ECE 110 Class Expectations.docx

ECE 110 Class Expectations
Spring 2014
As a class we discussed the following areas: late work, electronics, and respectful
conduct and set the class expectations.
Respectful Conduct
1. We will wait for our turn to talk and not talk while other people are talking.
2. We will respects other people’s opinions and point of view.
3. We will come to class with a smile on our faces.
4. We may eat in class as long as we clean up after ourselves and are eating
foods that do not make a lot of noise.
5. We will not laugh/giggle when others are presenting.
6. Students who choose not to follow the class norms will be given a warning. If
disrespectful conduct continues, participation points will be taken off.
Late Work
1. Late homework and reading logs are accepted and will result in point
deductions depending on the total points for that particular assignment.
2. Late midterms and final exams will not be accepted unless you have an
emergency and valid documentation.
3. Late class work will not be accepted. Class work must be done in class.
4. Last day to turn in any late homework is 05/29/14
1. Cell phones can be out during class time but must be put on vibrate or silent
2. If you need to make a call or are expecting a call, please step out side so that
you do not disturb your classmates.
3. Tablets and laptops are permitted in class.
4. If your cells phones disrupt class, you will be given a warning. After that
participation points will be taken off.