MODELING OF INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEM OF PROTOTYPE FAST BREEDER REACTOR A THESIS Submitted by P.SWAMINATHAN (Reg.No.2006192219) in fulfillment for the award of the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY FACULTY OF ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING SATHYABAMA UNIVERSITY JEPPIAAR NAGAR, CHENNAI – 119 DECEMBER 2008 iii iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I sincerely thank Dr.Baldev Raj, Distinguished Scientist and Director, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam, for his benevolence and encouragement shown on me. He is constant source of energy, enthusiasm and inspiration for me to keep my morale high. I humbly acknowledge his kindness. I would like to thank Dr Jeppiar, Chancellor, Sathyabama University for his encouragement and support. I wish to express my grateful thanks to Dr.N.Manoharan, Dean, Research and PG Studies, Sathyabama University and Dr.B.Sheela Rani, HOD, E&I department, Sathyabama University for constantly encouraging and giving valuable ideas and suggestions to me to carry out this thesis work. I sincerely thank Dr.V.S.R.K. Mouly, Vice chancellor, Thiru. Marie Jhonson, Director, Tmt. Mariazeena Jhonson, Director, Sathyabama University, Dr.P.E.Sankaranarayanan, Dean, (Academic Research) of Sathyabama University for constant encouragement during my course of research. I would like to thank Shi B. Sasidhar Rao, Smt H. Seetha, Shri S.A.V. Satya Murty, Smt T. Jayanthi, Shri M. K. Mishra, Shri S.Anantha Narayanan and Dr B.Venkatraman, my colleagues from Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, for proving all the help I needed while preparing this thesis report. (P.Swaminathan) v ABSTRACT Safety analysis and operational experience consistently indicate that human error is the greatest contributor to the risk of a severe accident in a nuclear power plant. A classical example is the Three Mile Island accident. Subsequent to this accident, major efforts have been made by practically all the nations using nuclear technology to produce power to reduce the potential for human error through improved procedures and methodologies and greater emphasis on the training of plant operators. The use of full scope simulators in the training of operators is an essential element in these international efforts. For successful training using simulators, the simulator should closely represent the actual conditions and environment. Thus each simulator would be unique to that country depending on the nature and type of reactors under use. India with its three stage nuclear power program has now successfully entered the second stage. At the Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR) a 40 MWt Fast Breeder Test Reactor (FBTR) is operational since 25th October 1985. Based on the valuable experience gained, design of 500 MWe Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor (PFBR) has been completed and construction is in progress. This thesis dwells on the experiences and knowledge gained in the operation of FBTR and how this has been fruitfully integrated in the development of such a simulator for PFBR. It should be highlighted here that while the training simulators vi used by the Nuclear Power Corporation Ltd, primarily simulate the failure of mechanical and electrical equipments, the full scope simulator of PFBR incorporates modeling of instrumentation and control also. This thesis has eight chapters. The first chapter is an introductory chapter. After a brief overview of the Indian Nuclear Power Program, the salient features of PFBR are presented. PFBR is a pool type of reactor using U-Pu in their oxide form as the fuel and sodium as the coolant. Chapter-2 provides an overview of the training simulators present worldwide. A detailed literature survey has been undertaken and the highlights of this is presented. To provide comprehensive training to the Plant Operator, it is necessary to model both normal and transient behaviour of primary sodium circuit, secondary sodium circuit, steam & water circuit, fuel handling system. The Full Scope Training Simulator takes care of all the above mentioned aspects. Architecture and unique features of PFBR Training Simulator are explained. Chapter -3 outlines the instrumentation and control aspects of PFBR. The various types of sensors, basis of sensor validation and neutronics aspects of PFBR are outlined. Most of the faults in Nuclear Reactor can be traced to faulty behaviour of Instrumentation & Control System. Hence modeling of both normal and abnormal behaviour of Instrumentation and Control System is essential to ensure safe operation of PFBR. Modeling of I&C requires safety analysis and identification of both ‘safe’ and ‘unsafe’ faults. Chapter – 4 dwells in detail about the safety analysis of Neutronic systems, Diverse Safety Logic systems and Safety Critical Embedded vii systems. The presence of different types of faults in I&C system and their typical output on Training Simulator has also been analysed. Misbehaviour of control elements resulting in uncontrolled withdrawal of control rod has taken place in FBTR. Hence this incident is modeled in detail in start up range, intermediate point and in full power range and presented in Chapter - 5. Information flow as a result of processing 15000 process signals through physically and functionally distributed embedded systems will result in flooding of messages in the CRT terminal. This chapter explains in a lucid manner an optimum scheme that has been evolved to overcome this limitation. Chapter-6 dwells on modeling of faults in safety related embedded systems while Chapter – 7 provides the modeling aspects of the startup conditions of the reactor. Due to high power density (500 KW/litre) in Fast Breeder Reactor, it is necessary to supervise the reactor core against the blockage of coolant flow in the fuel subassembly. As a function of flow blockage, the temperature rise along with fuel subassembly is modeled and the behaviour of core temperature monitoring system is illustrated in Chapter - 8. Chapter-9 summarises the salient results and also provides an insight into the possible areas for future research. Overall, this thesis attempts to provide an encapsulated knowledge bank of the design and developmental aspects that have been undertaken in the integration of a unique simulator for PFBR. viii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER NO TITLE PAGE NO. ABSTRACT v LIST OF FIGURES xi LIST OF TABLES xiii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xiv 1 INTRODUCTION 2 1.1 GROWTH OF NUCLEAR ENERGY IN INDIA 1 1.2 FBR TECHNOLOGY 2 1.3 REACTOR CORE 5 1.4 STATE OF THE REACTOR 7 FULL SCOPE TRAINING SIMULATOR 10 2.1 NEED FOR FULL SCOPE TRAINING SIMULATOR 10 2.2 ARCHITECTURE 18 2.3 COMPARISON OF TRAINING SIMULATORS ALL OVER THE WORLD 3 1 25 2.3.1 SIMULATORS OF RAPSODIE,PHENIX,SUPER-PHENIX 25 2.3.2 SIMULATOR AT CIVAUX POWER PLANT 25 2.3.3 SIMULATOR AT DAYABAY PLANT 26 2.3.4 SIMULATORS AT RUSSIA AND UKRAIN 26 2.3.5 SIMULATORS AT TORONTO 27 2.3.6 SIMULATOR AT NUCLEAR POWER PLANT-KOREA 29 2.3.7 SIMULATOR AT PHILIPSBURG-2,GERMANY 29 2.3.8 SIMULATORS AT RAPS,TAPS,KAIGA-INDIA 30 2.3.9 GENERAL FEATURES OF TRAINING SIMULATOR FOR PFBR 31 2.3.10 UNIQUE FEATURES OF PFBR TRAINING SIMULATOR 34 INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL OF PFBR 3.1 INTRODUCTION 3.2 SENSOR VALIDATION 3.3 OPTIMUM HUMAN MACHINE INTERFACE SYSTEM 3.4 NEUTRONIC SYSTEM FOR PROTOTYPE FAST BREEDER REACTOR 36 36 37 41 ix 4 FAULT ANALYSIS AND MODELING OF NEUTRONIC SYSTEM 5 4.1 FAULT ANALYSIS OF NEUTRONIC SYSTEM 44 4.2 SAFETY LOGIC SYSTEM WITH FINE IMPULSE TEST SYSTEM 50 4.3 FAULTS IN PULSE CODED SAFETY LOGIC SYSTEM 59 4.3.1 DESIGN OF PULSE CODED SAFETY LOGIC SYSTEM 59 4.3.2 MODELING OF PULSE CODED SAFETY LOGIC SYSTEM 60 MISBEHAVIOR OF IMPORTANT ELEMENTS IN CONSOLE PANEL 6 44 62 SAFETY RELATED EMBEDDED SYSTEMS 70 6.1 DESIGN OF SAFETY RELATED EMBEDDED SYSTEM 70 6.2 CHOICE OF BACK PLANE OR BUS 71 6.3 DESIGN OF CPU BOARD 72 6.4 DESIGN OF ANALOG INPUT CARD 74 6.5 DESIGN OF DIGITAL INPUT CARD 76 6.6 DESIGN OF ANALOG & DIGITAL OUTPUT CARDS 77 6.7 SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURE OF EMBEDDED SYSTEM 79 6.8 PROCESS MODELS 81 6.8.1 WATERFALL MODEL 6.9 SAFETY ANALYSIS OF EMBEDDED SYSTEMS 6.9.1 SAFETY ANALYSIS OF SYSTEM ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN 6.9.2 SAFETY ANALYSIS OF SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION 6.9.3 SAFETY ANALYSIS OF HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION 81 84 84 85 85 6.9.4 SAFETY ANALYSIS OF SOFTWARE DESIGN AND MPLEMENTATION 85 6.9.5 SAFETY ANALYSIS OF HARDWARE DESIGN 86 6.9. 6 SAFETY TESTING 86 6.9.7 SAFETY AUDIT 87 6.10 RELIABILITY ANALYSIS OF EMBEDDED SYSTEM 6.10.1 SAFE FAILURES & UNSAFE FAILURES 7 MODELING OF START-UP CONDITIONS FOR THE REACTOR 7.1 INTRODUCTION 88 89 96 96 x 7.2 REACTOR STARTUP LOGIC (RSUL) BLOCK 7.3 INPUT CONDITIONS 101 7.4 FLOW CHART FOR MODELING RSU LOGIC 120 8 MODELING OF FLOW BLOCKAGE IN FUEL SUB-ASSEMBLIES 121 8.1 INTRODUCTION 121 8.2 CORE INLET TEMPERATURE (θRI) MONITORING SYSTEM 122 8.3 SUBASSEMBLY OUTLET TEMPERATURE (θI) MONITORING SYSTEM 8.4 FLOW CHART FOR MODELING CORE TEMPERATURE SUPERVISION 9 CONCLUSION AND DIRECTIONS 123 138 141 REFERENCES 145 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS 147 CURRICULAM VITAE 149 xi LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. TITLE PAGE NO. 1.1 GROWTH OF NUCLEAR ENERGY IN INDIA 1 1.2 PFBR HEAT TRANSPORT FLOW SHEET 2 1.3 SECONDARY SODIUM MAIN SYSTEM 4 1.4 PFBR CORE CONFIGURATION 6 1.5 VARIOUS STATE OF REACTOR 7 2.1 CONTROL ROOM OF NUCLEAR REACTOR 11 2.2 ARCHITECTURE OF FULL SCOPE TRAINING SIMULATOR 19 2.3 SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURE 20 2.4 INTERFACE BETWEEN CONTROL PANELS AND SOFTWARE 21 2.5 PFBR ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 24 3.1 THERMAL BALANCE CALCULATION FOR SENSOR VALIDATION 39 3.2 OPTIMUM DISPLAY FORMAT 40 3.3 TRIPLICATED NEUTRONIC SAFETY CHANNEL 42 3.4 DUAL CONTROL CHANNEL 42 4.1 ARCHITECTURE OF SAFETY LOGIC SYSTEM 50 4.2 ARCHITECTURE OF PULSE CODED SAFETY LOGIC SYSTEM 60 5.1 CSR/DSR CUMULATIVE WORTH VS POSITION 63 5.2 FEED BACK DUE TO TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT 66 6.1 ARCHITECTURE OF SAFETY CRITICAL EMBEDDED SYSTEM 70 6.2 VME BUS BASED CPU CARD 73 6.3 BLOCK DIAGRAM OF ANALOG INPUT CARD 75 6.4 BLOCK DIAGRAM OF DIGITAL INPUT CARD 76 6.5 BLOCK DIAGRAM OF RELAY OUTPUT CARD 77 6.6 BLOCK DIAGRAM OF ANALOG OUTPUT CARD 78 xii 6.7 FLOW CHART FOR APPLICATION SOFTWARE 79 6.8 SOFTWARE LIFE CYCLE 82 6.9 LIFE CYCLE FOR SAFETY ANALYSIS 84 6.10 1/2VOTING LOGIC 89 6.11 2/2VOTING LOGIC 90 6.12 HOT STANDBY LOGIC 91 6.13 2/3 VOTING LOGIC 92 7.1 STATES OF REACTOR 96 7.2 CONTEXT DIAGRAM FOR REACTOR STARTUP LOGIC 98 7.3 FLOW CHART FOR MODELING RSU LOGIC 120 8.1 BLOCK DIAGRAM OF ΘRI MONITORING SYSTEM 123 8.2 ARCHITECTURE OF RTC BASED CTM SYSTEM 125 xiii LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. 4.1 5.1 8.1 TITLE FMEA OF SAFETY LOGIC WITH FINE IMPULSE TEST SYSTEM TOTAL REACTIVITY VALUES AND REACTOR STATES FOR DIFFERENT CSR/DSR POSITIONS SA WISE FLOW & POWER FACTIONS PAGE NO. 52 63 132 xiv LIST OF ABBRIVIATIONS ADC - Analog to Digital Converter AREB - Atomic Energy Regulatory Authority BDBE - Beyond Design Base Events CR - Control Room CSR - Control & Safety Rod CSRDM - Control & Safety Rod Driving Mechanism CTM - Core Temperature Monitoring DBE - Design Base Events DDCS - Distributed Digital Control System DSR - Diversified Safety Rod DSRDM - Diversified Safety Rod Driving Mechanism DYNA – P - Plant DYNAmic model EDAC - Error Detection And Correction FBR - Fast Breeder Reactors FFLM - Failed Fuel Location Mechanism FIT - Fine Impulse Test system FMEA - Failure Modes and Effects Analysis FSU - Fuel handling Startup I/O - Input / Output IHX - Intermediate Heat Exchanger LMFBR - Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor LWR - Light Water Reactor MISRA - Motor Industry Software Reliable Association MTBF - Mean Time between Failure PCSL - Pulse Coded Safety Logic System PFBR - Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor PFD - Probability of Failure on Demand PHWR - Pressurised Heavy Water cooled Reactors xv Q.A. - Quality Assurance RFH - Reactor in Fuel Handling state ROP - Reactor in Operation state RSD - Reactor in Shut Down state RSU - Reactor Startup state RSUL - Reactor Startup Logic RTC - Real Time Computer RTD - Resistance Temperature Detector SA - Sub - Assembly SCRAM - Safety Control Rod Activation Mechanism SGDHR - Safety Grade Decay Heat Removal SLFIT - Safety Logic System with Fine Impulse Test system SORC - Station Operation review Committee T/C - Thermo Couple TMR - Triple Modular Redundancy V&V - Verification & Validation VME - Versa Module Europa 1 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 GROWTH OF NUCLEAR ENERGY IN INDIA Nuclear electricity in India is presently from Pressurised Heavy Water Reactors(PHWRs). Presently 15 reactors are operating, and 8 more are under construction. With 250 reactor-years of operating experience, India is one of the advanced countries in nuclear energy. PHWRs will saturate at about 10 GWe. In order to satisfy the energy requirements, with fuel derived from internal resources, it is possible to build FBRs with energy capacity as shown in the Figure 1.1 below. It is estimated that, indigenous Fast Breeder Reactors (FBRs) will contribute 200 GWe by 2052. This will account for about 16 % of total energy production in at that time. FBRs are thus inevitable for the growth of nuclear energy in India, with fuel generated indigenously. With import of reactors the nuclear energy capacity can be further increased. Installed Capacity (GWe) 200 PHWR FBR 150 100 50 0 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 Year FIGURE 1.1 GROWTH OF NUCLEAR ENERGY IN INDIA 2060 2 1.2 FBR TECHNOLOGY FIGURE 1.2 PFBR HEAT TRANSPORT FLOW SHEET The schematic of a fast breeder reactor in operation is given in Figure 1.2 along with its inner and peripheral components. The fluid flow directions are also indicated. The core consists generally of a mixture of Pu and U in their oxide forms. Surrounding the core is a “blanket” of uranium oxide. Breeding takes place both in the core and the blanket. Hot liquid sodium coolant flows through the core and the blanket to extract the fission energy. Fuel (Pu/U) in metallic, carbide, or nitride form is also feasible. The coolant has to convey the fission energy removed to the heatexchange system, such as a steam generator, eventually to convert heat energy into electrical energy. Sodium coolant, while passing through the 3 core becomes radioactive, and so is not permitted to contact directly the steam generator. The primary sodium coolant gives its energy to an intermediate heat-exchanger (IHX), from which a secondary sodium loop takes the energy, which in turn is conveyed to the steam generator. In the reactor core, sodium is pumped through the core by two centrifugal pumps. Sodium flows through each and every fuel subassembly. The inlet temperature of sodium is measured by six thermocouples. The temperature of sodium is measured at the outlet of every sub assembly by two thermocouples. Neutronic flux is measured by triplicate in-core high temperature fission chambers. Flow of sodium is measured by eddy current flow meters at the outlet of primary sodium pump. The level of sodium in the reactor vessel is measured by continuous level probe. The hot sodium coming out of the core enters four Intermediate Heat Exchangers (IHX). The arrangements of primary pump, reactor core, intermediate heat exchangers etc inside the main vessel are shown Figure 1.3. There are two secondary loops, each loop consisting of one expansion tank with centrifugal pump, one surge tank, and four steam generator modules. Heat transfer takes place from primary sodium to secondary sodium in intermediate heat exchanger. Hot sodium flows into surge tank and then to steam generators. After transferring heat to water, relatively cool sodium flows from steam generator to expansion tank. Here submerged centrifugal secondary sodium pump pumps sodium into intermediate heat exchanger as sown in Fig 1.3. Permanent magnet type flowmeters are used to measure the sodium flow in secondary sodium circuit. A sample of sodium coming out of steam generator is analysed for the presence of hydrogen. Increase in hydrogen level will reveal leak in the steam generator modules. 4 FIGURE 1.3 SECONDARY SODIUM MAIN SYSTEM Superheated steam coming out of steam generator is passed into turbo-generator set for generating electricity. Spent steam is condensed back into water. After preheating with bleeding steam, water is pumped back into steam generator. In case turbine is not available, there is provision for steam to flow into condenser through turbine bypass system. During shutdown state of the reactor, decay heat is removed by Operation Grade Decay Heat Removal (OGDHR) system. This system consists of recirculation pump, steam generator and steam-to-air heat exchanger. During the station black out, electrical supply will not be available for any cooling pumps. In this case, decay heat is removed by passive Safety Grade Decay Heat Removal (SGDHR) systems. 5 1.3 REACTOR CORE A fast reactor requires higher fraction (enrichment) of fissile material in the fuel, say about 20 %. The neutrons are fast and the neutron flux is more by 10 times compared to that in thermal reactors. The power extracted from unit mass and unit volume of the fuel is higher. Hence it needs better heat transfer facilities. Higher neutron flux causes higher damage to reactor materials. These are the challenges to be handled in the engineering design, in addition to considering cost-effectiveness. The design objectives include high breeding ratio, short doubling time, low fuel-cycle cost, etc. The characteristics of a fast reactor core may be summarized as follows: • Smaller than that of thermal reactor. Power density: Thermal reactor (LWR): 12 kWe/l; Fast Reactor: 108 kWe/l. • Triangular lattice arrangement. Advantages: Neutron leakage decreased. Higher fuel volume fraction. Minimised fissile loading. • Typical vol. Fraction: Fuel: 30-45%; Na: 35-45%; Steel: 15-20%. • Fuel: (U,Pu)O2 ; (U,Pu)C ; (Pu,U)N; Metallic • Control Rod: B4C enriched in B10 6 • Structural materials: Austenitic SS, Ferritic Steel • Coolant: Liquid metals (Sodium, Pb-Bi Alloy) Fuel, blanket, control rods, shields, etc. are arranged inside a duct of hexagonal cross-section, called a “hexcan”. A hexcan with its appropriate content is called a subassembly (SA). Each zone of the reactor comprises of many SAs. The fuel or the blanket materials are clad in metal (SS) pins, and a bundle of such pins are inserted in an SA. The coolant runs around each pin to extract the heat generated. The PFBR core plan, along with schematic views of the subassemblies and the fuel pins are given in the Figure 1.4. A helically running spacer-wire gives the needed gap between pins and also enhances efficiency of heat removal by sodium. Control rod Inner Core Outer Core Radial Blanket Steel Reflector B4C Shield FIGURE 1.4 PFBR CORE CONFIGURATION The above figure shows that, as the liquid sodium flows around the fuel pins inside the hexcan, it becomes hot due to the fission energy released inside the pins. For controlling the neutron population, nine control and safety rods and three diverse safety rods, all made of neutron absorbing boron-10, are available. 7 The multiplication factor (K) is defined as the ratio between the successive values of neutron population. When the value is constant, K is unity and reactor said to be critical. Reactivity (ρ ) is defined as (K-1)/K. When the reactor is critical, reactivity is zero. When the reactor is in shutdown state, all the control rods are fully inserted. K is much less than one and reactivity is negative. The value of reactivity when all the rods are inserted is called shutdown margin. When the control rods are pulled out of the reactor core, one by one, value of K increases. At one point when K is unity, reactor reaches criticality. If K is higher than unity, reactivity is positive and reactor is said to be supercritical. The value of neutron flux rises exponentially. The time taken for the flux to increase “e” times the initial value is called reactor period (T).When the reactor is critical, value of neutron flux is steady, and hence reactor period is infinity. 1.4 STATE OF THE REACTOR Reactor has five states as shown below: Reactor operation Reactor Fuel Handling Startup of Reactor Startup of Fuel Handling Reactor Shut Down FIGURE 1.5 VARIOUS STATE OF THE REACTOR 8 When the reactor is in the shut down state (RSD), both primary and secondary sodium circuits are operational. Decay heat is removed by operation grade decay heat removal System. All the nine control and safety rods and three diverse safety rods are down (fully inserted in the reactor core).Shut down neutron flux is monitored by in-core triplicated high temperature fission chambers. From this state, reactor can be taken either to operational state (ROP) or to fuel handling state (RFH). For taking the reactor to operational state, operator has to ensure that all the 39 startup conditions are satisfied. This is done in reactor in startup state (SUR). If all the conditions are satisfied or if unsatisfied conditions are consciously inhibited, then the operator starts the reactor by raising first diverse safety rods and then control and safety rods, all one by one. The speed of raising of control rods is limited to 2mm/sec to ensure that neutron population growth is limited to safe limit. The effective multiplication factor (Keff) is normally less than unity, when reactor is sub-critical. When effective multiplication factor reaches unity, reactor is said become critical. In this state, the population of neutron is steady. Now the reactor is deemed to be placed in Reactor in Operation State (ROP). Control rods are raised further steadily for raising the power of the reactor. During this process, raise of reactor temperature is limited to 25 degree per hour to limit the thermal stress. Operator Grade Decay Heat removal system is stopped and main boiler feed pump takes over in forcing water into the steam generator. After satisfying the steam conditions, turbine is rolled. After analysing both the frequency and phase of generated electricity, output from the generator is connected to the grid. During steady state power operation, loss of reactivity is compensated by manually raising the control rods. During this phase, if any safety parameter crosses the alarm limit, corresponding alarm is 9 energized in the control room. Detailed printout is also made, to enable the operator to correct the situation. If the operator fails to take proper action, then the safety parameter will cross trip (SCRAM) limit. This will enable safety logic to de energize the current in the electromagnets which are holding the safety rods. All the safety rods will drop under gravity, thus shutting down the reactor. If the reactor is operating satisfactorily, operator, at the end of campaign, will manually order the reactor shutdown. Similarly from the shutdown state, operator can proceed to the fuel handling state. All the fuel handling conditions are checked in startup of fuel handling state. If all conditions are satisfied or if some conditions are consciously inhibited, reactor is deemed to be placed in fuel handling state. At the end of fuel handling state, reactor is brought back to shut down state. During Fuel handling state the following operations are carried out: a) Transfer of fuel subassembly from one location to other b) Discharge of spent subassembly from the reactor c) Loading of fresh subassembly into the reactor 10 CHAPTER 2 FULL SCOPE TRAINING SIMULATOR 2.1 NEED FOR FULL SCOPE TRAINING SIMULATOR The startup of the Reactor and subsequent raising of power are carried out from the control room. The information about nearly 10,000 process signals are available through conventional meters, recorders and display terminals. If any process parameter crosses the alarm limit, corresponding alarm is energized in the control panel. Operator has to take corrective action immediately, otherwise process parameter will cross the trip limit. If process parameter crosses the trip limit, Reactor will be tripped, causing thermal shock to the reactor assembly. Hence operator need to be trained in handling the alarms in the control room. When the reactor is operating steadily, reactivity loss due to burnup has to be compensated by gradual withdrawal of control rods. In Pressurised Heavy water Reactors, power control is carried out by fault tolerant embedded systems. But in Fast Breeder Reactors ,power control is carried out by adjusting the position of control rods manually. When the reactor is operating steadily, incidents like tripping of coolant pumps, blockage of flow in fuel sub assembly, off-site power failure etc may occur. Operator needs to be fully trained in handling these incidents. Lack of training will result in accidents which we can not afford to happen. Operator has to be very alert in the control room. Typical picture of control room of nuclear reactor is shown below. 11 FIGURE 2.1 CONTROL ROOM OF NUCLEAR REACTOR Start-up of reactor, power raising, fuel handling operation etc is always carried out from the control room. In the control room, control panels and console panels are arranged as arc of a circle. We have separate control panel for neutronic system, sodium heat transport system, steam and water system, electrical system and fuel handling system. Control panel has alarm window, CRT display for messages, conventional meters for indication and switches for initiating command. Whenever any process parameter crosses the alarm, then corresponding group alarm will be energized in the appropriate control panel. Operator has to take suitable action such that the process parameter returns to normal value. If operator fails to take suitable action, then the process parameter will cross the TRIP or SCRAM limit, thus shutting down the reactor. Each unwanted TRIP or SCRAM of the reactor results in thermal shock to the components of reactor assembly. In commercial reactor, tripping of reactor will results in economic loss also. After each trip, reactor can not be restarted immediately. Station Operation review Committee (SORC) will analyse the cause of the TRIP and if any limiting condition of 12 operation (LCO) is violated, then approval of Safety Committee is required for restart of the reactor. This unpleasant situation can be avoided if the Plant operator is fully trained in the operation of the reactor with the help of training simulator. Training is all the more required because alarms in a plant will come in a group, not alone. When large numbers of alarms are energized in control room, operator is totally confused. He has to refer the computer printout to find out the primary alarm or root cause of the incident. Based on the cause of the alarm, operator will have to be trained in taking corrective action. For public acceptance of nuclear reactors, it is necessary to operate them safely. But most of the accidents in nuclear reactors are traced to design and human errors. Hence to avoid human errors, it is absolutely necessary to provide comprehensive training to the operators of nuclear reactor. Incidents which occurred in different nuclear reactors, and which strengthen the need for training simulator are listed below. THREE MILE ISLAND ACCIDENT The Three Mile Island accident of 1979 was a partial core meltdown in Unit 2, pressurized water reactor, using enriched uranium as fuel and light water as coolant and moderator. It was the most significant accident in the history of the American commercial nuclear power generating industry, resulting in the release of an estimated 43,000 curies (1.59 PBq) of radioactive krypton, but under 20 curies (740 GBq) of the particularly hazardous iodine-131. The accident began at 4:00 a.m on Wednesday, March 28, 1979, with failures in the non-nuclear secondary system, followed by a stuck- 13 open pilot-operated relief valve (PORV) in the primary system, which allowed large amounts of reactor coolant to escape. The mechanical failures were compounded by the initial failure of plant operators to recognize the situation as a loss of coolant accident due to inadequate training and ambiguous control room indicators. In the end, the reactor was brought under control, although full details of the accident were not discovered until much later, following extensive investigations by both a presidential commission and the NRC. Three Mile Island has been of interest to human factors engineers as an example of how groups of people react and make decisions under stress. There is consensus that the accident was exacerbated by wrong decisions made because the operators were overwhelmed with information, much of it irrelevant, misleading or incorrect. As a result of the TMI-2 incident, nuclear reactor operator training has been improved. Before the incident it focused on diagnosing the underlying problem; afterwards, it focused on reacting to the emergency by going through a standardized checklist to ensure that the core is receiving enough coolant under sufficient pressure. In the end, a few simple water level gauges on the reactor vessel might have prevented the accident. The operators' focus on a single misleading indication, the level in the pressurizer, was a significant contributing factor to the partial meltdown. THE FERMI I REACTOR An accident occurred in US Fermi-1 prototype fast breeder reactor near Detroit in 1966.Core temperature measurement at the outlet of each and every fuel subassembly was not available. Due to a blockage 14 in coolant flow, some of the fuel melted. However no radiation was released offsite and no-one was injured. The reactor was repaired and restarted . The Fermi I reactor was a breeder located at Lagoona Beach, 30 miles from Detroit. On October 5, 1966, high temperatures were measured and radiation alarms sounded involving two fuel rod subassemblies. The reactor scrammed and there was indication of fuel melting. After a month of sweating, they tested out enough subassemblies to limit the damage to 6 subassemblies. By January 67 they had learned that 4 subassemblies were damaged with two stuck together, but it took until May to remove the assemblies. When they had checked the sodium flow earlier, they had detected a clapping noise. In August 67 they were able to lower a periscope device into the meltdown pan and found that a piece of zirconium cladding had come loose and was blocking the sodium coolant nozzles. The zirconium cladding was part of the lining of the meltdown cone designed to direct the distribution of fuel material should a meltdown of the fuel occur. Such structures are necessary in a breeder reactor because of the possibliity of molten fuel reassembling itself in a critical configuration. This is not a possibility in an ordinary light water reactor because of the low level of enrichment of the uranium, but a fast breeder reactor is operated with a much higher level of enrichment. NRX REACTOR AT CHALK RIVER, CANADA The events of December 12, 1952 at this experimental heavy watermoderated nuclear reactor make a wild tale of the type of common- 15 mode failures which make everyone nervous about nuclear reactors. First, four valves which kept air pressure from raising the control rods were opened in error by an operator. The supervisor noted warning lights and rushed to the basement to close the valves. Once he had closed them, he assumed that the rods had dropped back, but they hadn't dropped fully - they had dropped only far enough to shut off the warning lights. The supervisor, realizing that the reaction was still on, called the control room to order the operator to push buttons 4 and 3 to stop the reactor, but mistakenly said 4 and 1. The operator rushed off to do it before he could correct his mistake. Button 1 raised 4 banks of control rods, causing the reaction rate to double every 2 seconds. This buildup was noted after about 20 seconds and the reactor was scrammed. Because of the air pressure problem, the control rods didn't go all the way down. After about 44 seconds, the plant physicist dumped the heavy water to kill the moderation and stop the reaction. This dumped tons of radioactive water into the basement. About 3 minutes later, the 4 ton lid blew off the reactor, spurting radioactive water and setting off alarms warning of lethal radiation levels. The building was evacuated. This incident included a hydrogen-oxygen explosion and the melting of some uranium fuel, yet the release was contained. CHERNOBYL NUCLEAR POWER PLANT The accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the Ukraine was caused by a faulty reactor design combined with mistakes made by power plant employees. A surge of power destroyed one of the reactors at the plant and released large amounts of radiation. 16 Helicopters dropped boron and sand onto the reactor to prevent more radiation from leaking into the environment. 600 employees were present at the time of the explosion. PROTOTYPE FAST REACTOR ,UK. Instrumentation shall be highly reliable. But in Prototype Fast Reactor (PFR),UK, spurious alarms were encountered in the control room regarding leak in Steam Generator. Operator has disabled the alarm. At this time ,actual leak took place in steam generator. A large steamsodium reaction in the PFR superheater involving a rupture of multiple tubes was caused by fatigue failure due to tube to tube fretting against the central flow baffle. FAST BREEDER TEST REACTOR (FBTR) The following incidents have taken place in FBTR. 1) Tripping of Primary Sodium Pumps and Secondary Sodium Pumps due to rise in insulation temperature,resulting in tripping of the reactor 2) Tripping of Condenser Extraction Pump resulting in tripping of the reactor 3) Uncontrolled withdrawal of control rod resulting SCRAM on period signal 4) Discordance between triplicated neutronic channels 5) Safe, Unsafe and Mixed faults in Safety logic system 6) Plugging alarm in the control room 7) Safe fault in Safety critical embedded system 8) Sensor failure in control rod position measurement system 9) Sensor failure of in-core temperature measurement system 10) Failure of final stage power transistor of safety logic 17 in unsafe mode. 11) Failure of Class-II UPS system resulting in failure of safety critical embedded systems. 12) Failure of DG set to come up, resulting in failure of Class-III power supply 13) Failure of Steam Generator leak detection system 14) Spurious SCRAM due to noise pickup in neutronic Channels 15) Spurious TRIP due to cold junction box temperature measurement systems 16) Line heater failure due to fault in valve position indicator 17) Bending of Guide tube due to fault in interlock logic 18) Reversal in the direction of control rod movement 19) Noise pickup in Pulse transformer of Safety logic resulting in mixed Fault 20) Misbehaviour of relay based Reactor state logic resulting in bypassing of core temperature supervision software. . In all these incidents, non availability of Training Simulator has resulted in delayed response of the plant operator. All the incidents mentioned above in FBTR are modeled in the Full Scope Training simulator of PFBR. 18 2.2 ARCHITECTURE The Training Simulators are broadly classified based on two parameters namely extent of plant to be covered in simulation and fidelity in replication of plant control room. Based on the extent of plant to be covered, the simulators are classified as Part -Task simulators and Full Scope or based on the fidelity in replication of plant control room, the simulators are classified as Replica and Non Replica Simulator. In Replica type, simulators will have a control room with panels which are one to one replica of actual plant control room, down to desks, chairs and lights. A built-in advantage of the Replica type simulator is its ability to do strict procedural training. As with in plant training, the trainee can learn the location and function of each instrument and control. In Non Replica simulators, all important indicators and controls are emulated by CRT displays called virtual panels. Operation of nuclear reactor requires deep knowledge in reactor physics, reactor engineering, Instrumentation and Control system, water chemistry, electrical systems and safety engineering of power plants. The primary reason for accident at Chernobyl nuclear reactor was traced to human error in operation of the reactor. Hence to avoid accidents, it is necessary to model the normal as well as transient operation of the nuclear reactor and provide detailed training to operators of nuclear reactor. The architecture of Full scope training simulator is shown in Figure 2.2. Part of the Distributed Digital Control system such as safety critical network, safety related network 19 ,fault tolerant process computers, large video display terminals etc are also included as part of Training Simulator. 2 1 3 4 1. Replicated Control Room Panels & Console to provide replica Simulator 2. I/O Computers to interface replicated Control Panels and Console Panels to Simulation Computer 3. Simulation Computer : Compaq Alpha system for running plant model in real time 4. Instructor Station : Control simulation and initiate plant incidence and malfunctions FIGURE 2.2 ARCHITECTURE OF FULL SCOPE TRAINING SIMULATOR Important safety related control panels and console panels are included as part of Training Simulator. The inputs from control panels are routed through dedicated data acquisition systems (I/O computers) to modeling computer. Outputs from modeling computer are fed back to control or console panels through I/O computers. The entire plant data and messages are further passed on to another set of computers called “Process Computers”. The stored information with time stamping is disseminated to intelligent display terminals which are located in all control panels and console panels. Instructor can introduce malfunctions from the instructor’s desk. The effect will be displayed in control and console panels. The operator response is also recorded for appraisal. 20 The operating system in modeling computer is UNIX. Application software routines are controlled in round robin fashion. The arrangement is shown below: FIGURE 2.3 SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURE Communication interface software receives data from the control and console panels and stores in common database. From the Instructor’s desk also commands are read and data are forced in database. Modeling software reads data from database and calculates new data as per the process model. The same communication software reads data from the database and sends it to control and console panels for display. The interface between control panels and modeling software is illustrated in fig 2.4. 21 Neutronic Model Con Rod Position Power, Period & Reactivity Neutronic panel system P Na Flow Modeling Primary & Secondar Sodium Systems IReactor inletTemp. Primary & Secondary system panel Temp. distribution Na temp. Inlet SG Water Flow Modeling Steam & water system Inlet temp. of SG Steam & Water systems panel Steam temp. & pressure Generated P Status of Electrical circuit breakers Model Electrical systems panel Communication Software FIGURE 2.4 INTERFACE BETWEEN CONTROL PANELS AND SOFTWARE There are separate control panel each for neutronic system, primary sodium system, secondary sodium system, steam and water System, electrical System etc. Operator can select one of the control 22 rods and “raise” or “lower” it by pressing corresponding push button. Similarly operator can select the speed of the primary sodium pump and speed of the secondary sodium pump. Initially operator can switch on secondary sodium pipe heaters and control the inlet temperature of the reactor. The speed of feed water pump is kept constant and flow of water into the steam generator is controlled by a valve. The position of the valve is controlled by a controller which maintains the temperature of sodium constant at the outlet of steam generator. To start the reactor, operator will raise the control rod one by one. The position of the control rod is calculated by I/O computer and passed on to global database. The neutronic modeling software reads the control rod position and calculates the reactor power by solving point kinetic equations. Calculated reactor power is stored in global data base. This is further transferred to control panel for display. The temperature at the outlet of every subassembly is calculated from a lookup table which contains flow fraction in the subassembly and power fraction in the subassembly. The calculated outlet temperature value is stored in the global database. These values are sent to control panel for display. These values are also taken by core temperature supervision software which will order trip to the reactor if expected temperature raise is greater than the actual temperature raise by more than 10 degree. If the outlet temperature of central subassembly exceeds the trip limit, reactor will be tripped. Similarly if temperature raise in the central subassembly exceeds the trip limit also, reactor will be tripped. DYNA-P software calculates the temperature of sodium at the inlet of IHX, outlet of IHX, inlet of steam generator and outlet of steam 23 generator. For this calculation, DYNA-P reads from the global database flow of primary sodium, flow of secondary sodium, flow of feed water, and temperature of feed water. DYNA-P also calculates the temperature and pressure of steam at the outlet of steam generator. After analyzing the frequency and phase of the generated electricity with that of grid, the output of generator is synchronized with grid. The generated power, frequency etc are displayed to the operator. The electrical supply in the Plant is classified as follows: Class-IV…Raw supply from the grid Class-III… from the grid backed up by Diesel Generator sets Class-II……Supply from uninterrupted System (UPS) Class-I…..DC supply Vital safety critical loads like neutronic instrumentation, Safety logic etc are connected to Class-I supply. Safety critical and safety related real time Computer systems are connected to class-II supply. Primary sodium pumps and secondary sodium pumps are connected to ClassIII supply. The pumps in steam and water circuits are connected to class-IV supply. The overall arrangement of electrical supply is shown below: 24 Gri 220K 21K Class T 6.6K Class IV - Normal Class III - Emergency Class II - AC Instrumentation & Control Class I - DC Instrumentation & Control 415 Loa 6.6K Class D Loa 6.6K 415 Loa Loa 415 240 UP Clas I 220V Class 240 Batter 220V /48V Loa Loa FIGURE 2.5 PFBR ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Class-IV power supply is available for secondary sodium pumps and feed water pumps. If Class-IV power supply is not available, this will result in tripping of pumps. From Class-IV power supply is backed by the output of Diesel generators, then the power supply is called ClassIII. Failure of this power supply will result in tripping of Primary Sodium Pumps. The Class-III power is rectified and battery backed. This in-turn is converted back to Class-II supply. This is available to all the Real Time Computer Systems. Failure of Class-II power supply will result in tripping of real Time Computer Systems which in turn will result in tripping of the Reactor. Class-I power supply is made of 220V and 48V DC. This is available to Neutronic Systems and Safety Logic Systems. 25 2.3 COMPARISON OF TRAINING SIMULATORS ALL OVER THE WORLD 2.3.1 SIMULATORS AT RAPSODIE, PHENIX, SUPER-PHENIX - FRANCE France has specialized simulators for variety of training activities. In Rapsodie & Phenix, Analog Simulator and Specific Simulator were used for training programme. Replica type simulator was not used in Phenix & Super-Phenix. Infact, SuperPhenix was provided with two types of simulators, a General Purpose Simulator and Specific Simulators for the normal and for the emergency decay heat removal system simulation respectively. General purpose simulator was used for training operators on normal situations, incidental situations and diagnosis of pre-accidental situation. The specific Simulators were used for training on Turbine Generator system, Reactor Control System and Decay Heat Removal system. Fuel handling operation was not simulated. 2.3.2 SIMULATOR AT CIVAUX POWER PLANT - FRANCE Civaux Nuclear Power Plant belongs to France’s N4 Reactor series. The plant uses Full Scope Replica Simulator of the CIVAUX control room allowing operators to practice the following: • Routine operations of the plant. • Effective response to Emergency Operations Apart from the above operations the simulator is also used for analysis & validation purpose as detailed below: • Reactor behavioral analysis • Data validation • System function upgrades 26 2.3.3 SIMULATORS AT DAYABAY PLANT - CHINA China is the fastest growing market for Nuclear Power generation. China is the world’s second largest consumer of energy (after US). It has Canadian reactors, French reactors, Russian Reactors and Chinese Reactors. Dayabay Nuclear Power Station is the first large scale commercial Nuclear Power Plant in china. Dayabay Power plant is of 2 x 984 MWe, PWR and a Full Scope and Analytical Simulator have been installed at site covering the following systems: • Reactor system • Balance of plant • Electrical system • I & C models. • Advanced thermal hydraulics The main features of the simulator include the following: • Normal and Off Normal Operations of the plant • Accident and emergency scenarios • Development and validation of Emergency Operating procedures. 2.3.4 SIMULATORS AT RUSSIA & UKRAIN Russia & Ukraine put together have thirteen VVERs – ranging from 440 MWe to 1000 MWe located at various places like Kola, Balakcovo, Kalinin, Khmelnystkyy, Rivine, South Ukrain, Zaporizhzhya, Trnana etc. All the Units are provided with either a Full scope or analytical simulator to impart enhanced training 27 capabilities to their plant operators thereby resulting in increased plant safety. The simulated systems include the following models: • Primary system • Main steam system • Balance of plant • Reactor core neutronics • Turbine Thermal Hydraulics • Turbine & Reactor control system • Logic system The simulators incorporate the following features: • Normal plant evolutions • Steady state and transients conditions • Plant malfunctions specific to VVER design. 3D thermal hydraulic model is also installed at one of the plant (Kalinin ) for better technical description of the primary system during asymmetric transient events. 2.3.5 SIMULATORS AT TORONTO - CANADA Canada has CANDU – 600- 900 MWe (PHWR) type reactors at the Pickering facility east of Toronto and Bruce facility northwest of Toronto (each have 8 reactors per site). The plant originally was provided with a Compact Simulator to assist Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd, in the design of the plant display system. The current configuration is a Full Scope Replica Simulator which is able to 28 respond to the operating conditions normally encountered in power plant operation, as well as many malfunctions as listed below. The simulator covers the following systems: • Reactor core • Heat transport system • Steam & Water system • Turbine & Generator The malfunction list includes the following: a. Reactor core • Reactor setback • One bank of control rods drop into the reactor b. Heat Transport • Main circuit relief valve fails open • Pressure relief valve fails open • Pressurize isolation valve fails c. Steam and Feed-Water • All level control isolation valves fail closed • One level control valve fails open • One level control valve fails closed • All feed pumps trip • All safety valves open • Steam header break • Flow transmitter fails d. Turbine Generator • Turbine spurious rip • Turbine spurious run-back 29 2.3.6 SIMULATOR AT NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS - KOREA Korea has 16 operating Nuclear Power Plants both PWR & PHWR of capacities ranging from 600 to 1000 MWe. The installed capacity is around 13,716 MWe which amounts to 29.2 % of total country’s installed capacity. Each Nuclear Plant site has a Simulator Training Centre for training the operators. The simulated systems include the following: • Reactor Coolant System • Component Cooling Water • Control Rod • Electrical System • Condensate and Feed Water System • Main Steam System • Nuclear Instrumentation System • Plant Control System 2.3.7 SIMULATOR AT PHILIPSBURG–2 NPP – GERMANY Philipsburg–2 Nuclear Power Plant at Germany is a PWR of 1392 MWe capacity. The simulator centre at Philipsburg has a plant specific full scope simulator for operator training. The simulator facility has capabilities to support normal, abnormal regimes as well as both design and beyond design basis emergency events with exclusion of severe accident management. There is also a ‘Glass Model’ that provides visibility of thermo hydraulic processes. Combination of exercise on the Glass – model along with the lectures and exercises on the convention simulator provides the operators more clear understanding of the process flow. 30 2.3.8 SIMULATORS AT RAPS, TAPS, KAIGA – INDIA Full Scope Replica simulators are installed at RAPS, TAPS and KAIGA Nuclear Power Plants to impart training to plant operators. India’s first Nuclear Power Plant Simulator was installed at RAPS Training Centre at Kota and it is now upgraded with state of the art technology to Full Scope Replica Simulator. The Simulator offers many facilities in training the plant operators. The Simulator covers all the normal and abnormal operation of the plant and over 300 malfunctions of different equipments in the plant. The Simulator includes the following systems: • Primary Heat Transport system • Reactor Regulating System • Reactor Protection System • Moderator System • Electrical Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition. • Reactor Auxiliary Systems. • Turbine Generator and Auxiliaries • Instrumentation & Control • Steam Water System The important features of the Simulator include: Normal Operation ƒ Routine Testing of Reactor Protection System ƒ Isolation / Normalization of Electrical equipments ƒ Reactor Power Raise /Lower / Set Back ƒ Turbine Rolling Synchronization of TG and Loading 31 Transient Operation ¾ Reactor Setback initiation ¾ Reactor Trip & Start up within Xenon poison override Time ¾ Turbine Trip and Recovery ¾ Class IV Power failure ¾ Reactor Trip by Secondary Shut Down System Emergency Operating Procedure ¾ Primary Heat Transport System Feed Valve Stuck Operation ¾ Moderator System Circulation Failure ¾ Loss of Normal 90% feed water to one steam generator 2.3.9 GENERAL FEATURES OF TRAINING SIMULATOR FOR PFBR Full Scope Replica Operator Training Simulator is being developed in-house for Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor at IGCAR. The simulator has been targeted to achieve far-reaching capabilities in imparting training to the plant operators by simulating various plant operating conditions, component failures, malfunctions, local operator actions, control overrides etc. The Full Scope Replica Simulator incorporates all the above mentioned features which allow the operator to be trained for normal and abnormal plant conditions covering the full spectrum of reactor operation including plant transient conditions and design basis events under various categories as detailed below. CAT - 1 : FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE > 1 PER REACTOR YEAR 32 Cat-1 represents all the events occurring with a frequency of f > 1 per reactor year. i.e. Normal plant operations and all planned activities like: • Reactor Start-up / Shut down • Fuel handling • Reactor operation at Full Power • Reactor operation at Partial Power CAT - 2: FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE 10-2<F<1 PER REACTOR YEAR Cat-2 represents all events occurring with a frequency of 10-2<f<1 per reactor year. • Continuous withdrawal of one CSR - Pre-critical • Continuous withdrawal of one CSR - Low power • Continuous withdrawal of one CSR - High power • Partial blockage in a fuel sub assembly • One primary pump Trip • One Primary Sodium Pump pony motor failure on demand • Acceleration of one or both Primary Sodium Pump • One secondary sodium pump trip • Offsite power failure • Complete loss of feed water system CAT – 3 : FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE 10-4<F<10-2 PER REACTOR YEAR Cat -3 represents all events occurring with a frequency of 10-4<f<10-2 per reactor year. • One primary pump seizure • One secondary sodium pump seizure 33 • IHX sleeve valve closure Other Mal-functions simulated (i) Neutronics System • Reactor Shut down (SCRAM) (ii) Primary /Secondary Sodium Systems • Sudden closure of sodium side isolation valves • Operation with (n-1) Steam Generator. (iii) Steam Water System • Trip of Main BFP & not taken over of stand by • Failure of CCWP • Tripping of condensate extraction pump (CEP) • Malfunction of Water/Steam side isolation valve • Sudden opening of Water Side depressurization valve • Failure of vacuum in Condenser • Loss of steam supply to Deaerator • Turbine Load throw off • Inadvertent opening of bypass valve • Inadvertent opening of steam safety valve (iv) Electrical System • Station Blackout • Offsite power failure • Failure of Control Power Supply • Grid Disturbance (v) Power failure with DG take over 2.3.10 UNIQUE FEATURES OF PFBR SIMULATOR 34 Apart from normal and abnormal event simulation, some more features have been added to the Simulator as detailed below: (i) FUEL HANDLING OPERATION • Transfer Arm Simulation • Inclined Fuel Transfer Machine Three dimensional Visualization system will be used for training the plant operator in Fuel Handling System. (ii) I & C SIMULATION • Safety Critical Data Highway – ( class- I ) • Safety Related Data Highway – ( class- II ) • Non-Safety Related Data Highway – ( class – III ) • Faults in real time computer system • Faults in neutronic components • Sensor faults • Faults in Safety Logic system (iii) CORE TEMPERATURE MONITORING SIMULATION Core temperature monitoring system simulation includes the display of individual subassembly sodium outlet temperature, mean core outlet temperature, core anomalies such as plugging of fuel subassemblies etc. 3D temperature distribution with zoom facility is provided. (iv) OTHER IMPORTANT FEATURES The other important features of Training Simulator include simulation of the following: • Neutronic discordance Supervision, • Startup of Reactor Authorization, • Startup of Fuel Handling Authorization, 35 • Performance of Safety Logic with Fine Impulse Supervision • Performance of Pulse Coded Safety Logic system • On-line Control Rod calibration • On-line Reactivity balance calculations • On-line thermal balance calculation • On-line fuel sub-assembly burn-up calculation Thus, the Full Scope Replica Simulator being built at IGCAR is one of the World Class Simulators having all the important features like normal & abnormal plant conditions, simulation of fuel handling, Core monitoring, I & C system, Neutronic discordance supervision, Startup authorization, Startup fuel handling authorization, Safety logic system and above all Plant Walkthrough using virtual reality set up. 36 CHAPTER 3 INSTRUMENTATION & CONTROL OF PFBR 3.1 INTRODUCTION The heat generated in the fuel sub-assemblies is removed by circulating liquid sodium through the reactor core. Secondary sodium circuit is used for transferring heat from reactor vessel to steam generator. Super heated steam (480ºC, 125b) generated in the steam generator is passed through the turbo-generator system, thus producing electricity. Unique feature of Fast Breeder reactors are the following: ƒ Large neutronic flux range [ 107 to 1016 n/cm2/sec] ƒ High Power density in the reactor core (500KW/liter) ƒ Highly reactive sodium in the shell side and pressured water in the tube side of steam generator ƒ Large breeding ratio ƒ Higher thermal efficiency compared to PHWR Following unique Instrumentation & Control system are required for PFBR: ƒ In-core high temperature fission chambers and associated signal Processing system ƒ Diverse safety logic systems ƒ Computer based core temperature monitoring system ƒ Steam generator leak detection system ƒ Physically and functionally distributed digital control system 37 ƒ Control system for moving the control rods up and down ƒ On-line computational system for thermal balance of the system for validation of neutronic channels ƒ On-line calculation of reactivity balance to detect the addition of any anomalous reactivity Instrumentation and Control systems are the eyes and ears of the Nuclear Power Plant. From the control room, operator should be able to start the Nuclear Reactor from the shut down state and steer it to full power. It is very important to model both normal and abnormal behavior of Instrumentation and Control system. This will enable the designer to develop a Training Simulator for PFBR. Malfunctions should be introduced by the supervisor in the Training Simulator and operator should be fully trained in tackling the situation. Modeling of I&C system has become necessity to avoid human errors while operating the Nuclear Reactor. Operator should also be able to control or maintain the power of the Nuclear Reactor by manually adjusting the position of the control rods. . 3.2 SENSOR VALIDATION U235 coated fission chambers are used to measure the flux of neutrons in the nuclear reactor. If neutron strikes U235, the fission fragments ionize the gas (argon) and generate a pulse. From the pulse rate, neutronic power (P) of the nuclear reactor is derived. If the neutronic power crosses the threshold, automatic action is generated to 'trip' the nuclear reactor. Operator has to be sure that the value shown by neutronic power meter is reliable. In any nuclear reactor, neutronic power is equal to the thermal power. Hence with the help of on-line 38 computer system, computational routines were developed to calculate the thermal power of the Nuclear Reactor. The thermal power is calculated from the secondary sodium side, where the temperature and coolant flow readings are more reliable. Thermal power at secondary enthalpy difference = at secondary side of side of IHX IHX Mass X flow rate of sodium Assuming 100% efficiency in intermediate heat exchanger, the thermal power of the nuclear reactor is calculated by the following equation: Thermal power Heat lost of = Nuclear Reactor by Heat + transported to radiation Secondary from reactor Sodium side Heat lost by radiation from Nuclear Reactor is calculated by the following equation: Mass flow Heat lost by Radiation = rate of water in biological shield Enthalpy difference X of cooling water in biological shield 39 The final thermal power is compared with neutronic power as shown in Figure 3.1. If difference exceeds 10%, operator is alerted through audible alarm in the control room. FIGURE 3.1 THERMAL BALANCE CALCULATIONS FOR SENSOR VALIDATION 3.3 OPTIMUM HUMAN MACHINE INTERFACE SYSTEM With Distributed Digital Control System (DDCS), supervising and controlling Nuclear Power Plants, the important challenge is how to solve 'information overloading' for operator in the control room. Nearly 15000 process signals are being supervised by DDCS. If any of these signals crosses the alarm threshold, corresponding alarm messages are displayed in display terminal. If the process signals come back within the alarm limits, fault clear message will be displayed. In order to provide comfortable display format, various display formats were tried in the control room of Fast Breeder Test Reactor. After detailed interaction with shift engineer, the following display format was evolved. ƒ Fault message will be displayed in red colour flashing. 40 ƒ Fault clear message will be displayed in green colour flashing. ƒ After selecting 'Ack' in the display terminal, flashing become steady. ƒ The glowing of 'more' indicates, more messages are waiting for acknowledgement. ƒ Operator can sail to 'next' page or 'previous' page of display. ƒ Operator can take 'print' of the current page. ƒ There will be provision to display 1000 pages which is one week history. ƒ Information beyond 1000 pages will be stored in hard disc for future retrieval. ƒ Date and time stamping of each message shall be available for data mining operation. Finalised typical display format is shown below: SAFETY PARAMETER DISPLAY TERMINAL 10-01-08 09-17-52 STARTUP-OF-REACTOR CONDITION 09 NOT SATISFIED 10-01-08 11-27-22 STARTUP-OF-REACTOR CONDITION 09 SATISFIED 11-01-08 10:32:05 DISCORDANCE ON LIN P, Ch A : 500MW Ch B : 400MW Ch B : 510MW 11-01-08 12:12:24 CLEAR DISCORDANCE on LIN P Ch A : 500MW Ch B : 490MW Ch B : 510MW 11-01-08 17:10:32 Control rod level deviation abnormal PCR1:100mm PCR2:115mm PCR3:104mm PCR4:102mm PCR5:107mm PCR6:109mm 11-01-08 17:19:14 Control rod level deviation normal PCR1:100mm PCR2:102mm PCR3:104mm PCR4:102mm PCR5:107mm PCR6:109mm 12-01-08 07:10:19 PLUGGING ALARM ; TNA001X Actual - 550oC and Expected - 500oC EXPERT ADVICE: Change ‘AI’ constant for TNA001X to clear the Plugging Alarm 12-01-08 12:21:02 CLEAR PLUGGING ALARM ; TNA001X Actual - 548oC and Expected - 550oC MORE ACK PRINT FIGURE 3.2 OPTIMUM DISPLAY FORMAT 41 3.4 NEUTRONIC SYSTEM FOR PFBR Due to the large range of flux, single neutronic detector can not cover the entire range of operation of the reactor, from shutdown to full power operation. During the low power range, in-core high temperature fission chambers, located in the control plug of the reactor, is useful. This signal is called Log-N. This has higher limit as trip level. Rate of raise of this signal is covered as period signal Tn. This has a lower trip limit. Startup range covers from zero power to 1MWt. As the power of the reactor is raised, the fluctuation in the signal is proportional to the reactor power. This is called campbell channel. LOG-Power and period Tp are the signal derived from campbell channels. Log-P has higher threshold for trip and period Tp has lower threshold for trip. When Log-P reaches 800KW, start-up channels are inhibited. If start-up channels are not inhibited, then reactor will be tripped by Log-N signal. Campbell channel is active from 25KW to 2500MWt. As the power of the reactor if further raised, ex-core fission chambers are active. Lin-P, +reactivity and – reactivity are the signals derived from ex-core fission chambers. The range of the channel is from 12 MWt to 1375MWt. Lin-P has higher threshold for trip and positive & negative reactivity have also higher threshold for trip. If campbell channel is not inhibited at 62.5 MWt, reactor will be tripped by Log-P signal. 42 The overall arrangement is summarized below: I - VESSE E - VESSE Pulse Mode Campbell Mode Pulse Mode (SIGMA Power Count Rate Log N TN Alar - ive Trip Alar Interloc Reactivity Lin P LogP Log Period Interloc Trip (Inhibit Pulse Mode) Alar Interloc Trip Alar Trip Alar + ive Alar Trip Trip (Inhibit Campbell Mode) FIGURE 3.3 TRIPLICATED NEUTRONIC SAFETY CHANNEL Two more detectors are available purely for display of signals in the control room. These are called control channels. Output from control channels are used for day-to-day operation of the reactor. The arrangement of control channels is shown below: I - VESSEL VESSE Pulse Mode E Campbell Mode - VESSEL VESSE Pulse Mode (SIGMA) Power Power Lin P Lin P 7 Ranges Powe Lin P 2 Ranges FIGURE 3.4 DUAL CONTROL CHANNEL 43 It is important to carry out discordance between control channels and safety channels. Otherwise, operator will be operating the reactor from the indicated values from control channels whereas safety actions will be performed from different values from safety channels. All the neutronic channels are triplicated to ensure the required reliability and availability. In triplicated channels, always one channel can be taken for maintenance or for calibration. Reactor will not be tripped, because two out of three voting logic is used for trip signal for tripping the reactor. 44 CHAPTER 4 FAULT ANALYSIS AND MODELING OF NEUTRONIC SYSTEM 4.1 FAULT ANALYSIS OF NEUTRONIC SYSTEM In one of the nuclear reactor, the high tension supply of neutronic detector developed fault. Since the output signal is a function of the supply voltage, the output signal decreased. But in the process, there was no variation in the neutronic population (flux). The plant operator was totally misled. This is a unsafe fault because, even if the process signal increases, the detector output will not increase enough to cross the threshold. To detect this problem, the output of triplicated neutronic channels is connected to embedded system as shown below. Ch-A 1 0 Ch-B 1 0 Ch-C SAFETY LOGIC SCRAM 1 0 8 The discordance between any two of the triplicated channels is calculated. If the discordance crosses the threshold, corresponding discordance alarm is energised in the control room along with relevant message. In simulator, Instructor will introduce fault in any of the triplets as shown in the following snapshots. Along with the 45 discordance message, corresponding alarm message and scram message will be generated and displayed. To start with Instructor selects Neutronic system as shown below: The instructor can introduce faults in I&C system from his terminal. The faults are analysed and analog cum digital values for corresponding parameters are forced in the database. Modeling software such as discordance supervision will find out the discordance between the triplicated channels and energise the corresponding alarm. Relevant messages are also displayed. Similarly, modeling software for trip cards will compare the analog values of neutronic parameter with the threshold and energise corresponding alarm. 46 Next, Instructor selects one of the three blocks of neutronic system. Next, Instructor selects one of the channel as shown below. 47 Next, Operator enables the fault as shown below. Discordance fault messages are displayed as shown below. 48 Corresponding alarm is energized in the control panel as shown below. Discordance alarm is also energized in the control panel. 49 Flow chart for discordance software is given below:. FLOW CHART FOR DISCORDANCE SUPERVISION START Read the value of Ch-A, Ch-B & Ch-C Calculate discordance (d) d = |A-B|, |B-C|, |C-A| Yes No Is d > Alarm Yes Has alarm already ON? Flag =1 ? No Flag =1 ? No Yes 1 --> Flag 0 --> Flag Alarm in control room Deenergise Alarm Message in terminal Fault clear Message Go to START 50 4.2 SAFETY LOGIC SYSTEM WITH FINE IMPULSE TEST SYSTEM The trip signals from the triplicated neutronic system (power, period, and reactivity) etc are routed to ‘two out of three' voting logic system as shown in Figure 4.1 Neutronic Sensor 2/3 Voting OR Logic Core Temperature Monitoring sensor 2/3 Voting Coolant Flow 2/3 Voting OR Logic DND sensor 2/3 Voting FIGURE 4.1 ARCHITECTURE OF SAFETY LOGIC SYSTEM If any two channels (A&B/B&C/C&A) carry tip order, then 'scram' or 'shutdown' order is generated. This will de-energize the electromagnetic coil (clutch), thus dropping all the neutron absorbing control rods into the reactor. The chain reaction will be broken and reactor reaches 'shutdown' state. If trip order is present in any one of the channels (A or B or C) and if we get 'scram' order in the final stage then the fault is classified as 'safe fault'. If trip order is present in any two channels and if scram order is not present in the final stage, then the fault is classified as 'unsafe fault'. 51 FAILURE MODES EFFECTS AND CRITICALITY ANALYSIS (FMEA) Safety Logic with Fine Impulse Test (SLFIT) is the Safety Logic system provided for Shutdown system 1 of PFBR. It is provided with FIT logic system for continuously monitoring the Safety Logic. SLFIT is implemented with CMOS technology based on FPGA’s and Logic Devices. SCRAM Logic employs seven different types of boards and FIT employs 2 boards to implement the required functionality. Failure Modes Effects and Criticality Analysis is performed on the SLFIT system using the following assumptions. Assumptions: 1. Single point failures alone are considered and hence multiple point failures are not analyzed in the analysis. 2. An IC is considered to be failed even if any one pin of the IC is failed. The analysis helps in identifying the faults and its effect on safety of the reactor. In FBTR the final power transistor driving the current through EM coil have failed in unsafe mode. Due to fault in grouping logic, unsafe faults were encountered. Due to noise in pulse transformer, mixed faults were also encountered. Hence it is very important to carry out fault analysis of safety logic system. 52 TABLE 4.1 : FMEA OF SAFETY LOGIC WITH FINE IMPULSE TEST SYSTEM Sub system name Function 1 Signal conditioning block Combines inhibit Signals with FIT injected pulses 2 Signal conditioning block Combines inhibit Signals with FIT injected pulses 3 Signal conditioning block Performs OR function 4 Signal conditioning block Performs OR function 5 Signal conditioning block Combines Trip parameters with FIT pulses and GOT Signals. Failure Mode Local effect Sub system level effect System level effect Method of detection Stuck at 1 Output will stay at 1 Trip Signals will not be processed SCRAM may not occur FIT system detects and generates alarm Stuck at 0 Output will stay at 0 Spurious failures will occur SCRAM may occur FIT system detects and generates alarm Stuck at 1 Output will stay at 1 Trip Signals will not be processed SCRAM may not occur FIT system detects and generates alarm Stuck at 0 Output will stay at 0 Spurious failures will occur SCRAM may occur FIT system detects and generates alarm Stuck at 1 Output will stay at 1 Trip Signals will not be processed SCRAM may not occur FIT system detects and generates alarm 53 Stuck at 0 Output will stay at 0 Spurious failures will occur SCRAM may occur FIT system detects and generates alarm Stuck at 1 Output will stay at 1 Trip Signals will not be processed SCRAM may not occur FIT system detects and generates alarm Stuck at 0 Output will stay at 0 Spurious failures will occur SCRAM may occur FIT system detects and generates alarm Stuck at 1 Output will stay at 1 Trip Signals will not be processed SCRAM may not occur FIT system detects and generates alarm Allows Signals to travel in one direction. Drives the Signals Stuck at 0 Output will stay at 0 Spurious failures will occur SCRAM may occur FIT system detects and generates alarm 2/3 core logic board Performs 2/3 Voting on a parameter. Stuck at 1 Output will stay at 1 Trip Signals will not be processed SCRAM may not occur FIT system detects and generates alarm 2/3 core logic board Performs 2/3 Voting on a parameter. Stuck at 0 Output will stay at 0 False Trip Signal will be generated SCRAM may occur FIT system detects and generates alarm 6 Signal conditioning block Combines Trip parameters with FIT pulses and GOT Signals. 7 Signal conditioning block Combines DND Signal with GOT Signals and FIT pulses. 8 Signal conditioning block Combines DND Signal with GOT Signals and FIT pulses. 9 Signal conditioning block Allows Signals to travel in one direction. Drives the Signals 10 Signal conditioning block 11 12 54 13 2/3 core logic board Allows Signals to travel in one direction. Drives the Signals 14 2/3 core logic board Allows Signals to travel in one direction. Drives the Signals 15 Timer and latching board Allows Signals to travel in one direction. Drives the Signals Timer and latching board Allows Signals to travel in one direction. Drives the Signals 16 19 20 Stuck at 1 Output will stay at 1 Trip Signals will not be processed SCRAM may not occur FIT system detects and generates alarm Stuck at 0 Output will stay at 0 False Trip Signal will be generated SCRAM may occur FIT system detects and generates alarm Stuck at 1 Output will stay at 1 Trip Signals will not be processed SCRAM may not occur FIT system detects and generates alarm Stuck at 0 Output will stay at 0 False Trip Signal will be generated SCRAM may occur Timer and latching board Performs latching function. and thereby prevents partial dropping of control rods Stuck at 1 Output will stay at 1 Trip Signals will not be processed SCRAM may not occur FIT system detects and generates alarm Timer and latching board Performs latching function. and thereby prevents partial dropping of control rods Stuck at 0 Output will stay at 0 False Trip Signal will be generated SCRAM may occur FIT system detects and generates alarm FIT system detects and generates alarm 55 21 22 23 Timer and latching board Connects the PCSL output cross link with FIT for testing. Opened/ Shorted Optical link broken / Output Short The signal will not reach Fit system for testing The Optical link cannot be tested FIT system detects and generates alarm Grouping logic board Processes Signals obtained from 2/3 core logic board. decides whether to shutdown the system or not. Stuck at 1 Output will stay at 1 Trip Signals will not be processed SCRAM may not occur FIT system detects and generates alarm Grouping logic board Processes Signals obtained from 2/3 core logic board. decides whether to shutdown the system or not Stuck at 0 Output will stay at 0 False Trip Signal will be generated SCRAM may occur FIT system detects and generates alarm This will terminate the Signal flow IGBT Gate cannot be triggered. System will be Shutdown FIT system detects and generates alarm 24 Grouping logic board Drives the IGBT’s Opened Signal will not be sent to EM Coil drive stage 25 Grouping logic board Drives the IGBT’s Shorted SCRAM signal will not be propagated This will terminate the Signal flow -- FIT system detects and generates alarm 26 Grouping logic board Allows Signals to travel in one direction. Drives the Signals Stuck at 1 Output will stay at 1 The system will not respond to Trip Signals SCRAM may not occur FIT system detects and generates alarm 27 Grouping logic board Allows Signals to travel in one direction. Drives the Signals Stuck at 0 Output will stay at 0 the system will not respond to Trip Signals SCRAM may occur FIT system detects and generates alarm 56 28 29 DC-DC Converter Board EM-coil board Provides power supply to Relays Acts as a switch to manually SCRAM the reactor 30 EM-coil board 31 EM-coil board Acts as a switch 32 EM-coil board Provides optical isolation between FIT logic and Safety Logic 33 EM-coil board Provides optical isolation between FIT logic and Safety Logic FIT logic Address and profile generation and address decoding 34 Acts as a switch Gate terminal of IGBT cannot be triggered EM Coil will be de energized FIT system detects and generates alarm Fails to open manual SCRAM switches of an EM coil will not function That particular EM coil will not be deenergised System can be safely shutdown, because of the presence of 8 more CSR FIT system detects and generates alarm Output Short It will not respond to the input at Gate Terminal TRIP signal will not propagate This will lead the reactor to Unsafe state Fit system detects the failure Output Open Irrespective of input at Gate, the switch will be open EM coil will be deenergized The control rod will be dropped Fit system will detect the failure Opened Optical link is broken Signal will not be sent to FIT logic FIT logic board detects the lack of pulses Fit logic detects the failure Shorted Optical link is broken Signal will not be sent to diagnostic logic. FIT logic board detects the lack of pulses Fit logic detects the failure Output will stay at 1 Signals will not reach the intended channels FIT logic fails. Main system cannot be tested By FIT diagnostic board. Alarm will be generated degraded operation Stuck at 1 fault no supply to Opto-coupler 57 Output will stay at 0 Signal will not reach the intended channels FIT logic fails. Main system cannot be tested By FIT diagnostic board. Alarm will be generated Output will stay at 1 Signals will not reach the intended channels FIT logic Fails. Main system cannot be tested By FIT diagnostic board. Alarm will be Generated FIT logic fails. Main system cannot be tested By FIT diagnostic board. Alarm will be Generated FIT diagnostic logic fails. FIT system cannot be tested FIT logic Address and profile generation and address decoding FIT logic Routing of profiles generated by FPGA 1 37 FIT logic Routing of profiles generated by FPGA 1 Stuck at 0 fault Output will stay at 0 Signal will not reach the intended channels 38 FIT Diagnostic Board This board tests the healthiness of FIT logic Board Stuck at 1/ Stuck at 0 Output will stay at 1/ Output will stay at 0 failure of FIT diagnostic logic 35 36 Stuck at 0 fault Stuck at 1 fault 58 Faults in safety Logic with fine Impulse Test System are modeled from Instructor’s terminal. He first selects Safety logic with FIT for modeling the faults. The Instructor then enables one of the faults in safety logic with FIT. 59 The faults are modeled and unsafe fault alarm is energized in the control panel and corresponding messages are displayed in the terminal. Operator thus introduces one by one all the faults in the safety Logic with FIT and provides comprehensive training to the operator. 4.3 FAULTS IN PULSE CODED SAFETY LOGIC SYSTEM (PCSL) 4.3.1 DESIGN OF PULSE CODED SAFETY LOGIC SYSTEM As diverse safety logic system, inherently fail safe pulse coded safety logic system was developed for Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor. As long as process parameter is within the trip limit, pulses will be propagating in the system, thus energizing the electromagnetic coil, which in turn, holds the neutron absorbing control rods. If process parameter in any two channels cross the trip limit (AB or BC or CA or ABC), then the propagation of pulses will be stopped. This in turn will deenergize the electromagnetic coil, thus dropping the neutron absorbing control rods into the reactor. The rate of chain reaction will 60 be slowed and reactor will be shut down. The schematic of pulse coded safety logic is shown below: PLANT PARAMETER - N PLANT PARAMETER – 1 CH-A A B B C CH-A B C 2/3 LOGIC 2/3 LOGIC GUARD LINE LOGIC GUARD LINE LOGIC ANNUNCIATOR ANNUNCIATOR C SET PULSE GEN. RESET DRIVER EM COIL FIGURE 4.2 ARCHITECTURE OF PULSE CODED SAFETY LOGIC SYSTEM For each parameter, two out of three voting logic and guard line logic are provided. If corresponding process parameter is within safety limits, then code will pass through the two out of three voting logic. This in turn will enable the guard line logic to allow both set and reset pulses to next stage. If process parameter crosses the trip limit, then the guard line logic will block the propagation of both set and reset pulse. This in turn will de-energize the electromagnetic clutch, thus tripping the reactor. 4.3.2 MODELING OF PULSE CODED SAFETY LOGIC The following faults are introduced in the Instructor's desk and effect will be displayed in the control room through alarm and display terminals. ƒ Code generation A, B, C ƒ Guard line logic ƒ Output driver transistor (safe & unsafe) 61 Instructor introduces the faults of Pulse Coded Safety Logic from his terminal. Necessary modeling is carried out and fault messages are displayed. Reactor is also tripped as shown below. 62 CHAPTER 5 MISBEHAVIOR OF IMPORTANT ELEMENTS IN CONSOLE PANEL The power of the reactor is controlled manually by withdrawing the control rods from the reactor. This is carried out by the operator by pressing the 'raise' push button. The control rod is raised at a steady speed of 2mm/sec.The position is calculated and displayed in the console panel as shown below: The reactivity added with respect to the position is available as calibration data. This data is generated by a procedure called “Control Rod Calibration”. For making the reactor critical, first the Diverse Safety Rods will be withdrawn one by one. When all the Diverse Safety rods are withdrawn, the Control and Safety Rods will be withdrawn one by one. When all the Control and safety Rods reach about 50% of the their allowed travel, reactor will attain criticality. 63 TABLE 5.1 TOTAL REACTIVITY VALUES AND REACTOR STATES FOR DIFFERENT CSR/DSR POSITIONS CSR/DSR position Reactivity pcm) All CSR/DSR down -8006 1.59 1st DSR up -6677 2.12 2nd DSR up -5348 2.64 3 DSR up -4029 3.18 1st CSR 550 mm insertion -3449 3.70 rd nd Reactor CSR 550 mm insertion -3060 4.17 3rd CSR 550 mm insertion -2670 4.78 4th CSR 550 mm insertion -2091 6.10 5 CSR 550 mm insertion -1701 7.50 6th CSR 550 mm insertion -1312 9.73 7 CSR 550 mm insertion -733 17.41 cps 8th CSR 550 mm insertion -343 9th CSR 550 mm insertion 0 2 th th CSR(all the 9) 492 mm 37.16 cps Critical; zero +84 Full power;1250 MW 140 1285. 1192. Outer pc120 m cu100 m ul ati 80 ve w 60 or th 1329. Inner CSR, 1047. 860. 897. 867. 805. 656. 706. 580. 459. 443. 40 287. 309. 152. 20 57. 0. 0 102. 38. 0. 0 193. 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 rod position, mm FIGURE 5.1 CSR/DSR CUMULATIVE WORTH VS POSITION If the net reactivity (shutdown margin - reactivity added due to withdrawal of control rod) is less than 90 pcm, calculation neutronic flux is carried out using the following procedure: 64 Sub critical Power Calculation Mathematical Model Sub critical Power calculation When the reactor is sub critical with Keff << 1 , the neutron flux is governed by the Sub critical Multiplication formula : Ø = S/ (1- Keff ) cps = Ø * 0.3341667 Where Ø : the neutron flux S : flux due to source(0.042657) Keff : effective multiplication factor Shutdown Margin: 8000pcm β:350pcm The calculated flux is displayed in control console and control panel. If the net reactivity is grater than 90 pcm then, point kinetic equations are solved to calculate the reactor power. Since fast reactor core is very compact, when compared to the core of Pressurised Heavy water Reactor, point kinetic equations are reasonably accurate. From the calculated power signal, count per second is derived, if the reactor is in the startup range. Normally source term is also added in the power calculation. From the calculated total power, the power generated by individual subassembly is further calculated and the overall output temperature is calculated. Sodium is selected as coolant in fast reactor due to excellent heat transfer property and high boiling point. The method of calculation of neutron flux is illustrated below: 65 dn/dt = ( ρ - β )n / l + Σ λi *Ci dCi/dt = βi * n / l - λi * Ci where , n - Neutron Flux Density ρ - Reactivity Ci - βi β - Concentration of Precursors of ith group Fraction of Delayed Neutron Precursors of ith group Effective Delayed Neutron fraction λi - Decay Constant of Delayed Neutron Precursors of ith group l Prompt Neutron Life Time - The method of solving the kinetic equations is explained below: Get the initial steady state power n(t) Calculate the Steady State Precursors Concentration, Ci For every incremental time step , Δt calculate power n(t+ Δt ) = -l / ( ρ - β ) * Σ λi *Ci calculate Precursors Concentration Ci (t+ Δt ) =A*( n(t)+ n(t+ Δt) ) + B*Ci where, A = (βi * Δt) / ( l(2+ λi Δt)) B = (2- λi Δt) / (2+ λi Δt) In actual plant, the pulse signals from in-core fission chambers will provide information about the neutron flux. But in training simulator neutron flux can be directly calculated from the reactivity added due to withdrawal of control rod. 66 Fast Breeder Reactor has negative temperature and power coefficient of reactivity as shown below: ρe ρ ρ Reactor Power ρ f Temperature Coefficients ρ = ρe + ρf FIGURE 5.2 FEED BACK DUE TO TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT In Fast Breeder Reactor when ever temperature rises, reactivity comes down. Similarly whenever power rises also, reactivity comes down. Hence net reactivity now is calculated taking into account the temperature and power raise as shown in Fig: 5.2. The rate of raise of neutronic flux is reflected as reactor period. The neutronic flux increases exponentially. The time taken for the flux to increase e times is called reactor period. If the period is less than 10 seconds, safety instrumentation will order reactor trip. If the reactor power is less than 800 KW, startup channels are active. The pulse signals from in-core fission chambers will be processed by conventional analog instrumentation system. As the control rod is continuously withdrawn, the neutron flux will increase exponentially. The reactor will be tripped from Tn period from start up channels as shown below: 67 Typical print out is given below; Tue Oct 28 13:58:12 IST 2008 Short Period (tow n) channel B 19.817352 Tue Oct 28 14:00:50 IST 2008 Short Period (tow n) channel A 19.684681 Tue Oct 28 14:00:53 IST 2008 Short Period (tow n) channel C 19.676371 If the reactor power is grater than 800KW but less than 62.5 MW, then Campbell channels are active. Here the fluctuation in the signals from in-core fission chambers will be analysed. As neutron flux increases, the pulses will merge with each other and fluctuation in the signal will increase. The square of standard deviation is the pointer to the reactor power. In actual plant, as control rod is withdrawn continuously, rate of raise of power will be used to calculate the reactor period. But in training simulator, neutron flux will be calculated by solving point kinetic equation and power signal will be derived. Reactor will be tripped from period signal from Campbell channels as shown below: Tue Oct 28 13:30:39 IST 2008 Short Period (tow p) channel B 19.776554 Tue Oct 28 13:31:15 IST 2008 Short Period (tow p) channel A 19.365410 Tue Oct 28 13:31:23 IST 2008 Short Period (tow p) channel C 19.515614 68 If the reactor power is grater than 62.5 Mw, then power channels are active. Ex-core fission chamber signals are processed. From the rate of raise of the signal, reactivity will be calculated and compared against alarm and scram threshold. In this case, reactor will be tripped from `reactivity high` signal as shown below: Tue Oct 28 13:11:45 IST 2008 High Positive Reactivity channel A 5.295407 Threshold >5pcm Tue Oct 28 13:11:45 IST 2008 High Positive Reactivity channel B 5.030636 Threshold >5pcm Tue Oct 28 13:11:45 IST 2008 High Positive Reactivity channel C 5.560177 Threshold >5pcm Tue Oct 28 13:12:54 IST 2008 69 Corresponding messages are displayed in the control panels. The power will be compared against the trip limit. If power crosses trip limit, the safety logic will trip the reactor, thus bringing down all the neutron absorbing rods within the reactor core. The reactivity will also be compared against the trip limit. Reactor will be shut down on excessive positive reactivity added due to withdrawal of control rod. The operator will be trained with the help of display messages and audible alarms in the control panels. 70 CHAPTER 6 SAFETY RELATED EMBEDDED SYSTEMS 6.1 DESIGN OF SAFETY RELATED EMBEDDED SYSTEM Physically and functionally distributed embedded systems are used for supervising and controlling PFBR. The scanned data and messages created are transmitted to control room through dual optical fibre cables. The information is received by intelligent display terminals and displayed to operator. Embedded systems are also used for safety critical supervision such as reactor core monitoring against flow blockage, undesirable power excursion, clad hot spot etc. If process parameters exceed the limits, then embedded systems will generate necessary trip signals for safety logic systems. Typical configuration of embedded system, developed in-house, is shown below in Figure 6.1 CPU, ROM, & ECC Memory 1 Analog Input (1) 42 V M E Analog Input ( 6) 42 BUS B UPS SUPPLY (230V) Watchdog output as voltage free contact Digital Alarm Output SCRAM LOR OR LOR Digital Output B U S +5V BUS A Alarm Digital Output SOLC S Y S T E M 1 To Plant Database server Communication Controller Digital Input +12V OR SCRAM ORING LOGIC ORING LOGIC SPCS & PDSR operational SG safe configuration status SUR ROP SUF RFH RSD Reactor Status -12V FAULT TOLERANT DC POWER SUPPLY FIGURE 6.1 ARCHITECTURE OF SAFETY CRITICAL EMBEDDED SYSTEM 71 6.2 CHOICE OF BACK PLANE OR BUS Back plane or bus is a set of communication system through which CPU dialogues with memory and Input/output systems. Normally CPU is made of standard Intel microprocessors (8085, 8086) or Motorola micro processors (68000, 68020), or Intel micro controllers (8051, 80251) or Motorola micro controllers (683XX). The software is normally stored in Read only memory (ROM). Necessary dynamic data is stored Random Access Read/Write Memory (RAM). Microprocessor reads one by one the instruction from ROM and executes them. In this process, the necessary data is stored in RAM. The calculated results are written back in RAM. For reading the instruction or data from memory, first CPU will put the required address information in the address bus. The required service, namely, read command is also put in the command lines. CPU also puts Master Sync signal in the bus in the case of asynchronous bus. Memory Unit will put the addressed data in the data lines. In the case of Asynchronous bus, memory unit will also put “Ack” signal. On receiving “Ack” signal, CPU will read the data from the data lines. The cycle is completed. In the case of write cycle, CPU will put the required address in the address lines. Data to be written is put in the data lines. CPU then asserts MSYN signal. Memory will take the data from the data lines and write it in the required location. Memory Unit will assert slave sync 72 signal. CPU will drop MSYN signal, thus completing the bus cycle. Similar Read/Write operation takes place between CPU and Input/Output system. Motorola microprocessors use asynchronous bus. For Intel microprocessors, synchronous bus is used. Here read or write cycle is completed within the specified clock cycles. For safety application, asynchronous bus is recommended. 6.3 DESIGN OF CPU BOARD Normally CPU board consists of the following: • Microprocessor or micro controller • ROM & RAM • Interconnection bus between CPU and memory • Bus interface logic • Watch dog timer • Clock circuit Typical block diagram of 68020 based CPU card is given below: 73 FIGURE 6.2 VME BUS BASED CPU CARD RAM memory is prone to failure. It is necessary to detect single bit memory failure and correct the same. At the same time two bit memory failure shall be detected and CPU shall be informed through interrupt. Standard Error detection and correction (EDAC) chip is available in the market. This is integrated in the CPU card. Watchdog timer shall be refreshed periodically by the software. Otherwise it will be decremented by clock. When watchdog timer reaches “zero” then, on-board mounted relay can be made to de-energise. The change of state of relay contact can be used to take necessary remedial action. Normally whenever double bit memory error occurs or if slave-ack is not received in the back plane (bus) or if the microprocessor hangs, then the watchdog will timeout. 74 6.4 DESIGN OF ANALOG INPUT CARD Signals from process sensors like thermocouple, RTD, flow meter, pressure transducer, level sensor, etc. are first signal conditioned (amplified, isolated and filtered) and then received by Analog Input Card. If the process sensor is located at a long distance, then current signal (420 mA) is used. Current electrostatic/electromagnetic noises. signal is less sensitive to It is always preferable to use isolation amplifier between the process sensors and Analog to Digital Converter. This will eliminate circulating ground loop currents. Analog input card consists of Multiplexer, Analog to Digital converter, on-board memory and control logic. The block diagram of typical analog input card is given below: 75 Ch 1A Ch 16A Ch 1B Ch 16B 4: 1 Multiplexer (Differential Mode) LPF Dual Ported SRAM ADC +/ - 10 V Instrumentation Amplifier SOC LOGIC SEQUENCER (FPGA) Ch 48B EOC VME Interface Logic 16:1 Multiplexer VME BUS P1 (Single ended) FIGURE 6.3 BLOCK DIAGRAM OF ANALOG INPUT CARD CPU initiates the scanning by issuing the necessary command to the sequencer. The address input to input multiplexer is incremented in steps by the sequencer. The multiplexed input signal is analog to digital converted and stored on the on-board memory. Normally a 12 bit or 16 bit, successive approximation type Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) is used. In situations where 50HZ pick up from nearby power lines is dominant, integrating type ADCs may be used for reducing the effects of this noise. Each Analog input card is provided with on-board calibration sources, which are in turn, connected to the input multiplexer. Diagnostic software will analyze the signal level from the calibration source. This will enable to detect drift in amplifier or error in ADC. Normally scanning rate shall be greater than double the frequency of the process signals. To minimize the effect of noise, each sample will be compared with previous sample. If the difference is greater than the 76 allowed limit, then the present sample is discarded. Similarly, to overcome fluctuating noise, average of ten or fifteen samples is used instead of the sample itself. 6.5 DESIGN OF DIGITAL INPUT CARD Digital signals from the process plant are received either as electrical signal (OV or (5V/12V/24V/32V/48V) or as voltage free relay contact. Field Inputs Signal Conditioner P2 Debounce Logic REGISTERS B U S Debounce Clock Interrupt Logic Force 0 & Force 1 Logic V M E I N T E R F A C E V M E B U S P1 EPLD FIGURE 6.4 BLOCK DIAGRAM OF DIGITAL INPUT CARD To eliminate the ground loop problem, opto coupler is used for every digital input signal. CPU periodically reads the status of the digital inputs and analyses them. Some opto-couplers may fail in conducting or nonconducting state. State-of-the art digital input cards are provided with force ‘O’ and force ‘1’ option. This is periodically carried out by on-line 77 diagnostics to detect the failed opto-coupler. Each digital input card houses 8 or 16 or 32 or 48 input channels. 6.6 DESIGN OF ANALOG & DIGITAL OUTPUT CARDS Decision taken by the embedded system is communicated to the plant equipment through digital output card and Analog output card. Field out puts Relays & Status LEDs Output Enable Logic LATCH V M E B U S P2 CLK fail Time out Watch dog Timer, WD count Relay Contact Read Back I N T E R F A C E V M E B U S FIGURE 6.5 BLOCK DIAGRAM OF RELAY OUTPUT CARD Digital signals are communicated to the plant as voltage free relay contact or as open collector transistor output. In the state-of-the art digital output card, there is provision to read back the status of the output relay. Each relay is provided with two contacts. One contact is wired to the plant white the other contact is read back by the CPU. Each digital output card will house 8 or 16 or 32 output channels. The status of each digital output is available through LED lamp. For safety application; the card is designed such that software periodically loads the output value in the on-board latch. If 78 microprocessor hangs or software enters endless loop due to memory fault, then on-board watch dog timer will time out. This in turn will reset the on-board latch. The digital outputs from latch are wired such that process safe state is ensured when latch is reset by watchdog timer. Block diagram of Analog output card is given below. DACs ISOLATION & V/I OUTPUT CONNECTO R VME BUS Read back ISOLATION CONTROLLER ADC AMPLIFIER MUX FIGURE 6.6 BLOCK DIAGRAM OF ANALOG OUTPUT CARD Analog output signal is available as 4 to 20 mA or as 0 to 5 or 10 V. For transmitting analog signal over long distance, current mode is selected. In analog output card, 12 bit DAC is normally used to convert digital signal to analog signal. Normally each analog output card will house four analog output channels. If the microprocessor hangs, there is provision to hold on to the recently sent analog output value, such that 79 safe condition of the plant is ensured. There is also provision to read-back the output values for diagnostic purposes. 6.7 SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURE OF EMBEDDED SYSTEM Commercially available operating systems consist of scheduler, memory management, I/O management etc. In embedded application the same task is executed at fixed time interval. The listing of commercially available operating system is also not made available for verification. Hence for safety application, usage of commercially available operating system is not recommended. The application software normally will consist of power on diagnostics, scanning software, signal processing software, communication software and diagnostics .The arrangement is shown below: START Power on Self Test OK No Yes Scan the signals Display error code Rationality check STOP Process the signals and digital output, if required Send data & message to upper layer On-line diagnostics & generation of watchdog pulse Operator command ? No No Yes Execute the command Time is over ? Yes FIGURE 6.7 FLOW CHART FOR APPLICATION SOFTWARE 80 On powering the system, power-on reset is generated. This in turn gives control to power-on-self test. During this phase, all parts of hardware will be checked. If any error is detected then corresponding error code is displayed and system stops. Otherwise control is given to the scanning software. During rationality check, the process values will be compared with absolute low and high of process conditions. If process signal value is not within the specified validation limits, the sample is rejected. To minimize the 50HZ noise, average value of the scanned process samples is taken for further processing. After carrying out the required processing, necessary analog/digital outputs are delivered to the plant. The information about the value of the process signal and generated messages are transmitted to upper layer for display to plant operator. On-line diagnostics periodically checks all parts of the hardware. If any error is detected, corresponding error code is displayed in the front panel and system stops. The value of analog or digital output is forced to fail-safe state with respect to the process plant. Provision is also made in the software such that plant operator will be able to edit software threshold through Dump terminal. After the specified time interval, control is given back to scanning software once again. 81 6.8 PROCESS MODELS 6.8.1 WATERFALL MODEL The waterfall model is a sequential software development model (a process for the creation of software) in which development is seen as flowing steadily downwards (like a waterfall) through the phases of requirements analysis, design, implementation, testing (validation), integration, and maintenance. Waterfall model is used in the development of embedded system for safety application, where requirement is well understood. Relevant IEEE standards are to be followed at every life cycle stage of development of embedded system as shown below: 82 System Requirements Specification (IEEE 1233Std.) VERIFICATION System Architectural Design VERIFICATION Hardware Requirements Specification QA VERIFICATION Hardware Design & Development QA QA VERIFICATION QA VERIFICATION Software Implementation QA VERIFICATION Testing VERIFICATION Software Design & Development Hardware QA Software Requirement Specifications (IEEE Std. 830) Validation VERIFICATION Module level Testing VERIFICATION System Integrated System Test Document (IEEE Std. 829) System in Operation FIGURE 6.8 SOFTWARE LIFE CYCLE Quality Assurance (Q.A.): QA process at every life cycle involves checking the conformance of the product to specified standards. Verification: Verification involves checking the conformance of product at every life cycle stage to requirement specification. 83 Validation: Validation involves checking the final system for compliance to requirement specification of the end-user. There is need to carryout independent verification and validation at every life cycle stage of development of embedded system. FORMAL method is also recommended in modeling the requirement specification of embedded system. Either Z or B language is used in modeling the specification. It is very important to acquire necessary domain knowledge of the process for finalising the requirement specification. Any error in the requirement will sail through the final stage and it will be very costly to rectify the error. Asynchronous VME bus was chosen to get confirmation for each bus transaction. Memory with single bit error correction and double bit error detection feature is used. In every analog input board, calibration sources are available to detect the drift in amplifier, faults in ADC etc. Optocoupler is used to isolate the field ground from computer ground in digital input card. To detect failure of optocouplers, on-line features for forcing logical zero and logical one are provided. In digital output card, read back facility is provided to monitor the health of output channels. Each digital output card is provided with watchdog feature such that if CPU fails to refresh the output, watchdog will time out, thus forcing the digital outputs to “SAFE” state for the nuclear reactor. If any fault is detected, watch dog will time out and error messages will be transmitted to the control room. Due to safety reasons, commercial operating system is not used. Simple monitor software is developed in-house. All the application software is developed in “C” language, honoring MISRA-C guidelines. 84 6.9 SAFETY ANALYSIS OF EMBEDDED SYSTEMS For safety application safety analysis need to be carried out at every development life cycle stage of embedded system as shown below: Safety Analysis of System Architectural Design Safety analysis of Software Requirements specification Safety Analysis of Hardware Requirements Specification Safety Analysis of Software Design and Implementation Design and Implementation Safety Analysis of Hardware Safety Testing Safety Audit Report FIGURE 6.9 LIFE CYCLE FOR SAFETY ANALYSIS 6.9.1 SAFETY ANALYSIS OF SYSTEM ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN System architectural design shall be analysed in detail to establish that all system level safety requirements are carried into the system design and allocated to software or hardware or a combination of them. The system level hazards shall be traced through the system architecture to show that hazardous states cannot occur. The design shall be shown to 85 be fail-safe taking into account the various failure modes of hardware and software. 6.9.2 SAFETY ANALYSIS OF SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION Analysis of software requirements specification shall be carried out to establish that it incorporates all system level safety requirements allocated to software and they are clearly described, and are testable. These should include the on-line (in service) safety test requirements, mandated by the technical specifications of the plant and to be implemented in software. 6.9.3 SAFETY ANALYSIS OF HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION Analysis of hardware requirements specification shall be carried out to establish that it incorporates all system level safety requirements allocated to hardware and they are clearly described, and are testable. These should include the on-line (in service) safety test requirements, mandated by the technical specifications of the plant and to be implemented in hardware. 6.9.4 SAFETY ANALYSIS OF SOFTWARE DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION Software design and implementation shall be analysed in detail to establish that software design and implementation incorporates all safety requirements given in Software Requirements Specifications. Analysis should establish that software satisfies all safety requirements, does not cause any unsafe action under any operating condition and allows on-line tests to be carried out without compromising the performance of safety functions. The design of the software shall be shown to handle hardware 86 failures gracefully without causing unsafe conditions in the plant. Catastrophic failure of the software (i.e. when it is not able to perform the intended function) should be shown to lead to fail safe outputs from the Computer-based System (i.e. safe conditions in the plant). 6.9.5 SAFETY ANALYSIS OF HARDWARE DESIGN Hardware design shall be analysed in detail to establish that hardware incorporates all safety requirements given in Hardware Requirements Specifications. Analysis should establish that hardware satisfies all safety requirements, does not cause any unsafe action under any operating condition and allows on-line tests to be carried out without compromising the performance of safety functions. Failure of the hardware should be shown to lead to fail safe outputs from the Computerbased System (i.e. safe conditions in the plant). 6.9. 6 SAFETY TESTING The system shall be subjected to tests that will confirm its overall safe behavior. This is the final demonstration safety. The testing shall be done to check that 1. All safety requirements are correctly implemented 2. System behavior is failsafe. 3. All on-line tests can be conducted without compromising the performance of safety functions. 87 6.9.7 SAFETY AUDIT The Safety Audit shall be carried out to verify the safety analysis and establish that safety requirements have been implemented. The Safety Audit shall cover the following phases of safety life cycle: • System Architectural Design • Software Requirements • Hardware Requirements • Software Design and Implementation • Hardware Design • Safety Testing The safety analysis of overall architecture shall address the following failure of subsystems. • Non availability of power supply • Sensor fault • Sensor over range • Noise in input signal • Process signal fluctuation • Failure of Microprocessor • Failure of memory • Failure of acknowledgement signal in the bus • Failure of multiplexer, Amplifier, Analog to digital converter and sequencer in Analog input card • Failure of optical isolator in digital input card 88 • Failure of latch and relay in digital output card • Endless loop in application software • Irrational data entry for changing software threshold • Failure of data server and message sensor and graphic user terminals A general fault tree shall be constructed. The design shall ensure that any postulated fault will result in ordering digital output, which in turn ensures safe state of the nuclear reactor. 6.10 RELIABILITY ANALYSIS OF EMBEDDED SYSTEM Faults in embedded systems can be classified as safe fault and unsafe fault. If the fault results in ordering analog or digital outputs for placing the process in safe state, then the fault is classified as safe faults. The failure of power supply of the embedded system is example of safe fault. On the other hand, if there is demand for shut down of the plant, and if shut down order is not delivered, then the fault is defined as unsafe fault. Again the unsafe fault is further classified as on-line detectable unsafe faults and on-line undetectable unsafe faults. In embedded system, on-line diagnostics will detect unsafe fault such as drift in signal amplifier, ADC fault, memory fault, failure of opto coupler in digital input/output cards, failure of ACK signal etc. If any fault is detected, on-line diagnostics will not refresh watch dog timer. This will result in time out of watch dog timer thus resulting delivery of shutdown order to the process. There are still unsafe faults which can not be detected such as failure in watch dog circuit, welding of 89 relay contacts in digital output card etc. The safe fault or failure rate is represented as λs. The failure rate of unsafe faults which can be detected by on-line diagnostics is represented as λï€ u1. The failure rate of unsafe faults which can not be detected by on-line diagnostics is represented as λï€ u2. 6.10.1 SAFE FAILURES & UNSAFE FAILURES The total failure rate in the system can be divided into Safe and unsafe (dangerous) failures. Generally embedded systems used in process applications will follow one of the configurations discussed below. In this model two identical systems are operational as shown below. (i) 1/2 CONFIGURATION: Overall Unsafe failure rate = λï€ u2 * λu2 Overall Safe failure rate = λï€ s + λs + λï€ u1 + λï€ u1 Sensor + Signal conditioning Processing circuit 1/2 Voting Logic Processing circuit FIGURE 6.10 1/2VOTING LOGIC Thus 1/2 configuration ensures safety but causes high spurious trips. 90 (ii) 2/2 CONFIGURATION: In 2/2 model, two identified systems will be processing the input signals but outputs will be routed through 2/2 logic as shown below. Overall Unsafe failure rate = λï€ u2 + λï€ u2 = 2λu2 Overall Safe failure rate = (λs + λï€ u1)* (λs + λï€ u1) = ( λs + λï€ u1) 2 In this configuration safe failure rate is satisfactory but unsafe failure rate may not be acceptable. Processing circuit Sensor + Signal conditioning 2/2 Voting Logic Processing circuit FIGURE 6.11 2/2VOTING LOGIC (iii) HOT STANDBY LOGIC: In fault tolerant model, two identical systems are operational. One will be acting as main system while the other will be acting as hot standby. If main system fails, automatic switchover will take place to connect active standby system. The architecture is shown below. 91 Processing circuit Sensor + Signal conditioning SOLC ORing Logic Processing circuit FIGURE 6.12 HOT STANDBY LOGIC Unsafe failure rate (assuming Reliability of switch over logic is unity) = λu2 Overall Safe failure rate assuming that Reliability of switch over logic is unity = (λs + λï€ u1) 2 Disadvantage of this configuration is that unsafe faults which are not detected by online diagnostics will not cause switch over. Switch over logic system and ORing logic may fail in unsafe mode thus affecting the safety of the Process Plant. (iv) 2/3 CONFIGURATION: In this model, three identical signal-processing systems are used as shown below. Trip outputs are routed through 2/3 voting logic. Overall Unsafe failure rate = 3λu2 2 Overall Safe failure rate = 3 (λs + λï€ u1) 2 92 This model balances between safety and availability with minimum cost. Normally 2/3 architecture is used for safety critical instrumentation system as shown below. Processing circuit Sensor + Signal conditioning Processing circuit 2/3 Voting Logic Processing circuit FIGURE 6.13 2/3 VOTING LOGIC If the same hardware and application software in used in fault tolerant architecture, common mode problems can not be avoided. To avoid common mode problem, hardware and software systems shall be developed by three diverse teams. However, maintenance of diverse systems is not easy during operation and maintenance phase. It is not possible to have actual embedded systems as part of Training Simulator. The supervisory functions of each of eighty embedded systems are simulated. Each embedded system is provided with a tag name. Training Supervisor will introduce faults in any one of the embedded systems such as CPU card errors (memory error, bus error, floating point processor error, hang-up of micro processor), Analog input 93 card errors(ADC fault, Amplifier drift, Multiplexer fault), Digital input card errors(Opto coupler fault), Digital output card errors(latch fault, relay fault) through supervisor terminal. Corresponding error messages will be generated and status display will also be updated as shown in fig12.The color of faulty embedded system will change from green to red in display unit. Overall Status of Embedded Systems RCB SGB-1 SGB-2 CTM - 1 SGDHR - 1 SGDHR - 3 SUR- 1 SSSB- 1 CTM - 2 SGDHR - 2 SGDHR - 4 SUR- 2 SSSB - 2 CTM - 3 SGTLD - 1 SGTLD - 2 SUF - 1 SSTM - 1 PCSL- 1 AGS - 2 AGS - 2 SUF - 2 SSTM- 2 SLFIT- 1 CB FB DISC-1 DISC-2 RCB - Reactor containment Building SGB - Steam Generator Building CB - Control Building FB - Fuel Building CTM - Core Temperature Monitoring System PCSL - Interface to Pulse Coded Safety Logic SGDHR - Steam Generator Decay Heat Removal system SGTLD - Steam Generator Tube Leak Detection System AGS - alarm Generation system SUR - Startup of Reactor conditions checking System SUF - Startup of Fuel Handling conditions checking System DISC - Discordance Supervision System SSSB - Spent Sub-assembly Storage Bay SLFIT - Interface to Safety Logic with Fine Impulse Test SSTM - Spent Sub-Assembly Transfer Machine Instructor can select any of the 80 embedded systems and introduce faults (CPU card fault, Analog Input card fault, Digital input card fault, Digital output card fault, Analog output card fault), Corresponding error messages are displayed. The status of the corresponding embedded system will be red in colour. The digital outputs from the corresponding embedded system will reach fail safe state. Typical snapshots from Instructor panel are given below. 94 The triplicated embedded system of Core Temperature Monitoring System is taken as case study. Initially healthy conditions of Safety Critical embedded systems are displayed as shown below. Instructor Selects Core Temperature Monitoring (CTM) 95 Instructor Selects System – A of CTM Instructor selects CPU fault in first computer of CTM. 96 CTM System – A, CPU Fault is enabled Typical Printout is shown below 96 CHAPTER 7 MODELING OF START-UP CONDITIONS FOR THE REACTOR 7.1 INTRODUCTION At any given time reactor will be in anyone of the following five states namely Reactor in Operation state (ROP), Reactor in shutdown state (RSD), Reactor in Fuel handling state (RFH), Reactor Startup (RSU) and Fuel handling startup (FSU). Reactor moves to operation state from shutdown state through reactor startup state. Likewise Reactor moves from shutdown state to fuel handling state through fuel handling startup state. RSD, RFH, ROP are stable states of the reactor. RSU, FSU are transient states of the reactor. ROP RFH FSU RSU RSD FIGURE 7.1 STATES OF REACTOR In order to have safe and smooth transition from reactor in shutdown state (RSD) to reactor in operation state (ROP) several global conditions are required to be fulfilled. Reactor startup logic 97 checks these conditions and gives authorization to start the reactor when all the conditions are fulfilled. Startup logic block checks all the conditions and generates authorization outputs to start the reactor when all the conditions are fulfilled. Simulator block is used to simulate various plant system’s conditions as well as malfunctions. Output/display block provides indications/displays about various conditions, authorization / No authorization, etc. Context diagram of Reactor startup system is shown below. 98 Simulator for various plant systems Inhibition key switches Digital Output Soft inputs Digital Inputs Reactor Startup Logic Digital Output CSRDM control logic DSRDM control logic Digital Outputs Digital Inputs Window Alarms Administrative key switches Soft Outputs Display station FIGURE 7.2 CONTEXT DIAGRAM FOR REACTOR STARTUP LOGIC 99 Reactor startup logic (RSUL) checks plant system conditions, inhibition inputs and administrative key inputs, does the processing and generates authorization outputs to control logics of CSRDM & DSRDM in order to raise Control & Safety Rods and Diverse Safety Rods. Each of the RSU conditions can be inhibited by inhibition switches. When a condition is inhibited then that condition is treated as satisfied. Simulator is used to provide plant systems conditions to reactor startup logic. 7.2 REACTOR STARTUP LOGIC (RSUL) BLOCK • This block checks the conditions which are required for startup of Reactor. • In addition to the conditions listed, this block scans the administratively controlled key operated switches. One switch is for ‘RSU authorization’ and another one is for ‘RSU inhibition authorization’. When all the conditions are satisfied then the operator, operates the ‘RSU authorization’ switch. RSUL generates the authorization outputs to control logic of CSRDM & DSRDM only when the ‘RSU authorization’ switch input is high. • If any one or more conditions are required to be inhibited then the ‘RSU inhibition authorization’ switch will be operated and then the actual inhibition switches will be operated. RSUL reads the status of ‘RSU inhibition authorization’. If this input is high then RSUL reads the actual inhibition inputs. 100 • Each of the input conditions can be inhibited by the inhibition switches which are provided in CR. If the input condition is inhibited then that condition is treated as satisfied. • RSUL checks each of the conditions listed in section 2.2.1 & corresponding inhibition inputs and it generates four potential free contact outputs as authorization outputs for reactor startup, when all the conditions are satisfied/inhibited. These potential free contact outputs are connected to control logic of CSRDM & DSRDM. • When all the conditions are satisfied then the same is displayed through a hardwired lamp indication on CR control panel. This system generates a potential free contact output for the hardwired indication. • When anyone or more conditions are inhibited the same is displayed through a hardwired lamp indication on CR control panel and the same is annunciated through window alarm. This system generates two separate potential free contact outputs for the hardwired indication & alarm annunciation. • When the reactor startup authorization is given, the same is displayed through a hardwired lamp indication on CR control panel. This system generates a potential free contact output for this purpose. • When anyone or more conditions are not satisfied the same is annunciated through window alarm. This system generates a potential free contact output for the alarm annunciation. 101 7.3 INPUT CONDITIONS Reactor startup logic checks the following conditions and gives authorization to raise the CSRs & DSRs when these conditions are fulfilled. ¾ Condition 1: CSRDM & DSRDM in poised state The global condition for CSRDM is considered as fulfilled when the following sub conditions are satisfied. • All the electromagnets are at bottom position with force limiter micro switches actuated • All grippers open on head of CSRs • All electromagnets are energized • 415V UPS power supply for CSRDM motors available • All lifting plates at bottom position These sub-conditions are checked by the control logic of CSRDM and give a potential free contact input to reactor startup logic. There are 3 control logics to control 9 CSRs. Each control logic gives one potential free contact. The global condition for DSRDM is considered as fulfilled when the following sub-conditions are satisfied. • All the electromagnets are at bottom position with torque limit switch actuated • All electromagnets are energized • All support rods are in unlocked condition • 415V UPS power supply for DSRDM motors available These sub-conditions are checked by the control logic of DSRDM and give a potential free contact input to reactor startup logic. 102 ¾ Condition 2: Primary sodium level, temperature and flow normal This global condition is considered as fulfilled when the following sub conditions are satisfied. RSUL receives this information from process computer of DDCS. • Hot pool sodium level in main vessel is at appropriate level • Temperature at the suction of the two primary sodium pumps is more than 473K • Primary sodium flow rate measured at each of the two primary sodium pump outlet sensed by eddy current flow meter is more than 20% of nominal flow (i.e. 3.636 tones/sec) ¾ • Both primary pumps are on their main motor • Power supply to pony motors available Condition 3: Primary sodium plugging temperature at correct level Plugging temperature of working plugging indicator shall be less than 393 K. RSUL receive this input from process computer of DDCS. ¾ Condition 4: Primary argon cover gas system in poised condition This global condition is considered as fulfilled when the following sub conditions are satisfied. • Primary argon cover gas system pressure is maintained within the range of 111±1 kPa • Nitrogen impurity level in cover gas measured by Gas Chromatograph is less than 2000 vpm • Valves in argon circuit in either open / close position as required for normal operation 103 These conditions are checked by the primary argon cover gas system and it gives the status input to process computer of DDCS. RSUL receive this status input from process computer ¾ Condition 5: Primary Argon cover gas purity monitoring system in service Nitrogen & Methane impurity in primary argon cover gas is measured by chromatograph. Nitrogen impurity level shall be less than 2000 vpm & Methane impurity level shall be less than 10 vpm. The operator has to check these impurity levels and authorization shall be given through key operated switch when these impurity levels are within the specified value. ¾ Condition 6: Temperature of primary argon hot line is normal Temperature of all hot argon lines shall be more than 423 K. This is checked by the primary argon cover gas system and it gives the status input to process computer of DDCS. RSUL receive this status input from process computer. ¾ Condition 7: All four SGDHR circuits in poised state This global condition is considered as fulfilled when the following sub conditions are satisfied. • Sodium flow rate is ≥ 6 kg/sec per loop • No sodium leak in SGDHR loop • Both inlet air dampers and both outlet air dampers are kept in crack open condition 104 • A minimum desired level of sodium in the SGDHR expansion tank ensures that there is no sodium leak in SGDHR circuit and this condition is monitored by low level discontinuous level probe • Sodium temperature at the outlet of AHX is more than 433 K • SGDHR sodium plugging temperature is less than 393 K • Expansion tank & storage tank argon pressure normal • Sodium level in storage tank below threshold • Class I 220V DC power supply to electrically operated dampers healthy • Pneumatic air supply to Pneumatic dampers healthy Each SGDHR system checks these sub conditions and gives a status input to process computer of DDCS. RSUL receive these status inputs from process computer. ¾ Condition 8: Secondary sodium flow & temperature normal • Flow of sodium in each loop shall be more than 20% of nominal flow (584kg/sec) • Temperature of sodium at the inlet of secondary pumps shall be more than 468 K • Pneumatically operated dump valves are selected in CR mode RSUL receives these inputs from process computer of DDCS and it has to check each of the above mentioned condition. ¾ Condition 9: Secondary sodium system in poised condition Poised state of secondary sodium system is ensured by open / close status of the required manually operated valves (valve list will be provided later). Operator has to check valve status and if the condition 105 is satisfied then, he has to turn on the key operated switch for administrative control. ¾ Condition 10: Temperature of all secondary sodium dump and drain lines sufficient This global condition is considered as satisfied when the following sub conditions are satisfied. • Temperature of dump lines is more than 448 K (175°C) • Temperature of drain lines is more than 473 K (200°C) • Pneumatically operated dump valves are selected in CR mode • Manual valves in the dump and drain lines are in locked open condition RSUL receives these inputs from process computer of DDCS and it has to check each of the above mentioned condition. ¾ Condition 11: Secondary cover gas system in poised state Secondary argon pressure shall be equal to 400 ± 5kPa. RSUL receives this information from process computer of DDCS and it has to check the condition. ¾ Condition 12: Safety logic in service This condition is treated as fulfilled when the following sub conditions are satisfied. • SCRAM logic healthy • Fine impulse test healthy • PCSL healthy RSUL receive these inputs from process computer of DDCS. 106 ¾ Condition 13: Neutronic channels in good condition This condition is treated as fulfilled when the following sub conditions are satisfied. • 3 pulse channels are in good operation • 3 Campbell / DC channels are in good operation • 3 P/Q channels are in good operation • 3 reactivity safety channels are in good operation • 2 control channels are in good operation • 2 reactivity control channels are in good operation • Reactivity and vernier channels are in good operation RSUL receives these inputs from process computer of DDCS and it has to check each of the above mentioned condition. ¾ Condition 14: Core Temperature Monitoring system in service This condition is treated as fulfilled when the following sub conditions are satisfied. • All the 3 RTC based systems are healthy • All the 3 hardwired systems for central subassembly temperature monitoring in good operation • All the 3 hardwired systems for core inlet temperature monitoring in good operation RSUL receives these inputs from process computer of DDCS and it has to check each of the above mentioned condition. ¾ Condition 15: Fission Gas detection circuit in service This condition is treated as fulfilled when the following sub conditions are satisfied. • Valve on the argon sampling line from reactor vessel is open 107 • Instrument channels are in good condition • Compressor is in operation and argon flow rate is more than 12 lpm Fission gas detection system checks these sub conditions and gives a status input to process computer of DDCS. RSUL receive this status input from process computer. ¾ Condition 16: Bulk DND system in service This condition is treated as fulfilled when the 24 number of bulk DND channels are in good operation. RSUL receive these inputs from process computer. ¾ Condition 17: FFLM system in poised condition This condition is treated as fulfilled when the following sub conditions are satisfied. • Counting channels are healthy • Power supply system for DC conduction pump and flow meter channel is healthy • Positional drive system is healthy Operator has to check these sub condition and when the conditions are satisfied then, he has to turn on the key operated switch for administrative control. ¾ Condition 18: Hydrogen detection system in sodium & cover gas in secondary sodium system is available This condition is treated as fulfilled when the following sub conditions are satisfied. • Hydrogen in argon detection system in good operation • Hydrogen in sodium detection system in good operation 108 RSUL receive these inputs from process computer ¾ Condition 19: Top shield argon system pressure normal • Top shield argon pressure shall be 300 ± 15 kPa • Top shield argon flow shall be 200 lph RSUL receive these inputs from process computer ¾ Condition 20: Inflatable seals normal This condition is treated as fulfilled when the following sub conditions are satisfied • The backup seal is lowered into position as sensed by the limit switch • Upper inflatable seals are in deflated condition • Lower inflatable seals are inflated to a pressure of 70 ± 2 kPa (g) RSUL receive these inputs from process computer. ¾ Condition 21: Top shield cooling circuit in service This condition is treated as fulfilled when the following sub conditions are satisfied. • Temperature of all the 28 number of selected thermocouples located at bottom plate of top shield is between 383 K and 398 K • Airflow rate at the inlet header measured is within the desired range • Top shield cooling circuit air pressure with respect to RCB atmosphere is maintained higher between 1 to 2 kPa • Open and closed status of required valves in the circuit 109 Top shield cooling system checks these sub conditions and gives a status input to process computer of DDCS. RSUL receive this status input from process computer. ¾ Condition 22: Main vessel leak detection system in operation This condition is treated as fulfilled when the following sub conditions are satisfied. • SPLD channels are in good operation • MILD channels are in good operation • EELD channels are in good operation RSUL receive these inputs from process computer ¾ Condition 23: Safety vessel nitrogen system in service Safety vessel nitrogen pressure shall be maintained at 104 ± 0.5 kPa (abs). RSUL receive this input from process computer. ¾ Condition 24: Reactor vault nitrogen system in service Reactor vessel nitrogen pressure shall be maintained between 101.25 kPa to 101.5 kPa (abs). RSUL receive this input from process computer. ¾ Condition 25: Biological shield concrete temperature below limit Biological shield concrete temperature shall be less than 333 K. RSUL receive this input from process computer. ¾ Condition 26: Under Sodium Ultrasonic Scanner (USUS) shield plug in position The observation canal shield plug shall be in position. Magnetic reed switch is provided to check the position of shield plug. When the 110 shield plug is present then the switch gets closed which is connected as the input to digital input card of the RSUL system. ¾ Condition 27: Rotatable plugs normal This condition is treated as fulfilled when the following sub conditions are satisfied. • LRP and SRP is brought to position corresponding to normal operation of the reactor • LRP and SRP are locked in 0° position • The temporary cooling circuit for LRP and SRP cooling is removed and the plug pipes of top shield cooling system are reconnected • All disconnect able connectors are reconnected Control logic of rotatable plugs checks these sub conditions and give a status input to process computer of DDCS. RSUL receive this status input from process computer. ¾ Condition 28: Transfer Arm in parking position This condition is treated as fulfilled when the following sub conditions are satisfied. • Guide tube at reactor operation position (hardwired dual input to RSUL) • Gripper hoist locked at reactor operation position • Top structure at 0° position • Gripper fingers closed RSUL receive these inputs from process computer 111 ¾ Condition 29: Inclined Fuel Transfer Machine (IFTM) normal This condition is treated as fulfilled when the following sub conditions are satisfied. • The transfer pot with dummy subassembly is raised to topmost position in rotatable shield plug • The rotatable shield leg is locked at parking position • Inflatable seal pressure is maintained at 45kPa • Hot argon flushing is switched off • The shield plug, the primary gate valve and the secondary gate valve are in closed condition (hardwired inputs to RSUL) RSUL receive these inputs from process computer. ¾ Condition 30: Steam water system available Steam water system shall be available before reactor startup. RSUL receive the availability of this system from process computer. ¾ Condition 31: Feed water chemistry acceptable This condition is treated as fulfilled when the following sub conditions are satisfied. • Package boiler is operating • Both condenser cooling water pumps are available • Condensate polishing unit available • Required feed water quality is reached • All boiler feed pumps are available • Deaerator water temperature is more than 423 K • Moisture separator tank in the main steam system available • Turbine bypass systems available RSUL receive these inputs from process computer. 112 ¾ Condition 32: Batteries of Pony motors of primary sodium pumps in poised state Both the battery banks for the pony motors of primary sodium pumps shall be in fully charged condition. RSUL receive these inputs from process computer. ¾ Condition 33: All the four emergency diesel generators are available All the four emergency diesel generators shall be in poised state. RSUL receive these inputs from process computer. ¾ Condition 34: RCB Air conditioning & Ventilation (AC & V) system in service This condition is treated as fulfilled when the following sub conditions are satisfied. • All 12 numbers of isolation dampers fully open • Any two out of the three recirculation AHU blowers are running, associated dampers are open and chilled water valves are fully open • One of the two exhaust blowers of the fresh air and exhaust air system is running and associated damper is fully open RCB AC & V system checks these sub conditions and gives a status input to process computer of DDCS. RSUL receive this status input from process computer. 113 ¾ Condition 35: Emergency bypass exhaust air system of RCB is in poised state The blowers BLRrb80-003A / BLRrb80-003B and associated dampers DMPrb80-007, DMPrb80-008, DMPrb80-009 shall be in poised state. Operator has to check these conditions and when the conditions are satisfied then, he has to turn on the key operated switch for administrative control. ¾ Condition 36: Radiation Monitoring System (RMS) of RCB isolation logic in service All the RCB isolation system radiation monitors shall be in good operation. RSUL receive these inputs from process computer. ¾ Condition 37: Distributed Digital Control System (DDCS) in healthy state This condition is treated as fulfilled when the following sub conditions are satisfied. • All the three redundant data highways in good operation • All the DDCS RTCs in good operation • All the display stations in good operation • Plant computers in good operation Process computer of DDCS checks these sub conditions and it gives a status input to RSUL. ¾ Condition 38: Post Accident Monitoring (PAM) system in service 114 PAM system shall be in good operation before reactor startup. PAM provides its healthiness to process computer. RSUL receive the healthiness of PAM from process computer. ¾ Condition 39: SSSB cooling and purification system in poised state SSSB system shall be in poised state before reactor startup. SSSB provides its healthiness to process computer. RSUL receive the healthiness of SSSB from process computer. NOTE: Status input from process computer is ‘1’ when the condition is satisfied and ‘0’ when the condition is not satisfied. The conditions are simulated from the Instructor’s desk as shown below. 115 If all the conditions are satisfied, then “RSU conditions satisfied” lamp glows in green. Corresponding messages are displayed as shown below. Instructor now introduces “Not satisfied” condition one by one. as shown below. 116 Corresponding error message is displayed and RSU Satisfied lamp glows red. 117 Green status of “ RSU Cond inhibited” indicates that no start-up condition is inhibited. Operator can inhibit `not satisfied condition` as shown below. Inhibited lamp glows red and RSU Satisfied lamp has turned green. 118 Corresponding message is also displayed. After satisfying all the conditions, startup authorisation is now given. 119 Now Startup authorisation lamp turns green and now operator can raise control rod for starting the reactor. This process is repeated for all the 39 conditions in order to provide comprehensive training to the operator. Final condition is shown below. 120 7.3 FLOW CHART FOR MODELING RSU LOGIC. Start Authorization flag = 1 Scan the SUR /ROP switch input No If input =1 yes Scan the inhibition inputs, simulator inputs, administrative key inputs Is condition 1 inhibited Is condition 1 satisfied No Yes Yes Display Condition 1 inhibited Is condition 39 inhibited Is condition 39 satisfied No Yes Yes Display Condition 39 inhibited Yes Is authorization flag = 1 Yes No No Authorization Authorization to start the reactor No Authorization flag = 0; Display Condition 1 not satisfied No Authorization flag = 0; Display Condition 39 not satisfied 121 CHAPTER 8 MODELING OF FLOW BLOCKAGE IN FUEL SUBASSEMBLIES 8.1 INTRODUCTION The detection of integrity of the subassembly plays a major role in 500 MWe Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor (PFBR), because of high power density. Core Temperature Monitoring (CTM) is provided for detection of core anomalies such as plugging of fuel sub-assemblies and error in core loading. Hence, continuous monitoring of the core cooling and initiation of safety actions in case of any abnormal temperature rise of the core are essential. These safety actions prevent the clad hot spot and fuel temperature from reaching the design limits. This system is also a diverse system for protecting the reactor against transient over power and transient under cooling events. It also facilitates design validations of reactor physics, thermal hydraulics and burn-up management. The basic function of the CTM system is to find the coolant temperature change and initiate safety actions for the following conditions. 1. Partial plugging in fuel subassemblies 2. Error in core loading 3. Orifice error and error in fuel enrichment 4. Uncontrolled withdrawal of control rods and safety rods 5. Primary pipe rupture This system is also facilitates the design validations of the reactor physics, thermal hydraulics and burn up management. Thermocouple 122 provided at the central subassembly is used to detect the pipe rupture connected to grid plate. To monitor against the above conditions, following parameters shall be monitored. i. Core inlet temperature (θRI) ii. Central subassembly outlet temperature (θCSA) iii. Subassembly outlet temperature (θi) 8.2 CORE INLET TEMPERATURE (ΘRI) MONITORING SYSTEM The Reactor Inlet temperature (θRI) monitoring system is provided to protect the reactor against the events such as consequences of one boiler feed pump trip, one secondary sodium pump trip etc. Hence, a Reactor Inlet Temperature Monitoring (RITM) system is provided. It shall be a diversified, independent, hardwired system, compared to the computer based Core Temperature Monitoring (CTM) system. Reactor inlet temperatures (θRI) are measured at the suctions of the two primary pumps. Four numbers of K-type thermocouples are provided for each pump. Out of these, three are used for continuous monitoring and the fourth one as a hot stand by. These four thermocouples are mounted in thermo-wells. Their response time is 6±2 s. 123 The proposed design scheme is shown below. DDCS ADC EPROM ALARM SETPOINT ALARM COMPARATOR DAC SIGNAL CONDITIONER TRIP SETPOINT TRIP COMPARATOR DDCS ALARM DDCS TRIP FIGURE 8.1 BLOCK DIAGRAM OF ΘRI MONITORING SYSTEM In the above design scheme, the temperature values of K-type thermocople for corresponding millivolt signals (digitized) are stored in an Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory (EPROM). The thermocouple is connected to a high resolution Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) through a signal conditioner. ADC output is used as address for the EPROM to get the measured temperature. EPROM output is converted to analog signal by a Digital to Analog Converter (DAC). This analog voltage is compared with the analog set values for alarm and trip. The digital counter is provided with buttons to enter the set value. Similar arrangement is provided for monitoring the outlet temperature of central subassembly. 8.3 SUBASSEMBLY OUTLET TEMPERATURE (ΘI) MONITORING SYSTEM Subassembly outlet temperature monitoring system is provided for detection of core anomalies such as plugging of fuel sub- 124 assemblies and error in core loading. Hence, continuous monitoring of the core cooling and initiation of safety actions in case of any abnormal temperature rise of the core are essential. These safety actions prevent the clad hot spot and fuel temperature from reaching the design limits. This system is also a diverse system for protecting the reactor against transient over power and transient under cooling events. For subassembly outlet temperature measurement, two thermocouples, each are provided in thermo well for 210 subassembly outlet temperature measurement. These thermocouples shall be processed by Real Time Computers (RTC). Real time computer (RTC) based signal processing system with triple modular redundancy (TMR) shall be employed to measure the sub-assembly outlet temperatures and reactor core inlet temperature signals. Each RTC of the CTM system shall independently scan 211 fuel sub-assembly outlet temperature signals and reactor core inlet temperature signals each second and shall calculate mean core outlet temperature, mean core temperature gradient, perform plugging detection and generate necessary indications, Alarm and SCRAM outputs. It has to calculate Mean core outlet temperature (θM), Mean temperature rise across the core (ΔθM), temperature rise across central subassembly (ΔθCSA) and plugging detection (check for deviation in individual sub-assembly outlet temperature against the expected value (δθI)). It checks against the Alarm thresholds of θM, ΔθM, ΔθCSA & δθI and SCRAM thresholds of ΔθM, ΔθCSA & δθI to generate Alarm & SCRAM signals respectively when the computed values crosses the thresholds. The architecture of the system is shown below. 125 TC : SCM : PCSL : CSRDM : Thermo couple Signal Conditioner Module Pulse Coded Safety Logic Control & Safety Rod Drive Mechanism FIGURE 8.2 ARCHITECTURE OF RTC BASED CTM SYSTEM The major function of the CTM system is to detect the plugging of fuel sub-assemblies, so that the clad hot-spot temperature is not attained, thus preventing clad rupture. The scan cycle for the system, i.e., the interval between consecutive scans of the input signals shall be 1 second. Thus in order to ensure safe operation of the reactor, in every scan cycle, the fuel subassembly outlet and reactor inlet temperatures shall be scanned by each of the RTC and Alarm & SCRAM outputs shall be generated by performing the calculations described in the following sections 126 REACTOR CORE INLET TEMPERATURE (ΘRI) Reactor core inlet temperatures are measured at the suction side of two primary pumps. Each RTC system is provided with a thermocouple signal from each pump. The following conditions shall be checked. • θRI1 > 371K (where θRI1 is the Reactor Core inlet Temperature of pump-1 and 371K is the melting point of sodium), and the sensor not open. • θRI2 > 371K (where θRI2 is the Reactor Core inlet Temperature of pump-2 and 371K is the melting point of sodium), and the sensor not open. The reactor core inlet temperature shall be derived as follows for further processing θRI = minimum (θRI1, θRI2) if both the signals satisfy above condition θRI = valid (θRI1, θRI2) if only one of the signals satisfy above condition ALARMS AND SCRAMS • If |θRI1 - θRI2| > 5K, group alarm shall be generated in CR. • If both the signals (θRI1 and θRI2) do not satisfy condition (1), ΔθM SCRAM alarm & ΔθCSA SCRAM alarm shall be generated and ΔθM SCRAM & ΔθCSA SCRAM shall also be generated. FUEL SUB-ASSEMBLY OUTLET TEMPERATURE (θi) For fuel subassembly outlet temperature (including central subassembly) measurement, two independent K-type thermocouples (A & B) are provided and these signals shall be processed by the three RTC systems. Since each subassembly outlet temperature (θI) is measured by two thermocouples (A & B), the following conditions shall be checked. 127 • θIA > (θRI + 5K) where I ranges from 0 to 210 and sensor not open • θIB > (θRI + 5K) where I ranges from 0 to 210 and sensor not open If above condition is satisfied, the temperature reading is considered as valid. If any sub-assembly outlet temperature (either θIA or θIB) does not satisfy above condition, it shall be treated as faulty and shall not be used for mean core outlet temperature calculation. Further for plugging detection calculation, this faulty thermocouple shall be treated as if it has crossed the SCRAM threshold. If the difference between the two temperature readings of the same subassembly is greater than 5K, the lower temperature reading shall be treated as if it has crossed SCRAM threshold for plugging detection calculation. Also, the lower temperature reading shall be declared invalid and shall not be included in the mean core outlet temperature (θM) calculation. ALARMS AND SCRAMS • Group alarm shall be generated in CR for the following conditions: ¾ Any temperature reading θIA or θIB is invalid for any I ¾ |θIA - θIB| > 5K for any I • If both the temperature readings of the same subassembly (θIA and θIB) do not satisfy condition (3), δθI SCRAM alarm shall be generated and δθI SCRAM shall be ordered. TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCE ACROSS CENTRAL SUBASSEMBLY (ΔθCSA) The temperature at the central subassembly outlet, θCSA, shall be first calculated as follows. • If |θ0A – θ0B| < 5K, then θCSA = average (θ0A,θ0B) • If |θ0A – θ0B| > 5K, then θCSA = greater (θ0A, θ0B) 128 • If one of θ0A and θ0B is invalid, then θCSA = valid (θ0A, θ0B) Then the temperature difference across central subassembly (ΔθCSA) shall be calculated as: • ΔθCSA = θCSA – θRI Where θRI = Reactor inlet temperature ALARMS AND SCRAMS • ΔθCSA alarm shall be generated when the ΔθCSA value crosses the alarm threshold. • ΔθCSA SCRAM alarm shall be generated and ΔθCSA SCRAM shall also be generated when the ΔθCSA crosses the SCRAM threshold. • If both θ0A and θ0B are invalid, ΔθCSA SCRAM alarm shall be generated and ΔθCSA SCRAM shall also be generated. 8.4.2 Mean Core Outlet Temperature (θM) Mean core outlet temperature (θM) shall be calculated as follows: θM = ((θ0A+ θ1A+…+θ(NA -1)) + (θ0B+ θ1B+…+θ(NB -1))) / (NA +NB) Where NA, NB are the number of valid fuel subassembly outlet temperature readings of A & B group thermocouples respectively. The value of θM shall be displayed on an indicator in CR and shall also be recorded by a recorder. ALARMS AND SCRAMS • θM Alarm shall be generated in CR when the value of θM exceeds the respective alarm threshold. 8.4.3 Mean Temperature Rise across the Core (ΔθM) Mean temperature rise across the core shall be calculated as follows: • ΔθM = θM - θRI where θM = Mean core outlet temperature and θRI = Reactor inlet temperature calculated . 129 ALARMS AND SCRAMS • Alarm shall be generated in Control Room when the value of ΔθM exceeds the respective alarm threshold. • ΔθM SCRAM Alarm shall be generated and ΔθM SCRAM shall also be generated when the value of ΔθM exceeds the respective SCRAM threshold. PLUGGING DETECTION (DEVIATION IN INDIVIDUAL SODIUM OUTLET TEMPERATURE OVER EXPECTED VALUE (δθI)) Plugging detection shall be carried out only when “Power > 5%” input is active If plugging detection is ON, the output contact “Plugging Detection ON” shall be made active. This contact shall be inactive if plugging detection is not being carried out. The deviation in individual sub assembly sodium outlet temperature over expected value (Plugging detection) shall be calculated using below equation . • δθIA = θIA – ((ai * ΔθM) + θRI) • δθIB = θIB – ((ai * ΔθM)+ θRI) where θIA is the temperature reading of ith sub assembly monitored by A group thermocouple, θIB is the temperature reading of Ith sub assembly monitored by B group thermocouple, and aI is the ratio of temperature rise of an individual subassembly to mean temperature rise across the core. The value of aI is unique for each sub assembly. Initially for the fresh core, the values supplied by the O&M personnel shall be used. aI values can be calculated and modified. 130 ALARMS AND SCRAMS • If δθIA or δθIB of the same sub assembly exceed the respective alarm threshold, δθI Alarm shall be generated in CR. • If δθIA and δθIB of the same sub assembly exceed the respective SCRAM threshold, δθI SCRAM alarm and δθI SCRAM shall be generated. For δθI signal, the Alarm threshold is |5| K, and the SCRAM threshold is +10 K. But provision for threshold modification shall be provided under administrative control. GROUP ALARMS FOR OTHER CONDITIONS • Group alarm shall be generated in CR if there is any fault detected in any of the cards in the system 8.4.5 Calculation and Modification of ai values Each RTC shall provide facility to calculate ai values on demand by operator. aI values shall be calculated as per below equation . • ai = (θI - θRI) / ΔθM These values shall be checked following each fuel handling campaign and before reactor startup. θI used in the equation is calculated as below. • If the difference between θIA and θIB is less than 5K, then θI = average (θIA, θIB) • If the difference between θIA and θIB is greater than 5K, then θI = greater (θIA, θIB) • If one of θIA and θIB is invalid, then θI = valid (θIA, θIB) 131 If both θIA and θIB are invalid for any subassembly, aI need not be calculated for that subassembly, and suitable message shall be displayed to operator. There shall be provision to update aI values for any sub assembly or group of sub assemblies under administrative control with the system in configuration mode and with password authentication. The changing of aI values shall be inhibited when the difference between the central sub assembly temperature and reactor core inlet temperature values exceed a particular value, which shall be configurable. The power density of Fast Breeder Reactor is very high (500KW/l), which is ten times more than Pressurized Heavy Water Reactor. Hence for effective heat removal, liquid sodium is used as coolant. The temperature at the outlet of fuel subassembly is monitored by triplicated embedded systems. To have uniform temperature distribution at the outlet of fuel sub-assemblies, flow zoning is deployed. Flow through the central sub-assemblies is higher than outer subassemblies. From point kinetic neutronic calculation, overall power of the reactor is calculated. Temperature distribution is calculated by flow and power fraction in each subassembly as per the following table. 132 TABLE 8.1 SA WISE FLOW & POWER FACTIONS Sl.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Ring No. 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 SA No. 0,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,5 1,6 2,1 2,2 2,3 2,4 2,5 2,6 2,7 2,8 2,9 2,10 2,11 2,12 3,2 3,3 3,5 3,6 3,8 3,9 3,11 3,12 3,14 3,15 3,17 3,18 4,1 4,2 4,3 4,4 4,5 4,6 4,7 4,8 Flow kg/s 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 31.40 31.40 31.40 31.40 31.40 31.40 31.40 31.40 FF 0.0067 0.0067 0.0067 0.0067 0.0067 0.0067 0.0067 0.0067 0.0067 0.0067 0.0067 0.0067 0.0067 0.0067 0.0067 0.0067 0.0067 0.0067 0.0067 0.0067 0.0067 0.0067 0.0067 0.0067 0.0067 0.0067 0.0067 0.0067 0.0067 0.0067 0.0067 0.0058 0.0058 0.0058 0.0058 0.0058 0.0058 0.0058 0.0058 Power MW 7.76 7.61 7.94 7.37 7.64 7.94 7.40 6.94 7.14 7.10 7.15 7.20 7.70 7.12 7.16 6.96 7.41 7.14 7.69 7.23 7.11 7.12 7.26 6.73 7.12 7.41 7.24 6.96 7.44 7.13 6.72 6.61 6.54 6.96 6.76 6.42 6.55 6.99 6.59 PF 0.0071 0.007 0.0073 0.0068 0.007 0.0073 0.0068 0.0064 0.0066 0.0065 0.0066 0.0066 0.0071 0.0065 0.0066 0.0064 0.0068 0.0066 0.0071 0.0066 0.0065 0.0065 0.0067 0.0062 0.0065 0.0068 0.0066 0.0064 0.0068 0.0065 0.0062 0.0061 0.006 0.0064 0.0062 0.0059 0.006 0.0064 0.006 Ai 1.0628 1.0422 1.0874 1.0093 1.0463 1.0874 1.0135 0.9505 0.9778 0.9724 0.9792 0.9861 1.0545 0.9751 0.9806 0.9532 1.0148 0.9778 1.0532 0.9902 0.9737 0.9751 0.9943 0.9217 0.9751 1.0148 0.9915 0.9532 1.0189 0.9765 0.9203 1.0379 1.0269 1.0928 1.0614 1.008 1.0285 1.0975 1.0347 133 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4,9 4,10 4,11 4,12 4,13 4,14 4,15 4,16 4,17 4,18 4,19 4,20 4,21 4,22 4,23 4,24 5,1 5,2 5,3 5,4 5,5 5,6 5,7 5,8 5,9 5,10 5,11 5,12 5,13 5,14 5,15 5,16 5,17 5,18 5,19 5,20 5,21 5,22 5,23 5,24 5,25 5,26 31.40 31.40 31.40 31.40 31.40 31.40 31.40 31.40 31.40 31.40 31.40 31.40 31.40 31.40 31.40 31.40 28.80 28.80 28.80 28.80 28.80 28.80 28.80 28.80 28.80 28.80 28.80 28.80 28.80 28.80 28.80 28.80 28.80 28.80 28.80 28.80 28.80 28.80 28.80 28.80 28.80 28.80 0.0058 0.0058 0.0058 0.0058 0.0058 0.0058 0.0058 0.0058 0.0058 0.0058 0.0058 0.0058 0.0058 0.0058 0.0058 0.0058 0.0054 0.0054 0.0054 0.0054 0.0054 0.0054 0.0054 0.0054 0.0054 0.0054 0.0054 0.0054 0.0054 0.0054 0.0054 0.0054 0.0054 0.0054 0.0054 0.0054 0.0054 0.0054 0.0054 0.0054 0.0054 0.0054 6.62 6.53 6.94 6.54 6.88 6.76 6.47 6.76 6.31 6.31 6.97 6.59 6.93 7.06 6.49 6.54 5.84 5.88 6.11 6.00 6.48 6.00 6.45 6.21 6.41 5.95 5.84 5.88 5.92 6.40 6.21 5.93 6.18 6.37 6.09 5.85 5.74 6.23 6.10 6.43 6.26 5.99 0.0061 0.006 0.0064 0.006 0.0063 0.0062 0.0059 0.0062 0.0058 0.0058 0.0064 0.006 0.0064 0.0065 0.006 0.006 0.0054 0.0054 0.0056 0.0055 0.0059 0.0055 0.0059 0.0057 0.0059 0.0055 0.0054 0.0054 0.0054 0.0059 0.0057 0.0054 0.0057 0.0058 0.0056 0.0054 0.0053 0.0057 0.0056 0.0059 0.0057 0.0055 1.0395 1.0253 1.0897 1.0269 1.0803 1.0614 1.0159 1.0614 0.9908 0.9908 1.0944 1.0347 1.0881 1.1085 1.019 1.0269 0.9998 1.0066 1.046 1.0272 1.1093 1.0272 1.1042 1.0631 1.0973 1.0186 0.9998 1.0066 1.0135 1.0956 1.0631 1.0152 1.058 1.0905 1.0426 1.0015 0.9826 1.0665 1.0443 1.1008 1.0717 1.0254 134 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 5,27 5,28 5,29 5,30 6,1 6,2 6,3 6,5 6,6 6,7 6,8 6,9 6,11 6,12 6,13 6,14 6,15 6,17 6,18 6,19 6,20 6,21 6,23 6,24 6,25 6,26 6,27 6,29 6,30 6,31 6,32 6,33 6,35 6,36 7,1 7,2 7,3 7,4 7,5 7,6 7,7 7,8 28.80 28.80 28.80 28.80 28.80 34.10 34.10 34.10 34.10 28.80 34.10 34.10 34.10 34.10 28.80 34.10 34.10 34.10 34.10 28.80 34.10 34.10 34.10 34.10 28.80 34.10 34.10 34.10 34.10 28.80 34.10 34.10 34.10 34.10 25.30 25.30 28.80 28.80 28.80 28.80 25.30 25.30 0.0054 0.0054 0.0054 0.0054 0.0054 0.0063 0.0063 0.0063 0.0063 0.0054 0.0063 0.0063 0.0063 0.0063 0.0054 0.0063 0.0063 0.0063 0.0063 0.0054 0.0063 0.0063 0.0063 0.0063 0.0054 0.0063 0.0063 0.0063 0.0063 0.0054 0.0063 0.0063 0.0063 0.0063 0.0047 0.0047 0.0054 0.0054 0.0054 0.0054 0.0047 0.0047 6.05 6.22 6.39 5.94 5.68 6.48 7.12 7.34 6.76 6.48 6.64 7.26 7.28 6.62 5.67 6.48 7.13 7.28 6.63 5.69 6.55 7.19 7.13 6.45 5.50 6.36 7.06 7.31 7.15 5.74 6.63 7.30 7.32 6.64 4.21 5.17 5.14 5.65 5.50 6.06 5.23 4.09 0.0056 0.0057 0.0059 0.0055 0.0052 0.0059 0.0065 0.0067 0.0062 0.0059 0.0061 0.0067 0.0067 0.0061 0.0052 0.0059 0.0065 0.0067 0.0061 0.0052 0.006 0.0066 0.0065 0.0059 0.005 0.0058 0.0065 0.0067 0.0066 0.0053 0.0061 0.0067 0.0067 0.0061 0.0039 0.0047 0.0047 0.0052 0.005 0.0056 0.0048 0.0038 1.0357 1.0648 1.0939 1.0169 0.9724 0.9369 1.0294 1.0612 0.9774 1.1093 0.96 1.0497 1.0526 0.9571 0.9707 0.9369 1.0309 1.0526 0.9586 0.9741 0.947 1.0396 1.0309 0.9326 0.9416 0.9196 1.0208 1.0569 1.0338 0.9826 0.9586 1.0555 1.0584 0.96 0.8204 1.0075 0.8799 0.9672 0.9416 1.0374 1.0192 0.797 135 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 7,9 7,10 7,11 7,12 7,13 7,14 7,15 7,16 7,17 7,18 7,19 7,20 7,21 7,22 7,23 7,24 7,25 7,26 7,27 7,28 7,29 7,30 7,31 7,32 7,33 7,34 7,35 7,36 7,37 7,38 7,39 7,40 7,41 7,42 8,4 8,5 8,6 8,7 8,12 8,13 8,14 8,15 25.30 28.80 28.80 28.80 28.80 25.30 25.30 25.30 28.80 28.80 28.80 28.80 25.30 25.30 25.30 28.80 28.80 28.80 28.80 25.30 25.30 25.30 28.80 28.80 28.80 28.80 25.30 25.30 25.30 28.80 28.80 28.80 28.80 25.30 20.80 20.80 20.80 20.80 20.80 20.80 20.80 20.80 0.0047 0.0054 0.0054 0.0054 0.0054 0.0047 0.0047 0.0047 0.0054 0.0054 0.0054 0.0054 0.0047 0.0047 0.0047 0.0054 0.0054 0.0054 0.0054 0.0047 0.0047 0.0047 0.0054 0.0054 0.0054 0.0054 0.0047 0.0047 0.0047 0.0054 0.0054 0.0054 0.0054 0.0047 0.0039 0.0039 0.0039 0.0039 0.0039 0.0039 0.0039 0.0039 4.78 5.49 5.43 5.81 5.41 5.40 4.03 5.17 5.16 6.00 5.76 5.36 4.88 4.37 5.20 5.18 5.97 5.40 5.52 4.75 4.03 4.55 5.04 5.59 5.44 5.66 4.92 4.19 4.77 5.86 5.82 6.21 5.45 5.43 4.04 4.14 4.52 3.86 3.94 4.55 4.54 4.14 0.0044 0.005 0.005 0.0053 0.005 0.005 0.0037 0.0047 0.0047 0.0055 0.0053 0.0049 0.0045 0.004 0.0048 0.0048 0.0055 0.005 0.0051 0.0044 0.0037 0.0042 0.0046 0.0051 0.005 0.0052 0.0045 0.0038 0.0044 0.0054 0.0053 0.0057 0.005 0.005 0.0037 0.0038 0.0041 0.0035 0.0036 0.0042 0.0042 0.0038 0.9315 0.9398 0.9296 0.9946 0.9261 1.0523 0.7853 1.0075 0.8833 1.0272 0.9861 0.9176 0.951 0.8516 1.0133 0.8868 1.022 0.9244 0.945 0.9257 0.7853 0.8867 0.8628 0.957 0.9313 0.9689 0.9588 0.8165 0.9296 1.0032 0.9963 1.0631 0.933 1.0582 0.9576 0.9813 1.0714 0.915 0.9339 1.0785 1.0761 0.9813 136 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8,20 8,21 8,22 8,23 8,28 8,29 8,30 8,31 8,36 8,37 8,38 8,39 8,44 8,45 8,46 8,47 20.80 20.80 20.80 20.80 20.80 20.80 20.80 20.80 20.80 20.80 20.80 20.80 20.80 20.80 20.80 20.80 5370.60 0.0039 0.0039 0.0039 0.0039 0.0039 0.0039 0.0039 0.0039 0.0039 0.0039 0.0039 0.0039 0.0039 0.0039 0.0039 0.0039 1 4.07 4.31 4.11 4.07 4.05 4.09 4.21 3.98 3.82 4.42 4.10 3.92 4.17 4.63 4.21 4.15 1089.30 0.0037 0.004 0.0038 0.0037 0.0037 0.0038 0.0039 0.0037 0.0035 0.0041 0.0038 0.0036 0.0038 0.0043 0.0039 0.0038 1 FF- flow fraction = Fi/ ∑ (Fi) for i = 1 to 181 PF – Power fraction = Pi / ∑ (Pi) for i = 1 to 181 Ai = PF/FF Typical temperature distribution is modeled and shown below. 0.9647 1.0216 0.9742 0.9647 0.96 0.9695 0.9979 0.9434 0.9055 1.0477 0.9718 0.9292 0.9884 1.0975 0.9979 0.9837 180.66 137 138 8.3 FLOW CHART FOR MODELING OF CORE TEMPERATURE SUPERVISION START Read the position of control rod from the console, flow of sodium in the reactor (F) & Reactor Inlet temp Tinlet Calculate the reactivity added Solve point kinetic equation and calculate reactor Power (P) Calculate temperature rise in each fuel sub-assembly ΔTi = ((Power fraction) * P) / ((Flow fraction) * F) Calculate individual outlet temp Toi Toi = ΔTi + Tinlet Calculate average outlet temperature ToA = ΣToi / N Where N = Number of Thermocouples Calculate average temperature rise ΔTA = ToA - Tinlet 139 Calculate expected temperature rise in each sub-assembly ΔTEi = ΔTA - Ai constant Calculate error behavior expected temperature rise and actual temperature for each sub-assembly ΔTAi = ΔToi - Tinlet Calculate error (e) behavior expected temperature rise and actual temperature rise Yes Error > 5 energies alarm in control room No No Error > 10 Yes energies Trip order to plant Go Back to START 140 The instructor will introduce the flow reduction in selected subassemblies. The temperature at the outlet of affected subassembly will be calculated from the modified flow through the subassembly. The actual temperature raise will exceed the normally expected temperature raise in the affected subassembly. The reactor will be tripped by core temperature monitoring system. If any two of the triplicated embedded systems also becomes faulty, reactor will be tripped. Relevant alarms are energized and messages are displayed for training the operator. Typical instructor panel for introducing fault in core temperature distribution is shown below. 141 Next Instructor selects the desired ring as his menu: Next Instructor selects the desired subassembly for introducing fault: 142 Next the Instructor introduces the fault (flow reduction). Next Instructor enables the fault. 143 Now at the selected subassembly, even for 10% flow blockage, the temperature raised beyond both alarm and scram limit. The following messages are displayed. Thus various degrees of flow reduction are modeled at each and every subassembly and operator is provided with comprehensive training. 141 CHAPTER 9 CONCLUSION AND DIRECTIONS The reactors in the world are protected by automatic shutdown systems which become effective upon irregularities in plant operating conditions. In addition to the provision of fully automated protection, it is considered necessary to train operators to recognise potential plant problems. This is because 70 percent of nuclear incidents till date have resulted from human error. It is thus essential and imperative that operators' training is the key to the success of reliable and safe operation of a nuclear power plant. This can best be achieved through detailed training to operators using Full Scope Training Simulators. All major faults such as tripping of coolant pumps, off site power failure, station blackout etc are modelled in the computer and also provisions are made for logging the response of operator for appraisal. India has embarked on a three stage nuclear power program. Pressurized Heavy Water Reactors form the first stage which is mature and self reliant. The second stage of the nuclear program consists of the fast breeder reactors. The successful operation of the Fast Breeder Test Reactor for the last 23 years has paved the way for construction of a 500 MWe Prototype Fast Breeder reactor (PFBR) at Kalpakkam. The success of FBTR can be attributed to the robust design and manufacturing practices, excellence in quality and overall, efficient personnel qualification through systematic training and reliable predictive condition management practices. Great emphasis has been placed on operator training and licensing of plant operators. This successful training has been possible because of the availability of full 142 scope training simulator. This thesis dwells on the experiences and knowledge gained in the operation of the Fast Breeder Test Reactor and how this has been fruitfully integrated in the development of such a simulator for PFBR. It should be highlighted here that while the training simulators used by the Nuclear Power Corporation Ltd primarily simulate the failure of mechanical and electrical equipments, the full scope simulator of PFBR incorporates detailed modeling of instrumentation and control also. This thesis is an encapsulated knowledge bank of the design and developmental aspects that have been undertaken in the integration of such a simulator and this has been outlined in 7 chapters. As mentioned earlier, a unique feature of this simulator is the incorporation of instrumentation and control system. Normal as well as abnormal behaviour of entire Instrumentation and Control system has been modelled. An additional and innovative feature in this simulator is the addition of knowledge management capsule. Minor and major incidences that have occurred in the 23 year operation of the fast breeder test reactor have been added with a detailed cause analysis. An example of this is the incidence of inadvertent withdrawal of control rod that had taken place in Fast Breeder Test Reactor. This incident has been modelled in detail at all the power ranges of the reactor. The output from pulse channels, Campbell channels and excore pulse channels are also modelled and the safety actions and warning messages are explained in detail. 143 While 80 distributed embedded systems will supervise and control the Nuclear reactor, information overloading needs to be avoided. This thesis also provides a clear methodology for displaying the information to the plant operator in an unambiguous manner. Thus overall, a comprehensive and complete training can be provided to plant operator by this full scope simulator, thereby making it possible to avoid/mimimise human errors while operating the Nuclear Reactor. It should be highlighted here that at present only American National standard (ANSI/ANS-3.5-1998) is available as guideline for designing Full scope Training simulator. This is specific to the United States and takes into account largely the BWR and PWR cultures. Each country thus needs a simulator generic to its nuclear program. This thesis would be forming the basis of the Indian National Standard for Design of Full Scope Training Simulator for Nuclear Power Plant. DIRECTIONS With nuclear energy becoming an inevitable option for the energy security of the world, the use of full scope simulators in the training of operators has become an essential element to reduce operator error. The value of the training received and its effectiveness critically dependent on the ability of the simulator to closely represent the actual conditions and environment that would be experienced in a real accident. Thus simulators need to be upgraded periodically based on 144 the feedback and experiences and also developments in the field of electronics, instrumentation and automation. Some of the possible areas of future research thus include Ö Training Simulator can be used to develop optimum information management system in the control room. The information overloading can be taken as research problem. The messages can be segregated system wise and also within each system priority wise. While messages need to be displayed as per the time of generation, the weightage to be given for importance of message (priority) need to be researched. Different schemes need to be developed and optimum scheme need to be developed in consultation with control room operator. Ö With the advancement of Information Technology, 3-D animated graphic user interface system can be introduced for providing clarity of information. Alarm messages can be strengthened with multimedia `help` feature. Ö Modeling tools for Instrumentation and Control system need to be developed in open hardware platform. Net Outcome of Research By detailed modeling the Instrumentation and Control system, the plant operator will be provided comprehensive training in Simulator. This will increase the confidence level of the operator, thus enhancing the safety of Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor. 145 REFERENCES 1) Dr Baldev Raj, Reactor Physics and safety aspects of Fast Neutron Reactors with Associated closed Fuel Cycle ( 2) R. Webster, Free-convection cooling of blocked fuel subassemblies In pool-type metal fast reactor, Nucl.Energy, (Vol.20, No. 6, pp 481-493) 3) Proceedings of IAEA Technical meeting on “Lessons Learned from Operational Experience with Fast reactor Equipments and Systems” held at Russia (24-28,Jan2005). 4) S.C.Chetal,P.Chellapandi and Baldev Raj,`Lessons learned from sodium cooled fast reactor operation and their ramifications for future reactors with respect to enhanced safety and reliability` Nuclear Technology, (volume 164,November 2) 5) International Atomic Energy Agency technical document-995 on Selection, Specification, Design and use of Various Nuclear Power Plant training simulators` issued on (Jan, 1998). 6) P. Swaminathan and P. Srinivasan, `Computer Based Core Monitoring System` OECD Specialists` Meeting on In-core Instrumentation and reactor Core Assessment, Japan (Oct, 1417,1996) 7) K. Vinolia, P. Swaminathan, `Simulation and modeling of Core temperature Distribution of FBTR during LOR ,`Proceedings of National Symposium on Advances in Computer Applications and Instrumentation` held at IGCAR (Jan 4-6, 1995) 8) P. Swaminathan, `Design of Full Scope Replica Type training Simulator for PFBR` Invited talk. Proceedings of National Symposium on Advances in Control & Instrumentation held at BARC (Feb 21-23, 2005) 9) Uma Seshadri, P. Swaminathan….`Instrumentation for Supervision of Core cooling in FBTR and PFBR` Proceedings of 146 IAEA Specialists` Meeting on Instrumentation for FBR` held at IGCAR (Dec 12-15, 1989) 10) P. Swaminathan `Role of Embedded Systems in Nuclear Reactor`Key note address in Seminar on embedded systems held at Chennai (July21,2001), Instrument Society of India. 13) P. Swaminathan ,` Computer based on-line monitoring system for Fast Breeder Test Reactor, India`, IAEA Technical meeting in `Increasing Instrument calibration through on-line monitoring Technologies` (Sep 27-29, 2004) at Halden, Norway. 14) IEC 880, 1986,` Software for computers in the safety Systems of Nuclear Power Stations`. 15) Atomic Energy Regulatory Board Safety Guide on Safety critical systems (AERB/SG/D-10) 16) `Hardware for computers in the safety systems of Nuclear and Radiation facilities`, (IS 15399:2003) 17) `Software for computers in the safety systems of Nuclear and Radiation facilities`, (IS 15398:2003) 18) `Application of computers to Nuclear Reactor Instrumentation and Control`, (IS 12772:2003) 19) ANSI/ANS-3.5-1996 American National Standard for Nuclear Power Plant Simulators for use in Operator training and Examination issued by American Nuclear Society. 147 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS 1. P.Swaminathan,”Design aspects of safety critical instrumentation of Nuclear installations’, International journal of Nuclear energy Science and Technology (Vol.1,nos.2/3, pp254263) 2. T.Sridevi, P.Swaminathan, `Static analyzer for computer based safety systems`, Journal of the Instrument Society of India` (37(1) pp40-48) 3. R Anusooya, P.Swaminathan, `Information Security Auditing`, Journal of Computer Society of India (August 2007 pp29-33) 4. P.Swaminathan, `Modeling the Instrumentation and control systems of Fast Breeder Nuclear Reactor`, International journal on Intelligent Electronic Systems (November 2007, vol.1, pp 1-9) 5. D.Thirugnanamurthy, P.Swaminathan, `Verification and Validation for safety Critical Real Time Computers`, International Journal on Intelligent Instrumentation (November 2007,Volume 1,pp 15-22) 6. M.K.Patankar, P.Swaminathan, `Intelligent Control System for Plugging Indicator`, International Journal on Intelligent Instrumentation (November 2007, Volume 1, pp79-85) 7. T.Jayanthi, P.Swaminathan, `Process Simulation of Nuclear Power Plant Using Latest Techniques`, International Journal on Intelligent Instrumentation (November 2007, Volume 1, pp85-90) 8. N.Satheesh, P.Swaminathan, `Diagnostic Logic for Pulse Coded safety Logic System`, Proceedings of international Conference on trends in Intelligent Systems, Sathyabama University (November 2007, pp359-362) 9. R.Behera, P.Swaminathan, `Role of Switch Over Logic System in Fault Tolerant Real –Time System Architecture`, Proceedings of international Conference on trends in Intelligent Systems, Sathyabama University (November 2007, pp388-391) 10. S.Rajeswari, P.Swaminathan, `Simulation of decay heat removal systems In a Nuclear power plant`, Proceedings of international 148 Conference on trends in Intelligent Systems, Sathyabama University (November 2007, pp357-571) 11. K.K.Kuriakose, P.Swaminathan, `Modeling and Simulation of Electrical Systems of Nuclear power Plant Training simulator`, Proceedings of international Conference on trends in Intelligent Systems, Sathyabama University (November 2007, pp578-585) 12. M.Manimaran, P.Swaminathan, `Impact of software development Process on Software quality of Safety Systems`, Proceedings of international Conference on trends in Intelligent Systems, Sathyabama University (November 2007, pp586-591) 13. P. Swaminathan, Invited talk on “Development of Sensor network in Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor” at International conference at Melbourne University on “Broad band Communication and Information technology” during 10-13 July 2006, Organised by ATSE & INAE. 14. Bindu Shankar, P.Swaminathan, `Formal representation of Knowledge using Z in Fast Breeder Test Reactor`, International journal on Nuclear Knowledge Management. (paper accepted) 149 CURRICULAM VITAE Shri P.Swaminathan received Honours degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering in 1971 from Regional Engineering College, Trichirapalli. He is gold medalist of Madras University. Shri Swaminathan underwent one year intensive course in Nuclear Science and Engineering from Baba Atomic Research Center, Mumbai. He also underwent one year training course in mainframe computer system from International Honeywell-Bull Training Institute, Paris. Shri Swaminathan holds Master’s degree in Management science and is a Fellow of Institution of Engineers. As outstanding Scientist and Director of Electronics and Instrumentation group at Indira Gandhi Center for Atomic Research, Shri Swaminathan developed fault tolerant safety critical real time computer systems, diverse safety logic systems and Distributed Digital Control System for supervising and controlling Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor (PFBR). A full scope Training Simulator is also developed for imparting comprehensive training to the operators of PFBR. As Chairman of Sectional Committee, Bureau of Indian standards, Shri Swaminathan has released Indian Standards for usage of computers in nuclear facilities. He has over fifty publications in international journals and conferences. Shri Swaminathan enjoys interacting with students and is also functioning as Distinguished Visiting Professor of Indian National Academy of Engineering. Shri Swaminathan recently received distinguished alumni award for Excellence in Research from Regional engineering college (NITT), Trichirapalli.