LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA REPRESENTED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENCE (DEFENCE) AND UNIVERSITY OF ADELAIDE REGARDING THE AUSTRALIAN DEFENCE FORCE TIIGHER EDUCATION ADVANCED STANDING SCIIEME Introduction 1. Education and training are central to the provision of the educated, multi-skilled, adaptable and flexible workforce required by the Defence Organisation. As Defence seeks to both enhance the outcomes from, and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of, its extensive training and education infrastructure, it needs to take cognisance and make use of developments in education and training within Australia. In higher education many universities have been prepared to provide defined advanced standing in agreed programs against defined enterprise provided education, training and work experience. 2. In late August 2004, the Defence Education and Training Committee agreed to seek partnerships with interested universities to identify and provide pre-determined levels of advanced standing that would count towards defined higher education qualifications based on the skills, knowledge and experience gained through Defence. 3. The Defence Education and Training and The University of Adelaide have agreed to conduct themselves with honesty of purpose, without intention to mislead or deceive and with sincerity ("Good Faith"). Purpose of the Australian Defence Force Higher Education Advanced Standing Scheme 4. Advanced standing identified, negotiated and implemented through the Australian Defence Force Higher Education Advanced Standing (ADFHEAS) Scheme will: a. facilitate access to a range of development pathways for Defence Force members; and b. complement Defence Force retention and transition initiatives. Duration, Review of and Amendment of the Scheme 5. This Letter of Understanding covers a period of five years, from June 20II Io June 2016. Either Party may, through its Liaison Officer, initiate a review of, or seek amendment to, this Letter of Understanding at any time in furtherance of the continuous improvement of the scheme and its implementation. Any agreed amendment to this Letter of Understanding must be in writing signed by both parties. 6. It is agreed, University of Adelaide will identiÛ' the programs will offer. standing it and define the levels of advanced 1. It is agreed, University of Adelaide may add to or subtract from the program of courses it offers within the scheme and or vary the levels of advanced standing it offers. The University agrees to inform in writing the Defence Liaison Officer of any changes within ten working days of the decision being taken to add or subtract a program or vary any levels ofadvanced standing. 8. The parties have agreed to act in Good Faith and Defence will not use the levels of advanced standing offered by University of Adelaide as a bargaining tool with other higher education providers. Eligibilify for Advanced Standing 9. It is agreed, eligibility for the scheme is determined by possession of either a: a. Defence Graduate Certificate or Graduate Diploma (issued up to and including 2005); or b. Defence issued Certificate of Eligibility. 10. It is agreed, Defence will establish processes whereby Defence Force members without a Defence issued Graduate Certificate or. Graduate Diploma may claim, have verified and gain a Certificate of Eligibility that details their education, training and experience relevant to specific programs as identified by University of Adelaide. It is agreed, these Certificates will only be signed by the person occupying the position of Director General, Defence Education, Training and Development, or their nominated representative. Defence agrees to provide to the University the name of the Director General and any nominated representative appointed. 1. It is agreed, University of Adelaide will accept the Defence issued Graduate Certificate or Graduate Diploma or the Defence provided Certificate of Eligibility as proof that the Defence Force member has completed the education, training and experience they detail. 1 Publicity 12. It is agreed, Defence will establish and maintain an ADFHEAS website on the Defence Restricted Network that will: define the scheme; b. identiff University of Adelaide as a participant in the scheme, and provide a link to the University of Adelaide Website, which Defence has the express permission of Adelaide University to host such link on that website; provide detail on the eligibility for advanced standing for Defence Force personnel, and how this may be claimed through Defence; and d. provide detail on access to the Defence assisted study and career transition schemes. 13. It is agreed, University of Adelaide will maintain and provide a website. It is agreed, the content of this link is a university responsibility. t4. link from the ADFHEAS It is agreed, Defence will also regularly publicise the scheme through Defence: 15. a. b. Education and Training Websites; c. Career Transition Seminars; and d. DEFGRAM system. Service Newspapers; It is agreed, University of Adelaide may publicise the scheme through its: a. Websites; and b. Newspapers, Newsletters and Journals. Funding 16. Other than access to assistance through its extant assisted study and career transition schemes, Defence will not provide funding to its members for participation in the ADFHEAS Scheme. Liaison Between the Parties During the Scheme 17. The Defence member occupying the position of Executive Manager Education Assistance Schemes within the Directorate of Defence Learning and Development Solutions, Defence Education and Training Development Branch, is the Defence Liaison Officer for this scheme and contact details are: Office of Defence Education Training & Development BP35-3-053 Brindabella Business Park CANBERRA ACT 2600 Telephone: 02 6127 2559 18. The person occupying the position of Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) is University of Adelaide's Liaison Officer for this scheme and contact details are: The University of Adelaide SA 5005 Australia Telephone: +61 8 8303 5901 Facsimile: +61 8 8303 4873 dep,úyv c@adel ai de. edu. au PROFE ORPASCALEQUESTER Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic) Director General University of Adelaide Defence Education, Training and Development \|June 2o1t â, June 2071