Organometallic Vapor Phase Epitaxy Technical Program of Bi2Te3 and Sb2Te3 measured using spectroscopic ellipsometry”, Journal of Electronic Materials, vol. 28, pp. 1111 - 1114, (1999). In-Situ Monitoring and Characterization Monday AM March 12, 2001 9:00 AM In-Situ Monitor and Control of Stress during MOCVD of (Al,Ga)N: Karen E. Waldrip1; Jung Han1; Steven R. Lee1; Jeff J. Figiel1; Brent P. Gila2; Cammy R. Abernathy2; Viswanath Krishnamoorthy3; 1Sandia National Laboratories, Chem. Proc. Sci., Dept. 1126, PO Box 5800, MS 0601, Albuquerque, NM 87185-0100 USA; 2University of Florida, Dept. of Mats. Sci. & Eng., PO Box 116400, Gainesville, FL 32611 USA; 3University of Florida, Major Analyt. Instrumentation Ctr., PO Box 116400, Gainesville, FL 32611 USA The ability to produce short wavelength optoelectronic devices based on AlGaN has been severely hindered by cracking of the AlGaN layers due to growth and thermal tensile stresses in the films. We demonstrate in this talk that the use of low-temperature AlGaN interlayers is effective in reducing the coherency stress when AlGaN is grown at high temperature on GaN templates on sapphire substrates. The stress evolution during growth was monitored using an in situ wafer curvaturebased stress sensor and was correlated to ex situ high resolution x-ray diffraction and cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy analysis to determine the degree of coherency in the low temperature AlGaN interlayers. For 0.9um-thick AlGaN containing 20% aluminum, we found that the initial growth stress changed from tensile to compressive as the aluminum concentration in the interlayer was increased. Study of stress evolution during AlGaN growth on (111) Si substrates will also be presented. Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company, for the United States Department of Energy under Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000. Room: St. Tropez/Monte Carlo/Riviera Location: Hilton San Diego Resort Session Chair: Tom Kuech 8:10 AM Welcome 8:20 AM Emissivity-Correcting Pyrometry for OMVPE Applications: William G. Breiland1; Larry A. Bruskas1; Andrew A. Allerman1; Terry W. Hargett1; 1Sandia National Laboratories, Dept. 1126 MS 0601, PO Box 5800, Albuquerque, NM 87185 USA Single-wavelength emissivity-correcting pyrometry is a well-known method for remote surface temperature measurement. It is ideally suited for semiconductor deposition applications where the emissivity undergoes large changes due to thin film interference effects. However, in MOCVD applications, the method is vulnerable to significant artifacts in the temperature from reflectance drift and scaling errors and stray thermal emission from sources other than wafers. Temperature errors approaching 50 degrees can be incurred when the reflectance of the wafer exceeds 80%. We present a simple method for in situ calibration that is used to determine a single empirical parameter that corrects for all the above mentioned artifacts. This parameter is used in a slightly modified pyrometer algorithm to make artifact-free in situ surface temperature measurements during growth with 1 to 2 degree precision. Applications of this method to temperature-sensitive materials growth systems such as AlGaInN alloys are also presented. 9:20 AM In-Situ Determination of GaAs Free Carrier Concentration and Temperature by Raman Spectroscopy: James E. Maslar1; Wilbur S. Hurst1; 1NIST, CSTL, 100 Bureau Dr., Stop 8360, Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8360 USA In situ Raman spectroscopy was used to measure free carrier concentration and temperature of n-type GaAs in an organometallic vapor phase epitaxy reactor at temperatures between 25 deg C and 480 deg C. Previously grown GaAs epilayers and substrates with nominal n-type doping levels between 1 x 1015 cm-3 and 6 x 1018 cm-3 were examined. Models for determination of carrier concentration from Raman spectra of GaAs at elevated temperatures were evaluated. 8:40 AM In-Situ Monitoring of the Growth of Thick Bi2Te3 and Sb2Te3 Films and Bi2Te3-Sb2Te3 Superlattices Using Spectroscopic Ellipsometry: Ishwara Bhat1; Hao Cui1; Rama Venkatasubramanian2; 1Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, ECSE Dept., JEC 6003, Troy, NY 12180 USA; 2Research Triangle Institute, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 USA In this work, we present in-situ monitoring of the growth of thick bismuth telluride (Bi2Te3) and antimony telluride (Sb2Te3) films as well as Bi2Te3-Sb2Te3 superlattice using spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE). Bi2Te3 and Sb2Te3 films were grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) at 350ºC. A 44-wavelength ellipsometer with spectral range from 404 nm to 740 nm was used in this study. The optical constants of Bi2Te3 and Sb2Te3 at growth temperature were determined by fitting a model to the extracted in-situ SE data of optically thick Bi2Te3 and Sb2Te3 films. Compared to the optical constants of Bi2Te3 and Sb2Te3 at room temperature1, significant temperature dependence is observed. Using their optical constant at the growth temperature, the growth of thick Bi2Te3 and Sb2Te3 films were monitored and modeled and excellent fit between the experimental data and data generated from the best-fit model was obtained. The growth rates were determined to be 2.48 Å/sec and 1.92Å/sec for Bi2Te3 and Sb2Te3, respectively. Growth of different Bi2Te3-Sb2Te3 superlattices was also monitored. The growth of Bi2Te3 and Sb2Te3 layers can be separately seen clearly in in-situ SE data. Modeling of in-situ superlattice growth shows layers abrupt interfaces between the two constituent films. 1H.Cui, I. Bhat and R. Venkatasubramanian, “Optical constants 9:40 AM From Single Wafer to Multi-Wafer Reactors–In-Situ Sensor Assisted Process Transfer: Kolja Haberland1; Rainer Hövel2; Martin Zorn3; Markus Weyers3; Jörg-Thomas Zettler4; Wolfgang Richter4; 1LayTec Gesellschaft für in-situ und Nano-SensorikmbH, Sekr. PN 5-7, Hardenbergstr. 36, Berlin D-10623 Germany; 2Avalon Photonics Ltd., Badenerstr. 569, Postfach, Zürich CH-8048 Switzerland; 3FerdinandBraun-Institut für Höchstfrequenztechnik, Albert-Einstein-Str. 11, Berlin D-12489 Germany; 4Technische Universität Berlin, Institut für Festkörperphysik, Sekr. PN 6-1, Hardenbergstr. 36, Berlin D-10623 Germany In-situ sensor supported MOVPE growth has recently been demonstrated successfully in single wafer reactors on rotating samples, by accessing growth rate, composition, sample temperature and doping. This paper demonstrates how this type of combined reflectance and reflectance anisotropy (R/RAS) sensor can be adapted also to state-ofthe-art planetary reactors, in order to transfer pilot processes from single wafer to production line multi-wafer environments. After sketch1 of samples are comparable and will be presented. The results demonstrate the suitability of the getter technique as a true alternative for hydrogen carrier gas purification. ing briefly which additional sensor features had to be added (e.g. synchronization with the complex planetary rotation) we focus on an insitu based process transfer of an AlGaAs distributed bragg mirror from a single wafer to a planetary Aixtron reactor. In both reactor types insitu measurements of the key parameters growth rate, composition, temperature and doping level have been performed. In case of the planetary reactor, for each wafer an individual AlxGa1-xAs growth rate and composition has been determined. We have also studied the influence of n- and p-doping of AlGaAs on the optical signatures and found a clear dependence of the measured signal on the doping level. This was exploited for in-situ doping level measurements in the different reactors. 11:20 AM Comparison of TMI Chemical Analysis with InP and AlInAs Film Properties: Michael L. Timmons1; Deo V. Shenai1; Alexandre Efimov2; Edward D. Gagnon3; 1Rohm and Haas Company, Metalorganics, 60 Willow St., North Andover, MA 01845 USA; 2Shiva Technologies, Inc., 6707 Brooklawn Pkwy., Syracuse, NY 13211 USA; 3Bandwidth Semiconductor, LLC, 40 Wiggins Ave., Bedford, MA 01730 USA Quality of organometallic sources, for example, trimethylindium (TMI), has improved significantly in recent years. Impurity levels are in part-per-billion (ppb) ranges from most metalorganics vendors. Analytical capabilities are pushed to identify and quantify impurities accurately at these levels. GDMS (glow discharge mass spectroscopy), a high-vacuum chemical analysis, allows detection of impurities at low ppb levels in grown films. A question for OMVPE chemistry becomes the following: At what level do impurities fail to make an impact on devices? To address this question, we present data that combine source chemical analysis with GDMS to show the impurity profiles in grown InP and AlInAs films. These results are compared to electrical characterization of the same films to show the impact of impurities on performance. These data show only weak cor-relation, suggesting that source quality has attained levels where little impact on devices is expected. Consistency becomes the dominant issue for source chemical manufacturers. 10:00 AM Break Precursors Monday AM March 12, 2001 Room: St. Tropez/Monte Carlo/Riviera Location: Hilton San Diego Resort Session Chair: Simon Watkins 10:40 AM Purification of Dialkylzinc Precursors Using Macrocyclic Amines: Lesley Margaret Smith1; K. M. Coward2; A. Steiner2; J. F. Bickley2; A. C. Jones2; S. Petroni3; 1Epichem Limited, Power Rd., Bromborough, Wirral, Merseyside CH62 3QF UK; 2University of Liverpool, Dept. of Chem., Liverpool L69 7ZD UK; 3Istituto Nazionale per la Fisica della Materia (INFM), UdR Lecce, Via per Arnesano, Via per Arnesano, Lecce I-73100 Italy Despite extensive research into the carbon doping of III-V materials, zinc is still the most widely used and versatile p-dopant, with Me2Zn and Et2Zn being most often employed as precursors. The rapid growth MOVPE as a production technology for optoelectronic III-V devices has placed increasingly stringent demands on the purity of the metalorganic precursor, with trace oxygen being a particular problem, in Al-containing layers. Trace oxygen levels can be significantly reduced by the use of the adduct Me2Zn(NEt3), but it is not possible to obtain base-free Me2Zn from this compound. However, ultra-high purity dimethylzinc and diethylzinc can be readily obtained by mild thermal dissociation of their adducts with low volatility macrocyclic tertiary amines. In this paper, the synthesis and structural characterisation of (Me2Zn)2[N4-aza crown], (Me2Zn)2[N6-aza crown] and (Et2Zn)2[N4-aza crown] are reported and their dissociation behaviour is discussed. 11:40 AM Ammonia Gas: Purification Media Characterization by Trace Level Analysis of O2 and H2O Contamination: Sara Guadagnuolo1; Giorgio Vergani1; Marco Succi1; 1Saes Getters SpA, Pure Gas R&D Labs., viale Italia 77, Lainate 20020 Italy Brightness and quality of blue LED devices, and in general of most III-V compound devices, is now known to have a strong dependence on the presence of deep states. The presence of dopant species in the epilayer broadens the light emission peak due to unwanted carrier recombination effects. The intensity and width of room temperature PL spectra of GaN (for example) has been shown to increase as layer contamination is increased. A purification media for Ammonia gas, commonly used as a Nitrogen source, has been developed for the reduction and control of gaseous contamination. In this work we will illustrate some characterization studies performed of the material and some further studies we are currently performing. Trace level moisture and oxygen analyses of purified ammonia are a routine characterization procedure for us and the analytical methods for these impurities will be illustrated. Typical purification media efficiency and capacity tests will also be illustrated. 11:00 AM On the Suitability of Getter Purified Hydrogen for the LP-MOVPE of AlGaAs: A Comparison to Pd-Diffused Hydrogen: Hilde Hardtdegen1; R. Schmidt1; K. Wirtz1; Sara Guadagnuolo2; Giorgio Vergani2; 1Juelich Research Center, Inst. of Thin Film & Ion Tech., Juelich D-52425 Germany; 2Saes Getters SpA, Pure Gas R&D Labs., viale Italia 77, Lainate 20020 Italy Diffusion through a very thin Pd foil is a well-accepted method for the purification of hydrogen carrier gas in MOVPE. However, due to the foil’s mechanical fragility pinholes and cracks can form, which may go unnoticed until damage is done to the metalorganic source compounds as well as to the deposited layers resulting in high costs for production. Therefore purifying methods such as getter columns, which will chemically bind the impurities irreversibly and hold them back are a welcome alternative to Pd diffusion. The aim of this work is to test the suitability of getter purified hydrogen carrier gas for MOVPE by depositing an extremely sensitive material towards the most harmful impurity oxygen: Al0.3 Ga0.7As. Two sets of samples were grown under different deposition conditions using both purification techniques for hydrogen carrier gas. Optical and electrical characteristics for both sets Growth Mechanisms I Monday PM March 12, 2001 Room: St. Tropez/Monte Carlo/Riviera Location: Hilton San Diego Resort Session Chairs: Jerry Stringfellow; Nigel Mason 7:00 PM Alternative Gas Phase Reactions During GaN Growth: Ramchandra Wate1; James A. Dumesic1; Thomas F. Kuech1; 1University of Wisconsin, Dept. of Chem. Eng., 1415 Engineering Dr., Madison, WI 53706 USA The metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy of GaN is complicated by the extensive and pervasive complex gas phase chemistry within the growth system not typically found in the metal organic vapor phase epitaxy of other III-V materials. The most well known reaction is the formation of 2 results on decomposition mechanisms for metal oxide compositions (Y, Ba, Cu), and demonstrate the utility of including such studies in the design of molecules for OMVPE growth (Mg, Yb). a gas phase adduct between trimethyl gallium, (CH3)3Ga, and ammonia, NH3, that leads to the formation of more complex gas phase products, such as ((CH3)2GaNH2)x=2 or 3, which further react and complicate the detailed growth behavior. The detailed mechanisms responsible for the observed gas phase reactions were investigated by density functional theory (DFT) calculations, performed with Gaussian98 software. These calculations initially determined the heat of reaction for the overall reaction as well as the elementary steps. The pathway where a second ammonia molecule acts as a hydrogen transfer agent is the most favorable one among the three pathways examined. 8:20 PM Epiready GaAs Substrates for MOVPE, Differences Between OnAxis and Vicinal Substrates: Nigel John Mason1; 1University of Oxford, Phys. Dept., Clarendon Lab., Parks Rd., Oxford, Oxon OX1 3PU UK The preparation of substrates, for MOVPE growth is a poorly understood process. Up to now, there have been no reports of differences in preparation for on-axis and vicinal substrates. It is well known that growth on on-axis substrates is more difficult but some devices require them to be used for optimum device performance. It is therefore important to try to observe and understand any differences between the two types of substrates during the preparative stage. We observe that GaAs: Si substrates show kinetically controlled island growth [islands 50 nm high and 200 nm long, at 450°C]. Since the ambient is molecular hydrogen and the reactor is clean at the outset, the island material must be coming from incomplete sublimation from the substrate. The vicinal substrates show a completely smooth surface except for the expected offcut. Subsequent homoepitaxy results in rough morphology for onaxis substrates and smooth for vicinal. Suggestions for smooth growth on-axis will be presented. 7:20 PM A Study of Gas Phase Reactions in TMGa-NH3-NH2 Using InSitu Raman Spectroscopy: Min Huang1; Jang Yeon Hwang1; Timothy J. Anderson1; 1University of Florida, Chem. Eng. Dept., Gainesville, FL 32611 USA The most common precurs for MOCVD of GaN are Trimethylgallium (TMGa) and ammonia (NH3). It is well known that TMGa and NH3 form a TMGa:NH3 adduct at low temperature. It is suggested that at the higher temperature region close to the substrate, this adduct decomposes to yield the dimer or trimer of an addcut species ((CH3)2GaNH2)x. In this contribution, the gas phase thermal dissociation/decomposition of TMGa:NH3 in N2 has been studied at typical MOCVD reaction conditions by in situ Raman spectroscopy. Besides the formation of((CH3)2GaNH2)x species, at 3.7 mm from the substrate temperature above 530 K, dissociation of the parent adduct TMGa:NH3 was observed to produce TMGa. The reactions were probed in a vertical impinging flow cylindrical MOCVD reactor. Gas phase temperature profiles were also obtained simultaneously using N2 rotational spectra. A gas phase reaction mechanism scheme is proposed based on the downstream spatially resolved Raman observation. Mid-Infrared Materials and Devices Tuesday AM March 13, 2001 7:40 PM Low Temperature Nitride Precursor Reactions: J. Randall Creighton1; 1Sandia National Laboratories, Dept. 1126, PO Box 5800, MS-0601, Albuquerque, NM 87185 USA We have the examined the reactions and interactions of TMAl and TMGa with ammonia using a variety of techniques. As expected, both metalorganics react with ammonia to form adducts, which we unambiguously identify with mass spectroscopy. However, over the 0-200°C range we have found no evidence supporting decomposition reactions such as methane elimination. As the temperature is raised the adducts simply dissociate back into the original reactants at rates consistent with equilibrium calculations. We have measured the vapor pressures of the adducts and their mixtures near room temperature and found that condensation can be a significant process, especially at higher reactor pressures. At 18°C the TMAl:NH3 and TMGa:NH3 vapor pressures are 75 and 410 millitorr, respectively. The two species form a nearly ideal solid solution, so the presence of one component will significantly affect the vapor pressure of the second component in a manner that mimics a “parasitic” reaction. Room: St. Tropez/Monte Carlo/Riviera Location: Hilton San Diego Resort Session Chair: Ishwara Bhat 8:20 AM Structural and Optical Properties of Ultrathin GaSb/GaAs Quantum Wells Grown by MOVPE: O. J. Pitts1; S. P. Watkins1; 1Simon Fraser University, Dept. of Phys., 8888 University Dr., Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6 Canada We report on the growth and characterisation of multiple type II quantum wells of GaSb of up to 2 monolayer thickness embedded in GaAs. These structures are formed by an Sb-As exchange reaction. At 500ºC, the GaSb thickness increases with the exchange exposure time, up to 10 seconds, then decreases for t>10 sec. The crystalline quality of the samples with exchange times less than 10 sec. is shown to be excellent by high-resolution x-ray diffraction, however in-situ monitoring by reflectance difference spectroscopy presents evidence for strong Sb-As intermixing. Optical properties of the GaSb quantum wells are studied by photoluminescence and photoreflectance (PR) measurements. Two strong features below the GaAs bandgap are resolved by PR, which we attribute to type-II transitions involving heavy and light holes. The splitting of these transitions is shown to increase linearly with the GaSb well thickness. These features are observed even at submonolayer GaSb coverages. 8:00 PM Utilization of Results from In-Situ Vapor Phase UV-VIS Spectroscopy in the Design of Materials for OMVPE Growth: William S. Rees1; Oliver Just1; Bettie Obi-Johnson2; Jason S. Matthews3; 1Georgia Institute of Technology, Sch. of Chem. & Biochem., 770 State St., Boggs Bldg., Rm. 3-44, Atlanta, GA 30332-0400 USA; 2Celanese Acetate, 2850 Cherry Rd., Rock Hill, SC 29730 USA; 3Union Carbide Corporation, Tech. Ctr., 3200 Kanawha Trpk., PO Box 8361, South Charleston, WV 25303-0361 USA In OMVPE growth of oxides, an issue receiving attention is the design of appropriate precursor chemistries. One challenge in this field is to balance desirable growth mechanisms with sufficient vapor pressure and vapor phase stability of the source compounds. Relying on in situ UV-VIS spectroscopy as a vapor phase diagnostic, deposition mechanisms have been examined for a series of metal oxide precursors. The information gained in this study has been utilized in designing ligands for attachment to specific metals. This lecture will describe the in situ vapor phase UV-VIS monitoring apparatus, present selected 8:40 AM Structural, Electrical, and Optical Characterization of GaAsSb on InP: S. P. Watkins1; O. J. Pitts1; C. Dale1; K. L. Kavanagh1; V. Fink1; E. Chevalier1; S. Hummel2; N. Moll2; 1Simon Fraser University, Dept. of Phys., 8888 University Dr., Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6 Canada; 2Agilent Technologies, Elec. Rsch. Lab., Palo Alto, CA USA GaAsSb is a promising material for the fabrication of high speed InPbased double heterojunction transistors. Previous reports of low hole mobilities in GaAsSb layers grown at Simon Fraser University (SFU) suggested an unusually strong alloy scattering mechanism for this material. Recent samples grown at Agilent show somewhat higher mobilities approaching those of InGaAs at comparable doping levels. We 3 patterned GaAs substrates by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition. Transmission electron microscopy measurements show that the density of dislocations in the GaSb layer grown on a patterned GaAs substrate with sub-micron openings is less than 106cm-2. Local stress simulation indicates that the local stress gradient near a small opening is effective in bending and confining dislocations to within ~2 µm from the growth window, resulting in significant dislocation density reduction. We are exploring InGaAsSb and AlGaAsSb lattice matched to GaSb for use in thermal photovoltaics (TPV). Toward this end we have investigated the growth and doping of AlGaAsSb using metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) in an Emcore D75 high-speed rotating disk reactor. We have also explored the n- and p-type doping of this material using diethyltellurium, tetraethyltin, and diethylzinc. We will report on the growth conditions used to prepare these materials as well as their characterization by x-ray diffraction, atomic force microscopy, photoluminescence, secondary ion mass-spectroscopy, and Hall measurements. We are currently investigating the source of oxygen and carbon impurities in AlGaAsSb and will also report on these results. We will present current-voltage measurements of a cell isolation diode fabricated from AlGaAsSb showing a breakdown voltage of greater than -5 V at -1 amp/cm2 and a high shunt resistance. These diodes should be able to serve as isolation diodes in TPV cells. report differences in the levels of compositional ordering observed by transmission electron microscopy in samples grown at SFU and at Agilent, and believe that this is responsible for the observed variations in hole mobilities. The ordering, detected in [001] plan-view images and selected area diffraction patterns, has a primary modulation period of around 1.1 nm aligned with a particular [110] in-plane direction. Room temperature Raman spectra show no evidence of phase separation. A strong plasmon peak observed in the Raman spectra can be used to estimate the carrier concentration at high doping levels. 9:00 AM The Preparation of AlGaAsSb Diodes On GaSb Substrates Using Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition: Robert M. Biefeld1; J. G. Cederberg1; G. M. Peake1; M. N. Palmisiano2; 1Sandia National Laboratory, Dept. 1126, PO Box 5800-0601, Albuquerque, NM 871850601 USA; 2Bechtel Bettis, Inc., West Mifflin, PA 15122 USA We are exploring InGaAsSb and AlGaAsSb lattice matched to GaSb for use in thermal photovoltaics (TPV). Toward this end we have investigated the growth and doping of AlGaAsSb using metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) in an Emcore D75 high-speed rotating disk reactor. We have also explored the n- and p-type doping of this material using diethyltellurium, tetraethyltin, and diethylzinc. We will report on the growth conditions used to prepare these materials as well as their characterization by x-ray diffraction, atomic force microscopy, photoluminescence, secondary ion mass-spectroscopy, and Hall measurements. We are currently investigating the source of oxygen and carbon impurities in AlGaAsSb and will also report on these results. We will present current-voltage measurements of a cell isolation diode fabricated from AlGaAsSb showing a breakdown voltage of greater than -5 V at -1 amp/cm2 and a high shunt resistance. These diodes should be able to serve as isolation diodes in TPV cells. 10:00 AM Break GaInAsN Tuesday AM March 13, 2001 9:20 AM Spontaneous Vertical Composition Modulation in Epitaxial GaInAsSb Grown on Vicinal Substrates: Christine A. Wang1; Christopher J. Vineis1; Daniel R. Calawa1; Paul M. Nitishin1; 1MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Electro-Optical Matls. and Devices, 244 Wood St., Lexington, MA 02420 USA Observations of spontaneous vertical composition modulation (VCM) in epitaxial Ga1-xInxAsySb1-y (0<x<0.2, 0<y<0.2) are reported. Nominally lattice matched layers are grown by organometallic vapor phase epitaxy on (001) GaSb substrates miscut 2 or 6° toward (1-11)A, (1-11)B, or (101). Field emission scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) of epilayer crosssections reveal a layered structure with a high degree of regularity in the growth direction. The layers are continuous and straight over several microns of lateral distance, and spontaneously form a highly regular superlattice with a periodicity between 15 to 20 nm. This VCM is reproducible and is observed for a wide range of substrate miscuts, alloy compositions, and deposition temperatures (525 to 575°C). Crosssection TEM suggests that GaInAsSb self-organizes at the onset of growth and maintains a consistent periodicity throughout several microns of deposition. Triple-axis x-ray diffraction shows a particularly remarkable feature of the atoms ordering to produce a layered structure that is tilted 4° in addition to the miscut angle of the (001) substrate surface plane. Room: St. Tropez/Monte Carlo/Riviera Location: Hilton San Diego Resort Session Chair: Raj Bhat 10:40 AM Indium and Nitrogen Determination in (GaIn)(NAs)/GaAs MultiQuantum Well Structures: Kerstin Volz 1; Joerg Koch 1 ; Falko Hoehnsdorf1; Andreas Schaper1; Wolfgang Stolz1; Leander Tapfer2; Horst Baumann3; 1Philipps University Marburg, Mats. Sci. Ctr., HansMeerwein St., Marburg 35032 Germany; 2P.A.S.T.I.S., CNRSM, Brindisi, Italy; 3Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Inst. for Nucl. Phys., Frankfurt/Main, Germany The novel material system (GaIn)(NAs)/GaAs opens up the possibility of realizing 1.3 or even 1.55 µm wavelength emission based on GaAs substrates. This high wavelength emission is due to the large bandgap bowing of this quaternary material system. The dependence of this bowing on the In and N concentration is up to now not known in detail. Additionally, the investigated material system exhibits a large miscibility gap under thermodynamic equilibrium conditions. Therefore the exact knowledge of the composition of the material is crucial for applications. Multi-quantum well (MQW) structures of the metastable (GaIn)(NAs)/GaAs have been grown under non-equilibrium conditions by MOVPE, using as group V precursors 1,1-dimethylhydrazine and tertiarybutylarsine. (Resonant) Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry and high-resolution Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry have been applied to determine the In and N contents in the MQW systems. The elemental composition, which has been obtained from these investigations will be compared to the In and N contents gained from dynamical simulations to high-resolution XRD spectra. The accuracy of the individual techniques on the determination of the elemental composition will be evaluated and discussed. 9:40 AM Lateral Epitaxial Growth of GaSb: S. S. Yi1; Darren M. Hansen1; Brian E. Hawkins1; Thomas F. Kuech1; C. K. Inoki2; D. L. Harris2; T. S. Kuan2; 1University of Wisconsin, Dept. of Chem. Eng., 1415 Engineering Dr., Madison, WI 53706 USA; 2University at Albany, State University of New York, Dept. of Phys., Albany, NY 12222 USA A principal concern in the growth of GaSb on GaAs substrates is the large, 8 % lattice mismatch which leads to a high threading dislocation density on the order of ~1010cm-2. The lateral epitaxial overgrowth (LEO) of GaSb on GaAs substrates is of particular interest because the laterally grown GaSb material could exhibit a reduced threading dislocation density. We present the successful results of LEO of GaSb on 11:00 AM GaInNAs Quantum Well and Quantum Dot Structures for 1.55 µ m Emission on GaAs: Teppo Eerikki Hakkarainen1; Juha Ilmo Toivonen1; Marco Ilmari Mattila1; Markku Antero Sopanen1; Harri 4 Lipsanen1; 1Helsinki University of Technology, Optoelectronics Lab., Otakaari 7 A, Espoo 02015 Finland GaInNAs quantum wells (QWs) and self-assembled quantum dots (QDs) may be utilized as an active media for 1.55 µm emission on GaAs. We have fabricated GaInNAs QW and QD structures by atmospheric pressure metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE) using dimethylhydrazine (DMHy) and tertiarybutylarsine (TBAs) as sources for nitrogen and arsenic, respectively. The effect of in-situ and postgrowth annealing on the optical properties of QW samples was studied in detail. The effect of coverage and growth temperature on density, size, uniformity and optical properties of the GaInNAs islands was studied. Room temperature photoluminescence of up to 1.55 µm was obtained from the structures. Laser diode structures were fabricated and optically excited. Laser emission at 1.15 µm was observed from QW structures. The material system seems promising for the fabrication of 1.55 µm lasers on GaAs. Posters Tuesday PM - 7:00 PM March 13, 2001 Room: Pavilion Location: Hilton San Diego Resort Session Chairs: Bob Biefeld; Steve Hummel Three-Minute Oral Summaries in St. Tropez/Monte Carlo/Riviera Room Self-Organized Growth of InAs Quantum Wires on GaAs Substrate by MOCVD: Benzhong Wang1; Soo Jin Chua1; 1Institute of Materials Research & Engineering, 3 Research Link, Singapore 117602 Singapore Self-organized InAs quantum wires are first grown on a vicinal GaAs (001) substrate by MOCVD using TMGa, TMIn and TBA as source materials. Two-dimensional, quasi-three-dimensional of wires, and threedimensional of islands growth processes are observed during InAs deposition at higher growth temperature. However, islands are not formed even if InAs with 6 monolayers is deposited on the substrate at 410°C. Very strong photoluminescence (10K) emitted from the sample with ~1.5 monolayer deposition is located at 874.8 nm with full width at half maximum of 13.8 meV. The emitting wavelength can be easily changed by a mount of InAs depositing. 11:20 AM Interface Induced Changes in the Optical Properties of (GaIn)(NAs): Joerg Koch1; Bernardette Kunert1; Stephan Schaefer1; Falko Hoehnsdorf1; Thorsten Torunski1; Siegfried Nau1; Kerstin Volz1; Wolfgang Stolz1; 1Philipps University Marburg, Mats. Sci. Ctr. & Dept. of Phys., Hans-Meerwein St., Marburg 35032 Germany (GaIn)(NAs) has attracted a lot of interest in recent years, due to the possibility to realize 1.3 µm or even 1.55 µm wavelength emission based on GaAs substrates. We have investigated in detail the influence of interface roughness on the optical as well as structural properties in (GaIn)(NAs)/GaAs multiple quantum well (MQW) structures. All samples have been deposited by MOVPE at low growth temperatures of 525°C, applying the efficiently decomposing precursors TEGa, TMIn, TBAs and UDMHy. The interfaces have been investigated by atomic force microscopy (AFM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) studies and means of high resolution X-ray diffraction (HRXRD). Various experiments on growth interruptions, surface stabilization and thermal annealing of the interior interfaces in metastable (GaIn)(NAs)/GaAs MQW structures have been performed to investigate the optical and structural changes. Possible correlations to device performance will be presented and discussed. Financial support by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Infineon Technologies and Mochem is gratefully acknowledged. Determination of Free Carrier Concentration in n-type GaSb Using Raman Spectroscopy: James E. Maslar1; Wilbur S. Hurst1; Christine A. Wang2; Douglas C. Oakley2; 1NIST, CSTL, 100 Bureau Dr., Stop 8360, Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8360 USA; 2MIT, Lincoln Lab., 244 Wood St., Lexington, MA 02420-9108 USA Raman spectroscopy was used to evaluate the free carrier concentration in n-type GaSb. GaSb epilayers lattice-matched to GaSb substrates, GaSb epilayers lattice-mismatched to GaAs substrates, and GaSb substrates were examined. Epilayers were grown by organometallic vapor phase epitaxy while substrates were grown by the liquid encapsulated Czochralski method. GaSb epilayers grown on different substrates were investigated since GaSb-based device structures are grown on GaSb substrates, whereas test structures for GaSb carrier concentration measurement are grown on GaAs substrates. Different substrates are employed because electrical measurement of carrier concentration requires a semi-insulating substrate and semi-insulating GaSb is difficult to obtain. Raman spectra indicate that GaSb epilayers grown on GaSb substrates have larger free carrier concentrations than corresponding GaSb epilayers grown on GaAs substrates under nominally identical conditions. This is significant because the assumption is often made that for nominally identical growth conditions the GaSb carrier concentration is independent of substrate. 11:40 AM Material Growth and Design of InGaAsN Solar Cells: Andrew A. Allerman1; Steve R. Kurtz2; Eric D. Jones3; Robert M. Sieg2; 1Sandia National Laboratories, Dept. 1126, M/S0601, PO Box 5800, Albuquerque, NM 87185 USA; 2Sandia National Laboratories, Dept. 1742, M/S0603, PO Box 5800, Albuquerque, NM 87185 USA; 3Sandia National Laboratories, PO Box 5800, Dept. 1123, M/S0601, Albuquerque, NM 87185 USA Metal-organic chemical vapor deposition has been used to grow InGaAsN solar cells with a bandgap (»1.05eV) suitable for integration with the existing InGaP/GaAs multi-junction solar cells. InGaAsN solar cells were grown to examine the effects of V/III ratio and doping on cell performance. Additional cells have been measured that employ doping and compositional grading, and other structural designs to enhance photocurrent generation. Solar cell internal quantum efficiencies (IQE) »70% and open circuit voltages (Voc) of »0.4V are obtained for material with a 1.05eV bandgap. The hole diffusion length in annealed, n-type, InGaAsN is approximately 1µm and has, to date, been independent of nitrogen concentration. Electron diffusion lengths are observed to scale with nitrogen concentration, ranging from 0.4µm in 1.20eV alloys (» 1% N) to < 0.1µm in 1.05eV alloys (» 2.5% N). To date, high quantum efficiencies have only been obtained with cell designs utilizing hole diffusion in n-type material. P-type Carbon Doping of GaSb: Rodney D. Wiersma1; James A. H. Stotz1; Oliver J. Pitts1; Michael L. W. Thewalt1; Simon P. Watkins1; 1Simon Fraser University, Dept. of Phys., 8888 University Dr., Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6 Canada The growth of carbon-doped GaSb by MOVPE has never been reported, to our knowledge, despite increasing interest in carbon-doped GaAsSb alloys for HBT applications.1 An important issue is the question of how carbon affects the lattice constant of GaSb alloys at high doping levels. In this work, we report the use of carbon tetrachloride in conjunction with triethylgallium and trimethylantimony to achieve doping levels in GaSb from 1e17 to greater than 1e19 cm-3. High resolution X-ray diffraction measurements confirm that the effect of carbon on the lattice parameter is significant for doping levels above 1e19 cm-3 as in the case of GaAs. By introducing controlled low doping levels of carbon into thick homoepitaxial samples we have succeeded for the first time in identifying carbon-related low temperature photoluminescence bands, which we suggest are due to donor-acceptor pair and free5 Elemental Characterization of MOVPE Materials by Glow Discharge Mass Spectrometry: Alexandre G. Efimov1; Martin Kasik1; Karol Putyera1; Olivier Moreau1; 1Shiva Technologies., Inc., 6707 Brooklawn Pkwy., Syracuse, NY 13211 USA For a decade Glow Discharge Mass Spectrometry (GDMS) has been used routinely for the trace elemental analysis of 10-100 microns thick layers of solids. Its application to MO VPE semiconductor layers was beyond capabilities of the technique because of inherent high sputtering rates (0.1-0.3 microns/min). Advances in the technique allowed us to diminish sputtering rates down to 0.02-0.03 microns/min. At the same time detection limits were at the level below 1 x 10e14 at/ cm3 for simultaneous analysis of twelve elements in A3B5 materials and films on Si grown by OM VPE. In the recent paper we demonstrate results of trace elemental characterization of 1-10 microns thick MO VPE materials (GaAlAs, InGaAs, InP and Cu/Si). GDMS has been useful for evaluation of trace elemental background in precursor materials, finding sources of contamination in epitaxial process and substrates, interface study and rough depth profiling preceded high-resolution SIMS analysis. to-bound transitions of carbon acceptors. 1C.R. Bolognesi, S.P. Watkins, Compound Semiconductor 6, 94 (2000) Effect of Orientation on the Growth Rate and Silicon Incorporation Rate on GaSb Grown by Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy: Ishwara B. Bhat1; Jian Yu1; 1Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, ECSE Dept., JEC 6032, 110 8th St., Troy, NY 12180 USA The incorporation rate of dopants during metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE) strongly depends on the orientation of the starting substrates. MOVPE of Si-doped GaSb layers grown on (100), (111)B and (111)A substrates were used to study the effect of orientation on the growth and silicon incorporation rates. Orientation dependence of growth rates and silicon incorporations were studied as a function of temperature and V/III ratio. As the V/III ratio increased, the growth rate on the (111)B oriented substrate decreased and the growth rate on the (111)A oriented substrate increased. The surface morphology on different substrates was studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). Flat-top hexagonal hillocks were observed on (111)B surface, and the growth was by step-flow on these facets. A surface kinetic growth model has been proposed to account for the growth features observed on the (111)B surfaces. Finally, the orientation dependence of silicon incorporation was studied by secondary ion mass spectrometry and Hall measurements. It was observed that the silicon incorporation rate was 4-8 times higher on (100) oriented surface than on the (111)B oriented substrate. Data from the electrical and morphological studies are presented. Implementation of Ion Implantation for III-V Compliant Substrates: Martin Chicoine1; Sjoerd Roorda1; Remo A. Masut2; Patrick Desjardins2; Chantal Beaudoin1; 1Universite de Montreal, Dept. of Phys., C.P. 6128 Succursale Centre-Ville, Montreal, Quebec H3C 3J7 Canada; 2Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Genie Physique, C.P. 6079 Succ. Centre-Ville, Montreal, Quebec H3C 3A7 Canada A compliant substrate will allow the partition of the strain in a heteroepitaxial coherent film or heterostructure with the substrate. We propose that a shallow uniform layer of nanometer-sized cavities below the surface of the substrate will de-couple the top thin layer of the substrate, thus effectively producing a pseudo free-standing thin layer, which could render the substrate compliant. The present work shows that such cavities can be created in III-V substrates by low energy helium implantation followed by adequate thermal treatment of the substrate previous to growth. Pre-implantation, however, may create structural damage in the substrate, particularly near the surface, which seriously affects subsequent material growth. We have established conditions for the creation of cavities followed by successful OMVPE of InP-based heterostructures. These heterostructures of varying strain and thickness, and the underlying substrate were characterized structurally by high resolution X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy. We will also present absorption and photoluminescence data comparing simultaneous growth on normal and pre-implanted substrates. Orientation Dependence of GaInAsSb Grown by Organometallic Vapor Phase Epitaxy: Christine A. Wang1; Daniel R. Calawa1; Christopher J. Vineis1; 1MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Electro-Optical Mats. & Devices, 244 Wood St., Lexington, MA 02420-9108 USA The GaInAsSb alloys, which are currently being developed for optoelectronic devices that operate in the mid-infrared wavelength range, are thermodynamically metastable materials and can phase separate. The phase separation proceeds during growth at the surface of the epitaxial layer and leads to degradation in material quality. Consequently, the epitaxial surface step structure, as it is affected by growth kinetics, is important in understanding approaches to further improve GaInAsSb epitaxial alloys. This paper reports the orientation dependence of GaInAsSb alloys grown by organometallic vapor phase epitaxy. Layers were grown nominally lattice matched to (001) GaSb substrates with either a 2° or 6° miscut toward (-1-11)A, (1-11)B, or (101). The surface structure was measured by ex-situ atomic force microscopy, while structural and optical properties were determined by triple axis x-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, and photoluminescence. A periodic surface step structure is correlated with good structural and optical properties, while an irregular surface is indicative of phaseseparated material with comparatively degraded properties. The surface decomposition is affected by substrate miscut angle, and details of the dependence of phase separation on substrate misorientation are reported. MOCVD-Grown InGaAsN using Efficient and Novel Precursor, Tertiarybutylhydrazine, for Optoelectronic & Electronic Device Applications: Nein-yi Li1; Paul R. Sharps2; Fred Newman2; Hong Hou2; Pablo Chang3; Albert G. Baca4; Ravi Kanjolia5; 1Kingmax Optoelectronics, No. 1 Kuang Fu North Rd., Hsin Chu Industrial Park, Hu Kuo, Taiwan; 2Emcore PhotoVoltaics, 10420 Research Rd. SE, Albuquerque, NM 87123 USA; 3Agilent Technology, 3175 Bowers Ave. M. S. 87D, Santa Clara, CA 95054 USA; 4Sandia National Laboratories, 1515 Eubank Blvd. SE, Albuquerque, NM 87185-0603 USA; 5Epichem Inc., 26 Ward Hill Ave., Haverhill, MA 01835-0730 USA Currently, dimethylhydrazine (DMHy) has been commonly used as the N source for InGaAsN growth by MOCVD. Generally speaking, a low-temperature growth and a much higher DMHy/AsH3 flow rate ratio are necessary to incorporate enough N into InGaAs by MOCVD. However, incomplete pyrolysis of DMHy at low growth temperatures usually introduces carbon impurities from methyl-ligand in DMHy into InGaAsN epilayers. In addition, a much higher DMHy flow is required to maintain a high flow rate ratio of DMHy/AsH3 for InGaAsN growth, making DMHy not practical and economical for low-cost mass production, especially for high-efficiency quadruple-junction InGaAsN solar cells. Therefore, we propose and demonstrate, for the first time, the feasibility of using tertiarybutylhydrazine (TBHy) as an efficient and a less carbon-containing N precursor for the growth of high-quality InGaAsN by MOCVD at lower growth temperatures. Based on our GaAs/GaInP Uniformity Control in Planetary Reactors : T. Schmitt1; M. Deufel1; J. Hofeldt1; M. Heuken1; H. Juergensen1; 1Aixtron AG, Kackertstr 15-17, Aachen 52072 Germany The MOCVD approach has been developed to provide material of superior quality in terms of lateral uniformity and abrupt interfaces. This will be shown on the basis of GaAs/GaInP superlattices grown on GaAs in a standard 8x4 inch configuration of an AIX 2600G3 system, which is based on a laminar radial flow. The excellent p-doping uniformity of less than 1% at a doping level of 3x1019 cm-3 and controllability of auto carbon doping in GaAs will be shown and discussed in detail. Here we use XRD-, sheet resistance-, Hall- and CV-profile measurements to assess the layer properties. Hereby we will show the influence of the group V gas flow on the growth rate and auto doping. In addition unique thickness uniformity below 1% standard deviation in GaInP based layer structures, which is the basic demand for the commercial production of electronic and optoelectronic devices like UHB LED, LASER and HEMT will be discussed. 6 Vibrational spectroscopy and ab initio cluster calculations reveal that the H atoms break the phosphorous dimer bonds and attack the singly and doubly occupied dangling-bond orbitals. The implications of these results for real-time monitoring of the OMVPE process will be discussed at the meeting. preliminary results, TBHy is a more efficient and a less carbon-containing N precursor than DMHy for growth of high-quality InGaAsN. More details on performance of InGaAsN solar cells & laser diodes will be presented. Bulk Sub-Atmospheric Pressure Hydride Storage and Delivery System: Karl Olander1; 1ATMI, Inc., 19616 Gulf Blvd., Ste. 301, Indian Shores, FL 33785 USA During the last five years, the sub-atmospheric pressure storage and delivery of toxic and pyrophoric gases has evolved from supplying ion implant dopants to broader acceptance in CVD and OMVPE applications. SAGE [Sub-Atmospheric Pressure Gas Enhanced] containers that can deliver in excess of 200 pounds of arsine [450 Liter] have been approved by the DOT and are in development. Arsine purity comparable to high pressure sources has also been achieved. This paper compares conventional high pressure hydride use with bulk SAGE delivery systems in several key areas; [1] risk reduction, [2] cost to install and [3] overall cost of ownership. Details of the first U.S. application of bulk SAGE, including an extraction and delivery system supplying several production reactors, are discussed. 9:00 AM Composition Modulation in GaInP Epilayers Enhanced by the Addition of Surfactants during OMVPE Growth: Gerald B. Stringfellow1; R. T. Lee1; C. M. Fetzer1; D. C. Chapman1; J. K. Shurtleff1; 1University of Utah, College of Eng., 1495 E. 100 S., Rm. 214, Kennecott Bldg., Salt Lake City, UT 84112 USA The use of surfactants in semiconductors during OMVPE is a powerful and exciting tool for controlling the epilayer properties. The addition of a small Sb or Bi concentration leads to the elimination of CuPtB ordering. Additional changes occur at higher Sb concentrations. The layers spontaneously form a structure with a lateral compositional modulation (CM) in the [110] direction. Periodic surface undulations are clearly seen for the layers with CM. The low temperature PL peak energy is observed to decrease with increasing CM. The PL emission is strongly anisotropic, with a high intensity in the [1-10] direction which is the reverse of the polarization observed for CuPt ordered GaInP layers. To determine the importance of kinetics in forming the CM structure, the effect of growth rate was studied. The amplitude of the CM in layers grown with both surfactants is significantly increased for decreased growth rates. The process controlling the amplitude appears to be kinetically-limited. It is likely that adding the surfactant Sb or Bi increases the adatom surface diffusion coefficients which acts to enhance the extent of CM, especially for low grown rates. Growth Mechanism II Wednesday AM March 14, 2001 Room: St. Tropez/Monte Carlo/Riviera Location: Hilton San Diego Resort 9:20 AM Reflectance Difference Spectroscopy of Mixed Surface Phases of Gallium Arsenide and Indium Phosphide (001): Sven B. Visbeck1; Qiang Fu1; Mike J. Begarney1; Daniel C. Law1; Connie H. Li1; Robert F. Hicks1; 1University of California, Los Angeles, Chem. Eng. Dept., 5531 Boelter Hall, 405 Hilgard Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90095 USA During MOVPE growth, the surfaces of gallium arsenide and indium phosphide exhibit mixed structures, in which the distribution among surface phases depends on the temperature and pressure of the group V precursor. In this work, we report on reflectance difference spectra of mixed phases of GaAs and InP (001), which have been benchmarked against scanning tunneling micrographs. The RDS line shape for InP is a linear combination of the spectra of the two principal surface reconstructions, the (2x1) and (2x4). By contrast, the RDS line shape for GaAs is not a simple function of the two main reconstructions, the c(4x4) and (2x4). The STM data show that a complex roughening process occurs as the arsenic coverage is decreased from 1.75 monolayers (ML) for the c(4x4) to 0.75 ML for the (2x4). This is due to gallium out-diffusion onto the surface and nucleation of small, metastable (2xn) domains (n = 2, 3 or 4) on top of the c(4x4) phase. Session Chair: Jerry Olson 8:20 AM In-Situ Control of InP-Based Hetero-Interfaces with UHV-Characterization: Thomas Hannappel 1 ; Lars Töben 1 ; Christian Pettenkofer1; Sven Visbeck1; Frank Willig1; 1Hahn-Meitner-Institut, SE4, Glienicker Strasse 100, Berlin D-14109 Germany The knowledge of the electronic and atomic properties of the InP(100) surface is of crucial importance for the preparation of abrupt heterointerfaces in thin film devices. In this paper InP-based interfaces were prepared with specific MOCVD-recipes and, after contamination-free sample transfer, investigated in ultra high vacuum (UHV). They were studied with photoelectron spectroscopy (PES), STM, LEED, and reflectance anisotropy spectroscopy (RAS) at 20 K. The formation of highly ordered surfaces is indicated by maximum peak heights and specific fine structure in RA spectra, and by pronounced valence band structures in PE spectra. The low temperature RA spectra were correlated with PES measurements that were recorded before and after exposure to excited H2 and with LEED and STM. This is shown here for the ordered (2x4) reconstructed In-terminated and for the ordered (2x1)like reconstructed P-terminated interfaces. 9:40 AM Enhanced RDS Intensities from Thin Layers of GaAs on Vicinal (100)Ge: J. M. Olson1; W. E. McMahon1; 1National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 1617 Cole Blvd., Golden, CO 80401 USA Despite the small lattice mismatch, the nucleation of GaAs on Ge can be strongly three-dimensional (3D). In this study we use reflectance difference spectroscopy (RDS) to study the initial stages of GaAs/ Ge heteronucleation. For conditions that promote specular nucleation, i.e. low growth temperatures and low V/III ratios, the RD spectrum is essentially that of 2x4-like GaAs with positive peak intensities, at 2.6eV and 4.4eV, of less than 0.005. Increasing the V/III ratio during nucleation from 5 to 30 promotes the growth of larger 3D islands with a concomitant increase in the RD intensities of the 2.6eV and 4.4eV peaks by more than an order of magnitude. With slower growth rates and higher growth temperatures, peak intensities as large as 0.13 have been observed. Possible causes of this phenomenon are presented and discussed. 8:40 AM Effect of Hydrogen Adsorption on Reflectance Difference Spectroscopy of Indium Phosphide (001)-(2x1) Surface: D. C. Law1; Q. Fu1; C. H. Li1; Y. Sun1; S. B. Visbeck1; R. F. Hicks1; 1University of California, Los Angeles, Chem. Eng. Dept., 5531 Boelter Hall, Los Angeles, CA 91007 USA Reflectance difference spectroscopy (RDS) is a promising technique for real-time monitoring of compound semiconductor surfaces during organometallic vapor-phase epitaxy (OMVPE). However, it is difficult to assign the features in the optical spectra without first benchmarking them against well-characterized surface structures. We have found that hydrogen atoms bond relatively strongly to the indium phosphide (001), and should at least partially cover the surface during the growth process. The RDS spectra of InP are dramatically affected by adsorbed hydrogen. The positive and negative peaks seen in the spectra of the phosphorous-rich (2x1) reconstruction decrease proportionately with the hydrogen coverage, and at saturation, lack any defined structure. 10:00 AM Break 7 growth mechanism appears to be different compared to the mechanisms described for GaN. Complete characterization studies along with the growth mechanism will be presented at the talk. Novel Materials Wednesday AM March 14, 2001 Room: St. Tropez/Monte Carlo/Riviera Location: Hilton San Diego Resort Devices Session Chair: Chris Wang Wednesday PM March 14, 2001 10:40 AM Alternative Boron Precursors for BGaAs Epitaxy: John F. Geisz1; D. J. Friedman1; Sarah R. Kurtz1; 1National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 1617 Cole Blvd., Golden, CO 80401 USA The MOVPE growth of zinc-blende BxGa1-xAs and BxGa1-x-yInyAs alloys with boron concentrations (x) up to 3%-5% has recently been demonstrated using diborane as a boron precursor. Growth of these alloys using diborane is complicated by many factors, such as parasitic gas-phase reactions, highly temperature-dependent boron incorporation, and limited boron incorporation before the onset of structural breakdown. These factors suggest that diborane may not be the best precursor for the growth of these alloys. We will compare the use of alternative boron precursors; trimethylboron (TMB), triethylboron (TEB), and boron trifluoride (BF3), with diborane for the MOVPE growth of these boron containing III-V alloys. Room: St. Tropez/Monte Carlo/Riviera Location: Hilton San Diego Resort Session Chair: Mike Tischler 1:30 PM Influence of Oxygen in AlGaAs-Based Laser Structures with AlFree Active Region on Device Properties: A. Knauer1; G. Beister1; F. Bugge1; G. Erbert1; H. Wenzel1; J. Sebastian1; B. Sumpf1; M. Weyers1; G. Traenkle1; 1Ferdinand-Braun-Institut, Mats. Tech. Div., AlbertEinstein-Str. 11, Berlin D-12489 Germany It has been reported that oxygen incorporation in AlGaAs-based laser structures with Al-containing active region degrades the laser performance. Thus trimethyl aluminum (TMAl) sources with especially low oxygen concentration were developed for the deposition of AlGaAs by MOVPE. Additionally, Al-free active regions have been introduced for high-power laser applications. Here AlGaAs-based laser structures with GaAsP active region for emission near 730nm and 800nm were deposited from TMAl sources with different levels of oxygen contamination. Broad area laser devices were fabricated from these structures and their laser data determined. The data show, that low oxygen levels in the AlGaAs waveguide structure are especially required for shorter emission wavelengths even for laser structures with Al-free active region. For 730nm emission 7W output power and a degradation rate of 1·10-5h-1 at 2W cw (100µm stripe width x 4mm, 25C) are achieved from such structures using the TMAl source leading to the lowest Ouptake. 11:00 AM Growth and Characterization of MOVPE Grown (In,Mn) as Diluted Magnetic Semiconductor: A. J. Blattner1; B. W. Wessels1; 1Northwestern University, Mats. Rsch. Ctr., 2225 North Campus Dr., Evanston, IL 60208-3108 USA The metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy of (In,Mn)As diluted magnetic semiconductor was investigated. Trimethylindium, cyclopentadienyl-manganese and arsine were used as reactants. Single phase In1-xMnxAs films with x<0.1 were grown at a substrate temperature of 475 °C. X-ray diffraction indicated that the films were epitaxial. For x greater than 0.1, MnAs formed as a second phase. The MnAs was also nominally epitaxial. Single phase In1-xMnxAs films were p-type with carrier concentrations up to 1.4x1019 cm-3. To determine their optical properties as well as the presence of impurities in the thin films, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy was used. FTIR indicated the presence of absorption peaks at 2917 cm-1 and 2848 cm-1. These absorption peaks are attributed to the symmetric and asymmetric vibrational stretching modes of C-H in CHn (n=1-3) defect complexes. The C-H complexes are unintentionally incorporated during the (In,Mn)As film growth. 1:50 PM PIN Photodetector Epitaxy Process Development in a Planetary Reactor: Jedon Kim1; D. C. Sutryn1; E. J. Michel1; F. Reinhardt1; 1Lucent Technologies, Microelectronics, 2525 N. 12th St., Reading, PA 19612 USA Successful epitaxy process development of InGaAs based PIN photodetectors on InP substrates using a planetary production metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) reactor is reported. The PIN structure consisted of 0.5µm InP (or Q)/3.5µm (or 5.2µm) InGaAs/ 1.5µm InP grown on 2 inch InP substrates. InP wafer surface treatment and InP(or Q)/InGaAs interface control are found to be critical for the electrical properties of the device. Epi-ready substrates from 5 different vendors have been used and appropriate surface treatment is discussed based on the characterization results and device yield. Optimization process of the InP(or Q)/InGaAs interface is also discussed. Structural (X-ray diffraction and Transmission Electron Microscope) and electrical (Hg probe C-V) characterization techniques have been used for this optimization. Photoluminescence intensity measurement is found to be a reliable characterization technique for the prediction of the device performance and yield. 11:20 AM Epitaxial Lateral Overgrowth of CdTe on GaAs Substrates using MOVPE: Ishwara Bhat1; Ruichao Zhang1; 1Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, ECSE Dept., JEC 6003, Troy, NY 12180 USA Epitaxial lateral overgrowth (ELO) is a new technique to grow lowdefect-density thin films on lattice-mismatched substrates. This technique has been successfully applied to grow high quality GaN on sapphire and SiC substrates. We have applied this method to grow low defect density CdTe on GaAs substrates using metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy. A Si3Nx mask layer of about 1000A thick was deposited on GaAs substrates and patterned using standard photolithography. The MOVPE growth was carried out using dimethylcadmium and diethyltellurium using vertical low-pressure reactor. Perfect selectivity was obtained when the temperature was >500C and pressures <30 Torr. ELO CdTe with vertical side-walls and flat-top surface could be obtained by orientating the window stripes along one of the [110] directions. For stripes along [001] orientations, the ELO CdTe had faceted structures (either triangular or inverted triangular). AFM studies indicate that selectively grown CdTe had reduced defect density and better surface morphology compared to layers grown on unpatterned regions. However, there was no discernible difference between the materials in the window region and the ELO region, indicating that the 2:10 PM Growth of InP as Current Blocking Structures for 1.55 Micron Laser: Joseph Brian Seiler1; D. C. Sutryn1; E. J. Michel1; F. Reinhardt1; K. Grim-Bogdan1; K. Hinkle1; V. Panayotov1; 1Lucent Technologies, Microelectronics, 9999 Hamilton Blvd., Breinigsville, PA 18031 USA Mono mode Distributed Feedback diode lasers for 1.55 micron application require focus of electrical current in areas as narrow as one micron or less. This can be achieved by selective area etching and re growth of the non-laser areas with either resisting material or reverse biased p-n junctions. We studied the epitaxial growth of a blocking 8 structure of a capped mesa buried hetero structure (CMBH)- laser in a planetary production MOCVD reactor. The mesa definition was achieved by wet chemical etching. The mesa structure before growth consists of a silicone dioxide mask protecting the active region, while the field area is exposed to the epitaxial growth. The self-organization of non-planar surfaces with microscopic dimensions will be discussed with respect to growth parameters and device performance. High Resolution cross-sectional Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and confocal microscopy reveals the development of crystallographic facets and their dopant incorporation. these, Solkatronic Chemicals has an active Responsible Care program, which examines the Gases throughout their life cycle. Over the last ten years, Solkatronic has examined a variety of issues related to package integrity, Emergency Response, Safety for the ESG products. The presentation will summarize some of the recent safety studies: Cylinder Valve Impact Testing Cylinder Leak TestingPhysical Testing (Hydrogen Selenide Flammability, Phosphine Pyrophoricity) 3:45 PM Safe Handling of Liquid Organometallics via an Automated Bulk Delivery System: Ravi Kanjolia1; Stan Pryll1; Richard Pearce1; Graham Williams2; 1Epichem, Inc., 26 Ward Hill Ave., Haverhill, MA 01835 USA; 2Epichem, Ltd., Power Rd., Bromborough, Wirral CH623QF UK The inherent hazard associated with organometallic precursors in MOCVD is their pyrophoricity and the toxicity of the resultant byproducts. For example, trimethylgallium ignites in air to form gallium oxide, which is a known irritant on inhalation, and a moderately toxic oxide. As MOCVD technology moved into production, the handling of OM bubblers has increased considerably at fabrication facilities. The large-scale consumption of OM’s has resulted in increased handling in a number of organizational units including shipping & receiving, storage, and operations. The automated, bulk OM delivery system- EpiFill is a safe and cost effective system that reduces operator intervention for bubbler change-out, and minimizes handling by shipping, receiving, and stores personnel. This system was developed to reduce reactor downtime, reduce qualification cycles, and increase safety at MOCVD growth facilities. 2:30 PM Growth of InGaAsP Structures over Sub-Micron Gratings in a Production Scale MOCVD Reactor: Gayathri K. Rao1; G. M. Ford1; C. W. Ebert1; T. Pinnington1; F. Reinhardt1; 1Lucent Technologies, Microelectronics, 9999 Hamilton Blvd., Breinigsville, PA 18031 USA Design of Distributed Feedback Laser, Modulators and selective optical components for 1.55 micron application requires epitaxial growth on non-planar sub micron gratings as well as on patterned surfaces. We studied the growth morphology and the optical properties of MQW structures, grown on top of gratings as a function of external growth parameters in a planetary commercial production reactor. High Resolution Scanning electron Microscopy (SEM), standard X-Ray and micro X-Ray, locally resolved photoluminescence and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) were employed to asses growth quality, MQW quality, and growth front evolution of quaternary fill-in layer on sub micron gratings. Growth enhancement of selective area growth as a function of external parameter was studied and optimized. Wafer to wafer and run to run wavelength reproducibility will be presented as well as device data in manufacturing mode. 4:00 PM Advancements in Safe Delivery of Hydride Gases for III-V Manufacturing: Jim Dietz1; Ray Dubois1; Jim Mayer1; 1ATMI, Inc., 7 Commerce Dr., Danbury, CT 06810 USA The manufacture of III-V compounds via chemical vapor deposition requires the use of highly toxic arsine and phosphine gases. On the facilities side, manufacturers have implemented automated gas delivery systems, multi-point gas monitoring, and one or more emergency gas scrubbers to manage the risk of using these toxic liquified gases. On the process side, film quality is highly dependent on hydride gas quality both over the life of a cylinder and from cylinder to cylinder. As compound semiconductor wafer starts increase to meet the growing demand for compound semiconductors, the demand from III-V fabricators for arsine and phosphine will grow accordingly. With this increase in demand for both arsine and phosphine, an increased risk associated with the higher use of these toxic, flammable dopants is ever present. The paper will discuss the requirements and possibilities for installing minibulk sources of arsine and phosphine using a sub-atmospheric pressure delivery system to reduce the potential for catastrophic releases of arsine and phosphine. The paper will present process data on deposited III-V films to demonstrate the viability of using sub-atmospheric pressure sources. Last, the paper will describe implementation of minibulk arsine and phosphine in new and existing fabricators to decrease the risk of storing large volumes of hydrides. 2:50 PM Design of Vertical Tapers Using Selective-Area Epitaxy with Quantitative Modeling: Jonathan E. Greenspan1; Ian Betty1; Richard Glew1; Robert Foster1; 1Nortel Networks, PO Box 3511, Ottawa, Ontario K1Y 4H7 Canada Next generation photonic systems require components integrating two or more devices. For example, better coupling into a fiber can be achieved by integrating a laser with an optical spot-size converter (SSC). One approach to implementing a SSC is with a vertical taper. We report on a method for fabricating vertical tapers integrated with an active device in an MOCVD reactor. Quantitative modeling of the selectivearea growth process is used to determine the mask dimensions required to deposit a waveguide core with a thickness profile previously optimized by beam propagation calculations. Modeling is also used to predict the composition and strain shifts caused by growth in the presence of the dielectric masks, and to minimize the peak strain shift. Measurements using spatially resolved photoluminescence, energy dispersive x-ray analysis, and surface profiling are reported to demonstrate the validity and usefulness of the model. 3:10 PM Break Safety Wednesday PM March 14, 2001 4:15 PM Safety of Metalorganics during Transportation and Storage: Jim Dixon1; 1EMF, Ltd., Cambridge, UK The amounts of Metalorganics used has increased dramatically over the past few years; in terms of the number of users and the quantities shipped. In addition the quantities stored on site has also increased to keep pace with increasing production requirements. In order for the work to be carried out safely, we studied methods of extinguishing metalorganic fires. Investigations were carried out to examine the efficacy of the packing requirements as defined by international regulations in terms of crash and fire resistance. Also examined were the effects of escaping Metalorganics into the shipping containers. Room: St. Tropez/Monte Carlo/Riviera Location: Hilton San Diego Resort Session Chair: Raj Bhat 3:30 PM Compound Semiconductor Gas Product Stewardship: Eugene Y. Ngai1; 1Solkatronics, Morrisville, PA USA Many of the Electronic Specialty Gases (ESG) used in growing compound semiconductor devices are highly toxic, corrosive and/or pyrophoric. To reduce the risk in the Filling, Use and Transportation of 4:30 PM Appropriate PPE for Pyrophoric Materials: New Evaluations: Curtis Post1; Greg Smith1; Eric Majoor1; 1Akzo Nobel, Deer Park, TX USA 9 perature in a lateral growth mode. TEM studies show that the mechanisms of dislocation reduction are similar to those described for the epitaxial lateral overgrowth process, however a notable difference is the absence of coalescence boundaries. The role of stress on the microstructure of the GaN obtained by the IT-IL process will be described. Most of the organometallics used in MOCVD processes possess particular inherent hazards. They are pyrophoric and react violently with water. These chemicals can, however, be handled safely using good safety practices and proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Recent experience at Akzo Nobel implied a need for improved PPE for handling pyrophoric organometallics and suggested that PPE evaluations based on small scale tests conducted in the past were not fully predictive of field performance. Akzo has now conducted small-scale lab PPE tests, larger scale lab PPE tests, and field-scale tests of complete PPE ensembles to establish stringent and reliable standards for pyrophoric organometallics handling PPE. A variety of materials of construction for gloves, outer and inner garments, face shields and hoods were tested under controlled conditions to determine the optimum PPE required for each task to be performed. Based on the findings of these tests, Akzo Nobel recommends specific PPE for personnel performing potentially hazardous tasks. These include: removing caps from product cylinder inlets and outlets of cylinders containing High Purity Metalorganics; breaking connections between process equipment and product cylinders; and opening lines or equipment formerly containing pyrophoric organometallics that are not definitely known to be free of pyrophoric materials. The PPE recommended for each situation is predicated upon a philosophy of providing complete protection for all parts of a worker when product spills or leaks are possible. Experience has shown that it is important to not leave any part of the worker exposed and that even small spills can cause serious harm to unprotected personnel. Akzo Nobel also offers a Safety Self-Audit Checklist or, upon request, will come to your facility and perform a Safety Audit at no charge. 8:40 AM Progress in Planar Growth of GaN on Si(111): Hugues Marchand2; Brendan Moran1; Lijie Zhao1; Naiqian Zhang2; Rob Coffie2; James S. Speck1; Umesh K. Mishra2; Steven P. DenBaars1; 1University of California, Dept. of Matls., Santa Barbara, CA 93117 USA; 2University of California, Dept. of Elect. & Comp. Eng., Santa Barbara, CA 93117 USA Two schemes of nucleation and growth of gallium nitride on Si(111) substrates are investigated and the structural and electrical properties of the resulting films are reported. Gallium nitride films grown using a 10-500 nm-thick AlN buffer layer deposited at high temperature (~1050°C) are found to be under 260-530 MPa of tensile stress and exhibit cracking, the origin of which is discussed. The threading dislocation density in these films increases with increasing AlN thickness, covering a range of 1.1E 9 cm-2 to >5.8E 9 cm-2. Films grown using a thick, AlN-to-GaN graded buffer layer are found to be under compressive stress and are completely crack-free. Heterojunction field effect transistors (HFETs) fabricated on such films result in well-defined saturation and pinch-off behavior with a saturated current of ~525 mA/ mm and a transconductance of ~100 mS/mm in DC operation. 9:00 AM The Influence of Process Conditions on the Growth of Group-III : B. Nitrides in Production Type MOCVD Planetary Reactors Schineller1; O. Schoen1; H. Protzmann1; M. Luenenbuerger1; A. Alam1; M. Heuken1; M. Juergensen1; 1Aixtron AG, Kackertstr 15 - 17, Aachen D-52072 Germany We investigated the growth of InGaN/GaN MQW in the single wafer AIX 200 RF system and the production type AIX 2000 G3 HT in the 6 x 2 inch and 5 x 3 inch configuration. The formation of luminescent quantum dots was found to be enhanced with decreasing growth temperature and increasing In content in the gas phase. Higher reactor total pressures were found to lead to higher In incorporation without enhancing the amount of phase separation. In full loaded runs we were able to tune the wavelengths through the visible spectrum with wafer to wafer standard deviations of 0.9% at 441.5 nm, 1.4% at 470.7 nm, 1.3% at 499.3 nm, and 0.3% at 579.8 nm. We will show additional data on electrical, optical and structural properties of various layer structures which are commonly used as building blocks for device fabrication. A special focus will be on the reproducibility and yield determining factors. 4:45 PM Safe Handling of Organometallics: Robert Stennick1; 1Hass Company, North Andover, MA 01845 USA Metalorganic compounds used in vapor phase epitaxy are generally regarded as hazardous materials and exhibit varying degrees of spontaneous combustibility and toxicity. For over 30 years, these products have been safely used for the growth of compound semiconductor films. This presentation will review the hazardous properties of metalorganics, safe handling and actions useful in the event of an accidental release. Finally, proactive measures to ensure the continued safe application of these products will be discussed. 5:00 PM User Comments/Discussion Nitrides I Thursday AM March 15, 2001 9:20 AM InGaN/GaN Quantum Well Growth on GaN Stripes Formed by Lateral Epitaxial Overgrowth: Xingang Zhang1; P. D. Dapkus1; Dawei Ren1; D. H. Rich2; 1University of Southern California, Compound Semicond. Lab., 3651 Watt Way, VHE 313, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0243 USA; 2University of Southern California, Dept. of Mats. Sci., 3650 Watt Way, VHE 607, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0241 USA InGaN/GaN QWs have been grown on top of LEO GaN mesa stripes which have atomically smooth inclined sidewalls and 2 µm wide flat tops. These mesa stripes are uniquely formed by coalescence of two adjacent LEO GaN stripes each with the triangular cross section. Threading dislocations (TD) in the center of the coalesced region are reduced by the mask blocking process and by TD bending since the two coalescence GaN stripes have the inclined {1101} sidewalls. Our preliminary MOCVD growth and cathodoluminescence (CL) studies show strong In spatial migration. Two distinct emission peaks at 390 nm and 430 nm are observed in the spectra that originate, respectively, from the sidewalls and mesa top. CL images revealed that both the top QW emission at 430nm and the sidewall emission at 390nm are uniform and strong. This is in sharp contrast to QW growth on planar GaN buffer that usually shows strong In phase segregation and carrier localization. Room: St. Tropez/Monte Carlo/Riviera Location: Hilton San Diego Resort Session Chair: Russ Dupuis 8:20 AM Mechanisms of Dislocation Reduction in GaN using an Intermediate Temperature Interlayer: E. D. Bourret-Courchesne 1; M. Benamara1; Z. Liliental-Weber1; J. Washburn1; 1E.O. Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, 1 Cyclotron Rd., M.S. 2-200, Berkeley, CA 94720 USA A reduction of the dislocation density in GaN by three to four orders of magnitude was obtained by insertion of a single thin interlayer grown at an intermediate temperature (IT-IL) after the initial growth at high temperature. A description of the growth process is presented with characterization results aimed at understanding the mechanisms of reduction in dislocation density. A large percentage of the threading dislocations present in the first GaN epilayer are found to bend in the interlayer and do not propagate in the top layer grown at higher tem10 11:00 AM Optimization of AlGaN Back-Illuminated Solar-Blind MSMs Grown by Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition: Damien J. H. Lambert1; Bo Yang1; Ting Li1; Charles J. Collins1; Michael M. Wong1; Uttiya Chowdhury1; Bryan S. Shelton1; Ariane L. Beck1; Ho Ki Kwon1; Tinggang Zhu1; Jonathan C. Denyszyn1; Joe C. Campbell1; Russell D. Dupuis1; 1The University of Texas at Austin, Microelect. Rsch. Ctr., PRC/MER-R9900, Austin, TX 78712-1100 USA We report the optimization of back-illuminated solar-blind metalsemiconductor-metal (MSM) photodetectors, grown by MOCVD. We have varied the growth conditions (e.g., growth temperature, growth rate, growth pressure) and have studied the correlation of the symmetric and asymmetric X-ray diffraction line widths, surface morphology, and cathodoluminescence upon the MSM device performances. Al0.44Ga0.56N layers with various thicknesses have been used as the active region in these structures. All the samples employed the same Al0.58Ga0.42N window layer and AlN buffer layer. We find that the performance of the MSMs is highly dependant on the crystal quality of the active region. Specifically, the use of thin strained compared to thicker relaxed Al0.44Ga0.56N active regions greatly reduces the leakage current of the MSMs. The relaxation presumably creates defects that are responsible for the large leakage currents. By optimizing the grow th conditions, we have fabricated solar-blind MSM photodetectors having a 48% external quantum efficiency for wavelengths λ ~262 nm. 9:40 AM OMVPE Growth of p-Type GaN using Solution Magnesocene: Yundong Qi2; Charles Musante2; Kei May Lau1; Raj Odedra3; Ravi Kanjolia4; Lesley Smith3; 1Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, EEE Dept., Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong; 2University of Massachusetts/Amherst, ECE Dept., Amherst, MA 01003 USA; 3Epichem, Ltd., UK; 4EpiChem, 26 Ward Hill Ave., Haverhill, MA 01835 USA Bis(cyclopentadienyl)magnesium, (Cp2Mg) is a common source for p-type doping in GaN and AlInGaP materials. However, it is a white crystalline solid with very low vapor pressure. This makes its usage in the MOCVD application very difficult due to the typical problems associated with the transport of the solid. Furthermore, the problem is compounded by the very low vapor pressure resulting in significant memory effect. Some of these problems can be overcome by the new source- Solution magnesocene. In this source, Cp2Mg is dissolved in a solvent that is essentially non volatile. The advantage of this approach is a consistent delivery of the magnesium source with essentially identical vapor pressure of Cp2Mg. We investigated the growth of Mgdoped GaN by OMVPE using solution Cp2Mg. At 100 torr growth pressure and 1030°C growth temperature, comparison is made using solution Cp2Mg and conventional solid Cp2Mg. All the Mg-doped GaN are activated at 750°C in nitrogen ambient environment for 30 minutes. Low resistivity p-type GaN with Hall hole concentration in the mid-10E17 cm-3 range has been achieved using both solid and liquid sources. We believe higher levels are achievable with further optimization. 11:20 AM UVLEDs with AlInGaN/InGaN and AlGaN/InGaN Active Regions Grown by OMVPE: Gregory M. Peake1; A. J. Fischer1; J. Han1; J. J. Figiel1; C. C. Mitchell1; R. M. Biefeld1; 1Sandia National Laboratories, PO Box 5800 MS 0601, Albuquerque, NM 87185-0601 USA III-N Ultra Violet Light Emitting Diodes (UVLEDs) are important for lighting, curing and sensing applications. We will present recent results for UVLEDs with InGaN quantum wells and AlInGaN or AlGaN barriers grown by OMVPE. Improved light extraction techniques have doubled the output of our LEDs by using a bottom reflector of Al deposited by e-beam evaporation. We have also used a modified contact geometry to reduce current crowding. Physical and optical measurements of our most recent diodes will be presented. We will also present strategies for reaching wavelengths < 350 nm. 10:00 AM Break Nitrides II Thursday AM March 15, 2001 Room: St. Tropez/Monte Carlo/Riviera Location: Hilton San Diego Resort Session Chair: Andy Allerman 11:40 AM MOCVD Growth and Characterization of AlGaN/GaN/GaInN Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser: Jung Han1; Karen E. Waldrip1; Jeffrey J. Figiel1; Hailong Zhou2; Eleni Makarona2; Arto V. Nurmikko2; 1Sandia National Laboratories, Chem. Proc. Sci., MS-0601, PO Box 5800, Albuquerque, NM 87185 USA; 2Brown University, Div. of Eng., Providence, RI 02912 USA One of the most challenging issues in growing nitride-based DBR mirrors is sample cracking due to the tensile mismatch between AlGaN and GaN. In this talk we will demonstrate stress management using AlN interlayers. The modulation and evolution of stress during growth of AlGaN and GaN layers was clearly resolved by an in-situ stress monitor. Nomarski microscopy from a 60-pair DBR structure (~5 um thick) indicated an essentially crack-free surface. Reflectivities up to and beyond 99% have been measured from GaN/AlGaN multilayer DBR stacks with a peak wavelength varying from 370 to 420 nm. The in-situ DBRs have been incorporated into vertical cavity structures which include GaN:In active QW light emitter region and high reflectivity SiO2/HfO2 dielectric DBRs. Optically pumped near ultraviolet vertical cavity laser operation has been obtained under quasi-continuous wave conditions at room temperature near 383 nm from shallow InGaN/ GaN multiple quantum wells. Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory, operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin company, for the United States Department of Energy, under contract DE-AC0494AL85000. 10:40 AM Comparison of AlGaN/GaN Heterojunction Field-Effect Transistors Grown on Sapphire and SiC Substrates by Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition: Bryan S. Shelton1; Shyh-Chiang Shen2; Damien J. H. Lambert1; Tinggang Zhu1; Michael M. Wong1; Uttiya Chowdhury1; Ho Ki Kwon1; Ki-Soo Kim1; Jonathan C. Denyszyn1; Milton Feng2; Russell D. Dupuis1; 1The University of Texas at Austin, Microelect. Rsch. Ctr., PRC/MER-R9900, Austin, TX 78712-1100 USA; 2University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Ctr. for Compound Semiconductor Microelectr., 208 North Wright St., Urbana, IL 61801 USA The influence of the substrate on the properties of AlGaN/GaN heterojunction field-effect transistors (HFETs) grown by low-pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition is described. The AlGaN/GaN HFETs are grown by low-pressure MOCVD on (0001) sapphire and nSiC substrates. The epitaxial structures are grown at ~200 and (~50 Torr for AlGaN layer) in a hydrogen ambient using trimethylgallium, trimethylaluminum, and ammonia. The HFET structures are completely undoped, gaining their charge from piezoelectric and spontaneous polarization effects of the AlGaN/GaN interface. The role of the substrate on the mobility and sheet charge are examined through variable-temperature Hall effect and C-V measurements. Optimizations of the growth conditions in the transition from the GaN layer to the AlGaN layer are examined from the standpoint of mobility and through the use of AFM RMS roughness. Both 2µm and 0.25µm HFET devices have been fabricated with the highest transconductance values of 190 mS/mm and 300-400 mS/mm, respectively. 12:00 PM Closing Remarks 11 Inde x Index A Abernathy, C R ................................ 1 Alam, A ......................................... 10 Allerman, A A ............................. 1, 5 Anderson, T J .................................. 3 B Baca, A G ........................................ 6 Baumann, H ..................................... 4 Beaudoin, C ..................................... 6 Beck, A L ....................................... 11 Begarney, M J .................................. 7 Beister, G ......................................... 8 Benamara, M ................................. 10 Betty, I ............................................. 9 Bhat, I ............................... 1, 3, 6, 8 Bhat, R ........................................ 4, 9 Bickley, J F ...................................... 2 Biefeld, R M ........................ 4, 5, 11 Blattner, A J ..................................... 8 Bourret-Courchesne, E D .............. 10 Breiland, W G .................................. 1 Bruskas, L A .................................... 1 Bugge, F .......................................... 8 C Calawa, D R ............................... 4, 6 Campbell, J C ................................ 11 Cederberg, J G ................................ 4 Chang, P .......................................... 6 Chapman, D C ................................. 7 Chevalier, E ..................................... 3 Chicoine, M ..................................... 6 Chowdhury, U ............................... 11 Chua, S ............................................ 5 Coffie, R ........................................ 10 Collins, C J .................................... 11 Coward, K M .................................. 2 Creighton, J R ................................. 3 Cui, H .............................................. 1 D Dale, C ............................................. 3 Dapkus, P D .................................. 10 DenBaars, S P ............................... 10 Denyszyn, J C ............................... 11 Desjardins, P ................................... 6 Deufel, M ........................................ 6 Dietz, J ............................................. 9 Dixon, J ........................................... 9 Dubois, R ........................................ 9 Dumesic, J A ................................... 2 Dupuis, R D ............................ 10, 11 E Ebert, C W ....................................... 9 Efimov, A G ................................. 2, 6 Erbert, G .......................................... 8 F Feng, M ......................................... 11 Fetzer, C M ...................................... 7 Figiel, J J .................................. 1, 11 Fink, V ............................................. 3 Fischer, A J .................................... 11 Ford, G M ....................................... 9 Foster, R .......................................... 9 Friedman, D J .................................. 8 Fu, Q ............................................... 7 G Gagnon, E D .................................... 2 Geisz, J F ......................................... 8 Gila, B P .......................................... 1 Glew, R ............................................ 9 Greenspan, J E ................................ 9 Grim-Bogdan, K ............................. 8 Guadagnuolo, S ............................... 2 H Haberland, K ..................................... 1 Hakkarainen, T E ............................. 4 Han, J ....................................... 1, 11 Hannappel, T ................................... 7 Hansen, D M ................................... 4 Hardtdegen, H ................................. 2 Hargett, T W .................................... 1 Harris, D L ...................................... 4 Hawkins, B E .................................. 4 Heuken, M ................................ 6, 10 Hicks, R F ....................................... 7 Hinkle, K ......................................... 8 Hoehnsdorf, F ............................ 4, 5 Hofeldt, J ......................................... 6 Hou, H ............................................. 6 Hövel, R .......................................... 1 Huang, M ........................................ 3 Hummel, S .................................. 3, 5 Hurst, W S .................................. 1, 5 Hwang, J ......................................... 3 I Inoki, C K .......................................... 4 J Jones, A C ....................................... 2 Jones, E D ....................................... 5 Juergensen, H .................................. 6 Juergensen, M ............................... 10 Just, O ............................................. 3 K Kanjolia, R .......................... 6, 9, 11 Kasik, M .......................................... 6 Kavanagh, K L ................................ 3 Kim, J .............................................. 8 Kim, K ........................................... 11 Knauer, A ........................................ 8 Koch, J ....................................... 4, 5 Krishnamoorthy, V .......................... 1 12 Kuan, T S ........................................ 4 Kuech, T F ............................. 1, 2, 4 Kunert, B ......................................... 5 Kurtz, S R ................................... 5, 8 Kwon, H ........................................ 11 L Lambert, D J .................................. 11 Lau, K ............................................ 11 Law, D C ......................................... 7 Lee, R T ........................................... 7 Lee, S R ........................................... 1 Li, C H ............................................. 7 Li, N ................................................ 6 Li, T ............................................... 11 Liliental-Weber, Z .......................... 10 Lipsanen, H ..................................... 4 Luenenbuerger, M ......................... 10 M Majoor, E ........................................... 9 Makarona, E .................................. 11 Marchand, H .................................. 10 Maslar, J E .................................. 1, 5 Mason, N J .................................. 2, 3 Masut, R A ...................................... 6 Matthews, J S .................................. 3 Mattila, M I ...................................... 4 Mayer, J ........................................... 9 McMahon, W E ............................... 7 Michel, E J ....................................... 8 Mishra, U K .................................. 10 Mitchell, C C ................................. 11 Moll, N ............................................ 3 Moran, B ....................................... 10 Moreau, O ....................................... 6 Musante, C .................................... 11 N Nau, S .............................................. 5 Newman, F ...................................... 6 Ngai, E Y ......................................... 9 Nitishin, P M ................................... 4 Nurmikko, A V .............................. 11 O Oakley, D C ....................................... 5 Obi-Johnson, B ............................... 3 Odedra, R ...................................... 11 Olander, K ....................................... 7 Olson, J ........................................... 7 Olson, J M ....................................... 7 P Palmisiano, M N ............................. 4 Panayotov, V .................................... 8 Peake, G M ............................... 4, 11 Pearce, R .......................................... 9 Petroni, S ......................................... 2 Pettenkofer, C .................................. 7 Pinnington, T ................................... 9 Pitts, O J ..................................... 3, 5 Post, C ............................................. 9 Protzmann, H ................................. 10 Pryll, S ............................................. 9 Putyera, K ........................................ 6 Q Qi, Y .............................................. 11 R Rao, G K ......................................... 9 Rees, W S ........................................ 3 Reinhardt, F ................................ 8, 9 Ren, D ........................................... 10 Rich, D H ...................................... 10 Richter, W ........................................ 1 Roorda, S ......................................... 6 S Schaefer, S ....................................... 5 Schaper, A ....................................... 4 Schineller, B .................................. 10 Schmidt, R ....................................... 2 Schmitt, T ........................................ 6 Schoen, O ...................................... 10 Sebastian, J ...................................... 8 Seiler, J B ........................................ 8 Sharps, P R ...................................... 6 Shelton, B S ................................... 11 Shen, S .......................................... 11 Shenai, D V ..................................... 2 Shurtleff, J K ................................... 7 Sieg, R M ........................................ 5 Smith, G ............................................ 9 Smith, L M ................................ 2, 11 Sopanen, M A .................................. 4 Speck, J S ...................................... 10 Steiner, A ......................................... 2 Stennick, R .................................... 10 Stolz, W ...................................... 4, 5 Stotz, J A ......................................... 5 Stringfellow, G B ............................ 7 Stringfellow, J ................................. 2 Succi, M .......................................... 2 Sumpf, B ......................................... 8 Sun, Y .............................................. 7 Sutryn, D C ..................................... 8 W Waldrip, K E ............................. 1, 11 Wang, B ........................................... 5 Wang, C ........................................... 8 Wang, C A ............................ 4, 5, 6 Washburn, J ................................... 10 Wate, R ............................................ 2 Watkins, S P .......................... 2, 3, 5 Wenzel, H ........................................ 8 Wessels, B W ................................... 8 Weyers, M .................................. 1, 8 Wiersma, R D .................................. 5 Williams, G ...................................... 9 Willig, F ........................................... 7 Wirtz, K ........................................... 2 Wong, M M ................................... 11 Y Yang, B .......................................... 11 Yi, S S ............................................. 4 Yu, J ................................................ 6 Z Zettler, J ........................................... 1 Zhang, N ........................................ 10 Zhang, R .......................................... 8 Zhang, X ........................................ 10 Zhao, L .......................................... 10 Zhou, H ......................................... 11 Zhu, T ............................................ 11 Zorn, M ........................................... 1 T Tapfer, L .......................................... 4 Thewalt, M L ................................... 5 Timmons, M L ................................. 2 Tischler, M ...................................... 8 Töben, L ........................................... 7 Toivonen, J I .................................... 4 Torunski, T ...................................... 5 Traenkle, G ...................................... 8 V Venkatasubramanian, R ................... 1 Vergani, G ....................................... 2 Vineis, C J .................................. 4, 6 Visbeck, S ........................................ 7 Visbeck, S B .................................... 7 Volz, K ........................................ 4, 5 13