Global Power Balance in Non-Stationary Discharge Phases in the

WDS'14 Proceedings of Contributed Papers — Physics, 204–210, 2014.
ISBN 978-80-7378-276-4 © MATFYZPRESS
Global Power Balance in Non-Stationary Discharge Phases
in the COMPASS Tokamak
J. Havlicek,1,2 M. Imríšek,1,2 K. Kovařík,1,2 V. Weinzettl1
Institute of Plasma Physics AS CR, Za Slovankou 1782/3, 182 00, Prague 8, Czech Republic.
Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Ke Karlovu 3, 121 16, Prague 2, Czech
Abstract. The global power balance between different input power and sink/loss
channels is important for understanding of tokamak physics, particularly for various
scaling laws. The power balance is measured easily during stationary discharge
phases because the terms for both magnetic field energy and plasma thermal energy
build-up can be neglected. However, many important events in tokamak plasmas
occur during non-stationary phases of the discharge. This article describes, quantifies
and discusses the terms of the global power balance, including time dependent parts,
and exemplifies them on the typical ohmic discharge of the COMPASS tokamak.
The global power balance between different input power and sink/loss channels is important for
understanding of tokamak physics. It has been studied to estimate minimum auxiliary heating
necessary to fulfil Lawson criterion in future self-sustained tokamak-based fusion reactors [see, e.g.,
Bertolini et al., 1977]. After the discovery of high-confinement mode (H-mode) in tokamaks, terms of
the power balance entered many scaling laws describing the plasma state at the transition (L–H threshold) or directly in H-mode [Wagner, 2007]. Later, it was found that the edge plasma instability called
Edge Localized Mode (ELM) often occurs in H-mode, and depends strongly on the power balance.
ELM frequency changes with the power through Last Closed Flux Surface (LCFS) and the basic
ELM classification is based on the slope of the dependence [Zohm, 1996]. Type III ELMs repetition
frequency decreases with the power through the separatrix (separatrix is LCFS in diverted plasma),
while type I ELMs have increasing ELM repetition frequency with increased power through the
separatrix. Furthermore, type III ELMs occur when the power through the separatrix is just above the
L–H transition threshold power, followed by ELM-free H-mode when the power through the
separatrix is higher and by type I ELMs for even higher power.
It is a common practice to scale ELM frequency with the input power [e.g., Sartori et al., 2004].
This approach is based on the assumption that a change of the thermal energy stored in the plasma,
radiation losses from the inside of the LCFS, plasma shape and plasma current are constant at the time
of interest. These conditions are usually fulfilled in large tokamaks, where the transition to the
H-mode occurs during the stationary phase of the discharge and after an auxiliary heating is switched
on [see Bell et al., 1984; Müller et al., 1984]. This is not the case of smaller tokamaks such as
COMPASS [Pánek et al., 2006; Weinzettl et al., 2011]. There, the ohmic heating power is often large
enough to trigger L–H transition immediately after the creation of the divertor configuration.
Therefore, it is not possible to use input power as the proxy for power through LCFS and the global
power balance must be fully evaluated.
This article describes, quantifies and discusses the individual terms of the global power balance,
including time dependent parts, and exemplifies them on typical ohmic discharge of the COMPASS
Global power balance — theory
The global power balance in a tokamak can be described by the equation:
dI pl
U ext ⋅ I pl + Paux = ( L ⋅
) I pl + ( I pl ⋅ ) I pl +
+ Prad + Psep ,
where Uext is voltage induced to the plasma by external sources — poloidal field (PF) coils circuits, Ipl
is plasma current, Paux is auxiliary heating power, L is plasma column self-inductance, W is thermal
energy stored in the plasma, Prad are radiation losses from the inside of the LCFS (bulk plasma) and
Psep is power (energy flux) through separatrix (or LCFS in limiter plasma) carried by plasma particles.
The term Uext·Ipl is power from external inductive sources, usually poloidal field coils circuits.
The term ( L ⋅ dI pl dt ) I pl is power used to build up the magnetic field energy by changes of plasma
current. The term ( I pl ⋅ dL dt ) I pl covers a contribution of the plasma shape and current profile
changes to the magnetic field energy content. The two terms for magnetic field energy changes are on
the right-hand side of the equation (1) because in our notation they are viewed as a sink of the energy.
It is also possible to move these two terms to the left-hand side and use ohmic heating power Pohmic
defined as:
d ( L ⋅ I pl ) 
 ⋅ I pl = (U ext − L ⋅ pl − I pl ⋅ ) ⋅ I pl ,
Pohmic = U pl ⋅ I pl = U ext −
where Upl is plasma voltage used for ohmic heating. Both terms for magnetic field energy changes are
derived from Farraday's law of induction and from inductance definition, see eq. (2). The terms
cannot be obtained as time derivative of E = 1 2 LI pl2 as this formula is valid only for time-constant
inductances. It is necessary to note that neither Upl nor Uext can be directly measured when plasma
current or plasma shape is changing. This will be discussed in the next section.
The term Paux in the equation (1) denotes auxiliary heating power deposited inside the LCFS. In
case that non-inductive current drive is used, the term Paux should include both heating and current
driving power of the auxiliary heating system. Alternatively, it is possible to include non-inductive
current drive into Uext, but this approach is not used in this article. Auxiliary heating can be typically
neutral beam injection (NBI), as is the case of COMPASS [Urban et al., 2006], ion cyclotron
resonance heating (ICRH), electron cyclotron resonance heating (ECRH) or lower hybrid current
drive (LHCD). The determination of the power deposited in the plasma can be difficult for some of
these auxiliary heating systems. This is not discussed in this article.
The term dW dt is the change of the thermal energy of the particles stored inside of LCFS. The
thermal energy content can be measured by diamagnetic loop [e.g., Shen et al., 2004].
The term Prad for radiation losses from inside of the LCFS can be assessed from bolometric
measurements [Weinzettl et al., 2010] using a tomographic reconstruction [Mlynar et al., 2012]. It is
important to take into account only power radiated from the inside of the LCFS and not to include
power radiated from the scrape-off layer (SOL).
The term Psep, power carried by particles crossing the separatrix (or LCFS in limiter plasma),
cannot be measured and must be calculated. Its calculation is desired because it is the term used in
scaling laws.
Occasionally, the terms Prad and Psep are combined into one common term called loss power:
Ploss = Prad + Psep .
Determination of external and plasma voltage
As was already mentioned in the previous section, both external inductive voltage Uext and plasma
voltage Upl cannot be directly measured during non-stationary phases of the tokamak discharge. The
external voltage Uext is voltage induced to the plasma from external inductive sources:
dLPFC − pl
U ext = − ∑ ( LPFC − pl PFC + I PFC
where LPFC–pl are mutual inductances between the poloidal field coils circuits and plasma column, IPFC
are currents in the poloidal field coils circuits. By combining equations (2) and (4) we obtain an
expression for the plasma voltage:
dLPFC − pl
dI pl
U pl = − ∑ LPFC − pl PFC − ∑ I PFC
− (L ⋅
) − ( I pl ⋅ ) .
Tokamaks are equipped with so called flux loops: toroidally wound coils located at different
positions outside of the plasma, usually nearby the vacuum vessel. These diagnostic coils directly
measure loop voltage UFL:
dI pl
dL pl − FL
U FL = − ∑ LPFC − FL PFC − ∑ I PFC PFC − FL − ( L pl − FL ⋅
) − ( I pl ⋅
where LPFC–FL are mutual inductances between the poloidal field coils circuits and flux loop, Lpl–FL is
mutual inductance between plasma column and flux loop. In the equation (6) the second term on the
right-hand side can be neglected if constant positions of the PF coils are assumed. This is not
necessarily correct approach because the forces acting on the PF coils can be large enough to change
their geometry during the discharge significantly (up to ~ 1 % change of the length of the central
It is clearly visible that Upl ≠ UFL in general case because the inductances between PF coils
circuits and plasma or flux loop are not equal. Similarly, the self-inductance of the plasma column is
not equal to the mutual inductance between plasma column and the flux loop. Only in the flat-top
phase of the discharge it is possible to equate Upl and UFL because the plasma current, plasma shape
and current profile are constant, same as currents in some of the poloidal field coils circuits. The only
changing current would be the plasma current drive circuit and it is possible to find a location for the
diagnostic flux loop fulfilling LPFC(current drive)–pl = LPFC(current drive)–FL.
Inductances in the tokamak
The evaluation of the tokamak global power balance from equations (1) and (4) requires
knowledge of plasma self-inductance and mutual inductances between poloidal field coils circuits and
plasma column. These inductances can be calculated if a time development of the plasma current
density profile is known. The equilibrium reconstruction code EFIT can be used to reconstruct the
plasma current density profile on the selected space grid for multiple time slices (COMPASS uses
EFIT++ [Appel et al., 2006, Havlicek et al., 2007]).
The equation used to calculate the mutual inductance between the plasma column (described by
the current density jgrid in the predefined grid points with area ΔS) and a PF coils circuit (described by
a set of elements created by infinitely thin wires with a given number of toroidal turns and orientation
represented by a sign NPFe) is:
LPFC − pl = 1 / I pl ∑∑ jgrid ⋅ ∆S ⋅ Lgrid − PFe N PFe ,
PFe grid
where Lgrid–PFe is mutual inductance of two one-turn thin wires.
Similar equation can be used to calculate the plasma self-inductance. The plasma column is
represented by grid points and their mutual inductance Lm–m (m and n are indices of grid points) can
be used similarly as mutual inductance between grid points and PF circuits elements.
L = ∆S 2 / I pl2  ∑ ∑ jm ⋅ jn ⋅ Lm − n + ∑ jm2 ⋅ Lm − m  ,
 m≠m n
where Lm − m = m0 r (ln(8r a ) − 1.75) is the self-inductance of the grid point at the major radius r with
characteristic minor radius of the grid point a (0.575x distance between two grid was used). The
contribution of the second term on the right-hand side of equation (8) is decreasing with the number
of grid points.
Example of time-varying calculated inductances
The COMPASS discharge #7313 is used as an example of the global power balance calculation.
It is an ohmic L-mode discharge with flat-top plasma current –200 kA, line-averaged density
5 ⋅1019 m −3 , performed in deuterium with the shaping field configuration SNT.
The evolution of the plasma column shape during the discharge is in Fig. 1. The discharge begins
in the circular limiter configuration (see Fig. 1a), then the shaping starts (Fig. 1b), reaches maximal
area of the plasma cross-section just before the divertor configuration is created (Fig. 1c) and then the
flat-top plasma shape (stationary phase) is achieved (Fig. 1d).
The COMPASS tokamak uses five PF coils circuits [Havlicek and Hronová, 2008; Havlicek and
Horacek, 2008] to control the plasma current, shape and position. These are:
1. MFPS — Magnetizing Field Power Supply circuit for plasma current drive and ohmic heating,
2. EFPS — Equilibrium Field PS for generating vertical magnetic field which prevents plasma
column from expanding its main radius,
3. SFPS — Shaping Field PS for shaping and creating divertor plasma configuration, SNT is one
of the possible configurations of this circuit,
4. BR — horizontal magnetic field circuit for fast feedback control of the vertical plasma position,
5. BV — vertical magnetic field for horizontal plasma position feedback.
Figure 2 shows the time evolution of the plasma current, plasma self-inductance and mutual
inductances between plasma and PF coils circuits. These are used to calculate the individual terms in
the global power balance equation (1). Furthermore, the mutual inductance between plasma and Flux
Loop #4 (R = 0.325 m, Z = 0 m) is shown in Fig. 2c, which is used to estimate the error of the method
by calculating UFL4,calc according the equation (6) and comparing it with UFL4,meas.
The vertical lines in the Fig. 2 show important times: t = 1005–1021 ms is a time when current in
the MFPS circuit has zero derivation during switching between positive and negative current. At this
time Uext is about zero and plasma current reacts by a decrease. The vertical lines at t=1066 ms and
t = 1222 ms enclose the time when both plasma shape and current are constant (see Fig 2b).
Figure 2 also shows that: plasma self-inductance is around 1 µH, mutual inductance between
plasma and MF circuit is constant regardless of the plasma shape and is 22 µH, mutual inductance
between plasma and Flux Loop #4 is ≈ 40 % of the plasma self-inductance, which is important when
comparing Upl and UFL according to equations (5) and (6).
Error estimation
In order to estimate the global power balance Upl should be calculated according to the
equation (2). It is difficult to determine the precision of such calculation. In order to estimate the error
of Upl calculation a comparison of measured and calculated loop voltage UFL4 was performed. UFL4 is
calculated according to equation (6), compared to measured value and obtained relative difference is
assumed to be similar to the error of Upl.
Figure 1: Plasma shape changes during current ramp-up and divertor creation. a) t = 980 ms,
b) t = 1010 ms, c) t = 1050 ms, d) t = 1100 ms.
Figure 2: Plasma current and inductances calculated from EFIT.
The results are shown in Figs. 3a,b. The individual contributing terms according equation (6) are
shown in Fig. 3c). The Lpl–FL4 was used as in Fig. 2c, the terms d LPFC − FL dt were neglected and used
mutual inductances between PF coils circuits and Flux Loop #4 are: LMF–FL4 = 22 µH,
LEF–FL4 = –6.62 µH, LSNT–FL4 = 17.01 µH, , LBR–FL4 = 0 µH and LBV–FL4 = 0.4 µH.
The agreement between measured and calculated loop voltage UFL4 is good, even though during
the transitions of the MF current passing zero (t = 1005–1021 ms) the error is the largest. The reason
for this behaviour is probably in the quality of the equilibrium reconstruction from EFIT. The EFIT
cannot reliably reconstruct plasma current density changes associated with short-term zero external
loop voltage Uext applied.
Global power balance during discharge
The example discharge #7313 was used to calculate all terms of the global power balance
equation (1). The results are shown in Fig. 4.
The externally induced power (Fig. 4a) is ≈ 200–300 kW during the flat-top, up to 1 MW during
ramp-up and negative during plasma current ramp-down phase. The plasma current change power
(Fig. 4b) consumes a majority of the available power during the ramp-up, provides power during the
MFPS current zero-derivation phase and during the Ipl ramp-down (negative sign vs. Pext). The term
for the change of plasma shape (Fig. 4c) is non-negligible and contributes up to ± 150 kW. This term
is the least reliable due to reliability of the EFIT reconstruction. The term for the plasma thermal
energy (Fig. 4d) change has also surprisingly significant contribution to the global power balance.
During H-mode and particularly at L–H transition (not showed in this article) it can be even more
important. The radiation losses (Fig. 4e) are relatively stable in L-modes, on the other hand, they rise
strongly during ELM-free H-modes in COMPASS. There is also a significant uncertainty in their
absolute calibration: factor 1.4-2 against off-situ calibration is generally used (factor 2 is used here).
Figure 4f shows the desired Psep graph. Obtained values are reasonable during the flat-top, believable
during slow current changes and questionable during fast shape changes. The results calculated for
these discharge phases are possible but probably strongly influenced by the reliability of the EFIT
equilibrium reconstruction.
Figure 3: Comparison of measured and calculated loop voltage on flux loop FL4.
Figure 4: Individual terms of the global power balance equation. The signals are smoothed with
moving average over 6 ms, with exception of d) thermal energy change which is smoothed with a 2nd
order moving average filter. Signs conform to the COMPASS Current Convention.
Evaluation of the individual terms in the global power balance equation using calculated rather
than measured voltage allows more precise determination of both ohmic power and power through
separatrix in non-stationary tokamak discharge phases. However, the reliability of the calculated
values is strongly coupled with the quality of the equilibrium reconstruction.
Acknowledgments. This work was supported by Czech Science Foundation, grant GAP205/11/2341, the
MSMT #LM2011021 and Euratom. The views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of
the European Commission.
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