
Is my J2EE/JavaEE
application portable?
Should I care?
Hands-on Migration Use-Cases and Pitfalls
(with GlassFish as the preferred target)
The state of the economy creates opportunities
Monolithic application servers are sooo 2007
Hard to have have developers and production agree
on a product
Tomcat is missing enterprise quality tools and
Java EE technologies
BEA and IBM raised their pricing in 2008
Monitoring+management / EJB, JMS, WebServices
Production Open Source appservers are real
JBoss, GlassFish, Geronimo, JOnAS
Fully supported offerings
Two possible approaches
Minimize risk (non-goals)
Chose a new application server for all applications
Start with a dual appserver strategy
No rewrite if possible, do as little as possible
No porting to Java EE 5 (or EE 6). Using backward
Typical first questions
“Is my application portable?”
“How much $ to bridge the GAP?”
“Does J2EE/JavaEE buy me vendor independence?”
Yes! J2EE/JavaEE is portable
Overall great portability
The specification still leaves a few things open
Some are meant to be, others unclear
Some products are forgiving (lenient), others not
Vendors offer “value-add/proprietary” APIs
Some non-trivial applications run as-is on other
The value of the J2EE/JavaEE standard is real!
Some obvious, others subtle
People training, performance tuning
Some partners offer ROI and commit to QoS
A bit of methodology
Understand the existing (moving) parts in use
Assess dependencies
Known and unknown APIs
Frameworks !
Define a reasonable target (OS, JDK, AS)
Application specifications, interview, …
Technologies (Servlet, EJB, frameworks...)
Applications complexity (# of tiers, legacy integration)
Changing too many parameters is risky
Set a reasonable and clear goal
Unit, integration, performance, and user testing
J2EE/Java EE Verifier
Understand the level of portability of your app
Static analysis of APIs and packaging
List of assertions [1]
Can be narrowed down to J2EE 1.4 or, say, web tier
Produces warnings and errors
“Just a tool”
Part of every GlassFish (v2) distribution (+ admin
integration), integrated into NetBeans, ANT tasks
Don't expect a static tool to catch 100% of issues
Yet a great tool to get you started !
Likely to become a top-level project
GlassFish Verifier Example
//Sample Application from WebSphere 6.x distribution
$ verifier --portability was-BasicCalculator.ear
$ Produces output in was-BasicCalculator.ear.txt
--- NUMBER OF FAILURES/WARNINGS/ERRORS -----# of Failures : 0 # of Warnings : 0 # of Errors : 1
Error Name : Could not verify successfully.
Error Description : java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:
Invalid URL Pattern: BasicCalculatorServlet
Open source project at
Take over where the “verifier” left off
Migration of deployment descriptors
Runtime support for WebSphere and WebLogic
custom JSP tags and proprietary APIs
Converts (selected) configuration parameters
Ant scripts for building/deploying the migrated app
Other projects have similar initiatives
Finite list of “source” application servers
Mostly older versions
No Brainers
Tomcat applications should run unmodified on
GlassFish v2 and v3
... and with minimal changes on most containers
Most containers “inherit” from Tomcat
JSP/Servlet specifications are quite mature
Deployment descriptors
Specification allows for product-specific config
Mostly used to tune the runtime (i.e. they do not
change the behavior)
EJB CMP mappings are not standard
weblogic-application.xml, sun-web.xml,
jboss-app.xml, ibm-ejb-access-bean.xml, ...
Please move to JPA! :-)
IBM tool-generated mappings can be problematic
WebSphere validates deployment descriptors
Validation failure can cause deployment or JSP
compile errors
GlassFish is no longer that strict
Packaging issues
(aka the ClassNotFoundError syndrom)
Main issues
Class-loader hierarchies are different
Default behavior can vary
JBoss Unified ClassLoader (pre-v5) very forgiving
WebSphere has parent first as default
Even between different versions of the same product
Be careful with JDK extensions
Java modules and/or OSGi may fix the root of
the problem in the future
Likely to require application and library rewrites
JBoss “unified” class-loader
Shared libraries
IBM and BEA have a similar notion of shared
You could bundle the libraries in the application
(much) bigger archive
Understand the class-loader hierarchy and
place the JARs in the appropriate location
Libraries are not part of the WAR/JAR/EAR artifact
Classes available to all applications
No versioning of libraries
GlassFish has a roughly equivalent option:
$asadmin deploy --libraries
Allows for multiple versions of libraries
Manifest Class-Path
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Class-Path: library.jar
Relative to the WAR/JAR expressing the
Does not work for EAR files
But WebLogic documentation recommends this
Ambiguous in the spec (“should” vs. “must” ?)
Need to repackage for GlassFish or deploy with
--libraries option
(see discussion on shared libraries)
Bundled libraries
Application libraries can conflict with server
Use endorsed classes when possible
GlassFish delegate="true|false" option
Xerces, Xalan, log4j, etc...
Yet another packaging/class-loading issue
GlassFish uses JDK logging (limits conflicts)
“false” is safe for web modules that do not interact
with any other modules
Repackaging required for other cases
Security Manager
Often turned off by default
Performance impact, not developer friendly
Yet useful to provide application isolation
Does have an impact on class-loader visibility
Need to explicitly grant application privileges to
access libraries in server.policy
Should be part of integration testing
Tomcat's Valves
A popular, yet proprietary, feature
GlassFish supports Valves[1]
Sort of low-level servlet filter
Existing valves: Form Authentication, SSO, Dumper,
Access Log, ...
GlassFish v2 requires small Tomcat Valve change
GlassFish v3 requires no change
Defined in domain.xml's <virtual-server> or
property in sun-web.xml
Non-Tomcat-based products likely to require
valve rewrites to servlet filters
[1] :
DB Pools
Database resources are product-specific
GlassFish offers :
Admin tools and config files are not standard
migrate2glassfish has facility to re-create pools
asadmin and web console make it quite simple to
create pools and datasources
Implementation (nitty gritty) detail example
“unshareable” JDBC connection scope
May require XA on some servers
Read-only connections often a better solution when
no difference in : security attributes, isolation levels,
character settings, or localization
JNDI setup
WebLogic T3 Protocol
RMI/IIOP is the typical “standard” replacement
And people think CORBA is “passé” ! :-)
ORBs do not need to be the same on both ends
(although that can help, see JVM discussion)
In other cases, some (simple) tweaking required
T3[1] is a proprietary WebLogic protocol, heavily used
for rich (Swing) clients/server communication
Don't forget about the ACC
WebSphere packaging
WebSphere packaging
(can be caught by the Verifier)
Different JVMs
VM startup options
Java 1.4 vs. Java 5 vs. Java 6
Great portability, some known incompatibilities[1]
Most products require a minimum JDK level
(GlassFish requires Java 5 minimum)
Tools (jconsole, jvmstat)
-XX not standard and thus not always available
Need Java 5 minimum, Java 6 better
Subtle bugs
IBM's BigDecimal fails to unmarshall in Sun ORB
Order in module loading
The order in which Java EE modules are
loaded varies between application servers
Java EE 5 spec requires that all parts of the
application are enabled and ready for service before
any *user* requests are delivered to the application
Order of servlet initialization in web application
available using <load-on-startup> element
Tip: deploy modules in disabled mode and
enable them manually (or with a script) in the
appropriate order
Runtime Life-cycle
Weblogic life-cycle events[1]
Websphere Startup services
Per-application or per-instance
Defined in weblogic-application.xml
Available to EJB's
GlassFish life-cycle listeners
Related to a GlassFish instance
Defined in domain.xml, used for OpenESB, ...
Runtime Life-cycle (cont.)
JBoss has ServiceLifecycle [1]
Tomcat too! [2]
Mostly used internally (valves, cluster, comet, ...)
GlassFish V2 has per-instance life-cycle events
(not per-application)
Even if event can be mapped to server/instance
life-cycle event, need proper classpath and
classloader configuration
Web Services
Early days created legacy
WS-I profiles
Axis model (carry along may trigger conflicts)
JAX-RPC (required even in Java EE 5) vs. JAX-WS
DIME vs. SwA vs. MTOM
Basic Profil mandates doc/lit web services
Such profiles have no equivalent to Java TCK's
Interop testing
Sun has interops with Microsoft (project metro) [1]
Apache has incubator project Stonehenge [2]
Out of scope
(in this presentation)
High Availability, performance
Deployment infrastructure
Load-balancing and session continuity
Benchmarking and tuning
ANT, CLI, provisioning, authentication, ...
Clustering set-up
OS-specific integration
Management, monitoring
Command-line tooling
Web console
Additional troubleshooting and monitoring tools
Out of scope (cont.)
(in this presentation)
Development environment
Moving to a modern versioning system
Using continuous integration, ...
Java EE 5 (EJB 3, JAX-WS, ...) and EE 6
ESB, SSO, and other additional features
Betting on J2EE/JavaEE is a great investment
Migration is very much doable even when you
didn't think about portability in the first place
J2EE/JavaEE Verifier –
Migrate2GlassFish –
Sekhar's blog –
GlassFish –
Questions ?