S OUTH A FRICA – MAY 2 009 President Jacob Zuma with President of ADF, Mr. Agrippa Ezozo President Jacob Zuma with President of ADF, Mr. Agrippa Ezozo & Attendess Page 2 of 21 ADF DELEGATION FROM USA: 1. 2. 3. 4. Mr. Agrippa (EZ) Ezozo Mr. Itibari Zulu Dr. Francis Ero Dr. Buashie Amatokwu 5. 6. 7. 8. Dr. Mary Shuttleworh Mr. John “JT” Ms. Krista Templeton Ms. Dawn Robinson Friday, May 8, 2009 SUBJECT: VENUE: TIME: MEETING ADF AND THE AISA CEO’s OFFICE 11:00 AM VENUE INFORMATION Africa Institute of South Africa 1 Embassy House Cnr. Bailey Lane and Edmond Street Arcadia Tshwane 0001 PO Box 630 Tshwane 0001 PARTICIPANTS (ADF) • • • • • • • • Mr. Aggripa Ezozo Mr. Itibari Zulu Dr. Buashie Amatokwu Dr. Mary Shuttleworth Ms. Krista Templeton Ms. Dawn Robinson Mr. John ‘JT’ Dr Francis Ero ADF (SOUTH AFRICA) • Mr. Solly Matlou AISA • • • • • Dr. Matlotleng Matlou Dr. Sehlare Makgetlaneng Mr. Mduduzi Khumalo Mr. Check Achu Ms Salamina Molamu Page 3 of 21 Attendees at the Meeting of ADF and AISA BACKGROUND Meeting convened within the context of the draft MoU between the Africa Institute of South Africa, AISA, and the African Diaspora Foundation, ADF, signed in 2004. OBJECTIVE To design a way forward for the institutionalization of the collaborative peace studies degree programme for the African continent. DISCUSSION The CEO of AISA, Dr Matlou welcomed all and introduced the AISA team. The president of the ADF, Mr. Aggripa Ezozo equally introduced members of his delegation and expatiated on the objectives of the foundation and the raison d’être of their presence at AISA. This included looking at ways in which AISA can partner with the ADF in developing a curriculum on Peace Studies design for the continent’s youth. He indicated that the ADF is inspired by the need for peace on the continent. He articulated the need for AISA to be the host institution on the continent for the launching of the peace studies project. The ADF intends to solicit the support of multinational corporations operating on the continent to fund the peace studies project. He reiterated the need for African countries to contribute at least 1% of their defence budget to peace training programmes. Though Johnny was of the opinion that 1% was too small, he reasoned that Fonebro, an internet phone programme he designed could be used for the realization of Page 4 of 21 the ADF Peace Studies programme on the continent. The programme allows students with PCs and internet connections into a virtual classroom. It enables students in remote areas on the continent to be part of a classroom lecture at the University of California, for example. The CEO lauded the initiative and briefed the members of the foundation on the history of the Institute. Created on 7 April 1960, the mandate of the institute changed in 1994 to accommodate the new political dispensation and it became a science council, under the Department of Science and Technology, in 2001. He indicated the diversity of the human capital of the institute and outlined the opportunities presented through the MoU which AISA signed with the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), indicating that such collaboration with UCLA should make use of the large Africana library at the institute and the publication division where the outputs of such collaboration could be disseminated. The CEO recognized the need for establishing partnerships with international actors and opined that such partnerships should look at how the AISA capacity building programme should be enhanced. Asked on the niche of the Sustainable Development Research Unit, the CEO started by giving an overview of the research division and opined that African Continental Integration was the driving theme of the research division in the coming three years. With regards to Sustainable Development, the CEO indicated that the overriding research niche of the unit would be the research and policy recommendations on the sustainable use of natural resources on the African continent. The CEO expatiated on the irony of Africa investing in its human capacity sector but ending up suffering from a huge brain drain. He averred that ways will need to be found to stem the flow of more than 20,000 highly skilled Africans to the developed world every year. On his part, Dr Sehlare Makgetlaneng was curious to know some of the issues pertaining to Peace Curricula on the continent. Responding to Dr Sehlare’s question, Dr Itibari Zulu indicated that the peace curricula is not a one size fit all curricula but opined that local realities should be the guiding principles driving the peace curricula. In South Africa, for example, community organizers could be taught social interaction skills and the virtues of ubuntu. Mr Agrippa went further to use the biblical metaphor with regards to the standardization of the peace curriculum. Insisting that, the peace curriculum should be conceived and perceived in all corners of the world as having just one objective, the minimization of violent conflict in the world. Mr Agrippa introduced Dr Mary Shuttleworth from Fielding University. Dr Shuttleworth elaborated on Fielding University’s partnership with ADF and indicated that the Fielding University’s approach in teaching is tailor made to suit the ADF Peace programme. Dr Shuttleworth indicated that applicants to the programme had to initially demonstrate what they are good at and the Fielding University would then create a framework through which such a dream could be realized. ADF students at Fielding, she contended, would take peace education and conflict resolution electives whilst based in their regions and countries of origin. The outcome of the interaction between Fielding University and the student Page 5 of 21 would be the development of a Peace curriculum which would be peculiar and adaptable to that particular region or country. This would enable the ADF to create a wide variety of curricula for different regions on the continent. Dr Shuttleworth assured members that the peace programme would be conducted through the internet and an energy sustainable tool bag, which would cost about $5000, would be provided to each participating student. She opined that Fielding University and AISA, through the AISA Campus lecture series, could pilot the Peace programme. Upon graduation, students would be required to teach what they have learnt from the programme for at least five years for an annual pay of $3000. Dr Shuttleworth and Mr Agrippa gave a summary of the ADF presentation given to World Bank in Washington, D.C. The general feeling at the meeting was that SA should be the headquarters for the peace programme on the continent. For the peace programme to work, members concurred that they should be a change of mindset and that parents should play a critical role in instilling that change in the minds of the children. This was particularly stressed because the youth were urged/should be given the rally baton to lead the battle for peace on the continent. Dr Shuttleworth and Mr Agrippa gave a summary of the ADF presentation given to the World Bank in Washington DC including Fielding Graduate University’s pilot doctorate level Peace Education program. Dr Shuttleworth explained the course set out by Fielding University which includes 8 Knowledge Areas (4 compulsory and 4 electives). The Peace Education initiative would replace one of the 4 electives as a compulsory Page 6 of 21 study in Peace Education. The World Bank presentation was referred to for details of the proposal. CONCLUSION: Participants at the meeting agreed that: • The ADF Peace Education model presented to the World Bank should be implemented as a pilot project. AISA and Fielding University were identified as partners in the operationalisation of the project • ADF and AISA should seek audience with the US Embassy in Pretoria to see how they might be willing to partner or help in raising fund for the pilot programme. • Multi-National oil companies such as Texaco, Exxon-Mobil and other oil companies and diamond mining companies operating on the continent should be approached to contribute to the peace education programme. Once we have the pilot results we can expand the support and implementation bases. • The ADF to initiate the link between the West and East of America with regards to their approach on Diaspora issues. • AISA urged to reactivate its MOU with the UCLA with regards to the enhancement of the capacity building programme at the AISA In his concluding remarks, the president of the ADF thanked the CEO of AISA for his support and hoped that something meaningful would come out of the meeting. Mr Agrippa insisted that the meeting be the beginning of the ADF struggle for a better future for Africa’s children. ADF members took turns in thanking the CEO of the AISA for providing the medium through which such a mammoth task could be achieved. The meeting rose with lunch offered by the CEO and a tour of the AISA library. Page 7 of 21 SUBJECT: VENUE: DATE: TIME: COCKTAIL RECEPTION AHI House 8 MAY 2009 (Cont.) 6:30 PM VENUE INFORMATION Africa Heritage - United States (AH-US) AHI House 325 Rivonia Boulevard PO Box 3343 Rivonia 2128 Gauteng South Africa +27 11 797 2000 ADF Cocktail receptio n hosted at the Michelangelo Hotel in the Nelson Mandela Center in Sandton, Johannesburg “MK” Malafene CEO, FESTAC (Festival of African Arts and Culture) Chairperson for Sandton Business Forum “MK” invited the ADF Team to the African Heritage Institute inauguration reception. Page 8 of 21 Meredith Hope, President AH-US Meridith met us at the reception desk and said that she was our host for the evening. She explained that she has used the YHRI materials to promote quality study seminars that she delivers. There were approximately 60 VIP guests. Mutumwa Mawere He opened the reception, encouraged the guests to donate to the Africa Heritage Institute and then introduced former President Kaunda, of Zambia. Former President Kaunda of Zambia gave a short speech President Kaunda made a short speech and then closed by singing “Under the Pagan Moon,” a favorite song (one he sang to his wife). He left directly after the presentation. Mutumwa Mawere He said he wants to arrange a big birthday celebration for Mandela in July and wanted to have collaboration to organize the event. Meredith said that she will arrange with Celebrity Center International to see how they can help collaborate on creating the event and bringing in the celebrities to the event. Nathan Mariemuthu Chairman, Africa Heritage Investments (Pty) Ltd Joyce Ntshalintsi ADF South Africa member Joel Phiri Zing Entertainment Page 9 of 21 Saturday, May 9, 2009 SUBJECT: DATE: TIME: Inauguration in Pretoria 9 MAY 2009 7:30 AM VENUE INFORMATION Pretoria Left Johannesburg for the inauguration in Pretoria. Agrippa “EZ” Ezozo and Jeanette Ndlovu (Consulate General of SA located in Los Angeles, USA) participated in the inauguration along with the country dignitaries (300 VVIP guests). TIME: 11:00 AM Inauguration of President Zuma. TIME: Evening Meeting was arranged by Joyce Ntshalintsi Mayor Thlana Sakhisizwe Municipality Gala (Eastern Cape Province) Councilor Metn Ortambo District Municipality in Umtata Special Programmes Unit (SPU) Mayor Thlana Mayor Thlana gave an overview of the demographics of her community. Crime is about 4% (low compared to the rest of the country) 95% of the Sakhisizwe Municipality community has electricity and water in their homes 5% are deeper in the rural areas without electricity and water Students in rural communities are still fetching wood and water but academically are tested with the same tests as those learners who live in Sandton, Johannesburg with access to all resources including libraries, computers, etc. Among other concerns, she wants to bridge that gap for the students. Dr. Ero asked several questions about the availability of resources eg. fish farming. He discussed the use of solar panels in the further rural areas. He Page 10 of 21 personally uses them in his home and recommended them as high input with very low maintenance. Dr. Ero shared opportunities for collaboration with ADF to work on some community development efforts; school, solar powered electricity, and food production. Councilor Metn said that solar panels are already in use to a smaller degree but could be expanded as a temporary solution to getting infrastructure to the rural areas. She explained that she is over the committee in charge of electricity. She runs the Special Programming Unit (SPU) for the municipality. This includes training for the disadvantaged or at risk groups. Itibari discussed access to libraries and proposed mobile libraries as an option to giving the people in the rural areas better access to libraries. Mary explained about the ADF initiative to teach Peace Education to educators who can then train the trainers on how to deliver Peace Education. She also explained about YHRI and the human rights education materials available right now on our website. Councilor Metn was very interested. She will review the materials from the SPU standpoint and then we can discuss an implementation strategy for the region. EZ talked about the squatter communities he saw in Cape Town. He talked to President Zuma about the housing and the need to provide adequate housing (e.g. Section A housing in the US). He said that he could help arrange for a sister-city arrangement with the Eastern Cape and a city in the US. Such a partnership could result in more resources being made available to the communities in the Eastern Cape. He said that there are many resources e.g. computers, books and clothes potentially available. He promoted a trip to the US to be introduced to people and organizations that could help e.g. medical supplies. Joyce Ntshalintsi said that she can get funding for a container within 10 days from receiving a letter stating that we have a supply of computers, books, clothes, medical supplies (e.g. syringes), etc. Page 11 of 21 Sunday, May 10, 2009 SUBJECT: VENUE: TIME: ADF Reception AHI House 1:00 PM – 9:00 PM VENUE INFORMATION AHI House 62 Cambridge Bryanston South Africa ADF Team Paid for the food for the reception. “MK” Malafene CEO, FESTAC (Festival of African Arts and Culture) Chairperson for Sandton Business Forum Arranged to have the reception hosted by the African Heritage Society. He went to the store and bought the food for the reception. Mutumwa Mawere Hosted the reception at his home in Bryanston. Meredith Hope, President AH-US Meredith welcomed the ADF Team and worked with the ADF team to do the catering and host the reception. There were about 200 people at the reception. Many of the guests were African Heritage Society members, ADF members as well as ANC members. Page 12 of 21 Former President Kaunda sings “Under the Pagan Moon” RECEPTION PROGRAM: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. “MK” Malefane (M/C for the program) – welcomed the guests and introduced EZ Mr. Agrippa Ezozo “EZ” – spoke about the vision of ADF in the Diaspora and said the ADF would like to make South Africa the role model for Peace Education. Mr. Itibari Zulu – Explained that ADF would establish peace libraries as a part of the Peace Education with the first one targeted for South Africa. Dr. Francis Ero – Focused on the Peace Education research that will be done at a local level using surveys done by local students that will be tabulated and summarized by the Africa Institute of South Africa. Dr. Mary Shuttleworth – Introduced YHRI and the importance of teaching our youth about their human rights and responsibilities. Dr. Buashie Amatokwu – No separation between men and women, we are one and need to take action together. Ms. Krista Templeton – Spoke on how Africa has given so much to the world and introduced how “foneBro” could begin to give back to Africa and become a valuable instrument to disseminate Peace Education through the Internet. She said that 50% of the proceeds will be donated to the ADF. Mr. Mutumwa Mawere – Commended President Kaunda and his outstanding service to the communities throughout the region. Page 13 of 21 9. President Kaunda – Transformation from the past to Obama being president. He sang “Under the Pagan Moon.” The African Diaspora Foundation book on global peace was presented to president Kaunda by Boshie Matlou, Itibari Zulu, Mary Shuttleworth and “EZ.” 10. Blondie Makhene – Performed the African song Forward Together, Backward Never: and continued to dance with the crowd, including President Kaunda. 11. John “JT” – Offered everyone present a free foneBro suite and quoted words his son said before he died: “Life ain’t nothing but love and attitude.” GUESTS: Boshigo Matlou UN International Labour Organization (ILO) Winston Cluff Business Developer Immediate Cellphone Payment Ltd Pattison Mutambiranwa Key Account Director Home & Network Mobility, Motorola Joyce Ntshalintsi Solly Matlou UNISA university Martin Mukaro Charter Sales – Africa Evergreen International Airlines, Inc Advocate Cawe Mahlati Martin Moorad Business Developer Immediate Cellphone Payment, Ltd Blondie Makhene (SINGER) Production Director KGM Enterprises Kwame Kokoena Director Set Squared (Pty) Ltd Didi Century Property Development Monday, May 11, 2009 SUBJECT: VENUE: TIME: ADF and SA Tourism Environmental Affairs and Tourism Office 9:00 AM VENUE INFORMATION Minister of South Africa Tourism Fedsure Building, Cnr Pretorious and Van der Walt Street, Pretoria 0001 Page 14 of 21 Environment and Tourism Department: Environmental Affairs and Tourism Republic of South Africa Ms. Patience Molokoza, Director: International Tourism Relations Mr. Ntobeko Buso, Deputy Director: Multilateral International Tourism Relations, Mr. Shavhani Mukwevho, Deputy Director, Bilateral International Tourism Bilateral Mr. Lisa Mangcu, Odirile IT Holdings Bheki Mkhize, Odirile IT Holdings Ms. Molokoza welcomed the ADF Team and introduced the members of the Ministry of South Africa Tourism. Agrippa Ezozo “EZ” introduced the ADF Team and the purpose of the visit to South Africa. “EZ” explained that the tourism is the face of any country to the international community. He explained that when a country is at war that country does not get tourism and investors are cautious about investing capital into the country. Page 15 of 21 Each of the members of the ADF Team introduced themselves. John “JT” gave a presentation on the “foneBro” program. He explained that free Internet services such as Skype and AOL anticipated things to work out one way but ended up going the other way. He said that Skype is in severe financial trouble because it does not have a financial base. He showed the “foneBro” website enrollment to show that you pay for an annual fee for the services. There is a “Referring ID” so that the person who gets other members to sign up gets a % of the annual payments. He explained that “foneBro” could be used as a solution to identity theft. He said that they can customize the page e.g. instead of “foneBro” it would promote e.g. Hilton on the front page. QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS RAISED: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Could we use this to promote the 2010 events, Could we use this on very low broadband in Africa, How many windows can there be? (Can have 8 windows), If in a classroom and missed a class, can I download the class I missed, Qualification is a segment of training that is small businesses that are being given specialized training e.g. marketing, sales, etc. to help build and expand their businesses, Can we use this to link local small businesses to businesses around the world e.g. US, FoneBro costs nothing once they are online and then able to cut down the cost of cell phones, Need to rebrand it so that this is an African product not an outside product, Want to be able to have students download the “lessons” at times when they need it, When you capture individual customers is different from capturing the government e.g. Department of Education, If government is involved the program can not be seen as benefiting any particular organization or body, Security issues of possible out security due to misuse of the “foneBro” system showing footage to discredit someone e.g. dignitary, As government appoints the ADF as an NGO, the money should go through a South African organization (no money going through the US before coming to South Africa), and SARS regulations will need to be strictly adhered to. EZ explained we originally met Tony Nguyen (USA International Mission) in Orange County. He said that we saw the need to connect Africa through technology e.g. Peace Education. He explained about the ADF Peace Education distance-learning program via Fielding Graduate University in the Page 16 of 21 USA, with virtual education through the virtual technology. He explained that ADF presented a Peace Education proposal to the World Bank earlier this year. What was proposed was that students in Africa could get up to a doctorate level education in the US without ever leaving the African continent. These graduates can then teach Peace Education in the African universities. Local universities can then collaborate to promote Peace Education. He also explained that religious ministers could use this distance education medium to preach to people who are not physically in the church. EZ said that Tony Nguyen (USA International Mission) in Orange County introduced him to John “JT” and his “foneBro” program. EZ discussed a possible partnership of ADF with the South African government. The ADF Peace Education initiative would be interested in getting individuals from around Africa to subscribe to the “foneBro” program so that we can collect money to fund ADF doctorate level Peace Education for graduate students through such a funding source. EZ explained that ADF is now using their website through ADF TV and radio to tell news from Africa on a daily basis. He said it is important for the Ministry of South Africa Tourism to answer the questions of people in US and other countries regarding the 2010 Games. He said that people have questions regarding safety, accommodations, Internet access, taxis, etc. EZ uses T-Mobile in the US and it costs $45 per month for unlimited use in the US; costs more in the EU but costs much more in Africa. It should cost the same amount for the rest of the world (not more). CONCLUSION: We would like to get involved in one way or another. It has to be come through a SA company to do business in SA. CETAR agency has regulations. We would like to be kept in the loop. EZ said ADF is trying “foneBro” as a pilot program. He said that the ADF also wanted to discuss opportunities relating to 2010 but that there was no more time in that meeting. He agreed to discuss the 2010 issues via Internet or through “foneBro.” He said we hope that we can follow up with the Ministry of South Africa Tourism. Page 17 of 21 SUBJECT: VENUE: DATE: TIME: ADF Presentation Peace Education World Bank Country Office in South Africa 10 MAY 2009 (Cont.) 1:00 PM VENUE INFORMATION www.worldbank.org 1st Floor, Pro Equity Court 1250 Pretorius Street Hatfield, Pretoria, 0083 PO Box 12629, Hatfield, 0028 Mr. Sarwat Hussain Senior Communication Officer Sustainable Development Network Africa Region He was posted in Washington DC, USA and transferred to South Africa two weeks ago. Ms. Mmenyane Seoposengwe Information Associate She is friends with Boshigo Matlou (South African branch of ADF) and stopped in before the meeting to greet us. PRESENT AT THE MEETING: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Agrippa Ezozo Mary Shuttleworth Krista Templeton Francis Ero Solly Matlou Itibari Zulu Boshigo Matlou – South African branch of ADF Mr. Sarwat Hussain welcomed the ADF Team. Agrippa Ezozo introduced the ADF Team members and gave an overview of the ADF Peace Education program and said that he had met with the World Bank in Washington DC on Feb 13, 2000 and again on Feb 13, 2009. He said that we met with Mr. Richard Cambridge. Both Mr. Hussain and Ms. Seoposengwe said that he is their senior. Dr. Mary Shuttleworth explained the role of Fielding Graduate University in the ADF Peace Education program. Boshigo Matlou (South African branch of ADF) talked and said that ADF had land donated in South Africa, Nigeria (property in the north and the south) and Burundi. In South Africa the land was donated by the African Union Page 18 of 21 International School (Midrand). She said that the land was donated but that ADF needs money to build the libraries on the land. Francis Ero commented on the “Our Dream” poster posted on the wall of the UN conference room. He talked about the extreme poverty and said that said that whatever intervention we have that would be immediately useful to alleviate the poverty. Mr. Sarwat Hussain congratulated the ADF on the Peace Education initiative. He said that the World Bank is a lending facility only. They financially deal only with governments and only on the basis of loans. They do exchange information with NGOs and could participate in our ADF conferences and will invite the ADF to participate in the local World Bank conferences. Mr. Hussain asked for the contact information of Boshigo Matlou so that he would be able to contact her regarding local World Bank conferences and newsletters. SUBJECT: VENUE: DATE: TIME: Visit to the site of the ADF Library property World Bank Country Office in South Africa 10 MAY 2009 (Cont.) 5:00 PM VENUE INFORMATION 249 West Street Midrand Ms Nzinga Tchameni, who is the daughter of Ms. Makini Tchameni, showed us the property, a copy of the plans for the African Union International School and walked around to show us the layout of the property. She said that the property next door was slated for a shopping center and that that Gautrain is planned to stop at the shopping center at a later time (not included in the 2010 development plans). SUBJECT: VENUE: DATE: TIME: Dinner African Restaurant 10 MAY 2009 (Cont.) 7:00 PM VENUE INFORMATION Nelson Mandela Square Sandton GUESTS PRESENT: 1. 2. 3. 4. “MK” Malafene Agrippa Ezozo Mary Shuttleworth Francis Ero Page 19 of 21 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Itibari Zulu Boshigo Matlou – South African branch of ADF Boshigo’s son Boshigo’s daughter Reabetsoe Motsepe – CEO: Group CSI, Nedbank Johann Marx, Director of Cross Continents Investments Johann’s wife, Nevenka Marx Tom Marx Tom’s wife, Annelise Marx Agrippa Ezozo thanked the host, “MK,” and everyone at the dinner for their help with the expansion of ADF. EZ also thanked Johann & Tom Marx as well as their wives for their willingness to help with the development of the Peace Library project in at a second location in Midrand. Tuesday, May 12, 2009 SUBJECT: VENUE: TIME: President Jacob Zuma his home in Sherwood, Johannesburg 12:00 Noon VENUE INFORMATION Undisclosed South Africa PRESENT AT THE MEETING: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Agrippa (EZ) Ezozo Itibari Zulu Dr. Buashie Amatokwu Dr. Mary Shuttleworh Dr. Francis Ero Boshigo Matlou Solly Matlou Krista Templeton Dawn Robinson Jeanette Ndlovu, Consul General of South Africa (based in Los Angeles) met us near the property and escorted us by car to the home of President Jacob Zuma. President Zuma embraced Agrippa Ezozo and welcomed the delegation. Consul General Jeanette Ndlovu introduced the delegation. Two of the ADF members arrived late for the meeting. Agrippa confirmed that they are part Page 20 of 21 of the delegation. There were not enough chairs so President Zuma offered his chair to Boshigo Matlou and then sat on the arm of the chair for the rest of the meeting. President Zuma said that when he spoke with Mandela, Mandela said “I have attended many inaugurations but I have never seen so many people. The people love you.” President Zuma said that he is just a poor boy from the country. The policy makers used to refer to the poor people as “out there.” The poor people voted him into presidency. Now the poor people are inside the house of parliament. He said he would need help and a lot of prayers. President Zuma said that he realized that African people understood the concept of “Human Rights” long before 1948 (when the UDHR was adopted by the UN). He said that people do not know what “Human Rights” mean. They need to understand what “Human Rights” mean. He said that he has appointed a department to take care of “Human Rights.” He also told them that if they could not take care of that department that they should give that work to him and he will get it done. He has given them the opportunity to get the work done but if they do not do it then he will. He thanked the delegation for making the effort to be in South Africa at this time. He said that he wants high profile people on the board of the ADF. He wants to see South Africa set an example and launch Peace Education to the rest of Africa and the African Diaspora. SUBJECT: VENUE: TIME: ADF meeting final discussion Airport 5:00 PM Discussions were about: • The ADF trip to South Africa. • The need to focus on and strengthen the ADF - South Africa chapter. • Strategies for the ADF board and members. • Suggestions to update the ADF website. • The ADF Summit in October 2009. TIME: 9:00 PM ADF delegation left from the Johannesburg airport back to the USA. Page 21 of 21