SIAM J. NUMER. ANAL. 1991 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics 004 Vol. 28, No. 6, pp. 1610-1634, December 1991 A MIXED METHOD FOR APPROXIMATING MAXWELL’S EQUATIONS* PETER B. MONKt Abstract. A semidiscrete mixed finite element approximation to the time dependent Maxwell’s equations on a bounded smooth domain is analyzed. A variational problem for the electric and magnetic fields in which the boundary conditions are enforced naturally is derived. Then a general convergence result for mixed methods is proven, and it is shown how this result may be used to prove various error estimates when Ndlec’s curl conforming finite elements are used. Key words. Maxwell’s equations, finite elements, error AMS(MOS) subject classifications, primary estimates 65N30; secondary 35L15 1. Introduction. Let t be a smooth, bounded, simply connected domain in with connected boundary F and unit outward normal n. Let e(x) and it(x) denote, respectively, the dielectric constant and magnetic permeability of the medium occupying gt. Let a(x) denote the conductivity of the medium. Then, if E(x, t) and H(x, t) denote, respectively, the electric and magnetic fields, Maxwell’s equations [10] state that n3 eSt + aE- V H itH+VE (1.1) (1.2) (0, T), in(0, T) J in 0 where J J(x, t) is a known function specifying the applied current. We shall assume a perfect conducting boundary condition on so that (1.3) n E -0 (0, T). F on In addition, initial conditions must be specified so that (1.4) where (1.5) E(x, O) E0 and H0 Eo(x) are given functions and V.(itH0) The divergence-free condition in (1.6) H(x, O) and 0 in , H0 Ho(x) ’fix e satisfies Ho.n 0 on F. (1.5) together with (1.2) implies that V.(itH)--0 in x (0, T), which is usually included with (1.1) and (1.2) in the statement of Maxwell’s equations (cf. [10]). In addition, the boundary condition in (1.5) (together with (1.1) and (1.2)) implies (1.7) H.n 0 on F (0, T). Received by the editors February 5, 1990; accepted for publication (in revised form) January 8, 1991. Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware 19716. (email: monk(C)vaxl, acs. udel. edu). Research supported in part by grants from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research and the National Science Foundation. 1610 A MIXED METHOD FOR MAXWELL’S EQUATIONS 1611 The coefficients e, tt and a are L(fl) functions for which there exist constants emax, amax, #rain, and #max such that min, a.e. inf,. Let C’(0, T; X) denote the space of m times continuously differentiable functions from [0, T] into the Hilbert space X, and define the standard space of functions on fl 2 with an L weak curl by H(curl; t)= {v e (L2(f))3[V x v e (L2(t))3}. We shall assume the existence of a solution (E,H) to (1.1)-(1.4) such that E,H e C1(0, T; (L2(f)) 3) N C(0, T; H(curl; f)). We remark that existence and uniqueness results for Maxwell’s equations guaranteeing this smoothness are proved in [16] in the case when J 0 and a _= 0 using spectral techniques. Similar techniques are used in [1] to prove existence and uniqueness for Maxwell’s equations in two space dimensions (with variable J, a 0, but constant e and #). The problem has also been studied in [10] for general piecewise constant coefficients. Clearly the above regularity assumption requires that J E C(0, T; (L2())3). Assuming the existence of a solution to (1.1)-(1.4), we obtain a weak formulation as follows. We multiply equation (1.1) by a test function b E (L2(t)) 3 and integrate over e H(curl;f), integrating over f, and Similarly, multiplying (1.2) by integrating the curl term by parts (also using (1.3)) we obtain a weak form for (1.2). If (-, .) denotes the (L2(f)) 3 inner product, and E(t) E(., t), H(t) H(., t) we find 2 that the solution (E,H) e [CI(0, T; (L2(f)) 3) V C(O,T;H(curl;t))] of (1.1)-(1.4) satisfies . (1.8) (1.9) for 0 < t (eE,, b) + ((rE, ) (#Ht, (V H, b) (J, b) Vb e (L2()) 3, < T with the initial conditions E(0)- E0 (1.10) (where H0 (1.5)). Of and H(0)- H0 course for the above variational problem to make E e CI(0, T; (L2(fl)))V C(0, T; (L2(t))3), so the variational problem might be used to prove existence of a weak solution to Maxwell’s equations. We shall not discuss this further, since we shall concentrate here on using (1.8)-(1.10) to construct a numerical scheme. Notice that the boundary condition (1.3) is now imposed weakly via (1.9). This is one advantage of the weak form given in (1.8)-(1.10) since the boundary condition does not have to be imposed on trial and test spaces. Indeed the more general condiwhere is a tangential surface field could also be handled easily by tion n E this formulation. Our goal is to analyze the use of discrete versions of (1.8) and (1.9) to approximate the electric and magnetic fields. To this end, let Uh C (L2(Ft)) 3 and let Vh C H(curl; t) be finite-dimensional subspaces of the given spaces (we shall define Uh and Vh in 3). Then the semidiscrete Maxwell system we will analyze in this satisfies sense we need only require that - , 1612 PETER B. MONK (Eh, H h) E CI(0,T; Uh) CI(0,T; Vh), such that (j, h) vh e Uh, (eEh, h) / (hE h, h) (V H h, h) 0 V h e Vh (#H,h,h)/(Eh, vh) paper is to find (1.11) (1.12) for 0 < t _< T, subject to the initial conditions (1.13) _ Eh(o) pFEo, Hh(o) pBHo - where pE (L2(f))3 Uh and pS H(curl; f) Vh are suitable approximation operators to be detailed later. Equation (1.11)-(1.12) is a system of linear ordinary differential equations, and thus existence and uniqueness of a solution are well known. As stated before, the purpose of this paper is to prove estimates for (E- Eh)(t) and (H- Hh)(t) in the (L2()) 3 norm. We shall first provide an estimate for a general class of spaces Uh and Vh. Then we shall show how the general result may be used to prove error estimates when U h is constructed using discontinuous piecewise polynomials, and V h is constructed using the curl conforming elements of Ndlec [20]. Our first estimate is very general allowing for general curved or polygonal domains and allowing the full Maxwell system. However, although the estimate is of optimal order in h, it is not optimal in the regularity required for the continuous solution. We then present a refined error analysis under special circumstances. In particular, we assume that the domain is smooth and convex (so a suitable interpolant can be defined), that e and # are constant, and that a 0. These assumptions allow the use of a Helmholtz decomposition of the electric and magnetic field vectors. We shall discuss each of these assumptions in some detail in 4. The refined error analysis allows a proof of convergence that is of almost optimal order, and almost optimal in the regularity assumptions for the continuous fields. When discussing the problem on a smooth domain, for analytical simplicity, we ignore the important practical problem of numerical integration on curved elements (cf. [6]). The curved elements we use are well adapted to the natural boundary condition considered above, but are not suitable in the form we present for the analysis of mixed boundary value problems in which essential boundary conditions are imposed on parts of the boundary. The proofs presented here use the general techniques of Baker and Bramble [4]. The analysis of the Ndelec elements draws heavily on the work of Girault [12], and uses similar techniques to those developed in [18]. The idea of using curl conforming elements to discretize Maxwell’s equations is not new. N(dlec [20] suggests using a curl conforming space for E and a divergence conforming space for H. In Ndlec’s method the boundary condition (1.3) is essential, and no error estimates are provided. Kikuchi [15] has analyzed the use of Ned(lec elements for discretizing an eigenvalue problem associated with the time harmonic analogue of (1.1)-(1.2). No order estimates are proved nor is the time-dependent case analyzed. Monk [18] has analyzed the use of finite elements on the electric field equations obtained by eliminating H from (1.1). This results in a second-order hyperbolic problem, with essential boundary conditions. There are a number of works concerned with variational methods for approximating Maxwell’s equations in two dimensions (cf. [1], [22]-[24], [26]). None of these works use the elements or variational formulation considered in this paper. To our knowledge, the variational method posed in (1.11)-(1.12) and the forthcoming analysis are novel. We should also note the connection, pointed out by Kikuchi [15] between the finite A MIXED METHOD FOR MAXWELL’S EQUATIONS 1613 element methods using N(!d(!lec elements and the finite difference techniques used in [29]-[31]. 2. A general convergence result. Let us start by defining some notation. The convergence results are given in terms of weighted (L2(12)) 3 norms. For a given nonnegative L(fl) function w(x), we define (u, v)w L u.v w dx, and define IlUllo,w V/(U, u)w. e or is, the functionals I1" II0, and I1" IIo,u are norms equivalent to the standard (L2(12)) 3 norm. The functional I1" II0, is in general only a seminorm; however, there are cases (cf. [10]) in which a is bounded away from zero on fl in which case I1" II0, is also a norm. When w 1, which corresponds to the standard (L2(fl)) 3 weight, we dispense with the function subscript on the inner product and norm. We also define Note that when w 1/2 (2.1) lilulil0,, (T]U(T)I 2 dx dT Recall also that H(curl; 1-1)-- {v e (LU(12))a V v e (L2(fl)) 3} with the graph norm IIIIH:- (11112, + IIV ull,)/’. In later sections we shall need to use the general Sobolev space of functions with s weak derivatives in Lp. Thus we define with the norm _ II,llw:.,()--- IO"vl ,> dx 2 we obtain the spaces H 8 (12) and in this case we denote the norm by I1" II,. We also need to use norms of functions of space and time. Given a Hilbert space When p X and and index p, 1 p < oo we define LP(O,T; X)= v(t) e X IIv()ll dm< with the norm Ivll.,(O,T;:) IIv(’)ll. dT 1614 PETER B. MONK These spaces also make sense for p oc in the obvious way, and are studied, for example, in [10]. In order to prove a convergence estimate covering the applications in this paper, we must generalize the Maxwell initial value problem considered in the Introduction. Let U and V be subspaces of (L2()) 3 and H(curl; gt), respectively. We assume the existence of a solution (E,H) e [C1(0, T; (L2(f)) 3) N C(0, T; U)] x [C1 (0, T; (L2 (f)) 3) 3 C(0, T; V)] of the problem (2.2) (2.3) (eEt, r) + (aE, r) (V H, b) (#Ht,)+(E,V) (J, b) Vb e U, 0 VCeV for 0 < t _< T, subject to the initial conditions (1.10). In applications in this paper Y H(curl; ft) and will take either U V Y or U (L2(t)) 3. Given subspaces Uh C U and Vh C V. The discrete solution (E h (t), H h (t) in Uh Vh satisfies (1.11)-(1.13). In order to prove good error estimates, we need to assume some compatibility conditions between Uh and Vh. The first assumption is critical to the error analysis and is as follows. (H1) There exists an operator Ph U Uh such that we will always take (Phu, V v h) (u,V - v h) Vv h E Vh, Vu E U. The second assumption will allow an improvement in the norms appearing in the error estimates and is as follows" (H2) There exists an operator (2.4) (V IIv, u ) IIh V Yh such that (V v, u ) Vu U, Vv V. Let us remark that (H1) can be satisfied if (2.5) vxvcu and Ph is taken to be the (L2()) 3 projection of U onto Uh. This is the construction we shall use later in 3. In order for (Sl) and (H2) to hold, both Ph and YIh must be constructed carefully, and this case is examined in 4. There is an obvious resemblance between the hypotheses (Hi) and (H2) above and the hypotheses of [8] made to analyze mixed methods for Laplace’s equation. Unfortunately, it does not seem to be possible to apply methods similar to those of [8] to verify (H2). Indeed a discussion of (H2) is the major content of 4. Let us now state and prove our general convergence theorem. THEOREM 2.1. Let E(t),H(t) U V satisfy (2.2)-(2.3) and (1.10) and let Eh(t),Hh(t) e Uh Vh satisfy (1.11)-(1.13) (with the smoothness in time stated before the respective equations). Suppose that Uh C U and Vh C V. (a) Suppose Uh and Vh satisfy hypothesis (H1) alone and let IIhH be any function A MIXED METHOD FOR MAXWELL’S EQUATIONS in Vh. Then there exists a constant 1615 C independent of t and h such that II(H- Hh)(t)llo,, + II(E- Eh)(t)llo, / IIIE- EhlIIo,, <C H)(0)l[o,, + II(H- pBH)(O)IIo,, /ll(nH- H)(t)llo,, / II(PhE- E)(0)llo, /II(E- pEE)(O)IIo, / II(PhE- E)(t)llo, + f IIn,H Hllo,, / IIPhE Ello, / IIV (nhH- H)llo d- / IIIE- (2.6) {ll(lInH- PhEIIIo,,. (b) If Uh and Vh satisfy both (H1) and (H2), the term f [IV (lhH- H)]]o dT may be dropped from the right-hand side of the above estimate. Remark. If the initial condition operator pE is taken to be Ph, we may drop the terms I](PhE- E)(0)ll0, and II(E- pEE)(O)IIo, from the right-hand side of (2.6). The choice pE Ph is reasonable in the cases we shall analyze since Uh will be a discontinuous space allowing the computation of RE element by element. The choice pB IIh is not likely to be practically useful since IIh will turn out to be costly to compute. A better choice might be to take pB to be the (L2()) 3 projection of H(curl; ) onto Vh. The following proof can be compared to one in [11] for mixed methods for the scalar wave equation. The general technique is similar to that in [4]. Proof. Subtracting (1.11)-(1.12) from (2.2)-(2.3) we find that ((E- E), V ) + ((E- E), V ) -(Vx(H-Hh),h)=0 Vdh e Uh, (.) (#(H Hh), + (E E V ch) 0 V h e Vh. Now define e(t) (PhE- Eh)(t) and h(t) (IIhH- Hh)(t); then using (2.7) and h (2.8) (2.8) with gb e and ch h, (2.9) (eet, e)+ (he, e)- (V h, e)- (e(PhE- E)t, e)+ (a(PhE- E), e) +(V (IIH- H), e), (2.10) (#h, h) d-(e, V By virtue of (H1) ((nH- H), h)d-(PhE- E, V h). h) we may conclude that (PhE E, V h) O. 0 in (2.9). Since the term (IIhH- H),e) be handled similarly to the term ((PhE- E), e), for simplicity we shall only provide a detailed proof when (H1) and (H2) both hold. If (H1) and (H2) both hold, then adding (2.9) and (2.10) we obtain Furthermore, if (H2) holds, (V (V (IIhH- H), e) may 2 } IIh($)ll,,, / II()ll o, / I111o, ((nH- H), h) + (e(PhE- E), e) d-(a(PhE E), e). 1616 PETER B. MONK Integrating the above equality in time we obtain Then using the Cauchy-Schwarz and arithmetic geometric mean inequalities we obtain the estimate that for any tl and 0 _< t _< tl _< T, 2 2 2 2 O<v<t +IIPhE Ello, dT + IlPh E Ell ao, dT sup 0<<t Since this inequality holds for all t in 0 _< t _< tl it must hold when IIh(t)llo,t,-t-Ile(t)llo, is maximized. Suppose the maximum occurs at t t* then from the above equation Using the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality and renaming tl to t we conclude that there is a constant C independent of t and h such that (2.11) If (H2) does not hold there is an extra term IIx7 (II,,.,H- H)IIodT on the right-hand side of (2.11). If the initial condition operators (see (1.13)) are chosen so that R E e(0) 0 and if pS IIh then h(0) 0. Otherwise we estimate (2.12) I1(o)11o, < II(PhE- E)(O)llo, + II(E- pEE)(O)IIo, Ph then A MIXED METHOD FOR MAXWELL’S EQUATIONS 1617 ]]h(0)[[0,u. Finally, we write [[(E- Eh)(t)[[o, + [[(H- Hh)(t)[[o, + [[[E- Eh[[[o,,t <_ [[(E- PhE)(t)[[o, + I[(H- HhH)(t)[[o, + [[IE- PhE[][o,,t with a similar estimate for Use of this inequality with (2.11), (2.12), and the analogue of (2.12) for IIh(O)ll0,,, proves the result in part (b) of the theorem. Part (a) is proved in the same way, [-I keeping track of the term in V (IIhH- H). 3. Error estimates for smooth solutions. In this section we will show how some curl conforming elements due to Ndlec [20] may be used to construct Vh. We provide optimal error estimates when H and E are sufficiently smooth. Let {Th } h>0 be a family of meshes of gt. Each element K E Th is assumed to be a tetrahedron if K has no face or edge on F. Elements that have an edge or face on F are allowed to have, respectively, one curved edge or one curved face (and hence three curved edges). These elements are called boundary elements. For any boundary element K we can obtain a standard tetrahedron K by connecting the four vertices of K by straight edges. We require that the triangulation be uniformly regular (cf. [14]), which is defined as follows for curvilinear elements. Let PK be the radius of the largest sphere contained in K or/ and let hg be the radius of the smallest sphere containing K. Then the triangulation is uniformly regular if there exist constants - > 0 and a such that 9/h <_ hK <_ crpK VK Th, Vh > O. This is essentially the regularity of Scott [27] together with an Let -h be the solid formed by inverse inequality [7]. We note that one consequence of uniform regularity is that if p is a polynomial of total degree k, there are positive constants C1 and C2 independent of h, p, and K (but depending on s, k, and q) such that (3.1) for 0 < s, 2 < q. The left-hand inequality is proved by considering a generalized reference element/ consisting of that portion of the unit sphere in the first octant. For h small enough, mapping K to the standard reference element maps K to a domain in/. Then equivalence of norms on/ proves the desired result (cf. [27]). The right-hand inequality is proved similarly using an intermediate reference domain g which is the tetrahedron with nodes at (0, 0, 0), (0, 1/2, 0), (0, 0, 1/2), (1/2, 0, 0). Mapping/ to/ then using the equivalence of norms on/ and K followed by the mapping of K back to a subdomain of K contained in K (if h is small enough) proves the right-hand inequality. In order to define the curl conforming space of N6d61ec [20] let Pk denote the standard space of polynomials of total degree less than or equal to k, and let /3k denote the space of homogeneous polynomials of order k. Define Sk C (Pk) 3 and Rk C (Pk) 3 by Sk {p e (/5k)3 p(). 0, -< x,x2,x3 >}, 1618 PETER B. MONK For example, in the case k Rk has the form 1 a polynomial p E p() a +/ x where c and are constant vectors [20]. Now, following Nd61ec [20], we can define (3.2) Vh {v h e H(curl; ) l e R VK e Th}. To define an interpolant in Vh on each tetrahedral element, we follow N6d61ec and define the following moments. DEFINITION 3.1. Let K be a tetrahedron in T3 with general edge e and face f. Let t be a unit vector parallel to e. Let u e (WI’8(K)) 3 for some s > 2. We define the following three sets of moments of u on K (3.3) {Lu’tqds VqePk-l(e) forthesixedgeseofK}, {uxn.qdA Vqe(Pk_2(f)) Me(u) 2 (3.4) for all six faces f of K {/Ku" (3.5) MK(U) q da Vq E }, (Pk-3(K))3} N6d61ec [20] shows that the above three sets of degrees of freedom are Rk-unisolvent and curl conforming. Using these degrees of freedom we can define an interpolant rhU for any function U (Wl’s(g)) 3 when g is a tetrahedron by taking rhUIg Rk and Me(u- rhU) MI(u- rhU) MK(U rhU) {0}. wm’p(-) where m and p are such that the moments defined above make sense (for example m 1, p > 2 or m k + 1 > 1 and p 2). Then to define the interpolant on the entire domain (including boundary elements), we first extend u wm’p(t) to all 73 in such a way that Now suppose that u IIIIw’,’(T) < Cllullw’,,(a) (cf. [2]) and then interpolate u on -h (i.e., for a boundary element K we interpolate u on K in the standard way). The use of the extension of u and interpolation on -h allows us to prove the following extension of the standard error estimates for the N6d61ec elements [14], [20] (see also [6] for a discussion of N6d61ec spaces on curved elements). THEOREM 3.2. Let u (Wl’s()) 3 for some s > 2, then there is a function h u Vh and a constant C independent of h and u (but depending on s) such that (3.6) II- ullo + hllV x (u- uh)llo <_ Chllullw,o(); if in addition u (Hk+l(Ft)) 3 then (3.7) llu u’llH <_ Chl[ull+. 1619 A MIXED METHOD FOR MAXWELL’S EQUATIONS Remark. The above theorem assumes that the tetrahedra exactly tile the domain Ft. In practice the domain would have to be approximated (see [17], [6], [9] for work in this direction). Proof. For simplicity, we shall only give the proof of (3.7). The other estimate follows in a similar way (cf. [14]). As mentioned previously we first extend u to 73. Then we define u h rhU (on h). The estimates are then provided element by element. For tetrahedral elements the results can be found in [14], [20]. For boundary elements we use the curved reference element introduced previously. Given a curved element K, let the affine transformation BK + hg FK() map the standard reference tetrahedron g with vertices (0, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), and (0, 0, 1) into the tetrahedron sociated with K. Then if we transform vectors ccording to Ndlec [20] by the transformation u the arguments in (B)- [20] show that ]]u rhU]](L(K)) < C where e is the interpolation operator on so that BK det h . (L2(F(K)))3’ Then if h is small enough We can again follow N6d61ec [20] and use the fact that degree k- 1 on to estimate that F(K) C R + preserves polynomials of det ]]U rhU](L:(K))a < C hBKI ] (H(R) where ]. ](H(R))a denotes the seminorm involving derivatives of total degree k. Also V x ( e). Cdx is a linear form in for any e (n2()) 3 using the fact that which is zero whenever (p)3 we find that fR ]V X (U rhU)](L2(K))3 < C det h2 [(H+(k)) a" Now we use the scaling estimate (cf. [7]) (H,(k)) h+ Cdet BK ]U](H’(F(R))) with k and k + 1 to complete the estimate on the curved element. Adding over estimates for each tetrahedron and curved element in the domain D we find that I1(- hu)ll + IIV (-- hU)l < Ch2k I1112(HkTI(FK(R)))3 KVh 1620 PETER B. MONK Finally, using the fact that the norm of the extended function is bounded by the norm of the function on f completes the proof. Next let us define Uh. We just take Uh to be the standard space of discontinuous piecewise k- 1 degree polynomials, (3.8) Uh {uh uh[g E (Pk_l) 3 VK e Th}. We define Po to be the standard (L2(f)) 3 projection into Uh so that if u e (L2(f)) 3 then Pou Uh satisfies (Pou, h) (3.9) (u, h) Vh Uh. Error estimates for this projection are well known and [lu- P0u[10 _< C h[Iu[l, (3.10) 0 <_ _< k. Now we can state and prove our first convergence theorem. THEOIEM 3.3. Let (E,H) satisfy (1.8)-(1.10) and suppose that C(0, T; (Hk+l(f))3). Let Vh and Uh be given by (3.2) and (3.8). Suppose that (Eh(t),Hh(t)) e Uh x Vh Ee satisfy CI(0, T; (Hk(f)) 3) (1.11)-(1.13) (3.11) (3.12) He and with the initial condition operators satisfying the estimates I[Eo pEEol[o <_ C hkl[Eol[k, [[H0 pSHol[o <_ C hk[[Ho[Ik+l Then there exists a constant C independent of h and t such that (3.13) J.I(H- Hh)(t)JJo,, / JJ(E- Eh)(t)lJo, / JiJE- EhJ[Jo,, <_ C h k {[IH(O)]lk+l + JiE(O)Jlk + Remark. As remarked previously, suitable choices for pE and pB might be the L 2 projections onto Uh and Vh, respectively. This theorem also holds for polyhedra. Proof. We apply Theorem 2.1 with Y- g(curl; f) and U (L2()) 3. Clearly V x Vh C Uh and so we can satisfy (nl) by taking Ph Po where P0 is the (L2(f)) 3 projection of U onto Uh introduced before the statement of the theorem. We let IIhH Vh be the function approximating H guaranteed by Theorem 3.2. Then using estimates (3.7), (3.10), (3.11), and (3.12) in Theorem 2.1, together with the estimates (3.14) _< IlH(O)llk+l + (3.15) < IIE(O)II + (cf. [11]) proves the desired result. IIHt(T)llk+ldT, IIE(’)IIdT 1621 A MIXED METHOD FOR MAXWELL’S EQUATIONS 4. Stability estimates. The error estimates proved in Theorem 3.3 are optimal and follow from the smooth data estimate in (3.7). Unfortunately these estimates require H e (Hk+l()) 3 while E need only be in (Hk()) 3. This imbalance in the smoothness requirements, as well as the high degree of smoothness needed for the estimates to hold, suggests the need for a better error estimate. In this section we shall prove error estimates when (H(t),E(t)) e (Wl’s(’))3 x (HI()) 3. Unfortunately, to prove these estimates we must severely restrict the problem under consideration. We hope in future to lift most of these restrictions. In this section we assume that is convex. This assumption is made so that we can construct an interpolant in Vh that preserves gradients in the sense of Lemma 4.5 below. It is likely that this assumption can be relaxed. a 0, e e0, and # #0 where 0 and #0 are positive constants, which we can take to be 1. The choice e e0 and a 0 allow us to use the Helmholtz decomposition to analyze the electric field equation, and constitutes an essential assumption for the analysis. The assumption that # #0 allows us to analyze the projection IIh proposed below since then V. H -0. We shall prove the following result. THEOREM 4.1. Let (E, H) satisfy (1.8)-(1.10) and suppose that (E,H) e C1(0, T; (H1 ()) 3) el(0, T; (wl’s(’)) 3) 3 Let Vh and Uh be given by (3.2) and for some s > 2 and g(t) e C0 (0, T; (H (2))). (3.8), and suppose thatE (Eh(t),Hh(t)) e Uh Vh satisfy (1.11)-(1.13) with the initial Po (orthogonal L 2 projection). Suppose, condition operator R is chosen so that pB in addition, that ]lH0 PBH0]10 _< ChllHollw1.8(a). Then, given with 0 < < 1, there exists a constant C C(5, s) such that II(H- Hh)(t)l]o,, / I](E- Eh)(t)]lo, _< C h -a {IIH(0)IIWI,s()-{-IlE(O)lll + IlHt(t)llil(O,t;w,(a)) (4.2) (4.1) - Remark. Apart from the factor h this result shows that the stability estimate the approximation of Maxwell’s equations. The smoothness requirements on H and E are also better balanced than in Theorem 3.3. The proof of this result is somewhat lengthy. First we make some observations regarding a priori estimates. Then we prove some convergence properties of an operator related to the time independent magnetic field problem. Finally, we prove the desired convergence result. One interesting by-product of our analysis is the proof of a discrete Helmholtz decomposition for piecewise constant finite element vector fields (3.7) holds for in T3 (see 4.4). 4.1. A priori estimates. First, we collect some known results and discuss the . discrete spaces further. The following existence theorem for a vector potential is from [5]. THEOREM 4.2. Let u E (L2()) 3 satisfy V.u vector potential e (L2()) 3 such that V u and .n=O V. on F. O 0 in in , Then u has a unique 1622 PETER B. MONK In addition, if u e (L 8 ())3, 2 _< s < oc, e (WI’8 (gt))3 and then (4.3) Fuheore, g u e Hk(n),k O, Hk+i(n) we have (4.4) and cl v We shall make extensive use of the Helmholtz decomposition of vector fields. The following result also can be found in [5]. LEMMA 4.3. Every function v E (L2()) 3 has the orthogonal decomposition (4.5) where q e . H()/n F and V. 0 in v- Vq + and Vxb e (Hl(gt)) 3, such that V x b e H(div; ), n x b 0 on Here H(div; Ft)= (v e (n2(t))3 V.v e (n2(t))3}. Alternatively, we may choose q H() and e H(curl;). In this case we may construct so that V. 0 in and dp.n 0 on F. Lemma 4.3 implies that we may write (cf. also [16]) the following orthogonal decomposition: (n:()) a VH (t)/T (V H0(curl; t)) (4.6) and {u e H(curl; ) H0(curl; gt) n u 0 on 0t}. For convenience we shall define (4.7) M VH()/n so that M +/Alternatively, V Ho(curl; ). (L2(fl)) 3 has the following orthogonal decomposition (L2(t)) 3 VH() (4.8) Both these orthogonal Helmholtz decompositions will be used in the following proofs. Now we can state the final a priori estimate. Let and J’.n 0 on F) and define u e H(curl; t) by (4.9) (4.10) (4.11) THEOREM 4.4. Suppose U (U2()) 3 V.u 0in u.n O on F. f e (L2()) 3 and Ilull2 and let u satisfy (4.9)-(4.11). Then 1623 A MIXED METHOD FOR MAXWELL’S EQUATIONS This theorem follows from Theorem 2.4 of [5] together with the fact that (V x u)n=OonF. Next let us make a few further observations regarding the finite element space Vh. Since 12 is convex, ’h C and hence the interpolant rh (defined as/ if K is a boundary element) is defined uniquely without extending u. Since no extension of u to 73 is needed, the function u h guaranteed in Theorem 3.2 can be taken to be the unique interpolant rhU. Of crucial importance to our analysis is the use of a discrete Helmholtz splitting for Vh. Let S then {qh e C()/n qhlg e Pk VK e Th} vshk C Vh [20] and so if we define (4.12) . Mh Vh Mh Mh Remarkably, Girault and Raviart [14] show that rh essentially maps M (cf. (4.7)) to Mh (strictly the proof in [14] holds only for polygonal f but using this result on -h proves the result trivially for curved f). LEMMA 4.5. If u Vp with p E HI(f)/T and if the interpolant of ’hU Uh is defined, then we may write (4.13) rhU-- Vph for some ph e S. . This lemma is the reason for requiring f to be convex. If an operator ’h could be found such that Theorem 3.2 and the previous lemma hold for general f, then all the results in this section would extend to an arbitrary smooth bounded domain 4.2. Analysis of the operator IIh. Now we can define and analyze the operator IIh required by Theorem 2.1. For v H(curl; f), we define IIhv C Vh to satisfy M (4.14) (V (IIhv- v), V Ch)= 0 V h e M-. In view of the orthogonal decomposition of Vh and the definition of Mh in (4.12), (4.14) (4.15) is equivalent to requiring that (VXIIhv, Vh) Vq IIhv Yh satisfies (Vv,Vh) V heVh, 0 Vq e This projection operator is the same projection as the one used in [12] except that the boundary condition here is weakly enforced and corresponds to the continuous condition v.n 0 on F. The projection in [12], which is extended to smooth domains in [9], assumes the essential boundary condition n v 0 on F. THEOREM 4.6. For any v H(curl; f),IIhv is uniquely determined by (4.14). and v.n 0 in 0 on F then there exists a constant C Furthermore, if V.v independent of h and v such that (a) If v e (Hk+l(f)) 3, (4.17) IIv IIhVl[gc <_ C hkllVllk+. 1624 PETER B. MONK (b) /f v e (Wl’S(f)) 3 for some s > 2 then for each 5 > O, there is a C C(5, s) such that IIv IIhvll o + hl-]]V x (v- IIhv)llO <_ Remark. This theorem provides error estimates for the problem of constructing an approximate vector potential in the case of the boundary condition v. n 0 on F (for the case n x v 0 see [9], [18]). Suppose it is desired to approximate the function v that satisfies , Vxv by finding Vh E Yh such that (Vxv h,V x h) (4.19) (4.20) V.v=O inf,, 0 onF v.n (vh, Vq h) (j,,V x h) 0 Vq h e vh E yh, Shh In this case v h are IIhv and the above theorem provides an error estimate for v v h. Proof. Estimates for projections of this type (but different boundary conditions) given in [12], [13], [9], and [18]. The proofs in [12], [13] are explicitly given - for the case of essential boundary conditions, but an extension to the case of natural conditions is straightforward. However, since Theorem 4.6 is essential to the estimates later, and in addition is the source of the nonoptimal factor h in Theorem 4.1, we present a sketch of the proof here. First let us prove uniqueness (which implies existence). If v 0 then IIhv satisfies V XIIhv--0 inf,. Vp for some p HI(f)/T4, but since IIhv Vh, p ph ph O. implies IIhv Mh To prove convergence estimates, we note that (4.15) implies that Thus Ilhv d- IIv x Selecting w h (4.21) n )llo <_ IIv x (3.7) shows that IIV x (v- Ilhv)ll0 <_ C hkllVllk+, 0 implies the bound on V x (v IIhv) in (4.18). rhV and using (4.22) rhV H(curl; f) Ilhv w + Vp satisfies VX(rhV--IIhv), V.w=0 onF, in 0 and p Then )11o w e and selecting w h To analyze the L 2 error, we use an idea due to Girault and Raviart only prove (4.18) since (4.17) is proved similarly. We let where w S. H(f)/T4 satisfies (Vp, Vq) (rhV Ilhv, Vq) Vq e H(f)/T4. [14]. We shall 1625 A MIXED METHOD FOI:t MAXWELL’S EQUATIONS Since rhV IIhv E (L(f)) 3 for any t > 2, Theorem 4.2 implies w E (WI’()) 3 and Vph for some ph Thus rhW is defined, and so rhVp (4.24) rhV hV rhW S by Lemma 4.5. Hence + Vph. Now using the approximation roperties of rh well a scaling argument via the curvilinear reference element g (along the lines of the proof of (3.1)) we have (4.25) [[w- rhw[]o Ch[Iw[[w,,,() Chl+3/f-3/2[[V x (rhV- nhV)[]0 C C(t) and t > 2. Then we set 3/2-3# and note that where can be made arbitrarily close to zero by ting t close to 2. Adding and subtracting v to the right-hand side of (4.25) and using (4.21) and Theorem 2.1 we have (4.26) C hl-llvllwx,,() Ilw- rhW[[0 if V e (wl’s()) 3. Now we write (v nv, v nv) (v n, v rv) + ( nv, +(- n., )+ (- n., v,). (4.7) The first two terms can be estimated using the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality together with Theorem 2.1 and (4.26). The lt term is zero since v M and HhV Thus we must estimate (v- HhV, w), which we do using a duality argument. Let M solve M. ,v (v The existence of ) (, ) v e H(cu; ). and its smoothness are guaranteed vi Theorem 4.4. Then (- n, ) (v (- n), v (- )) c$v ( n.)o h o. (.es) where we have used the a priori estimate of Theorem 4.4. The term h already been estimated (see (4.21) and discussion there). But expanding w in (4.28) we have ( n., ) (a.e) Ch]V ( n)o { +- o ]0 + no + vo}. The first two terms in { } may be estimated from (4.26) and Theorem 3.2. It remains to estimate Vph, but using (4.24) and the fact that w M ]]v ( , v) + ( n, v) + ( , v). The second term on the right-hand side is zero since v M and HhV first term is estimated using Theorem 3.2 and the lt is estimated using conclude that llv]o Ch-]v,, U. (a.0), (, nd (a.) v (a.S). (.30) i. e (W*’()) ". M. The (4.26). We 1626 PETER B. MONK 4.3. Proof of Theorem 4.1. We prove Theorem 4.1 in two special cases which combine to prove the desired result. THEOREM 4.7. Suppose J Vj for some j E C(O,T;H()), Ho 0 and E0 Vp0Efor some Po hH(gt). Suppose also that E CI(0, T; (Hk())3), k _> 1. Then if R Po and H (0) 0 there is a constant C independent of h and E such that (4.31) _ II(E Eh)(t)llo <_ C hkllE(t)llk. Remark. In this case H(t) Hh(t) 0 at all times. Proof. We first show that H(t) Hh(t) O, 0 t. By Lemma 4.1 we may write E(t) V A(t) + Vp(t) for some p(t) e H() and A(t) e H(curl;gt). Substituting this in (1.8)-(1.9) and H in (1.9), then adding, we conclude that V A in (1.8) and taking (4.32) (V At, V A) + (Ht, H) 0, t But H(0) H0 0 and (V A)(0) 0 and hence (V Similarly, in the finite-dimensional case we may write (4.33) E h (t) V > 0. A)(t) H(t) O, 0 <_ t. A h (t) + G h Ah(t) Vh and G h (V Vh) +/- C Uh. Of course if G h (V Vh) +/-, (4.34) (G h, V C h) 0 VC h e Yh. Using (1.11)-(1.12) with b h V A h and ch H h proves the analogue of (4.32) for A h and H h. But Hh(o) 0 and Eh(o) PoEo so that (V A h (0) + G h (0) E0, @h) 0 V h e Uh. Recall that E0 Vp0 (V H(curl; t)) +/-, and so taking h V Ah(o) above we conclude that V Ah(o) --O. Thus (4.35) E(t) Vp(t), p(t) 6 H(), and H(t)= 0 Eh(t) Gh(t) 6 (V X Vh) 1, and Hh(t)= 0 (4.36) where Furthermore, using (1.8) and (1.11)we have (4.37) (4.38) (Vpt, Vq) (Gth,.h) HI (Vj, Vq) Vq e (t), (Vj, h) v./h e (V Yh) +/-. But the orthogonality of Vp and Vj with V A for any A H(curl; gt) implies that (L2(Ft)) 3, and similarly, since G h and Vj are orthogonal to V A h, for any A h Yh we have (G, u h) (Vj, u h) Vu h e Vh. (4.40) (4.39) (Vpt, u) (Vj, u) Vu e 1627 A MIXED METHOD FOR MAXWELL’S EQUATIONS Subtracting (4.40) from (4.39) and using (4.35)-(4.36) (( E), ) 0 W proves that Hence, using the L2 projection P0, we conclude that ((POE Eh)t, PoE E h) O. Since Eh(o) PoE(O), we conclude that Eh(t) PoE(t), t > 0 and II(E- En)(t)llo I1(I- Po)E(t)llo. 1-1 An application of the estimate in (3.10) completes the proof. THEOREM 4.8. Suppose J V x j for some j E C(O, T; (H2(D))3) and suppose H e CI(0,T; (W1’8(2)) 3) for some s > 2. Suppose also that E e CI(0, T; (H1(2))3), that Eo (VH(D)) A-, and that pE Po. Finally, suppose that (4.41) Then for any > 0 there exists a constant C C(, s) such that (4.42) Proof. By Lemma (4.3) we know that E0 and A may be chosen so that V.A 0 in fl, and A.n 0 on F. But using the test function Vq, q e H0(2) in (1.8), we conclude that E(t) e (VH(fl)) 0 _< t _< T and hence -c, (4.43) with V.A t _> 0 V x A(t), A(t) e H(curl; 2), 0 on F. Also, by Theorem 4.2, 0 in 2 and A.n E(t) we know that A e (H2()) 3 with (4.44) Unfortunately, in this case Eh(t) does not satisfy a discrete analogue of (4.43), but we may write E h (t) (4.45) where h h(t) Gh in (1.11) ,h (t) + G h (t) Vh and Gh(t) (V x Vh) +/-. It is easy to estimate G h. Taking and using the fact that G h (V x Vh) +/- we have X , (, ) (v x ) (v x ( ), (). Hence, by integrating the above inequality and using Theorem 3.2, (4.46) II(h(t)llo< Ilah(0)llo / II--rhllH& < IIGh(0)llo / c hllllL(O,;(H(m)" 1628 PETER B. MONK To estimate the initial data, note that if R E Po, ((0) Eo, (0)) 0, and hence (Gh(o) V (A(0) rhA(O)), Gh(o)) O. An application of the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality together with Theorem 3.2 and (4.44) shows that (4.47) Combining (4.47) and (4.46) shows that (4.48) To estimate E- h, we use Theorem 2.1. Let U (1) (VH(n)) . Then by virtue of (4.43), we may write H(t)) e U (1) x H(curl; fl) such that (1.8)-(1.9) (E(t), (J, ) V e V (), 0 V e g(u; n). (E, ) (V x H, ) (H, ) + (E, V x ) (4.49) (4.50) the problem of finding U)= V x Vh we have that (h(t),Hh(t)) e (U), Vh)satisfies h gh ,) (E,)-(V (J, h Ve vl) Similarly, defining (4.51) (a.2) (H, )+ Now we apply Theorem 2.1 using the spaces U U (1) and V H(curl; ) with finitedimensional subspaces ) V Vh and Vh. We can take Ph to be the orthogonal projection of (/(n)) a onto ) and Hh to be the projection analyzed in 4.2. Let us first check hypothesis (Ul). If u (/:(n)) a U U (Pu- u, V v) 0 Vv V, - since this is just the definition of Ph. Moreover,-since E ) we may write Ph" (L()) a U 0 for some C h (P(V A)-V A,V Vh and we may choose v) Ch (V C and similarly (4.54) PE- Eo A(t) and since A,V v ) HhA. Hence from Theorem (4.44) (4.53) V V Ch]E 4.6 and 1629 A MIXED METHOD FOR MAXWELL’S EQUATIONS Next we turn to (H2). u h E U(h 1) implies u h if v e H(curl; t) by (4.15) we conclude that C h for some C h e Vh and hence V (rI- ), )= (v (I- v), v c ) (v 0 is satisfied. Since H is such that V.H 0 in gt and H.n 0 on F we can use Theorem 4.6 to estimate H- IIhH and Ht- IIhHt. It remains to analyze the initial condition for A little care is needed since and (H2) pE Uh --+ U. Since pE h. Po, ( (0) + ( (0) Picking _ Hence Uh V Vh for some v h E0, u ) V. 0 Vu Yh, we have ((0)- E0, V v) 0 Vv e V. h(0) PhEo. Now we may apply part (b) of Theorem 2.1, the estimates for Ph in (4.53)-(4.54), and the estimates for IIh in (4.18), together with (4.41) to conclude the estimate (4.55) II(E- h )(t)[Io + [I(HCh 1-5 - - {I]EOlll --IIHollw1,8(ft) IIEtllL(O,t;(H(ft))3) I]Htl]L(O,t;(w,8(a))3) }. Here we have also used estimates like (3.14)-(3.15) to simplify the right-hand side. The proof is completed by noting that II(E- Eh)(t)llo <_ IIGh(t)llo + II(E- h)(t)ll0 and so adding (4.48) and (4.55) gives the desired result. Proof of Theorem 4.1. Now we can prove Theorem 4.1. By Lemma 4.3, J=Vj+Vj, H j e H(curl; ft) and j e (). Furthermore, by Lemma 4.2 and Theorem 1.10 of w know that e H(a) nd I111 CIIJII. In the same way we may write E0 V A0 + Vp0, [14] -< where A0 e H(curl; t), P0 e H(t). Hence, for the purposes of analysis the problem can be split by linearity into two subproblems. The first problem has current J(1) Vj, and initial data H(0) 0, and E(0) Vp0. Estimates for the problem are provided by Theorem 4.7. The second problem has data j(2) V j, and initial data E0 V A0 and H (0) H0. Estimates for this problem are provided in Theorem 4.8. In both cases the necessary smoothness is guaranteed by the a priori assumptions of Theorem 4.1 (using arguments similar to those sketched above for obtaining the smoothness of j). After estimates for each subproblem have been obtained, the use of the triangle inequality then proves the desired result. 1630 PETER B. MONK In the previous section we made ex- 4.4. The discrete Helmholtz splitting. tensive use of the discrete Helmholtz splitting (v x (v x -L. In this short section we remark that it is possible to characterize (V Vh) +/- in some cases. In this section we shall assume that gt is polygonal and k 1. It is hoped in the future to extend our result to curved domains and higher-order spaces. Define the space Nh as follows: (Ph PhlK E P1, VK E Th in addition Ph is continuous at the centroid of any face f common to two elements in Th and vanishes at the centroid of faces f on Nh is a three-dimensional analogue of the two-dimensional nonconforming space introduced in [25]. We denote by VNh the space of piecewise constant functions that are piecewise gradients of functions in Nh. Thus VNh {Uh e Uh 3p h e Nh such that uhlg V(phlK) VK e Th}. The following theorem and proof are motivated by the work of Arnold and Falk [3]. THEOREM 4.9. If k 1 and 12 is polygonal, Uh has the following orthogonal decomposition: U (4.56) VxV VN. Remark. On a polygonal domain with k 1 this theorem shows exactly the sense in which E h approximates E in Theorem 4.7. In that case E Vp(t) and Eh Vph(t) where ph Nh. Our proof of Theorem 4.7 (which also holds for polygonal domains) is essentially a novel proof of convergence of a nonconforming method for Laplace’s equation. From the proof of Theorem 4.8 we saw that if J V j and E0 V A0 then E(t) V x A(t) but in general E h (t) 7 A h + Vph, where A h Vh and ph Nh. However, if it is desired that Eh(t) be entirely divergence free, we could compute _h V A h at each time by computing ph, which would require the solution of a nonconforming Dirichlet problem. Proof. Following Arnold and Falk [3], we first show the orthogonality of functions in V x Vh and TNh. Let U h V Vh and G h VNh; then U h V V h for some v h Vh and G h Vph some ph Nh. But u h ( h dx E (V x v h, Vph)g KETh -(v.(v + x gETh where nK is the unit outward normal to K. Of course V.(V x v h) 0 (trivially, since vhlg (P1)3!). Furthermore, if f is a face common to two elements K1 and K2 then (nK1.V vh,ph)oKnf--(nK2.V vh,ph)oK2nf x ph 1631 A MIXED METHOD FOR MAXWELL’S EQUATIONS where we have used the fact that up to a minus sign, n.V v h is continuous at interelement boundaries (since n.V v h is nothing more than the surface curl on f [20]). But n.V v h is constant on f, and hence if c, represents the centroid of f, simple quadrature on f [7] shows that 0. Similarly if f C F, < n.V vh,ph >f-- 0 since ph is zero at the centroid of f. We have thus shown that uh.G h dc O. It remains to show the equality in (4.56). Let NI be the number of faces in the triangulation and Nt be the number of tetrahedra. Then Ndlec [21] shows that fa dim V x Vh NI, -N and of course dim Finally, we note that if ph E Nh with dim 3Nt. Uh Tphlg V Nh dim dimVNh+ dimVxVh 0 for all K 4Nt Nh Th then Ph O. Thus NI 4N-Nf + Nf-N 3Nt--dimUh, and the result is proved. 5. The fully discrete problem. In this section we shall make some observations regarding the implementation of a fully discrete version of (1.11)-(1.12). We shall ignore the important problem of how to approximate the curved domain. For such vital aspects as quadrature on curved elements, the approximation of curved domains in 3, and isoparametric methods, consult [17], [6], [9]. In this paper, the .choice of the Ndlec space Vh and the discontinuous space has been shown to be a stable and accurate pair of spaces for the semidiscrete Uh problem. In particular, the linear Ndlec space (k 1) for Vh and the piecewise constant space for Uh appear to be an attractive pair for computation. The choice of time discretization is also extremely important. There are many possible timestepping methods that can be applied to (1.11)(1.12). For example, the use of Newmark’s method is discussed in [1]. Another timestepping method used in computational electromagnetics [31] is the leapfrog scheme. In this scheme we approximate Eh(t) at times nat, 0 Let {n} be the vector of degrees of freedom of E h at time tn. Hh(t) is approximated at time tn+l/2 with vector of unknowns {7"tn+i/2}n= o. The initial value 7"t 1/2 can be computed using, for example, a second order in time Taylor series method. Given (t n, 7-tn+1/2), the new approximation (n+1, t+3/2) is obtained by successively solving the equations n (5.1) (5.2) Me (n+l n)At +Ma (n+12t-’n)-Mc’n+l/2--,rn+l/22 M, (’n+3/2--’n+l/2) At + MTcn+l 0. 1632 PETER B. MONK ,.-n+l/2 is the right-hand side representing the current J at tn+l/2. These obtained from (1.11)-(1.12) using centered differences in time. The are equations matrix M is a symmetric, positive-definite block diagonal matrix of size dim Uh dim Uh. M is positive semidefinite with the same block structure as M. Mc is is also symmetric and positive-definite and of size dim Vh dim Uh dim Vh. to be well conditioned. dim Vh. Furthermore, if Th is uniformly regular we expect To timestep (5.1)-(5.2), given t ’ and T/n+1/2, we first compute ’+1 from (4.55) by solving the block-diagonal problem with matrix Mc/At + Ma/2. Here the diagonal blocks correspond to the unknowns on each element. Once +1 is known, we can use 7+/2 and t +1 in (5.2) to compute 7,+3/2. This involves solving a system with matrix The stability of the above leapfrog timestepping method applied to Maxwell’s equations has not yet been analyzed. It has, however, been used with great success for timestepping finite difference methods for Maxwell’s equations (cf. [28]), so there is reason to believe it will be successful for the finite element scheme. Indeed, computations in -2 using the two-dimensional analogue of Ndlec’s elements, and leapfrog timestepping, suggest that the method analyzed in this paper will possess good accuracy and dispersion properties when applied in 7 3 [19]. If a fully implicit scheme is used (although this appears a difficult choice in practice) we can show that the method is stable and hence convergent (cf. [1] where an implicit scheme for Maxwell’s equations in two dimensions is used and analyzed). Specifically, if we apply the Crank-Nicolson scheme to (1.11)-(1.12) we obtain the fully discrete problem of computing a sequence of vector fields (n, 7"/n) 0 <_ n Here M M M. (5.4) M, At + MT 2 0. This fully discrete scheme is stable. To prove stability, take ,+1/2 0, 0 _< n < oc and multiply (5.3) by (n+ + t)T on the left. Then multiply (5.4) on the left by (7 +1 + Tin) T and adding the resulting equations we obtain _ (n+ + n)TMe (+l_n)) + nn+ nn) TM, .( n+l--nAt _(n+l + n)TMa (’+1+) 2 ) The above equality is the discrete analogue of the continuous conservation of energy for Maxwell’s equations. Since M is positive semidefinite, we conclude that --n+l (n+l)TMcn+i + (7 n+l) M’]’tT- (n)TMn + (n)TM, nn. And iterating this equality implies that (g+)TM+ + (tn+)TM, n +1 <_ (g)TM + (n)VM, n M . are symmetric positive definite, we conclude that Since the matrices M and the fully discrete problem is stable. 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