61 (161 [Ch. in h.] Answered on September 12 of [17]92. No. 160. In view of the excesses that have been substantiated against the parish priest of that villa, Don Fran[cis]co Gomez Moreno, in the books of complaints kept by you about the manner and conduct that he observes, I have declared, with an opinion from the senor auditor of War, that an official copy of [the complaints] be forwarded with the appropriate official letter to the most illustrious senor diocesan [bishop], so that he might take the proper action and dictate to him his pastoral zeal, [and] urging and beseeching him to report what [those actions] might be, for my superior awareness. And I notify you of this for your intelligence and gui- / /1 v dance. God keep you many years. Mexico, August 7, 1792. EI Conde de Revilla Gigedo [Rubric] Sr. Lieutenant Coionell Don Manuel Munoz J Secretariat. [L. S., I-Iv pp., 8/7/1792]