ESES ENL TGT370- ASP - European Central Bank

Migration profile for
Ancillary Systems settling on the SSP
Last Update: 15 November 2011
This questionnaire should be completed by each AS (or by the respective central bank
on its behalf).
It is applicable to ancillary systems that will migrate to the SSP on the same day as their central bank.
It describes the situation on the first day after migration. Additionally, changes expected for
the 4 years after the migration are indicated in a specific section.
AS name
Euroclear Nederland
Contact person (*) Rianne van der Lagemaat
+31 20 552 1533
E-mail address
Relevant Central
De Nederlandsche Bank, Banque de France, Banque Nationale de
Belgique / Nationale Bank van Belgie
(*) at the AS (for customer enquires) or at the CB .
Type of Ancillary System
1.1 Type of AS
Retail Payment System
Large-Value Payment System
Foreign Exchange System
Money Market System
Clearing House/Pan-European Automated Clearing House (PEACH)
Securities Settlement System
1.2 Criticality of the system SIPS
2. Settlements
Migration profile for
Ancillary Systems settling on the SSP
2.1 Will you use the ASI?
(if no, go to § 4)
2.2 If yes, which settlement procedure(s) do you intend to use?
Procedure 1 (Liquidity transfer, real-time mode)
Business case1: Individual liquidity transfers during the day (Integrated Model)
Settlement window: from 07:00 to 16:00
from HH:MM to HH:MM
Scheduled time (from)
Settlement period (until)
Procedure 2 (Real-time settlement, real-time mode)
Business case:
Settlement window: from HH:MM to HH:MM
from HH:MM to HH:MM
Scheduled time (from)
Settlement period (until)
Procedure 3 (Bilateral settlement, batch mode)
Business case: Optional liquidity sweeps at 07:00, 10:00, 14:00 and a mandatory sweep at
Information period (duration 1 min from time HH:MM )
Settlement period (until) duration in min until HH:MM
in min until HH:MM
Procedure 4 (Standard multilateral settlement, batch mode)
Business case:
Information period (duration in min from time HH:MM )
Settlement period (until) duration in min until HH:MM
in min until HH:MM
Guarantee fund
Procedure 5 (Simultaneous multilateral settlement, batch mode)
Business case:
Information period (duration in min from time HH:MM )
Settlement period (until) duration in min until HH:MM
in min until HH:MM
Guarantee fund
Procedure 6 (Dedicated liquidity)
Business case: Individual liquidity transfers ahead of night-time settlement on the SSS
(Integrated Model)
Daylight business settlement window from HH:MM to HH:MM
from HH:MM to HH:MM
Night settlement
settlement window from 19:30 to 21:00
from HH:MM to HH:MM
2.3 Through which CB(s) will you settle your transactions? BE, FR, NL
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Migration profile for
Ancillary Systems settling on the SSP
Types of accounts 2
3.1 What types of accounts will you use?
Mirror account (models 1, 3 and 6)
Technical account (models 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6)
Guarantee (models 4 and 5)
Sub-account (model 6)
No account
4. Pa
yment Module participation 3
4.1 Do you intend to participate directly in the PM?
(if no, go to § 5)
4.2 If yes, what type of payments will you use?
Financial transfers (MT202) – Business case4: Payments of proceeds of Corporate Events
Directs debits (MT204) – Business case: Direct debit of membership and other fees
5. Night
5.1 Will you operate night settlement cycles?
5.2 If yes, what type of account will be involved?
Sub-accounts (dedicated liquidity)
Mirror accounts
5.3 How many settlement cycles do you envisage taking place during night settlement?
5.4 At what time will the settlement position be communicated to the participants (if relevant)?
6. AS
information 5
6.1 Do you intend to use the AS information (code word /ASINF/) in field 72?
Types of transactions settled, e.g. liquidity transfers for the integrated model, settlement of
independent transactions stemming from delivery versus payment (DVP) and settlement of
dependent balances.
A mirror account is mandatory for procedure 1 and optional for procedures 3 and 6. A technical
account is required for procedures 4 and 5. Sub-accounts are mandatory for interfaced ancillary
systems using procedure 6.
Participation in the PM is not mandatory. The ASI may be sufficient, depending on the nature of the
AS’s services.
Types of transactions settled, e.g. liquidity transfers for the integrated model, settlement of independent transactions stemming from DVP and settlement of dependent balances.
The AS participants (BIC, name, account number) which are credited or debited in the AS may be
indicated in the fields "Creditor" and "Debtor" of the SSP XML message “ASTransferInitiation”.
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Migration profile for
Ancillary Systems settling on the SSP
6.2 If yes, what information will be conveyed?
Information on the settlement (batch number if more than one settlement occurs during the day)
Optional “debtor /creditor” information (when different from the settlement bank)
If selected, what kind of information will be conveyed on debtor/creditor? 6
BIC in case of SP3 BIC11 in the SSS
Account identifier
Other: SP1 (Integrated Model): Type of po sition involved in the transfer (ORDINARY) +
type of underlying instr uction (LIQ OUT/LIQINREVERSED) - SP3 (SWEEP): Type of
position inv olved in the transfer (ORDINARY) + t
ype of underlying instruction
7. Changes envisaged for a period of 4 years after the migration to the SSP
Type of change:
Envisaged date:
Change description: Implementation of the ESES program resulting in Integrated Model for
cash settlement and optional usage of BdF and BNB/NBB
Type of change:
Please select
Envisaged date:
Change description: Please provide a short description of the change
Type of change:
Please select
Envisaged date:
Change description: Please provide a short description of the change
Type of change:
Please select
Envisaged date:
Change description: Please provide a short description of the change
Multiple choices possible
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