The Complete Sybase Replication Server Quick

The Complete
Sybase Replication Server
Quick Reference Guide
Versions 12.6, 15.0.1 & 15.1
2nd edition
These pages are taken from "The Complete
Sybase Replication Server Quick Reference
Guide", 2nd edition, as a sample of the contents. Note that the original page size is 11
by 22 cm (4.3 by 8.6 inch).
The complete book can be ordered from .
Rob Verschoor
Sypron Publications
ISBN 90-806117-3-5
The Complete Sybase Replication Server Quick Reference Guide
The Complete Sybase Replication Server
Quick Reference Guide
Replication Server versions 12.6, 15.0.1 & 15.1
2nd edition
by Rob Verschoor
ISBN 90-806117-3-5
Published by:
Sypron B.V.
Het Wolfseind 24
3823 VS Amersfoort
The Netherlands
Printed in The Netherlands
First edition
: July 2004
Second edition : June 2008
(RS 12.0, 12.1, 12.5 & 12.6)
(RS 12.6, 15.0.1 & 15.1)
Sypron is a registered trademark of Sypron B.V.
Sybase, Transact-SQL, Adaptive Server Enterprise, Replication Server, Replication
Agent, Adaptive Server Anywhere, SQL Anywhere, OpenServer, OpenSwitch, RepConnector, OmniConnect, DirectConnect, EnterpriseConnect and Enterprise Connect
Data Access (among others) are registered trademarks of Sybase, Inc. Other product
or brand names may be (registered) trademarks of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2004-2008 Sypron B.V. All rights reserved. No part of this publication
may be reproduced in any form, or by any means, without the prior written permission
of the publisher.
While this book has been prepared with care, neither the author, nor the publisher,
nor Sybase Inc. (nor its subsidiaries), assume any responsibility for errors or omissions, nor do they accept any liabilities for damages resulting from the use of the
information herein.
Replication Server versions 12.6, 15.0.1 & 15.1
Foreword...................................................................................................... 6
Replication Server versions covered in this edition ..................................................... 6
How complete is 'Complete'?...................................................................................... 6
How to use this Quick Reference Guide ..................................................................... 7
Syntax conventions..................................................................................................... 7
Terminology and Acronyms ........................................................................................ 7
Errata.......................................................................................................................... 8
Electronic Supplement................................................................................................ 8
Undocumented commands: warning & disclaimer ...................................................... 8
Overview & General Concepts .................................................................... 9
Starting points for common RepServer DBA tasks ............................................. 9
RepServer basics............................................................................................... 9
Data model considerations for replication systems........................................... 10
Why replication systems can be so difficult…................................................... 11
Sybase data replication products ......................................................................11
Products required for heterogeneous replication ...............................................12
Licensable options & license keys.....................................................................13
RepServer documentation.................................................................................13
RepAgents & Primary Databases .............................................................. 15
Marking tables/procedures/databases for replication ........................................15
Primary ASE databases .................................................................................... 15
Marking data for a warm standby or database repdef ...................................... 18
Be careful when marking big text/image tables in ASE! ................................... 18
ASE secondary truncation point vs. RSSD locater ........................................... 19
Primary non-ASE databases............................................................................. 20
Replication Agents ............................................................................................20
ASE RepAgent configuration ............................................................................ 20
ASE RepAgent traceflags (undocumented) ...................................................... 22
Non-ASE RepAgents ........................................................................................ 23
Core Replication Functionality................................................................... 25
RepServer syntax basics ..................................................................................25
Getting RepServer status information ...............................................................25
Datatypes, datatype classes & -translations......................................................26
Connections to RepAgents................................................................................29
Connections to primary/replicate databases......................................................29
Replicating identity column inserts.................................................................... 53
Replicating identity column updates ................................................................. 53
Common problems when replicating identity columns...................................... 53
Publications & Articles.......................................................................................54
Table repdefs .................................................................................................... 36
Schema changes for replicated tables .............................................................. 39
Function repdefs (stored procedure replication) ............................................... 39
Applied functions & Request functions ............................................................. 41
Database repdefs.............................................................................................. 43
Switching primary/replicate with database repdefs/subs .................................. 46
Warm standby vs. Database repdefs/subscriptions.......................................... 47
Replicating data in the ASE 'master' database ................................................. 47
'send standby' option in repdefs........................................................................ 48
Replicating minimal columns............................................................................. 49
Mixing table replication and procedure replication............................................ 49
Mixing database repdefs and table/function repdefs ........................................ 50
RSSD tables - repdefs ...................................................................................... 50
Getting information about repdefs..................................................................... 50
Replicating text/image/rawobject columns.........................................................51
Replicating identity columns..............................................................................52
RSSD tables - database connections ............................................................... 31
Getting information about database connections.............................................. 31
Configuration parameters for database connections ........................................ 32
Replication definitions .......................................................................................35
Specifying datatypes in a repdef ....................................................................... 27
Datatype classes and datatype translations ..................................................... 27
RSSD tables - datatypes................................................................................... 28
Getting information about publications and articles .......................................... 55
RSSD tables - publications and articles ............................................................ 55
Subscriptions ....................................................................................................56
Subscription materialization methods ............................................................... 56
Subscriptions: users and permissions .............................................................. 58
The Complete Sybase Replication Server Quick Reference Guide
Warm Standby ..................................................................................................65
Route commands .............................................................................................. 86
RSSD tables - routes......................................................................................... 87
Getting information about routes ....................................................................... 88
Configuration parameters for routes.................................................................. 88
Direct & indirect routes ...................................................................................... 89
Site-, System- and Route versions .................................................................... 89
Configuration parameters .................................................................................90
RSSD tables - error classes .............................................................................. 85
RSSD exceptions log ........................................................................................85
Routes ..............................................................................................................85
Summary of function/function string concepts................................................... 71
Function string classes ...................................................................................... 72
Function string inheritance ................................................................................ 73
Function string commands ................................................................................ 74
RSSD tables - functions, function strings & -classes ........................................ 75
Getting information about function strings......................................................... 76
Function categories ........................................................................................... 76
Table repdef-specific functions (data access) ................................................... 76
Function repdef-specific functions ('user-defined') ............................................ 77
Class-specific functions (transaction control) .................................................... 77
SQL input/output templates for function strings ................................................ 79
System variables in input/output templates....................................................... 80
Tricks with function strings ................................................................................ 81
User-defined functions: obsolete commands .................................................... 83
Error classes.....................................................................................................83
Warm standby commands................................................................................. 65
Tips for setting up a warm standby ................................................................... 67
Warm standby - switching active and standby .................................................. 68
Switching client applications to the new active database.................................. 69
Configuration parameters for logical connections ............................................. 69
Warm standby - notes and remarks .................................................................. 70
RSSD tables - warm standby ............................................................................ 70
Getting information about a warm standby........................................................ 71
Functions, Function strings & Function string classes.......................................71
Queues for subscription (de)materialization...................................................... 58
Automatic materialization: subscription commands .......................................... 59
Bulk/manual materialization: subscription commands....................................... 61
RSSD tables - subscriptions.............................................................................. 62
Getting information about subscriptions ............................................................ 62
Subscribing to ASE 'truncate table' ................................................................... 63
Subscribing to bitmaps ...................................................................................... 63
Common subscription creation problems .......................................................... 64
Configuration parameters - commands ............................................................. 90
RSSD tables - configuration parameters........................................................... 91
RepServer-wide configuration parameters........................................................ 91
Configuration parameters for network security.................................................. 94
Parallel DSI.......................................................................................................95
Configuration parameters for parallel DSI ......................................................... 96
Replication System Administration ............................................................ 98
Installation/setup: the rs_init utility ....................................................................98
Startup & shutdown.........................................................................................100
RepServer traceflags (undocumented) ...........................................................100
Disk space & RepServer devices/disk partitions .............................................101
RSSD tables - disk partitions........................................................................... 101
Estimating disk space requirements................................................................ 102
Queues ...........................................................................................................102
Common rs_init problems ................................................................................. 98
Character set & sort order ................................................................................. 99
Installation tips on Windows .............................................................................. 99
RepServer environment variables ..................................................................... 99
Diagnostic & maintenance commands for queues .......................................... 102
Configuration parameters for queues.............................................................. 105
RSSD tables - queues ..................................................................................... 106
Special maintenance commands ....................................................................106
Users, logins, passwords and permissions .....................................................106
RepServer user ............................................................................................... 106
ID server user .................................................................................................. 106
RepAgent user................................................................................................. 106
Primary user (RSSD)....................................................................................... 107
Maintenance user ............................................................................................ 107
Route user ....................................................................................................... 108
RepServer subscription user ........................................................................... 108
Users, passwords, permissions - Commands ................................................. 108
Replication Server versions 12.6, 15.0.1 & 15.1
Replication Manager Plug-in (RMP) for Sybase Central................................. 115
Replication Monitoring Services (RMS) (15.0)................................................ 115
RepServer Plug-in (RSP) for Sybase Central (pre-15.0) ................................ 116
RSM server (pre-15.0) .................................................................................... 116
Quiescing a replication system........................................................................116
Determining latency ........................................................................................117
Coordinated dumps.........................................................................................117
Classic RSSD (in ASE) ................................................................................... 109
Embedded RSSD/ERSSD (ASA).................................................................... 110
Configuration parameters for embedded RSSD ............................................. 110
Embedded RSSD: miscellaneous ASA information........................................ 111
List of RSSD tables ......................................................................................... 112
Configuration (.cfg) file ....................................................................................115
Replication system monitoring features...........................................................115
Restoring coordinated dumps ......................................................................... 118
Replication system recovery ...........................................................................118
Recovery-related commands .......................................................................... 118
Miscellaneous Topics .............................................................................. 120
Performance tips.............................................................................................120
Generation numbers .......................................................................................125
OQID layout ....................................................................................................126
Troubleshooting tips........................................................................................127
General troubleshooting steps ........................................................................ 127
Connectivity problems..................................................................................... 127
Problem: Everything looks OK but it doesn’t replicate… ................................ 128
Problem: Transaction log full in primary ASE database.................................. 128
Problem: Disk partitions full due to an open transaction................................. 129
If nothing else works….................................................................................... 129
If replication is slow… ..................................................................................... 129
The rs_subcmp utility ......................................................................................129
Miscellaneous tips & tricks ..............................................................................131
Caching RSSD tables ..................................................................................... 121
Caching RSSD tables (pre-12.1) .................................................................... 122
Monitor counters/statistics (15.0) .................................................................... 122
Monitor counters/statistics (pre-15.0).............................................................. 124
Reverse-engineering RepServer objects ........................................................ 131
Accessing a replicate database by multiple RepServers ................................ 131
When you've locked yourself out…................................................................. 131
The 'rs_ticket' feature ...................................................................................... 132
Commands for waiting .................................................................................... 133
Non-standard maintenance operations ...........................................................133
Renaming a RepServer................................................................................... 133
Renaming a database connection .................................................................. 134
Changing the maintenance user for a database ............................................. 134
Removing a database from the replication system ......................................... 135
Moving a RepServer to another host .............................................................. 135
Index ........................................................................................................ 136
The Complete Sybase Replication Server Quick Reference Guide
truncation point currently resides, depending on the following column.
'secondary trunc state' - if 1, the secondary truncation point is valid (= active);
if 0, no secondary truncation point is currently maintained.
'db rep stat' - an integer consisting of status bits (see the documentation)
'generation id' - the database generation ID
'database id' - the database ID
'database name' - the database name
'ltl version' - the log transfer language (LTL) version used by the RepAgent
dbcc settrunc ( 'ltm', 'ignore' | 'valid' )
dbcc settrunc ( 'ltm', 'begin' | 'end' )
dbcc settrunc ( 'ltm', 'pageid', page_no )
(ASE command) With 'ignore', the secondary truncation point in the transaction log
of the current database is deactivated (also known as disabled or removed). Warning: this is a drastic, last-resort option that will stop all replication from this
database, and may cause transactions to be lost. Don’t do this unless you fully
understand the implications!
With 'valid', the secondary truncation point is re-established. The RSSD procedure
rs_zeroltm (see below) should be run before restarting the RepAgent.
With 'begin' or 'end', the secondary truncation point is moved to the start or end of
the transaction log, respectively. With 'pageid', sets the secondary truncation point to
the specified page; this should be done only in special troubleshooting procedures.
To execute this dbcc settrunc, RepAgent must not be running in this database.
dbcc dbrepair ( database_name, 'ltmignore' )
(ASE command) Deactivates the secondary truncation point in the specified database.
This can be used instead of dbcc settrunc when the database is not accessible.
dbcc settrunc ( 'ltm', 'gen_id', db_generation_no )
(ASE command) Sets the database generation number for the current database. See
section 41 (¾p.125) for more information.
admin get_generation, dataserver, database
(RepServer command) Returns the current database generation number for the
specified primary database. See section 41 (¾p.125) for more information.
rs_zeroltm primary_dataserver, primary_database
(RSSD procedure) Resets the locater for the specified primary database in the RSSD
table rs_locater. Before running rs_zeroltm, the RepAgent should be stopped. When
the RepAgent is restarted after running rs_zeroltm, it sends the current secondary
truncation point in the transaction log to RepServer, which stores it in rs_locater.
rs_zeroltm should be used when the secondary truncation point in the primary transaction log, or the primary database's generation number, has been changed explicitly
by the DBA (with dbcc settrunc). After running rs_zeroltm, the RSSD table
rs_locater is resynchronized with the transaction log when the RepAgent is restarted.
7.5 Primary non-ASE databases
In non-ASE primary databases, data is marked for replication with a heterogeneous
RepAgent, using RepAgent commands like pdb_setreptable. See section 8.3 (¾p.23).
8 Replication Agents
A replication agent ('RepAgent') is the component that picks up the primary transactions to be replicated from the primary database, and sends these to RepServer.
8.1 ASE RepAgent configuration
In ASE 11.5+, RepAgents are threads inside ASE (for ASE pre-11.5, an external
RepAgent, called 'LTM' (Log Transfer Manager; an old name for RepAgent) must be
used instead. LTMs are not covered in this book; see the RepServer documentation).
The ASE procedures in this section should be executed in the primary ASE database.
When RepServer has no connection for a particular database, but the ASE RepAgent
tries to connect anyway, the ASE RepAgent will not start and ASE error 9261 will
appear in the ASE errorlog ('aborting due to an unrecoverable communications or
Replication Server error'). To resolve this, either create a database connection in
RepServer (see section 13 ; ¾p.29), or disable the ASE RepAgent.
The Complete Sybase Replication Server Quick Reference Guide
formats used by different databases such as ASE, Oracle, DB2, etc. Datatype definitions are also referred to as 'user-defined datatypes' (UDDs) in the RepServer
documentation; note that this is unrelated to the ASE concept of user-defined
datatypes (as created with sp_addtype).
RepServer datatype definitions can be used to define 'datatype translations'; these
are needed when the primary and replicate database are of a different type (for example, when replicating from a primary Oracle database to replicate ASE and DB2
databases). For most datatypes, RepAgent and RepServer perform the necessary
conversion automatically; for some datatypes, like date/time data, the translation can
be defined explicitly.
This datatype conversion can be done on two levels:
For an individual primary column (or parameter) in a repdef. For each column
(or parameter), a datatype must be specified. By adding the map to datatype
clause to the column declaration in the repdef (see above), all incoming values
for that column will be translated to the specified datatype before being replicated further through the replication system.
The official RepServer documentation calls this 'column-level translations'.
For all data replicated to a replicate database. By creating datatype classes and
datatype translations through the predefined SQL scripts mentioned below, a
set of datatype translations is attached to a function string class. For a replicate
database using that function string class, all data values replicated to that database are converted by the DSI according to those translations (only for those
datatypes for which a translation has been defined).
The official RepServer documentation calls this 'class-level translations'.
The two types of translations can be mixed. Column-level translations (map to in the
repdef) are applied before class-level translations (performed by the DSI).
To initialize datatype classes, datatype definitions and datatype translations for heterogeneous replication, certain predefined SQL scripts, located in the
$SYBASE/$SYBASE_REP/scripts directory, must be executed in the RSSD.
For example, when replicating from a primary ASE database to a replicate Oracle
database, the scripts hds_oracle_funcstrings.sql, hds_oracle_udds.sql and
hds_clt_ase_to_oracle.sql should be run (you may need to edit some of these
scripts with the actual name of your RSSD database).
In addition, some further setup steps are required. See the Replication Server Configuration Guide (¾p.13), chapter Installing and Implementing Heterogeneous
Datatype Support for full details.
11.3 RSSD tables - datatypes
Datatype classes are stored in the RSSD table rs_classes, with
rs_classes.classtype = 'D'. For each datatype class, the RSSD table rs_datatype
contains datatype definitions for that class.
The RSSD table rs_translation contains datatype translations for a particular function string class (the so-called 'class-level translations'). The RSSD table rs_columns
contains the datatype conversions specified in the repdef with map to (the so-called
'column-level translations'), in columns declared_dtid (the declared datatype) and
publ_dtid (the published datatype).
The RSSD rs_* procedures do not display any information about datatype translations. Instead, query the RSSD tables directly.
(Note: the exact relationship between datatype classes and function string classes
remains unclear; in fact, there may not even be a direct relationship - the RepServer
documentation just doesn't contain much information about this topic.)
By default, no datatype classes are defined in the RSSD tables rs_classes and
rs_datatype (except for the standard class rs_rs_dt_class). Other datatype classes,
like rs_oracle_dt_class, exist as an empty class by default: a row exists in
rs_classes, but no corresponding rows exist in rs_datatype. The SQL scripts in
$SYBASE/$SYBASE_REP/scripts insert rows into these RSSD tables, thus creating
the datatype definitions and translations for these classes.
In principle, it should be possible to create your own datatype classes and corresponding translations. Because no RepServer commands exist for this purpose, it
would require manually inserting rows into the RSSD tables rs_classes, rs_datatype
and rs_translation. Unfortunately, exactly how to define such rows is mostly undocumented, but the SQL scripts mentioned above, and the RSSD table descriptions
in the Replication Server Reference Manual (¾p.13), may be a source of inspiration.
Creating your own datatype classes and -translations is probably not officially supported by Sybase.
The Complete Sybase Replication Server Quick Reference Guide
Connections to the primary and replicate master databases must be created
with rs_init as for any other database.
An ASE RepAgent will be running in the primary master database, so its transaction log may need to be enlarged to ensure it does not fill up.
The primary master database must be marked for replication with
sp_reptostandby 'master', 'all'.
The ASE RepAgent in the primary master database must be configured with
'send warm standby xacts' = true (¾p.21)
The master database can be replicated either as a warm standby, or as a database replication definition and corresponding subscription.
When using a database repdef for the ASE master database, the repdef properties replicate dll and replicate system procedures must both be enabled (or
the DDL commands and sp_* calls above, respectively, will not be replicated).
Materialization of the replicate master database should be done manually.
Replication of the master database does not replicate the actual suid/srid
values for new logins and roles. Rather, it relies on identical contents for syslogins and syssrvroles on both sides so that the algorithms will pick the same
values for new logins or roles.
Since passwords for logins and roles are replicated as ciphertext, cross-platform
synchronization is not supported (though it may actually work in some cases).
Ensure that the sp_* procedures listed above are executed from within the
master database if they are to be replicated.
Workaround in ASE pre-15.0.1
In ASE pre-15.0.1, common solutions for synchronizing data in the master database
are to modify system stored procedures like sp_addlogin and sp_password to simulate replication of their execution. Such a mechanism must be set up by the DBA. For
example, a system stored procedure can execute its counterpart in the replicate dataserver as an RPC. Alterntively, the modified stored procedure can write a row to a
normally replicated user table in a user database which executes the corresponding
system stored procedure on the replicate side (with a customized function string; see
page 82 for an example).
14.10 'send standby' option in repdefs
send standby can be specified as an option in table repdefs (send standby all columns; send standby replication definition columns) and function repdefs (send
standby all parameters; send standby replication definition parameters). This
option applies only to a warm standby as well as when database replication is combined with table or function repdefs.
The absence or presence of send standby affects how primary data is replicated:
Replicated columns: for a table repdef without a send standby option, or with
only send standby (which is identical to send standby all columns), all columns of the primary table are replicated. With send standby replication
definition columns, only the columns declared in the repdef are replicated.
Primary key columns: for a table repdef with a send standby option (no matter
which one), only the primary key columns of this repdef are used in the whereclause of replicate SQL update/delete statements. Without a send standby option, the union of all primary key columns for all repdefs for this table is used in
the where-clause (Completeness note 1: without a repdef, all table columns are
used in the where-clause of replicate SQL statements. Completeness note 2:
when multiple repdefs exist for a table, only one repdef can have a send
standby option enabled at a time).
Replicated parameters: for a function repdef without a send standby option, or
with only send standby (which is identical to send standby all parameters),
all parameters of the primary stored procedure are replicated. With send
standby replication definition parameters, only the parameters declared in
the repdef are replicated.
For a warm standby only, the send standby options in the repdefs can be overridden
by the configuration parameter send_standby_repdef_cols for the logical connection (¾p.69).
The current send standby setting for a repdef is displayed by the RSSD procedure
rs_helprep (under 'Used by Standby').
Replication Server versions 12.6, 15.0.1 & 15.1
rs_helprepdb [ replicate_dataserver, replicate_database ]
(RSSD procedure) Without any parameters, displays a list of all replicate databases
with subscriptions to primary data in the current RepServer (either table/function/database repdefs or publications). When no route is involved, this is the
list of all replicate databases in this RepServer. With a dataserver/database name,
displays that database only when such subscriptions exist. To display the actual
repdefs, publications or subscriptions, use rs_helprep/rs_helpsub, rs_helppub/
rs_helppubsub or rs_helpdbrep/rs_helpdbsub.
18.8 Subscribing to ASE 'truncate table'
The ASE T-SQL statement truncate table removes all rows from a table in a fast and
efficient way. In ASE 15.0, truncate table…partition... truncates a specific partition.
Because these row deletions are not written to the transaction log, they cannot be
replicated. However, the truncate table statement itself can be replicated instead.
To subscribe to truncate table statements on the primary table, specify the clause
subscribe to truncate table in create/define subscription (¾p.59/61). By default
(i.e. without this clause) truncate table replication is disabled. To change the status
of truncate table replication for existing subscriptions, use sysadmin apply_truncate_table (see below).
Example: create subscription Accounts_sub for Accounts
with replicate at PROD.report_db
subscribe to truncate table
all subscriptions for a particular replicate table must have identical settings for
subscribing to truncate table.
In a warm standby, truncate table replication is enabled by default; this can
later changed with alter logical connection (see below).
For a subscription to a database repdef, truncate table replication is disabled
by default (but note that it was incorrectly enabled by default in early versions of
12.6). It can be enabled only by including subscribe to truncate table in create/define subscription. To change the setting for truncate table replication,
drop & recreate the database subscription.
The current status of truncate table replication for a subscription's replicate
table or replicate database can be displayed -in the replicate RSSD only- with
the RSSD procedures rs_helpsub, rs_helppubsub or rs_helpdbsub (¾p.62).
The actual status information is stored in the RSSD table rs_subscriptions in
the replicate RSSD; when rs_subscriptions.status & 1073741824 > 0, truncate table replication is enabled, and disabled otherwise.
sysadmin apply_truncate_table, replicate_dataserver, replicate_database,
{ replicate_table_owner_name | '' }, replicate_table_name, { 'on' | 'off' }
Executed at the replicate RepServer, enables ('on') or disables ('off') replication of
the ASE truncate table statement for all existing subscriptions for the specified replicate table in the replicate database. The replicate table owner's name must be
specified only if this was also done in the repdef; otherwise, specify '' (= two single
quotes). sysadmin apply_truncate_table takes effect immediately.
Example: sysadmin apply_truncate_table, PROD, report_db, DailySales_tab, 'on'
alter logical connection to logical_dataserver.logical_database
set send_truncate_table [ to ] { 'on' | 'off' }
In a warm standby, enables ('on', =default) or disables ('off') replication of the ASE
truncate table statement from the active database to the standby database. The
change takes effect once the connection to the standby database is resumed (it is
good practice to suspend the connection first). To determine the current setting for a
logical connection, use the RSSD procedure rs_helpcfg_db, which is included in the
electronic supplement to this book (¾p.8); in 15.0.1, admin config can also be used
18.9 Subscribing to bitmaps
RepServer supports the special datatype rs_address, which can be used for subscribing to bitmaps (i.e. specific bits in a column or parameter). This can be useful
when individual bits have a functionally relevant meaning, for example in status fields
where a group of on/off indicators is packed together in one 4-byte integer.
Warning: before using bitmap subscriptions, please pay attention to the following.
With bitmap subscriptions, a primary update will not be replicated if only rs_address
columns are updated (unless a change in the bitmap would cause a row to migrate
Replication Server versions 12.6, 15.0.1 & 15.1
rs_helpclass [ function_class_name ]
(RSSD procedure) Without any parameter, displays a list of all function string classes
(as well as the error classes) in the current RSSD, including their primary RepServer.
With parameter, displays only the specified class. To display information about classspecific function strings in the class, use rs_helpclassfstring (¾p.76).
admin show_function_classes
Displays a list of all function string classes in this RepServer, including their parent
classes (if any), and their level of inheritance. Does not display the primary RepServer
for each class.
alter connection to dataserver.database
set function string class [ to ] function_class_name
Changes the function string class for the specified database connection. When a
function is translated to an actual SQL statement for this database, function strings
from this class will be used as templates.
The change takes effect once the connection is resumed (it is good practice to suspend the connection before changing a parameter). When a connection is created, a
function string class is defined with create connection, but this can later be changed
with alter connection.
In most cases, function string classes are used for replicate databases. The function
string class for a primary database is relevant only during subscription
(de)materialization, when function strings for rs_select and rs_select_with_lock are
used (¾p.74).
Example: alter connection to PROD.prod_db
set function string class to MyFunkyClass
To determine the function string class currently configured for a connection, run this
query in the RSSD:
select dsname, dbname, classname 'Function string class'
from rs_databases d, rs_classes c
where d.funcclassid = c.classid
20.3 Function string inheritance
Hierarchical relationships can exist between individual function string classes, facilitating a feature known as 'function string inheritance'. From this perspective, the
following types of function string classes can be distinguished:
'parent class' - a function string class from which another class is derived;
'derived class' - a function string class which has a parent class;
'base class' - a function string class which has no parent class.
A derived class inherits all function strings from its parent class; hence the name
'function string inheritance':
When altering a function string in a parent class, this modification is immediately
inherited by all derived classes for this parent class where this function string
was not overridden (see next bullet).
When creating a function string in a derived class, this overrides the inherited
function string from the parent class (but does not affect the function string in
the parent class itself).
When creating or modifying a function string, this takes effect immediately on the local
RepServer; when there is an outgoing route, the modification takes effect in the destination RepServer once it has arrived in the destination RSSD.
Function string inheritance can have multiple levels: a parent class can also be a
derived class at the same time. Parent classes can be established or changed with
create function string class or alter function string class.
When creating a base class (i.e. a function string class without a parent class), all
function strings must be explicitly created for the base class (with create function
string); otherwise, any attempt to access a database with this function string class
will cause errors in the DSI.
rs_sqlserver_function_class (the default class used for ASE connections)
cannot be used as a parent class; use rs_default_function_class or another
function class instead.
Function strings cannot be created or modified for rs_default_function_class
or rs_db2_function_class; instead, create a derived class and create customized function strings in that class.
Function string inheritance is dynamic (unlike the static class initialization for
Replication Server versions 12.6, 15.0.1 & 15.1
Contains information about where-clauses for articles (not for subscriptions). The
actual where-clause is stored in rs_rules.
34 Configuration (.cfg) file
The RepServer configuration file (referred to as .cfg file in this book) is an ASCII file
read by RepServer during startup to determine the server name, login and password
for the ID server and RSSD server. Because the .cfg file contains passwords, it
should be protected properlyon file-system level.
By default, the .cfg file is located in $SYBASE/$SYBASE_REP/install and named
repserver_name.cfg. The actual location of the .cfg file is passed to RepServer with
the -C command line parameter in the RUN_servername file (¾p.100).
The .cfg file contains some rather self-explanatory keywords. It is not recommended
to edit the .cfg file manually, unless you understand what you're doing. When the .cfg
file does not exist or contains invalid keywords, RepServer will not start.
When the .cfg file contains encrypted passwords, these passwords can only be modified through rs_init (¾p.98).
When a line starts with '#', the entire line is a comment.
(15.0) For RepServers with an embedded RSSD that have outgoing routes, the
ERSSD RepAgent also has a .cfg file, by default located in $SYBASE (¾p.86).
35 Replication system monitoring features
RepServer comes with features for monitoring the status of the various servers in the
replication system (not to be confused with the monitoring counters in section 40.3,
which are about the internal workings of a single RepServer).
The abbreviations of the various features can be confusing, so here's a quick overview; details are in the sections below:
RMP - Replication Manager Plug-in for Sybase Central, Java version (12.6)
RMS - Replication Monitoring Services (15.0)
RSP - RepServer Plug-in for Sybase Central, non-Java version (pre-15.0)
RSM - Replication Server Manager (pre-15.0)
35.1 Replication Manager Plug-in (RMP) for Sybase Central
As of 12.6, the 'Replication Manager Plug-in' (RMP) for the Java version of Sybase
Central can be used to perform most RepServer DBA tasks through the Sybase Central GUI; this runs on all Java-enabled platforms. RMP includes support for creating
repdefs, subscriptions, warm standby etc., reverse-engineering these, resuming/
suspending connections, etc. In 12.6, RMP support is limited to a few core RepServer
areas, but in 15.0 almost the full range of RepServer functionality is covered.
In 15.0, RMP replaces RSP, the RepServer Plug-in (¾35.3) for the non-Java version
of Sybase Central.
RMP is located in $SYBASE/RMP-xx_y (e.g. RMP-15_0). If it is not automatically
registered with Sybase Central, you can register it manually through Tools Æ Plug-ins
Æ Register and browse to $SYBASE/$SYBASE_RMP/lib/RMPlugin.jar.
35.2 Replication Monitoring Services (RMS) (15.0)
RMS (Replication Monitoring Services) is a 3-tier utility for monitoring replication
systems, involving the Unified Agent Framework (UAF) and the Replication Manager
Plug-in (RMP; ¾35.1) for Sybase Central. In 15.0, RMS replaces the pre-15.0 RSM
server (¾35.4).
RMS monitors the status of RepServers and dataservers, and can automatically
execute user-created shell scripts when certain events occur. With the Replication
Manager Plug-in, most RepServer DBA tasks can be performed, and errorlog files for
RepServers and dataservers can be viewed remotely (in fact, this plug-in can be
handy for monitoring errorlogs of remote ASE servers, even without using RepServer
at all).
In addition to monitoring RepServers, RMS can also monitor ASE and IQ servers,
non-ASE RepAgents, OpenServers, Direct Connect servers, etc.
RMS can be accessed through the Replication Manager Plug-in for Sybase Central,
but also through an ASCII command-line interface. To start and stop RMS, the UAF
agent must be started/stopped. For more information about using RMS, see the product manual What's new in Replication Server.
The Complete Sybase Replication Server Quick Reference Guide
#temporary tables (ASE) ..................... 10
& (rs_address bitmask operator) ......... 64
.cfg file (configuration file).................. 115
abort switch ......................................... 67
activate subscription ............................ 61
active database (in warm standby) ...... 65
active-standby pair .............................. 65
add partition ...................................... 101
address, rs_ (datatype).................. 26, 63
ad-hoc SQL statements, replicating..... 82
admin config ........................................ 90
admin cwd ........................................... 26
admin disk_space........................ 25, 101
admin echo.......................................... 26
admin get_generation.................. 20, 126
admin health........................................ 25
admin log_name.................................. 26
admin logical_status ...................... 26, 71
admin pid............................................. 26
admin quiesce_check ........................ 116
admin quiesce_force_rsi...................... 88
admin rssd_name........................ 26, 109
admin security_property ...................... 95
admin security_setting......................... 95
admin set_log_name ........................... 26
admin show_connections .............. 32, 88
admin show_function_classes ............. 73
admin show_route_versions ................ 89
admin show_site_version .................... 89
admin sqm_readers........................... 103
admin statistics.................................. 125
admin statistics, flush_status ............. 125
admin statistics, reset ........................ 125
admin stats........................................ 123
admin stats tps / cps / bps ................. 123
admin stats, backlog.......................... 123
admin stats, cancel............................ 123
admin stats, reset .............................. 123
admin stats, status ............................ 123
admin stats_config_connection ......... 125
admin stats_config_module ............... 125
admin stats_config_route .................. 125
admin stats_intrusive_counter ........... 125
admin time........................................... 26
admin translate.................................... 27
admin version ................................ 25, 89
admin who........................................... 25
admin who, dist ................................... 29
admin who, dsi ............................ 32, 126
admin who, rsi ..................................... 88
admin who, sqm ........................ 102, 126
admin who, sqt .................................. 103
admin who_is_down ............................ 25
admin who_is_up ................................ 25
alias to dbo, maintenance user............ 98
allow connections ........................ 29, 118
alter applied function replication def. ... 41
alter connection ................................... 30
alter connection (function class) .......... 73
alter database replication definition ..... 45
alter function........................................ 83
alter function replication definition ....... 41
alter function string .............................. 75
alter function string class ..................... 72
alter logical connection...................63, 66
alter partition ......................................101
alter queue
set sqm_cache_enable .................105
set sqm_cache_size .....................105
set sqm_page_size .......................105
set sqm_xact_with_large_msg......105
alter replication definition .....................37
alter request function replication def. ...41
alter route.............................................87
alter user............................................108
always_replicate (text/image data).......51
applied functions ............................39, 41
apply_truncate_table, sysadmin...........63
articles, for publications........................54
articles, rs_ (RSSD table).............56, 112
(SQL Anywhere) for ERSSD .........110
miscellaneous commands.............111
start/stop manually........................111
ASE environment variables..................99
ASE errorlog, location ........................127
ASE RepAgent.....................................20
ASE Replicator.....................................12
ASE system databases, replicating......10
assign action........................................83
atomic materialization ..........................56
atomic materialization, incremental ......56
autocorrection ......................................38
and database repdefs .....................38
and function strings.........................38
and warm standby...........................38
automatic materialization ...............57, 59
backlog, in queues .............................123
base class............................................73
Basics, RepServer ................................ 9
batch (config) .......................................32
batch_begin (config) ............................32
batch_end, rs_ (function) .....................78
batch_start, rs_ (function) ....................78
begin, rs_ (function) .............................78
bitmap subscriptions ............................63
bulk materialization ........................57, 61
byte_order (config)...............................92
caching RSSD tables .........................121
capacity, rs_ (RSSD proc)..................102
captable, rs_ (RSSD table) ........102, 112
change password, RepServer user ....108
character set in replication system .......99
check publication .................................54
check subscription .........................60, 62
check_repl, rs_ (function).....................78
classes, rs_ (RSSD table) 28, 75, 85, 112
class-level translations (datatype) ........28
cm_fadeout_time (config).....................92
cm_max_connections (config)..............92
column-level translations (datatype).....28
columns, rs_ (RSSD table).................112
command_retry (config) .......................32
comments, syntax ................................25
Replication Server versions 12.6, 15.0.1 & 15.1
commit, rs_ (function) ..........................78
common DBA tasks, starting points .......9
complexity of replication systems.........11
config, admin .......................................90
config, rs_ (RSSD table) .............. 91, 112
config_rep_agent, sp_ (ASE proc) .......21
configuration file (.cfg file)..................115
Configuration parameters ....................90
and admin config ............................90
batch ..............................................32
byte_order ......................................92
cm_fadeout_time ............................92
cm_max_connections .....................92
current_rssd_version ......................92
deferred_queue_size ......................94
disk_affinity....................... 32, 88, 101
dist_stop_unsupported_cmd..... 34, 70
dsi_charset_convert .......................32
dsi_cmd_batch_size .......................32
dsi_cmd_separator .........................32
dsi_commit_check_locks_log .........97
dsi_commit_check_locks_max .......97
dsi_fadeout_time ............................33
dsi_ignore_underscore_name ........97
dsi_isolation_level ..........................34
dsi_keep_triggers ...........................33
dsi_large_xact_size ........................96
dsi_max_cmds_to_log ....................33
dsi_max_xacts_in_group ................33
dsi_num_threads ............................96
dsi_partitioning_rule .......................96
dsi_rs_ticket_report ................ 34, 132
dsi_serialization_method ................96
dsi_sql_data_style ..........................33
dsi_text_convert_multiplier .............33
dsi_xact_group_size .......................33
dynamic_sql, for DSI.......................34
dynamic_sql_cache_management .35
enable rep agent threads (ASE) .....21
erssd_backup_dir .........................110
erssd_backup_start_date .............110
erssd_ra ................................. 88, 110
exec_cmds_per_timeslice ..............34
id_msg_confidentiality ....................95
id_msg_integrity .............................95
id_msg_origin_check ......................95
id_msg_sequence_check ...............95
id_mutual_auth ...............................95
id_security_mechanism ..................95
init_sqm_write_delay...................... 92
init_sqm_write_max_delay ............. 92
materialization_save_interval ......... 70
md_source_memory_pool........ 34, 70
md_sqm_write_request_limit.......... 34
memory_limit.................................. 92
memory_max (obsolete)................. 92
minimum_rssd_version .................. 92
msg_confidentiality......................... 95
msg_integrity.................................. 95
msg_origin_check .......................... 95
msg_replay_detection .................... 95
msg_sequence_check.................... 95
mutual_auth ................................... 95
num_client_connections................. 92
num_concurrent_subs.................... 92
num_msgqueues............................ 92
num_msgs ..................................... 92
num_mutexes ................................ 92
num_stable_queues....................... 93
num_threads .................................. 93
oserver ........................................... 92
parallel_dsi..................................... 96
password_encryption ..................... 93
prev_min_rssd_version .................. 92
prev_rsm_proc_compat_version .... 92
prev_rssd_version.......................... 92
queue_dump_buffer_size............... 93
rec_daemon_sleep_time ................ 93
related RSSD tables....................... 91
rep_as_standby........................ 34, 70
replicate_minimal_columns ............ 69
rsi_batch_size ................................ 88
rsi_fadeout_time............................. 88
rsi_packet_size .............................. 88
rsi_sync_interval ............................ 88
rsi_xact_with_large_msg................ 88
rsm_proc_compat_version ............. 92
rssd_error_class............................. 93
save_interval ...................... 33, 69, 88
security_mechanism ...................... 95
security_services............................ 94
send_enc_password ...................... 93
send_standby_repdef_cols ............ 69
send_timestamp_to_standbyl......... 35
send_truncate_table....................... 69
smp_enable ................................... 93
sqm_cache_enable ...................... 105
sqm_cache_size .......................... 105
sqm_page_size ............................ 105
sqm_recover_segs......................... 93
sqm_warning_thr_ind ..................... 93
sqm_warning_thr1.......................... 93
sqm_warning_thr2.......................... 93
sqm_write_flush ..................... 93, 101
sqm_xact_with_large_msg........... 105
sqt_init_read_delay ........................ 94
sqt_max_cache_size...................... 94
sqt_max_prs_size .......................... 94
sqt_max_read_delay...................... 94
sre_reserve .................................... 93
standby_func_class........................ 70
stats_daemon_sleep_time ........... 124
stats_flush_rssd ........................... 124
stats_reset_afterflush ................... 124
stats_reset_rssd........................... 122
stats_sampling ..................... 122, 124
stats_show_zero_counters........... 122
sts_cachesize ................................ 94
sts_full_cache_* ..................... 94, 121
sub_daemon_sleep_time ............... 94
The Complete Sybase Replication Server Quick Reference Guide
sub_sqm_write_request_limit ......... 34
unified_login ................................... 95
use_batch_markers........................ 34
use_security_services .................... 94
use_ssl........................................... 94
varchar_truncation.......................... 94
configure connection ........................... 31
configure logical connection ................ 66
configure replication server.................. 90
configure route .................................... 87
configure, rs_ (RSSD proc).................. 90
conflict resolution, with function strings 82
connections to databases.................... 29
by multiple RepServers ................ 131
renaming ...................................... 134
connectivity problems ........................ 127
coordinated dumps............................ 117
create applied function replication def. 39
create article........................................ 55
create connection ................................ 29
for warm standby............................ 66
create database replication definition .. 43
create error class................................. 84
create function..................................... 83
create function replication definition.... 40,
create function string ........................... 74
create function string class .................. 72
create logical connection ..................... 65
create partition................................... 101
create publication ................................ 54
create replication definition.................. 36
create request function replication def. 41
create route ......................................... 86
create subscription .............................. 59
create user ........................................ 108
creating a new RepServer ................... 98
current_rssd_version (config) .............. 92
cwd, admin .......................................... 26
Data model, issues for replication........ 10
database connections.......................... 29
database generation number....... 20, 126
database repdefs................................. 43
and autocorrection.......................... 38
function strings ............................... 45
marking data for replication ............ 18
mixing with table/function repdefs... 50
switching primary and replicate ...... 46
vs. warm standby ........................... 47
database replication ................................
............................ See database repdefs
databases, rs_ (RSSD table) . 31, 70, 112
datarow_for_writetext, rs_ (function).... 77
datatype class ..................................... 27
datatype translations ........................... 28
datatype, rs_ (RSSD table).......... 28, 112
datatypes............................................. 26
class-level translations ................... 28
column-level translations ................ 28
declared datatype........................... 27
mapping (map to clause) .......... 27, 28
published datatype ......................... 27
RepServer native datatypes ........... 26
db_packet_size (config)....................... 32
dbcc dbrepair (ASE cmd) .................... 20
dbcc gettrunc (ASE cmd)..................... 19
dbcc settrunc (ASE cmd)............. 20, 126
dbltm (ERSSD RepAgent)....................86
dbrepair, dbcc(ASE cmd) .....................20
dbreps, rs_ (RSSD table) .............50, 112
dbsrv8 (ERSSD) ................................111
dbsrv9 (ERSSD) ................................111
dbstop (ERSSD) ................................111
dbsubsets, rs_ (RSSD table)........50, 112
DDL replication
ASE error 2762 ...............................17
ASE RepAgent configuration ..........21
dsi_replication_ddl (config) .............33
list of replicated statements/procs ...17
set replication (ASE cmd)................17
sp_reptostandby (ASE proc) ...........16
with database repdef.......................44
with warm standby ..........................18
declared datatype ................................27
default function string, restoring ...........75
default RepServer username/passwd 106
default_fs, rs_ (variable).......................81
default_function_class, rs_ (class) .......73
deferred_queue_size (config) ..............94
define subscription ...............................61
delete, rs_ (function) ............................76
delexception, rs_ (RSSD proc).............85
deliver_as_name, rs_ (variable) ...........81
dematerialization queues .....................58
derived class........................................73
destination RepServer (routes) ............85
destination_db, rs_ (variable) ...............80
destination_ds, rs_ (variable) ...............80
destination_ldb, rs_ (variable) ..............80
destination_lds, rs_ (variable) ..............80
destination_ptype, rs_ (variable) ..........80
destination_user, rs_ (variable) ............80
diagnostic RepServer.........................100
direct I/O (O_DIRECT) .........................93
direct routes ...................................87, 89
DirectConnect ......................................12
disk partitions.....................................101
full, due to open transaction ..........129
disk space requirements, estimate.....102
disk_affinity (config) ...............32, 88, 101
disk_space, admin .......................25, 101
diskaffinity, rs_ (RSSD table) .....101, 112
diskpartitions, rs_ (RSSD table) .101, 112
DIST thread (distributor).................29, 34
dist_sqt_max_cache_size (config) .......33
dist_stop_unsupported_cmd (cfg) ..34, 70
suspend ..........................................29
do_not_replicate (text/image data).......51
Documentation about RepServer .........13
drepsrvr.exe (executable) ..................100
drop article ...........................................55
drop connection ...................................30
drop database replication definition......46
drop error class ....................................84
drop function ........................................83
drop function replication definition........41
drop function string ..............................75
drop function string class .....................72
drop logical connection ........................66
drop partition......................................101
drop publication....................................54
drop replication definition .....................38
drop route ............................................86
drop subscription............................60, 62
drop user............................................108
Replication Server versions 12.6, 15.0.1 & 15.1
drop_queue, sysadmin ......................103
dropdb, sysadmin ................................31
dropldb, sysadmin ...............................66
droprs, sysadmin ...............................106
DSI EXEC thread.................................95
DSI generation number......................126
DSI thread ...........................................95
dsi_alt_writetext (config) ......................35
dsi_charset_convert (config)................32
dsi_check_thread_lock, rs_ (function)..78
dsi_cmd_batch_size (config) ...............32
dsi_cmd_separator (config) .................32
dsi_commit_check_locks_intrvl(config) 97
dsi_commit_check_locks_log (config)..97
dsi_commit_check_locks_max (config) 97
dsi_commit_control (config) .................97
dsi_exec_request_sproc (config) .........32
dsi_fadeout_time (config) ....................33
dsi_ignore_underscore_name (config).97
dsi_isolation_level (config)...................34
dsi_keep_triggers (config)....................33
dsi_large_xact_size (config) ................96
dsi_max_cmds_to_log (config) ............33
dsi_max_text_to_log (config) ...............33
dsi_max_xacts_in_group (config) ........33
dsi_num_large_xact_threads (config) ..96
dsi_num_threads (config) ....................96
dsi_partitioning_rule (config)................96
dsi_replication (config).........................33
dsi_replication_ddl (config) ..................33
dsi_rs_ticket_report (config)......... 34, 132
dsi_serialization_method (config).........96
dsi_sql_data_style (config) ..................33
dsi_sqt_max_cache_size (config) ........33
dsi_text_convert_multiplier (config)......33
dsi_xact_group_size (config) ...............33
dump/load materialization ....................57
dump_dbname, rs_ (variable) ..............81
dump_file, sysadmin ..........................103
dump_label, rs_ (variable) ...................81
dump_load (config) ..............................33
dump_queue, sysadmin.....................103
dump_stats, rs_ (RSSD proc) ............124
dump_status, rs_ (variable) .................81
dump_thread_stacks, sysadmin ........106
dump_timestamp, rs_ (variable) ..........81
dump_tran, sysadmin ........................104
dumpdb, rs_ (function)................. 78, 117
dumps, coordinated ...........................117
dumptran, rs_ (function)............... 78, 117
duplicate transactions ........................126
dynamic SQL
for a repdef and all DSIs .................37
for a repdef and one DSI ................38
for DSI ............................................34
dynamic_sql (config), for DSI...............34
dynamic_sql, set..................................38
(config) ................................................35
dynamic_sql_cache_size (config) ........35
EBF installation override......................99
ECDA ..................................................12
echo, admin .........................................26
Electronic supplement to this book ........8
embedded RSSD................. See ERSSD
enable rep agent threads (ASE config) 21
encrypted data, replicating............. 17, 78
encrypted passwords
disable ........................................... 93
enable ............................................ 98
rs_init ............................................. 93
Enterprise Connect Data Access......... 12
Environment variables......................... 99
Errata .................................................... 8
error actions ........................................ 83
error classes........................................ 83
error message number
10354 (ASE error) .......................... 53
11065 (ASE error) .......................... 54
15162............................................. 75
15230............................................. 67
15287............................................. 75
16022............................................. 25
2056......................................... 25, 59
2762 (ASE error) ................ 17, 21, 44
28049............................................. 65
32020 (warning) ............................. 15
5152............................................... 31
5158............................................... 43
584 (ASE error) .............................. 54
9261 (ASE error) ............................ 20
9289 (ASE error) ............................ 23
9290 (ASE warning) ....................... 23
erroractions, rs_ (RSSD table) .... 85, 113
errorlog location
ASE.............................................. 127
non-ASE RepAgent........................ 24
RepServer...................................... 26
errorlog, writing strings ........................ 26
ERSSD (embedded RSSD)............... 110
default login/password.................. 110
determine if used.......................... 109
miscellaneous ASA commands .... 111
start/stop manually ....................... 111
erssd, sysadmin ................................ 110
erssd_backup_dir (config) ................. 110
erssd_backup_interval (config).......... 110
erssd_backup_start_date (config) ..... 110
erssd_backup_start_time (config) ..... 110
erssd_ra (config) ......................... 88, 110
exceptions log, RSSD ......................... 85
exceptscmd, rs_ (RSSD table) .... 85, 113
exceptshdr, rs_ (RSSD table)...... 85, 113
exceptslast, rs_ (RSSD table) ... 113, 126
exec_cmds_per_timeslice (config) ...... 34
exec_sqm_write_request_limit (config) 34
Executor........... See REP AGENT thread
FAQ for Sybase RepServer................. 14
fast_route_upgrade, sysadmin ............ 89
fillcaptable, rs_ (RSSD proc) ............. 102
filters, database repdef........................ 44
First Seg.Block (queues) ................... 102
float (datatype) .............................. 10, 26
flushing monitor counters .................. 125
flushing monitor counters to RSSD.... 125
forgotten, RS password..................... 131
funcstrings, rs_ (RSSD table) ...... 75, 113
function repdefs................................... 39
mixing with database repdefs ......... 50
mixing with table repdefs................ 49
function string class inheritance .......... 73
function string classes ......................... 72
definition......................................... 71
list of system-supplied classes ....... 72
The Complete Sybase Replication Server Quick Reference Guide
function strings .................................... 74
conflict resolution............................ 82
definition......................................... 71
input/output templates .................... 79
modifiers (for variables) .................. 79
restoring default.............................. 75
various tricks .................................. 81
definition......................................... 71
function class-specific .................... 77
function repdef-specific (user-def'd) 77
table repdef-specific ....................... 76
functions, rs_ (RSSD table) ......... 75, 113
generation numbers........................... 125
DSI ............................................... 126
primary database.......................... 126
get_charset, rs_ (function)................... 78
get_generation, admin....................... 126
get_lastcommit, rs_ (function).............. 78
get_lastcommit, rs_ (proc) ................... 31
get_sortorder, rs_ (function) ................ 78
get_textptr, rs_ (function)..................... 77
get_thread_seq, rs_ (function)............. 78
get_thread_seq_noholdlock, rs_ (func) 78
gettrunc, dbcc (ASE cmd).................... 19
grant.................................................. 108
ha_failover (config).............................. 92
heartbeat ................................... 117, 132
Help: replication doesn’t work!........... 128
help_rep_agent, sp_ (ASE proc) ......... 21
helpcfg, rs_ (RSSD proc).........................
...............................91, 92, 105, 122, 124
helpcfg_db, rs_ (RSSD proc)... 63, 69, 91
helpcfg_route, rs_ (RSSD proc)........... 91
helpclass, rs_ (RSSD proc) ........... 73, 84
helpclassfstring, rs_ (RSSD proc)........ 76
helpcounter, rs_ (RSSD proc).... 124, 125
helpdb, rs_ (RSSD proc) ..................... 31
helpdbrep, rs_ (RSSD proc) ................ 51
helpdbsub, rs_ (RSSD proc)................ 62
helperror, rs_ (RSSD proc) .................. 84
helpexception, rs_ (RSSD proc) .......... 85
helpfstring, rs_ (RSSD proc)................ 76
helpfunc, rs_ (RSSD proc)................... 76
helppartition, rs_ (RSSD proc)........... 101
helppub, rs_ (RSSD proc) ................... 55
helppubsub, rs_ (RSSD proc)........ 55, 62
helprep, rs_ (RSSD proc) .................... 51
helprepdb, rs_ (RSSD proc) .... 31, 51, 63
helpreptable, rs_ (RSSD proc)............. 51
helproute, rs_ (RSSD proc) ................. 88
helpsub, rs_ (RSSD proc).................... 62
helpuser, rs_ (RSSD proc) ................ 108
heterogeneous RepAgents.................. 23
heterogeneous replication ................... 12
hibernate_off, sysadmin .................... 106
hibernate_on, sysadmin .................... 106
hibernation mode............................... 106
ID server............................................ 106
ID server user............................... 106
name of ID server .........................106
id_msg_confidentiality (config) .............95
id_msg_integrity (config) ......................95
id_msg_origin_check (config)...............95
id_msg_replay_detection (config) ........95
id_msg_sequence_check (config)........95
id_mutual_auth (config)........................95
id_security_mechanism (config)...........95
id_server (config) .................................92
id_unified_login (config) .......................95
identifiers .............................................25
identifiers, in primary database ............11
identity columns, replicating .................52
idnames, rs_ (RSSD table) ................113
ids, rs_ (RSSD table) .........................113
ignore loss .................................119, 128
image/text data, mark for replication ....18
image/text/rawobject data ....................51
incremental atomic materialization .......56
indexes in replicate database...............11
indirect routes ................................87, 89
info, rs_ (table) .....................................31
Information Liquidity Model ..................12
inheritance, function string classes ......73
init, rs_ (utility)......................................98
init_erroractions, rs_ (RSSD proc) .......84
init_sqm_write_delay (config)...............92
init_sqm_write_max_delay (config) ......92
initial RepServer username/password106
initialize_threads, rs_ (function)............78
initializing a new RepServer .................98
input templates (function strings) .........79
insert, rs_ (function) .............................76
intermediate RepServer (routes) ..........85
Internet, RepServer resources on ........14
l_origin, rs_ (variable) ..........................80
LAN RepAgents ...................................23
language templates (function strings)...79
large transactions (DSI) .................95, 96
Last Seg.Block (queues) ....................102
last_text_chunk, rs_ (variable) .............81
lastcommit, rs_ (table)..................31, 117
latency ...............................................117
licensable options, license keys ...........13
license manager, license file ................13
line continuation character (\)...............25
lmutil (license manager) .......................13
local queue ID (LQID) ........................104
locater, in RSSD table rs_locater .........19
locater, rs_ (RSSD table) .............20, 113
locking yourself out ............................131
log transfer
suspend ..........................................29
Log Transfer Language (LTL) ..............12
log_first_tran, sysadmin .....................105
log_name, admin .................................26
log_system_name (non-ASE RepAgent)
logical_status, admin ...........................71
loss detection.............................118, 119
LQID ..................................................104
LTM .....................................................20
LTM locator (non-ASE RepAgent)..19, 24
LTM truncation point ............................19
Replication Server versions 12.6, 15.0.1 & 15.1
maintenance user ..............................107
alias to dbo .....................................98
ERSSD .........................................110
replicating primary transactions by .21
maintusers, rs_ (RSSD table) ............113
manual materialization................... 57, 61
manuals for RepServer........................13
map to (datatype mapping) ............ 27, 28
mapping (map to clause) .....................36
marker, rs_ (function)...........................78
marker, rs_ (proc) ................................78
marking primary data for replication.....15
for database repdefs.......................18
in a warm standby ..........................18
master database (ASE), replicating .....47
(de)materialization queues .............58
drop when materialization failed 65
identifying ..................................58
disk space requirements.................58
materialization methods..................56
atomic materialization ................56
automatic materialization ...........57
bulk materialization....................57
dump/load materialization..........57
incremental atomic mat..............56
manual materialization...............57
no materialization ......................56
non-atomic materialization.........56
simulated (non)atomic bulk mat. 57
users and permissions....................58
materialization queues.........................58
materialization_save_interval (config)..70
md_source_memory_pool (config). 34, 70
md_sqm_write_request_limit (config) ..34
memory_limit (config) ..........................92
memory_max (config, obsolete)...........92
message loss.....................................119
causing rejected messages ..........128
minimal column replication...................49
and rs_default_fs ............................81
limitations .......................................49
minimum_rssd_version (config) ...........92
Mirror Activator ....................................12
missing replicate rows, unnoticed ........11
missing updates, and parallel DSI........96
Mobilink ...............................................12
modifiers, for function string variables..79
monitor counters................................122
move primary
of error class...................................84
of function string class ....................72
MSA (=database repdef/subscription)..43
msg_confidentiality (config) .................95
msg_integrity (config) ..........................95
msg_origin_check (config) ...................95
msg_replay_detection (config).............95
msg_sequence_check (config) ............95
msgs, rs_ (RSSD table) .....................113
Multiple Site Availability (MSA) ............43
Multiple Warm Standby (=MSA)...........43
mutual_auth (config) ............................95
name, of ID server .............................106
name, of RepServer.............................25
native datatypes .................................. 26
network security .................................. 94
new, new_raw (variable modifier)........ 79
newsgroups......................................... 14
Next.Read (queues) .......................... 102
no materialization (mat.method) .......... 56
non-ASE RepAgent ............................. 23
non-atomic materialization .................. 56
num_client_connections (config) ......... 92
num_concurrent_subs (config) ............ 92
num_msgqueues (config).................... 92
num_msgs (config).............................. 92
num_mutexes (config)......................... 92
num_stable_queues (config) ............... 93
num_threads (config) .......................... 93
objects, rs_ (RSSD table)............ 50, 113
old, old_raw (variable modifier) ........... 79
opaque (datatype) ............................... 26
open transactions.............................. 129
OpenSwitch......................................... 12
OQID, layout ..................................... 126
oqid, rs_ (RSSD table) ...................... 113
Origin queue ID .......................See OQID
origin, rs_ (variable)............................. 80
origin_begin_time, rs_ (variable) ......... 81
origin_commit_time, rs_ (variable)....... 81
origin_db, rs_ (variable)....................... 80
origin_ds, rs_ (variable)....................... 80
origin_ldb, rs_ (variable)...................... 81
origin_lds, rs_ (variable) ...................... 81
origin_qid, rs_ (variable)...................... 81
origin_user, rs_ (variable).................... 80
origin_xact_id, rs_ (variable) ............... 81
origin_xact_name, rs_ (variable) ......... 81
oserver (config) ................................... 92
output templates (function strings)....... 79
parallel DSI ......................................... 95
parallel_dsi (config) ............................. 96
param, param_raw (variable modifier). 79
parent class......................................... 73
partitioning rules, for parallel DSI ........ 96
partitions, disk ................................... 101
change, for maintenance user ........ 30
change, RepServer user .............. 108
determine, for RepServer user ..... 131
for RepServer 'sa', default ............ 106
forgotten....................................... 131
password encryption
disable ........................................... 93
enable ............................................ 98
rs_init ............................................. 93
password_encryption (config).............. 93
pdb_setrepcol (non-ASE RepAgent) ... 24
pdb_setrepproc (non-ASE RepAgent) . 24
pdb_setreptable (non-ASE RepAgent) 24
pdb_truncate_xlog (non-ASE RepAg.) 24
perf_listruns, rs_ (RSSD proc)........... 124
performance tips ............................... 120
permissions ....................................... 108
poster of RSSD tables....................... 112
PowerDesigner.................................... 12
prepared statements
The Complete Sybase Replication Server Quick Reference Guide
for a repdef and all DSIs................. 37
for a repdef and one DSI ................ 38
for DSI............................................ 34
prev_min_rssd_version (config)........... 92
prev_rsm_proc_compat_version (cfg) . 92
prev_rssd_version (config) .................. 92
primary key
unique, why required ...................... 10
updating, issues ............................. 10
primary transaction log, full (ASE) ..... 128
primary user
ERSSD......................................... 110
RSSD ........................................... 107
print_rs_ticket (traceflag) ................... 101
publications ......................................... 54
publications, rs_ (RSSD table)..... 55, 113
published datatype .............................. 27
publish-subscribe replication ............... 35
purge_all_open, sysadmin................. 105
purge_first_open, sysadmin............... 105
purge_route_at_replicate, sysadmin.... 87
queue ID..................................See OQID
queue_dump_buffer_size (config) ....... 93
queuemsg, rs_ (RSSD table)..... 106, 113
queuemsgtxt, rs_ (RSSD table) . 106, 113
queues .............................................. 102
(de)materialization queues ............. 58
identifying ..................................... 102
inbound, outbound........................ 102
queue size and save_interval ....... 102
queue size and slow replication.... 128
understanding queue growth ........ 102
queues, rs_ (RSSD table).......... 106, 113
quiesce_check, admin ....................... 116
quiesce_force_rsi, admin..................... 88
quiescing/quiesced, RepServer ......... 116
quoted identifiers ................................. 11
ra (non-ASE RepAgent)....................... 23
ra_admin (non-ASE RepAgent) ........... 23
ra_config (non-ASE RepAgent) ........... 24
ra_dump (non-ASE RepAgent)............ 24
ra_help (non-ASE RepAgent) .............. 24
ra_set_login (non-ASE RepAgent) ...... 24
ra_status (non-ASE RepAgent) ........... 24
ra_version[_all] (non-ASE RepAgent).. 24
raw_object_serialization, rs_ (function) 78
rawobject [in row] (datatype)................ 26
rawobject/text/image data.................... 51
RAX (non-ASE RepAgent) .................. 23
real (datatype) ............................... 10, 26
rebuild queues........................... 105, 118
rec_daemon_sleep_time (config) ........ 93
recovery ............................................ 118
recovery, rs_ (RSSD table)................ 114
refreshing, publication subscription 55, 60
registry key(Windows),startup params 100
a database connection ................. 134
a RepServer ................................. 133
REP AGENT thread............................. 34
remove ........................................... 30
rep_as_standby (config) ................ 34, 70
configuring (ASE)............................21
connections to RepServer...............29
for ASE primary databases .............20
for non-ASE primary databases ......23
starting (ASE) .................................21
stopping (ASE)................................21
RepAgents ...........................................13
repdbs, rs_ (RSSD table) ...................114
and autocorrection ..........................38
database repdefs ............................43
function repdefs ..............................39
table repdefs ...................................36
uniqueness of names......................35
repdef filters (database repdef) ............44
repl_off, rs_ (function) ..........................78
repl_on, rs_ (function) ..........................78
replicate_if_changed (text/image data) 51
replicate_minimal_columns (config) .....69
replicated RSSD tables for routes ........87
replicating minimal columns .................49
and rs_default_fs ............................81
Replication Agent............. See RepAgent
replication definition ............... See repdef
replication index ...................................19
Replication Manager Plug-in (RMP)...115
Repl. Monitoring Services (RMS) .......115
Replication Server Manager (RSM) ...116
RSM stored procedures, install .....116
Repl. Server Plug-in (RSP) ........115, 116
Replicator, ASE....................................12
repobjs, rs_ (RSSD table) ..................114
repserver (executable) .......................100
repserver.diag (executable) ...............100
repsrvr.exe (executable) ....................100
reptostandby, sp_ (ASE proc) ..............16
request functions..................................41
setup example ................................42
request stored procedures
............................. See request functions
reserved words ....................................25
resetting monitor counters..........123, 125
resource file (for rs_init) .......................98
restoring the default function string ......75
resume connection...............................31
resume distributor ................................29
resume log transfer ..............................29
resume queue....................................105
resume route........................................87
reverse-engineering, objects..............131
revoke ................................................109
RMP (Replication Manager Plug-in)...115
RMS (Repl. Monitoring Services) .......115
rollback, rs_ (function)..........................78
route version ........................................89
route_upgrade (RSM cmd)...................90
route_upgrade_recovery (RSM cmd) ...90
route_upgrade_status (RSM cmd) .......90
direct routes ..............................87, 89
indirect routes ...........................87, 89
routes, rs_ (RSSD table) ..............87, 114
routes, upgrading .................................89
Replication Server versions 12.6, 15.0.1 & 15.1
routeversions, rs_ (RSSD table) ........114
row-level locking and parallel DSI ........96
rs_address (datatype).................... 26, 63
rs_articles (RSSD table) .............. 56, 112
rs_batch_end (function) .......................78
rs_batch_start (function) ......................78
rs_begin (function) ...............................78
rs_capacity (RSSD proc) ...................102
rs_captable (RSSD table) .......... 102, 112
rs_check_repl (function) ......................78
rs_classes (RSSD table).. 28, 75, 85, 112
rs_columns (RSSD table) ..................112
rs_commit (function) ............................78
rs_config (RSSD table) ................ 91, 112
rs_configure (RSSD proc)....................90
rs_databases (RSSD table) ... 31, 70, 112
rs_datarow_for_writetext (function)......77
rs_datatype (RSSD table) ............ 28, 112
rs_dbreps (RSSD table)............... 50, 112
rs_dbsubsets (RSSD table) ......... 50, 112
rs_default_fs (variable) ........................81
rs_default_function_class (class).........73
rs_delete (function) ..............................76
rs_delexception (RSSD proc) ..............85
rs_deliver_as_name (variable).............81
rs_destination_db (variable).................80
rs_destination_ds (variable).................80
rs_destination_ldb (variable)................80
rs_destination_lds (variable) ................80
rs_destination_ptype (variable)............80
rs_destination_user (variable)..............80
rs_diskaffinity (RSSD table) ....... 101, 112
rs_diskpartitions (RSSD table)... 101, 112
rs_dsi_check_thread_lock (function)....78
rs_dump_dbname (variable) ................81
rs_dump_label (variable) .....................81
rs_dump_stats (RSSD proc) ..............124
rs_dump_status (variable) ...................81
rs_dump_timestamp (variable) ............81
rs_dumpdb (function)................... 78, 117
rs_dumptran (function)................. 78, 117
rs_erroractions (RSSD table)....... 85, 113
rs_exceptscmd (RSSD table)....... 85, 113
rs_exceptshdr (RSSD table) ........ 85, 113
rs_exceptslast (RSSD table)...... 113, 126
rs_fillcaptable (RSSD proc)................102
rs_funcstrings (RSSD table) ........ 75, 113
rs_functions (RSSD table) ........... 75, 113
rs_get_charset (function) .....................78
rs_get_lastcommit (function)................78
rs_get_lastcommit (proc) .....................31
rs_get_sortorder (function)...................78
rs_get_textptr (function).......................77
rs_get_thread_seq (function) ...............78
rs_get_thread_seq_noholdlock (func)..78
rs_helpcfg (RSSD proc)...........................
.............................. 91, 92, 105, 122, 124
rs_helpcfg_db (RSSD proc) ..... 63, 69, 91
rs_helpcfg_route (RSSD proc).............91
rs_helpclass (RSSD proc).............. 73, 84
rs_helpclassfstring (RSSD proc)..........76
rs_helpcounter (RSSD proc)...... 124, 125
rs_helpdb (RSSD proc)........................31
rs_helpdbrep (RSSD proc)...................51
rs_helpdbsub (RSSD proc) ..................62
rs_helperror (RSSD proc) ....................84
rs_helpexception (RSSD proc) ............85
rs_helpfstring (RSSD proc) ..................76
rs_helpfunc (RSSD proc).....................76
rs_helppartition (RSSD proc) .............101
rs_helppub (RSSD proc)......................55
rs_helppubsub (RSSD proc).......... 55, 62
rs_helprep (RSSD proc) ...................... 51
rs_helprepdb (RSSD proc) ...... 31, 51, 63
rs_helpreptable (RSSD proc) .............. 51
rs_helproute (RSSD proc) ................... 88
rs_helpsub (RSSD proc) ..................... 62
rs_helpuser (RSSD proc) .................. 108
rs_idnames (RSSD table).................. 113
rs_ids (RSSD table)........................... 113
rs_info (table) ...................................... 31
rs_init (utility) ....................................... 98
rs_init_erroractions (RSSD proc)......... 84
rs_initialize_threads (function)............. 78
rs_insert (function) .............................. 76
rs_l_origin (variable)............................ 80
rs_last_text_chunk (variable)............... 81
rs_lastcommit (table) ................... 31, 117
rs_locater (RSSD table) ........ 19, 20, 113
rs_maintusers (RSSD table).............. 113
rs_marker (function) ............................ 78
rs_marker (proc).................................. 78
rs_msgs (RSSD table)....................... 113
rs_objects (RSSD table).............. 50, 113
rs_oqid (RSSD table) ........................ 113
rs_origin (variable) .............................. 80
rs_origin_begin_time (variable) ........... 81
rs_origin_commit_time (variable) ........ 81
rs_origin_db (variable)......................... 80
rs_origin_ds (variable)......................... 80
rs_origin_ldb (variable)........................ 81
rs_origin_lds (variable) ........................ 81
rs_origin_qid (variable)........................ 81
rs_origin_user (variable)...................... 80
rs_origin_xact_id (variable) ................. 81
rs_origin_xact_name (variable) ........... 81
rs_perf_listruns (RSSD proc)............. 124
rs_publications (RSSD table) ...... 55, 113
rs_queuemsg (RSSD table)....... 106, 113
rs_queuemsgtxt (RSSD table)... 106, 113
rs_queues (RSSD table) ........... 106, 113
rs_raw_object_serialization (function) . 78
rs_recovery (RSSD table) ................. 114
rs_repdbs (RSSD table) .................... 114
rs_repl_off (function) ........................... 78
rs_repl_on (function) ........................... 78
rs_repobjs (RSSD table) ................... 114
rs_rollback (function) ........................... 78
rs_routes (RSSD table) ............... 87, 114
rs_routeversions (RSSD table).......... 114
rs_rules (RSSD table) ........... 56, 62, 114
rs_secondary_qid (variable) ................ 81
rs_segments (RSSD table)........ 106, 114
rs_select (function).............................. 76
rs_select_with_lock (function) ............. 77
rs_set_ciphertext (function) ................. 78
rs_set_dml_on_computed (function) ... 78
rs_set_isolation_level (function) .......... 78
rs_set_isolation_level3(function) ......... 78
rs_set_timestamp_insert (function)...... 78
rs_setproxy (function).......................... 78
rs_sites (RSSD table).................. 87, 114
rs_sqlserver_error_class (class).......... 83
rs_sqlserver_function_class (class)..... 73
rs_stat_genreport (RSSD proc) ......... 124
rs_stat_populate (RSSD proc)........... 124
rs_statcounters (RSSD table).... 114, 122
rs_statdetail (RSSD table) ......... 114, 122
rs_statreport (RSSD table) ........ 114, 122
rs_statrun (RSSD table) ............ 114, 122
rs_subcmp (utility) ............................. 129
rs_subscriptions (RSSD table) .... 62, 114
The Complete Sybase Replication Server Quick Reference Guide
rs_systext (RSSD table) ........ 75, 85, 114
rs_textptr_init (function) ....................... 77
rs_threads (table) ................................ 31
rs_ticket (proc)................................... 132
rs_ticket, print_ (traceflag) ................. 101
rs_ticket_history (table) ............... 31, 132
rs_ticket_report (function).................... 78
rs_ticket_report (proc) ....................... 133
rs_ticket_v1 (proc)............................. 132
rs_translation (RSSD table) ......... 28, 114
rs_triggers_reset (function).................. 78
rs_trunc_reset (function)...................... 78
rs_trunc_set (function)......................... 78
rs_truncate (function)..................... 76, 79
rs_tvalues (RSSD table) .................... 114
rs_update (function) ............................ 76
rs_update_lastcommit (proc) ............... 31
rs_update_threads (function)............... 78
rs_usedb (function).............................. 78
rs_users (RSSD table)....................... 114
rs_version (RSSD table).................... 114
rs_whereclauses (RSSD table).... 56, 115
rs_writetext (function) .......................... 77
rs_writetext_log (variable) ................... 81
rs_zeroltm (RSSD proc) .............. 20, 126
RSI thread ........................................... 86
rsi_batch_size (config)......................... 88
rsi_fadeout_time (config) ..................... 88
rsi_packet_size (config)....................... 88
rsi_sync_interval (config)..................... 88
rsi_xact_with_large_msg (config) ........ 88
RSM (Replication Server Manager) ... 116
rsm_proc_compat_version (config)...... 92
rsmgen, rsmsetup.exe ....................... 116
RSP (Repl. Server Plug-in)........ 115, 116
RSSD ................................................ 109
creation, scripts ............................ 109
determine RSSD type................... 109
exceptions log ................................ 85
location........................................... 26
primary user, default..................... 107
RSSD stored procedures.............. 109
RSSD tables................................. 112
replicated for routes................... 87
rssd_error_class (config) ..................... 93
rssd_name, admin....................... 26, 109
rules, rs_ (RSSD table).......... 56, 62, 114
sa password, default.......................... 106
Save_Int:Seg (queues)...................... 103
save_interval (config) .............. 33, 69, 88
and queue size ............................. 102
scan templates (function strings) ......... 74
schema changes for primary tables ..... 39
secondary truncation point .................. 19
disable/remove ............................... 20
secondary_qid, rs_ (variable) .............. 81
security_mechanism (config) ............... 95
security_property, admin ..................... 95
security_services (config) .................... 94
security_setting, admin........................ 95
segments, disk space ........................ 102
segments, rs_ (RSSD table) ...... 106, 114
select, rs_ (function) ............................ 76
select_with_lock, rs_ (function)............ 77
send standby, option in repdef............. 48
send_enc_password (config)............... 93
send_standby_repdef_cols (config) ..... 69
send_timestamp_to_standby (config)...35
send_truncate_table (config)................69
servername, of RepServer ...................25
set autocorrection ................................38
set dynamic_sql ...................................38
set log recovery..................................118
set proxy ............................................109
set replication (ASE cmd).....................17
set_ciphertext, rs_ (function)................78
set_dml_on_computed, rs_ (function) ..78
set_dsi_generation, sysadmin............126
set_isolation_level, rs_ (function) .........78
set_isolation_level3, rs_ (function) .......78
set_log_name, admin...........................26
set_timestamp_insert, rs_ (function) ....78
setproxy, rs_ (function).........................78
setrepcol, sp_ (ASE proc) ....................15
setrepdefmode, sp_ (ASE proc) ...........15
setreplicate, sp_ (ASE proc) ................15
setrepproc, sp_ (ASE proc)..................16
setreptable, sp_ (ASE proc) .................15
settrunc, dbcc (ASE cmd) ............20, 126
show_connections, admin..............32, 88
show_function_classes, admin.............73
show_route_versions, admin ...............89
show_site_version, admin....................89
shutdown ...........................................100
simulated (non)atomic bulk materializ. .57
single-user mode ...............................100
site version...........................................89
site_version, sysadmin.........................89
sites, rs_ (RSSD table).................87, 114
smp_enable (config) ............................93
sort order in replication system ............99
source RepServer (routes)...................85
sp_addlogin, replicating .......................48
sp_config_rep_agent (ASE proc) .........21
sp_help_rep_agent (ASE proc) ............21
sp_password, replicating......................48
sp_reptostandby (ASE proc) ................16
with database repdef.......................43
with warm standby ..........................18
sp_setrepcol (ASE proc) ......................15
sp_setrepdefmode (ASE proc) .............15
sp_setreplicate (ASE proc) ..................15
sp_setrepproc (ASE proc)....................16
sp_setreptable (ASE proc) ...................15
sp_start_rep_agent (ASE proc)............21
sp_stop_rep_agent (ASE proc) ............21
sp_sysmon (ASE proc) ........................22
SQL Anywhere, for ERSSD ...............110
SQL Remote ........................................12
sqlserver_error_class, rs_ (class) ........83
sqlserver_function_class, rs_ (class) ...73
SQM thread .......................................102
sqm_cache_enable (config) ...............105
sqm_cache_size (config) ...................105
sqm_page_size (config) .....................105
sqm_purge_queue, sysadmin ............104
sqm_recover_segs (config)..................93
sqm_unzap_command, sysadmin......105
sqm_unzap_tran, sysadmin ...............104
sqm_warning_thr_ind (config) ..............93
sqm_warning_thr1 (config)...................93
sqm_warning_thr2 (config)...................93
sqm_write_flush (config) ..............93, 101
sqm_xact_with_large_msg (config)....105
sqm_zap_command, sysadmin..........104
sqm_zap_tran, sysadmin ...................104
SQT ...................................................102
info from admin who,sqt................103
Replication Server versions 12.6, 15.0.1 & 15.1
sizing ...................................... 33, 121
sqt_dump_queue, sysadmin ..............104
sqt_init_read_delay (config).................94
sqt_max_cache_size (config) ..............94
sqt_max_prs_size (config) ...................94
sqt_max_read_delay (config)...............94
sre_reserve (config).............................93
SSL .....................................................94
stable devices....................................101
stable queues ....................................102
standalone mode ...............................100
standby database (in warm standby) ...65
standby_func_class (config) ................70
start_rep_agent, sp_ (ASE proc) .........21
starting points for common DBA tasks ...9
starting RepServer.............................100
startserver (utility) ..............................100
startup parameters(Windows reg.key)100
stat_genreport, rs_ (RSSD proc) .......124
stat_populate, rs_ (RSSD proc) .........124
statcounters, rs_ (RSSD table) .. 114, 122
statdetail, rs_ (RSSD table) ....... 114, 122
statistics reset, admin ........................125
statistics, admin .................................125
statistics, flush_status, admin ............125
statreport, rs_ (RSSD table)....... 114, 122
statrun, rs_ (RSSD table)........... 114, 122
stats tps / cps / bps, admin ................123
stats, admin .......................................123
stats, backlog, admin .........................123
stats, cancel, admin ...........................123
stats, reset, admin .............................123
stats, status, admin............................123
stats_config_connection, admin.........125
stats_config_module, admin ..............125
stats_config_route, admin..................125
stats_daemon_sleep_time (config) ....124
stats_flush_rssd (config)....................124
stats_intrusive_counter, admin ..........125
stats_reset_afterflush (config)............124
stats_reset_rssd (config) ...................122
stats_sampling (config).............. 122, 124
stats_show_zero_counters (config) ...122
stop_rep_agent, sp_ (ASE proc)..........21
stopping RepServer ...........................100
stored procedure replication ................39
strict, save_interval setting...................70
sts_cachesize (config) .........................94
sts_full_cache_* (config).............. 94, 121
stscache, sysadmin ...........................122
sub_daemon_sleep_time (config) ........94
sub_sqm_write_request_limit (config)..34
subcmp.exe (utility)............................129
subscription materialization......................
..................................See materialization
aborting creation.............................65
subscriptions, rs_ (RSSD table)... 62, 114
suspend connection.............................31
suspend distributor ..............................29
suspend log transfer ............................29
suspend route......................................87
switch active ........................................66
detailed steps .................................68
switching primary and replicate
with database repdefs.....................46
Sybase Central
RSP plug-in (non-Java) ................116
Syntax conventions................................7
syntax, of RepServer commands.........25
sys, sys_raw (variable modifier)...........80
sysadmin apply_truncate_table ........... 63
sysadmin drop_queue ....................... 103
sysadmin dropdb................................. 31
sysadmin dropldb ................................ 66
sysadmin droprs................................ 106
sysadmin dump_file........................... 103
sysadmin dump_queue ..................... 103
sysadmin dump_thread_stacks ......... 106
sysadmin dump_tran ......................... 104
sysadmin erssd ................................. 110
sysadmin fast_route_upgrade ............. 89
sysadmin hibernate_off ..................... 106
sysadmin hibernate_on ..................... 106
sysadmin log_first_tran ..................... 105
sysadmin purge_all_open ................. 105
sysadmin purge_first_open ............... 105
sysadmin purge_route_at_replicate..... 87
sysadm. restore_dsi_saved_segments105
sysadmin set_dsi_generation ............ 126
sysadmin site_version ......................... 89
sysadmin sqm_purge_queue ............ 104
sysadmin sqm_unzap_command ...... 105
sysadmin sqm_unzap_tran ............... 104
sysadmin sqm_zap_command .......... 104
sysadmin sqm_zap_tran ................... 104
sysadmin sqt_dump_queue............... 104
sysadmin stscache............................ 122
sysadmin system_version ................... 89
SySam (license manager) ................... 13
sysmon, sp_ (ASE proc)...................... 22
system procedures, replicated............. 17
system version .................................... 89
system_version, sysadmin .................. 89
systext, rs_ (RSSD table) ...... 75, 85, 114
table repdefs ....................................... 36
mixing with database repdefs ......... 50
mixing with function repdefs ........... 49
mixing with warm standby .............. 18
without subscriptions........ 18, 50, 121
text/image data, marking for replication18
text/image/rawobject data ................... 51
text_status (variable modifier) ............. 80
textptr_init, rs_ (function)..................... 77
threads, rs_ (table) .............................. 31
throughput, by admin stats ................ 123
ticket feature........................See rs_ticket
ticket, print_rs_ (traceflag) ................. 101
ticket, rs_ (proc) ................................ 132
ticket_history, rs_ (table) ............. 31, 132
ticket_report, rs_ (function).................. 78
ticket_report, rs_ (proc) ..................... 133
ticket_v1, rs_ (proc)........................... 132
time, admin ......................................... 26
ASE datatype ................................. 27
replicating................................. 27, 35
replicating, function ........................ 78
RS datatype ................................... 26
trace (RepServer cmd) ...................... 100
ASE RepAgent ............................... 22
RepServer.................................... 100
transaction log full (ASE)................... 128
translate, admin................................... 27
translation, rs_ (RSSD table)....... 28, 114
triggers, and replication ....................... 33
triggers_reset, rs_ (function)................ 78
The Complete Sybase Replication Server Quick Reference Guide
connectivity problems ................... 127
disk partitions full.......................... 129
general steps................................ 127
transaction log full (ASE) .............. 128
trunc_reset, rs_ (function).................... 78
trunc_set, rs_ (function)....................... 78
truncate table replication
enable/disable ................................ 63
subscribing ..................................... 63
truncate table partition .............. 63, 79
with database repdefs .................... 45
truncate, rs_ (function)................... 76, 79
truncation point, secondary ................. 19
tvalues, rs_ (RSSD table) .................. 114
Undocumented commands, warning &
disclaimer .............................................. 8
unified_login (config) ........................... 95
unique primary key, why required........ 10
unit of replication ................................... 9
update, rs_ (function)........................... 76
update_lastcommit, rs_ (proc) ............. 31
update_threads, rs_ (function)............. 78
upgrading routes ................................. 89
use_batch_markers (config) ................ 34
use_security_services (config) ............ 94
use_ssl (config) ................................... 94
usedb, rs_ (function)............................ 78
user, user_raw (variable modifier) ....... 80
username for RepServer, default....... 106
username/password, forgotten .......... 131
ID server user............................... 106
maintenance user......................... 107
primary user (RSSD) .................... 107
RepAgent user ............................. 106
RepServer user ............................ 106
route user ..................................... 108
subscription user .................... 58, 108
users, rs_ (RSSD table)..................... 114
validate publication ..............................54
validate subscription ............................62
varchar_truncation (config) ..................94
version ...............................................132
version, admin .....................................89
version, rs_ (RSSD table) ..................114
wait for create standby .................66, 133
wait for delay......................................133
wait for switch ..............................67, 133
wait for time .......................................133
warm standby ......................................65
and autocorrection ..........................38
DDL replication ...............................18
function strings................................70
getting status information ................71
list of replicated DDL stmts/procs....17
marking data for replication.............18
'multiple warm standby' (=MSA)......43
setup steps .....................................67
switch active, detailed steps............68
switching applications to standby ....69
vs. database repdef ........................47
display with rs_helppub...................55
display with rs_helpsub...................62
for a subscription.............................59
for an article ....................................55
whereclauses, rs_ (RSSD table) ..56, 115
who, admin ..........................................25
registry key, startup parameters....100
service, for RS ..............................100
writetext, rs_ (function).........................77
writetext_log, rs_ (variable) ..................81
writing strings to RS errorlog................26
zeroltm, rs_ (RSSD proc) .............20, 126