JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 92, NO. C3, PAGES 2875-2881, MARCH 15, 1987 Turbidity Currents and Submarine Channel Formation in Rupert Inlet, British Columbia 1. Surge Observations ALEX E. HAY Department of Physicsand NewfoundlandInstitute for Cold Ocean Science,Memorial University of Newfoundland St. John's,Newfoundland,Canada Acoustic backscatter images obtained at 107 and 200 kHz of surge-type turbidity currents resulting from mine tailing dischargeare presented.Excessdensitiesin the head of the order of 100 kg m -3 are estimated from differencesin acoustic backscatter intensity and in the amplitude of the bottom-reflected signal. These excessdensities are comparable to estimates based on surge height and speed, the speed being determined by assuminga universal head shape. Unlike gravity current surgesfrom an impulsively started steady source, the surge-type turbidity flows consist of a high concentration slug of short duration followed by a longer-lived wake in which sediment concentrations are lower by 2-3 orders of magnitude. The profile of the high concentration slug resemblesthose for density slugs on small bottom slopesobtained in laboratory experiments.Discrete scatterers,probably fish, are observed to avoid the surges. 1. INTRODUCTION Turbidity currents are an important sediment transport mechanism in aqueous environments. They are generally thought to be responsiblefor one of the major featuresof the seafloor: the submarine fan and fan valley systemsissuing from the mouths of submarinecanyons.They also representa hazard which in appropriate conditions can place man's underwater activities at considerablerisk. Testimony to their destructivepower and the potential damage to seabedstructures is provided by instancesof submarine cable breakage [e.g., Heezen and Ewing, 1952] and the bending of steel rods and the lossof instruments[Inntan et al., 1976]. Few direct observationsof turbidity currents have been obtained in the field, however.This is particularly true of surgetype flows. The lack of observationsis attributable partly to the intermittent occurrenceof theseeventsand partly to the high probability that conventionalinstrumentation would be lost. The purpose of this article is to present the results of a field investigationof surge-typeflows using a techniquefor which there is no risk of loss or damage. The surgesare of considerably larger scale than is normally achievable in the laboratory, and the results are relevant to the problem of sedimenttransport by turbidity currentsin general. turbidity current associatedwith the dischargeand by surgetype turbidity currents (see Hay et al. [1983a] and Hay [this issue]). The surge-type flows are believed to result from the failure of the submarinechannelbanks and levees[Hay et al., 1983b]. 2. ACOUSTIC OBSERVATIONS The channelizationof the tailing deposit in Rupert Inlet underwent a successionof several phases.The observations discussedhere were made during the so-called meander and apron phases.Thesephasesare discussedbriefly by Hay [this issue], but the reader is referred to Hay et al. [1983a] for details. Only a single surge was observedduring the meandering channelphase.This is the August1976eventdiscussed by Hay et al. [1982].Theevent•vasdetected for a 1.5-hour periodin successiveacoustic sounding transects across the straight lower reach.Initially characterizedby a sharp upper interface, weakened bottom echo, and minimal overspill onto the adjacent levees,the upper interface was observedto become more diffuse,the bottom echoto regainstrength,and the overspilled material to spread laterally with time. In addition, a second cloud of sediment was observed to the south of the channel and was ascribedto overspillfrom an upstreammeander. During the apron phase,three eventswere detectedat 2344, 107 and 200 kHz. It is shown that estimatesof surgeproperties, including probable speedsand excessdensity, can be ex- 0225, and 0525 PST, on September 12, 13, and 15, respectracted from the acousticrecords.These quantities are used in tively, at station 2 (Figure 1). The 107- and 200-kHz records the companion paper [Hay, this issue] to estimate the excess for the first two of theseeventsare shownin Figures2 and 3. here. Figure 2 masstransported per surgeand the surgerecurrencefrequency The third was lessdistinctand is not discussed in Rupert Inlet. The surge shapesin vertical section are com- shows the head regions for the two events in detail. The repared with those which have often been assumedin the litera- cordsare characterizedby intensebackscatterfrom the surge. Note that the most intensebackscatteris indicatedby light ture and are found to be quite different. The experiments were conducted in Rupert Inlet, British gray shading,like that from the bottom immediatelyahead of Columbia, which servesas the receivingbasin for tailing dis- the nose.This arisesfrom the Fineline feature of the receiver, charged by Island Copper Mine. Submarine channel systems through which signalsabove a thresholdsetting are reprewere formed in the tailing depositboth by the continuousflow sentedby a uniform light gray shading.Following each surge is a lower-amplitude echo from a diffusewake, the thicknessot which tendsto increasewith time. During the passageof the Copyright 1987 by the American GeophysicalUnion. thicker event (Figures2a, 3a, and 3b) the amplitude of the bottom echo is attenuated. Peak surge thicknessesare 2-5 m. Paper number 6C0654. 0148-0227/87/006C-0654$05.00 The surgespass the observationpoint in 4-6 min, and the The results consist of acoustic backscatter observations at 2875 2876 HAY: TURBIDITYCURRENTSIN SUBMARINE CHANNELS--SURGE OBSERVATIONS 0 • •.Oo 400rn -• •o ----4 ......... 100-'L- • ' 110 .... 115• ...._ • .... Fig. 1. Tailing deposit bathymetry in September 1978. Contours in meters. Anchor station locations are shown as solid circles. echo from the wake persists for 0.5-1.5 hours (not shown). These characteristicsare similar to those of the August 1976 surge. A contour plot of the backscattered signal amplitude recorded at 200 kHz during the passageof the September 13 event is presented in Figure 4. The contour levels are in volts. Figure 4 was constructedafter analog to digital conversionof the backscattered signal, which was recorded on a HewlettPackard model 3960 instrumentation tape recorder. The corresponding echogram (Figure 3b) has been discussedpreviously. This was the only event of the three for which any part of the head region was recorded on tape, and even then the recorder was started after the passageof the nose (compare Figures 3a and 3b). Figure 5 is a time seriesof the backscatter amplitude records through the courseof the event. The same general features are present in Figures 4 and 5 as in the echogram,and these featuresmay now be discussedquantitatively. The high-amplitude backscatter (> 1 V) from the head near time zero at the beginning of the recording, the lowamplitude (< 0.25 V) echo from the bottom at the same time, the rapid decrease with time of the backscatter from the shrinking body and wake, and the recoveryof the strength of the bottom echo with time are all apparent. The behavior in relation to the surgesof discretescatterers in the water column is interesting.Both of the acousticimages in Figure 2, particularly Figure 2b, give the distinct impression that these scatterersmove upward to avoid the surge. It is reasonable to assume that these targets are individual biota, possibly fish. It appears that they sensethe oncoming surge and swim out of its path. 3. DISCUSSION Several properties of surge-type flows can be derived from the preceding results. The thicknessof the head is an obvious example. The other properties are the surge speed and excess density and the surge shape,which is discussedfirst. Three schematic profiles for surge-type turbidity currents are shown in Figure 6. That in Figure 6a is based upon the acoustic images in Figure 2 and consistsof a head region of high concentration followed by a body of rapidly decreasing thickness and a low concentration wake. The thickness of the wake increases with distance away from the head because of either sustained vertical turbulent diffusion or the positive buoyancy of the water advectedfrom shallower depths by the surge. This profile of the head and shrinking body region is very similar to those obtained in laboratory experiments by Shwartz et al. [1973] and Beghin et al. [1981, Figure 2a-I with density slugson small slopes(< 5ø).The profiles in Figures 6b and 6c are adapted from Middleton and Hampton [1976-1and Komar [1977-1,respectively.Both are based on laboratory experiments in which the dischargeat the source was essentially steady. In both, the head is followed by a body region in which excessdensity and flow thickness are assumed to be sufficiently constant so that uniform flow dynamics may be used in the body. The observations presented here do not support the existence of such a region in naturally occurring turbidity currents. That is not to say that such regionsdo not exist. Clearly, the shape of a surge must depend critically on conditions at the source and along its path. In actual fact a continuum of surge shapesspanning the range shown in Figures 6a-6c may be possible. Now consider the question of surge speed and excessdensity and how to extract information on these quantities from the acoustic data. Several methods are used, and because each involves the use of some approximation, the degreeof success will be judged from the extent to which the estimatesare mutually consistent.Speed and excessdensity are, of course, linked dynamically, so we begin with a brief discussionof the form that this link takes for slug-shapedsurges. The problem of gravity currents of finite length on a sloping bottom has been discussedby Hay [1983a], who obtained an expressionfor the nosespeedUo of the form Uo = (g'Ho/2)•/211 + C sin/?] (1) where H o is the maximum thicknessof the head and g'= (Ap/po)g,g being the accelerationdue to gravity, Po the density of the ambient fluid, and Ap the excessdensity in the surge. C is a constant of order unity. Equation (1) was shown to apply to gravity currents driven both by a steady source and to slugsof densefluid of finite length and to be consistent with laboratory experiments.BecauseC is of order 1, the effect of bottom slope is weak, and for small slopes there is little differencebetweenthe nose velocitiesfor gravity surgesdriven either by a continuous sourceor by a sourceof finite duration. For slopeslessthan 5ø, (1) differs little from the usual relation [e.g., Middleton, 1966; Benjamin, 1968; Komar, 1977]: Uo = 0.75[g'Ho]•/2 (2) HAY.' TURBIDITY CURRENTS IN SUBMARINE CHANNELS--SURGE OBSERVATIONS 2877 A B :-;'•' . ...... .'--- -:'":-'" '•."--'" :' --'•"' :::;':•'-;"--"-•' :':,:-•"'""-'•'"--:' .... '"' "'-•"•" ' •'""-:'-"'-:• '- . , . - .' '•"'-' '' ",*' ', ':--,.½•' ' ',; ' •, •' - '- • i, -•.•". • '-;•:-.'':•' l.':,•'.,'..•,•.•',::•:-.•:-,:-'..::'----.•--•.:.'•'-, ..... --:.,.,:.,..•-.. :-,..•.•... ::..: .......... ....... -..,-..,..--. ,--,,,:•,•....... •,.,:...,-:•;.•:;,.;.,., .......•..,,,,..•,-•..• ,.., -.•-/ '::•-'•-'<--,•;"'"•"•.-.,%•,'"'" '""".........:' '--' "*"'•"':' '•' ' ' •' J,,..&: "------'":':.,---• ',. t .---:-..---•: :-.-•:•.......,: ',.-.,,•-:*..-. ...- '..-'.. •:..... :?&'•'•'½'"'"'•"*"" '""•"*"': ':......... '•"•:d"'"'• "•"'•' • .... • '•..... "'" ...... " " "'"""' •" ø"' "•': "':" ..... '"' '..... ' ':*:'"' ' --'•--,,' -,--. ,, :'-'' - '-.....* '"-•' ........... '• ....--,;. '-•' .... -•:•.-z,-.,:-•:,?, '..---,-,: ...... ':**".'•'-.'.."' ß ..... ' .-'-.':-,-',•'-.,-.---'":i'":.½• '--'.•, ...... •.,'½.,, , ,4,.-.:.-,,•-,:-..--. ,' ....---" '•--•- •''-• • /:'"•:-'.•..'."-'*'.:-:-..'-','.-.%,..,:'.--,:-'....., :,:':'•.' ..... .:•:-'--"•....'"-.',?.,,.::,: :,•.•i .'.. 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'.•,. ,,..• •...,...½.,,, ..:•...• ,..• .•..•.,,.½• •½,,,:,d' ,•.'.. :'½ '•,•':.:-::-?--:i-**" .....'.-,,•..'---.-....,,,,,,i•'•'• 'ß .•;'..•.• .½...-,,,..., .,•. ß .•.. ß ..... : .;.-..:, ,•:..:.....;. ß ... .. . ...... ,•..• .. • ,, .: ':•i;i•:• :i!':'•: -.:: :.-...:• .J• '• :•//•!E::i•/•*..-;:.::;,?--.:.•-.•"!'-:. ,•..::•'":::. :T::•..,•::-...•; .4'.: -•.Y:.':'.....--::..'. /•'.....,:• ....................... ,•......:;.'...,.,• .5.. ......... .•..'.. ••-..::..... t•:•..•.*•...,. ....... .... ,*,.-, •"., {:• ...... . ..:•,..;.- ,-;.; .......:..:½-)-. --.:.. .......... . , ...,•. ....... . .• (:min,) c bottom •fish" nose i I i i ! D __• •m• •• I ;mm mm mmmm mm mm mmm mmm m• mmm mmm m I I I I Fig. 2. Acoustic images at 107kHz of theheadregions of twosurge-type turbiditycurrents on(a)September 13,1978, and(b)September 12,1978.(c)and(d)Thelocationof thebottomechoanddiscrete scatterers (probably fish)evading the surges in Figures2a and2b.Theverticalscale(inmeters)andhorizontalscale(inminutes) areshown. and therefore(2) will be usedfor the order of magnitudeesti- tween the leading edgeand the point of maximum thickness (Figure6a),is about 1.5.Shouldthis relationhold in the presmates required here. Estimatesof the surgespeedmay be made directly from the ent instance,the nose velocity would be given by acousticrecordsif a universal shape for the head is assumed. U o = 1.5Ho/At (3) A universal shape for the head of a density surge has been suggestedon the basis of laboratory experiments[Keulegan, 1957, 1958; Middleton, 1966; Simpson,1969]. This shape is where At is the elapsedtime between the leading edge of the suchthat the ratio x/H o, x being the horizontaldistancebe- surgeand its creston the acousticrecord (5-10 s). This implies 2878 HAY.' TURBIDITY CURRENTSIN SUBMARINECHANNELS--SURGE OBSERVATIONS .................. ,:x:c:•:•.... .:.: ......................... ........... . ....................... ..::........ . ................. . .......... .::,.:>............ . Eig. 3. Acousticimagesillustratinghead and wake regionsof surge-typeturbidity currentson September13, 1978at (a) 107 and (b) 2• kHz; and on September12, 1978 at (c) 107 and (• 2• kHz. Figures3a and 3c are from the same recordsas Figures2a and 2b but coverlongertime intervals.The arrowsdenotethe positionof the noseat the left sideof each image. nosevelocitiesrangingfrom 30 to 120 cm s- • for the surges dimensionalizedby H o, exhibited a weak surge Reynolds numberdependence (=0.61Re -ø'z3, Re beingthe surgeReynEquation (2) and the above estimatesof U o give valuesof olds number). Since the nose overhang arisesfrom the no-slip Ap rangingfrom 8 to 50 kg m-3 for theseevents.Thesevalues condition at the bottom, the dependenceof nose elevation on observed. are quite reasonable, being much less than the 10-20% by volume concentrations at which grain-to-grain contact is expected to become important [Komar, 1969], and 2-3 orders of magnitude larger than the concentrations measured in the discharge plume at this time [Hay, this issue, Figure A2]. Fur- Reynolds number (i.e., viscosity) is not unexpected.At the sametime, U o is known to dependon noseelevation [Benjamin, 1968], so there may be some variation of x/H o with Reynolds number. It is assumedhere that such variations are small.) thermore, as will be seen, these concentration estimates are The data in Figures 4 and 5 suggestthat another estimate of consistent with that derived from the digitally processed the concentration of suspended material might be derived acoustic backscatter data. from the changesin amplitude of the bottom echo and of the (Nevertheless,more recent laboratory work [Simpson,1972] signal backscattered from the surge. The obvious difficulty suggeststhat a universal head shape may not exist. Simpson with the former method is that the acousticimpedance of the found that the elevation of the nose above bottom, when nonbottom is likely to changeduring the passageof the event. It is HAY' TURBIDITY CURRENTS IN SUBMARINE CHANNELS--SURGE OBSERVATIONS 2879 135- 14o- I-- 145- z i,J 150- 155- 160- TIME (rain) Fig. 4. Contour plot for recorded backscatter amplitude at 200 kHz for the September 13 event (see also Figure 3b). Contours are in volts. The bottom echo is indicated. The flow is from right to left, and the trailing part of the head and shrinking body region are on the left between 0 and 5 min and about 143 and 148 ms equivalent depth. (Equivalent depth is the two-way travel time of sound. Actual depth in meters equals equivalent depth times 0.74 m/ms.) quite possiblethat the reasonfor the apparentattenuationof long as it may be presumedthat the particleradii in the surge the bottom echo during the surgeis simply that the bottom no longer existsas an interface acrosswhich there is a marked changein acousticimpedance;that is, the density of the fluidsolid mixture undergoes continuous transition from values within the surge far from the bed to the value for the stationary sedimentwithin the bed. This is most likely to be true during the passageof the noseitself becauseof upward vertical velocities associated with recirculation in the head [Simp- are comparableto those found in the turbidites. In this case the expressionfor the viscousattenuationcoefficientsimplifies to [Urick, 1948] 3.9 x 10- 4e/a (5) at 200 kHz, where e is the volume fraction occupiedby solids and a is the particle radius in millimeters and where a speedof soundof 1500 m s- • has been assumed.Making the further son, 1982]. In that part of the surgetrailing the head region, assumption that e and a are constant in the vertical, then however, it is probable that the bottom is again a discrete acousticinterface.The procedure that will be followed there(6) 2A = 2%H • 3.9 x 10-3e/a fore is to usethe amplitude of the bottom echoto estimatethe concentration change in this trailing region and then to use where a flow thickness H of 5 m has been used (Figure 4). the signal backscatteredfrom the surge to extrapolate this From Figure 5, p and p' at 4 and 6 min are proportional to concentration estimate into the head. 2.2 and 4.3 ¾, respectively,which gives Supposethat this is the caseand the bottom reflectioncoefficient is constant by t = 4 min (Figures 3b, 4, and 5). Let p e/a- e'/a'= 1.7 x 102m- • and p' representthe pressureamplitude of the bottom echo at t- 4 and 6 min, respectively.These times correspondto the Further assuming that a = a'= 30 /•m gives e-d= 5.2 end of the shrinking body region and the beginning of the x 10-3. The excess densityis givenby (Po'- Po)e, wherePo' longer-livedwake. The ratio p'/p is given by is the grain density of the particles. This change in p therefore log (p'/p)= 2(A -- A') (4) where A representsthe vertical integral of the additional attenuation due to the presence of suspended matter [Hay, 1983b] and is given by A = 2•H, H being the thicknessof the current and • the linear attenuation coefficient due to the particles in suspension.The magnitude of • depends on the relative sizesof the particles and the acousticwavelength. At 200 kHz the acoustic wavelength is about 7.5 mm. The particles in suspensionare assumedto be no larger on average than those found in the Rupert Inlet turbidites: about 30- to 60-/•m diameter [Hay et al., 1983b]. The acousticwavelength therefore greatly exceeds the particle circumference. This means that thermal attenuation and attenuation due to scat- corresponds to a changein excess densityof about9 kg m-3 It remains to estimate the excessdensity in the head. This may be done roughly if it is assumed initially that the excess densityat t = 6 min is much lessthan the 9 kg m -3 change calculated above. We use the known proportionality of the mean backscattered voltage to the square root of suspended solids concentration [e.g., Hay, 1983b-I. The mean amplitude of the backscatter at t - 0 is about 3 times that at t = 4 min (Figure 5). The excessdensity in the head is roughly 9 times that at t = 4 min,or 80 kg m-3. Using(2) with H o - 4 m, this corresponds to a nosevelocityof 1.3 m s-x, which is in reasonableagreementwith the value of 1.2 m s- • estimatedfor this surge on the basis of an assumeduniversal head shape. This agreement supports the assumption that the excessden- tering can be ignored [Hay and Burling, 1982], leaving only sity at t = 6 min is muchlessthan 9 kg m-3 and leadsus to viscous attenuation conclude that in the wake the maximum suspendedsediment concentrations are likely to be at least 2 orders of magnitude to be considered. The thickness of the viscousboundary layer at the surfaceof each grain (about 1.4 /•m at 200 kHz) is much lessthan the particle radius, again, as lower than those in the head. 2880 HAY: TURBIDITY CURRENTSIN SUBMARINECHANNELs--SURGE OBSERVATIONS 200 kHz: NAY = 0 13 September,1978 0.0 2.o 4.o AMPLITUDE SCALE 139.51 E 6.0 (volts) -- - • -r i..- 146.34Q. uJ 0.5 ms • Bottom z ..J 153.17 =) _ o 160.0 - I 0.0 I I 0.66 I I 1.33 I I 2.0 I I I I 2.66 3.33 I I I I I I I I 4.0 4.66 5.33 6.0 13.99 14.65 15.32 15.99 TIME (min.) 139.51 'r I-- - 146.34 Bottom Q. UJ CI _ I-Z ..j 153.17 =} _ o 160.0 -- 9.99 10.65 11.32 11.99 12.65 TIME 13.32 (min.) Fig. 5. Time seriesof 200 kHz backscatteramplitudefor the September13 event.See also Figures3 and 4. Each verticaltracerepresents backscatteramplitudeas a functionof two-waytraveltime (equivalentdepth).Zero backscatter is indicatedby the short verticalline at the top and bottom of each trace, and this zero level is positionedalong the horizontal axisat the point in time at whichthe trace was acquired.The receiveroutput saturatedat about 6 V. 4. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS In summary,remoteacousticimageshave beenusedto estimate the properties of surge-typeturbidity currents. Flow becauseof the positivebuoyancyof the water advectedfrom shallower depths by the surge. These acoustic images of surge-type turbidity currents, which are presumedto have been generatedby failure of the tailing deposit,are consistentwith the resultsobtainedin labof suspended sedimentconcentrationin the head region are oratory experimentswith slugsof densefluid on small slopes, extracted by using the changesin acousticbackscatterinten- which also consistof a head followed by a rapidly shrinking sity and in the amplitude of the signal reflectedfrom the body. This meansthat flow in the body region of thesesurges bottom.A typicalexcessdensityestimateis 100 kg m-3, cannot be described by steady, uniform flow density current which is roughly consistentwith independentestimatesbased theory, as has been commonly assumedfor surge-typeturbidon surge speedand thickness.The surgespeedswere deter- ity currents elsewhere.Becausenaturally occurring turbidity mined from the acousticimages,assuminga universalhead currents are known to be generated at least in some casesby,of course,obtained directly. Reasonableestimates discontinuoussourcessuch as earthquake-generatedsediment failure, these results raise questions about the conditions under which steadyflow conditionsmay be assumed.In addition, surge-typeflows wi[h rapidly shrinkingbodiesand their centrations in the wake are estimated to be 2-3 orders of associatedwakes may affect the nature of the depositedturbimagnitudebelow thosein the head and shrinkingbody. The dite in ways which remain to be explored. These resultsrepresentone of the few instancesin which wake persistsabout 10 times longer and probably transports much finer-grainedand much lesssedimentthan the head.It direct observationshave been obtained of surge-typeturbidity also increasesin thicknesswith time at a fixed point, possibly currents in a submarine channel systemwhich is in the process shape. No elongate body region of constant thicknesswas observed. Instead, the head is followed by a rapidly shrinking body (or tail) and a long-livedlow concentrationwake. Con- HAY: TURBIDITY CURRENTS IN SUBMARINE CHANNELS--SURGE OBSERVATIONS (a) 2881 Benjamin, T. B., Gravity currents and related phenomena, J. Fluid -- _ Mech., 31,209-248, PO 1968. Hay, A. E., On the frontal speedsof internal gravity surgeson sloping boundaries, J. Geophys.Res.,88, 751-754, 1983a. Hay, A. E., On the remote acoustic detection of suspendedsediment at long wavelengths,J. Geophys.Res.,88, 7525-7542, 1983b. Hay, A. E., Turbidity currents and submarine channel formation in Rupert Inlet, British Columbia, 2, The roles of continuous and surge-typeflow, J. Geophys.Res., this issue. Hay, A. E., and R. W. Burling, On sound scattering and attenuation in suspensions,with marine applications, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 72, lOW d--en'•it; ...... • (b) 950-959, 1982. i •neckJhead body / / / / / / / / I /• / Hay, A. E., R. W. Burling, and J. W. Murray, Remote acousticdetection of a turbidity current surge,Science,217(4562), 833-835, 1982. Hay, A. E., J. W. Murray, and R. W. Burling, Submarine channelsin Rupert Inlet, British Columbia, I, Morphology, Sediment.Geol., 36, 289-315, 1983a. Hay, A. E., J. W. Murray, and R. W. Burling, Submarine channelsin Rupert Inlet, British Columbia, II, Sediments and sedimentary structures, Sediment. Geol., 36, 317-339, 1983b. Heezen, B.C., and M. Ewing, Turbidity currents and submarine slumps and the 1929 Grand Banks earthquake, Am. J. Sci., 250, (c) body neckregion •heod • I I 849-873, 1952. Inman, D. L., C. D. Nordstrom, and R. E. Flick, Currents in sub- marine canyons: An air-sea-land interaction, Annu. Rev. Fluid Mech., 8, 275-310, 1976. Keulegan, G. H., An experimental study of the motion of saline water from locks into fresh water channels, Rep. 5168, 21 pp., Natl. Bur. Stand., Gaithersburg, Md., 1957. / / / / Keulegan, G. H., The motion of saline fronts in still water, Rep. 5831, 29 pp., Natl. Bur. Stand., Gaithersburg, Md., 1958. Fig. 6. Schematicprofilesof surge-typeturbidity currentsflowing Komar, P. D., The channelized flow of turbidity currents with applidown an incline (shown here in a horizontal orientation for concation to the Monterey deep-sea fan channel, J. Geophys.Res., 74, venience)based on (a) the acousticimagesin Figures 2 and 3, (b) 4544-4558, 1969. sketches by MiddletonandHampton[1976], and (c) Komar [1977]. Komar, P. D., Computer simulation of turbidity current flow and the study of deep-seachannelsand fan sedimentation,in The Sea, vol. of active development.The quantitative estimatesare neces6, edited by E. D. Goldberg, I. N. McCave, J. J. O'Brien, and J. H. Steele,pp. 603-622, John Wiley, New York, 1977. sarily approximate but appear to be self-consistentwhen independentchecksare made. Further support for theseestimates Middleton, G. V., Experiments on density currents, I, Motion of the head, Can. J. Earth Sci., 3, 523-546, 1966. is providedby Hay [this issue],who estimatesthe surgerecurMiddleton, G. V., and M. A. Hampton, Subaqueoussediment transrencefrequencyfrom the resultspresentedhere and finds that port and deposition by sedimentgravity flows, in Marine Sediment it agreeswith the recurrencefrequencyestimated from the Transport and EnvironmentalManagement, edited by D. J. Stanley and D. J.P. Swift, pp. 197-218, John Wiley, New York, 1976. number of turbidites in cores. Finally, it has been demonstratedthat acousticremote sensinghas considerablepotential Shwartz, J., W. van de Watering, K. Landa, and S. Reed, Jr., Hydrodynamic study of density surgesand turbidity flows, Rep. 805-1, for the quantitativestudy of this potentiallydestructivephepp. 1-45, Hydronautics, Inc., Laurel, Md., 1973. nomenon. Simpson, J. E., A comparison between laboratory and atmospheric density currents, Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc.,95, 758-765, 1969. Acknowledgments.I am grateful to my thesissupervisors,R. W. Simpson,J. E., Effectsof the lower boundary on the head of a gravity Burling and J. W. Murray at the University of British Columbia current, J. Fluid Mech., 53, 759-768, 1972. (UBC), to the captains and crew of CSS Vector, and to the technical Simpson, J. E., Gravity currents in the laboratory, atmosphere and staff and other graduate studentsat UBC who assistedme in the field. ocean, Annu. Rev. Fluid Mech., 14, 213-214, 1982. I thank the personnelat Island Copper Mine for their cooperation. Urick, R. J., The absorption of sound in suspensionsof irregular The studywas supportedby strategicgrant G0208 (to R. W. Burling particles, J. Acoust.Soc. Am., 20, 283-289, 1948. and J. W. Murray) and grant A8446 from the Natural Sciencesand Engineering Research Council, Canada. I was supported while at A. E. Hay, Department of Physicsand Newfoundland Institute for UBC by a MacMillan Family scholarship.Newfoundland Institute Cold Ocean Science, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. for Cold Ocean Science contribution 119. John's, Newfoundland, Canada A1B 3X7. I / / /• I I REFERENCES Beghin, P., E. J. Hopfinger, and R. E. Britter, Gravitational convection from instantaneous sourceson inclined boundaries, J. Fluid Mech., 107, 407-422, 1981. (Received April 15, 1986; acceptedAugust 26, 1986.)