Text Features Designed to meet these objectives: Language • Students will read grade-appropriate text with fluency and accuracy. • Students will read with appropriate pacing, intonation, and expression. Your new listening center is a complete, interactive tool to boost fluency—and comprehension! The recordings and corresponding activity cards in this program focus on understanding how to read text features, including underlined words and words printed in bold, italics, or capital letters. Each recording features an explanation of the targeted skill and clear, easy-to-understand instructions for completing the practice activity on the write & wipe cards. Because the recordings lead students through each activity step by step, the Fluency Skills Listening Center is perfect for independent learning. Plus, multiple copies of each card are included, so up to four students can use the program at the same time. What’s Included • 16 write & wipe activity cards (4 copies of 4 different activities) • Activity CD • Answer key (on the last two pages of this guide) Before You Begin Set up your listening center with headphones for up to four students. Load the CD in the player. Place an activity card at each student’s space, and provide dry-erase markers and erasers or tissues. Point out the activity number in the upper right corner of the card, and explain that the recording will tell students which card they should use. Cue the recording, and you’re ready to go! © 2009 Lakeshore (800) 428-4414 www.lakeshorelearning.com LL354 Ages 6+ Printed in China Getting Started Before placing an activity in your listening center, familiarize students with the targeted fluency skill. Introduce the specific skill and explain how it can be used to improve students’ fluency and comprehension. • Using All Capital Letters — Fluent readers know that words written in all capital letters should be emphasized, or read more forcefully. This helps listeners understand what is being read. • Using Italics — Fluent readers know that words in italics should be stressed, whispered, or read with emotion. Sometimes, italicized words are titles. Fluent readers use context to figure out how to read italicized words. • Using Bold and Underline — Fluent readers emphasize words that are underlined or printed in bold. This makes the passage more interesting and easier to understand. • Put It All Together — When reading aloud, fluent readers use their knowledge of text features to give special emphasis to words that are underlined or printed in capital letters, italics, or bold type. Finally, make sure students understand how to work at the center. Prompt them to check the number in the top right corner of the activity card to be certain that they have the correct one. Explain that they should listen carefully and follow all of the instructions on the recording. Point out that, after students answer the questions, the recording will provide the answers so they can correct their own work. Then, send small groups to your listening center to complete the activity. Meeting Individual Needs ELL Point out text features in a storybook, and explain how the features help us understand which words are important. Have students find examples of text features in their own books. Reteach/Extra Support Use highlighter tape to point out text features in students’ books. Discuss why these words have been given special emphasis. Challenge Have students search for text features in old magazines or newspapers. Prompt them to cut out examples and organize them by type. Then, encourage students to use the examples to create reference posters for each different type of text feature. 2 3 Answer Key Answer Key