = Ybb = Ycc; and off diagonal elements are zero. Thus, analysis of balanced networks requires the study of positive sequence alone. Hence, each element in power system is represented only by its positive sequence admittance. As a result, for single-phase balanced system, a set of equations defining the power system network is obtained in matrix form as I=YV; I and V being current and voltage vectors and Y is the bus admittance matrix. For a power system consists of 2 buses, the nodal equation is written as: I1 Y 11 Y 12 V1 I2 Y 21 Y 22 V 2 For an ‘n’ bus system the current equation is written as n Ii = V j Y ij; i =1:n j 1 where Ii is the current at bus i; Vi is the voltage at bus i; The diagonal element (Ykk) of bus admittance matrix is the sum of the self admittances terminating on node k. The off diagonal element (Yik) is the negative of mutual admittance between the nodes i and k. For an n bus single-phase system, n nodal equations are written. 92 Similarly, for a 2 bus three-phase system, the above matrix equation can be written as I 10 I 02 Y1010 Y 2010 Y1020 Y 2020 Y1011 Y 2011 Y1021 Y 2021 Y1012 Y 2012 Y1022 Y 2022 V10 V 20 I 11 Y 1110 Y1120 Y1111 Y1121 Y1112 Y1122 V11 I 12 Y 2110 Y 2120 Y 2111 Y 2121 Y 2112 Y 2122 V 21 I 12 Y1210 Y1220 Y1211 Y1221 Y1212 Y1222 V12 I 22 Y 2210 Y 2220 Y 2211 Y 2221 Y 2212 Y 2222 V 22 Superscript indicates the sequence component and subscript indicates the node number. Thus, for a three-phase system with ‘n’ buses, 3n such nodal equations are written and solved. 5.3 MODELING OF THREE-PHASE POWER SYSTEM COMPONENTS A power system network comprises of four major components generator, transformer, transmission line and load. This section describes the derivation of equivalent circuits of each of these power components and the formation of system admittance matrix relating the current and voltage at every node (busbar) of the power system. Modeling is detailed as follows: 5.3.1 Generator Model Figure 5.1 shows the generator model for three-phase power flow problems in symmetrical component coordinate. The model is represented by an injected power with a specified bus voltage. Internal voltages of all generators are well balanced. The positive sequence reactance and EMF behind it are not introduced (Akher et al 2005). V1, V2 and V0 are positive, negative and zero sequence voltages respectively. Z2 and Z0 are negative and zero sequence reactances of generator. For unbalance case, current will flow in the negative sequence and zero sequence components. Hence, the generator terminal bus voltages become unbalanced and unequal. 93 V1 V2 Z2 V0 Z0 Figure 5.1 Generator model in sequence component frame of reference 5.3.2 Transformer Model The transformer model used in this work is grounded star and delta connection as shown in Figure 5.2. The models of different connections of transformers are given in (Chen and Dillon 1974). In Figure 5.2, y = 1/zt; where zt is the transformer impedance; t is the phase shift determined by transformer connection; and ys is a very small admittance used to avoid the singularity of bus admittance matrix. V1 e- V2 t e V1Y y t ys y V2Y y Figrue 5.2 Transformer Model for positive, negative and zero sequences. 5.3.3 Transmission Line Model The series sequence admittance matrix can be formed by transforming the overall series admittance matrix in phase components to its counterparts in sequence components frame as follows: YZ012 T 1YZabc T 94 Similarly the sequence shunt admittance matrix is formed by YS012 T 1YSabc T If the transmission line is unbalanced or un-transposed, the sequence admittance matrix will be full and unsymmetrical. Figure 5.3 depicts the model of a transmission line. Ii012 Ij012 Bus i Yz Vi012 Bus j 012 Ys012 Ys012 Vj012 2 2 Figure 5.3 Sequence coupled line model 5.3.4 Load Model Loads are specified by constant real and reactive powers Pa, Qa, Pb, Qb, Pc and Qc. 5.3.5 Formation of System Admittance Matrix in sequence component frame The system admittance matrix written in the sequence component frame can be obtained by combining all the sub matrices formed for the above individual power system components. The self admittance of any busbar is the sum of the individual self admittance matrices at that bus bar. The mutual 95 admittance between any two branches is the sum of the individual mutual admittance matrices from all the subsystems containing those two nodes. The mutual sequence admittance matrix between sequence networks will be a null matrix, if the network is balanced. [Y 012 ] Y 00 Y 01 Y 02 Y10 Y 20 Y11 Y 21 Y12 Y 22 Ykm (k, m = 0,1,2) is the sequence sub matrix with the size of nxn. The size of Y01 2 is 3nx3n. 5.4 CLASSIFICATION OF BUSES FOR THREE-PHASE LOAD FLOW PROBLEM The complete definition of single-phase power flow requires the knowledge of four variables at each ith node (bus) as given below. real or active power of ith node reactive power of ith node voltage magnitude at ith node voltage phase angle at ith node. Only two variables are known a priori to solve the problem, and the aim of the load flow is to solve the remaining two variables at a bus. For three-phase power flow analysis, buses are classified into four types based on the known variables. 96 5.4.1 Load or PQ Buses In these buses, the active and the reactive power injections are specified (load buses and some generator buses with fixed active and reactive power outputs). This type is the same as the conventional PQ type. The total number of buses of this type in a network is denoted by ‘npq’. 5.4.2 Generator Terminal Buses Buses similar to conventional PV buses but with bus reactive power injection specified are referred as Generator Terminal buses. (The latter makes up the deficiency of specified conditions at the corresponding internal buses). Only the terminal buses of generators belong to this type. Incidentally, the specified voltages are the positive sequence voltages and are specified directly or obtained from simple calculations based on other kinds of voltage specifications. The total number of buses of this type is denoted by ‘ng’. 5.4.3 Generator Internal Buses These are buses with only bus active power injections specified. Only the internal buses of generators, except the slack bus, belong to this type. In these buses, positive sequence voltage magnitude alone is specified and the negative and zero sequence voltages are zero, since the internal voltages are balanced. The total number of buses of this type is denoted by ‘ng’. 5.4.4 Slack Bus One of the generator buses is referred as slack bus (swing bus). At the slack bus bar, the positive sequence voltage magnitude and the angle are specified and negative and zero sequence voltages are zero. This bus is numbered last. Total number of buses in the system : n = npq+ng+1 97 5.5 FORMULATION OF OBJECTIVE FUNCTION The objective of the three-phase load flow is to determine the zero, positive and negative sequence voltages at all PQ buses and zero and negative sequence voltages at generator buses. Let Vik and Iik (k = 0, 1, 2) be the bus voltage and bus current injections of sequence k at bus i. i = 1,2,…n; I YV The above equation is decomposed into 3 equations I0 Y 00 V 0 Y 01V1 Y 02V 2 I1 Y10 V 0 Y11V1 Y12 V 2 I2 Y 20 V 0 Y 21V1 Y 22 V 2 where Ik and Vk (k = 0,1,2) are current and voltage vectors consist of n elements each. Ik Vk I1k I k2 V1k I 3k V2k .... V3k I kn .... t V nk t Yks is sequence component bus admittance submatrix; (k, s = 0,1,2) Total three-phase power S ia b c Siabc V ia I ia * Piabc jQiabc V ib I ib * V ic I ic * (5.1) 98 Taking conjugate on both sides S ia b c * P ia b c jQ ia b c Piabc Pia Pib Pic Q iabc Q ia Q ib Qic Let SRPi where Pim Pia PGim Pib V ia * I ia Pic / 3 and SRQi PDim and Q im V ib * I ib Qia V ic * I ic Qib Qic / 3 m m Q Gi Q Di m PGim and QGi are the specified real and reactive power generation respectively at bus i on phase m (m = a, b, c) PDim and Q mDi are the specified real and reactive power demand respectively at bus i on phase m (m = a, b, c) Power is invariant Per phase power = Power in sequence frame 1 a* a Vi Ii Vib*Iib Vic*Iic 3 Vi0*Ii0 Vi1*I1i Vi2*Ii2 Calculated Real Power CRP i realpart Vi0* I 0i Vi1* I1i Vi2* I i2 99 n n Vi0* ( Yij00 Vj0 j 1 Yij02 Vj2 ) j 1 n 1* = RP Vi ( n Yij01V1j j 1 n n Yij10 Vj0 Yij11Vj1 j 1 Yij12 Vj2 ) j 1 n j 1 n Vi2* ( Yij20 Vj0 n Yij21Vj1 j 1 (5.2) Yij22 Vj2 ) j 1 j 1 Calculated Reactive Power imaginary part Vi0* I i0 CRQ i n Vi0* ( n Yij00 Vj0 Vi1* I1i n Yij01Vj1 Yij02Vj2 ) j 1 j 1 j 1 n n n = IP Vi1* ( Yij10 Vj0 j 1 Yij11Vj1 j 1 n Vi2* ( j 1 Yij12 Vj2 ) n Yij21Vj1 j 1 (5.3) j 1 n Yij20 Vj0 Vi2* I i2 Yij22 Vj2 ) j 1 Power mismatch equations are Fpi CRPi SRPi (5.4) Fqi CRQi SRQi (5.5) Y is derived from modeling of the three-phase system. The objective is to find the bus sequence voltages (V i0, Vi1, Vi2, i is the bus number) such that the calculated real and reactive powers are equal to the specified real and reactive powers (CRPi = SRPi and CRQi = SRQi ) . Therefore the sequence voltages which make Fpi and Fqi are zero (<0.001) are the results of the load flow problem. 100 The load flow problem of three-phase unbalanced networks is formulated as an optimization problem as enumerated below. Minimize npq 2ng Fpi2 Fqi2 f (V 0 , V1 , V 2 ) (5.6) i 1 Subjected to reactive power limit and voltage limit Real and reactive power mismatch are calculated for load and generator terminal buses. Real Power mismatch alone is calculated for generator internal buses. Voltage mismatch is calculated for generator terminal buses. 5.6 PROPOSED ALGORITHMS FOR THREE-PHASE POWER FLOW PROBLEM 5.6.1 MHPSO Algorithm 1. Form System admittance matrix in sequence component frame. 2. Initialization: Initialize a population of particles for positive, negative and zero sequence voltages (real part and imaginary part) with random positions and velocities. (For better results, the initial random values chosen for real part of V0 and V2 are between 0 and 0.1. For real part of V1, the random values are varying between 0.9 and 1.0 and for the imaginary parts the values are varying between 0.0 and 0.05 ); X = [V0 V1 V2] 101 V0 = Vid0, V1 = Vid1; V2 = Vid2; i = 1,2,3, …n; d=1,2,3, …Np; V0 = For example [V110 V120 V130 …V1n0]t; [V210 V220 V230 …V2n0]t; . . . [Vnp10 Vnp20 Vnp30 …Vnpn0]t ; where n = number of buses; Np = population size; Similarly for V1 and V2 the random values are chosen. 3. Set iteration count G = 1 4. Fitness Evaluation: For each particle set, calculate the fitness value n n Vid0* ( CRP id Yij01V jd1 Yij02 V jd2 ) j 1 j 1 j 1 n n n RP Vid1* ( Yij10 V jd0 j 1 Yij11V 1jd j 1 n n Yij20 V jd0 j 1 Yij21V jd1 j 1 n Vid0* ( Yij12 V jd2 ) j 1 n Vid2* ( CRQ id n Yij00 V jd0 j 1 n Yij00 V jd0 Yij22 V jd2 ) n Yij01V jd1 Yij02 V jd2 ) j 1 j 1 j 1 n n n IP Vid1* ( Yij10 V jd0 Yij11V jd1 j 1 j 1 n n Vid2* ( Yij20 V jd0 j 1 Yij12 V jd2 ) j 1 n Yij21 V jd1 j 1 Yij22 V jd2 ) j 1 FPid = CRPid – (Pia + Pib + Pic )/3; FQid = CRQid – (Qia + Qib + Qic )/3; Pim and Qim (m=a,b,c) are specified in the load data 102 Fitness Fd = (FPid) 2 + (FQid )2 5. Selection of pbest and gbest: From the population set, select pbest and gbest by comparing the fitness values of present particles and over all particles. The voltage vector set produces the minimum fitness value is considered as the best particle. pbest is the position of the best particle at that particular iteration and gbest is the position of the best particle up to that iterations. 6. Breeding: From the randomly chosen parent particles, produce child1 and child2 using Equations (2.3) and (2.4) 7. Updating of voltage vector: To increase the convergence speed, replace the particle which produces very high fitness value by the average of the best two particles. Calculate the velocity using Equations (2.1), (2.5) and (2.6) and update the position of the particle (voltage) according to Equation (2.2). 8. Check Convergence: If the fitness value (power mismatch) is lesser than the limit (0.001), then stop the iteration. Calculate phase voltages from sequence voltages, other wise increase the iteration count G and go to step 4 5.6.2 MDEPSO Algorithm MDEPSO algorithm explained in section 3.3.2 is applied to solve the three-phase load flow problem. The voltage vector consists of three sequence voltage vectors namely positive, negative and zero sequences. 103 5.7 CASE STUDY The above said algorithms are tested on a sample 5 bus three-phase system (Lo and Zhang 1993). In this system, both the load and network are unbalanced. The system network is shown in Figure A 5.1. The data for this sample system are given in Appendix 4. The population size chosen for the simulation of this system is 50. The number of epochs in the EAs is 500. About 20 independent trials are considered and the best results are considered as the optimal solution. Almost all the trials provide the results with the expected accuracy (power mismatch<0.001). To validate the performances of EAs, the same problem is solved using conventional Newton Raphson (NR) algorithm. The results are same as obtained by EAs and they prove the ability of the proposed algorithms to solve the unbalanced load flow problem. NR algorithm requires the formation and inversion of Jacobian matrix. This process is complicated, since the Jacobian elements are derived by taking the derivatives of bus power equations. For three-phase systems, 6n power equations are required. Jacobian elements are formed using 2*6n equations. Since the proposed algorithm eliminates the formation of jacobian matrix and its inversion, it highly reduces the complexity of the problem. Table 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 show the phase voltages obtained using DE, MHPSO and MDEPSO algorithms respectively. Table 5.5 illustrates the statistical measures obtained using these algorithms. Statistical measures indicate the superior performance of the evolutionary algorithms. Figure 5.4 shows the convergence characteristics. 104 Figure 5.4 Convergence characteristics for three-phase 5 bus system Table 5.1 Phase voltages of three-phase 5 bus system using DE Phase A Phase B Phase C Bus No Magnitude Angle Magnitude Angle Magnitude Angle (p.u) (deg) (p.u) (deg) (p.u) (deg) 1 1.0477 30.7 1.0531 -89.58 1.0432 150.89 2 1.0494 28.41 1.0529 -91.58 1.0479 148.41 3 1.0301 26.19 1.0468 -93.64 1.0263 147.12 4 1.0496 6.1 1.0509 -113.96 1.0494 126.00 5 1.0445 -0.10 1.0453 -120.10 1.0450 119.87 105 Table 5.2 Phase voltages of three-phase 5 bus system using MHPSO Phase A Phase B Bus Magnitude Angle Magnitude Angle No (p.u) (p.u) (deg) (deg) Phase C Magnitude (p.u) Angle (deg) 1 1.0477 30.7 1.0531 -89.58 1.0432 150.89 2 1.0494 28.22 1.0529 -91.67 1.0479 148.41 3 1.0308 26.17 1.0466 -93.64 1.0263 146.27 4 1.0496 6.08 1.0509 -113.96 1.0494 126.00 5 1.0447 -0.10 1.0453 -120.10 1.0450 119.87 Table 5.3 Phase voltages of three-phase 5 bus system using MDEPSO Phase A Bus No Phase B Phase C Angle (deg) Magnitude (p.u) 1.0531 -89.58 1.0432 150.89 28.22 1.0529 -91.67 1.0479 148.41 1.0308 26.17 1.0466 -93.64 1.0263 146.27 4 1.0496 6.08 1.0509 -113.96 1.0494 126.00 5 1.0447 -0.10 1.0453 -120.10 1.0450 119.87 Angle (deg) Magnitude (p.u) 1.0477 30.7 2 1.0494 3 Magnitude (p.u) Angle 1 (deg) Table 5.4 Phase voltages of three-phase 5 bus system using NR Phase A Bus No Phase B Phase C Magnitude Angle Magnitude Angle Magnitude Angle (p.u) (deg) (p.u) (deg) (p.u) (deg) 1 1.0477 30.7 1.0531 -89.58 1.0432 150.89 2 1.0494 28.22 1.0529 -91.67 1.0479 148.41 3 1.0308 26.17 1.0466 -93.64 1.0263 146.27 4 1.0496 6.08 1.0509 -113.96 1.0494 126.00 5 1.0447 -0.10 1.0453 -120.10 1.0450 119.87 106 Table 5.5 Statistical performances of Evolutionary Algorithms for three-phase 5 bus system Best Worst Mean Standard Deviation DE 0.0001 0.0005 0.000165 0.0001268 MHPSO 0.0001 4.000*10-4 1.200*10-4 6.9585*10-5 1.000*10-4 0.0005 1.5500*10-4 1.3563*10-4 Algorithm MDEPSO 5.8 CONCLUSION In this chapter, three-phase power flow problem in sequence component frame of reference has been formulated as an optimization problem and evolutionary algorithms have been applied to solve this unbalanced load flow problem. The problem considers the unbalancing in both system and load side. These algorithms are tested on a sample threephase unbalanced power system. The algorithms are proven to give accurate results with reduced complexity. The proposed algorithm eliminates the formation of Jacobian matrix and hence reduces the problem complexity to a greater extent.