3 S U S P E N S I O N B U R N E R F U E L 4 I N J E C T O R a leading provider of combustion A PH/PC TECHNOLOGY THAT CAN ACHIEVE UP TO 40% FUEL SUBSTITUTION RATES A SIGNIFICANT ENERGY SAVING AND EMISSION REDUCTION TECHNOLOGY FOR LONG CEMENT KILNS The Suspension Burner allows PH/PC kiln operators to take full advantage of their kilns alternative fuel potential. At work on kilns around the world since 1986, the Mid-Kiln Fuel Injector is the fastest and most cost-effective way of using solid energy-bearing waste, such as whole scrap tires, as fuel in long cement kilns. A Mixing Air Injector effectively mixes the gasses in the calciner for more complete combustion. Whole scrap tires are injected at a computer controlled rate through an air lock to the suspension burner where they are used as fuel. SIDE VIEW PERFORMANCE AVERAGES ALTERNATE FUELS USED Optional Mixing Air Injector adds opposing streams of high-velocity air inside kiln to improve combustion by mixing stratified gasses. TAKE FULL CONTROL OF YOUR KILNS ALTERNATIVE FUEL POTENTIAL 40% SOLID FUEL SUBSTITUTION RATE TOP VIEW Mixing Air ON Mixing Air OFF Whole Tires technology and alternate fuels to the worldwide cement industry. 4 P R O D U C T I V E SOLUTIONS Optional Feed Shelf for additional alternate fuel entry such as whole scrap tires. UP TO Since 1975, Cadence has been The Suspension Burner from Cadence is breakthrough technology for PH/PC kilns that maximizes a kiln’s waste fuel potential. Now thermal energy in the calciner can be reenergized using suspended scrap tires. The result: • LOWER ENERGY COSTS • REDUCED EMISSIONS • BETTER OPERATING KILN The Fuel Injector can be quickly and easily fitted to the calcining zone of a cement kiln. Waste-derived fuels, such as whole scrap tires are placed on the apparatus which rotates with the kiln. As the Fuel Injector reaches the vertical position, a mechanism allows the whole tires (or other fuels) to drop into the center of the kiln. Virtually any energy-bearing waste can be used. The Cadence Fuel Injector is a fast, cost-effective, and proven way to add a variety of waste fuels to a cement kiln. Mixing Technology Fuel Injector CORPORATE OFFICE One Cadence Park Plaza Michigan City, IN 46360 Phone: (219) 879-0371 Fax: (219) 879-0390 Web: cadencerecycling.com PERSONAL CONTACT Ken Derksen email: kderksen@cadencerecycling.com 4 1 M I X I N G productive SOLUTIONS A I R S 2 N C R STRATIFIED KILN GASSES CONTRIBUTE TO EMISSIONS IN LONG AND PH/PC KILNS SERIOUS NOx REDUCTION FOR LONG KILNS AND PH/PC KILNS Mixing Air breaks up stratification, improves combustion and permits more alternate fuel use. Long kilns have not been able to take full advantage of SNCR’s NOx reducing capability ... until now. Use more alternate fuels and produce less emissions with Cadence technology. Anhydrous NH3 F Mixing Technology or more than 30 years, Cadence has been a technology leader in the Aqueous NH3 cement industry. Our patented Fuel Injector and Mixing Technologies can be found hard at work on cement kilns throughout the world. As • Increased alternate fuels energy costs increase and emission requirements tighten, our worldwide network of licensees expands because cement kiln operators • Less sulfur buildup know Cadence technologies have proven to be a fast, cost-effective • Improved thermal efficiency way to meet business and environmental goals. Our innovative techCement kilns are the most efficient and cost-effective way to recycle whole scrap tires as energy. nology allows preheater / precalciner and long kiln operators to Less Emissions • Better product quality More Alternate Fuel Stationary anhydrous or aqueous ammonia injector nozzle in the manifold slot LONG KILN PH/PC KILN To ammonia supply increase alternative fuel replacement rates while significantly reducing NOx, SOx, and CO emissions. Cadence ... technology solutions. CADENCE APPLICATIONS CANADA Higher temperature oxygen-rich gasses tend to travel along the top of the kiln while cooler, carbon dioxide-rich gasses tend to travel along the bottom. This gas stratification inhibits combustion and contributes to emissions. When Mixing Air is added, opposing streams of high velocity air cause the stratified kiln gas layers to rotate and mix. This rotation improves combustion, reduces emissions, allows more alternate fuel use and improves kiln stability. For optimum SNCR performance, two criteria must be met. One: The reducing agent must interact at a precise temperature and location. Two: The reducing agent must be thoroughly mixed with the kiln gasses. Cadence’s SNCR system meets these criteria perfectly. Mix Air injectors are positioned in the exact thermal region and the powerful, swirling, vortex of high pressure air ensures complete dispersion of the reducing agent. UNITED KINGDOM EMISSION PERFORMANCE AVERAGES DENMARK LITHUANIA NOx SOx CO 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 PPM (in 100’s) MORE alternate fuels ... LESS emissions with Cadence technologies. Mixing Air ON Mixing Air OFF No other SNCR technology is as cost-effective or efficient at lowering NOx emissions in cement kilns. Reduction rates of up to 50% can be achieved in long wet and dry cement kilns, lime kilns and other mineral processing kilns.