GLOBAL SEA RISE: A REDETERMINATION BRUCE C. DOUGLAS Department of Geography, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA Abstract. It is well established that sea level trends obtained from tide gauge records shorter than about 50-60 years are corrupted by interdecadal sea level variation. However, only a fraction ( 25%) of even the long records exhibit globally consistent trends, because of vertical crustal movements. The coherent trends are from tide gauges not at collisional plate boundaries, and not located in or near areas deeply ice-covered during the last glaciation. Douglas (1991), using ICE-3G values for the postglacial (PGR) rebound correction, found 21 usable records (minimum length 60 years, average 76) in 9 oceanographic groups that gave a mean trend for global sea level rise of 1.8 mm/yr 0.1 for the period 1880–1980. In that analysis, a significant inconsistency of PGR-corrected U.S. east coast trends was noted, but not resolved. Now, even after eliminating those trends, more (24) long records (minimum 60 years, average 83) are available, including series in the southern hemisphere not previously used. The mean trend of 9 groups made up of the newly-selected records is also 1.8 mm/yr 0.1 for global sea level rise over the last 100+ years. A somewhat smaller set of longer records in 8 groups (minimum 70 years, average 91) gives 1.9 mm/yr 0.1 for the mean trend. These values are about an order of magnitude larger than the average over the last few millennia. The recent (in historical terms) dramatic increase in the rate of global sea level rise has not been explained, and no acceleration during the last century has been detected. This situation requires additional investigation and confirmation. VLBI/GPS/absolute gravity measurements of crustal motions can be employed to correct many long (60+ years) tide gauge records not now usable because of vertical crustal movements, improving the geographic coverage of sea level trends. Direct altimetric satellite determinations of global sea level rise from satellites such as TOPEX/POSEIDON and its successors can provide an independent estimate in possibly a decade or so, and thereby ascertain whether or not there has been any recent change in the rate of global sea level rise. < 1. Introduction The issue of global sea level rise (GSLR) has aroused much interest because it is of both great practical and scientific importance. As a practical issue, GSLR has major impacts on most coastal regions. For discussions of these impacts, see Bird (1993), Warrick et al., (1993), and Nicholls and Leatherman (1994). They document the serious consequences of even a few-mm/yr increase of sea level. As a scientific issue, GSLR is a unique indicator of global climate change, potentially providing a means for evaluating climate models via their hindcasts and forecasts. Summaries and reviews of the issue of global sea level rise (GSLR) normally state that the value over the last 100 years or so lies between 1 and 2 mm/yr (e.g., Warrick et al., 1995). Douglas (1995) reviewed the more than one dozen studies and determinations of GSLR from tide gauge data made since 1980, and noted that all but one of the most recent estimates (1989 and later) conclude that global (eustatic) sea level has risen during this century at a rate much closer to 2 mm/yr than 1 mm/yr (Peltier and Tushingham, 1989; Trupin and Wahr, 1990; Douglas, 1991). This is Surveys in Geophysics 18: 279–292, 1997. c 1997 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands. 280 BRUCE C. DOUGLAS not to say that there is a consensus concerning the rate of rise of eustatic sea level; some authors do not agree that it can be measured at all. Barnett (1984), Pirazzoli (1989), Emery and Aubrey (1991), and Groger and Plag (1993) all argue that the existing tide gauge record is inadequate for the task of determining a global value for sea level rise. Douglas (1995) considered their arguments, and concluded that in each case the authors depended on sea level records of insufficient length and/or from unsuitable sites to reach their conclusions. These issues are considered again below. It is interesting that an accurate estimate of GSLR may not in fact present an accurate picture of the thermal expansion of the oceans and addition of melt water. Chao (1991) and Gornitz et al. (1995) calculate that during the last 40–50 years an additional amount of water equivalent to 0.7–0.9 mm/yr of GSLR has been stored in large and small reservoirs and other sinks, so that a much higher contemporary rate of GSLR than derived from tide gauge trends is being masked. The contemporary value of GSLR stands in sharp contrast to the rate during the previous several millennia. During that time, GSLR was apparently about an order of magnitude less (Flemming, 1978, 1982; Flemming and Webb, 1986; Kearney and Stevenson, 1991; Shennan and Woodworth, 1992; Varekamp et al., 1992; Peltier (this issue); Gornitz, 1995b; Kearney, 1996). In contrast, for the next century various authors contend that global sea level will rise at a faster rate than at present because of global warming. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report (Houghton et al., 1990) gives for the “business-as-usual” scenario of global warming an additional sea level change of 18 cm by 2030 and 44 cm by 2070 (the latest IPCC Sea Level assessment (Warrick et al., 1995) gives a somewhat smaller, but still significantly increased value.) Church et al. (1991), calculate a rise of 35 cm by 2050. Woodworth (1990) and Douglas (1992) have shown that such increases require an acceleration of sea level an order of magnitude greater (about 0.1–0.2 mm year 2 ) than the negligible acceleration observed in the global tide gauge record of the last century. It is essential to further evaluate the GSLR during the late Holocene through more field investigations, and refine and verify estimates for the period of the recording tide gauge. But tide gauge results will always suffer from the fact of their poor geographic distribution, as eloquently discussed by Groger and Plag (1993). Indeed, the very existence of altimeter satellites such as TOPEX/POSEIDON is due to the inherent limitations of any conceivable tide gauge network! Satellite altimetry of TOPEX/POSEIDON quality has both the requisite precision and geographic coverage to determine the current rate of GSLR in a reasonable time (perhaps one or two decades), and further detect variations in global and regional SLR that might accompany global warming. GLOBAL SEA RISE: A REDETERMINATION 281 2. Determining GSLR from Tide Gauge Data The 13 values of global sea level rise determined from tide gauge data published since 1980 range in magnitude from 1.15 to 3 mm/yr (Gornitz, 1994). At the same time, the formal uncertainties associated with most of these results were reported as only one or a few tenths of a mm/yr. The tide gauge data used for these estimates were supplied to investigators by the Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level (PSMSL) (Spencer and Woodworth, 1993), so that differences in estimates and especially their uncertainties reflect the authors’ approach to the problem, and not the data. The difficulty in obtaining a consensus on the value of GSLR can be attributed largely to the presence of two kinds of “geophysical noise” in the data, and how they have been treated. Douglas (1991) (hereafter referred to as D91) showed that the treatment of (1) vertical crustal movements and (2) low frequency variations of sea level has a profound impact on the results obtained for GSLR. Obviously, vertical crustal movements directly affect the measured value of SLR at a site. The effect of low-frequency (i.e., interdecadal) oceanographic sea level change is no less important. The latter causes a systematic error in the estimate of SLR that depends critically on record length. Douglas (1991, 1992) showed that records shorter than about 60 years are not useable for determining GSLR because of this effect. In this paper we shall see that even much longer records are desirable. The use of tide gauge records of inadequate length by many authors arises from the scarcity of long records. Peltier and Tushingham (1989) and Groger and Plag (1993) have shown how the number of tide gauge records is “traded off” against record length. A comprehensive review in D91 of the monthly mean sea level records distributed by the PSMSL found only 21 records (through 1980) longer than 60 years suitable for determining GSLR. These divided morphologically into nine oceanographic regions, with no representation in the southern hemisphere (D91 used data only through 1980 for consistency with earlier estimates). The situation has improved since that time, with new long records now available from Argentina and New Zealand, and more than a decade of additional data has been used for most sites. Concerning vertical crustal movements, the most ubiquitous source of regional submergence or emergence at tide gauge sites is the Post Glacial Rebound (PGR) that continues from the last deglaciation. It is manifest over the entire planet, not just at locations ice-covered at the last glacial maximum. Vertical crustal movements due to PGR at most sites in or near formerly ice-covered regions are of approximately the same magnitude as the global (eustatic) rise, and in many cases greater. Even in the “far field” of PGR, that is, areas well away from rebounding deglaciated areas and the adjacent collapsing peripheral bulge, the PGR can be a significant, although small, fraction of the GSLR. Peltier and Tushingham (1989) provide an excellent short summary of their ICE-3G model for PGR, and a particularly clear treatment of the relevance of PGR to the sea level problem. An exhaustive treatment of PGR 282 BRUCE C. DOUGLAS and the basis of the ICE-3G model is found in Tushingham and Peltier (1991). It is obvious that any attempt at estimating global sea level rise from tide gauge data must take PGR into account, as well as other vertical crustal movements. In addition to the need for a PGR correction and an adequate record length, there are other desirable criteria for selecting sea level series taken by tide gauges. D91 examined all long sea level records available from the PSMSL, and concluded that to be the most useful they should meet the following requirements. These are: (1) be at least 60 years in length, (2) not be from sites at collisional tectonic plate boundaries, (3) 80% complete or better, (4) in reasonable agreement (at low frequencies) with records from nearby gauges that sample the same water mass, and (5) not from areas deeply covered by ice during the last glacial maximum. For this paper the last of these has been strengthened to eliminate also records from sites in the area of the peripheral bulge immediately adjacent to formerly deeply ice covered regions. The reason for the first of these criteria, the use of long records, has been discussed above and in great detail in D91. The second criterion is important because vertical crustal movements are the norm at colliding plate boundaries and are impossible to model at present. The third requirement, for a high level of completeness, exists because sea level records are not stationary time series; large, unpredictable fluctuations lasting a decade or more can occur (Douglas, 1992), so that data gaps have a significant influence on derived trends if they are large. In addition, data gaps not only modify the trend in a statistical sense, they are a “caution flag” that there has been an instrumental problem with the possibility of a datum shift (P.L. Woodworth, private communication, 1996). The fourth condition, for agreement of nearby gauges, is desirable because there is really no other way to evaluate the quality of individual tide gauge records other than by comparing them with records made by their neighbors. This comparison is useful because at low frequencies oceanographic phenomena tend to be large in spatial scale, so that gauges even several 100 km from each other will usually record similar low frequency sea level variations and trends. Finally, gauge records were excluded in D91 from deeply ice covered areas because the ICE-3G PGR correction for these sites is very large, and even small errors in the correction are significant compared to the actual GSLR. This last point deserves further comment. PGR values are largest at the rebounding, formerly deeply ice-covered regions, reaching in some cases a cm/year or more. In the adjacent collapsing peripheral bulge areas the rate is less, but still comparable to the GSLR, so that any errors in the PGR corrections will have a major impact on estimates of corrected SLR. A major disparity in long ICE-3G PGR-corrected sea level trends along the U.S. east coast was noted in D91, but causation was a matter of speculation at that time. In retrospect the problem seems certain to have arisen from inadequacies of the ICE-3G model of Peltier and Tushingham (1989). Mitrovica and Davis (1995) and Davis and Mitrovica (1996) attack the problem of the U.S. east coast by making adjustments to the mantle viscosity used in the PGR GLOBAL SEA RISE: A REDETERMINATION 283 model, and obtain an estimate of about 1.5 0.3 mm/yr for SLR there. However, they also compute an estimate of SLR using their revised PGR corrections for the non-east coast sites in D91, and obtain an average value of SLR of 1.4 mm per year for them. It is interesting that this value is just what D91 yields for the average SLR for those same sites without any PGR correction. The implication is that their revision to the PGR correction, while producing greater coherence of PGR-corrected trends on the U.S. east coast, gives an essentially null correction for the far field of PGR. Clearly, this matter is not settled. Peltier (this issue) takes a different approach to the problem of SLR on the U.S. east coast. He argues persuasively from a comparison of geological estimates of east coast SLR during the last millennium to contemporary sea level trends that SLR over the twentieth century is very consistent on the entire east coast at about 1.9 mm/yr 0.2 (s.e.) greater than during the last 1000 years. In contrast to the situation for the north American east coast and northern Europe/Fennoscandia, ICE-3G PGR-corrected sea level trends are highly consistent from suitable gauge sites well away from rebound and collapsing peripheral areas. Especially it is unlikely that the signs of the ICE-3G corrections are wrong in the far field of PGR. The correction for the effect of PGR as computed by Peltier and Tushingham (1989) for the far field is to require an increase by a small but significant amount (up to 0.5 mm/yr) to obtain the true value of SLR for stations there. 3. A New Determination of GSLR For this paper, PSMSL monthly mean sea level records were processed as in D91, but subject to the revised selection criteria discussed above. In D91, records were considered only to 1980 for the sake of consistency with most other published reports. For this new analysis, the longest data records available have been used (extending in many cases to 1991–93), and new records have been added including southern hemisphere results from Argentina and New Zealand. Table I presents the groups of sea level trends that survive the revised criteria of this paper. There are several differences from the list of 60+ year records used in D91. Most prominent is the elimination of any consideration of sea level trends along the U.S. east coast north of Florida. It was pointed out in D91 that ICE-3G PGR-corrected trends along the east coast of N. America fell into two groups, divided at a latitude of about 38–40 N. An oceanographic explanation associated with the N. Atlantic subtropical gyre had a certain appeal because of the nearness to the latitude where the Gulf Stream departs from the coast and meanders toward Europe. However, maintaining a trend difference requires an acceleration of the gyre, an improbable occurrence over a time span approaching 100 years. The more plausible explanation lies in the ICE-3G PGR correction used in D91. The peripheral bulge collapse in this area north of approximately South Carolina is very 284 BRUCE C. DOUGLAS large, ranging from 1–2 mm/yr. Any errors in the estimate of PGR from the ICE 3G model will have a relatively large effect on the PGR-corrected sea level trends. As discussed above, that such errors exist is confirmed by Peltier (this issue). His examination of the differential sea level trends between those derived from geologic data over the last 1000 years and tide gauge data from the 20th century shows no separation into groups, and a stable value (1.9 mm/yr) of the excess modern SLR over that of the last millennium along the entire coast. Note in Table I that the average corrected trend for Florida, where the PGR corrections are small, is little different from that determined by Peltier for the entire coast. Another difference in Table I from that of D91 is the absence of records from the northern U.K. These were also eliminated because of their proximity to the peripheral bulge. Table I is notable also for now including trends from the southern hemisphere, in contrast to D91. At the time the calculations were done for D91, all southern hemisphere records failed the requirements of that investigation for inclusion. The sea level trends in Table I for the four New Zealand sites are taken from Hannah (1990). Both he and Gornitz (1995b) argue that there is little evidence for significant tectonic effects or subsidence or uplift during the period of the tide gauge records. In addition, Gornitz concludes that there is evidence for only a very minor amount of isostatic adjustment (0.0 to 0.1 mm/yr) over the last several millennia. Peltier and Tushingham (1989) did not compute explicit values for these sites because of the tectonic complexity of the region (W.R. Peltier, private communication). But ICE-3G PGR values in the region are negative, and would have the effect of pushing the estimate for SLR at New Zealand in the direction of 2 mm/yr, rather than 1 mm/yr. Note that the results for GSLR are not changed by a significant amount by whether or not New Zealand trends are included in the calculation. Their significance lies in the fact that they tend to confirm that GSLR is closer to 2 mm/yr, rather than 1 mm/yr. The sea level trends shown for the Argentine stations Quequen and Buenos Aires are also an addition to the list of D91. These sites are about 400 km apart, do not show even qualitative correlation at low frequencies, and give rather different values for the trend of sea level. Part of this difference is due to the disparity of record length. The Buenos Aires series shows a steeply lower sea level before the Quequen series begins, and a rapidly rising trend after it ends. Once again the need for the longest possible series is underscored. A final comment concerns Australian sea level trends, missing in Table I. D91 noted a major inconsistency between Sydney and Newcastle III, and was unable to determine which was correct. Table II presents the trends for the Sydney and Newcastle III series over four intervals. These are (1) their entire lengths, (2) the period 1950–1989 where they are highly correlated (the Newcastle III series obtained from the PSMSL ends in 1989, the Sydney series in 1993), (3) the period 1925-50 where they do not show even qualitative agreement, and (4) their common period 1925–89. The trends are in exact agreement from 1950 onward, but disagree very substantially over any other interval. The difference between the Sydney and 285 GLOBAL SEA RISE: A REDETERMINATION Table I Sea level trends for selected records longer than about 60 years. The mean of the ICE-3G PGR-corrected group trends is 1.8 0.1 mm/yr. The median of the group trends is 1.8 mm/yr. The average record length is 83 years. Groups Trend (mm/yr) NEWLYN BREST 1.7 1.4 CASCAIS LAGOS TENERIFE PGR T-PGR Start End Span (yrs) 0.1 0.1 1.8 1.5 1915 1880 1991 1991 76 111 1.6 1.3 1.5 1.5 0.5 0.4 0.0 1.8 1.9 1.5 1882 1909 1927 1988 1990 1991 106 81 64 1.7 MARSEILLE GENOVA TRIESTE 1.2 1.2 1.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 1.4 1.4 1.5 1885 1884 1905 1991 1989 1991 106 105 86 1.4 AUCKLAND DUNEDIN LYTTELTON WELLINGTON 1.3 1.4 2.3 1.7 1.3–1.4 1.4–1.5 2.3–2.4 1.7–1.8 1904 1900 1904 1901 1989 1989 1989 1988 85 89 85 87 1.7–1.8 HONOLULU 1.5 0.4 1.9 1905 1991 86 1.9 SAN FRANCISCO SANTA MONICA LA JOLLA SAN DIEGO 1.5 1.4 2.1 2.1 0.4 0.7 0.6 0.6 1.9 2.1 2.7 2.7 1880 1933 1925 1906 1991 1991 1991 1991 111 58 66 85 2.4 BALBOA CRISTOBAL 1.6 1.0 0.3 0.3 1.9 1.3 1908 1909 1970 1970 62 61 1.6 QUEQUEN BUENOS AIRES 0.8 1.5 0.4 0.7 1.2 2.3 1918 1905 1983 1988 65 83 1.8 PENSACOLA KEY WEST FERNANDINA 2.2 2.2 1.8 0.2 0.4 0.2 2.4 2.7 2.0 1923 1913 1897 1991 1991 1991 68 78 94 2.4 Estimated by Gornitz (1995b) to be in the range 0.0 to Group Trend (T-PGR) 0.1 mm/yr (see text). New Zealand trends from Hannah (1990). Newcastle III trends over their entire length, but their consistency from 1950onward is especially interesting. This divergence of record prior to 1950 in these two series was noted in D91, and remains unexplained. Averaging these and other Australian trends without regard to their record length or other problems, as done by Gornitz (1995b) to obtain a mean value for Australian sea level rise, does not seem appropriate. Unfortunately, it is not possible to unravel this situation from 286 BRUCE C. DOUGLAS Table II Sea level trends in mm/yr for Sydney and Newcastle III tide gauge records. The Newcastle III series available from the PSMSL begins in 1925 and ends in 1989. Note the exact agreement of trends from 1950-forward, but poor agreement over their common time period of 1925–89. The problem arises from their discordant sea level differences between 1925 and 1950. The trends derived from their complete records actually disagree by a factor of 3 (0.7 mm/yr vs 2.1 mm/yr). SYDNEY NEWCASTLE III 1897–1993 1925–89 1925–50 1950-forward 0.7 – 1.4 2.1 0.2 1.5 0.7 0.7 Rate for entire record. the published data, so that Australian sea level trends are excluded from further consideration in this paper. Overall, the value of 1.8 mm/yr 0.1 obtained for GSLR shown in Table I is not different from the value given in D91 from 60+ year records. The use of longer (70+ year) records, discussed below, makes a significant difference from the D91 results for the longest records. In D91, an estimate of GSLR of 1.7 mm/yr was obtained from twelve 70+ year (average length 86 years) records in 7 groups. The additional data now available yields 17 longer records (average 91 years) in 8 groups that include southern hemisphere series. Table III presents the results for GSLR for these longest records. The value shown of 1.9 0.1 mm/yr is consistent with the value obtained in this paper from 60+ year records, and is 0.2 mm/yr higher than the value shown in D91. This estimate is more robust than the similar estimate in D91 because it has more geographic representation and longer records. Table III shows that something else that remains a problem with results from tide gauge analyses. Note that the trends in the Mediterranean, which are computed from some very long records, are systematically lower than the trends elsewhere. Table IV gives the reason for this. It shows that average sea level has been stable or falling slightly on both sides of the Italian Peninsula for at least 40 years in comparison to the average record of the twentieth century. Clearly, true global coverage of SLR is needed, and only satellite altimetry can supply that need. 4. Late Holocene Determinations of GSLR It has been noted above that Peltier (this issue) has found an excess modern SLR of 1.9 mm/yr for the US east coast compared to that of the last millennium. He compared modern tide gauge trends with those obtained from geologic (radiocarbondated) sea level data. Gornitz (1995b) has carried out a similar analysis, but using sea level data over the last 6–8 millennia. She found an excess SLR of 1.5 mm/yr 287 GLOBAL SEA RISE: A REDETERMINATION Table III Sea level trends for selected records longer than about 70 years. The mean of the group trends 1.9 0.1 mm/yr. Note that the Mediterranean group trend is significantly lower than the others. Average record length is 91 years. Groups Trend (mm/yr) NEWLYN BREST 1.7 1.4 CASCAIS LAGOS PGR T-PGR Start End Span (yrs) 0.1 0.1 1.8 1.5 1915 1880 1991 1991 76 111 1.6 1.2 1.5 0.5 0.4 1.8 1.9 1882 1909 1987 1990 106 81 1.8 MARSEILLE GENOVA TRIESTE 1.2 1.2 1.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 1.4 1.4 1.5 1885 1884 1905 1991 1989 1991 106 105 86 1.4 HONOLULU 1.5 0.4 2.0 1905 1991 86 2.0 1.3–1.4 1.4–1.5 2.3–2.4 1.7–1.8 1904 1900 1904 1901 1989 1989 1989 1988 85 89 85 87 1.7–1.8 Group Trend (T-PGR) AUCKLAND DUNEDIN LYTTELTON WELLINGTON 1.3 1.4 2.3 1.7 BUENOS AIRES 1.6 0.7 2.2 1905 1988 83 2.2 SAN FRANCISCO SAN DIEGO 1.5 2.1 0.4 0.6 1.9 2.7 1880 1906 1991 1991 111 85 2.3 KEY WEST FERNANDINA 2.2 1.8 0.4 0.2 2.6 2.0 1913 1898 1991 1991 78 93 2.3 Estimated by Gornitz (1995b) to be in the range 0.0 to 0.1 mm/yr (see text). New Zealand trends from Hannah (1990). for the same region, a bit less than that determined by Peltier. This difference probably results from her analysis method. Gornitz (1995b) states that her use of a linear fit to geologic sea level records over 6000–8000 years will overestimate the correction for PGR because the isostatic adjustment is not linear over this time, but in fact decreases by a significant amount. The result of neglecting this effect is to decrease the estimate of the excess contemporary east coast SLR. Including the effect would tend to make her estimate of the excess SLR more nearly equal to that of Peltier (this issue). In the matter of Australian trends, it has been noted already that trend results from Australian tide gauge records are unreliable. Gornitz (1995b) found an excess contemporary SLR of about 1 mm/yr, but with an equal uncertainty derivable from the inconsistency of the sea level trends alone. The situation is much more tractable for New Zealand. The evidence gathered by Hannah (1990) and Gornitz (1995b) 288 BRUCE C. DOUGLAS Table IV Mediterannean sea level trends from 1950–1992. Note the average slight fall of sea level over this extended time period. The Marseille record begins later because of a “spike” in the data during 1950–52. Station Trend MARSEILLE (1953-92) GENOVA TRIESTE ROVINJ BAKAR SPLIT RT MARJANA SPLIT HARBOUR DUBROVNIK 0.77 0.28 0.44 0.49 0.04 0.36 0.94 0.33 Average 0.25 is persuasive that there has been very little subsidence/emergence at the tide gauge sites during the late Holocene. The average value for SLR in New Zealand of 1.7– 1.8 mm/yr lies in the higher part of the published range of contemporary excess of SLR over that of the late Holocene. A very thorough investigation of the excess contemporary SLR for the UK and a nearby part of Europe over the late Holocene has been made by Shennan and Woodworth (1992). They conclude that the excess SLR there is 1.0 mm/yr 0.15. In their paper, they express concern over two major issues, viz., the short (a few decades) span of some of the tide gauge records from which they derived trends, and the nonlinearity of PGR over the 6000–8000 years of the Holocene sea level record. Concern about the former is well justified. Sea level trends derived from the relatively short records are corrupted by interdecadal fluctuations of sea level. However, these trends have low weight in their overall solution for the excess SLR, and offer at least qualitative support for their estimate. In fact, eliminating all of the trends from shorter records would not appreciably affect their result for the excess SLR. In the matter of the nonlinearity of PGR during the late Holocene, Shennan and Woodworth (op. cit.) also note that this effect will cause their value for the excess modern SLR to be underestimated, and point out the necessity of further work to ascertain the amount. It is tempting to apply the difference between the results of Peltier (this issue) and Gornitz (1995b) for the U.S. east coast. That difference, presumably due to the nonlinearity of PGR, was 0.4 mm/yr. However, nearly all of the geologic records used by Shennan and Woodworth are less than 6000 years in length, and the nonlinearity effect will be smaller (I. Shennan, private communication, 1996) than in the case of the analysis by Gornitz (1995b). GLOBAL SEA RISE: A REDETERMINATION 289 Table V Determinations of excess of SLR in the 20th century compared to the late Holocene. Long Australian sea level records are inconsistent, and unusable for this analysis. U.S. East Coast Australia New Zealand U.K. 1.5 mm/yr (Gornitz, 1995b) 1.9 mm/yr (Peltier, 1995) not used: see text 1.7–1.8 m/yr (Gornitz, 1995b) 1.1 mm/yr (Shennan and Woodworth, 1992) 5. Discussion Table V summarizes the geological results for the excess modern sea level rise over that of the late Holocene. Ignoring the values for Australia for the reasons previously given, the range of values is 1.0–1.9 mm/yr. Thus a true consensus remains elusive, although values closer to 2 mm per year rather than 1 mm per year are favored, in good agreement with the value obtained in this paper of 1.8– 1.9 mm/yr, and all but one of the recent estimates from tide gauge data (Douglas, 1995). Of course the scientifically intriguing question as to why GSLR is an order of magnitude greater now than the late Holocene average remains unexplained. In addition to the problem of explaining the reason for the high modern value of GSLR compared to that of recent millennia, it is also necessary to refine the estimate of the GSLR over the last century in spite of the satisfyingly small uncertainty reported in this paper. This is necessary because many investigators remain unconvinced that a robust value can be found. What is required to obtain entirely convincing results is to eliminate the issue of modeling PGR or determining vertical crustal movement rates from geologic data. This can be done by simply measuring vertical crustal movements at the sites of tide gauges whose vertical motions are unknown or controversial. Some good examples (in addition to the U.S. east coast) are Bombay, Seattle, Tonura, and many others. That the necessary technology to do this exists is well documented (Carter et al., 1989; Eden, 1990; Klopping et al., 1991; Baker, 1993), and significant measurement programs are underway (IGS, 1995; Van Dam et al., 1995) that hopefully will be expanded in the future. But even if further studies improve the understanding of modern vs late Holocene sea level rise and yield a better determination of GSLR during the era of the recording tide gauge, very important matters indeed, a problem remains. We are left with the likelihood (Douglas, 1992; 1995) that detecting future change of the rate of GSLR using tide gauges will simply take too long to be of value as an indicator of global change. In addition, regional SLR changes that might occur will be missed in a very great number of places because of the lack of coverage in the broad ocean basins. Satellite altimetry offers a solution to this problem. At first consideration, determination of GSLR by a satellite-borne radar altimeter seems improbable. Prior to the TOPEX/POSEIDON (T/P) satellite, the error in 290 BRUCE C. DOUGLAS the altitude of altimetric satellites (which maps directly as an error of sea level) was of the order of tens of centimeters to a meter or more. But the potential for determining low frequency variations of sea level was always better than the error of the altitude. This occurs because the systematic error in the altitude of a satellite has two forms; it is either periodic with the period of the orbit (Douglas, et al., 1984), or correlated with geographic position (random error is negligible). The former error obviously averages quickly, and the latter does not contribute to measurements of change of sea level. Thus Seasat data, which had an error of more than 1 meter from error in the satellite orbit, were used by Born et al. (1986) to demonstrate a 10 centimeter consistency of global sea level from consecutive three day repeat cycles. Later, Wagner and Cheney (1992) were able to improve this consistency to a few cm for 17-day repeat cycles of Geosat data. The T/P satellite has improved on its predecessors in every way. It uses a dual frequency altimeter to determine the ionospheric correction, a water vapor radiometer for direct measurement of the precipitable water in the path of the altimeter beam, and advanced Global Positioning System (GPS), laser, and DORIS dual frequency doppler tracking systems for orbit determination (Fu et al., 1994). Cheney et al. (1994) concluded that TOPEX/Poseidon data are accurate at the level of 2 cm for monthly mean changes on scales of a few hundred km, and by inference far more accurate on a global, annual scale. Tapley et al., (1995) claim that a precision of 1 mm or better is obtainable for measuring annual global sea level change, supporting the results for GSLR of 3–5 mm/yr obtained by Wagner and Cheney (1994), and Nerem (1995a,b,c). All of the results obtained for GSLR from T/P data are larger than the 1.8– 1.9 mm/yr given in this paper. The three years of data from T/P show that even global sea level has interannual fluctuations; Nerem (1995c) speculates that about a decade will be required to determine a meaningful trend of GSL that can be compared to the historical value. That decade of data will be forthcoming from the T/P Extended Mission and its successor satellites. In the meantime the regional seasonal-tointerannual variations of sea level revealed by T/P, reflecting thermal expansion and contraction of the upper layer of the ocean, are giving an unprecedented and surprising new picture of the variations of upper ocean heat content. Acknowledgement This investigation was supported by a grant from NASA. References Baker, T.F.: 1993, ‘Absolute sea level measurements, climate change and vertical crustal movements’, Global and Planetary Change 8, 145–149. Barnett, T.P.: 1984, ‘The estimation of “Global” sea level change: A problem of uniqueness’, J. Geophys. Res. 89(c5), 7980–7988. 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