D A L I D i m m i n g C o n t r DALI Dimming Controls Design and Application Guide DALIAPPS_1204 o l s D A L I D i m m i n g C o n t r o l s Design guide introduction Introduction e z DALI dimming co n t rols make high performance fluorescent dimming practical. Many commercial and institutional space s have different activities that would benefit from dimming co n t rol, particularly the ability to create scenes or presets with dimming of individual fixtures. DALI (Digital Addressable Lighting Interface), an open communications protocol focused on lighting, is putting this level of co n t rol within designers’ reach. ezDALI controls make it practical to apply DA L I technology to a single room or floor. This design and application guide aids the lighting professional in determining the fit of ezDALI dimming controls to the needs of each project. It also provides guidance in selecting, laying out, and specifying an ezDALI dimming system. In this guide you’ll find: • A brief introduction to DALI technology and dimming products • A flow chart to help determine whether ezDALI dimming co n t rols are right for your project • Detailed steps for designing an ezDALI control project: 1. Assessing the feasibility of DALI dimming and confirming the “fit” between technology and application 2. Designing an ezDALI project: - Define lighting groups and scenes - Product selection 3. Wiring 4. Commissioning 5. Occupant control • A p p l i cation examples for specific building spaces Together, these tools will help you in defining and implementing successful DALI dimming co ntrol in the appro p r i a te building spaces. Watt Stopper/Legrand’s application experts are available for design support and ass i stance on any lighting control question. Call our te c h n i cal support at 800-879-8585. www.wattstopper.com 800.879.8585 1 D A L I D i m m i n g C o n t r o l s Introduction to DALI Introduction Digital Addressable Lighting Interface (DALI) is an application-specific communications pro to col specifically designed and standardized to work with lighting ballasts, and to meet the needs of lighting systems. DA L I provides a medium through which lighting designers and users can communica te with and co n t rol each and every individual ballast independently. DALI’s scope defines how to communicate to and from a DALI ballast and how the ballast will respond when it rece i ves a DALI command. With DALI, building owners, opera to rs, and occupants have dimming control down to the individual ballast, co n t rol that’s achieved by how one communicates to the ballast rather than by how one wires to the ballast. So this co n t rol can be repeatedly reprogrammed to meet changing workplace needs. If the need arises to change the grouping or zoning at a future time, the system can be repro g rammed, instead of re-wired, to acco m m o d a te the new desired control. Benefits Benefits of DALI co n t rol are numerous. These include: • increased flexibility in building operations • reduced installation co sts • reduced initial co sts compared to co n ventional 0-10v dimming co n t rol systems • lower energy costs than with non-dimming lighting control • easily adaptable to changing needs • scalable for future expansion www.wattstopper.com 800.879.8585 2 D A L I D i m m i n g C o n t r o l s ezDALI dimming controls An ezDALI system consists of a power supply, a controller, DALI ballasts, and a DALI bus. Furthermore, a practical system will also include sensing dev i ces such as dimmers, scene switches and daylight sensors that provide lo cal data to the controller, which will, in turn proce ss the inputs and send appro p r i a te DALI commands over the DALI bus. Programming typica l ly resides in the controller. Only DALI commands are used and since there is only one device transmitting messages to the ballast, collision detection and management is not required. The primary application is single room, stand-alone control. Stand-alone Controls www.wattstopper.com 800.879.8585 The ezDALI wall box controller also includes a group (also referred to as a dimming zone) dimmer and scene control. The power supply provides Class 2 inputs for ex i sting sensors. Sensor data is ro u ted to the co n t roller over the DALI class 2 bus. 3 D A L I D i m m i n g C o n t r o l s Step 1 - Determine if ezDALI is the right choice www.wattstopper.com 800.879.8585 4 D A L I D i m m i n g C o n t r o l s Step 2 - Designing an ezDALI project Define lighting groups and scenes e z DALI uses two concepts as the building blocks for control: Groups A group is a set of DALI ballasts that are intended to be dimmed as a unit. For instance, three biax fixtures illuminating a whiteboard in a conference room are grouped since the typical control intent is for them to dim simultaneously to a specified lighting level for each different room activity. e z DALI devices enable independent co n t rol for up to four groups. While each group may co n tain up to 64 ballasts, no ballast may be in more than one group. The ballasts within a group will each have a short address, but these addresses are transparent to the designer and installer. The administrator or user simply refers to the ballast group by its functional name (i.e., “whiteboard”). To begin designing an ezDALI project, one must first identify the specific lighting groups that will be desired in the controlled space . Scenes The second building block is scene control. A scene is a desired lighting arrangement ass o c i a ted with a specific activity. This arrangement is cre a ted by setting the lighting level of each group within the space. Scenes are commonly referred to as “presets.” With the ezDALI Group and Scene Controller, users can access up to four scenes for a room. These scenes are stored in the DALI ballasts for immediate re call, and users simply refer to a scene by its functional name (i.e., “presentation”). So in an application where scene co ntrol is intended, the designer must identify the desired scenes, as well as the light levels of each lighting group for each scene. This table offe rs a simple approach for documenting groups and scenes within a room. Note that the final light levels for each scene would be tuned by the facility manager or user based on what best creates the desired lighting effect. www.wattstopper.com 800.879.8585 5 D A L I D i m m i n g C o n t r o l s Step 2 - Designing an ezDALI project Product selection An ezDALI installation must include at a minimum these base components: • e z DALI controller • Power supply • DALI ballasts • DALI data bus 4 lighting Controller groups B e cause the wallbox controller is the source of all co mmands to the DALI ballasts, every ezDALI dimming system must include one controller. It is recommended that designers implement the Group and Scene Controller as that provides the greate st flexibility in a DALI dimming application. Optionally, the Group Controller can be used (see page 7). Power supply The ezDA L I Power Supply (DPS150) supplies power for the ezDALI system. The first of its two transformers provides 150 mA at 24 VDC to the Class 1 bus. The second provides 150 mA to the Class 2 ezDALI bus (16 VDC) and to any other control devices (i.e., occupancy sensors) at 24 VDC. In addition, the power supply acts as a repeater, copying messages on either bus to the other. This makes it possible to maintain electrical isolation of the Class 1 and Class 2 data buses while also allowing co n t rol devices to use either bus for e n tering or reading a command. DALI ballasts DALI ballasts are available from all major ballast manufacturers for the most common fluorescent lamp types (i.e., T8, ,T5, T5HO linear, compact fluorescents, and biax). 4 lighting scenes Group and Scene Controller ezDALI Power Supply DALI ballasts DALI data bus The DALI databus provides the communications network for the DALI dimming system. Consisting of at least 18/2 gauge, no ground, stranded or solid copper with 600V insulation, the databus can ex tend up to 1000 feet (see Wiring section, page 8 for more information). www.wattstopper.com 800.879.8585 6 D A L I D i m m i n g C o n t r o l s Step 2 - Designing an ezDALI project Product selection Remote Scene Switch To provide scene recall from multiple locations throughout the space, a designer may add Remote Scene Switches to the basic Group and Scene Controller. For instance, in a lecture hall, the controller might be loca ted at the podium, while Remote Scene Switches are positioned at each entrance and in the rear of the room. This configuration allows the speaker to change the light level of any group or a d j u st any of the four scenes right from the podium, but also enables occupants to recall lighting scenes upon entering the room. Remote Scene Switch Relay Module In many applications, there are non-DALI lighting loads that need ON/OFF co n t rol in coordination with the DALI-ballasted lighting. For instance, in a conference room, halogen accent lights might be turned on as part of a reception scene but off as part of a pre s e n tation scene. Designers would select the ezDALI Relay Module to provide coordinated switching of these non-DALI loads (the module acts like a DALI ballast with just two levels). Relay Module Occupancy Sensor In many jurisdictions, energy code provisions mandate autom a ted shutoff of lighting. An ezDALI dimming control system interfaces with occupancy sensors to provide occupant-sensitive a u tomatic shut off that exceeds most code requirements. e z DALI co n t rols are compatible with any Watt Stopper 24 VDC, Ceiling mount occupancy sensors 3-wire, ceiling-mount occupancy sensor. The ezDALI Power Supply acts as the sensor’s power supply as well as powering the DALI co n t rol system, eliminating the need for an additional power pack. Multiple sensors may be used to cover large spaces. However, their cumulative current draw should not exceed 120ma. When the ezDALI controller rece i ves a signal from the sensor that the space is occupied, the controller turns lighting on to the last used scene. When it receives a signal indicating vacancy, the controller lowe rs lighting to 10% for five minutes and then turns lighting off. If the sensor detects activity during this inte r val, it signals the ezDALI controller to return lighting to the last-used scene or user-sele c ted light level. ezDALI Group Controller For applications where dimming control only is desired, without scene co n t rol, the Group Controller may be used. If this is used, the Remote Scene Switch cannot be used. www.wattstopper.com 800.879.8585 7 D A L I D i m m i n g C o n t r o l s Step 3 - Wiring Class 2 wiring Class 1 wiring e z DALI co n t rollers are designed to fit within standard wall receptacles in either single(Group Controller) or double-gang (Group and Scene Controller) boxes. Unlike typical 0-10V dimming systems, the two DALI bus wires may be run in the same conduit as the power wires. The ezDALI Power Supply has two DALI buses which are ele ctrically isolated, but which carry the same messages. The Class 1 bus is run with the p ower wires to each fixture. The Class 2 bus goes to the co n t roller and optionally to the R e m o te Scene Switches. The occupancy sensor wiring is also Class 2 allowing the use of standard sensors. www.wattstopper.com 800.879.8585 8 D A L I D i m m i n g C o n t r o l s Step 4 - Commissioning An electrical contractor can setup and commission ezDALI without the use of special tools or pro g ramming software. Out of the box, an ezDALI controller will transmit a different light level for each of its group buttons (i.e., a Group and Scene Controller will transmit 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% for different groups, as well as for each of its different scenes). All of the ballasts in the room will respond, verifying that each is properly wired and functioning. This response also confirms that the controller is sending messages on the data bus. Finally, activating an occupancy sensor will cause lighting to dim to 10%, confirming the system is wired correctly. (This “co n t ra c tor”mode startup pro g ram disappears once the system has been comple te ly configured.) Once the system is installed and the wiring confirmed, the controller can be used to initialize the system, and program the groups and scenes. To initialize the system, the installer removes the wallplate and swings open the Master button. He then presses and holds the STORE button for five seconds. All of the ballasts turn off and the controller begins addressing each one sequentially. As a ballast receives its address, it turns on. When initialization is comple te, all of the ballasts will be on. Creating Groups www.wattstopper.com 800.879.8585 This illustration demonstrates the proce ss for creating groups. 9 D A L I D i m m i n g C o n t r o l s Step 4 - Commissioning Creating Scenes Creating scenes is done with the ezDALI Group and Scene Controller. First, the lighting groups are identified. Then the desired light level of each lighting group for a specific activity is determined. The illustration shows a Group and Scene Controller where lighting groups and lighting scenes have been identified and labeled. Creating Multiple Scenes Creating multiple scenes is similar to the process of creating groups, described on the previous page. The user will adjust the light level of each group using the respective “group” buttons on the left side of the Controller. Once this is done, the scene is created by “memorizing” the light levels to the desired scene button by pressing the specific scene button on the right side of the Controller. Setting Maximum Levels The MAX button sets maximum light levels for each group. This function is useful for setting light levels appro p r i a te for the wo r k space or function, as well as for energy conservation. www.wattstopper.com 800.879.8585 10 D A L I D i m m i n g C o n t r o l s Step 5 - Occupant control Occupants select a scene matched to the Occupants can create room’s activity or task by pressing one of the temporary scenes by four scene buttons on the Group and Scene adjusting light levels with these group buttons. Controller or Remote Scene Switch. If none of the scenes provides the lighting environment t h ey desire, they can use the group dimming b u t tons on the Group and Scene Controller to create a “te m p o rary” scene. Pressing the Master button will toggle between this new scene and off. Similarly, if an occupancy sensor is interfaced, it will also toggle b e t ween this temporary scene and off. To erase the te m p o rary scene, the occupant need only press one of the normal scene buttons. Or, if the temporary scene becomes a favorite, it can be memorized as a permanent scene by pressing and holding a normal Master button scene button. Once this is done, the button may be relabeled to reflect the new scene. www.wattstopper.com 800.879.8585 Occupants can memorize a temporary scene to make it permanent by pressing and holding a scene button. 11 D A L I D i m m i n g C o n Application Examples www.wattstopper.com 800.879.8585 t r o l s D A L I D i m m i n g C o n t r o l s DALI dimming control applications Executive Office Application Description Primary activities are computer work, reading, and meetings. Control Needs Dimming with presets for reading and computer work, and meetings. Automatic OFF for all lighting for code compliance. Solution e z DALI Group and Scene Controller for up to four lighting groups. Assign each of two overhead fixtures into different lighting groups, the sconces in a third group and the halogen art lighting in a fourth group, using an ezDALI Relay Module. Set the lighting levels for each group to create the desired scenes. Add an occupancy sensor to achieve Automatic OFF. Conference Room Application Description Conference room with presentations, videoconferences, and meetings as primary activities. Lighting is indirect pendant fixtures and wall washers. Control Needs Dimming with scenes for presentations, videoconferences, and meetings. Automatic OFF for all lighting for co d e compliance. Solution e z DALI Group and Scene Controller for up to four lighting groups and four scenes. Assign fixtures into different lighting groups and set lighting levels independently for each group (i.e., 75%, for overheads, 40% for wallw a s h e rs for a meeting scene) memorize these levels for scenes for specific activities. To activa te or recall these scenes, an occupant presses the appro p r i a te scene button on the right side of the controller. Use an occupancy sensor to turn lighting off automatically upon vacancy. www.wattstopper.com 800.879.8585 13 D A L I D i m m i n g C o n t r o l s DALI dimming control applications Classroom Application description Primary activities are lectures, reading, presentations, computer work, and tests. Control needs Independent dimming control of student window row and student inner row. Teacher needs to crea te scenes for four diffe rent tasks (i.e., whiteboard discussions, A/V pre s e n tations, reading, and co mp u ter work). Automatic OFF of all lighting for code compliance. Solution e z DALI Group and Scene Controller with an additional Remote Scene Switch. Designer can assign each of the overhead fixtures into different lighting groups, and create the four desired scenes. With the Remote Scene Switch, the instructor can access different lighting scenes from either the main controller at the room entrance, or from the front of the room, near the teaching area. For Automatic OFF, designer implements a DT-300 occ upancy sensor. www.wattstopper.com 800.879.8585 14