3. EDUCATION AND EDUCATIONAL OUTREACH 3.1. Introduction An overview of the goals, accomplishments, and participants in the CPES Education and Outreach programs was provided in Volume I, Chapter 3. This chapter expands on the content of Volume I by providing additional information regarding the following selected components of the Education and Outreach program: 1) curriculum development; 2) academic exchange and visitor programs; 3) undergraduate program development; 4) pre-college outreach. 3.2. Program Accomplishments 3.2.1. Curriculum Development Core curricula: At present, 81 power electronics and related courses are available through CPES partner campuses, with credits for these classes accepted by each CPES student’s home institution. A full listing of these courses is provided in Table 3.1. Distance learning: A growing number of courses within the core curriculum is now available via distance registration at UW, RPI, and VT. At present, 31 courses are offered for distance access. Distance courses at UW are coordinated through the Office of Engineering Outreach, and are available to industry as well as university students. Through UW’s program, industry participants can select between degree and non-degree programs. Courses can also be purchased for in-house training. RPI’s distance education program, Rensselaer Satellite Video Program (RSVP), offers the MS and MEng in Electrical Engineering with a concentration in microelectronics (IT), the MS and MEng in Electric Power Engineering, and other degree, nondegree, and certificate programs intended for continuing education of professional engineers, as well as registrants from universities other than RPI. Course delivery modes include satellite, videoconferencing, videotape, and web. Three of Virginia Tech’s distance learning courses are currently available only within the CPES consortium. This year, however, ECE 4364: Alternate Energy Systems was offered as an on-line course taught by Dr. Saifur Rahman of VT’s northern Virginia campus. A complete listing of courses available for distance access is provided in Table 3.2. New course development: CPES has also committed to course development in power electronics. Table 3.3 provides a summary of all new course development performed to date. Syllabi for all courses developed during years 1- 4, are provided in Section 3.3.1 at the end of this chapter. Table 3.4 provides a list of all courses under development for Year 5. Syllabi for these courses are included in Section 3.3.2. Course revisions: In addition, the courses listed in Table 3.5 have been revised during the past year. Power Electronics System Integration is a joint course taught by faculty from each of the five CPES campuses, and available for registration by students of all partner campuses. This class is recommended for undergraduate students in their senior year of study, as well as graduate students beginning their study at CPES. The course is intended to provide an overview of power electronics research areas within CPES, including distributed power systems, systems integration, packaging, motor drives, control and sensor integration, and advanced power semiconductor devices. In Spring 2001, this course, which had been offered for three credit hours, was revised to fit a 1-credit hour seminar format. This course was revised again in Spring 255 2002 to include videoconferenced discussion sessions after every third lecture. Another example of course revision is ECT 360: Industrial Measurement and Control. This course was offered by NCAT, and was revised to include a power electronics class sequence. Section 3.3.3 provides a sample of course revisions performed by CPES during the reporting period. Table 3.1. Power Electronics and Related Courses at CPES Campuses University of Wisconsin-Madison ECE 342 Electronics Circuits II ECE 304 Electric Machines Lab ECE 355 Electromechanical Energy Conversion ECE 377 Fundamentals of Electronics & Electromechanical Power Conversion ECE 411 Introduction to Electric Drive Systems ECE 412 Power Electronics Circuits ECE 427 Power Electronics Circuits ECE 446 Automatic Controls ECE 447 Computer Control of Machines and Processes ECE 504 Electric Machines & Drive Systems Laboratory ECE 511 Theory & Control of Synchronous Machines ECE 512 Power Electronics Lab ME/ECE 547 Design of Computer Control Systems ECE 577 Automatic Controls Laboratory ECE 711 Dynamics and Control of AC Drives ECE 712 Solid State Power Conversion ECE 713 Electromagnetic Design of AC Machines ECE 714 Utility Application of Power Electronics ECE/ME 739 Advanced Automation & Robotics ME/ECE 746 Dynamics of Controlled Systems ME 747 Advanced Computer Control of Machines and Processes Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute EPOW 4020 Electromechanics DSES 6070 Statistical Methods of Reliability Engineering EPOW 4030 EPE Laboratory DSES 6110 Introduction to Applied Statistics EPOW 4080 Semiconductor Power Electronics DSES 6170 Management of Quality Processes and ECSE 4220 VLSI Design ………………Reliability DSES 4230 Quality Control ECSE 6220 Semiconductor Devices and Models I ECSE 4230 Semiconductor Electronics Devices ECSE 6290 Semiconductor Devices and Models II ECSE 4240 Solid State Electronics ECSE 6260 Semiconductor Power Devices ECSE 4250 Integrated Circuit Design in Microelectronics ECSE 6240 VLSI Fabrication Technology ECSE 4260 Physical Design In Microelectronics EPOW 6090 Advanced Power Electronics Laboratory ECSE 4290 Electronics Packaging ECSE 6300 Integrated Circuits Fabrication Laboratory DSES 6020 Design of Experiments ECSE 6995 Semiconductor Device Characterization North Carolina A&T University of Puerto Rico – Mayaguez ELEN410 Linear Systems and Control INEL 4405 Electric Machines ELEN420 Power Electronics INEL 4406 Electric Machines Laboratory ELEN430 Power Systems, Energy Conversion and Electric INEL 4416 Power Electronics Machinery INEL 5408 Electric Motor Control ELEN436 Power Systems, Energy Conversion and Electric INEL 6085 Analysis and Design of Power Semiconductor Machinery Laboratory Circuits ELEN460 Electronics II INEL 6058 High Frequency Power Converters ELEN466 Electronics II Laboratory INEL 6066 Control of Electric Drive Systems ELEN 610 Power Electronics INEL 6995 Electric Power Quality ELEN617 Microprocessors Hardware Design ELEN619 Microprocessors Hardware Design Lab ELEN668 Automatic Control Theory ELEN672 Analog Electronics ELEN737 Computer Methods in Power Systems ELEN736 Power Systems Control and Protection ELEN 8XX.01 Solid State Power Conversion System Design CPES Course ECE 5XXX Power Electronics System Integration** * Offered as Special Studies Course in Spring 2000 and Spring 2002 ** This team-taught course is listed separately at all 5 campuses ECE 4224 ECE 4284 ECE 4324 ECE 4205 ECE 4206 ECE 4234 ECE 4235 ECE 4274 ECE 4314 ECE 4364 ECE 5204 ECE 5234 ECE 5254 ECE 5244 ECE 5264 ECE 5334 ECE 5984 Virginia Tech Power Electronics Power Electronics Laboratory Electronic Control of Machines Electronic Circuit Design Electronic Circuit Design Microelectronics Electronic Packaging Hybrid Microelectronics Laboratory Control and Applications of Electric Machines Alternate Energy Systems Power Semiconductor Devices EMI and Noise Reduction Techniques Power Converter Modeling and Control Advanced Power Conversion Advanced Power Electronics Laboratory Electric Machines and Transients Modeling and Control of Three-Phase PWM Converters* 256 Table 3.2. Courses Available for Distance Registration ECE 4224 ECE 4364 ECE 5244 ECE 5254 Virginia Tech Power Electronics* Alternate Energy Systems Advanced Power Conversion* Power Converter Modeling and Control* ECSE 4290 EPOW 4080 DSES 6070 DSES 6110 University of Wisconsin-Madison ECE 342 Electronics Circuits II ECE 355 Electromechanical Energy Conversion ECE 377 Fundamentals of Electronics & Electromechanical Power Converters ECE 411 Introduction to Electric Drive Systems ECE 412 Power Electronics Circuits ME 446 Automatic Controls ME 447 Computer Control of Machines and Processes ECE 504 Electric Machines and Drive Systems Laboratory ECE 511 Theory & Control of Synchronous Machines ME/ECE 547 Design of Computer Control Systems ECE 577 Automatic Control Laboratory ECE 711 Dynamics and Control of AC Drives ECE 712 Solid State Power Conversion ECE 713 Electromagnetic Design of AC Machines ECE 714 Utility Application of Power Electronics ME/ECE 739 Advanced Automation and Robotics ME/ECE 746 Dynamics of Controlled Systems ME 747 Advanced Computer Control of Machines and Processes Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Electronic Packaging DSES 6230 Quality Control and Reliability Semiconductor Power Electronics ECSE 6220 Semiconductor Devices and Models I Statistical Methods of Reliability Engineering ECSE 6260 Semiconductor Power Devices Introduction to Applied Statistics ECSE 6290 Semiconductor Devices and Models II CPES Course* ECE 5984 Power Electronics System Integration * Course is only available in distance format to CPES partner universities Table 3.3. New Courses Developed Univ. Course Number VT ECE 5984 VT RPI Course Title Instructor Semester Modeling and Control of Three-Phase PWM Converters Boroyevich Spring 2000 ECE 4236 Multidisciplinary Design for Packaged Electronics Lu ECSE 6962 Modern Power Devices and Smart Power ICs Chow Spring 2000 Solid State Power Conversion and Design Abul-Fadl Spring 2000 NCA&T ELEN 785-1 Spring 2000 UPRM INEL 6995 Electric Power Quality O'Neill Spring 2000 CPES ECE 5XXX Power Electronics System Integration Various Spring 2000 RPI ECSE 6965 Semiconductor Device Characterization Chow Spring 2001 Power Electronics Olson Fall 2001 NCA&T ELEN 610 Table 3.4. Projected New Course Development Univ. Course Number Course Title Instructor Semester VT ECE 5984 Power Electronics Integration Technology Van Wyk Spring 2002 UPRM INEL 5995 Design Projects in Power Electronics Venkatesan Spring 2002 RPI ECSE 4941 Introduction to Power ICs Chow Spring 2002 Homaifar Spring 2002 Homaifar Spring 2002 NCA&T NCA&T ELEN 686 Power Electronics/Special Projects ELEN 885 Power Electronics Circuits II ELEN 885 Practical Applications in Optimization 257 Table 3.5. Courses for Annual Revision Campus Course Number Course Title CPES ECE 5XXX Power Electronics System Integration UW ECE 412 Power Electronics Circuits UW ECE 712 Solid State Power Conversion UW ECE 739 Advanced Automation and Robotics RPI ECE 6961 Modern Power Devices and Smart Power ICs RPI ECE 6230 Semiconductor Devices and Models I NCAT ECT 360 Industrial Measurement and Control UPRM INEL 4416 Power Electronics 3.2.2. Academic Exchange and Visitors Programs The following table summarizes Visiting Scholar activities during the reporting period. In addition, seven students participated in exchange activities during the reporting period. Table 3.6. Visiting Scholars and Exchange Name Bordonau, Josep Campbell, Colin Castillo, Carlos Cavalcanti, Marcelo Chen, Gang Concannon, Matthew Correa, Mauricio de Rooij, Michael Feng, Quanke Feutren, Renaud G. Huang, Surong Jeon, Seong-Jeub Jia, Xiaochuan Kwon, Byung-il Lee, Seung-Yo Liang, Zhenxian Liu, Jinjun Liu, Yunfeng Ma, Li Mao, Hong Pinheiro, Jose Renes Pou, Josep Rentzsch, Martin Solero, Luca Strydom, Johan T. Tuckey, Andrew Valenzuela, Rene Wolmarans, Pieter Xu, Ming Zhan Xiaodong Zhang, Weiping Campus VT VT VT VT VT VT UW VT VT VT UW VT VT UW VT VT VT VT VT VT VT VT VT VT VT UW UW VT VT VT VT Home University Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya McMaster University CENIDET, Cuernavaca Universidade Federal da Paralba Zhejiang University Eltek Norway AS Universidade Federale de Campina Grande IMV Victron bv. Xi’an Jiao Tong University in China Ecole Nationale Superieure d’Ingenieurs Electriciens de Grenoble Shanghai University Pukyong National University Taiyuan University of Technology Hanyang University Dae Young Electric Technology Co. Xi’an Jiao Tong University Xi’an Jiao Tong University Tsinghua University Zhejiang University Zhejiang University Universidade Federal da Santa Maria Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya Dresden University of Technology University of ROMA TRE Rand Afrikaans University Eindhoven University of Technology University of Concepcion Rand Afrikaans University Zhejiang University Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics North China University of Technology, Beijing 258 3.2.3. Undergraduate Student Programs Undergraduate student research and projects: CPES offers a number of opportunities for undergraduates to participate in Center Programs. Undergraduate research assistants and fellows have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience with projects related to power electronics. Many undergraduate research assistants at CPES work as part of a team with graduate students. A summary of undergraduate student involvement in research is provided in Table 3.7. Table 3.7. Undergraduate Students and Research Projects Name 1 Ahn, Samuel Univ RPI 2 Betancourt, James 3 Beamer, Phillip Hardin 4 Carrasquillo, Ileana 5 Castro, Pedro 6 Charbonneau, Bryan 7 Colon, Elliott 8 Danail, Shazreen Meor 9 Duvigneaud, DyLanne 10 Ferrell, Jeremy Franklin 11 Ford, Carla UPRM VT UPRM UPRM VT UPRM RPI NCAT VT NCAT 12 Francis, Gerald VT 13 Gilliom, Michael VT 14 Hawley, Joshua Christiaan VT Project MOSFET half-bridge module PCB board assembly, heatsink attachment, underbump metallization processing Solar Powered Module for Imobile Application Gate Drive Technology for Integrated Power Electronics Self-Commission for a DC Servo-System Fuel Cell Characterization with Current Interruptors Vacuum Soldering for Integrated Power Electronics Club Car Motor drive gate control logic circuit design Interfacing firing circuits with power circuits Ecostar - Development of Front-End DC Converter for Fuel Cell Power Systems Interfacing firing circuits with power circuits Office of Naval Research - Power Electronics Building Blocks: "Plug and Play" Control Software and Communications Airak Corporation: Photovoltaic Active Power Conditioning System Using Fiber Optic Sensors Tennesee Valley Authority - An ETO Based high power three phase inverter for STATCOM Application PSPICE basic module thermal simulation and circuit simulation Interfacing firing circuits with power circuits Interfacing firing circuits with power circuits Construction of low-cost dc current link motor drive VRM - Power Management of Future Generations of Processors IPEM Cost Modeling Impact of Renewable Energy Sources on the Electric Power Grid TVA - An integrated motor inverter module for DOE carat program / An ETObased high power three phase inverter for STATCOM application Passive IPEM Thermal Modeling Interfacing firing circuits with power circuits 15 Kim, So-Yeon 16 Leaven, Franklin 17 Leaven, Sterling 18 Lemberg, Nicholas 19 Marley, Jason Dee Troy 20 Martinez, Maritere 21 Mendez, Anton G. RPI NCAT NCAT UW VT UPRM UPRM 22 Miller, David Bruce VT 23 Moreta, Fernando 24 Murphy, Patrick UPRM NCAT 25 Oliveras, Vladimir 26 Panzer, Mark UPRM Impact of Renewable Energy Sources on the Electric Power Grid UW Control and sensor integration; intelligent failure minimizing IPEM Control Implementation of a Lab View-based data acquisition system for IPEM electrothermal model UPRM calibration and validation VT Soft-switching inverters for ac adj. UPRM Fuel Cell Characterization with Current Interrupters UPRM Club Car VT VPT, Inc. - An integrated motor inverter module for DOE carat program UPRM Thermal Modeling of an IPEM Using FLOTHERM UPRM Self-Commission for a DC Servo-System UPRM Passive IPEM Thermal Modeling VT Ecostar - Development of Front-End DC Converter for Fuel Cell Power Systems NCAT Interfacing firing circuits with power circuits VT Airak Corporation: Photovoltaic Active Power Conditioning System Using Fiber Optic Sensors Office of Naval Research - Modeling and Control of PEBB-based Aircraft Electrical Service VT Stations UPRM Fuel Cell Characterization with Current Interruptors VT National Science Foundation - Distributed Power Systems RPI Upgrade of photoluminescence measurement set up for SiC epitaxial layers 27 Parrilla, Zharadeen 28 Pochet, Michael 29 Purcell, Ana 30 Ramos, Carlos 31 Reichl, John Vincent 32 Robles, Jeffrey 33 Rodriguez, Leila S. 34 Sanchez, Alexis 35 Shearer, Thomas 36 Singleton, Shaka 37 Smith, Christopher Lee 38 Tinsley, Carl Terrie 39 Velasques, Nerisbel 40 Winston, Mark Andrew 41 Yoo, Meena 259 In addition, a number of undergraduate students contribute to Center activities by assisting in the laboratory, with Education and Outreach programs, and with computer support. Table 3.8 includes a listing of additional undergraduate student employees and their projects. Table 3.8. Additional Undergraduate Student Employees Student name Campus Assignment 1 Campbell, Lauren VT Assistant - Education and Outreach 2 Conte, Luke Jamison VT Research Lab 3 Grimsley, Jonathan S. VT Research Lab 4 Kirsch, Matthew VT Short courses for industry 5 Milianes, Nicholas P. VT Computer Lab 6 Pfountz, Benjamin G. Wayson, Lottie 7 Catherine 8 Webster, David Shaun VT Computer Lab VT Assistant - CPES Management VT CPES website Undergraduate courses taught by CPES faculty: Development of undergraduate programs such as fellowships and assistantships, lecture series, and student organizations provide a rich experience for students pursuing power electronics as a specialty at the undergraduate level. Courses such as ECT 360: Industrial Measurements and Control, which was revised to include power electronics, also provide students with insight regarding the relationship between power electronics and other areas, while creating visibility for the program at progressively earlier points in the curriculum. Table 3.9 illustrates the strong presence of CPES faculty in the undergraduate curriculum. Undergraduate Power Electronics Concentrations: During its first four years of operation, CPES has also advanced initiatives designed to strengthen the presence of power electronics in undergraduate degree programs, and to encourage undergraduate participation in research. At RPI, a concentration was developed within the Department of Electric Power Engineering. Fulfillment of the concentration is recognized by the department and consists of required and elective course work in the Departments of Electric Power Engineering (which merged into the Department of Electrical, Computer and Systems Engineering in 2001), Electrical, Computer and Systems Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering, and Mechanics. In April 2000, the University Committee at VT approved a concentration in power electronics within the Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. This degree concentration is recognized by the Department and will be recorded as a part of students’ permanent transcripts. This concentration includes 3 required courses, 8 credit hours of technical electives, and may also include free electives in electrical or mechanical engineering. In January 2001, a power electronics option was also initiated at UPRM. To complete the implementation of the option, an undergraduate design course in power electronics, INEL 5995 “Design Projects in Power Electronics” was introduced in Spring 2002. Following are overviews of the power electronics concentrations currently in place. Power Electronics Concentration at RPI: The concentration in Power Electronics Systems is open to all students in Electric Power Engineering. Fulfillment of the concentration will be recognized by the department. Required and optional courses for the power electronics concentration at RPI is illustrated in Fig. 3.1. 260 Table 3.9. Undergraduate Courses Taught by CPES Faculty Virginia Tech ECE 2004 Network Analysis ECE 3204 Electronics II ECE 3254 Industrial Electronics ECE 4205 Electronic Circuit Design ECE 4205 Electronic Circuit Design ECE 4296 Electronic Circuit Design ECE 4224 Power Electronics ECE 4235 Electronic Packaging ECE 4284 Power Electronics Laboratory ECE 4364 Alternate Energy Systems University of Wisconsin-Madison ECE 304 Electric Machines Lab ECE 377 Electrical and Electro-Mechanical Energy Conversion ECE 411 Introduction to Electric Drive Systems ECE 412 Power Electronics Circuits Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute ECSE 2210 Microelectronics Technology EPOW 4080 Semiconductor Power Electronics ECSE 4250 Integrated Circuit Process Design ECSE 4290 Electronics Packaging North Carolina A&T State University ECT 360 Industrial Measurement and Control ELEN 610* Power Electronics ELEN 686-03** Power Electronics / Special Projects University of Puerto Rico – Mayaguez INME 4001 Thermodynamics I INEL 4102 Electrical Systems Analysis II INEL 4103 Electrical Systems Analysis III INEL 4405 Electric Machines INEL 4416 Power Electronics INEL 5408 Control of Electric Machines INEL 5995 Design of Power Electronic Systems * New in Fall 2001 ** New in Spring 2002 W.G. Odendaal, D.Y. Chen, G. Q. Lu D. Y. Chen (2 sections per semester) J. S. Lai J. S. Lai J. S. Lai J. S. Lai D. Boroyevich G. Q. Lu (Taught by R. Hendricks in Fall 2001) CPES Staff (J. Reichl, Spring 2002) S. Rahman Staff (J.Wai in Year 4) R. D. Lorenz T. M. Jahns G. Venkataramanan I. Bhat / R. Gutmann D. Torrey I. Bhat E. Rymaszewski F. Fatehi Olson A. Homaifar J. Gonzalez K. Venkatesan E. O'Neill K. Venkatesan E. O'Neill, N. Venkatesan M. Velez-Reyes K. Venkatesan Fig. 3.1. Power Electronics Concentration at RPI 261 Power Electronics Concentration at Virginia Tech: To help alleviate the severe shortage of power electronics engineers, CPES has established a power electronics concentration for undergraduates majoring in Electrical Engineering at Virginia Tech. The new concentration is listed on student transcripts and works within the ECE 15-credit-hour technical elective requirement. Required and elective courses for the option range from controls and microelectronics to power electronics and alternate energy systems. The power electronics concentration was will be available to undergraduates completing degrees beginning in Spring 2002. Required and elective courses within the scope of the option are illustrated in Fig. 3.2. Fig. 3.2. Power Electronics Concentration at VT Power Electronics Option at UPRM Power electronics have been part of the Power Engineering Curriculum at UPRM for the last seventeen years. Both graduate and undergraduate research work in power electronics has also been performed at UPRM since the 1980s. CPES has supported the restructuring of the undergraduate power engineering curriculum, including formalizing power electronics as an option within power engineering. The diagram below shows the order in which students take courses. An undergraduate design course in power electronics has been developed for Spring 2002 to offer students an opportunity to study power electronics applications beyond the introductory course, and to provide a capstone course offering within the option. The power electronics option was approved at UPRM in January 2002. Fig. 3.3 illustrates required courses for the options in both power electronics and power systems. Additional information regarding UPRM program development is included as a reprinted paper in the Education Section of Volume II, Part II. 262 Power Systems Option INEL 4415 Power Syst. Analysis INEL 5406 Transmission & Distribution INEL 4407 Industrial Design INEL 5407 Computer Aided Design INEL 4409 Illumination Engineering INEL 5415 Power System Protection INEL 4103 Elect. Syst. Analysis III INEL 4405 Electric Machines INEL 4201 Electronics I INEL 4505 Control Systems INEL 4416 Power Electronics INEL 5408 Motor Control INEL 4995 Professional Practice INEL 4998 Undergrad Research INEL 5995 Special Topics Both Options INEL 54xx Design Projs. in Pwr Elect. Power Electronics Option under development Fig. 3.3. Power engineering at UPRM 3.2.4. Pre-College Outreach The high school summer camp program was established at CPES in 1999. Following are the descriptions of the summer camps held at RPI and NCAT in 2001, as well as the FIRST Lego League Initiative at Virginia Tech. Full reports of the RPI and NCAT Summer Camps are included in Section 3.3.4 of this chapter: Rensselaer’s High School Outreach Program At Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, we conducted a program to introduce high school students to power electronics and related topics. The program consisted of approximately forty contact hours from July 23 to July 27. Professor Ishwara Bhat along with the help of several graduate students conducted the program. An advertisement was sent out to six local high schools during the first week of June with the deadline for application set for June 15, 2001. Two high school students (both females) responded with completed application forms along with the transcripts, a letter of recommendation and an essay describing their interest. The low number of responses was attributed to the timing of the circular sent. In the future, we intend to send the circular during the March/April timeframe, followed by active phone calls to the guidance counselors. Both students are from Shenendehowa high school, located within the Capital District of New York. Both the applicants were extremely good students, based on the transcripts we received. Each student participant was given a stipend of $10/hour. This stipend is the same as that was offered last year. 263 The program was intended to introduce the students to power electronics and related topics. The emphasis was on exploration through actual laboratory experimentation. We emphasized general topics instead of power electronics since the background of the students dictated this. Section 3.3.4 contains an outline of the activities during the week. The program started at 8:30AM everyday, and ended at 5PM. Most days began with a discussion of what projects the students will be doing that particular day. The students would then do some experimental work. Two high school students practicing alignment of masks to the wafer during a photolithography session in microelectronic clean room. North Carolina A&T’s High School Program NCAT’s power electronics day camp was conducted on July 16, 2001-July 27, 2001. The purpose of the camp was to expose the participants to power electronics and the basic fundamentals of engineering. Dr. Abdollah Homaifar, CPES campus director also served as the camp director, and was assisted by two undergraduate research assistants. The seven participants were divided into groups to conduct three laboratory projects: 1)A project was conducted to study power transfer from a generator source load and investigate the condition for maximum power transfer; 2) A project was conducted to analyze how Thevinin’s Theorem applies to unbalanced wheatstone bridges; 3) A project was conducted to observe and understand the effects of capacitors voltage charging and discharging when it was connected in series and parallel in a RC circuit. The participants presented their final projects and laboratory findings to university officials, parents, faculty, and staff. Each participant was awarded a Certificate of Participation. VT’s Elementary and Middle School Program The goal of FIRST Lego LeagueTM (FLL) is to inspire curiosity and interest in science and technology for middle school children. Teams compete at local events and state tournaments where they are recognized for excellence in teamwork, problem solving, creativity, design, strategy, presentation, and leadership. The ultimate goal is for teams to demonstrate their robot’s ability to perform the challenge in a head-to-head competition. The purpose of our supplemental grant from NSF is 264 Sample Robot used for FIRST Lego League threefold: 1) to expand the project in Southwestern Virginia; 2) to improve the project through teaching training and mentorship; and 3) to evolve to self-sufficiency after the initial three years of the project. Major components of the program are: teacher training through coaching and curriculum development; mentoring, tutoring, and career guidance of middle school children by Engineering undergraduate and graduate students; industry/university/school system partnering through mentorship, presentations, and consultation; and annual evaluation by teachers, students, and mentors. During the reporting period, CPES began start-up work for this initiative. At the time of the award, team recruitment, registration and a portion of the challenge season had already been completed for Fall 2002. An experienced team mentor, Adam Thompson, who had taken part in the FIRST Robotics Program was hired in order to assist with development of technical materials for support of teams and mentorship and development of a programming manual, which was currently lacking as an instructional aid. This manual will be used in support of mentorship and video modules to be developed in years 2 and 3. Elizabeth Tranter, Leslie Graham, and Adam Thompson served as judges for the state competition, held in Blacksburg, VA on December 9, and interviewed more than 50 teams and team coaches during the day, assessing the needs that the project must meet through mentorship and curricular materials during the next three years. A listing of participating teams is provided in Table 3.10. Following the competition, a post-season assessment was distributed in January 2002 to teachers in Virginia and Southwestern West Virginia and data compiled in order to further determine participants’ needs and to identify any barriers within the current program. The majority of the participants were applauded the application of science and technology to a hands-on project. These and the logic and problem solving skills were highly praised. Most of these problems involved either the competition logistics, the manufacturing of the robot, or the resources for coaches who were new to the program. Teachers Teams compete in the State competition held in Cassell Coliseum at Virginia Tech. expressed a strong need for the programming curriculum or and engineering building fundamentals that this program was designed to provide. Every single participant said that his or her students were interested in continuing with the program next year, or that the interested students were moving up to middle school. The majority of teachers favored the proposed CPES/ECE workshop for teachers during the months of August and September, and that our materials be shared as part of an online forum. The project leaders are also working with the VT College of Education to identify graduate students who will assist in implementation of the curriculum and workshops. Plans for the coming year include development of course modules, a workshop for teachers, and undergraduate student mentorship of teams. 265 Table 3.10. Teams participating in the Virginia FIRST Lego League Competition 2001 Team 54 55 72 112 143 147 170 254 265 288 308 363 365 393 404 415 428 429 457 522 538 595 653 663 684 748 760 862 1050 1052 1055 1116 1157 1243 1252 1254 1273 1317 1345 1349 1358 1534 1556 1604 1617 1642 1646 1647 1660 1743 1744 1833 1843 1873 1889 1907 1926 1938 1944 1954 Team Name Hunters Woods ES Hunters Woods ES Harding Avenue ES Madison & Culpepper Homeschoolers Spotsylvania MS Quantico MS & HS Fairfax Co Neighborhood Team St Catherine's School Robotics Team Prospect Heights MS Springfield Robotics Club HHPoole MS Manchester MS Manchester MS Purple Penguin Eaters Woodbridge MS Culpeper Lego League Lunenburg MS Lunenburg MS Assembly Required Auburn ES Culpeper Robotics community team H-B Woodlawn Sch Rodney Thompson MS Homeschoolers Luna Innovations Pearson's Corner ES Schoolfield ES Dalton IS St Edward-Epiphany School Home Advantage Robotics Club Northern Virginia Homeschools Blacksburg MS Gilbert Linkous Alumni Pocahontas MS Goochland MS Orange Hunt Robotics Club PJC Enterprise Sunshine Sandusky MS St Michael's School Bassett MS Newington Forest School Epes ES Peasley Chandler MS Thornburg MS Team Summit H-B Woodlawn Sch Martinsville HS Buford MS Dublin MS Prime Photonics Western Branch MS Logon MS TC Miller ES Seven Hills School Kipps ES Pearson's Corner ES Logon MS City Reston Reston Blacksburg Banco Spotsylvania Quantico Fairfax Station Richmond Orange Springfield Stafford Richmond Richmond Culpeper Woodbridge Culpeper Victoria Victoria Virginia Beach Riner Culpeper Richmond Arlington Stafford Fredericksburg Blacksburg Mechanicsville Danville Radford Richmond Richmond Herndon Blacksburg Blacksburg Richmond Goochland Springfield Richmond Richmond Lynchburg Richmond Bassett Springfield Newport News Gloucester Richmond Spotsylvania Yorktown Arlington Martinsville Charlottesville Dublin Blacksburg Chesapeake Logon, WV Lynchburg Richmond Blacksburg Mechanicsville Logon, WV 266 County Fairfax County Fairfax County Montgomery County Madison County Spotsylvania County Prince William County Fairfax County Richmond City Orange County Fairfax County Stafford County Richmond City Richmond City Culpeper County Prince William County Culpeper County Lunenburg County Lunenburg County Virginia Beach City Montgomery County Culpeper County Richmond City Arlington County Stafford County Spotsylvania County Montgomery County Hanover County Danville City Radford City Richmond City Richmond City Fairfax County Montgomery County Montgomery County Richmond City Goochland County Fairfax County Richmond City Richmond City Lynchburg City Richmond City Henry County Fairfax County Newport News City Gloucester County Richmond City Spotsylvania County York County Arlington County Martinsville City Charlottesville City Pulaski County Montgomery County Chesapeake City Logon County Lynchburg City Richmond City Montgomery County Hanover County Logon County 3.3. Supplementary Information 3.3.1. New Courses Developed in Years 1 - 4 Spring 2000 Modeling and Control of the Three-Phase PWM Converters ECPE5984 Dr. Dushan Boroyevich Center for Power Electronics Systems Bradley Department of Electrical Engineering Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Blacksburg, VA 24061 Text Course transparencies, course notes, and recommended papers. Some materials will be on the course web Site: http://courseware.cc.vt.edu/users/dusan/ECPE5984_5550/. Objective Develop understanding of power conversion principles in three-phase PWM converters and learn to design the control for the converters used in most applications through the development of averaged models of rectifiers and inverters in stationary and rotating coordinates, the smallsignal modeling in rotating coordinates and the closed-loop control design, and the use of switching state vectors and different modulation schemes. Course Schedule (Tentative) 1. Introduction of three-phase variables and coordinate transformations 2. Basic topologies of three-phase converters 3. Averaged models in stationary coordinates 4. Averaged models in rotating coordinates 5. Small-signal models 6. Modulation techniques 7. Average and small-signal modulator models 8. Closed-loop control design 9. Reduced-order modeling for three-phase converters 10. Multi-phase converters 11. Parallel converters 12. Multi-level converters 267 Spring 2000 Multidisciplinary Design for Packaged Electronics MSE 4274 Professor G.Q. Lu Materials Science and Engineering Description A laboratory course on electronic package design, fabrication and processing, and testing. Technologies addressed in the course are thick-film hybrid, thin-film processing, surface mount, wire bonding, and multichip module technologies. Prerequisites and Corequisites The course builds on the basics of chemistry, physics, solid state physics, electronics, networks, and material science and engineering. The student is expected to be knowledgeable of electrical, mechanical, thermal, as well as materials and process selection guidelines for packaged electronics as covered in ECpE 4235 or MSE 4235. Texts and Special Teaching Aids Notes and other study materials will be supplied by the instructor or made available through commercial copy centers. Syllabus Percent of Course 1. CAD of Multilayer Printed Wiring Boards 15% 2. Lab Protocol Training 5% 3. Thick-film Resistor Array Fabrication and Trimming 15% 4. Thick-film Capacitor Fabrication 10% 5. Thin-film Processing (Deposition and Etching) 10% 6. Multilayer Printed Substrate Fabrication 10% 7. Device Attachment and Interconnection 10% 8. Module Testing and Characterization 10% 9. Projects (e.g. integrated passives, hybrid gate-drive 15% substrate for semiconductor switches) 100% 268 Spring 2000 Modern Power Devices and Smart Power ICs ECSE 6962 T. Paul Chow, Professor 6223 Center for Industrial Innovation (518) 276-2910 E-mail: chow@unix.cie.rpi.edu Electrical, Computer and Systems Engineering Description A continuation of ECSE6260. Modern Discrete Devices that will be covered include the Insulated-gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) and other MOS-gated bipolar transistors, MOSControlled Thyristor (MCT) and other MOS-gated Thyristors, together with their performance tradeoffs, and integrated current and voltage sensors. The RESURF principle, analysis of integrable lateral power devices, such as lateral MOSFET’s, lateral IGBT and lateral MCT’s, dielectric and junction isolation, device cross-talk suppression. Prerequisites Basic knowledge (at the graduate level) of semiconductor devices or SDM-I (ECSE-6230) and SDM-H (ECSE-6290); Semiconductor Power Devices (ECSE-6260), or equivalent, or permission of the instructor. Textbooks Ghandhi, Sorab K., Semiconductor Power Devices, Wiley, 1977, republished in 1998. Baliga, B. Jayant, Physics of Semiconductor Power Devices, PWS Publishing, 1996. Computing Students need access to a UNIX system. They will use telnet to access the UNIX system operated by the Rensselaer Center for Integrated Electronics and Electronics Manufacturing to the numerical simulation project. Professor Chow will make course notes, homework, and other materials available via his web page. Internet electronic mail and World Wide Web access is required. 269 Spring 2000 Solid State Power Conversion System Desgin ELEN 8XX.01 Ali Abul-Fadl, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering, 556 McNair Hall. North Carolina A&T State University Telephone: (336) 334-7760, Fax: (336) 334-7716 E-Mail: abulfadl@genesis.ncat.edu Description This course deals with power electronic devices, power conversion system design and applications. Attention is focused on block diagrams, circuits design, components selection, analysis, and testing. Credits3 3-0) Textbook "SOLID-STATE POWER CONVERSION HANDBOOK", Ralph E. Tarter, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, NY, 1993. References 1. "POWER ELECTRONICS", Marvin J. Fisher, PWS-KENT Publishing Company, 1991. 2. "POWER ELECTRONICS", M. H. Rashid, Prentice Hall, 1993. 3. "POWER ELECTRONICS", N. Mohan, T. M. Undeland, W. P. Robbins, John Wiley, 1995. Course Objectives This course will prepare the students to be better able to design and test power electronics systems that satisfies the need for increased efficiency, improved reliability, and improved performance, and that meets safety requirements. The course also explains power semiconductor devices, their behavior under different load conditions, aspects of power conversion, thermal, protection, and other considerations. Detailed design examples will be presented. Individual design projects are required. The projects may include industrial participation. Topic • Review of Power Semiconductor Devices • Rectifiers and Filters • Phase Control Circuits • Transistor Inverters • Thyristor Inverters • Switching Regulators • dc-dc Converters • Protection and Safety 270 Spring 2000 Electric Power Quality INEL 6995 Dr. Efraín O’Neill Carrillo Electrical and Computer Engineering Department University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus Course Description Analysis, modeling and mitigation of the difficulties related to the distortion of voltages and currents in power systems. Special emphasis on harmonics and sources of power quality problems. Pre-requisites INEL 4415 and INEL 4202 or equivalent Textbook, Supplies and Other Resources Professor’s Notes References Articles from IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Power Systems and other journals Heydt, Gerald T. (1995) Electric Power Quality. Scottsdale, AZ: Stars in a Circle. IEEE Power Engineering Society (1998) Tutorial on Harmonics Modeling and Simulation. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Press. Purpose The purpose of the course is to prepare students for industry and research work in the power quality area. This is a three credit-hours course, open to graduate students and senior Electrical Engineering students. Undergraduate students attending the course will obtain one Engineering design credit. Course Goals After completing the course, students will have a sound background on the causes and mitigating techniques for electric power quality problems. The course will acquaint students with the most recent advances in the study of voltage and current distortions; measures, sources and solution to power quality concerns. General Topics and Schedule Introduction to Electric Power Quality – 1 class Indices of distortion and interference – 3 classes Measurements – 3 classes Modeling under nonsinusoidal conditions – 6 classes Sources of power quality problems– 6 classes Analysis methods – 4 classes Harmonics – 6 classes Other power quality concerns – 4 classes Mitigation of power quality problems – 6 classes Tests and review – 6 classes 271 Spring 2000 Power Electronics System Integration Team-taught by CPES Professors of different campuses January 20 January 25 January 27 February 1 February 3 February 15 February 17 February 22 February 24 February 29 March 2 March 7 March 9 March 21 Introduction to CPES: Power Electronics Applications Distributed Power Systems: Review of Converter Topologies Power Factor Correction Front End DC/DC Converter Distributed Power Systems: Load Converters System Integration and Stability Parameter Estimation for Electric Drive Tuning, Monitoring, and Diagnostics High Performance Drives Review of Drives and Control Approaches Sensorless Torque and Motion Control Methods State and Disturbance Estimation Using Observers High Performance Drives Estimation and Signal Processing for Diagnostics Power Electronics Building Block (PEBB) Presentations on PD Projects Utility Interface Issues for Packaged Drives PEBB Modeling and Control Integrated Power Electronics Modules (IPEM) Review of State-of-the-Art Technology Definition Functionality Manufacturing Technology IPEM Architectural Issues Partitioning Alternatives and Tradeoffs Technology Evaluation and Tradeoffs Integrated Power Electronics Modules CPES IPEM Development High-Performance Drive IPEM Packaged Drive IPEM 272 Dr. Lee Dr. Lee Dr. Lee Dr. Lee Dr. Velez Dr. Lorenz Dr. Lorenz Dr. Lee B. Welchco, M. Chomat, Jianming Yao Dr. Boroyevich Dr. Lee Dr. Jahns Dr. Jahns Dr. Jahns March 23 March 28 March 30 April 4 April 6 April 11 April 13 April 25 Devices Distributed Power Systems IPEM Electronics Packaging Introduction Functions Hierarchy Terminology Packaging for Performance Electrical Thermal Electromagnetic Considerations Electronics Packaging Materials and Processes for Package Manufacturing Packaging for Reliability Thermo-Mechanical Considerations Semiconductor Power Devices Classification of Semiconductor Power Devices Fundamentals of Semiconductor Physics (Doping, Mobility, Lifetime) Junction Termination Techniques (field rings, field plates, JTE) Space Charge Limited Current, Micro- and Meso- Plasmas Safe-Operating-Area High-Voltage Junction and Schottky Rectifiers Semiconductor Power Devices: Bipolar Transistors and Thyristors MOSFET, IGBT, and other Power MOS Switching Wide Bandgap Semiconductors; Power ICs April 27 System Integration: Converter Switching, Large-Signal Average and Small-Signal Models May 2 Causes, Effects, and Mitigation of EMI and EMC May 4 System Integration: Interaction Between Load and Source Converters and UPRM May 9 Interaction Between Parallel Converters 273 Dr. Lu, Dr. Rymaszewski Dr. Lu, Dr. Rymaszewski Dr. Lu, Dr. Rymaszewski Dr. Lu, Dr. Rymaszewski Dr. Chow Dr. Chow Dr. Chow Dr. Chow Dr. Boroyevich Dr. Boroyevich Dr. Boroyevich, Dr. Boroyevich, and UPRM Spring, 2001 Semiconductor Device Characterization ECSE-6965 Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering Instructor T. Paul Chow, Professor, Room 6111 Center for Industrial Innovation (518) 276-2910, e-mail: chowt@rpi.edu Ronald J. Gutmann, Professor, Room 6129 Center for Industrial Innovation (518) 276-6794, e-mail: gutmar@rpi.edu Teaching Assistant Kevin Matocha, Room 4159 Center for Industrial Innovation e-mail: mattock@rpi.edu Course Description This course is designed to give students a hands-on experience in the characterization of basic semiconductor devices (diffused resistors, pn junction diodes, Shottky diodes, MOS capacitors, bipolar junction transistors, MOSFETs) in wafer and packaged forms. The final project involves the students in a detailed characterization of devices in a specific application (e.g. high-voltage power electronics, submicron ULSI, microwave and wireless). Prerequisites Basic knowledge (at the graduate level) of semiconductor devices or SDM-I (ECSE-6230) and SDM-II (ECSE-6290) or equivalent or permission of the instructor. Textbooks Schroder, Dieter K., Semiconductor Material and Device Characterization, 2nd Ed., Wiley, 1998. Computing Students need access to a UNIX system. They will use SecureCRT to access the unix system operated by the Rensselaer Center for Integrated Electronics and Electronics Manufacturing to the numerical simulation project. Professor Chow will make course notes, homework, and other materials available via his Web page. Internet electronic mail and World Wide WEB access is required. Format 5 Unit Projects.................................10 weeks Final Project.....................................4 weeks Grading 5 Unit Projects................................75% (15% each) Final Project....................................25% This course is also open to non-matriculated students who meet the prerequisites. 274 Fall 2001 Power Electronics North Carolina A&T State University Department of Electrical Engineering Course Objectives & Program Outcomes Course Number: ELEN 610 Instructor: Dr. David E. Olson Date: August 15, 2001 Course Learning Objectives Course Objectives: This course’s objectives involve a challenge to the student to develop an expertise on the topics of the subject of. Power Electronic Circuits. The objectives require that the student be able to; (a) recognize, or formulate clear statements of problems or questions concerning topics on the subject, (b) on their own, apply their engineering and applied mathematics skills to provide answers which are also justified in a logical step-by-step manner, (c) and thereby develop a learning pattern which will enable them to become self-teachers for the process of life-long learning. These objectives are accomplished by the instructor in class providing continuing examples of clear problem statements and questions about the subject’s topics, followed by logically justified step-by-step solutions. The students are then advised to perform the “continuing homework assignment” in which the problem statement is to be viewed as a challenge for them to solve on their own – if necessary only looking at enough of the instructor’s solution to provide procedural hints at times of doubt in the thought process. Since justification is required, the method of solution is stressed more than just the attainment of answers. Relationship to Program Outcomes The following BSEE Program outcomes are related to this course: Outcome Outcome Description No. An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering 1 An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret 2 data An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs 3 An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems 5 An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility 6 An ability to communicate effectively 7 A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning 9 An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary 11 for engineering practice. 275 3.3.2. New Courses Proposed in Year 5 Spring 2002 Power Electronics Integration Technology J. Daan van Wyk Virginia Tech Syllabus: 1.Introduction to power electronics integration. - Review of necessary background. Circuits, electromagnetics, materials, thermomechanics, process technology. - Concepts of functional, structural and electromagnetic integration. - Power electronics integration as a paradigm shift in technology. - Implications for design and application. 2.Power processing functions in converters. - Switching function for controlling energy flow. - Conduction function for guiding energy flow and field concentrations. - Electromagnetic energy storage function - Thermal/heat exchange function - Information function for temporal and spatial control - Materials associated with executing these functions in converters; nature of the integration technology associated with these functions. 3.Technologies available for integration of power electronics. - Monolithic integration (Silicon); different voltage levels, isolation technologies and vertical and lateral structures. - Possibilities for functional integration and limits of monolithic integration for power electronics. - Hybrid integration technology for power electronics; different materials available, - Possibilities of functional integration for hybrid technology and limits of the technology. - Technologies for heat spreading and cooling in integrated converters - Interfaces and hybrid integration, thermomechanics and material properties. 4. Electromagnetic energy transport in converters. - Limitations of circuit theory; three dimensional nature of the field phenomena in converters. - Charge associated and induction associated electromagnetic energy flux in converter structures, components and materials as function of frequency. - Electromagnetic energy flux in and around switches, in electromagnetic components, and in connecting structures. - Electromagnetic limits to operation of semiconductor switches - Integrated view of electromagnetic energy transport through a converter. 5.Thermal behavior of integrated converters, heat extraction and cooling. - Thermal modeling in monolithic integration; silicon as thermal material, sources of heat generation;extraction. - Thermal behavior in hybrid modules; thermal characteristics of different materials and interfaces. 276 - Limitation of electrothermal analogs, sources of heat generation, extraction and different materials. - Technology for heat spreaders and heat exchangers. 6. Mechanical behavior in integrated converters. - Monolithic converters and characteristic behavior of silicon as mechanical material. - Hybrid converters, mechanical behavior of materials and interfaces with CTE mismatch. - Different mechanisms of interface adhesion in multilayer structures. - Stabilization, passivation, underfill and encapsulation. 7. Physics of failure in integrated power electronics. - Failure of power semiconductor switches and relationship to electromagnetic and thermal characteristics of the interconnections and the packaging. - Thermal cycling, stresses and strains in multilayer structures, coupled to material and interface characteristics. - Microstructural material changes, cracks, delamination and thermomechanical failure. - Diagnostics and detection by SAM, SEM, surface diagnostics, electrical measurement. - Modeling of failure mechanisms. 8. Integration of power switching stages. - Power wirebond and eutectic solder technology. Planar metalization and solder ball technologies. - Thermomechanical and electromagnetic behavior of the different technologies. - Heat spreading and cooling in integrated power stages. - Failure mechanisms , case studies and examples regarding the different discussed technologies. - Electromagnetic transients, propagation, EMC and structural filters in power switching stages. - Integration of snubbers and clamps. 9. Integration of power passives. - Electromagnetic energy transport through passives and conducting structures and possibilities of multifunctional structures. - Integrated inductive capacitive structures, including transformer action for resonant and non-resonant applications. - Electromagnetic, thermal and mechanical characteristics of useful materials for power passive integration. - Heat spreading and cooling in integrated power passive modules. - Failure mechanisms, case studies and examples regarding the different discussed technologies. 10. Future development of power electronics integration technology. - Semiconductor technology, electromagnetic materials, thermal materials, integrated design. 277 Spring 2002 Design Projects in Power Electronics University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez Campus College of Engineering A. COURSE SYLLABUS 1. General Information: Course Number: INEL 5995 Credit hours: 3 2. Course Description Design projects including specification, evaluation and selection of alternatives, and implementation. Computer and laboratory work, written reports and presentations are required. 3. Pre-requisites: INEL 4416 Power Electronics 4. Textbook, Supplies and Other Resources: N. Mohan. T. Robbins, T. Undeland (1995) Power Electronics: Converters, Applications and Design, Wiley. Daniel W. Hart (1997), Introduction to Power Electronics, Prentice Hall, NJ 07458 Papers from professional publications such as IEEE Transactions and Conference Proceedings 5. Purpose: The purpose of the course is to give seniors and graduate students in Electrical Engineering the ability to design and implement solid state power processing circuits and systems. 6. Course Goals: After completing the course, the student will be able to apply fundamental power electronics concepts to design, develop and construct power electronic systems. A major design experience will involve the identification of an engineering problem, providing potential solutions using power electronics, selecting a solution, and designing a power electronics system. Validation of designs carried out through simulations and hardware implementation whenever possible for larger systems. 7. Requirements: All students are expected to have a background in power electronics fundamentals and three phase circuits. 8. Laboratory/Field Work: Demonstrations of power electronic fundamentals and use of laboratory facilities. Intensive use of computational and laboratory facilities for the simulation and implementation of power electronic circuits and systems. 278 9. General Topics 1. Review of power semiconductor devices and basic topologies 2. Product design and specification process 3. Design and selection of power electronics components 4. Computer aided tools for analysis and design 5. System level design and implementation considerations 6. Contemporary issues in power electronics design 7. Individual/group design projects (3/4 of course time) 8. Reporting: Progress reports, oral presentation, final report 9. Final Evaluation Potential projects Power supply design Electric drive and motor controllers Power factor correction Applications to power systems Power conditioning, Alternate energy sources, HVDC 279 Spring 2002 Introduction to Power ICs ECSE-4941 SYLLABUS Text: Devices for Integrated Circuits: Silicon and III-V Compound Semiconductors, H. Craig Casey Jr., Wiley, 1999. _____________________________________________________________________________ DATE SESSION TOPIC PAGES _____________________________________________________________________________ 1/15 1 Course Outline and Introduction Power Electronics, Power Devices and ICs, Notes History, Classification 1/18 2 Review of Semiconductor Physics: Energy Bands, E vs. k, Wave Packets, 12-35 Effective Mass, Density of Electron States 1/22 3 Fermi-Dirac Distribution, Electron Concentration, 35-51 Fermi Level, Intrinsic Semiconductor, Energy Gap 1/25 4 Donors and Acceptors, Maj. and Min. Carriers, 52-58 Fermi Level, Space Charge Neutrality, Deep Levels Notes 1/29 5 Carrier Transport: Drift, Diffusion, 69-90 High Field Effects 108-111 2/1 6 Carrier Recombination and Generation 94-101,120 127 Excess Carrier Concentration, Continuity Equation 90-94 Examples 102-108, Notes 2/5 7 Review of PN Junctions: I-V Characteristics, Energy Band, Junction Potential, 128-144 Depletion Width, Carrier Conc. vs. Potential 2/8 8 Energy Bands at Nonequilibrium, Quasi-Fermi Level, 144-163 Minority Carrier Variations, Ideal Diode Equation 2/12 No Class 2/15 9 Second Order Effects: Bulk and Surface Recombination Currents, 163-168 High Current Effects, Reverse Currents 168-172 Depletion and Diffusion Capacitances 192-200 2/18 10 Junction Breakdown 181-192 Curvature Effects, Termination Techniques G, B RESURF Concept Notes 2/25 12 Reverse Recovery, PiN Junction Rectifier Notes, G, B 2/28 13 Schottky-Barrier Junctions: Energy Band Diagram, Depletion Width and 226-243 Capacitances, I-V Characteristics 280 2/28 3/1 3/5 3/8 3/12 13 14 15 16 17 3/15 18 3/18-22 3/26 19 3/29 20 4/2 21 4/5 4/9 22 23 4/12 24 4/16 4/19 4/23 4/26 4/30 5/3 25 26 27 28 29 30 Ohmic Contacts 243-246 Schottky Rectifier, Ideal Ohmic Contacts Review of MOS Capacitor: Energy Band Diagram, Surface Potential, Flatband Voltage, Threshold Voltage, Inversion, Fixed Oxide and Interfacial Charges Mid-Term Examination Capacitances, C vs. V Review of MOSFET: Operational Physics, I-V Characteristics, Gradual Channel Approximation Vertical Power DMOS FETs, Cell Geometries, Specfic On-Resistance Vertical Power UMOS FETs Spring Break Quasi-Vertical and Lateral MOSFETs Bipolar Junction Transistor: Operational Physics, Current Gain, Base Currents, I-V Characteristics Gummel Plot, Breakdown Power BJT, Quasi-Saturation npn vs. pnp, Darlington IGBT, MGT B Isolation Techniques: LOCOS, Trench Isolation, Poly-Si Handle, SIMOX, Wafer Bonding Lateral Power Transistors BCD Processes Device Interactions High-Voltage Interconnects Future Trends Review and Recap, Course Evaluation Final Exam. B – B.J. Baliga, Power Semiconductor Devices, PWS Publishing, 1996. G - S.K. Ghandhi, Semiconductor Power Devices, John Wiley, 1977. 281 273-302 302-318 342-351 B Notes 427-444 444-446, G, B G, B Notes, B B, Notes Notes Spring 2002 ELEN-885 - 02 Practical Application in Optimization Spring 2002 COURSE TITLE: ELEN-885 – Practical Application in Optimization INSTRUCTORS: Dr. A. HOMAIFAR NC A&TSU/ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING E-mail: Homaifar@ncat.edu TIME: 9:00-12PM DAY: Saturday PLACE: Interdisciplinary Research Center, Room-322 Office Hours: TBA PREREQUISITES: Basic knowledge in Multivariable Calculus, ONE COMPUTER COURSE (Preferred Pascal, C, Or Lisp) + GRADUATE STAND (OR BY PERMISSION) COURSE BOOK: Linear and Nonlinear Programming, by David Luenberger, 2nd ed. Addison-Wesley, 1984. Outline Of The Course: This course is designed to present those aspects of optimization methods, which are currently of the foremost importance in solving practical engineering and science problems. These include practical problems in control, mechanical, industrial engineering and computer science. Strong emphasis is given on implementation of the Algorithms rather than the theory behind the subject. Course Contents: Mathematical Background, Structure of Methods, Decent Methods and Stability, Algorithm for the Line search Subproblem, Newton’s Method, Quasi-Newton Methods, Broyden Family, Conjugate Gradient Methods, Restricted Step Methods, Constraint Optimization and Lagrange Multipliers, Lagrangian Methods, Active Set Methods, Sequential Quadratic Programming, Penalty and barrier Functions References: R. Fletcher, Practical Methods of Optimization, 2nd ed. John Willey and Sons, 1987 D. Bertsekas, Nonlinear Programming, 2nd ed. Athena Scientific, 1999. 282 3.3.3. Sample Revised Courses Spring 2001 Power Electronics Systems Integration Prerequisite: Graduate students and undergraduates with senior standing Time: Thursdays, 3:30-5:00 Eastern Standard Time Credits: 1 credit (1.5 hrs/lecture 18 hrs total) Coordinators: Prof. Miguel Vélez-Reyes, UPRM, Ms. Elizabeth Tranter, VT Date Topic Instructor Lecture 1: 1/25/01 Overview F. C. Lee* Lecture 2: 2/1/01 Integrated Power Electronics D. Boroyevich Modules - Concept Overview Lecture 3: 2/8/01 Distributed Power Systems F. C. Lee For computer and telecommunication applications Lecture 4: 2/15/01 Packaged Drives (Application) T. A. Lipo * Lecture 5: 2/22/01 Motor Drives T. M. Jahns Lecture 6: 3/01/01 Power Semiconductor Devices T. P. Chow Challenges for integrated power electronics modules and power semiconductor device research Lecture 7: 3/15/01 Integration and packaging G.Q. Lu challenges for development of power electronic modules (Interconnection, thermal issues). Lecture 8: 3/22/01 Integration and packaging J. D. van Wyk challenges (magnetics, capacitors, and EMI) and power electronics systems R&D Lecture 9: 3/29/01 Control & Sensor Integration R. D. Lorenz* (module vs system-level integration) Lecture 10: 4/5/01 Fundamentals of Approximate A. Homaifar Reasoning - Applications in DC/DC converters. Lecture 11: 4/12/01 Integrated design methodology/ D. Boroyevich Integrated Design/Reliability Lecture 12: 4/19/01 Cost modeling of electronic A. Rullán assemblies modules Lecture 13: 5/3/01 Course wrapup and evaluation M. Vélez/B. Tranter 283 Industrial Measurements & Control COURSE SYLLABUS DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY NORTH CAROLINA A&T STATE UNIVERSITY --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------COURSE ID: ECT 360 & ECT 360 LAB INSTRUCTOR: Dr. F. FATEHI PREREQUISITE: ECT 212, ECT 312, ECT 313 OFFICE: 4017 SMITH HALL COURSE TITLE: INDUSTRIAL MEASUREMENTS & CONTROL OFFICE HOURS: INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, BY: COLIN D. SIMPSON TEXT: OBJECTIVES: THIS COURSE DEALS WITH BASICS PRINCIPLES OF ELECTRONIC INDUSTRIAL MEASUREMENTS AND CONTROL. POWER ELECTRONICS DEVICES AND CIRCUTS, TRANSDUCERS, OPEN AND CLOSED LOOP CONTROL SYSTEMS, STABILITY AND DAMPING, AND PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLERS WILL BE DISCUSSED IN THIS COURSE. ATTENDANCE: GRADING: FOLLOW UNIVERSITY REGULATIONS (P.G. 62-63 OF BULLETIN) QUIZZES AND ASSIGNMENTS ATTENDANCE TEST 1 TEST 2 FINAL LAB ASSIGNMENTS AND LAB PERFORMANCE 25% 5% 15% 15% 20% 20% COURSE OUTLINE (SUBJECT TO CHANGE): SECTION I: FUNDAMENTALS OF POWER ELECTRONICS SEMICONDUCTOR DIODES AND AC TO DC CONVERSION ZENER DIODES AND PHOTO DIODES DIFFERENT TYPES OF THYRISTORS CONVERTERS AND INVERTERS SECTION II: TRANSDUCERS AND INDUSTRIAL PROCESS CONTROL DIFFERENT TYPES OF SWITHCHES AND CONTROL RELAYS SENSORS AND COUNTERS CONTROL OF DC AND AC MOTORS INDUSTRIAL PROCESS CONTROL SECTION III: PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLERS PLC HARDWARE COMPONENTS BASICS OF PLC PROGRAMMING PLC WIRING DIAGRAMS AND LADDER LOGIC PROGRAMS PROGRAMMING TIMERS PROGRAMMING COUNTERS LAB OUTLINE (SUBJECT TO CHANGE) I. II. DIFFERENT EXPERIMENTS IN APPLICATION OF OPEN AND CLOSED LOOP CONTROL SYSTEMS WILL BE DEMONSTRATED. DIFFERENT EXPERIMENTS IN APPLICATION OF PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLERS WILL BE TESTED. 284 3.3.4. High School Program Reports Rensselaer’s High School Outreach Program Ishwara Bhat Electrical Computer and Systems Engineering Department & Center for Integrated Electronics and Electronics Manufacturing Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Troy, NY 12180-3590 Introduction At Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, we conducted a program to introduce high school students to power electronics and related topics. The program consisted of approximately forty contact hours from July 23 to July 27. Professor Ishwara Bhat along with the help of several graduate students conducted the program. An advertisement was sent out to six local high schools during the first week of June with the deadline for application set for June 15, 2001. Two high school students (both females) responded with completed application forms along with the transcripts, a letter of recommendation and an essay describing their interest. The low number of responses was attributed to the timing of the circular sent. In the future, we intend to send the circular during the March/April timeframe, followed by active phone calls to the guidance counselors. Both students are from Shenendehowa high school, located within the Capital District of New York. Both the applicants were extremely good students, based on the transcripts we received. Each student participant was given a stipend of $10/hour. This stipend is the same as that was offered last year. The Program The program was intended to introduce the students to power electronics and related topics. The emphasis was on exploration through actual laboratory experimentation. We emphasized general topics instead of power electronics since the background of the students dictated this. Appendix provides an outline of the activities during the week. The program started at 8:30AM everyday, and ended at 5PM. Most days began with a discussion of what projects the students will be doing that particular day. The students would then do some experimental work. Student Feedback The last day the students were given a tour of the campus since they asked for it. We visited several modern studio classrooms, labs in chemistry and physics, and student union. Students were provided opportunities to provide feedback. Some comments (in their own words): 285 1. The visit to the clean room was “cool”. They wanted their pictures in clean room suits. The pictures are already in their websites. 2. The experiments on flash camera were really great. One student was too scared to do soldering work in the beginning, but overcame the fear at the end of the day. 3. I am definitely going for engineering. One student commented that the experience reinforced her interest to go for engineering. Detailed Program Schedule Monday 8:30 – 12 Noon: Introduction to CPES, introduction to electrical engineering, discussion of current, voltage, power, oscilloscopes, electrical measurements; Resistors, capacitors and diodes; hands on experiments on passive and active devices. I-V characteristics of various devices. (Ishwara Bhat) 1PM- 3PM: Tour of power electronics lab, discussion of power conversion, and related topics in the lab, AC/DC voltages, AC/DC conversion, (Dave Torrey) 3PM –5PM: A video presentation of IC fabrication technology presented by Texas Instruments. Discussion of different process steps used in fabricating a power device in silicon or silicon carbide (Ishwara Bhat) Tuesday 8:30 – 9AM: 9AM – 1PM: 1:30 – 5PM: Discussion of power semiconductor devices and other low power devices. Visual inspection of some high power and low power transistors. (Ishwara Bhat) Power semiconductor devices. Measurements of I-V and C-V characteristics. Computer simulation of devices and power device lab tour (Sujit Bannerjee) Dissection of a disposable camera; Discussion of the camera flash unit; Examination of waveforms; Assembly of a flash camera using breadboards and ICs. Students built a working flash camera and took the camera home. (C.J.Brown). Wednesday 8:30 –9AM: 9 – 12:30PM: Discussion of power device packaging, why and how. (Ishwara Bhat) Lab demonstration of power electronics packaging using flex-circuits. General introduction/CPES goals on packaging. Some lab experiment demonstrations (Ramanan Natarajan) 1PM – 3PM Discussion with hands-on experiments on computer power supply removal, measurements of power supply voltages (input/output), transformer windings, voltage ratio, magnetic core, ac/dc conversion (Ishwara Bhat) 286 3PM-5PM: SiC epitaxial lab tour; watch SiC epitaxial growth, visual inspection of SiC epi films under microscope (Ishwara Bhat and Rongjun Wang) Thursday 8:30 – 12:30PM Power semiconductor device fabrication lab tour (Microelectronics clean room tour), Demonstration of photolithography process including exposure, developing etc. , Visual inspection of previously fabricated integrated circuit chips, measurements of line widths, oxide thickness on Si, Al metallization. Students had the most enjoyable time during this demonstration (Ishwara Bhat and several clean room staff) 1PM – 4PM Field trip to General Electric Corporate Research and Development (Kevin Matocha) Friday 8:30 – 12:30PM Visit to plasma physics laboratory and observation of high power plasma experiments (related to IC processing). (John Schatz). Hands on experiments on building an amplifier circuit using Op-Amp, timer circuit using 555 timers. Students had great fun doing these hands-on experiments. 1PM – 4:30PM: General tour of campus. Visited several modern studio classrooms, and several labs (chemistry and physics). 287 NORTH CAROLINA A&T STATE UNIVERSITY CPES Power Electronics Day Camp at NCAT July 16, 2001-July 27, 2001 TIME: 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. PURPOSE: To expose the participants to power electronics and the basic fundamentals of engineering. CAMPUS DIRECTOR: Dr. Abdollah Homaifar UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH ASSISTANTS: Mr. Marcus Matthews and Mr. Norman Phelps PARTICIPANTS: Mr. Darrick Barnes Beddingfield High School Saratoga, NC Mr. Kirk Greenwood Grimsley High School Greensboro, NC Miss. Miracle Jacobs Smith High School Greensboro, NC Miss. Bianca Kemp Grimsley High School Greensboro, NC Mr. Ibraheem Khalifa Grimsley High School Greensboro, NC Mr. Chris Phelps High Point Central High Point, NC Miss. Thelma Pointer Hillside High School Durham, NC FINAL PROJECTS: The participants were divided into groups to conduct three laboratory projects. (1) A project was conducted to study power transfer from a generator source load and investigate the condition for maximum power transfer. (2) A project was conducted to analyze how Thevinin’s Theorem applies to unbalanced wheatstone bridges. (3) A project was conducted to observe and understand the effects of capacitors voltage charging and discharging when it was connected in series and parallel in a RC circuit. AWARDS CEREMONY: The participants presented their final projects and laboratory findings to university officials, parents, faculty, and staff. Each participant was awarded a Certificate of Participation. 288