Experience with a Retargetable Compiler for a Commercial Network

Experience with a Retargetable Compiler
for a Commercial Network Processor
Jinhwan Kim
Sungjoon Jung
Yunheung Paek
Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Department
Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology
Daejon 305-701, Korea
Gang-Ryung Uh
Computer Science Department
College of Engineering
Boise State University
1910 University Avenue
Boise, Idaho 83725
programmability. Although traditional ASIC (Application
Specific Integrated Circuit) based switching technology can
support higher network bandwidth, the approach severely
lack programmability. This led to the creation of new programmable ASIPs (Application Specific Instruction-set Processors) for network applications called Network Processors
(NPs). To meet the fast growing need of NPs, many companies have introduced various NPs such as Intel IXP 1200,
MMC nP3400 and IBM Rainier NPU since 2000.
Programmability is an important requirement for NPs along
with performance. The NP should be easily programmed to
customize various feature sets. In addition, the NP should
be rapidly reconfigured to support frequently varying internet services and technologies. Therefore, in order to meet
such programmability requirements, NPs commonly support
HLL (High-Level Language) compilers.
A HLL compiler for a NP should play the following two major roles to lead the processor into satisfactory performance.
First, the compiler should relieve application programmers
from the burden of using both time-consuming and errorprone assembly languages. Thus, fast time-to-market and reliability requirements for NPs can be easily met. Second, the
compiler should generate high quality code to satisfy tight
real-time performance constraints.1
However, the specialized architectural features of NPs frequently prevent the compiler from applying conventional optimizations to fully exploit the processor capabilities - unbalanced memory hierarchy, bit operations and multi-processors.
Several code generation techniques, which are intended to
meet the high code quality demands of other types of ASIPs
like DSPs (Digital Signal Processors), have already been developed. However, these techniques are insufficient for NPs
due to architectural differences. Therefore, it is vital to develop the code generation techniques that can exploit the NP
This paper reports our recent work on a compiler for a
commercial network processor based on the Zephyr compiler
infrastructure [2]. While Zephyr has been retargeted to numerous GPPs and recently retargeted to a DSP [6], its retargetability to NPs had not been explored. Besides, there
has been little study to retarget existing compilers to NPs,
yet. This is mainly because the idea of NPs is quite new and
The Paion PPII network processor is designed to meet the
growing need for new high bandwidth network equipment. In
order to rapidly reconfigure the processor for frequently varying internet services and technologies, a high performance
compiler is urgently needed. Albeit various code generation
techniques have been proposed for DSPs or ASIPs, we experienced these techniques are not easily tailored towards
the target Paion PPII processor due to striking architectural
differences. First, we will show the architectural challenges
posed by the target processor. Second, novel compiler techniques will be described that effectively exploit unorthogonal
architectural features. The techniques include virtual data
path, compiler intrinsics, and interprocedural register allocation. Third, intermediate benchmark results will be presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of our techniques.
Categories and Subject Descriptors
D.3.4 [Programming Languages]: Processors—code generation/compilers/optimization
General Terms
Compiler, network processor and non-orthogonal architecture
The explosive growth in network bandwidth and internet services have created the need for new networking hardware to support not only higher network bandwidth but also
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CASES 2002, October 8–11, 2002, Grenoble, France.
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This means that a NP can process a packet in a timely manner.
commercial products of NPs have not been available until
recently [14, 10].
In this work, we retargeted Zephyr to a commercial NP
by enhancing its middle-ware called code expander and code
generator called the Very Portable Optimizer (VPO). Through
this work, we analyzed the problems occurred in retargeting
Zephyr to a NP, proposed our solutions and presented our
experimental results.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 outlines
Zephyr compiler. Section 3 outlines our target NP architecture. Section 4 shows how we modified Zephyr to generate
code for the target architecture. Section 5 presents our recent experimental results. Section 6 describes related work in
code generation for special NP features. Section 7 concludes
with a description of our on-going research for this work.
Zephyr compiler infrastructure consists of three major modules, which are frontend, code expander, and VPO, as shown
in Figure 1. VPO is the backend that performs machine dependent optimizations and code generation for a given target
Source code
simple as possible, where complex instructions and addressing modes are broken down into primitive RTL operations
(e.g., + or -) and modes (e.g., register or register indirect
addressing), respectively.
In VPO, even an optimization written to exploit a certain
feature of a single machine can be expressed in the machineindependent framework. If a new machine incorporates the
same feature, VPO automatically exploits it. Many standard
optimizations are easily expressed as transformations of flow
graphs containing RTLs. For example, consider the postincrement operation i++ from a C statement a[i++]=1. The
code expander will translate this statement into the naive
RTLs shown in Figure 2(a). Afterwards, VPO repeatedly
follows UD-chains to combine a set of related RTLs into a
new one and tests if the new RTL forms a valid machine instruction. If the test fails, the code combining is rolled back.
Figure 2(c) shows the resulting RTLs when the initial RTLs
are combined after memory accesses being replaced with free
registers as shown in Figure 2(b). Many machines support
auto-increment/decrement addressing modes and if the target machine also supports the addressing modes, then the
RTLs in Figure 2(d) will be again combined to form a single
RTL shown in Figure 2(d), which will be later translated to
an auto-increment instruction in the target.
R[SP+t0]=r[0]; r[0]
r[0]=R[SP+t0] t0
R[r[0]]=1; r[0]
Code Expander
Instruction Selection
Register Allocation
Figure 1: The Zephyr compiler modules
Unlike most other backend optimizers, the uniqueness of
VPO lies in its interesting property that all its optimizations
are machine-independent, yet performed on a machine-level
instruction form [2]. This property allows compiler writers
to reuse most of the transformations in VPO, while suffering
relatively little performance loss, when they build compilers
for different targets. Zephyr’s retargetability is made possible
by its pervasive use of a low-level IR, called Register Transfer
Lists (RTLs) [11].
RTLs are primitive enough to represent in composition almost all possible machine operations and addressing modes
provided by various existing architectures. Thanks to this retargetable design of its primitive expressions, RTL was able
to describe over dozens of conventional architectures [3].
Each register transfer expression represents the semantics
of target machine instructions. Before being processed by
VPO, a program must be expressed as a control-flow graph
in which each node is a machine instruction expressed as an
RTL. The translation from the front-end’s IR to the RTLbased control-flow graph is done by a code expander.
Writing a code expander for Zephyr roughly corresponds
to writing an architecture description language in other retargetable compilers [13]. That is, given a target machine,
the user can retarget Zephyr simply by describing the machine in a code expander, where the architectural features of
the machine are mapped into a combination of RTLs. The
key to writing code expanders is to keep the output RTLs as
R[r[2]]=1; r[2]
Assembly language
Figure 2: Code combining in VPO
Packet processing has several salient characteristics compared to conventional data-processing. One striking characteristic of packet processing is that data consists of a large
number of individual packets. Each packet is independently
processed through the four basic tasks shown in Figure 3 [5].
Typically, a NP is configured to have packet processing optimized multi-processors called packet engines 2 . Such a configuration results from the fact that independence between
packets makes packet processing ideal for a multi-processor
architecture. Each packet engine is responsible for accelerating the four basic packet processing.
Figure 3: The four packet processing tasks
Additional characteristics of packet processing are lack of
floating-point operations and lack of data locality among
packet data [14]. Thus, the configuration of a packet engine
NP manufacturers use a variety of terms such as microengines, picoengines, channel processors and etc.
RISC-style operations. These complex bit operations in the
PPII are hfunc() instruction and align() instruction. The
hfunc() instruction is used to get a hash key by performing exclusive OR (XOR) operations on four operands. The
align() instruction is used to pack 48-bit packet data into
two 32-bit registers.
In the data path module of PPII, register file is heterogeneous such that registers are partitioned into general-purpose
data registers for packet processing and transfer registers for
memory access. Figure 6 shows the simplified data path module block diagram. This architecture has three buses - one is
the destination bus for the ALU output and the others are
left/right operand buses for the source operands of ALU. Using these buses, instructions can be executed simultaneously.
As shown in Figure 6, the data path to the external memory is through the operand bus so that the values stored
in both sets of data registers and transfer registers can be
moved to external memory. However, note that values stored
in memory can be moved only to the transfer register set because there is no direct data path from memory to other registers except transfer registers. This configuration allows the
processor to execute a functional instruction and a memory
instruction in parallel. In addition, the chip size can be effectively reduced by eliminating otherwise required additional
control units.
does not require Floating Point Units (FPUs) and data cache.
Instead, the configuration includes complex bit-manipulation
units to efficiently handle bit packets.
Many NPs include a GPP unit, called a control processor,
as well as the packet engines. A widely used RISC processor
is used as the control processor. In addition, NPs have two
major external interface types. One is the interface that
connects to a packet memory. The other is the interface that
connects to a table memory, which is typically implemented
as high-speed SRAM.
In this work, we retarget Zephyr to Paion [1] PPII processor, which is a 32-bit packet engine. Paion NP follows
a typical configuration of other NPs such that it consists of
multiple PPIIs along with SRAM shared among the packet
engines. Figure 4 and 6 show the PPII architecture.
Host Processor
Instruction Decoder
Peripheral Interface
Instruction Fetcher
Micro Sequence
Ingress Buffer
Program Memory
Data Memory
Register Files
Figure 4: Block diagram of Paion PPII
Ingress Buffer
Transfer Registers
mbr0 - mbr3
Data Registers
r0 - rf
ea0 - ea3
Address Registers
The current implementations of PPII use a VLIW (Very
Long Instruction Word) architecture. This means that the
PPII supports parallel processing to execute several atomic
instructions within one cycle and can be optimized for memory access. A control instruction, a functional instruction
and a memory instruction are packed into one 38-bit long
instruction word, as shown in Figure 5(a). The SEQ and
COND bits in Figure 5(a) indicate a control instruction, the
AGEN and PACC bits indicate a memory instruction and the
remaining bits indicate a functional instruction. This long
instruction word is expressed in assembly as shown in Figure 5(b). The next() instruction is the control instruction
which means that the next instruction word will be fetched.
The agen() is the memory instruction which generates address and the swrite() is the memory instruction which
stores to an external SRAM. The add() is the functional
instruction that performs addition. PPII instruction words
are separated by the control related instructions encoded in
SEQ bits such as next() and jcc().
base register 24-bit
Destination Bus
Figure 6: Simplified block diagram
PPII has a complex memory architecture like other NPs
such as Intel IXP 1200. Multiple PPIIs comprise a NP with
a SRAM in order to share the lookup table. The PPII has
an ingress buffer for packet data and an interface connected
to SRAM for a lookup table as well as program memory in
which firmware is stored. SRAM is externally located to each
PPII since it must be uniformly accessed by multiple PPIIs.
(a) A long instruction word format
agen(· · · );
swrite(· · · );
add(· · · );
(b) Assembly code example for a single long instruction word
This section explains our first Zephyr compiler retargeting
effort to the network architecture PPII. First, we briefly describe several important hardware features that distinguish
PPII from both GPPs and other types of ASIPs like DSPs
with respect to code generation. Second, we explain salient
limitations of the original implementation of Zephyr to exploit such architectural features. Finally, our compiler techniques are presented to circumvent these limitations.
Figure 5: PPII VLIW instruction set architecture
Another feature of PPII can be found in an ALU and register files, which comprise the data path module. The ALU
is designed to execute complex bit operations as well as basic
4.1 Heterogeneous Register Architecture
that loads an immediate value to a register such in Line 1
of Figure 8(b), and a store instruction that stores the value
in register to memory. Then, the code expander assigns a
data register type to the destination of the immediate load
instruction and the source of the store instruction. In order
to translate Line 2 of Figure 8(a), load instructions that load
the variable a from memory is necessary. Hence, the code expander selects load instructions and assign a transfer register
type, MBR, as the corresponding destination. The reason for
assigning a transfer register type is due to the restricted data
path from the memory, as shown in Figure 6.
Many compilers, including gcc and Zephyr, perform instruction selection and register allocation in different optimization phases as shown in Figure 7(a). This decoupled
optimizations perform well for GPPs that have relatively homogeneous registers.
Albeit this strategy is conceptually simple, it does not work
well for ASIPs since the architectures have heterogenous registers and the permissible registers for the instructions are
even further restricted due to limited instruction encoding
length. Therefore, for ASIPs, register allocation and instruction selection should be performed in a tightly coupled manner [8] as shown in Figure 7(b).
(a) Decoupled
(b) Phase-coupling
Figure 7: Code generation process
In Zephyr, when a code expander generates specific machinelevel RTL instructions, the register allocation is postponed
by simply assigning pseudo registers to store the temporary
values. These pseudo registers are later in VPO allocated to
physical ones. As stated earlier, these decoupled phases of
instruction selection and register allocation processes make
Zephyr, let alone code optimizations, inappropriate to generate efficient code for processors which contain heterogeneous
One general solution to overcome the limitations of Zephyr
would be to rewrite a whole new code generation algorithm
that combines instruction selection and register allocation in
one phase, as done in many other compilers for DSPs [13].
However, this would require too much retargeting effort of
any compiler designers who want to retarget their compilers
like Zephyr.
As an alternative approach, we modified Zephyr by adding
a new scheme which enforces an extra relationship that combines the two phases in the following manner. During the
instruction selection phase, permissible types of registers are
also identified for each instruction. The subsequent register
allocation attempts to assign physical registers within each
identified type of registers. In other words, when generating
RTL instructions, a code expander is modified to assign the
type of registers suitable for each RTL instruction in order to
use the register allocation phase in VPO without any modification. Figure 8 shows the RTLs generated by code expander
with this method.
(a) C code
M[a]=r[0]; r[0]
r[0]=mbr[0]; mbr[0]
r[1]=mbr[1]; mbr[1]
r[0]=r[0]&r[1]; r[1]
(b) RTLs
Figure 8: Example of RTLs generated in a code expander
To show how a code expander generates RTLs, consider
the RTLs in Figure 8(b) that is generated from C code in
Figure 8(a). Notice in Figure 8(a) that the variable a in the
first C statement takes a constant value. In order to translate this statement, a code expander selects an instruction
Asymmetric Data Paths
Similarly to the GNU compiler, one salient feature of VPO
is that it can invoke the instruction selection and register
allocation phases iteratively during the optimization process. One advantage of this iterative methodology is that it
makes the compilation process more flexible and easier to apply additional optimization techniques. The code quality in
Zephyr, thus, can be gradually improved until certain desired
requirements are met. By controlling these requirements and
changing appropriate modules in VPO, we can adjust the
code quality in a flexible way. Another advantage is that
alternatively repeating invocation of the separate code generation phases helps VPO to compensate to some degree for
the inefficiency due to the decoupled structure of its phases.
However, to take advantage of this iterative compilation
process, VPO requires the RTL code to satisfy a certain property, called machine invariant. To have the machine invariant
property, every RTL in the code should always match one or
more instructions defined in the target machine. This property is useful to the iterative compilation process because the
process can be terminated at any time after trivially emitting machine instructions for their matching RTLs as soon as
certain requirements on code quality are met. However, we
found that this property can be a problem for compilers targeting NPs which usually have asymmetric data paths. Figure 6 shows a typical example of an asymmetric data path
where there is no data path from memory to data registers
while a data path from data registers to memory exists. On
the other hand, GPPs that VPO was originally designed for
usually have symmetric data paths; that is, data paths between every register and memory are bi-directional so that
any data stored to memory from some register can always be
directly loaded back to the same register.
When C code is translated to IR form, many compilers initially have many redundant loads and stores most of which
can be later eliminated by optimization phases. For instance,
Table 1 shows the RTLs for the SUN Sparc that a code expander initially generates from the two C statements. Note
in the example that the RTLs have the machine invariant
property. Since Sparc has symmetric data paths, the RTLs
have the same registers used to move data from/to memory.
Therefore, RTLs each of which respectively loads or stores
a value for the same register can be eliminated or combined
into a fewer number of RTLs, as illustrated in Figure 9(a).
Table 2 shows the RTL code generated for the PPII which
also initially satisfies the machine invariant property. Although VPO tries to eliminate redundant memory accesses
for this code, it fails because there are no RTLs which can
be combined into a new RTL that satisfies the machine invariant property by matching a PPII machine instruction.
For instance, VPO would first attempt to combine three
C code
a = 0xc0;
t = a &· · · ;
r[1]=r[0]&· · · ;
Pseudo machine instruction
r0 ← 0xc0
M[SP+a] ← r0
r0 ← M[SP+a]
r1 ← r0 &· · ·
M[SP+t] ← r1
r[1]=r[0]&· · · ;
Figure 10:
Table 1: C, RTL and Machine code for Sparc
r[1]=r[0]&· · · ;
r[1]=mbr[0]&· · · ;
RTL Split &
Transfer Reg. Allocation
(b) PPII
t = a &· · · ;
Virtual Data Path
look for
remaining VDP
RTLs M[a]=r[0], mbr[0]=M[a] and r[0]=mbr[0] into one
RTL r[0]==r[0] so that the redundant memory access to a
can be eliminated. However, it fails since there is no valid
PPII instructions that move data via direct data paths from
the data register r[0] to the transfer register mbr[0] or from
memory to r[0], as illustrated in Figure 9(b).
In order to conquer this problem due to asymmetric data
paths of PPII, we decided to choose the approach where we
modify our target NP architecture by adding additional data
paths, called virtual data paths, so that the data paths look
like symmetric to the compiler. The virtual data paths help
VPO to further combine the RTLs. For instance, a virtual
data path from memory to data registers in PPII is added to
the original PPII data path shown in Figure 6. Then, this
new data path leads that the RTLs can be combined into the
final RTLs which does not contain any redundant memory
loads and stores as shown in Figure 10. Therefore, this virtual data path technique enables VPO to further optimize
the RTLs and many redundant memory accesses in PPII can
be eliminated.
r[1]=r[0]&· · · ;
Figure 11: Code generation in VPO with virtual data
Figure 9: Code combining for Sparc and PPII
C code
a = 0xc0;
Code combining for PPII with virtual data paths
(a) Sparc
r[1]=r[0]&· · · ;
r[1]=r[0]&· · · ;
virtual data paths.
r[1]=r[0]&· · · ;
Bit Instructions using Compiler Intrinsics
Many ASIPs, such as DSPs and NPs offer complex instructions which are uncommon in RISC-style GPPs in order to accelerating the specific complex operations. However, C operations are restricted to primitive operations. The
gap between high-level language (HLL) instructions and assembly instructions has become wider as ASIP architectures
have supported more complex instructions. This makes codegeneration more difficult. The main reason is that the complex instruction cannot be expressed in the C language. Figure 12 presents an example code where complex bit operations for packet processing are expressed in the C language.
Due to this complexity, the development of NP’s applications
is error-prone and the code readability is poor so the code is
not reusable. In addition, because of C programming style,
repeated bit operations are made to a function. This results
in frequent function calls so that the save and restore of register can too often occur for a calling convention. Thus, the
compiler-generated code cannot satisfy the required real-time
Pseudo machine instruction
r0 ← 0xc0
M[a] ← r0
mbr0 ← M[a]
r0 ← mbr0
r1 ← r0 &· · ·
M[t] ← r1
void L3PktModify(ULONG best bkt) {
tmp1 | = (tmp2 & 0x30) << 2;
tmp1 | = (tmp2 & 0x0e) >> 1;
tmp1 | = 0x20;
tmp1 | = (tmp2 >> 6) & 0x03FF00;
Table 2: C, RTL and Machine code for PPII
Figure 12: Bit manipulation example from L3 firmware
Even after code combining, some RTLs which use the virtual data paths may still remain in the compiler-generated
code. Since these RTLs do not use real paths, they should be
eliminated from the final output code. In this work, after the
optimization process, VPO splits a RTL that directly loads
to data registers into two RTLs; the first RTL is to load
into a transfer register and the second is to move a value
from a transfer register to a data register. Simultaneously
with splitting, an available transfer register is allocated. Figure 11 illustrates the overall process of code combining with
Hence, the compiler should generate code by exploiting
patterns for the complex instructions in RTLs. It is often
relatively simple to exploit some patterns and emit the corresponding instructions; for example, in the case of a MAC
instruction on DSPs, the compiler only finds the pattern
which consists of * and + operations and any processing
to operands is unnecessary. But the complex instructions
on NPs, which require patterns consisting of sophisticated
bit operations for efficient packet processing, are usually too
difficult to express in HLL.
piler translates a gen hashkey() into the hfunc() instruction
and allocates parameter variables to registers. Figure 14 illustrates the resulting code generated from the intrinsic function. The intrinsic align() is translated into the align() assembly instruction and the compiler allocates the parameter
variables, data1 and data2, to registers.
Table 3 shows such complex bit-processing instructions of
PPII. You can see that each source operand of operations is
not match for a whole register as shown in Table 3. For example, the hfunc() instruction takes two registers as sources,
but each registers is split into high portion and low portion
as source operands. That is, the number of source operands
should appear in the C code is not two but four. This means
that by using the same method used for a MAC instruction,
the compiler needs to find three XOR ⊕ operations and the
corresponding four C variables first of all. Even if this pattern is found, generating hfunc() depends on whether the
values stored in variables can be encoded to 16-bit locations.
If possible, the compiler generates not only hfunc() but also
additional instructions for masking and shifting in order to
split registers into two portions. Therefore, even when such a
pattern matching method is successfully applied to generate
hfunc(), the code size would be still increased.
In Table 3, the align() instruction takes two registers as
arguments. However two registers are handled as a single
operand in order to shift together. Hence, align() is also
too complex to be expressed in the C code. Besides, the
pattern for align() can be translated when the amount of
shift in DIMM is known at compile time because the value in
DIMM must be encoded into an instruction word. Therefore,
using such a pattern matching method to generate align()
is often very tricky.
Assembly Syntax
DST = LOP[31:16] ⊕ LOP[15:0]
⊕ ROP[31:16] ⊕ ROP[15:0]
R0 = {LOP,ROP} >> DIMM[4:0]
hashkey = gen hashkey(13, mac01, mac02);
Figure 14: Intrinsic example for complex instructions
Memory Constraints
NPs have specialized features different from the conventional processor architectures. The main difference is that
NPs usually have multi-processor architectures to process
several packets simultaneously as described in Section 3. While
a uni-processor architecture is able to have on-chip SRAMs,
a multi-processor architecture of NPs is designed to share an
external SRAM. Also each PPII has another type of memory
called ingress buffer for incoming packet information. These
types of memory in PPII are called peripherals. However,
PPII has no memory types such as those found in a typical
von Neumann architecture. So, activation record including
references to variables can only reside in a part of SRAM by
using instructions in Table 4. Each instruction takes about 3
cycles. Therefore, the large number of memory accesses except for lookup table entries and packet data may degrade the
overall performance substantially. As stated in Section 4.2, it
was achieved to reduce the memory accesses for variables or
temporaries by applying the virtual data paths to the compiler for PPII. However Zephyr does not support interprocedural register allocation so, function calls still induce other
memory accesses. To improve the memory performance, we
applied some interprocedural techniques as well as the virtual
data paths.
In this section, we discuss how we handle this memory
architectural feature of NPs and interprocedural techniques
that are applied to reduce the large number of memory accesses due to function calls.
Table 3: Complex instruction examples
Thus, alternative methods such as using in-line assembly
are needed to efficiently generate the complex instructions.
In the case of in-line assembly, a programmer should allocate hardware registers directly, so it cannot take advantage
of using HLL. Therefore, in this work, compiler intrinsics,
also known as compiler-known functions (CKFs) were used.
Using the intrinsics, while the programmer directly does not
need to program the body of intrinsics but use the pre-defined
format of intrinsics, the compiler translates function calls into
fixed instructions or sequences [14]. The intrinsic approach
does not have any calling overhead. Thus, the intrinsics offer
ability to efficiently utilize the complex bit instructions. Using intrinsics, readability of the C code is improved, so the
code can be more reusable. Figure 13 shows the format of
intrinsics for complex bit instructions of PPII.
Ingress buffer
Table 4: Assembly instructions for peripheral access
ULONG gen_hashkey(int size, ULONG data1, ULONG data2);
intrinsic name
hashkey size
4.4.1 Peripheral Accesses using Compiler Intrinsics
Two types of memory in PPII, an ingress buffer and a
SRAM, cannot be separately expressed in the C language
because the C language has been used for von Neumann or
Harvard architecture which has a program memory and one
or more banks of data memory. Therefore, to distinguish
these two types of memory, we applied methods using compiler intrinsics.
Figure 15 shows the format of intrinsics for peripheral
access. The data ID parameter selects the memory type,
byte offset indicates the memory address, and MOS indicates the operand size. The get data() function loads the
ULONG align(int shift_amount, ULONG data1, ULONG data2);
intrinsic name
the amount of shift
upper part of the operand
lower part of the operand
Figure 13: Format of intrinsics for complex instructions
The gen hashkey() is an intrinsic function to get a 16-bit
hashkey value from parameters, data1 and data2. The com-
value stored in memory and the set data() function stores
the value stored in the src var parameter into memory.
performance degradation in PPII which has no on-chip memory. To avoid frequent memory access, several techniques
were considered. In our compiler for PPII, the memory access instructions were reduced by means of the virtual data
path algorithm as mentioned in Section 4.2. Also the following techniques were applied.
(1) Passing parameters and return values via registers
Generally the argument area in the activation record of
the callee is used for passing parameters. In the same way
the argument area in the activation record of the caller is
used for passing back the return values. Since the activation
records are allocated in memory, this passing process involves
memory stores and the subsequent memory references to the
incoming parameters in the callee. This means that it may
fail to satisfy the required real-time performance of PPII. To
reduce the overall number of memory stores and the subsequent memory references for passing process, we reserve five
registers to pass up to four parameters and one return value.
We call the four registers for passing parameters parameter
registers and the renaming one for the return value the return register. However, passing parameters via these physical
registers creates some problems. To illustrate this problem,
consider the following calling sequence.
ULONG get_data(int data_ID, ULONG byte_offset, int MOS);
intrinsic name
memory type
offset operand size
int set_data(int data_ID, ULONG byte_offset, int MOS, ULONG src_var);
memory type offset
intrinsic name
operand size
Figure 15: Format of intrinsics for peripheral access
Using these intrinsics with the above stated advantages
and assistance from the compiler, the memory can be used
more efficiently because the MOS parameter of the intrinsic
function enables a bit-level addressing. Figure 16 illustrates
the assembly code generated from the intrinsic function for
the peripheral access. The compiler translates the intrinsic
functions written in C code into the immediate load instruction imm() and the address generation instruction agen() in
order to calculate the memory address. The PIF parameter
in Figure 16 indicates that the memory type is an ingress
buffer. As shown in Figure 16(a), the iread0() instruction
is emitted to move the value from memory to transfer register, mbr0, and then this value is moved to data register, r3 by
movl() instruction. As shown in Figure 16(b), the iwrite()
instruction is emitted to move the value from data register,
r5 to memory.
pkt word2 = get data(PIF,8,32);
When the function B is invoked, incoming parameters to
B already reside in parameter registers. Before invoking the
function C, outgoing parameters tend to be assigned to the
same parameter registers. Also, all return values are allocated to the same return register like the case of parameters.
So, parameter registers and a return register need to be saved
into the activation record. Thus, we used a caller-saved calling convention for parameter registers and a return register.
Figure 17 shows the example of the assembly code that
contains caller-saved/restored instructions. As shown in Figure 17, the outgoing parameter to function Fflooding FAIL()
is passed via data register, rc. Before call to Fflooding FAIL(),
parameter register, rc is saved into memory and then, outgoing parameter to Fflooding FAIL() is assigned to data register, rc. After returning from call, the incoming parameter
to the current function is restored from memory.
set data(PIF,0,32,pkt word0);
Figure 16: Intrinsic example for peripheral access
4.4.2 Interprocedural Techniques
call(Fflooding FAIL);
In C programming, functions are generally used for repeated operations. This enables us to develop the code in
the C language more conveniently and enhances the readability and the reusability of the code. In the case of NPs such
as a PPII, the firmware code typically contains the repeated
packet processing. Therefore, to facilitate convenient programming, the firmware may be developed to contain many
functions. One of the factors leading to wide memory use is
frequent function calls. In ordinary C compilers, the activation record of a function is kept in memory and the information of the function such as the local variables is stored in
the activation record. When a function is invoked, the caller
needs to save the information of the caller into the activation
record, and then when the function returns, the caller needs
to restore its information of the caller back into the registers.
In addition, the parameters and the return value are passed
through the memory. The compiler for conventional microprocessors which have an on-chip cache or an on-chip SRAM
work well using this method because the memory latency is
usually only one cycle. But this approach may cause serious
Figure 17: Example of caller’s save
(2) Function inlining
Function inlining is a well-known technique used in many
traditional compilers. The main idea is to replace calls to
a function by copies of the function body. We found that
R f : register usage in function f
S f : register usage in ancestors and descendants of function f
for each function f
R f=0
S f=0
for each function f
for each register r used in f
R f=R f∪ r
for each function f
for each function g called by f
S g=S g∪ R f
for each function g calls f
S g=S g∪ R f
until no change
for each function f
if(S f ∩ R f != empty)
for each register r in S f ∩ R f
find candidate for r
if candidate c exists
replace all r in f with c
R f=(R f- r )∪ c
until R do not change
function inlining is useful to our compiler for PPII because
the overhead of function calls can be drastically reduced for
packet processing code. However, inlining generally also increases code size, which can be a critical drawback for NPs
with such small internal program memory. So, in our work,
only functions with limited body size were inlining to avoid
a code size explosion.
(3) Interprocedural Register Renaming
For the cases where function inlining cannot be applied, we
found that interprocedural register allocation [12] is useful for
NPs. Consider the example shown in Figure 18. Figure 18(a)
gives the example of allocation results and a call-graph. We
can see in the example that we need fifteen temporaries to
be allocated to data registers. While each PPII has sixteen
data registers, the number of data registers allocated to these
temporaries is only five as can be seen in Figure 18(a). That
is, while eleven data registers remain free, the same data registers are allocated in different functions. Hence the data registers need to be repeatedly saved into the activation record
when these functions are invoked. Figure 18(b) shows the
optimized result of register allocation to overcome this problem. But the original implementation of Zephyr performs the
intra-procedural register allocation so registers could not be
allocated as shown in Figure 18(b). In this work, Zephyr was
extended to support the interprocedural register allocation
by register renaming, in order to get the result as shown in
Figure 18(b). This allocation algorithm is applied to the final
RTLs after all other optimizations being applied, and simply
changes the registers that overlap the registers in other functions along the path of the caller-callee chain into available
registers. Figure 19 shows the detailed algorithm.
r1, r2, r3
r1, r2, r3
r1, r2, r3
r1, r2, r3, r4
r4, r5, r6
r4, r5, r6, r7
r1, r2, r3,
r4, r5
r8, r9, r10,
r11, r12
(a) before applying IRR
(b) after applying IRR
Figure 19:
Algorithm for interprocedural register renaming
the lookup table because the program runs through different path. Therefore, in the case of packet process programs,
we evaluated with some different lookup table layouts.
Initialization programs used are fsp 1, fsp 2 and fsp 3, and
packet process programs are l2 processing and l3 processing.
Effectiveness of Compiler Techniques
To isolate the effectiveness of each technique for the benchmarks when being executed on a simulator, we conducted
experiments following several different strategies, where each
set of techniques was incrementally added to achieve better
1. (Base) We measured the code size and dynamic instruction count of each code generated by the modified
Zephyr without any optimization techniques except the
intrinsic functions, which are indispensable to retarget
Zephyr to PPII.
Figure 18: Call graph with allocated registers
2. (VDP) To reduce the memory access inside each function, the virtual data path technique was added.
3. (Interprocedural register renaming) Strategy 2 was extended with the interprocedural register renaming to
reduce the memory access over all program.
We recently evaluated Zephyr with a suite of Paion firmwares
on a PPII simulator. We take C code as the source and, as
the target, produce assembly code for PPII which is in turn
given to the assembler to produce the machine code. The
performance of the generated machine code has been measured by means of the simulator, which was developed by
Paion and displays code size and dynamic instruction count
as the result.
5.1 Benchmark programs
The suite of Paion firmwares is classified into two; initialization programs and packet process programs. While initialization programs produce the same result regardless of
what is stored in lookup table, packet process programs produce the different results depending on what is stored in
4. (function inlining) Strategy 2 was extended with the
function inlining instead of the interprocedural register
renaming. To compare with Strategy 3, all functions
were inlined regardless of the code size.
Figure 20 shows the code size of machine codes. These
results show that Strategies 2, 3, and 4 are always smaller
than Strategy 1. This means that the techniques stated earlier can eliminate many memory access instructions. In the
case of fsp 2 and fsp 3, Strategy 3 is the same as Strategy
2 because fsp 2 is a single function program and the callees
of fsp 1 and fsp 3 does not have any local variables so there
are not the memory access instructions which can be eliminated by interprocedural techniques such as interprocedural
register renaming and function inlining. However in the case
of l2 processing and l3 processing, Strategy 3 is smaller than
Strategy 2 because interprocedural techniques eliminated the
memory access instructions, which are needed when invoking
function. It is well-known that the disadvantage of function
inlining is the growing code size [4]. But, in the case of
fsp 1 and l2 processing, the code size after inlining was decreased because there are few points of function calls and
function inlining eliminated many memory access instruction to save/restore data registers and parameters-passing
overhead. In the case of l3 processing, the code size after inlining was significantly increased. This result is undesirable
because the size of program memory is limited. Therefore,
in the aspect of code size, interprocedural register renaming
is generally better than function inlining.
the same and Strategy 4 achieves better performance than
Strategies 2 and 3 due to the same reason as fsp 1.
(4) l2 processing : This is a program that processes a packet
by means of Layer 2 information. First, it reads the source
address (SA) from the ingress buffer. If the SA is valid, the
destination address (DA) is also read from the buffer. If the
DA is valid, the packet is forwarded to the machine at the
DA. Otherwise, there is no destination, so packet flooding is
Because whether each address is valid depends on contents
of the lookup table, the execution path of l2 processing program varies according to the contents of a packet and the
contents of a lookup table. Therefore, we created two different contents of the lookup table memory and then, measured
performance. The normal case is when both the SA and the
DA in the packet are valid. In the normal case, only one
function is executed and then, this program is terminated.
The packet flooding case is when the SA is valid but the
DA is invalid. In this case, because the DA is invalid, the
packet flooding is performed. That is, the function to handle
the packet flooding error is invoked and thus, the program is
Therefore, in the normal case, because only one function
is executed, all results are same. But in the packet flooding case, Strategies 3 and 4 achieve better performance than
Strategy 2.
(5) l3 processing : This program processes a packet by means
of Layer 3 information. This program determines the route
to the next router according to the destination IP address
extracted from a packet. To do this, first the IP address is
extracted from the packet. Then, the extracted IP address is
compared with the routing table in order to find an optimal
Unlike l2 processing, l3 processing contains function calls
in the normal case. Therefore, in the normal case, Strategies
3 and 4 achieve better performance than Strategy 2.
Strategy 1
Strategy 2
Strategy 3
Strategy 4
( Kbyte )
Figure 20: Code size
Figure 21 shows the dynamic instruction counts. One thing
we can notice from the results is that Strategy 2 always does
better than Strategy 1. This means that many memory access instructions can be eliminated when the virtual data
path technique is used. Taking into account that each memory instruction takes 3 cycles, the execution time gain is better than the dynamic instruction count gain in practice.
The following provides a brief summary of each benchmark
program and report analyses of the experimental results.
(1) fsp 1 : This program has the pattern where three data
are read from the lookup table memory, summed up through
the add function and then, the result is saved into the lookup
table memory. The add function simply accepts the parameters as operands and then returns the result of summation,
so this function does not need any register except parameter registers. Therefore, the results of Strategies 2 and 3 are
exactly the same. However, when Strategy 4 is applied, passing parameters and return values is eliminated by function
inlining. So the better performance is achieved.
(2) fsp 2 : This program initializes the lookup table entries
to read each data from the SRAM location assigned to this
program and store it to the lookup table memory in order.
Because this code consists of a single function, the results of
Strategies 2, 3 and 4 are all the same.
(3) fsp 3 : This code reads a sequence of data arrays from
the lookup table memory, and then stores it into the space
assigned in SRAM. In addition, this performs addition or
subtraction operations on data stored in SRAM, according
to the value for initialization and then, stores the result into
SRAM again. The results of Strategies 2 and 3 are exactly
Strategy 1
Strategy 2
Strategy 3
Strategy 4
(normal case)
flooding case)
(normal case)
Figure 21: Dynamic instruction count
There are several research compiler studies that have been
conducted on the development of compilers for NPs. This
section discusses two of the studies that have recently been
published in the literature.
The first is a compiler for Infineon Technologies network
processor [14, 9]. Like most other compilers, this compiler is
divided into a frontend and a backend. This compiler uses the
LANCE compiler system [7] developed at the University of
Dortmund as its frontend with a nearly full-customed backend. In the case of their target machine, Infineon NP, the
instruction set permits performing ALU computations on bit
packets which are not aligned to the processor wordlength.
A packet may be stored in any bit index subrange of a register, and a packet may even span up to two different registers. This feature is called packet-level addressing. In order
to enable packet-level addressing of unaligned data, the instruction set permits the specification of offsets and operand
lengths within registers. Hence like we did in this work, this
compiler is focuses on use of CKFs to support the Infineon
NP instruction set. In addition, due to the feature of register
files mentioned earlier, register files are called register arrays
and to handle these register arrays, they devised a multilevel graph coloring algorithm [14] which is an extension of
the classical graph coloring approach. However, they did not
discuss how heterogeneous data path and register files of NPs
are handled or interprocedural techniques to reduce memory
The second work on a compiler for a NP [10] was conducted for STMicroelectronic’s network processor, which is
designed to include various accelerating techniques such as
hardware multi-threading, hardware accelerators for header
parsing, checksums, and other intensive per-packet networking tasks. To best exploit the architecture, STMicroelectronics NP’s embedded software toolset is based on FlexWare embedded software development environment that has already
been used within the company for a wide range of generalpurpose and application-specific DSPs and micro-controller
units (MCUs). The FlexWare environment contains the C
compiler called FlexCC, which is a retargetable C compiler.
lining without any growth of code size.
[1] see paion web site : http://www.paion.com.
[2] A. Appel, J. Davidson, N. Ramsey. The Zephyr
Compiler Infrastructure. Technical Report at
http://www.cs.virgina.edu/zephyr, University of
Virginia, 1998.
[3] M. Benitez, J. Davidson. Target-specific Global Code
Improvement: Principles and Applications. Technical
Report CS-94-42, University of Virginia, 1994.
[4] Keith D. Cooper, Mary W. Hall, Linda Torczon.
Unexpected side effects of inline substitution: a case
study. ACM Letters on Programming Languages and
Systems (LOPLAS), 1(1):22–32, 1992.
[5] EZCHIP Technologies. Network Processor Designs for
Next-Generation Networking Equipment.
[6] Sungjoon Jung, Yunheung Paek. The very portable
optimizer for digital signal processors. In Proceedings
of the international conference on Compilers,
architecture, and synthesis for embedded systems, pages
84–92. ACM Press, 2001.
[7] R. Leupers., editor. Code Optimization Techniques for
Embedded Processors. Kluwer Academic Publishers,
[8] P. Marwedel, G. Goossens, editors. Code Generation
for Embedded Processors. Kluwer Academic Publishers,
[9] Xiaoning Nie, L. Gazsi, F. Engel, G. Fettweis. A new
network processor architecture for high-speed
communications. In Signal Processing Systems, 1999.
SiPS 99. 1999 IEEE Workshop on, pages 548–557.
IEEE Press, 1999.
[10] P. Paulin, F. Karim, P. Bromley. Network processors:
a perspective on market requirements, processor
architectures and embedded s/w tools. In Proceedings
of the DATE 2001 on Design, automation and test in
Europe, pages 420–429. IEEE Press, 2001.
[11] N. Ramsey, J. Davidson. Machine Descriptions to
Build Tools for Embedded Systems. In Workshop on
Languages, Compilers and Tools for Embedded
Systems, 1998.
[12] P. A. Steenkiste, J. L. Hennessy. A Simple
Interprocedural Register Allocation Algorithm and its
Effectiveness for LISP. Transactions on Programming
Languages and Systems, pages 1–30, January 1989.
[13] A. Sudarsanam. Code Optimization Libraries For
Retargetable Compilation For Embedded Digital Signal
Processors. PhD thesis, Princeton University
Department of EE, May 15, 1998.
[14] Jens Wagner, Rainer Leupers. C compiler design for an
industrial network processor. In Proceedings of the
ACM SIGPLAN workshop on Languages, compilers
and tools for embedded systems, pages 155–164. ACM
Press, 2001.
In this work, a compiler for a commercial network processor is developed using the Zephyr. Because the traditional compilers have been developed mainly for architectures, which have on-chip memory or on-chip cache, reducing the memory access instructions could be less aggressive.
However, in the case of the compilers for NPs, compilers
should be quite aggressive to reduce the memory access instructions due to the absence of on-chip memory or cache. In
our compiler, in order to reduce the memory access instructions, the virtual data path approach was applied locally and
the techniques such as register renaming and function inlining, are applied interprocedurally. Experimental results indicate that these techniques collectively help us to improve
the overall performance.
The contribution of this work, we believe, is to explore the
possibility of extending and retargeting Zephyr to more irregular NP architectures which has new features specialized
to networking. Experimental results indicate that these techniques work well in practice, so that these techniques can be
used commercially.
A number of interesting topics still remain open for future work. For example, we found that the function inlining
achieves better real-time performance than the interprocedural register renaming. But if passing parameters via registers
is well designed, the interprocedural register renaming is able
to achieve the same real-time performance as the function in-